Author Topic: Vehicles and Alpha Strike  (Read 525 times)


  • Major
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Vehicles and Alpha Strike
« on: 11 August 2024, 12:29:55 »
So I’ve played about 10 formal and 20 informal Alpha Strike matches, ranging from 100 PV per side to 1000.  What I’ve never done is used vehicles!

With the Mercs KS, I’m thinking of which of these new vehicle groups to paint first.  What do you all use for vehicles in your AS games?  What do you find effective and what do you find to be the drawbacks?  Help me to figure out which 4-10 vehicles to paint first!


  • Major
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Re: Vehicles and Alpha Strike
« Reply #1 on: 11 August 2024, 15:04:17 »
As with Classic, a lot depends on what the objectives of the scenario are.

In most cases, I've used J. Edgars for speed/scouting, and Pattons for bricks of health to stick in a spot and say, "Try and kill me".

I'm still painting up my Kickstarter haul (bases first with color markings), and I don't know when I'll be making an Alpha Strike list again.

All that being said, I don't see most of their uses any different from what I'd use for Classic.  If I'm not painting by ForcePack, I'd probably go with Warriors and LRM Carriers first.  Warriors are in a good spot to see everyone on the board and spot so your LRM Carriers don't have to expose themselves to fire.

From there, if I'm going to use Infantry (Conventional or Battle Armor), get those Maxims painted so they have a ride.

After that I'd split it between Hover Strikers and Tracked Brawlers/Juggernauts to act as that middling force and fill up holes you might not want to use with Mechs.

Galleons would probably be last, honestly.  The only good thing they can do is cheaply attract fire that might go to something else or slowly plink away at something that ignored it.  They could scout through forest better than anything else on the Ground, but Warriors can do that more efficiently.
Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
Quote from: Megavolt
They called me crazy…they called me insane…THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.

Charistoph's Painted Products of Mechanical Mayhem


  • Major
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Re: Vehicles and Alpha Strike
« Reply #2 on: 12 August 2024, 12:38:40 »
I appreciate your 'order of painting' approach.

Definitely need those Maxims done 1st, and probably some LRM/SRM carriers for fun.  I've never used Warriors but understand the line of site advantages for indirect fire, so will get on those.  I like the look of the new Condors, and hovers seems appealing. 

My brain starts short circuiting, because I've already got 4 mechs on the paint bench, which is about to become 20 more mechs once the KS hits my shelves. 



  • Major
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Re: Vehicles and Alpha Strike
« Reply #3 on: 12 August 2024, 13:59:42 »
My brain starts short circuiting, because I've already got 4 mechs on the paint bench, which is about to become 20 more mechs once the KS hits my shelves. 

I feel you.  Someone gave me a Wolf Dragoons Star right before the KS arrived, and I ordered a pair of Shamash hover Scouts before I got the sending email.  Add on to that a point of Centaurs to add in for Hell's Horses build and Protomech Halo-style Capture the Flag game, and my paint table is swamped.  And I only had a Company pledge.  It would be far worse with anything bigger, and I want to order a pair of planes to use as Mechbusters for the next campaign scenario I'm running!
Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
Quote from: Megavolt
They called me crazy…they called me insane…THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.

Charistoph's Painted Products of Mechanical Mayhem


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Re: Vehicles and Alpha Strike
« Reply #4 on: 05 September 2024, 14:51:18 »
It will take a while before we (EU) see these Force Packs in retail. In the meantime we've been collecting some Dropzone Commander boxes and are in the process of painting up these units. Because the scale is off (10mm) and I couldn't find a really good "equivalent" unit, I've been diving into MekLab and the construction rules. At first we thought adding them to Alpha Strike would be the easiest way to fielding some of them, we ended up creating our own unique Alpha Strike cards! I have to admit that we still have to play a game using these units but I'm planning to let some big VTOLS drop Infantry on the battlefield and bring TAG with units on bikes, and my friend will drop some light vehicles, infantry and tanks. Probably as a few detachments within a small Company sized game. I also have some weird Command hovecraft that I'm planning to load up with all kinds of electronics, and he has a bunch of small mechs that we are going to use as custom light mechs.