In Interstellar Operations: Battleforce pag. 187 it is said that Large Aerospace Units in Strategic battleforce can fire two arcs: "These Elements may fire two arcs at a single target. These arcs may either be the Nose/Fore or Fore/Aft arcs" (and "Nose/Wing or the Aft/Wing Rear arcs" if we have an aerodyne dropship as we see just one text row later).
The large aerospace units have anyway 4 firing arcs on their Alpha Strike cards: front, left side, right side and aft.
It means that during combat only one of the sides can fire? Or I can choose, let's say, that I can fire with the two wings and not with the nose? I mean, if I fire with the nose I can choose only one of the wings, it seems, but can I choose to use both the wings and not use the nose firing arc?