Author Topic: Armored Bricks - holding the line at an affordable cost  (Read 494 times)


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 113
The units here are designed to either be used defensively in a cover rich area or to be a distraction fixing the enemies attention upon them while flankers move into position. ICE Engines were chosen for ease of maintenance and lower cost.

Linebacker Medium Tank- 50 ton tank with the max armor for frame. Meant to be a brick that holds and survives. Has an AC-10 with four tons ammo 2:1:1 ratio precision, AP, and flak. Flak can be replaced as this unit has an AA twin. 3/5 MP
Code: [Select]
Linebacker Medium Tank Export

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 150 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 1,046,250 C-bills

Type: Linebacker
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 829

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        150 ICE                11
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  215                  13.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         52   
     R/L Side               5/5      43/43   
     Rear                    5         34   
     Turret                  5         43   

and Ammo                        Location    Tonnage   
AC/10                            Turret       12.0   
Armor-Piercing AC/10 Ammo (5)     Body        1.0     
CASE                              Body        0.5     
Flak AC/10 Ammo (10)              Body        1.0     
Precision AC/10 Ammo (10)         Body        2.0     
Linebacker Fuel Cell Engine- Replaces ICE with Fuel Cell engine speed goes up to 4/6 but cost goes up almost 50 percent. Gains a vehicular grenade launcher.
Code: [Select]
Linebacker Medium Tank Export FC Engine

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 200 Fuel Cell
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Vehicular Grenade Launcher
     1 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 1,573,750 C-bills

Type: Linebacker
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 871

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        200 Fuel Cell        10.5
Cruising MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks:                   1                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  215                  13.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         52   
     R/L Side               5/5      43/43   
     Rear                    5         34   
     Turret                  5         43   

and Ammo                        Location    Tonnage   
Vehicular Grenade Launcher       Front        0.5     
AC/10                            Turret       12.0   
Armor-Piercing AC/10 Ammo (5)     Body        1.0     
CASE                              Body        0.5     
Flak AC/10 Ammo (10)              Body        1.0     
Precision AC/10 Ammo (10)         Body        2.0     
Hedgetrimmer AA- The twin of the Linebacker is the same in every way except armament. Instead of an AC-10 it mounts dual AC-2 with two tons of flak and one of flechette to protect against aircraft and infantry.
Code: [Select]
Hedgetrimmer Medium Tank Export

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 150 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     2 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 822,750 C-bills

Type: Hedgetrimmer
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 740

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        150 ICE                11
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  215                  13.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         52   
     R/L Side               5/5      43/43   
     Rear                    5         34   
     Turret                  5         43   

and Ammo                   Location    Tonnage   
2 AC/2                      Turret       12.0   
CASE                         Body        0.5     
Flechette AC/2 Ammo (45)     Body        1.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (135)         Body        3.0     
Hedgetrimmer Fuel Cell- Same idea as the linebacker fuel cell similar percentage increase in cost and also gains a vehicular grenade launcher.
Code: [Select]
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Vehicular Grenade Launcher
     2 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 1,350,250 C-bills

Type: Hedgetrimmer
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 771

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        200 Fuel Cell        10.5
Cruising MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks:                   1                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  215                  13.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         52   
     R/L Side               5/5      43/43   
     Rear                    5         34   
     Turret                  5         43   

and Ammo                     Location    Tonnage   
Vehicular Grenade Launcher    Front        0.5     
2 AC/2                        Turret       12.0   
CASE                           Body        0.5     
Flechette AC/2 Ammo (45)       Body        1.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (135)           Body        3.0     
Paladin Heavy Tank- Serves the same role as the linebacker and has the same speed. Also has an AC-10 though with more ammo and supported by a pair of light machine guns. Around 50 percent more armor has three vehicular grenade launchers and a shell firing anti missile system forward. Fulfills the same role as the linebacker better but has just under double the cost. For those with extra money. Still costs on the lower end compared to mechs and can go toe to toe favorable with anything in its price range.
Code: [Select]
Paladin Heavy Tank Export

Mass: 75 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 225 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     2 Light Machine Gun
     3 Vehicular Grenade Launcher
     1 Anti-Missile System
     1 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 1,988,000 C-bills

Type: Paladin
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 75
Battle Value: 1,233

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  7.5
Engine                        225 ICE                20
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  4.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  302                    19

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   8         74   
     R/L Side               8/8      60/60   
     Rear                    8         48   
     Turret                  8         60   

and Ammo                        Location    Tonnage   
Vehicular Grenade Launcher        Rear        0.5     
Vehicular Grenade Launcher        Left        0.5     
Anti-Missile System              Front        0.5     
Vehicular Grenade Launcher       Right        0.5     
AC/10                            Turret       12.0   
2 Light Machine Gun              Turret       1.0     
Light Machine Gun Ammo (100)      Body        0.5     
Armor-Piercing AC/10 Ammo (5)     Body        1.0     
CASE                              Body        0.5     
Flak AC/10 Ammo (20)              Body        2.0     
Anti-Missile System Ammo (12)     Body        1.0     
Precision AC/10 Ammo (15)         Body        3.0     
Paladin Fuel Cell- Not a very economical design compared to the Linebacker and Hedgetrimmer Fuel Cell only added for completeness. To fit the fuel cell and gain one more MP ferro fibrous armor and the removal of one ton of ammo was nessesary. Aditionaly the cost increased by 85 percent for a small amount more you could have two ICE paladins for the cost of a Fuel Cell Paladin.
Code: [Select]
Paladin Heavy Tank Export FC Engine

Mass: 75 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 300 Fuel Cell
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous
     2 Light Machine Gun
     3 Vehicular Grenade Launcher
     1 Anti-Missile System
     1 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 3,580,063 C-bills

Type: Paladin
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 75
Battle Value: 1,253

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  7.5
Engine                        300 Fuel Cell          23
Cruising MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks:                   1                       0
Control Equipment:                                  4.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor (Ferro)          302                    17

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   8         74   
     R/L Side               8/8      60/60   
     Rear                    8         48   
     Turret                  8         60   

and Ammo                        Location    Tonnage   
Vehicular Grenade Launcher        Rear        0.5     
Vehicular Grenade Launcher        Left        0.5     
Anti-Missile System              Front        0.5     
Vehicular Grenade Launcher       Right        0.5     
AC/10                            Turret       12.0   
2 Light Machine Gun              Turret       1.0     
Light Machine Gun Ammo (100)      Body        0.5     
Armor-Piercing AC/10 Ammo (5)     Body        1.0     
CASE                              Body        0.5     
Flak AC/10 Ammo (10)              Body        1.0     
Anti-Missile System Ammo (12)     Body        1.0     
Precision AC/10 Ammo (15)         Body        3.0     


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Armored Bricks - holding the line at an affordable cost
« Reply #1 on: 12 April 2024, 19:00:27 »
Not bad, but a general tip: your armor should always strive to be a multiple of 5 plus 1 when combined with your IS.  Most hits are going to come in multiples of 5, so you want to be able to absorb as many of those as possible without being destroyed. :)


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 1943
Re: Armored Bricks - holding the line at an affordable cost
« Reply #2 on: 13 April 2024, 00:41:45 »
It is also fine to have a multiple of 5 on the armor points only, if you can afford enough armor point to delay the time to have an internal hit, but it is nothing wrong to also consider this too if you can spare some few points. For the light vehicles that rarely have the privilige have to also consider the internal as well.

A hit on its internal may cause the bad effect and some of these may results the unit to be destroyed outright, but nonetheless it's far better than simply destroyed without a chance for survival, and the chance to be destroyed is not that high although you do have the high chance to suffer a penalty if you had a hit on your internal.

Worth noting that a vehicle is destroyed as soon as any of its part's internal is gone, unlike the mech that is gone when its center torso is destroyed and all the other destroyed parts does not automatically makes the mech destroyed outright - unless it's head, for almost all mechs are have its cockpit on head, or the mech have the bigger engine is losts the internal contains the engine and destroyed by engine destroyed result. That's the reason why the above says the sum of armor+internal should be a multiple of 5 plus 1. If any one of the parts is reduced to 0 it is destroyed immediately, so protect all the parts would be crucial for its survival. At least you can keep stay hidden your rear, but the opponent will see the other parts anyways unless your tank have a trench of its own and only expose its turret.

Consider only a point of difference could make the real difference, it's indeed worth noting. Although there are the other weapons such as LB-X, SRM or the others that have the damage value that is not the multiple of 5, but anyway it is true that majority, if not vast majority, of weapons does.


Besides, will a grenade launcher does counts for the weapon for the weapon destroyed critical hits table?
« Last Edit: 13 April 2024, 00:43:17 by PuppyLikesLaserPointers »


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 1943
Re: Armored Bricks - holding the line at an affordable cost
« Reply #4 on: 14 April 2024, 03:38:54 »
It does count, it is a weapon slot after all

That's a good news then, so it could be a possible protection for the engine too.


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 113
Re: Armored Bricks - holding the line at an affordable cost
« Reply #5 on: 14 April 2024, 03:46:18 »
Thats why i put the grenade launchers around to take a crit. Thats also why Part of why I put two machine guns in the turret so that someone with ap ammo or luck has a lower chance of taking out the main gun. Also for infantry though.

By the way I've heard that flak works well on infantry is that true. If so then it would make sense to replace the flechette on the hedgetrimmer with ap and go for golden bb’s with ap instead.