Author Topic: Texas class THS Washington: three thousand words and counting?  (Read 1704 times)

Liam's Ghost

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(Backstory later, battleship now!)

Code: [Select]
Texas Battleship THS Washington (2785)
Mass: 1,560,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 2785
Mass: 1,560,000
Battle Value: 139,362
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-F
Cost: 30,345,126,200 C-bills

Fuel: 1,400 tons (3,500)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 7
KF Drive Integrity: 31
Heat Sinks: 2825 (5650)
Structural Integrity: 85

    Nose: 302
    Fore Sides: 392/392
    Aft Sides: 392/392
    Aft: 302

    Bay 1:  Fighter (40)            6 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (16)        2 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (260784.5 tons)   1 Door   

    40 rounds of Killer Whale ammunition (2,000 tons),
    120 rounds of NAC/20 ammunition (48 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 6
Grav Decks: 3 (95 m, 65 m, 55 m)
Escape Pods: 20
Life Boats: 35
Crew:  83 officers, 284 enlisted/non-rated, 130 gunners, 160 bay personnel, 80 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    lithium-fusion battery system
    1 Mobile Hyperpulse Generators (Mobile HPG)
2,647.5 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                                       Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                 Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
FRS/FLS (1,060 Heat)
2 Capital Missile Launcher (Killer Whale)  40   8(80)   8(80)   8(80)    8(80)   Capital Missile
    Killer Whale Ammo (20 shots)
3 Naval Autocannon (NAC/20)                180  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/20 Ammo (60 shots)
12 Naval Laser 45                          840  54(540) 54(540) 54(540) 54(540)  Capital Laser
RBS/LBS (1,680 Heat)
12 Naval Laser 45                          840  54(540) 54(540) 54(540) 54(540)  Capital Laser
12 Naval Laser 45                          840  54(540) 54(540) 54(540) 54(540)  Capital Laser
ARS/ALS (1,680 Heat)
12 Naval Laser 45                          840  54(540) 54(540) 54(540) 54(540)  Capital Laser
12 Naval Laser 45                          840  54(540) 54(540) 54(540) 54(540)  Capital Laser
Code: [Select]

Texas Battleship THS Washington (2900)
Mass: 1,560,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 2900
Mass: 1,560,000
Battle Value: 201,167
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-F
Cost: 31,190,546,000 C-bills

Fuel: 5,000 tons (12,500)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 7
KF Drive Integrity: 31
Heat Sinks: 2825 (5650)
Structural Integrity: 85

    Nose: 431
    Fore Sides: 461/461
    Aft Sides: 461/461
    Aft: 431

    Bay 1:  Fighter (40)            6 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (16)        2 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (207736.0 tons)   1 Door   

    2,880 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (240 tons),
    40 rounds of Killer Whale ammunition (2,000 tons),
    120 rounds of NAC/20 ammunition (48 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 6
Grav Decks: 3 (95 m, 65 m, 55 m)
Escape Pods: 20
Life Boats: 35
Crew:  75 officers, 292 enlisted/non-rated, 82 gunners, 160 bay personnel, 70 passengers, 80 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    lithium-fusion battery system
    1 Mobile Hyperpulse Generators (Mobile HPG)
2,652 tons of lamellor ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                                       Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                 Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (6 Heat)
6 Anti-Missile System                       6   2(18)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (720 shots)
FRS/FLS (1,060 Heat)
2 Capital Missile Launcher (Killer Whale)  40   8(80)   8(80)   8(80)    8(80)   Capital Missile
    Killer Whale Ammo (20 shots)
3 Naval Autocannon (NAC/20)                180  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/20 Ammo (60 shots)
12 Naval Laser 45                          840  54(540) 54(540) 54(540) 54(540)  Capital Laser
RBS/LBS (2,706 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                        900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                        900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                        900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
6 Anti-Missile System                       6   2(18)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (720 shots)
ARS/ALS (2,700 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                        900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                        900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                        900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
Aft (6 Heat)
6 Anti-Missile System                       6   2(18)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (720 shots)
« Last Edit: 14 October 2023, 02:54:18 by Liam's Ghost »
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!


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Re: Texas class THS Washington: Fluff pending?
« Reply #1 on: 12 October 2023, 16:02:05 »
No AMS? ???


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Re: Texas class THS Washington: Fluff pending?
« Reply #2 on: 12 October 2023, 16:34:38 »
No AMS? ???

It has it in the second refit. If this thing is a Texas, remember it must have been built by the Hegemony who didn't really see AMS as all too important.


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Re: Texas class THS Washington: Fluff pending?
« Reply #3 on: 12 October 2023, 18:01:01 »
Ah, I missed that... this ancient netbook is both slow as molasses AND has a tiny screen... :/

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Texas class THS Washington: Fluff pending?
« Reply #4 on: 12 October 2023, 18:35:31 »
Fluff: Part 1!

  THS (originally SLS) Washington was the seventh of the Texas class, laid down at the Kresters Ship Construction yards over Terra in 2630 and entering service in 2632, the Washington's early career was not terribly distinct from the majority of her class mates. Serving primarily as a flagship for various line squadrons based across the Inner Sphere and near periphery, the Washington would be regularly called upon to participate in major operations, but only rarely would she be in a position to directly engage or be engaged by an enemy. While by all accounts a good ship with a consistently capable crew and leadership, The Washington was best known in the public consciousness for serving as the setting (in the form of a computer generated model) of the 28th century animated series Spirit of Victory. This at times absurd comic fantasy space opera would portray the Washington under the command of Willemina Augustine Lee, the reincarnation of early twentieth century American admiral Willis Augustus Lee in the form of a teenage girl, battling a thinly veiled rendition of the Draconis Combine. Though gorgeously animated and for the most part a genuinely entertaining story, Spirit of Victory only earned notoriety outside the Terran regions of Japan and North America due to its politically charged themes and fairly overt anti-Combine bias, which led to protests to the Terran Hegemony from the Combine over the content of the first season. Though the Hegemony would stop short of attempting to shut down the series, a prohibition was placed on any depictions based on actual SLDF personnel, institutions, or equipment, which effectively killed development of a second season. Willemina Lee, or at least her character model in her distinctive uniform, would later appear as an easter egg in later seasons of the long running series Legends of the Stars and its spinoff Legends of the Fringe.
  Back in the real world, over a century of relatively sedate service would come to a catastrophic end starting with the Periphery Uprising. Operating as flagship of a division of the 193rd Line squadron under the command of Commodore Warren Stoddard and the flag of Admiral Elias Cooper, May of 2765 found the Washington and a small group of escorts securing the space in the Laconis system when they came under attack by a small group of converted freighters. Normally, small civilian dropships would pose little threat to force of Star League WarShips, but they immediately opened the engagement with sustained volley of over a dozen nuclear tipped capital missiles at a range of several thousand kilometers. While Washington herself would successfully evade the attacks, the destroyers Woodward and Rice would each be hit. The Woodward would only be moderately damaged by a glancing impact, but the two half kiloton warheads which struck the Rice would manage to punch deep into the ship's hull, breaking the destroyer's spine when they detonated, killing 87 of the ship's 240 crew. Return fire from the squadron's own missile systems scored some small measure of revenge, destroying two of the three retreating attackers, but Admiral Cooper, the force commander, would forbid pursuit of the final ship, fearing the risk of another nuclear attack at close range.
  These sort of harrassing attacks using converted merchant dropships or small WarShips would become a regular fixture of the periphery uprising, though it was much more common to see only a handful of nuclear warheads mixed in with larger numbers of conventional munitions in any given attack. These strikes would take a small, but telling toll on the SLDF fleet as the conflict continued. Dozens of capital WarShips and hundreds of other vessels would be damaged in these attacks, and at least eight WarShips would suffer the same fate as the Rice. Counter strikes against suspected bases would see large, heavily armed, well protected WarShips like the Washington and her sisters take the lead, smashing through fixed defenses and eliminating most resistance converted merchant craft while fast cruisers and corvettes intercepted rebels which attempted to flee. This was exhausting, nerve wracking work, often requiring long burns at high acceleration punctuated by brief, violent actions against fanatics which fought like cornered animals. Even if a hastily armed merchant vessel or a small corvette had no chance of surviving an exchange with a Texas class battleship, there was always the risk of a sudden close range nuclear strike, a suicidal ram, or some other last ditch attempt to take their enemy with them. Somehow worse were those handful of times when the Washington found herself facing former friends, such as in late 2766, when she was assigned to a task force organized to hunt down and eliminating the renegade Cameron class battlecruiser Temeraire, locating the rebels at a small base in an uninhabited system seven light years from Hyalite.
  Citing their speed advantage and all evidence that the Temeraire did not appear to have a charged jump drive, Commodore Stoddard and another captain argued for a conservative distant attack, using their four battleships to box in the renegade battlecruiser, but maintaining the range, and allowing their overwhelming superiority in aerospace fighters to do most of the work, or even force the opportunity for a negotiated surrender. Admiral Cooper, having moved his flag to the McKenna class Peter the Great, disagreed, however, believing that their advantage was unassailable and that a full close range assault by every gun under their command would quickly destroy the battlecruiser before it could have any chance to quick charge and escape.
  The plan set, the task force descended on the Temeraire, which had barely been able to throw off moorings and get under way before being surrounded by the task force. In a last ditch effort to make a break for it, the Temeraire turned towards the smallest ship in the formation, the Washington, and charged with all the thrust its drive could muster even as every ship in the task force opened fire. Even as the Temeraire began to disintegrate under the horrific pounding it was enduring, it was able to swing its bow starboard just enough to deliver a devastating close range broadside into the Washington. Against a fresh Texas class battleship, this would have caused substantial, but not critical damage, but the Washington had already spent a year fighting hundreds of battles against Taurian rebels, and even with fresh armor plating over her worst war wounds, she still bore the scars from conventional weapons, suicidal ramming attacks from small craft, and even a few tactical nuclear weapon hits. Under the Temeraire's fire, weakened structural members collapsed even as armor plates held, much abused computers and support systems went down, and power went out through most of the ship as the power distribution system failed and the main reactors scrammed. While the shattered remains of the Temeraire drifted past, the Washington spun out of control and dark, effectively just as dead. 
  To his credit, Admiral Cooper immediately tasked the Peter the Great to rescue and recovery operations, dispatching rescue craft to stabilize the Washington's trajectory and provide other assistance while the remaining ships in the task force quickly secured the rebel base. Within a few hours, the Peter the Great had the Washington under tow and was providing electrical power to maintain the ship's life support and aid in repairs. Over the next two days, the Washington was able to restore partial main power and shore up compromised structures to get back underway. Three weeks later, she would successfully rendezvous with the yardship Chatham for more extensive repairs, rendering her fit to make the long trip back to Terra for a full reconstruction and refit. Barely a day after receiving orders to do just that, Commodore Stoddard would receive a second set of orders countermanding the first and ordering the Washington to remain on standby.
  The Amaris Coup had begun.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Texas class THS Washington: Fluff pending?
« Reply #5 on: 12 October 2023, 18:53:22 »
Ooooh.  I’m liking it so far.  As for the design, I always liked the Texas as the laser boat to the McKenna’s PPC boat, but I’m withholding final judgement till I know more.
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Re: Texas class THS Washington: Fluff pending?
« Reply #6 on: 12 October 2023, 19:13:11 »
Excellent fluff (as usual) good sir! :)

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Texas class THS Washington: Fluff pending?
« Reply #7 on: 14 October 2023, 00:15:26 »
Part two. How did a simple rundown of a ship's history turn into a three part epic? Why do I do this to myself?!?

  The news in early February of Amaris' overthrow of the Terran Hegemony sent shockwaves through the entirety of the SLDF, and the crew of the Washington and her temporary home the YardShip Chatham were no exception. But this shock would quickly be replaced with unyielding resolve. Within a day, the crew of the Washington and the workmen of the Chatham were back to work, patching up whatever they could to try to bring the ship back into some resemblance of fighting trim. In those first few months, there was no thought of getting the Washington to a shipyard for a proper repair. The shipyards of the Hegemony were already lost, and comparable facilities in the Great Houses were still an unknown quantity. In those uncertain early days, it wasn't entirely certain that the SLDF could even pay its own personnel, much less contract major repairs or refits with what might now be considered foreign powers. For the time being, it was necessary to drain stocks of replacement components, repair what could be repaired and bypass what could be bypassed, and most importantly of all, get the Washington back into service in order to free up the Chatham and other vital repair and maintenance assets for the next critical case.
  The Washington would return to nominal service at the start of March, though running repairs would continue well into June as the battleship rejoined 19th Fleet on the long march to the Rim Worlds Republic. Fortunately, the battered Washington was not called upon to fight in the hilariously one sided contest that was the Rim Worlds campaign, instead primarily serving in rear areas as a mobile supply base before finally being taken off the line and sent to the recently occupied and reactivated Camelot Command facility for an abbreviated, but desperately needed overhaul. Now deemed reasonably fit for service, the Washington would spend the remainder of her tour in the Rim Worlds as flagship of naval forces assigned to the Finmark Province, under the flag of now Admiral Stoddard, where she would provide command, logistical, and occasionally gunfire support to units deployed in the province. The sort of pinprick attacks experienced by the ship during the Taurian uprising would reoccur in this duty station, but with the greater part of the Rim Worlds content with, or at the very least grudgingly accepting SLDF occupation, these attacks were few, far between, and easily dealt with.
  When the occupation of the Rim Worlds came to an end, the Washington would bid goodbye to Admiral Stoddard to take up a new assignment in Eighth fleet as part of the 81st Line Squadron. If there had been any hope that the relatively peaceful times seen during the Rim Worlds campaign would somehow continue, they were immediately dashed as Washington joined the assault on Lone Star at the beginning of Operation Chieftain. While Washington herself would be only lightly damaged in the first brutal engagement at the zenith point, the combined force of some seventy capital WarShips would loose more than a third of their number against the sixty two capital drones and numerous smaller forces they faced. This scene would play out again as the task force (with reinforcements) made the burn into system and was intercepted by a second force of sixty Caspar drones. Again, larger units such as the Washington were largely ignored in favor of concentrating on escorts and transport craft, destroying over a quarter of the forces' ground troops before they had even reached the planetary surface. The third and final defensive line of some forty capital drones waited in distant orbit of Lone Star itself, and after over three days of skirmishing to try to thin out the defenses, the Star League fleet once again engaged in pitched battle with the Lonestar SDS system. The prior engagements had badly depleted the Star League Task Force's fleet screen, and this time the attacking drones bulled through what remained to preferentially target command elements in the first wave. Though she was not a primary target in the early part of the engagement, the Washington would still absorb considerable punishment as she maneuvered to protect Admiral Nnanami's flagship, the Quéribus, from a massed attack. Unfortunately, the efforts of the Washington and other nearby Star League ships would not be enough to prevent the loss of Admiral Nnanami or his flagship, and after a very brief bout of confusion through the lines, command passed to Admiral Giersson aboard the battleship Sovereign Right, and the fleet regained cohesion and gradually managed to eliminate remaining naval resistance. The focus of the campaign would then shift to the landings and the subsequent ground battle. And while the ground war proved at least somewhat less hazardous for the fleet, it was no less brutal. For two months, Washington and other WarShips in the fleet would be called upon to suppress critical ground targets with precision orbital fire, often finding themselves dueling ground based SDS batteries or swatting down suicidal attacks by small groups of remaining Rim Worlds aerospace craft as they systematically moved from target to target. Once this grim task was completed and the SLDF could claim air and orbital superiority, Washington was detached back to the zenith point to, coincidentally, once again meet up with the YardShip Chatham to patch up her accumulated damage in preparation for the next operation. In this respect, many of the crew were grateful not only for the brief respite, but because they did not have to directly witness the next sixteen months of bloody fighting, which saw the Republicans enact a scorched earth campaign which saw the liberal use of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons against the world and its civilian population.
  Washington would see further action at New Dallas, Dieron, Lockdale, and Pollux as the march towards Terra continued, and even with the installation of a project NIKE jammer after the battle of New Home, she would continue to face fierce resistance, particularly as SDS drones began to preferentially target ships so equipped. A grim cycle of pitched battles followed by hurried repairs would become almost routine for the Washington and her crew through 2775 and into January of 2776, when heavy damage at Pollux and the exhaustion of her crew led to the Washington once again being pulled out for extensive repairs and refit. This time, Washington would remain out of service for the rest of 2776, only finally returning to the fleet barely in time to join operation Liberation.
  The invasion of the Terran system would see Washington assigned to the outer defensive shell of Admiral Brandt's Nadir fleet, where she would handle repeated harassing and pinprick attacks in good order through the majority of the run in system. In the last twelve hours of the deceleration stage, however, the fleet was attacked en mass by over sixty Caspars and hundreds of smaller drones, determined to punch straight through the outer defenses of the Nadir fleet to get at the transports at the center. Washington, unable to freely maneuver for fear of opening a hole in the defensive shell, would be subjected first to a wave of smaller M3 and Voidseeker drones, with many of the smaller fighter drones angling to collide with the massive Star League battleship. Just as the interlocking fire of the Washington and its fellow screening ships and escorts were struggling to cut down the vast numbers of targets before them, the Caspar drones struck the line. In the Washington's sector, six Caspar drones crashed headlong into the screening forces, each barely pausing to deliver a single withering broadside into the Washington and the other ships in the formation before continuing deeper into the layered defenses of the Nadir fleet. The guns of the Washington and her fellow WarShips spoke in return, managing to devastate the much more lightly protected drones, but a terrible toll was being extracted as numerous drones threw themselves without fear or human limitations at the concentric shells of WarShips standing between them and the vulnerable transports of the invasion fleet. The carefully guarded formation of Nadir fleet began to warp, then crumble in some sectors, and many warships found themselves caught up in a chaotic melee which lasted for hours as the tactics on both sides became more extreme, or desperate.
  Four hours into the engagement, Washington had been savaged, with full forty percent of her compartments torn open to space and over half of her weapon mounts destroyed or otherwise nonfunctional. In any sane engagement, the primary goal of her commander would be to withdraw his ship from action, but instead the Washington found herself still holding her sector of the line against a fresh wave of drones. As multiple squadrons of M3 drones closed in on her, the tired, battered battleship struggled to bring her remaining guns to bear. Though her gunners exacted a toll on this wave, they failed to prevent one of the M3s from colliding with the dorsal hull just ahead of the main engines. Main propulsion rapidly failed, and many of the remaining airtight compartments in that section were opened to the vacuum of space. The Washington drifted out of line, her attackers moving on to push deeper into the defenses of the Star League fleet. The Washington was no longer a part of the grand battle swirling around her, but the internal battle of saving the ship would continue for hours more as the crew fought the fires, conducted search and rescue operations, and struggled to restore some functionality to the battered ship's systems. By the time Washington was able to get underway again, the last of the drones battling the Nadir fleet had been destroyed. Washington had survived the final gauntlet of the run to Terra, barely, but over ninety WarShips in the Nadir fleet, as well as over a hundred more in the Zenith fleet, had not.
  Upon receiving report of the Washington's status, Admiral Brandt ordered her to the center of the formation alongside the transports of many of the fleet's most damaged ships. After other operations cleared out the last Rim Worlds naval forces in the Terran system, the order was given to the worst damaged of the fleet, Washington among them, to rendezvous with repair ships in the outer system. Upon once again meeting up with the Yardship Chatham, evaluations of the Washington's condition deemed her too badly damaged to be considered a priority compared to the many many ships that could be quickly and effectively returned to service. She was instead moved to a parking orbit and left in the care of a small caretaker crew until such time as yard space became available.
  While the rest of the SLDF would fight against Amaris for almost another two years, Washington's war was effectively over.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!


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Re: Texas class THS Washington: three thousand words and counting?
« Reply #8 on: 14 October 2023, 06:33:03 »
Nicely done! :)


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Re: Texas class THS Washington: three thousand words and counting?
« Reply #9 on: 16 October 2023, 09:41:46 »
Interesting, what AU is this going be in or this just stand alone ship saga?  This is Really cool.
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Liam's Ghost

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Re: Texas class THS Washington: three thousand words and counting?
« Reply #10 on: 17 October 2023, 03:49:35 »
Part three of... wait... part three of four?

  As the last of the Rim Worlds holdouts fell one by one and the guns began to fall silent across the Hegemony, the SLDF now faced its next challenge, surviving the peace. The conflict had left the Terran Hegemony devastated, and any notion of Star League unity teetering on the edge of collapse. For the navy, the hundreds of ships that had been lost in the conflict seemed to fade into the background compared to the more immediate concern of the hundreds that remained in desperate need of overhaul and maintenance. With few funds that could be spared from the massive reconstruction efforts underway across the Hegemony, and virtually no tax revenue coming in from beyond the Hegemony's borders, the SLDF found itself engaged in a brutal sort of triage, sifting through their shattered fleet and selecting on those ships which were both still in reasonably decent condition and which the Star League could afford to continue to operate in its reduced circumstances. Out of the roughly seven hundred capital WarShips reported as still in operable condition at the time of the final victory on Terra, barely more than four hundred would be retained in service. Hundreds of other ships which had already been evaluated as non-operable but recoverable were not even given the courtesy of a second look, regardless of their performance during the campaign or the sentiments of their crews. When the scrap value of hundreds of WarShip hulls might be all that keeps the Navy afloat for a few years, sentiment is a luxury.
  The Washington was one of the many, many ships consigned to the breakers. While the initial surveys following her participation in the invasion of Terra had found that the ship's jump core and primary structural frames remained sound, repairs to restore her to full operation were expected to conservatively take a full year at the least, and that was assuming yard space and the necessary materials could be obtained in the shattered post-war Hegemony. Rather than expend the effort where the time and scarce resources could be better spent restoring less badly damaged ships, Washington was instead towed to the Titan yards and slated for disposal.
  But once at Titan, the same shortfalls that had condemned the Washington actually conspired to keep her alive for just a bit longer. In the Terran system alone, many hundreds of capital WarShip hulls, not just SLDF hulks, but once active ships now deemed surplus to requirements, recovered Caspars, and even some former Rim Worlds vessels, were now being accumulated in vast scrapyards near the various remaining naval bases, each waiting their turn to be broken up, a glacially long process which required each hulk to be inspected, then stripped of any materials or equipment that might still be of use on other ships of the fleet. This process would be dragged out even further due to work stoppages and corruption. Without diverging into a massive tangent of the economic downfall of the Terran hegemony, suffice it to say that dockworkers employed in the massive undertaking of mothballing or scrapping half of the SLDF's remaining capital ship fleet were generally not receiving wages commensurate to their work, and further had reason to fear that the wages they were receiving may at any point suddenly become worthless. This led to a booming illegal trade in the very materials and equipment that were now being pulled from those ships scheduled for breaking up, with critical electronics, systems, even allegedly entire hulls somehow finding their way out of Terran shipyards and into the hands of foreign powers. The SLDF's attempts to stamp out this corruption and track where every bit from every ship was actually going delayed the process even more.
  By 2782, over two years after the Washington had been condemned to the breakers, she remained in a parking orbit near Titan among dozens of other condemned capital ships. Aside from some components scavenged to aid in repairs of the seven Texas class battleships selected to remain as part of the fleet, she was largely in the same state she had been when the war had ended. Technically operable, but in no way able to function as a WarShip. But she was a very large WarShip, and if you patched up the holes a bit could carry a very large amount of cargo. Most important of all, she was available. So while the Morgan Commission was in the process hovering up a small armada of demilitarized Potemkins to form the first major refugee colony to the Bastion, they grabbed the Washington as well, moving the entire lot to Bandon Station for a very abbreviated refit into massive transport ships. In the case of Washington, this consisted primarily of plating over the many compartments that had been opened to vacuum during her last battle of the Amaris War and installing modular living quarters and life support systems for some twenty thousand passengers into the ship's cavernous cargo holds. A simple enough sounding task, but one that still took a year of work before engineers were confident that the work was good enough to withstand the long journey ahead of them. As the work was finishing up and Washington's new population of thirty thousand refugees began settling in, the ship herself would play host to that final, fateful meeting between the leaders of the Morgan Commission and General Kerensky in November of 2783. Though Kerensky would depart the system peacefully after talks broke down, the Morgan Commission accelerated preparations to depart. Instead of taking time to train up sufficient hands, the Washington and the rest of the refugee convoy would have to leave with the barest of skeleton crews, hoping to train up additional personnel from the refugee population as they traveled. Instead of an actual escort of WarShips pulled from the Black Fleet, the first wave of the Washington, forty virtually unarmed and woefully undermanned Potemkins, and a handful of smaller jumpships would have to travel on their own, with additional ships following as they were gradually made ready at Bandon Station.
  The arduous journey of the refugee fleet to the Bastion is worthy of a deep dive all its own, but suffice it to say that after many many months of hardship, boredom, unrest, and numerous mechanical failures, the fleet and its five million refugees would successfully arrive within the safety of the Bastion. While the majority of the fleet would almost immediately be placed into reserve, news of the final and potentially disastrous meeting with General Kerensky had spread like wildfire. As the entire Bastion sprung to life in a mad frenzy to prepare a defense capable of repelling the might of the entire Star League Defense Force, eyes could not help but to turn towards the Washington, an actual Battleship with a proven war record, but unfortunately currently more a floating collection of patchwork and defects than an actual combat ship.
  And restoring her to operation would not be easy. The sole drydock able to accommodate such a massive ship took the form of THS Maury Island, the Bastion's sole Newgrange class yardship. Like the Chatham which had played host to the Washington so many times in the past, the Maury Island was not equipped to perform the sort of in depth repairs the Washington required to be restored to operation. Further, the Bastion currently wasn't producing many of the weapons or the advanced armor plating the Washington was designed to use, meaning any repair would also require at least some extensive redesign. Finally, the Bastion was planning out and beginning to lay down an entire navy. The construction of civilian ships would completely cease as the entire naval indsutry of the Bastion was gearing up for war, and the need to arm eventually hundreds of smaller capital ships left serious doubts that, even if workable plans could be devised, that there would be enough spare capacity to arm an additional Battleship.
  In the end, the Bastion's Admiralty, having so recently gone from three full flag rank officers to twelve, authorized the refit of the Washington to go ahead, at least provisionally and the tired old battleship would dock with the Maury Island at the end of 2784. The first item on the agenda was to strip away the hasty conversion done at Bandon Station, and the years of patchwork repairs and jury rigging underneath to establish what needed to be and could be fixed. Tinkering could not be avoided, and in this case would prove beneficial to the many ships that would come later. So much of the Washington's hundred and fifty year old systems had either already failed or were on the edge of failure that it proved economical to simply rip out the main computers, the entire command deck, and the control systems running throughout the ship, replacing them with newer systems which actually served to drastically reduce the number of crew necessary to properly man and operate such a large ship. The tricks and methods devised to facilitate these upgrades would later be used to make similar refits to many of the Black Fleet ships, which were only now starting to arrive in the Bastion in small groups carrying still more refugees.
  Restoration of the Washington's primary systems and inner hull took roughly a year to complete, and by this time the Maury Island had gained two more companions in the form of the Potemkins Kiev and Kharkov semi-permanently docked with her, and providing additional storage and work space as well as quarters for the many many additional workers committed to the rebuild. Also by this time the Bastion had launched dozens of brand new small capital ships, and had managed to gather a fleet of some seventy larg(ish) combatants from the Black Fleet stockpile, with more ships still trickling in. Included in this growing fleet were ten Monsoon class Battleships (and two "technically" battleships, the Dreadnought class Bellerophon and the Du Shi Wang class Zhuge Liang). With such a fleet at the Bastion's disposal, there was some pushback from the Senate at continuing work on the Washington. The argument for this was fairly simple. Given the amount of work the Washington still required, it was expected that her rebuild would require another year. Many in the senate and a few supporters in the still rapidly expanding Admiralty insisted that these resources and the Maury Island could be better used on a much less ambitious program to upgrade the armor protection and control systems of the newly acquired Monsoon class ships. Opponents to this recommendation in turn argued that the Monsoons and the other Black Fleet ships, even if they were given a shiny new coat of armor, were still only a temporary measure, as none of them had been built with the Bastion's existing industries in mind. Eventually, they would either need to undergo the same extensive refit that the Washington was already undergoing, or they would eventually be useless as munitions and spare components ran out.
  Arguments on either side, reasonable or unreasonable, seemed to have no sway over the debate in the Senate, as this was really only a sideshow to a much larger, complicated, and acrimonious debate only tangentially related to the specific fate of the Washington or her unexpected competitors. Fortunately, unlike many a political game, the Washington's refit was not actually meaningfully affected. While the smaller ships from the Black Fleet cache began upgrades almost immediately (primarily due to continued delays laying down the first of the Agincourt class), the Washington retained her priority, with upgrades to the ships which required the use of the Maury Island bumped back to after she was completed. And so, work continued, and the Washington's new outline began to take shape.
  The ship that would emerge from the Maury Island at the end of 2786 was functionally recognizable as the same Texas class battleship she was when she first entered service, but at the same time Washington (now formally designated as THS Washington, a grim reminder that the Star League she had once been built to serve as now long gone) was clearly a reflection of the importance her new home placed in her. In addition to the improvements to her machinery and control systems which reduced her required complement by roughly a quarter, the Washington was one of the few WarShips in the new Bastion fleet to carry a permanently installed HPG and a lithium fusion battery. While this would become standard equipment on all Hegemony Warships in a little over a decade, in this case it was a clear sign of the Washington's intended role as both the flagship of the growing fleet and its fire brigade, able to respond quickly from across a star system if needs be. The ship's armament also reflected the navy she was now a part of. With no tooling to produce the heavy naval PPCs or the massive Winchester Boeing guns, the designers looked at the massive twelve barrel capital laser mounts originally carried as a secondary armament and said "yes, more of that please". A staggering ten mounts, mounted five to a side and totaling one hundred and twenty barrels, made up the refitted Washington's primary firepower, while a triple mount of the reliable Whirlwind/Imperator naval cannon on each cheek provided additional punch at close range. Finally, while the AR10 launchers of the original design were omitted, the refit retained the twin launchers for the Killer Whale missile system covering each forward quarter (notable in that the rest of the modern Bastion fleet had standardized on the smaller and more accurate Barracuda system). As the flagship of the fleet, the Washington was also intended to fully use her hangar decks and six docking collars, and she would be assigned some of the first Lee class fleet escorts to enter service along with two full aerofighter wings.

send help, it just keeps going...
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!


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Re: Texas class THS Washington: three thousand words and counting?
« Reply #11 on: 17 October 2023, 17:30:55 »
The Bastion got the Billy Ruffian!  AWESOME! :)

Seriously... TPTB missed an opportunity with the ship that delivered Amaris' remains with that one... ;)

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Texas class THS Washington: three thousand words and counting?
« Reply #12 on: 20 October 2023, 16:17:13 »
Four of... five? I thought I could finish it up with this one, but then I got into a tangent about fleet problems

  Washington's first assignment as part of the fleet was as the command ship of the Aggressor Force in Fleet Problem One, the first large scale exercise conducted by the Bastion's new navy. In this exercise, Washington, twenty capital ships from the Black Fleet cache, and roughly a hundred dropships simulated a major SLDF assault against Martin's Landing, opposed by a similar sized fleet of new Dickin and Hunt class ships and their own supporting dropships. For the purposes of the exercise, the SDS system was treated as having been successfully suborned and shut down, leaving only the manned fleet available to respond. While critics would say that this exercise was clearly slanted in favor of the Aggressor Force, and their decisive victory was therefore a foregone conclusion, it none the less revealed many many severe problems still facing the fleet. The most appalling of these was the shear rate of mechanical failures aboard the brand new WarShips in the fleet, with the majority of losses among the Defending Forces primarily caused by ships simply breaking down under the strain of high tempo operations rather than the actions of the Aggressor Force. The fact that such problems did not occur to nearly the same degree among the ships of the Aggressor Force indicated that the primary fault was not poor training in maintenance and damage control procedures (though this was a factor) but poor quality controls in the shipyards that had built (and were still building) these ships in the first place.
  Magnifying the mechanical issues in the fleet was the simple lack of basic competency seen at nearly every level among the fleet's personnel. The relatively small number of actually trained and experienced naval personnel available to the Bastion had been stretched beyond their limits trying to train the vast numbers of crew and officers that would be needed for the new fleet, and even a thin seasoning of experienced veteran spacers recruited from civilian service would struggle to turn the many thousands of untrained, inexperienced recruits they were now responsible for into a cohesive fighting force in the time allotted. Under political pressure to assemble a large manned navy from virtually nothing right now, the Admiralty had been forced to adopt a quantity over quality philosophy, and the results had been disastrous, from commanders on down to ordinary spacers.
  The Washington was almost a bright spot in the universally dark picture that had developed from Fleet Problem One. Though the Washington's crew was just as painfully green as the opponents she had faced, and she suffered some of the same mechanical breakdowns seen on the newest ships in the fleet, her command staff, led by Admiral Jessica Dwyer, proved exceptional, able to make the best of a bad situation and act as the strong anchor to the Aggressor Force. It was through these efforts alone that the Aggressor Force's ultimate victory in Fleet Problem One could be attributed to their actual performance, rather than simply stumbling into it through raw firepower.
  As the recriminations began in the halls of power after the disastrous conclusion of Fleet Problem One, Admiral Dwyer received the unenviable task of trying to correct the training and leadership problems facing the navy. Though the Senate and many a politically minded admiral would demand immediate results and criticize any failures to magically spin a cohesive navy out of nothing, Admiral Dwyer understood that the problems they faced were systematic and would take time to rectify.
  Fleet Problem Two, which would occupy the next two years of the Washington's service life, would therefore not be a single massive exercise, but would encompass numerous smaller scale actions aimed at creating the building blocks of a functioning naval doctrine and tradition, rather than the broadly defined wishful thinking that had previously dictated navy procedure. As much or even more so concerned with dissecting the results of an exercise to see what worked and what didn't as it was with actually conducting simulated combat, these exercises gradually allowed the officers in the fleet to develop a degree of basic competency at their jobs, while constantly rotating the most experienced personnel among the many ships in the fleet to train the many green crews that remained allowed crew performance to gradually rise. For her part, Washington would earn the nickname "Holy Terror" for her use primarily as an aggressor and "final boss" in many exercises, a reputation made all the more fearsome by the excellent gunnery standards set by the ship's gun crews. By the end of Fleet Problem Two, the Bastion Fleet hosted a large collection of capable ships and flotillas, but it still wasn't a navy.
  Fleet Problem Three, running a year starting six months after the conclusion of Fleet Problem Two, was intended to address this deficiency. Actually a series of exercises much like Fleet Problem Two, these focused on operations among larger groups of ships, including divisions or full squadrons of capital ships on either side, as well as training alongside unmanned SDS units. In these exercises, Washington had fewer opportunities to live up to her nickname. Instead she resumed her role as a fleet flagship, often behind a line of escorts, and in many scenarios simply breaking through that screen to get close enough to attack her was deemed a defeat for her side, regardless of whether the Washington could have easily dealt with the attacker or not.
  Fleet Problem Three ended with an expanded recreation of Fleet Problem One, this time involving over fifty capital ships and a commensurately enormous number of smaller ships on either side. This exercise began with the Aggressor Fleet, once again led by Washington and otherwise composed entirely of Black Fleet ships, arriving at the Zenith Point and beginning their burn insystem, shadowed by two picket flotillas which wisely chose not to engage. Simulated missile exchanges dominated much of the run into the system, resulting in the loss of two of the defending picket ships but no significant damage to the Aggressor Force. Several waves of fast dropships and smaller capital ships would make repeated slashing attacks at the Aggressor Force's formations, trading five corvettes, a light destroyer, and two dozen assault ships for four capital ships and a dozen dropships among the Aggressor Force. The primary battle line of the Defending force was composed of eighteen simulated Agincourt class cruisers, of which twelve were actually black fleet Nagas cosplaying to make up the numbers, and a handful of picket squadrons, and was arrayed to intercept the Aggressor Force's main line roughly two days out from planetary orbit.
  Unfortunately for the defenders, the Aggressor force spilt, with Washington, Bellerophon, Zhuge Liang, and a dozen Riga class frigates breaking off from the main force on a plot which projected a wider, faster approach that would ultimately loop around the planet. This was a catastrophic problem for the Defending force, as their own course and velocity, as well as the lower thrust capability of the Agincourt class, meant that any parts of the main battle line broken off to intercept this second force would not be able to manage more than a single pass before the Washington's force made orbit, allowing them to conduct orbital strike missions with impunity and withdraw before the defenders own heavier capital ships would be able to respond. Worse yet, detaching ships from their main battle line would leave the Defending Force weakened when they engaged the enemy's main line, which despite detaching the Washington and her "Fast Force" still possessed considerable firepower. In desperation the Defending Force commander ordered his picket flotillas and dropship screen to detach and intercept the Aggressors' Fast Force, though the umpires observing the exercise would issue a ruling countermanding the commander's order to initiate simulated ramming attacks.
  The exercise would thus conclude with two separate engagements, both of which resulted in hard fought, but decisive victories for the Aggressor Force. The engagement between the main forces saw eight capital ships lost among the Aggressor force in exchange for all eighteen ships of the Defender's main battle line. The fast force engagement closer to orbit in turn saw five ships among the Aggressor force lost in exchange for twenty small capital ships and a projected casualty count from simulated orbital bombardment in the tens of millions. In addition to these losses, each side reported dozens of dropships and hundreds of aerospace fighters as declared losses.
  The lesson taken from this exercise was that the Defending Force had failed to fully grasp the realities of the engagement and the capabilities of their own ships. The success of a distant intercept of the Aggressor Fleet was entirely contingent on that fleet remaining in a single formation, and thus tied to its slowest ships. Once the Fast Force had broken away from the Aggressors, the Agincourt class cruisers (and Naga class stand-ins) in the main battle line did not have the acceleration capability to respond. Stripping away lighter faster elements from the main fleet to interdict the Fast Force likewise proved insufficient to stop the Fast Force, and also critically weakened the main battle line when confronted with the main body of the Aggressor fleet, which still retained its fleet screen. While the Agincourt was praised for the shear firepower it brought to the battle, when outnumbered two to one in capital ships, over three to one in fighter protection, and with no dropship screen at all, their defeat was a foregone conclusion. After the end of Fleet Problem Three, new doctrines were issued dictating that the main battle line of the Bastion fleet be held closer to planetary orbit, where the relative speed of each side would necessarily be slower, and thus make countering enemy movements easier. Another recommendation emphasized how important the SDS system and the Caspars still were to the defense of the Bastion. While the Senate and the public still agitated for the decommissioning of the SDS network, the Admiralty could not help but acknowledge that if SDS forces had been active in the final exercise, the outcome of the engagement could have been very different. Even just a small force of Caspar Drones attached to the Defense Force would have added an additional, more mobile force of powerful WarShips that could have responded to the Fast Force and at the very least inflicted significantly more damage than the tiny Hunt and Dickin class ships which had to be tasked to the job. The Admiralty thus declared that if the Caspars were to be retired, then the navy would need a mobile heavy unit to replace them. This would directly lead to the program which saw the conversion of several M5 drones to the Eidolon class of manned destroyers, and would also be a major inspiration in the eventual development of the Impetuous class of cruisers that would eventually become the backbone of the fleet.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Texas class THS Washington: three thousand words and counting?
« Reply #13 on: 21 October 2023, 21:52:29 »
It... it's done?
  Following Fleet Problem Three, naval exercises took on a more restrained tempo. The frantic, months or even years long fleetwide exercises were replaced with smaller individual or flotilla scale exercise arranged and planned by squadron commanders, and larger scale exercises were increasingly conducted using pure simulation. Large scale Fleet Problems were still carried out bi-annually, but the focus of such exercises was narrowed down to a single scenario played out over hours or a few days, where the act of simply relocating the necessary ships to the chosen exercise area might take longer than the actual exercise.
  In the meanwhile, Washington would add a new duty to the long list already on her plate, Deep patrol. Whether the Bastion's government had acknowledged that they could not simply take the security of their isolation for granted or whether some of the Senate's more radical members were becoming frantic to prove that Kerensky and the SLDF were indeed still a threat is... subject to debate, but by 2795 the decision had been made to conduct deep range scouting, really exploration, missions of the surrounding space. This in itself presented a problem. The Admiralty wasn't about to send out defenseless jumpships on such potentially hazardous missions, however the modern WarShips the Bastion operated were designed exclusively in accordance with their "coast defense" doctrine and were actually incapable of the sort of long range operations required. Sending along supply tenders in the form of transports was one option to overcome this weakness, but once again the vulnerability of such vessels ruled it out. Even with escort, a single lucky enemy could leave an expedition stranded far from home without the supplies necessary to make the return trip. Using a ship from the black fleet was another option discussed. After all, these vessels had originally been chosen for their carrying capacity, but once again this ran into entirely foreseeable problems. These vessels were old, and none of them had received any particularly extensive refits. As the years passed, they were proving increasingly expensive to run and maintain, and were actually in the process of going into long term storage as new ships took their place in the fleet.
  This left the Washington. Her virtual rebuild at the start of her career with the Bastion, and the infrastructure and manufacturing capability established to achieve it, meant there was no shortage of components or knowledge necessary to keep her in operation, and she certainly had both the cargo capacity to supply a small task force far from home territory and the ability to defend herself. While some in the civilian government balked at the idea of commiting the Flagship of the fleet to long term duty far away from that very fleet it was supposed to lead, the Admiralty rightly pointed out that the Washington's status as flagship was largely ceremonial. With faster than light communications, any ship, station, or shore installation with the proper facilities could, and did, just as effectively function as a "flagship", and the Bastion had many options available in that regard.
  Washington would thus depart on the first of what would become many deep range patrols in 2796, in the company of four Hunt class destroyers which would serve both as escorts and the primary survey ships due to their superior sensor capacity. During the first four months of this expedition, this flotilla would conduct surveys of over a dozen potentially habitable star systems and identify three active colonies before reaching the borders of the Auxumite Providence, which they would passively observe for the next three months before beginning the trek home, managing to catalogue an additional eighteen stars on the way. Though this first survey failed to locate either Kerensky or any other significant threats to the Bastion, it did establish that the Bastion was not as alone as they might have hoped in this region of space. Thus, after completing her scheduled overhaul and participating in Fleet Problem Four, Washington would be sent out again at the end of 2798, ironically causing her to miss out completely on the Madsden incursion, when half a dozen ramshackle ships bearing SLDF and Rim Worlds markings actually managed to stumble into Bastion space and the entirely unwelcoming arms of the fleet, resulting in three ships captured and three destroyed trying to flee. Upon returning from her deep patrol, Washington would be immediately tasked with mounting a response to the incursion. Using the navigation data recovered from the Madsden fleet, Washington led a strike force composed of a picket flotilla, two brand new Imperator class cruisers, and a small ground contingent to the pirate's home base, some two hundred light years from the borders of the Free Worlds League. What little opposition there was, consisting of less than a hundred pirates with only a handful of mechs and aerofighters, was very quickly eliminated and the entire civilian population, numbering some fifteen hundred malnourished and badly mistreated souls who had lived functionally as slaves under pirate rule, were uprooted and loaded into temporary quarters installed in the Washington's hold, along with everything that could be recovered from the settlement. The settlement was then obliterated by orbital fire to cover their tracks and the task force returned to the Bastion. Though there was a degree of friction initially between those civilians rescued from the Madsden pirates and the Bastion's population, they would quickly acclimate to their new home, forming what is today seen as little more than a curious subculture and semi-distinct linguistic group.
  The Washington would be joined in her deep patrol duties by the rebuilt and recommissioned frigates Talinin and Vilnius by 2800, allowing the flagship of the fleet to spend more of her time between refits fulfilling that title in a practical rather than ceremonial sense. Given her sentimental and practical value to the fleet and the Bastion as a whole, the Washington would avoid being retired during the cutbacks of 2825, though a planned reconstruction which would update her armor and weapon systems was cancelled, and like the rest of the remaining fleet she would only spend roughly a third of her time in active duty, spending the rest either in ordinary or undergoing refit. Through the rest of the twenty ninth century she would split her active duty time fairly evenly between deep patrol and the home fleet. These duties would involve some degree of actual live combat, as this period saw a brief spate of incursions into the Bastion's territory, almost always individual ships carrying pirates or treasure hunters chasing vague rumors of wealthy worlds hidden in the periphery. In response to these incursions, the Washington and her usual supporting force of light destroyers would be sent all the way to the anti-spinward periphery, "appropriating" ships flying the flags of the Marian Hegemony, Circinus Federation, and certain smaller groups identified as pirates in an attempt to more directly trace the sources of these rumors. These efforts, combined with less violent actions conducted by intelligence units either sent into the periphery or already present in the Inner Sphere, seemed to suggest the source of the rumors was the Star League Ministry of Communications, or, as they were now known in the Inner Sphere, Comstar. While action against Comstar was debated, ultimately it was determined that these rumors did not constitute an immediate threat, a decision vindicated as the incursions gradually tapered off, then stopped completely, with the last recorded incursion taking place in 2851.
  Washington would go into drydock for an extensive refit in mid 2899, as part of a general modernization effort being undertaken throughout the fleet. This refit would see the majority of her naval lasers removed and replaced with a battery of forty eight of the same heavy naval PPCs used as the primary battery of the Impetuous class. This new gun battery resulted in an overall improvement to the ship's firepower and allowed the crew to be trimmed down by almost fifty personnel, but it tended to tax the Washington's existing power distribution system, and the heavy naval ppcs, though legitimately good weapons, were not quite as effective as dual purpose guns as the twelve barreled laser mounts that they had replaced. These minor quibbles were largely made up for by the installation of lamellor ferro carbide armor, which significantly improved the ship's protection, and the installation of the same active anti-missile system seen on the Impetuous class. The point defense system was something that multiple successive commanders had been begging for ever since Fleet Problem Seven, when it was demonstrated that ships which depended on escorts for missile defense were particularly vulnerable to close range strikes by fighters, which could simply launch their nuclear payloads too close to the target ship for their escorts to react.
  Washington would re-enter service in 2900, alongside the first long range Adventurous class cruisers. Though originally intended to replace the Talinin and Vilnius, they would also take over for the Washington in deep range patrol operations, due to the lower crewing requirements of their smaller crews, and Washington would instead spend the entirety of her active duty with the home fleet. Despite her fairly recent upgrades, the decision to bring the fleet down to a total strength of three hundred ships (with only one hundred in active operation in peacetime), led to Washington being placed into "permanent ordinary" in 2925. This unique status dictated that the Washington be kept in a state of readiness, as opposed to mothballed or museum status, but separate from the rest of the main fleet, which was regularly rotated from active duty to refit, to ordinary (or active reserve) status. While in permanent Ordinary, Washington was officially inactive as a combat ship, but continued to serve as a training station and administrative hub until 3032. In this year she would be fully reactivated, largely for ceremonial purposes, to commemorate the four hundredth anniversary of her commissioning. As a part of the festivities, which were expected to end with the Washington designated a museum ship, she was fitted out for one final deep patrol, which was expected to be a leisurely and uneventful operation taking the ship and her escorts to a patrol area roughly two hundred lightyears from Bastion space.
  Instead, only ninety light years from Bastion territory, the Washington was discovered by the Comstar Explorer Service ship Ptolemy, and operating under standing orders, the Washington was forced to destroy the Ptolemy to prevent its escape. Data recovered from the wreckage and interviews with survivors seemed to indicate Comstar's interest in potentially locating the Bastion, and the extremely creative intractability of some of those same survivors seemed to indicate that allowing this to happen would be a very bad thing.
  The argument over what to do with this information would rage through the senate and the admiralty well into 3036. Obviously it could not be assumed that Comstar would simply give up after having one of their ships disappear. Equally obvious was that the Bastion could not simply eliminate Comstar the way they might a precocious pirate group. Despite possessing and trading information with longtime allies in Sol's asteroid belt, the Bastion actually knew precious little beyond surface level information about what this current incarnation of the Ministry of Communications was like or was capable of, and simply requesting more information on Comstar from the belt and waiting for a reply would take years, even assuming that the Bastion's allies on Metis already had the deepest darkest secrets of Comstar on hand and didn't have to do any investigating.
  So while desperate requests for information went out on the next ships bound for the Sol Belt, the debate in the highest circles of power raged on. Some in the senate demanded a massive and immediate buildup of the Bastion's defenses, claiming that this time the invasion was truly inevitable. Their opposition described this as another Kerensky panic, insisting that Comstar most likely lacked the will or the ability to pose a significant threat to the Bastion. Still others urged for the most difficult choice of all, patience. To wait and see and give the Bastion's agents and allies time to actually determine what they might be up against.
  The debates in the senate saw much in the way of arguing and little actual action, however the immediate shock of the threat did lead the Admiralty to grant the Washington a reprieve, restoring her both to the active fleet and to her role as flagship. Though this was originally a temporary decision, Washington would retain this status for another two decades, seeing not only the debates over Comstar peter away to nothing, but also the outrage which gripped the senate when word of the Clan invasion reached the Bastion, the senate's barely averted reckless declaration of war, and the unrest and Blue Revolution which followed. The new, more egalitarian senate which took power in the aftermath would struggle to find its footing, however, and economic recession and corresponding budget cuts to the military would force the Admiralty to drastically cut back on the number of active ships. Unfortunately the Washington was not only the largest and most expensive to operate ship in the fleet, but the ancient battlewagon was for many a symbol of the very old guard that had just been swept out of power, a relic past her prime kept around for tradition. Calls to "Let her rest" flooded the Admiralty's offices, and whether bowing to public pressure or simply acknowledging that there wasn't money in the budget to maintain her, Washington was placed back into permanent ordinary in 3055, where despite the economic recovery of the Bastion and increases to naval funding, she remains to this day.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Texas class THS Washington: three thousand words and counting?
« Reply #14 on: 21 October 2023, 21:57:16 »
Final count: 9519 words, 12 and 1/3 plain text pages.

I dare someone to make a bigger and more unwieldy TRO entry!
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!


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Re: Texas class THS Washington: three thousand words and counting?
« Reply #15 on: 22 October 2023, 07:34:01 »
I'd be ok with bigger, but we need to do something about the "unwieldy" part... ;D


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Re: Texas class THS Washington: three thousand words and counting?
« Reply #16 on: 22 October 2023, 10:06:54 »
Great bio for her! :smilie_happy_thumbup:
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Texas class THS Washington: three thousand words and counting?
« Reply #17 on: 22 October 2023, 10:16:07 »
I dare someone to make a bigger and more unwieldy TRO entry!

Challenge Accepted.


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Re: Texas class THS Washington: three thousand words and counting?
« Reply #18 on: 22 October 2023, 10:44:32 »
Nice novelette Liam...

When's II : The Jihad ilClan Edition coming out?

« Last Edit: 22 October 2023, 10:47:37 by truetanker »
Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: Texas class THS Washington: three thousand words and counting?
« Reply #19 on: 21 November 2023, 14:30:06 »
So how much of the Washington is ready to engage..  WOB
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

