Hello! And first of all, congrats for your system. It can be strange, but I found it just a few weeks ago. I ever thought that in IO - Battleforce there would only Battleforce (I have the original boxed edition too) and ISaW.
The SBF has been a pleasure to read and I really appreciate Scaled SBF. Two really interesting systems that, in my humble opinion, should be the backbone of the real "map-based campaign system".
In these weeks I converted any custom merc units I ever created in the years and I converted a custom regiment of regular forces too. It's been fun.
Ok, on with the questions:
I would convert some drones for using them with the Strategic Battleforce system. The rule in pag. 265 says:
"Drones are not part of standard SBF Formations and are always played as individual Units. Drones are converted with one Drone Element equaling one SBF Drone Unit."
It means that a formation of (say) 4 drones could not be used in a normal formation? If a Drone Carrier is in a formation, its drones must be in an entirely different formation?
And if yes, these drones cannot be grouped in a unit, but everyone of them it's a unit per se? So 3 NapFind hover drones, for an exemple, form a formation of 3 units, everyone of these units formed by just one hover drone? They cannot form a single unit formed by 3 drones?
There are no sample scenarios in the SBF, not even idea hooks, it is possible to see the system have more space or supplements in future?
The rules to fight in a building hex can be confusing, I had to read them 2 or 3 times to understand that to fight in a building hex is not the same as to be INSIDE a building. That said, once inside a building a unit can be fired at but if it is an infantry formation you can only shoot the building. If it is a non-infantry unit you can target the formation but the building absorbs anyway the damage. It is correct?
If a unit is shooted on when inside a building, infantry or not, it seems the attacker enjoys a to-hit bonus as when it's firing to an immobile target. That to-hit bonus is not listed anywhere! I supposed a -4 like in Battletech, I guessed right?
There are no repair and manteinance rules in the SBF, That's a pity because I wanted to use the rules in CO, or at least I wanted to use SBF for a campaign.
Can you give some advice on how manage repairs to the formations? And how the damage can be converted on elements?
It is said in CO (a flawed book in my opinion, but that is too long to discuss here) that after every scenario a company accumulates fatigue. But in SBF a formation fights more than one "scenario" during a game. Can you give some advice for fatigue in SBF? I have some ideas, but I want to read your thoughts first.
Thanks for now! I have for sure other questions.