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MechWarrior Hall / Re: Word Association 36: SAY WHAT AGAIN!!!
« Last post by Wrangler on Today at 16:12:29 »
Hello OP, if I please may, when is your next planned review post? I'm curious how I may be able to improve the two builds? Or maybe go for more...?
That's not the only use for a Targeting Computer, as they can do Called Shots on locations without Immobilizing the target.

Still, if that was the only reason to have such a device (and it being a bit lighter as a result), it would make sense.
That's not the only use for a Targeting Computer, as they can do Called Shots on locations without Immobilizing the target.

Still, if that was the only reason to have such a device (and it being a bit lighter as a result), it would make sense.

Actually, if you allow SPAs, you don't need to dedicate tonnage at all to get the Called Shot ability.  Maximum Tech had the 'Bull's-eye Marksman' advanced pilot ability which granted the pilot the same ability with some strict restrictions.  (Stationary and can only be done with one weapon and no other weapons fire from the pilot that turn.)

I imagine they ported that over to the current batch of SPAs.  It would give Trueborn pilots something to really set them apart if they're granted one SPA like this as part of their generation at the start of a game.
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: Project Aphrodite
« Last post by Iceweb on Today at 15:48:03 »
Trying to learn a little more science here; What is the benefit of changing Venus' spin? 
I get that it rotates slowly and you would have the Sun heating one side too much and the other side gets too cold once the atmosphere is fixed from a sulfuric greenhouse.  Still that seems easier to solve with the giant solar mirrors than going to the effort of changing the spin. 
Do humans have a problem living on a planet that has such a long year, or was it mission creep of what the Star League teraformers could do so they did it? 

In the same vein they changed Venus from Retrograde to match all the other planets.  Again is there a benefit to humans to not have to live on a planet with retrograde spin, or was this just we got this far do a little more so it matches.   

I wonder if being on a planet that has a Retrograde spin would cause issue with moving onto a space ship/station which was generating gravity by spinning the other direction.  Or if you visited Earth or some other planet. 
I can see the inner ear not being happy about spinning the other way but I have no idea what other problems one could have from adapting to a retrograde spin and then being spun the other way. 

Speaking of that are grav decks on ships/stations standardized to spin one way?  Or does it not matter which direction a grav deck spins for generating artificial gravity?

Speaking of planets spinning we always think of planets spinning on an East/West axis with the poles at top and bottom.  Could there be a planet where the planet rotates North/South with the poles rotating instead of being static?  Has any such planet been mentioned in Battletech?  Could humans live on a planet with that rotation, or would the Star League have to had teraformed it to change the spin for viability? 

Thanks for any answers to help me learn.
Battle Armor / Re: Simpler, Squishier Infantry
« Last post by Daemion on Today at 15:43:29 »
And the Rifle unit.

Have fun.  Enjoy.
Battle Armor / Re: Simpler, Squishier Infantry
« Last post by Daemion on Today at 15:42:52 »
Here you go. Much more legible. 
For anyone who hasn't seen the ad, here it is:
Same here, though the ad they had for it during the Tuesday Newsday steam was amusing. I expected "Jiyi Chistu" to have more syllables, instead of sounding like "geeeeeeeeestu". :)
Looking forward to Without Question next month
If both Formation are in the same hex when movement is concluded, then of course an engagement occurs with the following exception found in the Aerospace combat section on page 177: If an engagement occurs, both Squadrons will maneuver for
advantage. If the defending Squadron in an air-to-air attack has
not yet declared its own attack, it may decide whether it will return
the attack, attempt to move through the zone, or save its action for
an attack against a different target (such as an air-to-ground attack
if the engagement occurs in the Central Zone). If the defender
chooses not to return the attack when an engagement is initiated,
it cannot choose to engage its attacker later in the same turn.

The attack or Maneuvering for Advantage Roll that decides range and flank attacks against the side that fails it can only take place AFTER an Engagement Roll that determined whether an engagement takes place or not.  If a Unit skips out to continue movement but DOESN'T and remains in the hex for whatever reason, then I would say that the initial failure for EngCR is overlooked and the aggressor gets the attack.  If both sides did not commit to hostilities and they remain stuck in the same hex... they can awkwardly stare at each other for an entire turn for all I care--but the rules are clear to me.  Only (see below) Aero must roll when they come into contact with enemy forces in the same zones of the ACS map.  Yet you have the exception in the post above that contradicts the strict phrasing, which should supersede what was earlier written.  For Formations on the ground AND in the air by pg177, the phrasing makes it seem completely optional to even pass on an EngCR roll.

pg.176 for Aero EngCR:If aerospace Squadrons from opposing Forces occupy the same
zone at any time during movement, Engagement Control must be
determined in order to see if combat occurs.
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