Author Topic: (Answered) [AToW] Fully-Degraded Battle Armor  (Read 3899 times)


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(Answered) [AToW] Fully-Degraded Battle Armor
« on: 29 August 2022, 09:33:27 »
When a Battle Armor/PA(L) suit has lost all of its tactical armor (but not the user), and an infantryman fires at them with enough damage to remove one point of tactical armor, which of the following is true?
  • The full standard damage is applied to the suit's wearer without any protection from its BAR, as though the wearer was carrying no armor at all.
  • The standard damage is reduced and divided by BAR, but the resulting tactical damage is applied to the wearer from the first point of damage onwards instead of the second.
  • Any received tactical damage instantly kills the user, same as if a vehicular unit had damaged the last block of "meat" behind the armor.
  • Some other effect.

Rules ref: AToW p. 186-187.
« Last Edit: 23 September 2023, 13:45:59 by Xotl »
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Re: [AToW] Fully-Degraded Battle Armor
« Reply #1 on: 19 June 2023, 23:17:37 »
  • Any received tactical damage instantly kills the user, same as if a vehicular unit had damaged the last block of "meat" behind the armor.

That one.
The solution is just ignore Paul.


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Re: (Answered) [AToW] Fully-Degraded Battle Armor
« Reply #2 on: 18 October 2023, 08:38:58 »
Have to revive this one, since, upon a recent review, there may be an existing rule that potentially contradicts this ruling (certainly in spirit if not necessarily in word). Per AToW p. 211, if a vehicular weapon that damages the last point of meat deals its converts the damage to the attacker as if the trooper were conventional infantry. This creates awkward situations where Elementals can easily survive finishing blows from SRMs and AC/2s, but instantly crumble when finished off by a lucky burst-fire from an auto-rifle.

After some thought, the ruling also conflicts with the given TW-scale rules for BA troopers with Dermal Armor (IO:AE p. 74) and Dead vs. Truly Dead (CO p. 198).

Proposed alternative solution: Each hit to the last point of meat deals 6 BD. This matches the vehicular weapon conversion, hits the 6 BD threshold as a kill when converting between AToW/TW, and as a bonus gives a nice, clean 50% damage increase over an AToWC Operator Hit critical effect.
Poke's Aerospace Academy
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Re: (Answered) [AToW] Fully-Degraded Battle Armor
« Reply #3 on: 23 April 2024, 05:38:53 »
Poke's Aerospace Academy
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