BattleTech Miniatures / Re: 44th Shadow Division build up
« Last post by ISD on Today at 00:42:27 »Ominous! 

But yet the rules are clear enough that a large build and physical strength are somehow beneficial-enough to operation of powered armour to make minimum stats part of the RPG-rules.
I really wonder about that for the examples that look more like you sit in them, however.
Biggest screen I could get.
However, I'm thinking about getting a new one. The fan in mine stopped working, so it overheats all the time. I tried to open it up, but it looks like I need a special tool for that. My guess is that it is jammed with cat hair, since my cat liked to lay behind it when I was working...
Infantry general, hordes of minigun infantry, troop carriers loaded up with RPG troopers to support the minigunners (both with speakers to heal them and rockets to help deal with tougher armor), a couple of airfields full of MiGs to deal with snipers if there's anything out there like that (detect with the troop carriers, force-attack a spot with napalm missiles from above), airdrop more minigunners regularly via general powers to reinforce and replenish losses, and just human-wave the crap out of the defender. It's messy, it's inefficient, and it is HILARIOUS.
Some of those early 90’s DOS shmups were fiercely addictive. Raptor: Call of the Shadows immediately comes to mind. Love to play that again on period-specific hardware.A couple of years ago, when I was still on zwitter, the programmer was talking about redoing it and going for a kickstarter. I should check if I can find anything about that project now, I would back it!
Then the best trooper is probably the BJ-3 Blackjack. Durable. Medium range. 2 big guns. Boring.
#accordionList {
position: sticky; //Stops element scrolling off the screen until the end of the containing element does.
top: 0; //How far form the top of the screen the element will stick.
z-index: 1; //Allows this element to be displayed over the top of other elements after it.
background-color: white; // So other elements that are behind it do not show through.
Your talking about a monster that could cover 3,796,742 sq mi in a layer of lava 260 meters thick. It's a planet killer for sure."