TechManual 6th - p 315
Any unit in the battle force equipped with TAG, Light TAG or a
C3 Master Computer adds BV equal to the BV of each ton of semiguided
LRM ammunition carried in the force (use the ammo BV
for the appropriate-size LRM launcher). Units whose only such
piece of equipment is rear-mounted add half the BV instead.
Question : How i should calculate Battle Value for a unit with two or more TAGs ?
Example: Naginata NG-C3B (1943 BV) has two C3 Master Computer and 1t of semi-guided ammunition (17 BV each) .
Solution 1 : 1943 + 17 = 1960 BV [number of TAGs doesn't matter]
Solution 2 : 1943 + 17 * 2 = 1977 BV [for every TAG]
Which one is right ?