Author Topic: A Long Journey  (Read 17722 times)


  • Major General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #30 on: 04 August 2024, 06:40:27 »
No worries... it's easy to get over focused.


  • Major
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #31 on: 04 August 2024, 08:35:26 »
 I messed up the initial artillery post count, caught it last night and edited it. I had 5 tube and 3 arrow when it was supposed to be 4 tube and 3 arrow. As for all the above, time is very limited, so do not expect miracles. No massive factories, and all that.


  • Lieutenant
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #32 on: 04 August 2024, 10:05:20 »
I messed up the initial artillery post count, caught it last night and edited it. I had 5 tube and 3 arrow when it was supposed to be 4 tube and 3 arrow. As for all the above, time is very limited, so do not expect miracles. No massive factories, and all that.

Grabbing the trained personnel is the key. I am sure the General or some of those officers he is recruiting will know where salvage is being consolidated and stored at. Or even better, how to administratively "lose" a regiment of equipment here and there.
Have mercy on me, I refuse to go beyond 3075


  • Major
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #33 on: 04 August 2024, 11:26:03 »
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


  • Major
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #34 on: 04 August 2024, 22:41:29 »
1 March 2784
Terra (Terran Hegemony)

 Colonel Colin Blaine got the notification that the 322nd Armor Division had been ordered to bring it's equipment to the various marshalling areas. So, it has now begun, he thought as he made note of the marshalling areas selected. With the North American areas literally swamped, he selected a marshalling area in Germany for their equipment to be assembled and inventoried. They could also park their Dropships at a nearby space port. He also made arrangements for the equipment from the 457th heavy Tank Regiment and 306th Hussar Regiment to be moved to the same marshalling area.

 Germany had been selected as a marshalling location for equipment staying behind, to be packed away in mothballs for use by the SLDF troops staying with Major General Hayes. He had done this several times since General Kerensky's speech, so he knew it would not raise any alarms. He considered these moves as some of the easiest he would have to manage during the buildup of both Exodus'. During the last weekly briefings he had suggested a recovery effort for any ships at Epsilon Indi and he had been surprised that it was so quickly approved. Orders had gone out to Commodore Patricia Mitchell and her squadron yesterday.

2 March 2784

 Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell had been surprised at the speed of the demobilization order, even if he did expect it to happen. It was the orders to move to Germany that caught his eye, why Germany, he wondered, the worst is that it would make it that much harder to do any recruiting. But he had given to order to load up everything and it was being carried out quickly and efficiently, like he knew it would be. A slight noise caused him to turn around and saw Major Jeffery Engles standing there with a worried look on his face.

 "Major Engles, is there a problem I need to know about?" Lieutenant General Mitchell asked

 "Yes sir. It concerns the coming demobilization inventory. Major General Gregory, well he sort of stole some stuff and it has been stashed aboard the four Mammoth Dropships the last ten years. Stored inside large cargo containers marked empty." Major Engles said

 Lieutenant General Mitchell groaned as he said softly "Exactly what did the good General steal that I might have to explain?"

 "A total of 40 Samurai SL-26, they were recovered on Mizar, he edited the inventory count so the fighters would never be accounted for. But now, well you need to know because this could be a major problem sir." Major Engles replied

 Lieutenant General Mitchell looked up but with a gleam in his eye "You don't say. That is both a blessing and a problem I would say, in more ways than not. is there anything else the good General Gregory might have packed away for a rainy day I need to know about?"

 "Not that I know about sir. Are we really going thru with this plan of yours?" Major Engles asked

 "Having second thoughts Jeffery?" Lieutenant General Mitchell asked

 "No sir, I am just curious how far we are going to take this." Major Engles replied

 "Well Jeffery, I plan to do exactly what General Kerensky is doing, and that is to take anything and everything that I can to make sure my home and soon to be OUR home is as safe as I can for as long as I can. Does that answer your question?" Lieutenant General Mitchell said

 "Very well sir. Then the order of the day is to scrounge up anything that can be of use to us. Is that correct sir?" Major Engles asked

 "That is the order of the day, but with one secondary order. Do not get caught, do not raise red flags and be real slick about it." Lieutenant General Mitchell said with a wink

 "I inform Master Sergeant Caldwell, I will just let him work his magic." Major Engles said

 Master Sergeant Harold Caldwell was a near legend in the 322nd Armor Division when it came to scrounging need parts or equipment. It seemed as though he was owed a favor or had the dirt on just about anyone he needed to deal with when he had to locate something the 322nd needed. He was the 322nd Master Mechanic and had a full company of techs, not assigned to any particular task, that were the absolute best at their job, able to work near miracles putting machines back into action.

3 March 2784

 "We are secure and ready for jump ma'am."

 "Very well Chief, comm, signal the squadron that we initiate jump to Bryant i fifteen minutes. Navigation, start the count down if you will." Commodore Patricia Mitchell ordered

 The order to proceed to Epsilon Indi for recovery operations had come as a surprise, but she was grateful for them, there were too many naval officers asking to come aboard the SLS Second Chance, Vigilant Corvette to have a look around. She had been expecting orders to surrender her at any moment they sat in the Terra system. This at least got her squadron away from prying eyes. Over the years, Naval Command had seen fit to modify her little squadron by quite a bit.

 83rd Fleet Recovery and Salvage Squadron

 SLS Second Chance, Vigilant Corvette
 SLS Bucking Horse, Star Lord Jumpship
 Tug One, Elephant Dropship
 Tug Two, Elephant Dropship
 Refueler One, Aqueduct Dropship
 SLS Bronco Buster, Star Lord Jumpship
 SLS Blazer, Titan Dropship (12 Ironsides IRN-SD1X, 6 Hellcat HCT-213R)
 SLS Defender, Pentagon Dropship
 SLS Stellar Flame, Tramp Jumpship
 SLS Hull 1142, Mammoth Dropship
 SLS Hull 1276, Mammoth Dropship
 SLS Hull 1211, Mammoth Dropship
 SLS Stellar Nova, Tramp Jumpship
 Monarch Dropshp
 SLS Blazing Star, Tramp Jumpship
 SLS Stellar Fury, Tramp Jumpship

 Ship Crew - 733
 Marine - 159
 Aerospace - 18
 Aero Tech - 18
 EVA/Salvage/Repair - 250

 The Titan and Pentagon had been excellent additions even if the Titan had come equipped with one of the most hated fighters in the SLDF, the Ironsides IRN-SD1. But over the years, they had tinkered and modified the Aerospace fighter into something much more useful, something bound to get her into trouble someday. They had yanked the all the weapons off the frame, replaced them with three ER Large lasers in the nose and a medium pulse laser in the tail, enlarged the fuel capacity to 8 tons, seated an additional 10 Double heat sinks into the frame and then bumped the armor by another 2 tons. Just making the modifications to the twelve Ironsides had taken over 2 years of hard work after a full year of trial and error getting it all right and all the bugs worked out. Modifying the weapons computer had been the hardest to overcome.

 The Monarch Dropship, totally out of the norm, had brought with it 250 of the greatest masters of EVA/Salvage/Repair Specialists she had ever seen. They had volunteered to join the Fleet Recovery and Salvage Squadrons in 2776, having been based at a number of SLDF naval bases by various shipyards as "Tiger Teams" to support the thousands of SLDF ships but cut off from their companies by the war. They had literally "joined" the SLDF over the years of service, many sported Warrant Officer rank that had been awarded to them by General Kerensky. She had watched them work miracles in the field with little outside support, doing it all via EVA operations.


  • Sergeant
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #35 on: 05 August 2024, 00:15:50 »
2ndAcr, I think you typed a word too much, here.
As for looting on the side, don't forget the schooling stuff, it's one of the more important ones.
The Titan and Pentagon had been excellent additions even if the Titan had come equipped with one of the most hated fighters in the SLDF, the Ironsides IRN-SD1. But over the years, they had tinkered and modified the Aerospace fighter into something much more useful, something bound to get her into trouble someday. They had yanked the all the weapons off the frame, replaced

No I can see why Keresky his ilk would want any ship they can get, it lets them spread out their folks a bit (less cramped) and thus take off with more stuff.
New Dallas gave it a real try to keep the FWL out, but couldn't get active ships, fast enough.
Mmm, Kerensky gave orders to destroy all production data on the SDS & only RWR heavy used machines, like the Rampage & Dragoon.
Could that offer a oppertunity to get some manufactoring ability?

Even if not, getting some engineerings unit, it's library unit, straight from mothballs.....
They will want the fabrication machinery needed to manufacture fabrication machinery.
I can't see Kerensky his ilk, leaving such stuff in mothballs, since it's way to good for their own colony idea.
Would the M11 Newgrange exist or not?
And how big are the changes of them even salvaging another Newgrange or at least it's parts?
There must be quite a few M5 wrecks, out there, for one.
« Last Edit: 05 August 2024, 00:32:34 by vianca »


  • Recruit
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #36 on: 05 August 2024, 01:12:31 »
Hope they manage to make off with some orbital or ground based production equipment, or schematics for production equipment (with tooling shops sufficient to build them), plus more construction gear. A Castle Brian filled with production lines would serve them well if they can build it on the sly, so that they can remain relatively below notice. Giving ComStar the finger without them even realising it tickles my funny bone quite a bit.


  • Sergeant
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #37 on: 05 August 2024, 01:36:09 »
Lift will be the most critical, I think.
And not just in dropships, but also jumpships.
She has eight dropships and a minimum of 24 collars, without looking at that Vigilant Corvette.
They need more collars.
They also need a Newgrange Yardship.
I think she might want to have a talk with that friend of hers, seeing if there is a possibility to gain full access to that Newgrange, when the time comes.
A couple of Snowdens would help as well, I think.

They need a Newgrange class Yardship, a M9 and two to six Potemkins, to pull off what they want to pull off.
If possible, two Newgranges, so they can do upkeep on each other.
But if wishes...

As for all the above, time is very limited, so do not expect miracles. No massive factories, and all that.
Grap the key elements (lost tech) and the needed data to make it from the grounds up, including schooling data.
They need a Helm, New Dallas and that school vault Hanse Davion raided, at the minimum.

Basically, they need a Snowden, a Argo and a foldable mobile dockyard, in terms of starting setup or simply a Newgrange or two.
Might want to look at seeing if a Princess can be used as a mobile hospital or so.
And the wrecked SDS stations, especially if they have a Newgrange, might let them carry away some fun stuff, quite easilly.
Like say filling up that enclosed dock with factory machinery.

The only way the House Landgrap of the Hegemony can be prevented, is to strip it all clean.
Or getting the SDS back up & running at the outer edge of the Hegemony.
Knowkedge is a sword in the making.
But that won't work, just like airlifting everybody of those worlds.
No, the only thing that could work, is re-activating everybody, after Kerensky and his deserters, has left and hoping they can then last long enough.
Otherwise, the Hegemony is death.

Look up the early M2/M3 units of the SDS, they used a certain tug as it's basis.
Thus one angle to look for, because being able to later on, make both versions...
Same with the Lola III M5 and the defense stations of the SDS.
Plus the Explorer Grav-deck, with them, it's possible to field a large fleet of warships, with a small crew pool to man ships with.
Think Bolo, here.
Camelot Command & Columbus, might actually become important.
Same with Gabriel, if they can get to if, fast enough.
Which means starmaps and ID codes, same for the two hidden SLDF shipyard systems.
It would let them make data copies and make themselves, a starters set, if needed.
But can they get that data?
« Last Edit: 05 August 2024, 05:19:22 by vianca »


  • Major
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #38 on: 05 August 2024, 17:27:08 »
3 May 2784
Terra (Terran Hegemony)

 Even with the expanded distance and quite a few trips back and forth from Germany to North America, the recruiting had actually gone quite well, even better than he could have dreamed of. He had managed to completely fill out not only the 322nd Armor Division and then some, but he had almost a full Regiment of Mechwarriors addition to over a Wing of Aerospace pilots. He glanced down at the sheet of paper containing the actual troops counts and it was quite impressive. As he looked at the numbers, a sudden shudder went thru him as the realization of a lack of transport hit him.

 Total Personnel Recruited Including Existing 322nd Armor By Skill And Unit

 322nd Armor Division

 Armor Crew - 963
 Mech Infantry - 581
 Artillery Crew - 567
 VTOL Crew - 42
 Engineers - 117
 Mechanics - 1057
 Doctor - 11
 Medic - 51
 Astechs - 5838
 Orbital Crew - 192

 457th Heavy Tank Regiment

 Armor Crew - 205
 Mech Infantry - 134
 Mechanics - 83
 Astechs - 439

 306th Hussar Regiment
 Mechwarriors - 20
 Mech Techs - 51
 Astechs - 274

 118th Mech Inf Division

 MechWarrior - 6
 Armor Crew - 364
 Mech Infantry - 983
 Artillery - 368
 Engineers - 154
 VTOL Crew - 53
 Mech Tech - 39
 Doctor - 8
 Medics - 33
 Mechanics - 385
 Aero Pilot - 15
 Aero Tech - 42
 Astech - 1,576

 54th Mech Inf Division

 MechWarrior - 9
 Armor Crew - 594
 Mech Infantry - 724
 Artillery - 243
 Engineers - 81
 VTOL Crew - 28
 Mech Tech - 19
 Doctor - 3
 Medics - 49
 Mechanics - 218
 Aero Pilot - 11
 Aero Tech - 29
 Astech - 983

 222nd Mech Inf Division

 MechWarrior - 14
 Armor Crew - 465
 Mech Infantry - 478
 Artillery - 197
 Engineers - 115
 VTOL Crew - 36
 Mech Tech - 28
 Doctor - 5
 Medics - 63
 Mechanics - 352
 Aero Pilot - 13
 Aero Tech - 34
 Astech - 1,244

 359th Dragoon Regiment

 MechWarrior - 21
 Mech Tech - 44
 Astechs - 294

 7th Jump Inf Division

 MechWarrior - 7
 Jump Infantry - 362
 Armor Crew - 541
 VTOL Crew - 87
 Mech Tech - 19
 Aero Pilot - 17
 Aero Tech - 27
 Mechanics - 83
 Engineers - 62
 Astechs - 384

 43rd Inf Division

 Infantry - 647
 MechWarrior - 27
 Armor Crew - 341
 Artillery - 43
 Astechs - 387

 48th Inf Division

 Infantry - 472
 MechWarrior - 3
 Mech Tech - 35
 Armor Crew - 473
 Astechs - 491

 SLDF from Destroyed Units (non Assigned)

 Armor Crew - 1,527
 Infantry - 697
 Jump Infantry - 892
 Mech Infantry - 759
 MechWarrior - 17
 Engineer - 168
 Artilley - 249
 VTOL Crew - 132
 Aero Pilot - 22
 Mech Tech - 29
 Mechanics - 683
 Astechs - 2,068
 Aero Tech - 28
 Ship Crew - 364
 Marine - 247

 Total 31,557 Personnel

 Now, how do I explain to General Kerensky that not only did I change my mind, change my people's minds, but got all these others to join him out of the blue and then convince him to keep them all aboard my ships, he thought in a silent panic.


  • Major General
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #39 on: 05 August 2024, 18:06:39 »
And the question after that is how will he convince Prince Davion NOT to keep them engaged against the other Houses?  That's a rather significant force!


  • Lieutenant
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #40 on: 05 August 2024, 21:28:15 »
Excellent continuation, now we just need to see who got convinced to join from the Quartermaster section. That person plus Caldwell could very well "appropriate" the needed transport plus a few space factories as well.
Have mercy on me, I refuse to go beyond 3075


  • Recruit
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #41 on: 05 August 2024, 23:02:10 »
And the question after that is how will he convince Prince Davion NOT to keep them engaged against the other Houses?  That's a rather significant force!

Tell Prince Davion he’s free to try to press gang them into service, and suffer the loss of oodles of precious materiel and personnel when they tell him to go f**k himself that he’ll need to hold off the Dracs, or he can have a very motivated anti-pirate force that he doesn’t need to pay for beyond supplies.


  • Corporal
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #42 on: 06 August 2024, 00:24:10 »
Tell Prince Davion he’s free to try to press gang them into service, and suffer the loss of oodles of precious materiel and personnel when they tell him to go f**k himself that he’ll need to hold off the Dracs, or he can have a very motivated anti-pirate force that he doesn’t need to pay for beyond supplies.

Actually, I can see them being to easily turn this into for some payroll cash and supplies, Davion can basically have a fairly wide range of the Outback covered to grow economically which frees up AFFS units to deploy to the borders to take on the Capellans and Kuritans.  Davion will be able to turn this easily into a win/win/win situation by declaring them the Crucis March Edgeward Beta Combat Theater Militia.  Heck, maybe even rename it the Mackolla Combat Theater to help ensure their loyalty and show recognition of what they'll be able to accomplish.  Once they have their own area under control, they'll be able to send contingents to neighboring combat theaters and training up their militias as well.
"Like spirited Eridani stallions chasing after fat, clumsy Luthien cows" Anonymous Rasalhague Journalist, 2749


  • Major General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #43 on: 06 August 2024, 03:15:13 »
That could work, at least before Kentares...


  • Major
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #44 on: 06 August 2024, 22:12:12 »
7 May 2784
Terra (Terran Hegemony)

 "You trying to build your own Corp General?" General Aleksandr Kerensky asked

 "No sir, once I realized that those staying behind will basically be defenseless, I started talking to my own people and commanders of other units being disbanded. We all came to the same conclusion, joining your force is the only viable option." Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell replied

 "Have you spoken to Major General Hayes about this concern?" General Kerensky asked

 "No sir, it seems she is too busy to have a meeting with me." Lieutenant General Mitchell replied

 "I see. Transporting this amount of people and equipment is going to strain our current shipping, we have already accounted for all the current collars available." General Kerensky replied

 "My sister, Commodore Patricia Mitchell is currently in Epsilon Indi on a recovery operation. She had spare collar and if you look closely, I also managed to recruit enough personnel to man any additional ships you might gather for us. If possible, myself and my people would like to stay together. Not sure if you have been informed, but there is a little hard feeling between those that joined you right away and those that chose to remain, I would like to avoid any problems." Lieutenant General Mitchell said

 "I have heard the rumors General Mitchell. I see no reason to deny your request to join us. I will locate the extra ships to transport all of you and authorize the Quartermaster to release your equipment and issue replacement equipment from the storage areas. It is busy with much to do for all of us, expect the orders to reach you in a few hours." General Kerensky replied

 Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell snapped to attention "Thank you sir. I will begin the preparations."

8 May 2784

 The orders had come down within three hours of his meeting. Today, Lieutenant General Mitchell was overseeing the equipment withdrawal from various staging areas. With General Kerensky's orders, doors were cast wide open and it was like a massive free shopping spree in the worlds largest shopping center. But even then, there was shortage on certain items, so between himself and Master Sergeant Caldwell, they began the task of figuring out what would work as a TOE. They had spent nine hours comparing their personnel numbers with a forwarded database of equipment in staging areas across Terra that they could draw from. Master Sergeant Caldwell had cautioned picking too much uber high tech equipment that they might not be able to support long term. With this in mind, they had set about trying to compile the new TOE, what they produced shocked even them. Neither of them hesitated in submitting the requisition forms with some glee. Surprisingly, the vehicles and even Aerospace fighters had been fairly easy to group in large numbers to fill out the roster, even surrendering their Goblins and Bulldogs, all while actually finding six Royal Corsairs on the list. Battlemechs was an entirely different matter, there were no large numbers to be had, not in Battalion strength anyway, except a single type, it was going to be a make do with what they could grab where Battlemechs were concerned.

 1 Battlemech Regiment (Reinforced) (124 Battlemechs)
 1 Regiment of Alacorn Mk VI (108)
 2 Regiments of Manticore (216)
 2 Regiments of Demon (216)
 1 Regiment of Zephyr (108)
 1 Regiment of Fury (108)
 3 Regiments of Turhan (324)
 1 Regiment of Chevalier (108)
 1 Battalion of Beagle (36)
 2 Battalion of Lightning (72)
 10 Battalions Mechanized Infantry with extra 299 men
 6 Battalions Jump Infantry with extra 120 men
 5 Battalions Infantry with extra 136 men
 2 Battalions Engineers with extra 193 men
 2 Battalions of Thor Artillery (48)
 6 Battalions of Thumper Artillery (144)
 3 Battalion of Marksman Artillery (72)
 2 Batteries of Long Tom Artillery (16)
 2 Battalions of Chapparal Arrow (48)
 1 Battalion of Padilla Arrow (24)
 1 Battalion of Pollux ADA Artillery (23)
 2 Battalions of Karnov UR VTOL (72)
 1 Battalion of Vector Transport (36)
 1 Company of Vector Scout (12)
 1 Company of Vector EW (12)
 1 Company of Vector Attack (12)
 1 Company of Cyrano Gunship Royal (9)
 1 Battalion of Cobra Transport (36)
 2 Battalions of Heavy Track APC (72)
 2 Battalions of Heavy Hover APC (72)
 18 Sabre SB-27
 36 Ironsides IRN-SD1
 18 Rapier RPR-101
 6 Corsair CSR-12Vb
 5 MASH Trucks
 6 Mobile HQ (HPG)
 12 Engineer Vehicles
 24 Wayland Mobile Bases
 6 Coolant Truck 135-K
 6 Coolant Truck Hover
 24 Lessups Dump Truck
 4 Buffel Engineer Support
 3 Prometheus Bridgelayer
 72 RR-3 Recovery Vehicle
 36 UTR-588 Recovery Vehicle
 3 Battalions of Flatbed Truck (108)
 60 Prime Mover
 20 BFFL Buffalo
 82 Sherpa Cargo Truck
 21 Sherpa Canteen Truck
 18 Sherpa Fuel Truck
 12 Heavy Battlemech Recovery
 4 Mongoose MON-66
 4 Nighthawk NTK-2Q
 12 Chameleon TRC-4B
 18 Crab CRB-27sl
 48 Crab CRB-27
 8 Helepolis HEP-3H
 12 Ostwar OWR-2Mb
 6 Cestus CTS-6Y
 6 Thug THG-11E
 6 Crockett CRK-5003-1
 After they had submitted their requests, as they watched them being approved and shipping info returning, Master Sergeant Caldwell had to rain on the parade. "Sir, that was really fun and all, but how the hell are we going to transport all this stuff?"

 It was only then that Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell took a long minute to stare at the long list. "I have no damned clue, and General Kerensky is liable to just shoot me. We better run some numbers." Kerensky replied

10 May 2784

 General Aleksandr Kerensky coughed and then laughed out loud as he looked over the massive list his newest recruits had put together. He waved over Admiral Joan Brandt, though retired, she had volunteered to assist Kerensky in gathering and organizing the fleet.

 "Take a look at this and tell me what it would take to haul all of this that is within our current limits." General Kerensky said as he handed over the list.

 She took several minutes to look things over. "His unit had nine Triumphs, we add three more for a total of twelve. Four Dictator's, 3 Czar and two Titan. That gives us a credible combat loaded force, though I am sure we have plenty of combat loaded troops to handle anything you come across, everything else including supplies we cram onboard four Mammoth Dropships and all the remaining personnel and families get crammed into two Jumbo Max Passenger Dropships like many of the families and unassigned troops. So we are looking at twenty-seven collars."

 "He said his sister was joining us and he wished his entire command stay with them too. I looked her up, the 83rd Fleet Recovery and Salvage Squadron." General Kerensky replied

 Admiral (ret) Joan Brandt took several minutes looking the command up on the computer, "Fifteen empty collars before they deployed." She called up more information before continuing "Confirmed reports of wreckage in Epsilon Indi, no clue how much, so we assume they fill eight collars, leaving them with seven empty. Now they need an additional twenty collars. Blake will not like it, but we can confiscate two additional Monolith Jumpships plus another Tramp Jumpship from the transport assets currently assigned to the forces staying behind. I saw that he has the available crew to man those ships, not enough to man the Dropships, they will have to be shuttled up and docked, then the shuttle crews can leave the ships docked. We really will not know until Commodore Mitchell returns from her recovery operation. They are due back no later than June 15th. A quick cycle thru the shipyards for a maintenance check, they should be ready to depart on your orders by 5 July. All other ships will have vacated the yards by their return."

 "Start marshalling the needed vessels so they can begin loading operations. Pull another Mammoth and Aqueduct for additional food stocks and fresh water." General Kerensky ordered

 "I will drop the Tramp and add another Monolith from Blakes assets. You can expect a visit from him or General Hayes. They will not be happy about this." Admiral (ret) Joan Brandt said
« Last Edit: 07 August 2024, 13:32:13 by 2ndAcr »


  • Major General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #45 on: 06 August 2024, 23:23:47 »
I'm sorry to see the Goblins go, but they'll be available in the future as replacements... :)


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #46 on: 07 August 2024, 03:19:59 »
Now, they need to secure a Prometheus datacore, or more probably, the most complete possible science/tech (and history, and art, and music, etc) data dump they can get their hands on.
Without being caught, duh.


  • Lieutenant
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #47 on: 07 August 2024, 04:28:38 »
Now, they need to secure a Prometheus datacore, or more probably, the most complete possible science/tech (and history, and art, and music, etc) data dump they can get their hands on.
Without being caught, duh.

As well as figure out where to "misjump" when the time comes. And if they can reallocate a few space factories, that may come in handy as well
Have mercy on me, I refuse to go beyond 3075


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #48 on: 07 August 2024, 12:02:19 »
Now, they need to secure a Prometheus datacore, or more probably, the most complete possible science/tech (and history, and art, and music, etc) data dump they can get their hands on.
Without being caught, duh.

I hate to burst your bubble, but Prometheus was destroyed by Amaris during the War of Liberation.
On spacebattles someone collected the information and said that this is found on page 104 of the Star Lleaugue Source book and page 168 of Technical Readout 3075.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #49 on: 07 August 2024, 15:00:41 »
Aren't these books written by C* adepts?
Then, that info can be considered misdirection/propaganda/etc.
Botton line, even if that is truth in this AU - only the author can confirm or deny - I also said that
"or more probably, the most complete possible science/tech (and history, and art, and music, etc) data dump they can get their hands on."


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #50 on: 07 August 2024, 20:34:51 »
Get a datadump from M.I.T., George Washington Carver University, (agriculture), and Cambridge University-England. These three colleges should cover all the non classified knowledge. And a internet data dump, should be able to get all published books that way.

Get a divisional or Corp level distance learning university data core, ]which would handle all the basic classified knowledge.
"Constructive critism is never a bad comment"

"By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."
- Socrates

Iron Grenadier

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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #51 on: 07 August 2024, 21:00:08 »
Dependents are likely to have some useful skills. Also, the apocalypse hasn't hit yet, and nobody is/was expecting Mackolla to fall off the map. There's already some civilians there, and probably a planetary militia. Basically there's no need to think of massive data dumps of everything.


  • Major
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #52 on: 07 August 2024, 21:49:59 »
11 May 2784
Epsilon Indi (Terran Hegemony)

 "We have a good capture, Commodore. ETA back to you is four days." Tug One reported

 "Very well, good work Tug One." Commodore Patricia Mitchell replied. On arrival, they had spent a week recharging the drives on all of her ships while trying to get a feel for where the wrecks were. It had taken several days to even locate one of the wrecks, after almost a decade adrift, most had moved into the outer systems which made them really hard to locate. But once they really knew what to look for, it had become much easier. Instead of spending weeks letting the Elephant Tugs chase the wrecks, she had taken the riskier course of having one of the Tramps carry the Elephant close to an identified wreck and then bring it back to her location at the Nadir Jump point. They had repeated this method four times so far and recovered 2 Lee Mech Dropships and 2 Lee Combat Vehicle Transports. This was the fifth recovered, another Lee Mech Dropship. While technically wrecked, none of the Dropships were really destroyed, but all were severely holed and engines destroyed. Without some serious yard time, they were useless except for the cargo they had aboard them. All of the human remains had been transported to the surface and buried with full honors.

 "We have not located any other wrecks, so when Tug One returns we regroup and get ready to head back to Terra. Nav, go ahead and plot our return trip." She ordered.

 "Aye Ma'am."

Terra (Terran Hegemony)

 Loading their nine Triumphs had gone quickly, it was what they were made for. Notice had arrived that another three Triumphs, two Tians, two Mammoths, four Dictators, three Czar and two Jumbo Max Passenger Dropships were on the way just made things easier. It was loading all the vehicles into cargo containers so that they could be stacked aboard his four Mammoths that was causing all the headaches. Everything had to be just perfect to make sure there were no issues with flight stability on take off or landing in the atmosphere. His own Mammoth Dropships still contained the shipping containers that held his ill gotten goods, plus armor, ammunition, spare parts, replacement weapons in addition to loaded containers from the Quartermaster Command that seemed to never end, this also threw their loading into some disarray. He had decided to leave his Gazelle Dropships behind, collar space was probably going to be an issue. This was a case of go big or go home.

 He had no clue what a Jumbo Max Passenger Dropship was until he asked around and found out they had been modified to hold just over 14,000 passengers. They were going to be cramped, smelly and supply whores. Just like the combat Dropships, they were not designed for long distance travel. A normal Triumph after a month long trip had an ungodly smell to it that took weeks to clear out. Much less a trip that might take a year or more. He remembered the many long voyages he had made during the war and shook his head while grimacing at the memory.

 We are going to stop quite a lot on our way home, get the smell out and fresh air, he thought as he watched the loading operations silently. With what they had he was sure they could defend Mackolla from attacks and it would take nuclear weapons to break them. Mackolla was not on a House border where they could face a massive invasion, it was on the Periphery border. Yet in the back of his mind were reminders that pirates in the past had delivered serious bloody noses to SLDF commands in the past. He also knew that there were several Rim World warships and units unaccounted for, not many but a few. Not to mention any of the rebels that might still be active in the region. With what he recruited, he basically had his 322nd Armor Division, most of an Infantry Division and a Battlemech Regiment.

 "What's up cuz." The voice startled him and he turned to see Colonel Colin Blaine standing there with a clipboard. "Just thinking, that all your stuff taking up valuable space on my ships?" Lieutenant General Mitchell asked pointing to a seemingly endless caravan of transport trucks.

 "Yes and no. Mine are just mixed in with General Kerensky's stuff. Seems you had some extra cargo space and the General is going to make use of it. Not sure what is even those cargo containers, it just made my task easier to intermix my convoy in with his. They have detailed three of those new monster Monolith Jumpships to your command. I already have the orders cut for your folks to crew them, they should be boarding shuttles now. One is going to head for New earth to pick up some stuff for General Kerensky and then comeback here." Colin said

 "What are they picking up?" Lieutenant General Mitchell asked
 "Not sure, but there were some Admirals really happy about having extra collars. They waisted no time cutting the orders. I do know that it is going to eat up four collars. You better hope your sister has some empty collars, it could be a tight fit." Colin replied


  • Sergeant
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #53 on: 07 August 2024, 23:55:37 »
They expected her to fill eight of her collars.
Then added two additional jumpships and swapped a Tramp for a Monolith.
Am I wrong in thinking, that they have Seven empty collars, ready for something to be docked with?

What will they fill that space with?
Parts of a Hudges?
Mammoths filled with machinery?
Some Dome terraforming stuff, like Iron Wombs for introducing Earth like creatures to said world?


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #54 on: 08 August 2024, 02:46:30 »
The op in Epsilon Indi only found dropship wrecks and not any jumpship/warship one?


  • Major General
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #55 on: 08 August 2024, 05:22:22 »
Looks that way, yep...


  • Sergeant
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #56 on: 08 August 2024, 05:37:12 »
Can they beef up the livesupport of those passengier dropships?


  • Major
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #57 on: 08 August 2024, 06:02:49 »
Can they beef up the livesupport of those passengier dropships?

Sort of, that basically requires quarters/bay type vs cargo (life support tonnage).  I imagine the accountechs in the SLDF are working overtime to make sure they will have enough cargo space dedicated. It might be easier (efficient, but not nicer?) to load up a DS with lodging and another with pure cargo (but that means lots of eggs in one basket). 

when ever I've used MML to design a dropship/shuttle or large craft I'm almost always looking to over-support the life support tonnage (usually by making sure I have enough quarters for my bay personnel and then extra cargo room if I went all in and loaded the bays up too). Daryk and others are more into the nitty-gritty of the long range numbers.
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

"We're sending a squad up."


  • Lieutenant
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #58 on: 08 August 2024, 06:07:29 »
If they can just hide or "m8sjump" that Newgrange, then their Lee issues will not only disappear, but the Lee becomes a true asset and funding maker.
Have mercy on me, I refuse to go beyond 3075


  • Major General
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #59 on: 08 August 2024, 06:53:15 »
Life support is one of the weirdest things about ship design.  It literally only costs C-Bills.

