Author Topic: Ancient Memories Character Art  (Read 1343 times)


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Ancient Memories Character Art
« on: 31 January 2024, 21:43:36 »
Yeah I figure even if we're pulling the plug on the story you guys deserve this still.  Bonus content for characters we had rough plans for but hadn't introduced yet.

All art was generated by Nemu's Waifubot.

Dawnstar of the Goldenscales(Theresa)

An ancient being that is the source of many folklore creatures.

More fascinated with humans than the others of its species it interacted with them much more.

The creature despite having no default gender identity developed a great fondness for a young human male.  With him they discovered her blood when properly processed significantly extends human life spans and other medical miracles(exactly what depends on the processing method used).  The young man asked Theresa to marry him.

This turned out to be a ruse and that is when Theresa was bound by her restraints.

The trauma it has endured by being imprisoned for so long has caused it to lose a great deal of self identity and personal history.

A guard dubbed the creature Theresa because in its current form it resembled his sister.

Almost forgotten, contained by secret organizations since before there was even a Terran Alliance, the creature was able to gain its freedom during the Liberation of Terra and it now seeks revenge on all those who benefitted.

Theresa is sharp and observant.  Despite her severe isolation causing her to lose much of her personal history she is a quick study and she figured out very quickly the nature of how she presents to the guards and learned to use that.

So for her her body, and by extension sex(there are limits on that though due to her marriage vows), is a weapon in her arsenal.  She’ll also act very young and demure, whatever her best read on the person/situation calls for.

Theresa does not blame all of humanity and thus does not want to see it go extinct but she is also not inclined to be particularly merciful.  Only children get something of an automatic forgiveness from her.  Even then she’s willing to bend on her rule if it is the only way and does not consider it her breaking her own rule if someone else does so because of her actions/plots.

Theresa hangs around with Mike’s Murderhobos because they are her scalpel or chainsaw, whichever she needs.

Mike G.

[author's note: Real Name: Michael Garrow]
Leader of the mercenary unit "Mike's Murderhobos"- Pilots a modified Thug battlemech, (This one has jump-jets).  This man doesn't look like a mercenary leader at all, he looks like a middle-aged accountant.

Background: Mike does not discuss his background.   Notably, he is a well traveled man, and speaks with a very bland colloquial accent in whatever language he's speaking in save one;  in english, he speaks with a mild, lilting accent reminiscent of certain now-extinct minorities from the southeastern or lower midwestern portion of North America, though it's questionable whether his accent is more akin to eastern texas, or southern oklahoma.

Mike is seemingly completely amoral, beyond his bizarre ethics, an ethical structure that lasts for the duration of the job.


1. The contract is all.  Regardless of what is paid, services must be rendered completely, and thoroughly.
2. Targets that die without being killed by Mike's Murderhobos are incomplete contracts, and restitution for the failure to kill the target must be repaid to the client as reimbursement in some form that the client will consent to.
3. All sales are final.  The Client may not end the contract early once they have paid.  Even if the client dies, the job has to be completed unless it is literally impossible to complete (see: premature death of a target).
4. Non-target deaths are to be avoided when possible, but are acceptable, though not counted toward contract completion.
5. Be courteous and polite, even when speaking with a target or a target's loved ones.
6. It's all business.

Mike is a cursed soul, always being reincarnated in the same family line.  This is because the soul is that of the human that married Theresa and imprisoned her to save a family member who needed a medical miracle from her blood.

He is thus cursed to always be near Theresa and in her service until they consummate their marriage.  This will not save his soul from a terrible fate in the afterlife.

Carl Nixon

Carl Nixon has a knack for spotting things.  To the point many feel he is wasted in his Orion but he refuses to pilot anything else.  He proclaims he has a bond with it.

Personality notes:  Carl Nixon while sober tends to come across as reasonable and accommodating, even somewhat passive.  This impression is a mistake, and it only takes a few drinks to make this mistake achingly clear.  The quiet, calm, methodical man will quietly, calmly, and methodically do remarkably unwise things while drunk.  Sometimes these can be funny things, like pranking an arrogant or overbearing senior officer with an overcomplicated stunt, or arranging to paint an obscene mural on a large public space…or it can be darker and far more personal, such as beating an MP who was abusing his authority to prey on street people to the edge of death in Oslo-with that worthy's very own stun-baton.

The common thread in triggering 'Drunken Carl' is abuse of authority or position-he hates that, while sober, he can hold back, but get him buzzed and he simply…ceases to care enough about the consequences to stop.
Historical note: Carl was the survivor of a unit that was virtually annihilated during the periphery uprising after their commanding officer gave the locals a reason to want to kill Star League troops.
« Last Edit: 31 January 2024, 21:50:13 by monbvol »


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Re: Ancient Memories Character Art
« Reply #1 on: 31 January 2024, 21:45:07 »
Diedre Styles

Diedre is a stone cold killer.  Nearly emotionless.

Styles does have one trigger for emotion, she plays up her name as she likes looking her best when she kills outside her mech and never wears the same outfit twice while doing so if she can help it.

Cham Vien

A volunteer/recruit from Sian.  Cham thinks he is god’s gift to women.  Men too.  He’s not picky beyond has a pulse and says ‘yes’.

Pilots a Griffin.

Morgan Eckhardt

Morgan is from Elbar.  Morgan was born male but the organ harvesting that was done to Morgan meant the most expedient method in the overwhelmed medical situation of granting them a normal life involved gender reassignment.  The pact with Theresa finished the more cosmetic elements of the surgery.  Which Morgan was fine with as ‘her’ sexual preferences were for men and this made it easier.

While it's almost assumed that Eckhardt and Nixon are romantically involved, the truth is that they are not.  They really are simply very good friends, friends of the sort that means Eckhardt often takes up the job of acting as conscience and 'manager' when Carl gets into a bottle and starts looking for payback.

She pilots a Griffin.


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Re: Ancient Memories Character Art
« Reply #2 on: 31 January 2024, 21:47:01 »
Lara Striene

Lara is a pure intellectual professional.  She’ll fight however the situation dictates.  So she makes excellent use of her Archer and its ability to fight either close up or at range.

She has a knack for swinging her mech’s fists and coming back with either gyro or cockpit.

In hand to hand she prefers blades or her magnum revolver.

She is a pessimist though in how she sees things playing out.  She even predicted that they would have no place in Kerensky’s Utopia.

Johnny Wangker

Mike's chief lieutenant, looks like a holovid producer's idea of what a 'mechwarrior SHOULD look like, square jaw, classically handsome, muscular.  Likes to stomp on people.

Johnny pilots pretty much anything that's available, though his most frequent 'ride' is a GRF-1N Griffin.

Sheri Trung

Ethnicity: Sol-Belter, 11th Generation
Place of Birth: Avison-Glencoe processing site, Ganymede, Sol system
Date of Birth: 2748/09/22

Belter Affiliation: Free Stars faction

Profession: Deep Space Navigator

Assets: MS Gloria Libertas, Merchant-class jumpship

Sheri Trung is a survivor.  She was born in a processor's clinic and nearly died right there.  She wasn't home in 2766 when the Director General, Richard Cameron (under the influence even then of Stephan Amaris) declared the entire Free Stars Faction to be terrorist sympathizers after that faction voted to condemn the ongoing periphery 'suppression' and attempted a general strike at a number of facilities throughout the Sol system's belts in protest.

This triggered a massive wave of arrests in which 'dead or alive' were accepted, and dead was the usual result.  The Amaris Coup in December of that year, saw the removal of the fig-leaf of 'arrest' in favor of widespread massacre, including the use of SDS systems to destroy hold-outs and show the Metis Congress and other Belter organized entities that resistance would be met with overwhelming violence.

It is unknown how many belters died in the suppression, or the clearing of Ganymede's settlements, nor the number who died who weren't even affiliated with the Free Stars movement, but simply unlucky enough to be deemed 'close'.

As a person, Sheri Trung is reticent, hides her own views in conversation, and maintains a very pragmatic appearance when dealing or negotiating.  She avoids visiting planetary surfaces and remains with her ship even when not on a mission.
She is also one of the best Jumpship navigators in the business, and does not seem to have any weaknesses in that role. 

Deeper down, she has a burning anger and desire for revenge, one that cannot be sated, and a passion for avenging those wronged by their leaders.

Record: no real record between her birth, and the present.  She isn't listed as participating in the war against Amaris, nor subsequent conflicts as part of anyone's army.


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Re: Ancient Memories Character Art
« Reply #3 on: 31 January 2024, 21:48:20 »
Steph the Stuff

Female, blonde, psychopath.  She likes to kill things…or people.  Neat-freak.

Steph the Stuff pilots a frankenmech that incorporates any number of mismatched parts. Oddly enough, it can seem to change configurations during the same mission, though not like an omnimech, and regardless of configuration, something is always visibly wrong with it, most often visible armor breaches, coolant leaks, audible lubrication issues, or heat plumes.  Whatever the original 'mech was, nobody is really sure, and Steph isn't talking.

Original Name: Stephanie Louise Bakeright (

Born: February 3, 2810

Stephanie married her college sweetheart, a brilliant scientist.  His murder, and the destruction of his laboratory, along with the deaths of nearly all the staff (except for Stephanie), injuries she survived caused a miscarriage, which finished destroying what sanity she had left.

What came out of that, wanted nothing but revenge, and to make someone pay for her suffering, pain, and loss.

Mike took the job, they couldn't finish, so she joined the team.

"Steph the Stuff" is a brilliant mechanical engineer in her own right.

German Jerry

bull necked, tall, bleaches his hair and straightens it, affects a german accent and likes to wear fancy overcoats.  Eye patch switches eyes periodically when he gets bored with monocular vision in one eye.

German Jerry's most recent 'mech is a Grasshopper with several modifications, including replacing the token LRM rack, with an SRM installation, the original energy battery with enhanced energy weapons, and double heat sinks.

Birth Name: Rothstein, Gerald Ames
Birthplace: Donegal
Education: uhm…


"Bob doesn't speak".  Well, he does, but not very often.  Likes Pickles…a little too much maybe.

Bob drives a Catapult, it's had a few alterations.


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Re: Ancient Memories Character Art
« Reply #4 on: 31 January 2024, 21:49:33 »
Inferno Sarah:

Sarah Lennarts

She likes fire.  She really likes fire.  A lot.  Demolitionist, pilots a Com-2D commando loaded with infernoes when she's not running around in a Firestarter.

Tommy Atkins

wears a mask all the time, sharpshooter, sniper, whatever you want to call it when you have a 'mechwarrior who plinks targets well beyond normal range…but rarely manages to kill them.

Tommy's SHD-(wtf?) Shadowhawk has had a few alterations, including replacing the AC-5 with an AC/2, an expanded LRM rack, and modified laser weaponry.  His long-range 'sniper' like shooting skills are more of a diversion than anything else-Tom gets most of his kills with his 'mechs's hand actuators and feet.  While his 'mech uses single heat sinks instead of doubles, and relatively low heat weapons, at some point someone fitted it with Triple Strength Myomers and gave him a selector that lets him shut off heat dissipation selectively.

Silent Boy Roy:

Part of the team that developed the anti-TSM gas at NAIS.  A workplace accident that was the fault of one of his co-workers resulted in his vocal chords being damaged from the toxic gas.  So now he really doesn't speak very often at all.  Good at toxins, pilots a Wasp.

Ceilidh Markus

Former client, paid her family's life savings and all the debris of her ruined past, it ended up being about 2000 C-bills, to buy the extermination of a Pirate/Bandit BATTALION.  Some of them died before the Murderhobos could finish.  Mike gave her a job to make up for failing the extermination, probably the only semi-normal person in the unit.  She's recently learned how to pilot a MAD-3R Marauder.

Due to her own fae ancestry Theresa basically adopts Ceilidh and actually grows quite fond of her.


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Re: Ancient Memories Character Art
« Reply #5 on: 02 February 2024, 18:37:52 »
Thanks for posting these! :)


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Re: Ancient Memories Character Art
« Reply #6 on: 02 February 2024, 19:08:50 »
No worries.  I actually rather like how Silent Boy Roy came out.


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Re: Ancient Memories Character Art
« Reply #7 on: 02 February 2024, 20:21:43 »
I think he has the fewest defects of any of them, really... :)


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Re: Ancient Memories Character Art
« Reply #8 on: 14 March 2024, 17:57:58 »
« Last Edit: 20 April 2024, 08:16:31 by danstjern »


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Re: Ancient Memories Character Art
« Reply #9 on: 08 April 2024, 02:17:28 »
Each character has an interesting personality.
« Last Edit: 09 April 2024, 02:03:16 by followrural »


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Re: Ancient Memories Character Art
« Reply #10 on: 19 June 2024, 15:49:36 »
I like the anime AI art; but, it reminds me of DP9 Heavy Gear.


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Re: Ancient Memories Character Art
« Reply #11 on: 19 June 2024, 16:02:14 »
Yeah Liam's Ghost turned me onto a different AI character art generator.  It still gets a bit forum rule breaking if you don't put in certain prompts so I'm still not going to link it.