Author Topic: The Clans; Changing Culture and Conditions from 3060, a work of the Der Tag AU  (Read 5476 times)


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Clan Nova Cat
« Reply #30 on: 29 November 2023, 10:58:46 »
“Our fate was determined by our oaths, not by the Blakists.”

By those words, Khan Santin West of Clan Nova Cat renewed his people’s bonds of kinship and loyalty to the Star League and sundered the alliance with Chandrasekhar Kurita’s budding coalition on June 2, 3070.

When the Nova Cats were Abjured by their fellow Clans, following the conclusion of the Great Refusal on June 2, 3060, the Khans of the ‘Cats considered it a matter of only passing consequence. By their own council, they considered themselves as having already effectively ‘Won’ by joining the renewed Star League; the supposed goal of Clan Society as a whole, and conveniently; the winners of the Great Refusal.

For the Nova Cats, history effectively came to an end and began anew from that moment forward. Things were not perfect for them from then on, by any means: House Kurita remained churlish at the ceding of land and worlds, permanently to the Cat’s holdings and “The Star League Clan” had to work hard and then fight hard in the Ghost Bear-Combine War to win the trust and respect of their neighbours. Then they almost lost it again and faced official censor from the Second Star League’s Council over the Naval Battle of Alshain, on the 8th of May, 3067.

But all that came to an end on the 28th of November, 3067, along with so much else. For over two and a half years, the Nova Cats fought an unsupported war against the Word of Blake and their allies. The Cats paid dearly for this, as did so many others.

Through the Winter of 3069, reports began to filter through the Nova Cat Watch of another force fighting against the Word under the colours of the vanished Star League. This was unlike the scattered remnants of shattered SLDF commands they occasionally became aware of; this was the infamous “New Model Army” and they finally made direct contact with the embattled Clansmen in April of 3070.

Through a vision.

Khan West confided in his Clan’s High Loremaster that on the night of the 14th, he was confronted with a dream in which an army of monsters, with the hearts of men fought soulless revenants wrapped in white burial shrouds, surrounded by a distant, but ever-encroaching inferno.

All of the Clans can be described as spiritual peoples, but among them, the Nova Cats take this to its most occult heights and their culture, rituals and beliefs are guided by mystery traditions with important events often heralded by visions, dreams and portents. It is common for them to ascribe mystical powers to their members and while we will deal with this peculiar artefact of their culture below, suffice to say that they are a passionate and imaginative people, talented at ascribing meaning to the unexplained or matters of happenstance in order to explain events which would otherwise appear inexplicable or unheralded. It is a form of rationalism turned inside out where a people who must control everything devise myths and embrace stories of the supernatural in order to have an explanation for all things.

Regardless, Nova Cat history, which is oddly more regularly-recorded than some others, provides a Verigraphed transcript of this recollection dated 16 April, 3070 and the first HPG message from Commander McKenna was not received until the 23rd.

Two facts further complicate this story however; for one thing, official 3rd League History has the New Model Army sending out an “All-Points Rallying Call” to all extant SLDF units in 3068. The Nova Cats appear to have known of this message, but discounted it, or considered it a trap. But the Khans should certainly have known about the message, if not McKenna or his self-assigned mission, prior to this date.

Secondly, Khan West and his Lore Master actually determined that McKenna and his soldiers were the evil revenants in the dream at first, due to the existence of McKenna’s bodyguard/”Keshig” formation, which called themselves “The Death Shroud”.

Appended notation, this digital copy:

Another interpretation is that the Word and McKenna were both monsters and that West was being warned of the need to find another path or let the monster kill each other. We’ll probably never know. The text references a Verigraph, but doesn’t provide it in the attached sources. It’s not even referenced in the bibliography.

I sure couldn’t find it in my own research and all Verigraphs are supposed to be copied in the ComStar archives on Terra and the one on Tukayyid; because that’s the point of a Verigraph. Neither admitted having it.


Nova Cat history is essentially all like this; a conflicting mess of stories that are all mutually true and not true from different points of view. While it is all recorded and cited in various formats, it is not all equally-well collated and the records do not always match across different settlements, military units and public or private traditions.
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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That all pales, however contrasted to what happened next: for a verified fact, Commander Steven McKenna made a diplomatic overture to the Nova Cats in the form of an interpersonal face to face, verbal exchange and this was accepted by them and proved successful in convincing them that he was not the devil incarnate leading a horde of terroristic savages. Feel free to bookmark this entry and return to it as often as you like for the purposes of study, personal reflection and to upset your own personal equilibrium as an educated human person. It’s like when you find out how much Hitler loved dogs or that Amaris enjoyed playing matchmaker for his trusted household servants.

McKenna---somehow--- managed to convince a gathering of Nova Cat senior officers, including their High Loremaster and both Khans that, in fact; his force represented all of the highest professional ideals of the original SLDF. They were the champions of a budding empire that upheld similar values to the original Star League. He enjoyed a small following of like-minded allies and that he’d already been recognized as Supreme Commander by those other SLDF units which remained, including the survivors of the storied Eridani Light Horse, whom his forces had rescued from various hazardous climes (and thank you very much).

While he had a number of Verigraphed digital files to back up his claims, as well as being attended by a small entourage of former Second-League officers known to a several of the ‘Cat Warriors present, the trideo recordings we have of the meeting establish it as very much McKenna’s show. While it would be in bad faith to call him a poor speaker, McKenna was no salesman and renowned for his lacking interpersonal skills and habit of stepping wrong when dealing person-to-person. He was at his best behind a podium or atop a burnt-out mech hulk and at his worst in settings such as these. Ostensibly, he was even going in with a large hand of cards stacked against him he couldn’t know about, but which all those present on the side of the ‘Cats did.

That things worked out as they did, the history of the Nova Cats ascribe to fate, destiny and the hand of The Founder.
We may imagine something more along the lines of a blinking holo-player readout giving you the correct time once a day, but however you look at it, this record at least seems absent the typical Nova Cat equivocation. Savour it while you can.
From there, Khan Santin West’s words to his Warriors were as appropriately prophetic as a Khan of the Nova Cats might wish for and his people’s fate from then on to the present-day was set. This is why they consider themselves of the first of the New Clans today. And why they are also recognized as the single point of continuity from the First League to the Third.

Clan Nova Cat’s war record during the 5th Succession War is arguably superior to their co-combatant cousins, but exploring this in detail is not our purpose here. Suffice to say that the SLDFiE and Clan Nova Cat worked well together and doubtless benefitted from their alliance.

   The war itself served to cement Nova Cat-Combine relationships and the SLDFiE made sure to give them top billing for their part in the tangential crusade against the Black Dragons. It pays to realize that while this campaign is well-known outside the Combine as a major cause for the lengthening of the war and the delay of operations within the Sol system, within the realm of House Kurita, the historical narrative remains focused on the benefits to the middle and later rule of Coordinator Hohiro Kurita. Without the so-called “Kokuryu-kai”, which so plagued his father’s tenure as Coordinator, Hohiro was able to manage wide-ranging reforms and achieve an efficiency in Combine governance and bureaucracy which has seldom been approached. This Historical vision, crafted for the consumption of the subjects of the Dragon has thus given high-praise the SLDFiE’s diversionary campaign against what were only nominal Blakist allies, and only a minor regional threat.

   What cannot be argued though, is the second and third-order effects this had on the Draconis Combine’s successful post-war recovery and then on their perfidious non-involvement in the League-Republic war that followed. By extension, it is simple observation to see how their current position in interstellar politics owes so much to the Nova Cat’s course during the Jihad. All this despite never have recovered the worlds ceded to the ‘Cats following The Great Refusal.

   The cultural and security benefits enjoyed by the Combine from sharing borders and cohabitating with 3rd League troops in the immediate aftermath of the war and the years of trouble that followed are another boon scarcely enjoyed in the rest of the Inner Sphere.

   This cultural interplay worked both ways, however and the Cats found themselves under threat of increasing liberalization and even assimilation, post-war. Both the Draconis Combine and the 3rd League made very friendly allies in the interregnum between the two great conflicts of the 31st and 32nd centuries. This made it politically difficult to resist the adoption of attractive cultural mores and artefacts from both sides, with Combine art and architecture becoming practically endemic to Nova Cat holdings by 3095. The existence of a larger military organization to which the Nova Cat Touman now belonged, as well as the presence of their erstwhile Clan cousins in the 3rd League offered an even more seductive draw to a people used to being members of a greater whole.

   These pressures began to make themselves felt even before the end of the 3080s and the Nova Cats found themselves adopting reactionary measures and policies which were distancing themselves from their fellow Star League member-states, as well as their spheroid neighbours. Overtures from the Republic and House Stiener were also rebuffed during this period. In effect, this was undoing much of what had been gained to this point in the ‘Cats acceptance in the Inner Sphere.

   The solution grew organically from a series of retreats held in 3090, 91 and 92. These had begun after the Nova Cats officially withdrew their Touman from the regimental list of the SLDFiE. They were soon followed by the Blood Spirits and Diamond Sharks, but the move began as yet another reactionary Nova Cat effort to counter the increasing assimilation of their people as they saw the uniqueness of their culture increasingly subsumed into just another kind of “Regimental Flavour”*.

   *This topic is covered adequately between Osprey-New Avalon’s Men-at-Arms 3429: 3rd League Troops in the Interwar-Era and “Just another Tartan” by Joshua K. Wolf (New Galatea Press 3088).

No one was entirely happy with the arrangement of the time, which melded the standing armies of member states into the 3rd League’s Regular Army. The Army Reforms of 3089 allowed for separate SLDF and “State Troops”, while still permitting league citizens, which the Warriors of the so-called “Royal Clans” were, in full, to petition for acceptance and terms of service in the SLDF. The Clans agreed to compromise on their lower castes still being allowed to join and gain full citizenship, in exchange for a more formal decoupling of their Toumanic forces.

   While still part of the SLDF, the Nova Cat military were no-longer subject to unilateral command from Central for offensive or “Expeditionary” operations. They were till expected to perform defensive duties, as-required, but this meant that in practice, 3rd League Member States could keep their “State Troops” out of the Star League’s wars, if they so chose to. By the same token; their own Warriors could still trial to participate against the wishes of their Khanates and the Khans could of course chose to take part in a given conflict as well.

   While these polite political fictions would prove valuable later, what mattered most to the Khans of the Royal Clans was that their Toumans were no longer subject to the forced adoption of SLDF doctrine, particularly tactics and rules of engagement, as these were the primary methods by which they felt their way of life was being subordinated to an outside power they considered more familiar than they were comfortable with.

Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


  • Major
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  • 1st SOG; SLDF. "McKenna's Marauders"
    • Kilroy's Wall
The “Clan Retreats” began the following year and were always called “Summits” by 3rd League and Clan-friendly media. These terms then make for a useful litmus test in the examination of potential bias in contemporary source material. The retreats varied in composition and location, but were held yearly from 3090 to 3124 and irregularly ever since. Some years may see two or even three such meetings, sometimes with outside representatives and then the years between 3136 and 3149 were absent any such gatherings at all, though there were of course reasons for this. These retreats were sometimes held concurrent to and co-located with the Martial Olympiad, but more often not.

   The retreats were attended originally by one or both Khans, as well as important or influential representatives from the respective Toumans and other Castes, but composition varied from the outset. What matters for our purposes is that it was in the crucial first three retreats that the fate of the Royal Clans as a cohort was decided.

   Each of the three came to those first meetings with similar concerns, but their situations varied. Both the Nova Cats and Diamond Sharks were outwardly-focused peoples. The ‘Cats ever seeking wisdom from the beyond, even when that beyond was explored through meditation and the ‘Sharks through their interactions within the sea of markets and customers that made up their worldview. Both had proven susceptible to the subsummation of their cultures and way of life in the diverse soup of broader human civilization. Surrounded by similar peoples, they were unique enough to remain rooted in a wider community, but with that extended Clan family broken and denied them, they were losing what it meant to be “Clan” according to their own understanding.

   True to the unique nature of their totem, the Blood Spirits never lacked for a strong sense of self; their identity was not rooted in a wider galaxy that had proven hostile to them, but in the very core of who they were as a people and as individuals. Despite their small numbers overall and large numbers of civilian lower castemen, the Spirits were not only holding their own in the cultural and social arenas in which they set themselves; they were thriving. For four of the last ten consecutive years, the Blood Spirits had successfully assimilated more petitioners than the Nova Cats and Diamond Sharks, combined. In 3088, this has been by an order of magnitude, with over 1200 admitted and indoctrinated, compared to 311 for the Diamond Sharks and a mere 44 for the Nova Cats.

Despite material hardships, economic setbacks and the indifferent nature of many of their colonies; the Blood Spirits never doubted who they were and remained Clan in all aspects of their culture and daily lives. As strict, and as lenient as they had ever been. And this amidst practical submergence amidst 3rd League culture (which is to say; a polyglot of refugees, soldiers and ex-mercenaries with a heavy admixture of deep-periphery natives) and continued close interaction with the SLDFiE through exercises, training and joint missions far beyond what the other two were then comfortable with. In 3087, 3089 and again in 3090; the ‘Spirits had trialed and won from the other two the right to establish modest settlements on Twycross, Trondheim and Itabaiana and their people showed no sign of difficulty from their radically expanded contact with spheroids.

The Nova Cats, in particular benefitted from the cultural exchanges and sense of a greater whole they gained from these retreats and adopted many of the recommendations of the Blood Spirits whole-cloth, while the Diamond Sharks were more circumspect and took longer to develop a kind of self-directed marketing campaign to reinforce certain ideals and aspects of culture, they felt were slipping away from them. Ultimately, while the Royal Clans all seemed to have benefitted greatly from these events, resulting in strong power bloc within the 3rd League, itself, the Nova Cats experienced greater impacts from the exchanges and enjoyed proportionately greater benefits.

   Applied notation, this digital copy.

The HELL?! So, was this a big deal for the Sharks or not? This wasn’t even mentioned in their entry, so I take it not?


Applied notation, this digital copy.

Someone else brought this up in Class and the prof hemmed and hawed, but I think the bottom line was a “no”. Most of what he said was thing Utewoman, Kern and Mutsu wrote different parts of the text and Utewoman edited it. So, basically; whoever did the ‘Sharks didn’t think this was a major influence on their culture worth including, but whoever wrote the ‘Cats built their whole piece on it.

Great. This course is a nightmare. Kill me. Please.


A greater sense of security and self-confidence gradually came to the fore among the Cats and was forcefully evident in their non-participation (alongside their Clan cousins) in the early stages of the Republic War. This was perceived as strength and independence by foreign powers and the ‘Cats came to benefit from this through most of the 3100s and became valued as peacekeeping troops in more permissive combat zones. When push came to shove, however; as it did in 3166, 3189 and most recently in 3211, the Nova Cats quickly and controversially conducted relief-in-place operations with SLDF Regulars. These have always been infamously willing to fight the battles the ‘Cats sensibilities made them unsuitable for and Clan Nova Cat has in-turn benefitted thereafter as the perceived “Good Cop” to the SLDF’s “Bad Cop”. This was demonstrated in the former St.Ives worlds in 3234, where local separatists returned to the negotiating table over night when it was suggested that “McKenna’s Monsters” would be replacing the Nova Cats if the current suicide bombing tactics continued.

Remaining honourable to a fault, however has not dulled the Nova Cat’s skill in war, as they proved most notably against Clan Wolf *and* revanchist Skye separatists simultaneously in 3142-43. And against the Combine in 3170. In both cases, side by side with their fellow Clansmen and the SLDF.
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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  • 1st SOG; SLDF. "McKenna's Marauders"
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In the face of challenges internal and external, Clan Nova Cat has---sometimes with difficulty---remained true to their values and purpose as a people. Warriors, Warrior-supporters and Spiritualists in equal measure, the ‘Cats are a difficult people to truly know and moreso to approach. It’s not a shock then that they have allowed the continuance of their loosely-associated Expatriate enclaves as a means of keeping others at arm’s length, or that their approach to the Householding movement has only recently come to light.

The Nova Cats have developed in their time in the Inner Sphere as an insular people and while perhaps their status as founding members of the 3rd League isn’t everything they might have wished it to be, they have unquestionably benefitted from it politically and materially. Indeed, many argue that a separate path would have seen them long since wiped from the map of the known galaxy.


Sam C. Christian Student #A336 780 210

Inserted transcript March 11, 3265

This old textbook is basically good enough for show-business, but Utewoman, Kern, and Mutsu were obviously writing without information that I have access to here. Somerset Military Academy may be no great shakes, but at least my security clearances still work here and I can supplement what I know in my private files.

First of all; the Expats aren’t about keeping people away, so much as giving their own people a place to go when their visions lead them away from the Clan, without actually having to leave it completely. We’re not sure how many come back and how many stay, but…given as they still have a healthy, stable and loyal (for the most part) Expatriate diaspora, it’s a few.

Mutsu, and this sounds like Mutsu to me, also missed that the Cats began allowing the expansion of their wilder and more eccentric spiritual traditions, openly in the late 3050s. It was officially frowned on for the lower castes before then, but it was more tolerated through the 60s and 70s, until it got sewn up, along with so much else in the 3090s. Which matters because you can’t penetrate the Nova Cats, if you can’t talk the talk *and* walk the walk convincingly with their quasi-religious mumbo-jumbo. Bragg says to just give it up when it mixes with the real religion from the Cloud Cobras and I believe him. I’d sure scrub at that point if I could.

Loremasters exist in every Caste by the 3120s and they have wannabes, juniors or what have you in most communities. They’re almost like a Caste, beyond the Castes for the Cats. (Say that three times fast!)

So…kind of a two-way filter, I guess you’d say? They mesh with the Yakuza in some weird ways through the Expats too and they can coexist and even work together. And I don’t just mean the Ghost Regiments; I mean real Yakuza. The yaks just seem to eat their own Dark Casters, while maintaining a veneer of civilization the Cats consider palatable in their own way. Gives their Watch a standoff that most Clans lack too. They aren’t the best or the worst overall, but they do counter-intelligence as good as anyone.

Obersaltzmann’s files are old, but still considered authoritative, as best I can tell at my level. Basically; the Cat’s take from the Spirits was to lean into their mysticism as a means of holding unto their identity. They ended up using that in a multi-vector approach to deal with the issues with their eugenics program.

The Cats should have had one of the stronger programs going; they pulled out of the homeworlds on their own schedule more or less and comparatively intact. They had solid, original gene-samples and weren’t known to have been doing anything whacky, but something must have been going on, because they start acting like they’re looking at a long dark hallway to nothing before the 3100s. No-one we know has ever got close enough to find out what the Cats saw.

   Obersaltzmann’s files are what got her compromised; they were too big, too meticulous and too well-documented and Nova Cat Watch eventually found the data-bursts. For all that, they’re 90%+ unreadable word vomit about their vision quests and dances, fortune telling; the works. They’re so detailed, you can get compromised from knowing too much and expressing it wrong. The trick is to know enough to fit in, without giving away more than you should know. My takeaway is this:

   Sometime in the 90s, the Cat’s started using occult rituals to “solve” their problems and it…seems…to have worked…somehow? They did Householding; Utewoman, Kern and Mutsu are pretty clear on that. But they tell it like it was never much of a thing in the Cats; secret families and all that. Real “Secrets of the Steiners”-stuff. And then suddenly: POW! They do it openly. It’s nowhere and then everywhere. Which as any probie knows means an agenda is at-play.

   According to Obersaltzmann, some high muckety-muck in the Scientist Caste has a dream or maybe a hallucination, because he’s not sleeping---typical egghead--- and/or on drugs and he goes to the Khans to tell them that his *vision* was that if they allow Householding, it will stop the decline of their gene-stuff. So, after some additional science and much additional hallucination, the Cats decide to get into Householding in a big way by having some of their Warriors start doing this new “rite” that the High (I kill me) Loremaster basically makes up called a “Rite of Hand-Fasting” to determine if they should shack up with someone else and live like spheroid petty nobles, basically.

   I’m not doing it justice, but that’s the brass tacks. And some other Warriors do Trials of Grievance for the right to do the Rite and it goes from there and this seems to help, but Obersaltzmann makes clear things aren’t getting better through the 3120s, they just aren’t getting worse. So, the Cats start doing something like a hybrid of some of their other rituals, basically aimed at determining who their most worthy free-born warriors are through making them do crazy dances with hooks and lines through their skin…it goes on and on and this is how the Cats start bringing in more fresh blood, which they need…for some reason. There is no evidence for any of this being necessary by the way; so far as anyone can tell, the Cat’s genes are fine and always have been. Mutsu makes a huge deal of that. But in the late 3130s, they even do a few trials and go on quests looking for certain people, certain *samples* if you get my drift and not all of this is on the up and up by Clan-standards. It’s wild.

   So; future me, these are the key takeaways and I am going to attach the links to Bragg and Obersaltzmann’s supporting data, if---Odin help me---I ever actually *need* any of this. But I just saved you/me four pages of inaccurate academic rambling from Mutsu.


Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


  • Major
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  • Posts: 4097
  • 1st SOG; SLDF. "McKenna's Marauders"
    • Kilroy's Wall


Confidence: 9/J (Received Wisdom)

Star League Intelligence Centre



(M9) 1. (INTORD) INT products designated “BIRDSONG” are the result of reports received and collated by SLIC derived from CLAN NOVA CAT MYSTIC CASTE collection.

(M9) 2. (INTORD) These kinds of reports would normally be classed 0-3/A-G (unreliable/variable credibility), but due to their proven track record are instead classified as not less than 7/G if usable, or they are classed DO NOT USE/STUDY ONLY if not and archived. BIRDSONG products will be passed on to clearances beneath MAJESTIC or outside compartment 09 as 8/I in all cases. The BIRDSONG designator is to be scrubbed and substituted beneath COSMIC and BIRDSONG reporting will not be disseminated intact below the TOP-SECRET classification in any form.

(C1) 3. The CLAN NOVA CAT MYSTIC CASTE is composed of individuals believed by the Clan to possess powers which can be described as paranormal or otherworldly.

(C7) 4. MYSTIC CASTE assets may come from any caste or background. Some are from beyond CLAN NOVA CAT. This may include individuals from beyond the STAR LEAGUE, including from beyond known space. MYSTIC CASTE assets are believed by trusted NOVA CAT Clansmen to possess abilities including, but not limited to those described as Extra-Sensory Perception, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Precognition, Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Remote Viewing, Aura Reading, Divination, Augury, Scrying, Astral Projection, Psychic Reading, Theurgy, Thaumaturgy and Prophesy.

(A6) 5. Certain, high-ranking members of CLAN NOVA CAT have espoused the view that MYSTIC CASTE members can also change their physical form, return to life after death, kill or cause injury through various paranormal means and transcend the physical form. It is the assessment of SLIC that these individuals believe what they are saying to be accurate and are expressing what they believe to be the literal truth.

(T1) 6. NOVA CAT CLANSMEN will sometimes make reference to the MYSTIC CASTE in public, together with claims ranging from the eccentric to the extraordinary.

(A6) 7. However earnest, these public expressions have the effect of hiding the truth of the MYSTIC CASTE behind a curtain of eccentricity.

(A5) 8. CLAN NOVA CAT consider information from the MYSTIC CASTE to be utterly reliable and totally credible intelligence, which may or may not be actionable.

(M9) 9. CLAN NOVA CAT does not pass all MYSTIC CASTE collection to SLIC.

(M1) 10. CLAN NOVA CAT employs a eugenics program with an unknown degree of separation from their main program, whose purpose is to isolate, select for and strengthen the perceived powers of the MYSTIC CASTE.






File Reference 0001-17 (Records/Projects/DAYBREAK)

REPSUM: Project: DAYBREAK Termination

(M10) 1. Project: DAYBREAK and all associated activities have been terminated in accordance with the finding of M12 in regards to the Project Director’s final report.

(S1) 2. This does not extend to employment of individuals designated ADEPT through the DIOGENES Program by appropriate state organs.

(M11) 3. The connection between DAYBREAK and DIOGENES was always conceived as a one-way valve and the failure of DAYBREAK is noted as being in contrast to the proven track record of the DIOGENES Program.

(M11) 4. Project: DAYBREAK is terminated in accordance with the recommendations of the Project Director due to manifest failure to meet key Project benchmarks and unreliability as regards the guidelines issues to the Project. Basic safety standards, as well as key outputs were not met and M12 is in agreement with the Project Director that these are unfeasible at this time.

(M11) 5. The invaluable assistance of CLAN NOVA CAT’s MYSTIC CASTE has already been recognized and thanks and tribute presented to the correct offices.

(M9) 6. These proceedings have no bearing on other SLIC operations or programs, particularly the employment of collection designated BIRDSONG. See, also; point 3, same reasoning.

(M11) 7. M12 have concluded that disciplinary proceedings would be in appropriate outside the four cases noted in the final report of the Project Director. M12 grants approval for investigation of same by SLIC Section-W, with any necessary judiciary actions to be carried out by JAG M11 cell.

(M11) 8. Project: DAYBREAK Director final report summary: DAYBREAK has failed to produce an in-house equivalent to the CLAN NOVA CAT MYSTIC CASTE within the metrics laid out by the Project outline. While BEADLINE collection and reporting was established as accurate in some instances, the Project failed to reach the standards of safety, reliability or credibility required for probationary employment by SLIC or any other state organ. This was particularly true in relation to the Operation: LOAS field trials, none of which can be considered successful, despite the outcome of LOAS/17, 46, 129 and 333.

(M10) 9. Allocation of extant Project: DAYBREAK assets is laid out in attached Annex: A-M10, with exception of the individuals 1-24, 56 and 112-119 who are remanded to appropriate quarters in the BASTION ISLAND SECURE FACILITY.

(M10) 10. All other data related to Project: DAYBREAK is classified MAJESTIC-11, subject to declassification by M12 and archived under PERMANENT NATIONAL SECURITY protocols: HARDCOPY-ONLY, Three (3) copies (CENTRAL-FIRST LANDING STATE ARCHIVES, ARDENNES-PORTABELLO BARRACKS SECURE STACKS, BISF)

Star League Intelligence Centre




   Of course, one cannot give a full treatment of Clan Nova Cat without addressing their famous “Mystic Caste”.

   The Mystic Caste is an invitation-only conglomeration of mainly Warriors, which serves an important ritual role alongside the Loremasters in Nova Cat society. The Mystics grant visions and prophesies and perform specialized sacred rituals to perform various specific purposes seen as furthering the cause of the Clan in different facets of its existence, physical and spiritual.

   Of course; there is no real evidence that any of these persons actually possess any kind of spiritual/magic or even psychic powers, but most Nova Cats claim to believe they do. From a distance, the Mystics appear to do no harm to the Clan, or it’s people, but some researchers theorize that they have influence on the Clan leadership behind the scenes or even goals of subverting the Clan for their own ends. But like their alleged “powers”, there is no evidence for this.

   These few words are all that can be academically verified as factual about the Mystic Caste and all you should be tested on. Beyond this point lies conjecture, tabloid sensationalism and the works of Miss. T. Seymour of the New Samarkand Eastern Mountains University. Look up her papers if you enjoy drug-fueled fantasy in the guise of legitimate research.


True exiles are rare among the Nova Cats, as are successful petitioners and both tend to find themselves getting no farther than the ‘Cat’s Expatriate enclaves. In this way, these act as two-way valves and filters and give the ‘Cats an air of aloofness appropriate to their feline namesake.

   The Nova Cats prefer to look on their wandering sons and daughters as on extended vision quests, or engaged in the vital process of “finding themselves”. Nova Cat exiles seeking more distance typically choose the wilderness over spheroid or periphery “Civilization” and more then one camp of survivalist Nova Cat Expats have sprung up in invitingly isolated regions, far beyond the norms of civilian habitation. Here; nudism and alternative forms of living are common.

Outsiders, they prefer to observe and test from afar, admitting only those who interest them into their confidences.

   Given the nature of this Clan, unlimbered from the judgemental gaze of their erstwhile cousins, it makes sense then that age has lost it’s cultural sting within their ranks. The ‘Cats instead honour their elder Castemen of all stripes, placing them in positions where the younger generations can benefit from their perceived wisdom. Even the odd “old fool” takes on a trickster’s mask and manners within Nova Cat society.

   Some Nova Cats, however, feel driven to reject the bonds and labels their people place on them as they age. These are rarely Merchants, but most frequently come from the Warrior and Scientist Castes, with Technicians and Labourers also known. These individuals seek out hermitage in isolation or form small monastic orders in the wilds of Nova Cat territory, or the periphery. Many take on the burden of Great Works, but all seek their own kind of peace in the time they have left to them. A very few are given to undertake itinerant travel, Seeker-like quests or exploration, but most simply adopt a form of martial or academic study, together with enhanced depths of meditation.

   Younger Nova Cats will often attempt to seek these persons out for various purposes and occasionally succeed. Frequently, these attempts serve mainly to provide an honourable burial to a long-past elder, but many are the tales of hermits sought out successfully as part of a young ‘Cat’s personal quest or at the behest of the Khans on some vital errand.

For outsiders, these are the kinds of endeavours that those in our field often dream about, but few will ever truly approach, due to the insular nature of Nova Cat society. Modern-day Lieutenant Hiroo Onodas, if you will. Anecdotal evidence suggests that Nova Cats are among the naturally longest lived of the Clans and common wisdom within the Clan states that past a certain age; a ‘Cat of sufficient spiritual uplift dictates the time and permanence of their own mortality.

Stories of hermits are bedrock folklore to the Nova Cats, with standout examples describing journeys to the lost homeworlds in search of lost tombs and temples still guarded by Clan Ancients, their wisdom intact and dear. The legendary “Tale of Osirus” follows a disgraced Nova Cat Warrior whose path to a Bloodname has been forever blocked. MechWarrior Osirus seeks out the shadowed cabin of his Ancestor; Colonel Politas, an original founding member of the Clan in the primeval wilds of Dagda. There, he is stalked by his Clan’s namesake and wounded three times, but perseveres. Osirus eventually finds Politas’ cabin, where he discovers his ancestor is still impossibly alive. Politas heals his wounds and grants him his wisdom. The story ends with Osirus ambiguously awakening next to a burnt-out fire in the jungle. As he sets out to return to his people with the wisdom to reclaim his birthright, we are (as is typical) left to wonder what parts of Osirus’ adventure was real and which the result of his deprivation and injuries. Some versions of the story include Osirus finding a salve he does not recognize on his wounds when he wakes, giving us a less-ambiguous version of the tale. Others have him recovering Politas’ ancient BattleMech, still impossibly operational after untold decades in the Dagdan wilderness.

Despite their inherently isolationist nature, or perhaps because of it, the Nova Cats remain an object of fascination and indeed obsession within contemporary anthropology.
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


  • Major
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  • 1st SOG; SLDF. "McKenna's Marauders"
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So, something I've done for this part here is add-in some inserts to the text we're ostensibly clipping from.

Some of these are in the form of classified documents I've made with a system of security clearances, compartments and reliability ratings that I created myself for the 3rd League in the Der Tag AU.

I'm planning to drop these as a system in a future Der Tag article, but for right now is it fine as-is? Or would that be a value-added contribution as a key to the documents?
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


  • Major
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  • Posts: 4954
I think as a future article works
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Major
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  • Posts: 4097
  • 1st SOG; SLDF. "McKenna's Marauders"
    • Kilroy's Wall
I think as a future article works

Thanks, Doc! I'll do that.
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


  • Major
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  • Posts: 4097
  • 1st SOG; SLDF. "McKenna's Marauders"
    • Kilroy's Wall
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


  • Major
  • *
  • Posts: 4954
Thank You
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Major
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  • Posts: 4097
  • 1st SOG; SLDF. "McKenna's Marauders"
    • Kilroy's Wall
Clan Blood Spirit
« Reply #40 on: 28 April 2024, 15:26:52 »
The Spirit of the Clans.

Sometimes, we need to run away from home to find ourselves. Sometimes, a people can only come into their own in isolation.

But after long enough on their own, most come to long for community and brotherhood again.

Clan Blood Spirit found themselves able to take an offered hand-up at just the right time.

The Blood Spirit “Re-Awakening” has been a true cultural revolution spurred on by shifts in the Clan’s geography and position in stellar politics which represents a sea-change when contrasted with their previous behaviours and cultural mores. Where before the Blood Spirit outlook could be summarized as a self-righteous superiority, held in isolation from other geo-political and social forces, what they have now is a renewed perspective with a focus on duty alloyed to a renewed confidence in their way of life. Where before the ‘Spirits looked down on nearly all others and sought to avoid virtually all contact with them, now they seek to share their culture and way of life with those they deem worthy, as a means of uplifting humanity in order to achieve its rightful destiny in the stars.


While SOG; the proto-SLDFiE, were undertaking their ill-advised and nearly disastrous post-TF: SERPENT reconnaissance mission among the surviving Clans, they came upon the Blood Spirits, backs to the figurative wall and literally fighting for their lives.

The purpose of Operation: MUNIN was to ascertain whether or not the remaining Clans appeared to be preparing to break the terms of the Great Refusal and renew their war of conquest against the Inner Sphere. The point of this exercise was to determine if it would be necessary to repeat the Annihilation of Clan Smoke Jaguar on another target or targets as an object lesson to the Clans as a whole on the subject of Spheroid resolve.

As it transpired, this was unnecessary; but at the time, many in the militaries which had participated in the fighting believed that expanding the war of military and cultural annihilation to the other Clans was not just potentially necessary, but inevitable. It has not been lost on historians that the forces engaged in Operation: MUNIN might have brought about the very circumstances whose likelihood they were investigating. It is further theorized that a certain party or parties within the still-nascent Star League, or it’s iteration of the SLDF might have planned this from the outset It is certainly a fact known to later-day historians that the Word of Blake’s Shadow Divisions were designed and built with a genocidal war against the Clans as their original raiseon d’etre.

At some point in their campaign, SOG forces under McKenna made their presence known to the Blood Spirits on York through that uniquely-Clan cultural ritual; the friendly invitation to a curated battle with live ammunition. Of course, this Batchall was more than just a friendly exchange of munitions, McKenna wished to use it as a barometer for the readiness of the Blood Spirit Touman and the overall disposition of the Clan as a whole.

What he found was a people living on a knife’s edge. Constant raids from the Star Adders and others continually tested the resolve of the Blood Spirit Touman and drained their remaining resources. There were shortages of everything but enemies and the ‘Spirit Warriors, individually were exhausted, and demoralized to the point of a morose fatalism.

The contest itself was bargained down to a handful of individual warriors and fought to a draw. McKenna took part, personally; facing Khan Karianna Schmitt mech to mech, but failing to defeat her before the agreed-upon duration of the battle expired. Several hours after the battle’s conclusion, Clan Star Adder returned to York for yet another raid and SOG stood aside in order to observe both forces in action.

The Star Adders, however were enraged at the presence of spheroid mercenaries and their leader refused to recognize their status as 2nd League troops. With this as pretense, the ‘Adders abandoned traditional Clan ritualized warfare and engaged targets of opportunity. This included ‘Spirit forces, SOG and Clan Blood Spirit civilians and infrastructure, this quite despite being outnumbered by the local forces on the ground; including the ‘Spirit’s elite Command unit.

The Khans of the Blood Spirits were moved by the actions of Star League forces defending their civilians and downed pilots, particularly because the previously-committed and heavily-damaged units committed to the Batchal also took part in the ensuing battle, with several being lost. It seems they placed a great deal of weight in these forces’ ability to abide honourably by the Way of the Clans, to which the ‘Spirits held so dearly, in contrast to the ‘Adder’s seeming eagerness to throw off all allusions to nobility and fight like the very barbarians they cast themselves against.

As the battle played out, SOG fighters closed the local aerospace and forced down the ‘Adder dropships, while Blood Spirit reinforcements cut the Star Adders off from their landing zones. Caught between SOG heavy tanks and furious Blood Spirits, the ‘Adder raiding force was hunted down to the last ‘mech and defeated.

In the aftermath of the battle, SOG remained in the York system for a number of days while they licked their wounds. The Blood Spirit leadership met with McKenna and his staff several times and continued to do so thereafter through encrypted HPG transmissions. Evaluating the gravity of their situation in full and offered the use of numerous SLDF and SOG transportation assets, Clan Blood Spirit opted to evacuate their homeworld holdings for the comparative safety of the Canton Worlds, while SOG forces continued Op: MUNIN, using this as a diversion. In exchange, the ‘Sprits are thought to have provided McKenna with valuable intelligence data and may have taken part in several joint covert operations during and immediately after the evacuation took place.

Escorted by their remaining warships and bolstered with boot-strapped assets from deep-space and asteroid Brian Caches, Clan Blood Spirit thus hurriedly withdrew from their ancestral holdings.

This episode is still painful for the Clansmen today and is a subject rarely discussed with outsiders. Some Blood Spirits long for a return to their lost worlds, while most wish nothing more to do with those who now squat on land still mainly seen as theirs. The evacuation itself was completed in record time, partly due to Khan Schmitt’s general orders for all Clansmen to be prepared for rapid withdrawals under pressure from their collapsing holdings and partly because the ’Spirits had never been a larger Clan and they had declined sharply and continuously from the time of the Golden Century.

When the time finally came to leave, large quantities of otherwise salvageable materiel, particularly in housing and civilian infrastructure had to be abandoned to the ‘Spirit’s fallen cousins simply because they lacked the manpower to recover it. But it is held as a comparatively-factually-represented article of faith that upwards of 98% of the Clan’s personnel, portable supplies and military equipment were accounted for. Interestingly, it is a mark of Blood Spirit culture that even under such duress, they refused to destroy, scuttle or otherwise sabotage any resources they could not take with them. Even among Clansmen, Blood Spirits stand out as thrifty and skinflint, but this utter abhorrence for waste or despoilation was arguably taken to extremes in the face of circumstances.

The Star Adders, in particular made note that they found no evidence of poisoned crops or wells, no sign of attempts to sabotage any form of infrastructure and that all forms of civil habitation had been left intact.

But by the same token, the ‘Spirits had slaughtered, rendered and packed-out all their livestock and picked their warehouses clean. Even the waste from processing their herds appeared to have been converted to rations for the journey or fertilizer for the future.

Evidence of the ‘Spirit evacuation efforts can still be found today in their factories, where heavy machine tools still show crude laser-cuts on their mounts from where they were removed and equally obvious new fittings improvised in-situ. Anecdotal evidence is easier to come by without special permissions; the Blood Spirit Remembrance boasts several passages on their “3rd Exodus” and almost all the “Old Blood” lower caste communities have oral and sometimes written sagas covering this period of Clan history in detail.

These are inevitably flowery, in the typically-Clan fashion; but the Blood Spirits are less-given to embellishment than some others. Blood Spirit culture instead demands that events such as these stand on their own, without the need for exaggeration and vainglory. What we encounter then is an art-history-tradition in the Remembrance, typical of any Clan; a more reliable, but fragmentary written history and an oral history that exists as a performance art all it’s own working from a grounded foundation. This, in-turn lends Blood Spirit history and to an extent; culture, a more approachable uptake and makes other Clans’ seem positively opaque by comparison. This is true not just of their history from the 3rd Exodus, but all of their surviving history as well.

This then naturally correlates strongly with the success the Blood Spirits have enjoyed, out-stripping all others in the attraction, intake and assimilation of worthy petitioner candidates. However, while some scholars attribute this as the sole fountainhead of their renaissance, sober investigation places this as a contributing factor entering into force after several other key events and decision points.


Shortly following their relocation to several sites in the Canton Worlds, the Blood Spirits experienced what some more pretentious scholars call their “Come to Kerensky” moment.

Following the incitement of a series of raucous debates among the blood-named warriors by the Khans, there came a series of trials of grievance and refusal, in accordance with Clan tradition. What words and ideas could not achieve; violence settled permanently. Not for these matters the proxy-wars of the sports-field, tavern contests or gaming tables, for the very future of the Clan was placed at stake by the Khans’ directions.

Despite the stereotypically-Clan bombasity of these activities, the Blood Spirits emerged with a series of what SaKhan Boques called “points”. These being in the rhetorical sense. While depleted, the Blood Spirit Touman mustered hundred of *points* during this period, constituting several severely-depleted Galaxies augmented by dozens of ersatz civil defence formations, not-yet disbanded.
As orders of battle are not out concern, we shall instead expand on the former;

1.   The Blood Spirit Clan represents and epitomizes the truest, best and most practical expression of the ideals of Founder Nicholas Kerensky.

1a. Any supposed “deviations” from The Founder’s original or later directives by the Clan in the years since the Founding were, are and remain natural and logical developments and evolutions of those ideals, in line with *His* own ideals of pragmatism, growth and social Darwinism with the ultimate goal of producing the best and strongest possible human society.

2.   Despite the fundamental truths of points 1 and 1a, the campaign of isolation had, through no fault of the Ancestor-Spirits who came before, failed to convince any other Clan to reform or take the correct path in following Clan Blood Spirits as their natural leaders.

2a.   So long as Clan Blood Spirit survives and is capable of growth, the Clan has not failed as followers of the Kerenskys. Therefore, and by extension; Clan Blood Spirit has not failed in their mission to lead all the children of Kerensky as the true and rightful IlClan.

3.   The Touman is not in a fit state to achieve a conquest of Terra or the Inner Sphere at large.

3a. This is not, then; or in keeping with point 1a, a desirable or practical outcome at this time, or in the foreseeable future.

4.   The essential and fundamental purpose of Nicholas Kerensky’s vision of the Clans; their *Spirit*, which this Clan epitomizes above all others, remains valid, but must be interpreted through the light of revelations and with reference to stellar-political realities, with respect to point 3 and other data.

5.   With respect then to points 1, 2a, and 4, the Clan should move to seize membership in the reborn Star League, as soon as point 3 is sufficiently addressed to represent the strength, dignity and worth of our people.

6.   The current situation demands that Clan Blood Spirit reevaluate our posture and the expression of our ideals.

6a. Reaffirming points 1, 1a, and 2, Clan Blood Spirit must move specifically to rectify the deficiency to-date of point 2a and establish our rightful place as preeminent in leadership, culture and ideology among those among our cousins whose failings have not yet rendered them beyond the point of recovery.

6b. The Watch must assess our extant cousins in order to determine their continuing viability to rejoin or continue in the community of The Children of Kerensky.

6c. It is the considered opinion of the conclave of the Bloodnamed of Clan Blood Spirit that point 6 be addressed with a cultural re-awakening of strength, pride, openness and above-all: *Correct Action and Behaviour* in order to serve as a *visible* example to our lost brethren of our power, success and ultimate destiny.
Schmitt and Boques both made additions to the Spirit Remembrance concerning this series of debates and trials, but neither wrote extensively of it in their memoirs. Blood Spirit history, frustratingly, doesn’t consider it particularly noteworthy, either. But Khan Karianna Schmitt’s autobiography, written by Loremaster Bayle Campbell insists that she basically hand-carried the issue from start to finish, from setting the agenda and topics for the debates, to mediating and overseeing the trials. In a few spots, Campbell even comes close to suggesting that the Khan bent the rules and even used her SaKhan as a stalking horse to essentially manipulate her Warriors into coming to the conclusions she herself had already reached.

Problematically, Campbell’s writing contradicts the official histories in several places, which shouldn’t happen, because Clan Loremasters effectively curate their Clan’s history. But Campbell’s work is uncharacteristically even-handed and forth-right for a Loremaster and he even cites sources, which even if he provides them himself in the appendix is reassuring.

But while Khan Schmitt’s actions wouldn’t be out-of-character for a Clan Khan of any era, the best we can say on the subject as serious scholars is that she probably influenced the course of events. This falls well-short of Campbell’s laudatory rendition of history painting Schmitt as pragmatic and effective, but operating behind a veneer of an apparently perfect example of Clan governance-by-warrior.

It also doesn’t explain why a Loremaster would deliberately allow such a lapse in version-control by literally creating his own version of history, to stand; only somewhat less-accessible behind the more popular public version.

In any event, the result of all this high drama occurring against the backdrop of the Blood Spirit civilian castes doing the hard work of resettlement is that the Warriors had now found a way to reinvent themselves and the ‘Clan as a whole. What they develop as the Jihad unfolds in the Inner Sphere is the cultural bastard-child of the “Confucian Gentleman” and a squad of earnest cheer-leaders. For those of you reading this and absent your credits in Ancient Terran Influences on Capellan Culture (shame. I worked hard on that.); Confucius (latinized from Kǒng Fūzǐ (孔夫子, "Master Kong") was an Ancient (551-479 BC) Chinese philosopher and scholar. He proposed a mode of behaviour for his ideal citizen as a man of upright bearing and virtue who would always seek to act correctly, but not concern himself with how others perceived his actions or even, crucially; whether or not his example was followed. The Confucian Gentleman thus proceeded in his life with a confident and correct expression of behavior, isolated from the judgement of his lessers and peers and thus; untouchable by them, through the absence of his notice of them. The goal being to set a laudable example, which self-evidently succeeds on its own merits, without recourse to lowering one’s self to an unbecoming concern with those who so needed the uplift of the example which was set.
Cheerleaders of course, require no such lengthy explanations.

Over the course of 20-25 years, the Blood Spirits created a culture of Cheerleaders who would tumble, fly and shout the glories of their way of life and do so without ever seeing the crowd, the stands, the scores, or even the opposing teams.

Their culture retains a unique nature that eclipses all other Clans and has truly re-defined the *spirit* in Clan Blood Spirit.

This expression of values and ideals and the uniquely earnest and joyful way in which it is expressed is what has made Clan Blood Spirit the draw they are for tourists, petitioners and their fellow-travellers in the Clans.

Their SLDF colleagues form with them one half of a mutual admiration society which has no imitator in this age. Simply put; Blood Spirit Warriors will go where they are asked to, without question. They will fight the most elusive and clever foes, in the worst environments, without ever counting the cost and in so doing; suffer and die amidst incredible hardship without complaint. It is their esprit de corps which sustains them, the hard, thorough and coldly realistic nature of their training which forges them and their culture which ties them together.

Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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It can seem strange to some not only that the Blood Spirits have been arguably the most successful among the Clans at attracting and assimilating petitioners, but that they succeed at this at all. Although it may appear counter-intuitive; the post-migration Blood Spirit re-awakening has produced a culture which is very effective at drawing in many of the disaffected, outcast and adventurous who can make the journey to their worlds and settlements. Indeed, this last factor is the most difficult for many who wish to embrace the true “Spirit of the Clans”.

The Blood Spirits do not form their own expatriate enclaves; rather those who cannot abide or even just fit in with their strict culture join other such communities, already extant; or more commonly: become 3rd League Civilians, elsewhere. The Spirits are almost universally hostile to such things as Expatriate Enclaves when they encounter them and deal with them as they would any Dark Caste encampment. These are seen as the distasteful outsiders to the ‘Spirit’s self-styled sunny elites and they refuse to treat with them in nearly all cases, with even the Blood Spirit Watch seeming to avoid them.

Thus, aspiring petitioners do not have scattered communities of Clansmen outside the Clan to help them on their way or to “try it, before you buy it” that the concept of the Enclave appears to offer to some. Instead, most interested parties must face an interminable, difficult and expensive journey that offers no promises at the end. For their part, the Blood Spirits look at this stage of the petitioner’s journey as part and parcel of their Trials of Acceptance and the farther you can prove to have come and the greater the demonstrated hardship of the trek; the more of “The Spirit” they see within the prospective Abtathka. A petitioner to the Blood Spirits will be expected to recite details of their life and journey to the Blood Spirit territory many times during their trials and in keeping with a people who honour an oral tradition; they prefer those who can tell a good story. So long as it is truthful, of course. Contrast this with the more-common attitude; where speaking of your life before The Clan is considered unbecoming of the petitioner and suggestive that they expect something from The Clan, when they have in reality not yet earned much of anything from the exclusive polity they wish to become part of.

For the ‘Spirits, it seems a natural thing that others should wish to join them and they are not shy at boasting of and demonstrating the virtues of the Way of the Clans. While they can seem aloof and indifferent to some, the Blood Spirits extend courtesies to those they consider peers, and give the benefit of the doubt to those who appear worthy and earnest in their wish to embrace the Clan Spirit.

Sadly, as attractive and welcoming as the Blood Spirit culture can be to outsiders, it produces no shortage of rejects; those whose destiny must lie elsewhere. Since the “re-awakening” of the Clan, this seems to stem as much from the side-effects of the ‘Spirit’s enthusiastic culture, as it does from their refusal to permit so many practices they deem “deviant”.

The reasons for exile are as individual as the exiles themselves, but only the most desperate remain near Blood Spirit territory for long, as they pursue these neer-do-wells mercilessly when they become aware of them, as members of the Dark Caste.

Many exiles have run afoul of the Blood Spirit eugenics program in one way or another.

Their long period of isolation has forced stringent guidelines and economies on every aspect of Blood Spirit society, but none felt this more than those of the Scientist Caste tasked with forwarding the goals of the Trueborn breeding program and managing the reproduction and pruning of the Freeborn population.

Partly because of these conditions and partly due to additional self-imposed limitation on the diversity of their available genetic stocks, the ‘Spirit Scientist Caste maintained extremely conservative practices in the cloning and permissible mutation of those samples which would be permitted to be used in the creation of new Sibkos.

This has had an array of inter-related effects on their eugenics program to the present day.

Firstly; the Blood Spirit genetic stockpiles are thought to be the purest of any extant Clan and have not suffered the degradation others have. Naturally, precise, peer-reviewed studies have been impossible; but it is thought this is due to the extremely restrictive practices the ‘Spirit Scientists have followed almost from the outset of the program. Where other Clans’ stocks show the hallmarks of excessive cloning, experiments in forced cellular meiosis, ovum pairing and reckless experimentation and gene-therapy procedures executed on base samples, the Blood Spirits claim, with a high degree of believability that none of these has taken place within their own laboratories.

Deriving naturally from this first point and contributing to all others is that the practical realities of their physical and procedural isolation kept the corruption of the Society at arm’s length from the ‘Sprit Scientist Caste.

Secondly and closely-related to the first point; Clan Blood Spirit have traditionally produced fewer Sibkos, with smaller numbers of candidates and practiced greatly reduced measures of post-embryonic manipulation and accelerated growth.

Thirdly, after so long working from this limited sample size, with only rare influxes of genes from other sources, the Blood Spirit’s have diverted most of their limited experimental and research resources into avenues of investigation aimed at preventing or avoiding the traditional pitfalls of limited genetic pool.

As such and fourthly; Clan Blood Spirit’s Scientists have an organic farmer or (if you prefer) a stock-racer’s instinct for rules-lawyering through the limitations forced on them. This means they have always ruthlessly exploited every loophole and exploit they can in order to combat those limitations.
Examples of this last point bring us neatly to the Householding issue. While the Blood Spirits remain among the least-inclined to the practice and refuse to openly countenance or endorse it, Householding remains a reality within Clan Blood Spirit in a limited fashion. Most relevant to our current topic; the children of such purposeful unions, or of rare instances of Trueborn negligence do not suffer their parents’ sins within the Clan. They are required to train for the Caste of one parent, testing-down, if they fail to measure up. Warriors must face the difficult prospect of training as part of Freeborn Sibkos, where their mixed status makes them outsiders. But those who prevail in their trials are accorded the normal rights of Freebiths within the Clan, with the exception of the right to a trial of position for acceptance within the Bloodhouse of the appropriate parent or parents. From there, they even have access to participation within the Trueborn breeding program. What is most remarkable about the Blood Spirit approach to this measure is that this practice extends to those with later-generation matrilineal DNA from a bloodnamed Warrior. While these potential Warriors face increasing stigmas the farther from what another Clan might consider a “kindled” birth they fall, this brings much-needed diversity and fresh genes into the ‘Spirit eugenics program in the form of genetic material they consider to have been “vetted” through the course of the individual’s worthy life.

Clan Blood Spirit is not so accepting of what might be considered “proper” Householding as are other Clans. Multiple partners and alternative parenting and hierarchical arrangements are vanishingly uncommon, as are most forms of normalized parenting relationships. Instead, the focus of Blood Spirit Householding is on the union of two partners, only, with even the quasi-feudal appearances of the Warrior Household cast as indecently decadent.
Partners in a Household may or may not marry and these ceremonies may even be public. But the Clan makes no attempt to match the pair in posting, life or career. Instead, they must see to this themselves through Trials of Grievance, Position or Possession, depending on the relationship of the individuals and their relative positions in rank and Caste. These extraneous trails are often seen as embarrassing, or delicate matters and occasionally as wasteful or Dezgra activities. They can be denied outright and troublesome pairs may find one or both partners assigned to Solahma or Dezgra postings, if both are warriors, or even reduced in Caste, if not.

True Freeborns; those lacking any trace of Trueborn DNA remain a priori second-class citizens in Clan Blood Spirit, even to this day. But once a Freeborn has proven themselves through established merit within their station or through accession to the Warrior Caste, they do not need to do so again and are esteemed to have the “Spirit” of the Clans. It still remains, within the Warrior Caste, however for a Freebirth to have to prove him or herself over and over again against his peers, but the Codex ensures that, even here; a known quantity is a known quantity. Despite this prejudicial system, where the Trueborn are inherently considered superior and individual equality must be established; enthusiasm from Petitioners remains high.

The Blood Spirits have adapted well to the political system of the 3rd League. They have assimilated it’s mechanisms and functions as organs of the Clan and as a pressure-release for dealing with inter-Caste political pressures. Popularity among outsiders has not translated to universal retention among ‘Spirit Clansmen and several hundred each year; mainly from the lower castes, engage in rites of severance and travel beyond the bounds of Blood Spirit Territory. Most of these take up the lives of 3rd League Civilians or even begin the arduous path to Citizenship.

The 3rd League’s Civilian Irregular Defence Group system proved a perfect fit for the Blood Spirit practice of arming and training their lower castes for local defence and resistance against occupation. Most of this training is done today by SLDF personnel, in common with the rest of the League, but these formations commonly drill beside the regular Spirit Touman and form part of the Provisional Garrison Clusters in a reserve capacity. Where Spirit Warriors receive full 3rd League Citizenship upon completion of a period of time, equal to that of regular SLDF members, the normal CIDG terms apply to the lower castes, with terms of quiet service measured in decades and full-credit given for time in action.

3rd League Citizenship and all it’s incumbent class privileges and dubious responsibilities exist in parallel with other aspects of life in Clan Blood Spirit and a lower-caste Citizen thus enjoys a great degree of equivalency with a Warrior just completing his or her terms and is due a much greater deal of respect than would otherwise be the case. What is not permitted, however is any form of back-and-forth transitioning into and out of the Clan and back for any purpose. Those who leave are forever apart and will never be welcomed back into the fold as Blood Spirits. This is particularly true for those of the Lower Castes who leave seeking a better life and fail to achieve it or those who leave to join the SLDF as regulars or reservists and then seek to return with this lofty status as either Warriors or Lower Castes.

An exception is the rediscovered practice of Bond-holding. Prior to their relocation; the Blood Spirits rarely took Bondsmen and frequently refused Bondsref, with some captured warriors preferring suicide to service with other Clans. With their return to the Inner Sphere, contact with other Clans within and without the 3rd League is more common and this by-necessity includes Combat; frequently, but not always of a ritualized nature.

Since the founding of the 3rd League, “Friendly” trials among the Royal Clans have been commonplace and these have included the exchange of Bondsmen. Circumstances have occasionally brought these wayward Warriors home again to the Clan, as sometimes happens in the course of Clan Tradition. Presuming an honourable struggle and not a “Thrown Match”, these Warriors almost always return directly to service in the Warrior Caste.
The same has not been true of Bondsmen from elsewhere. Clan Blood Spirit gained their first Bondsmen as members of the 3rd League during the Ill-starred Jade Falcon war, during the Jihad and have since had numerous occasions to trade Bondsmen with each of the other Spheroid Clans, as well as the Goliath Scorpions. While long-obscure; the Clan was quick to  renew the old traditions and redes when the opportunity arose with the real beginning of the opening of Blood Spirit culture in the 3070s.


While no-longer saddled with the traditional Dezgra-status of the those who have fought and not-yet died, the Solahma remain an element of the down-trodden of Blood Spirit society.

Seen as an unfortunate necessity for maintaining the traditional Clan Warrior Touman; the Solahma are those who are chewed-up by the ‘Spirit’s “Up or Out” system. This exists to keep a brake on the size of the Touman without likewise placing restrictions on the Trueborn Sibko system, while retaining the Way of the Clans through the principle of “Youth in Command”. For the ‘Spirits, this keeps an element of vibrancy, newness, growth and change in their ranks, keeping them from becoming stultifying or inflexible.

As a result; Warriors who fail to excel find themselves first removed from consideration for promotion and then moved off to the arduous competition of the regular-element of the Provisional Garrison Clusters. Here they must compete with their peers to maintain the highest standards of performance, or face expulsion from the Warrior Caste altogether and retraining as Civilians. This creates the ironic situation where the PGCs actually benefit greatly from the acquired skill and mature judgement of older Warriors engaged in a brutally Darwinian contest of survival against their peers. Those reduced to the Civilian Castes may join the ‘Spirit CIDG units, but must make do with what cast-off equipment they can source themselves or have given to them in order to maintain the last dregs of their higher-status as MechWarriors, Pilots or Elementals. This is because equipment like that is typically seen as better-allocated to the PGCs or front-line units. As-such; most CIDG units operate as variations on non-power-suited infantry, combat vehicle crews, fortress troops or artillery.

Solahma retain their right to declare trials of grievance to resist any or all of these measures, but more than token resistance is considered unseemly and indicative of obstructionist attitudes and “has-beens who do not know their place.” Therefor, these trials are more-likely than most to earn reprisals against the warrior in the form of additional trials of grievance, refusal or possession. These seeking to repudiate the behaviour of the Solahma, the results of the trial, itself or aimed at seizing the military equipment that allows them their status and position.

Most Solahma testing-down find it less emotionally-painful then to leave their Warrior past behind entirely and commit themselves fully to their new roles as labourers, technicians, or rarely; merchants. This means that while alternatives are to be found, the Blood Spirit CIDG units are predominantly-staffed by those born to the lower-castes, but willing to defend their homes as ersatz-Warriors at-need.

Solahma who retain their rank are typically moved quickly to the Blood Spirit Sibko system where they act as instructors, leaving the raising of the youngest cadets to the lower castes. Clan Blood Spirit has done much to reform the Sibko system for both Trueborn and Freebirth Warrior-candidates and where it was once among the worst in all the Clans in terms of the privations and predation its young charges faced, it must now be counted among the best.

The Blood Spirits have been among the Clans to expand the Elemental Phenotype into the Labourer Caste. This has come with it’s own problems, but also brought in much-needed additional medical and scientific resources to maintain the health of this particular genepool, no-matter where it is found.
The mechanism for this among the Blood Spirits has been a vast expansion of their Infantry Warrior Sibkos, with greater allowances for rehabilitation of failed candidates and sharply reduced euthanasia. While this had expanded the Blood Spirit’s Infantry branch within their Touman, it has also had the intended effect of providing additional high-quality labour to the ‘Spirit’s Civilian Castes just when it was needed most and continues to this day, with Blood Spirit construction, demolition and engineering crews loaned out as a valuable export within the 3rd League and beyond.

This program began as part of the desperation of the Spirit’s last days in the Homeworlds. It was thought that while additional mouths to feed (and big ones at that) would be a drain on resources in the short-term, additional infantry forces would be a boon to the Touman’s defensive efforts. Those testing down would augment the labourer-caste and could then be trained as militia and disposed of as expendable suicide troops on an as-needed basis. The state of the ‘Spirit’s Strategic situation at the time suggested that the various timetables involved would not place an undue burden on their medical system.

Among lower-caste Elementals, the CIDG system is exceedingly popular, as it allows a second-chance route to service as a Warrior and a chance at additional hard-won laurels as 3rd League Citizens. Resentment has ebbed and flowed over the years among “Real” Warriors against these “Uppity” inferiors, but Clan policy is clear and the word of the Khans remains Kerensky’s law.

Regardless of past troubles, and though once perched on the verge of extinction, Clan Blood Spirit is now here to stay now. They form an important element both among today’s Clans and the 3rd Star League of which they are an integral part.
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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« Reply #42 on: 29 April 2024, 22:27:32 »
To: ZatMannCollins2134@SimpsonD4@Star.Com
From: mynameiscarla34@SimpsonD4@Star.Com
Date: Sun 26-Jun-65 20:14
Subject: Re: I F***ing HATE her!

Okay: Final draft is off now and I am hitting the sack. I own you big for this, Luddy; you may have just saved the year for me. That last blurb from your history text really tied the narrative together and you reminded me that I WAS short on my word count; about 6500 of 8000.

I’m dead right now, but any time you are free this week, I will make it work.

I’m even up for going out to your parent’s spice farm this weekend.

XO. C.

On Sat, 25-Jun-65 at 07:44 Luddy Amadeaus Collins <ZatMannCollins2134@SimpsonD4@Star.Com> wrote:

Here, you go babe. Good, overall; just watch those oxfords. They’ll get you 😉

PS: Came across this bit here in my Star League History Class. Ref attached.

“Clan Blood Spirit’s developing IlChi corps led the way in professionalizing diplomacy and high-level political relations between the Spheroid Clans and their neighbours. Khan Karianna Schmitt wasted no time in appointing trusted Warriors to these positions as early as 3069…

The early 3rd League’s diplomatic corps and foreign affairs office were notably unprofessional, staffed mainly with middling officers who found themselves in sensitive circles, operating on a temporary basis and far over their heads. The ‘Spirit IlChis were, by contrast, temperamentally-suited to their roles, as well as trained in the requisite skills by the Watch and Merchant Caste. From early-on joint missions were common and Blood Spirit IlChis helped considerably in convincing the other Royal Clans to make their membership in the 3rd League Official, later in the 5th Succession War.”

So, like; read the indicated chapter maybe and reference some of that. What was your word count she wanted you at again?

-Your Luddy-Lover.

On Fri, 24-Jun-65 at 19:04 Carla Petushkin <mynameiscarla34@SimpsonD4@Star.Com> wrote:

Thank you, Luddy. I’m sorry I’m just the worst sometimes. I just hate this Clan-stuff.

Cherie already looked this over for me and says it’s fine…but, it’s Cherie. Can you look at it, please?


On Thu, 23-Jun-65 at 07:44 Luddy Amadeaus Collins <ZatMannCollins2134@SimpsonD4@Star.Com> wrote:

Oh, wow. That total F***ing B****! Expecting you to do actual work and show some initiative. Then she goes for the unforgivable and gives you yet another chance to make up your grade. What. A. See. You. Next. Tuesday.

So, assuming your whining was your version of asking for help, why yes; Carla my dreamgirl, since I am an amazing boyfriend, I will share with you *MY* notes on IlChis.

In point form.

Because I know you’re sleeping it off this morning and got nothing done on this last night and your tolerance for anything more will be minimal. Links to sources attached, so you don’t actually have to hunt your own food, as per normal.


-Plenipotentiary (use this word in your paper, def’n attached) office created in 2822 by CBS founder Colleen Schmitt.

-Means “State Messenger”, is an appointed Warrior (make sure you caps that when you use it) who acts in a diplomatic or ambassadorial role, able to make deals on behalf of the Clan.

-Historical references and examples attached.

-Money shot (hint-hint): post-return to the IS; CBS started using the position again by sending hand-picked Warriors to the other Spheroid Clans.

-Working through the attitude of the CBS re-awakening, this practice paid off, because (IMO: do not include in your paper), CBS basically rediscovered how to not be jerkwad-hermits and engage in basic human relations outside their culture and learned a little emotional intelligence. (do include this next part) The experience of the IlChi practice, an office *WITH NO COMMON EQUIVALENT TO THAT POINT* among the Clans, set CBS up for success in the retreats, because they had people who were used to diplomacy and traditional communication.

-Key takeaway: it’s pretty weird that the clan known for isolationism for the first part of their history are also the guys who basically reinvented diplomacy in the clans, but there it is.

You got this!

On Wed, 22-Jun-65 at 18:29 Carla Petushkin <mynameiscarla34@SimpsonD4@Star.Com> wrote:

I seriously cannot BELIEVE this woman. This stupid book is our BIBLE. It’s LITERALLY THE ONLY REQUIRED READING for this class and she has the AUDACITY to fail this stupid paper she had me write, because of something that none of these idiots who wrote this over-priced file though to include.


So, now I have to do a makeup paper, due Monday on the VERY THING the people who WROTE our textbook didn’t think was important enough to include.

She’s like: “Wah! Carla! You need to explain why the Blood Spirits were accepted by the other Royal Clans. Wah! Neither Utewoman, Kern or Mutsu thought IlChis mattered enough to include, but you’re gunna fail if you don’t write me a paper on it! Wah!”

Please kill me. Preferably with Vodka. Or gin. Or glasscleaner. Anything is good at this point.

Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Love this update...
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Major
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  • Posts: 4097
  • 1st SOG; SLDF. "McKenna's Marauders"
    • Kilroy's Wall
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman

