Considering that there is no available data on what the fuel cost would be for dropships going planet side to land or takeoff, I found this information necessary for campaign play that is not just abstract or time based. I needed the fuel cost for such an activity so I can measure the time required for refueling. Older rules for Cargo Transport and its tables for fueling drogues as heavy platforms has been removed from the most current SO:AA, but it is 4 tons a minute(Heavy Cargo Platform) x5 for liquid=20 tons a minute per drogue. In vaccuum x0.75 modifier. Terran gravity x0.20.
Fuel Cost for Takeoff and Landing for Dropships
Taking the tonnage or mass of the unit, divided by safe thrust value as the cost of takeoff for the unit in points on the tactical scale. Landing would be half the cost of takeoff.
[Tonnage/Safethrust=tactical fuel point cost]
Fuel Tables: SO:AA pg 135 TM pg 186
Some examples of takeoff values:
Union at 3,600mass/3 ST=1200; 215 tons of fuelx30=6450 - 1200(18%)=5374(83%) remaining
Leopard 3056 1,900mass/4 st=475; 100x40=4000 - 475 (12%)=3525 (88%) remaining
Mule 2737 11,200mass/3=3733; 319x30=9570 - 3733(39%)=5837(61%) remaining
To find the Alphastrike or Battleforce fuel costs, simply reduce the strategic fuel points by the percentages taken from the tactical calculations. Now you have the costs for takeoff and landing for dropships in Interstellar Operations.
May you have many hydrogen reserves and healthy logistics.