Author Topic: MWO Known Issues that's been occuring plus Holiday events  (Read 695 times)


  • Lieutenant
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MWO Known Issues that's been occuring plus Holiday events
« on: 28 November 2023, 21:52:00 »

Quote from: MWO site
Greetings MechWarriors,

Matt Newman here wanted to give you a status update on MechWarrior Online post-Nov Patch.
We have a few known issues occurring intermittently.

Errors preventing players from connecting to games which results in an error message

    We originally thought this was an issue with EU servers only.
    We are continuing to investigate this issue and will update you when we have a solution.
    This issue is having a knock-on effect of locking Mechs in match until the match terminates

Mechs not visible post-match

    on occasion, players' mechs will not be visible in their account post-match
    They are not lost and will reappear upon re-logging into the client

Intermittent Crashes

    We have identified an issue with Centurion variants that were causing crashes and the fix is confirmed
    The Variants Casuing the issues are CN9-AH(L), CN9-A(NCIX), CN9-D(P)
    The Onyx is safe to use :)

Bolt-on and Decal Sale

    The bolt-on and Decal sale was causing long connect times due to downloading the Sale stats
    This happens anytime we put a large set of items on sale
    We disabled the Bolt on and decal Sale Earlier last week
    We are working to optimize the Bolt-on system to make sales possible in the future.

Other Issues:

    If you are aware of other issues please contact:

As we work towards fixes we are also completing the work on the December Patch which is scheduled to release on Dec 13th.
Depending on where we are in the patch cycle and the continuing severity of the Issues we may not be able to Hot Fix before Dec 13th as Hot Fixes tend to block Patch progress on multiple fronts. Our #1 goal is to resolve the issues and deliver the Dec patch content.

One last update is we will be continuing our tradition of an event-filled holiday Season this year so keep a look out for upcoming announcements for:

    Advent Event Daily Challenges
    The Holiday Bonus Mech Event
    The Holiday Christmas Card Email
    New Years XPerience
    In-Game Sales and MWO Sales on Steam and MWO Store
    MW5 Sales on Various Storefronts

See you on the Battlefield,
The MechWarrior Online Team

Has anyone else having issues joining servers that aren't European regions?


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 889
  • Summer's a bummer, even for Cirno!

