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You need to set Availability Era to Jihad on the MUL, instead of Intro Era.
I think Gavin Marik-Davion is the single most interesting character. What’s his angle? Is he trying to help Julian, or displace him? What resources does he have access to? A lot of mystery there yet to be revealed.

I think Julian and Trillian are both in interesting, tricky situations.  While they may not be personally as interesting (though I *don’t* find Julian to be just a Victor clone as some have said in the past), I am interested to see how they navigate their respective ships of state through the particularly treacherous seas they find themselves in.
If HPGs aren't inviolate, I don't see how they survive outside of heavily defended core worlds.
Off Topic / Re: My running days are over
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 09:13:24 »
I've also seen hand crank cardio machines if walking becomes problematic.
It's good to see data scientists reminding everyone it's about more than just sensors... :)
Thanks!  ...but I don't own them?  I'll keep looking, can somebody give names?
Shogun miniseries (2024) I watched the Richard Chamberlain version a few years back, so the storyline was familiar. This new version has some differences, like moving away from Blackthorne as the main POV, and adding in more of the subtle palace intrigue that was very important to the story. All in all I did like it, though it had some moments that I felt dragged a little. Rating 8/10
Off Topic / Re: My running days are over
« Last post by Triptych on Today at 08:42:41 »
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I've got a swimming pool, but I've been having skin rashes when I swim, probably because of the chlorine. I live in the tropics, so algae build up is a lot if we don't chlorinate the pool daily. I'll probably do more walking for now.
I was poking at Hairedbrain Schemes' website, their blog has been sparse, but they're working on a new demonstrate game system.  However, I remain unsure if they can ever use the Battletech or Shadowrun IPs. Only reason I say that is way they said that Paradox owns the rights to games already out.  However, its not clear if future games of the same IP is still in HBS control / or possible.   
I'm curious how far north you have to be for autumn to be that bad. At least in the notoriously-always-raining-UK (more true in the last couple of years that it's been for a while), it's not been that difficult to find a day to spray/varnish even in winter (at least in the midlands), so it's never been a concern I've had to think about seriously. (Hell, for my Dad (previous to retirement, anyway) wargaming always had emphasis more when he couldn't go out for a bike ride and whatnot in autumn/winter.) Sure, winter I can see if you are in a place where you get regular snow (we don't anymore), so like, Canada and Alaska and such I suppose must have the issue and by extension some of the north US. Scotland maybe? I genuniely am curious.

Depends. I live in Vancouver Canada, and to spray outside, by September the Rains are in (Humidity High) and temps getting low (sometimes around 8-10 C or around 50 F) so to prime outside, I need to run out, spray and run back in
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