Author Topic: Bulldog (Chemical II)  (Read 788 times)


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Bulldog (Chemical II)
« on: 28 November 2023, 12:55:48 »
As seeing the Bulldog (Chemical) is exclusive to DCMS for now. So here's a slightly different take on the DA refit for rest of the Inner Sphere. Be sure to secure a supply of large chemical lasers from your local clan suppliers!

Where as the DC's Bulldog (Chemical) invested extra tonnages into armor and changing its type to Hardened, this one go for more offensive power instead by installing a second Large Chemical Laser and an extra ton of chemical ammo while changing armor type to Heavy FF. The armor tonnage was lowered by a half ton and CASE was added while the armor coverage was slightly increased.

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Bulldog Medium Tank Chemical II

Mass: 60 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: Bulldog 240 ICE
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Bulldog Standard
     2 Large Chemical Laser
     1 Machine Gun
     2 SRM 4
Manufacturer: Quikscell Company,Bulldog Enterprises
     Primary Factory: Ares,Proserpina
Communication System: Xilex-2000
Targeting & Tracking System: Xilex-2000
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 2,491,200 C-bills

Type: Bulldog Medium Tank
Technology Base: Mixed (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 60
Battle Value: 891

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    6
Engine                        300 Fuel Cell          23
    Cruising MP: 5
    Flank MP: 8
Heat Sinks:                   1                       0
Control Equipment:                                  3.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor (Heavy Ferro)    119                     6

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   6         27   
     R/L Side               6/6      24/24   
     Rear                    6         21   
     Turret                  6         23   

and Ammo                         Location    Tonnage       
Machine Gun                       Front        0.5     
2 Large Chemical Laser            Turret       10.0   
2 SRM 4                           Turret       4.0     
Large Chemical Laser Ammo (30)     Body        3.0     
CASE                               Body        0.5     
SRM 4 Ammo (50)                    Body        2.0     
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)        Body        0.5   
Clan Blood Spirit - So Bad Ass as to require Orbital Bombardments to wipe us is the only way to be sure!


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Bulldog (Chemical II)
« Reply #1 on: 28 November 2023, 17:26:32 »
I really think the SRM4s should be replaced with MML3s...


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Re: Bulldog (Chemical II)
« Reply #2 on: 02 January 2024, 01:01:05 »
I really think the SRM4s should be replaced with MML3s...
Really u want to trust a quikcell vehicle missile system to understand the MML system
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Bulldog (Chemical II)
« Reply #3 on: 02 January 2024, 01:44:40 »
Really u want to trust a quikcell vehicle missile system to understand the MML system
It’s got an advanced engine and clantech lasers, I doubt MMLs would be a problem.