Author Topic: Total Warfare - 17 September 2023 (v11.01)  (Read 66242 times)


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Re: Total Warfare - 27 July 2020 (v6.1)
« Reply #60 on: 16 August 2020, 23:54:13 »
Total Warfare errata document 6.1

Error:Text Duplication

The proposed errata:
Damage [example text] (p. 207)
Replace the fifth paragraph with the following:
“If, on the other hand, the Support Vehicle were struck by an AC/5 using armor-piercing rounds, it would be forced to
make a critical hit check regardless of its BAR (see Armor-Piercing Ammunition, p. 206). If it had a BAR of less than 10, the
vehicle would add a +2 modifier to this check.

Duplicates the text already found in the fourth paragraph of the corrected 6th printing of Total Warfare:
A tracked Support Vehicle with an Armored Chassis
modification and a BAR of 7, with 12 armor points per side,
takes a hit from a large laser to its front side (Hit Location
Roll result of 7). Because the laser’s 8 points of damage
exceeds the Support Vehicle’s BAR, a penetrating critical
hit has occurred, even though 4 points of armor remain in
the front.

Because the Support Vehicle has an Armored Chassis
modification, however, the roll for the penetrating critical
is modified by –1. When the attacker rolls for the critical,
his result of 6 becomes a 5, narrowly saving the unit from
a possible critical hit.

In a later turn, the same Support Vehicle takes a second
large laser hit to its front, in this case from a Hit Location
Roll result of 2. The laser causes a penetrating critical hit, has
breached the armor, and has struck a location that gives the
attacker an additional possible critical hit. The attacker rolls
three times for critical hit effects, modifying only the first
roll—the one for penetrating critical hits—by –1.

If, on the other hand, the Support Vehicle were struck by
an AC/5 using armor-piercing rounds, it would be forced to
make a critical hit check regardless of its BAR (see ArmorPiercing Ammunition, p. 206). If it had a BAR of less than 10,
the vehicle would add a +2 modifier to this check.

If, on the other hand, the Support Vehicle were struck by
an AC/5 using armor-piercing rounds, the vehicle would be
treated as if it had a BAR of 4 (7 / 2 = 3.5, rounding up to
4) rather than 7 for purposes of determining penetrating
critical hits. Both hits might do critical damage because the
autocannon’s damage points exceed the unit’s effective BAR,
even though together the two autocannon hits would only
eliminate 10 of the Support Vehicle’s 12 armor points

Replace the 5th paragraph with a different example or eliminate it entirely.


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Re: Total Warfare - 27 July 2020 (v6.1)
« Reply #61 on: 10 December 2020, 23:43:41 »
All comments and page numbers are for the PDF corrected 6th printing, except page numbers noted for the errata document itself. Some errors are according to the fact that "Entries new to v6.1 are marked with a (1), and can also be found in the New Additions section. All entries not so marked were corrected in the sixth printing." - any such unmarked entries not actually corrected in the PDF corrected 6th printing are noted.

The below notes have been cross-checked against the new 7th corrected printing and v7.0 errata document. Any that were corrected have been removed.

Grammar error:
Page 21, under Protomechs, first paragraph, second sentence currently reads "The pilot rides in a small compartment in the upper chest of the the torso contains the engine, weapons and motive systems." Not sure what the correct sentence(s) should be, but this is clearly incorrect.

Total Warfare Errata v7.0, page 3 notes that under Movement Direction, p. 49, under "Backward Movement", third paragraph "VTOL/WiGE Vehicles and submarines," should be changed to "VTOL Vehicles,". The actual text in the PDF corrected 7th printing is "VTOL Vehicles and submarines," so presumably one of these is incorrect - possibly it is the errata document, as the sentence also mentions units expending UMU MP.

Total Warfare Errata v7.0, page 4 notes that under Jumping, p. 53, under "Water", at the end of the entry a new paragraph should be inserted, but this paragraph is missing.

Change not recorded in errata?
Total Warfare, page 81, under Crashes, after the first sentence, the sentence "If the unit was Out of Control when the crash happened and is a DropShip or larger craft, it is destroyed." seems to have been inserted without being noted in the Errata document. This could be added to the immediately following addition in the same section, "If the unit had no velocity when it crashed, use a value of 2 for the velocity when calculating damage.", which is noted in the Errata document.

Possible issue:
A question involving contradictory rules on whether aerodyne DropShips and small craft can make vertical landings in atmosphere has been removed and posted in the rules question forum instead. Once a ruling has been determined, this will require further errata regardless of the overall ruling, but the nature of the changes will vary depending on the ruling.

Possible issue:
A question involving aerospace unit facing changes on the low-altitude map or ground map has been posted in the rules question forum. This question may end up requiring errata once answered, but that will have to wait until a ruling has been determined.

Total Warfare Errata v7.0, page 10 notes that under Failed Braking Maneuver Table, p. 87, third effect, second sentence, "the landing gear is destroyed" should be changed to "the landing gear is damaged". In the PDF corrected 7th printing, this text has not been changed as specified.

Total Warfare Errata v7.0, page 10 notes that under Liftoff, p. 88, second paragraph, second sentence, "A unit cannot lift off if it has a Safe Thrust of 2 or less." should be changed to "A unit must spend 2 Thrust Points to lift off." However, in the PDF corrected 7th printing, this sentence appears to be simply missing, rather than altered as specified.

Total Warfare Errata v7.0, page 13 notes that under Ammunition Expenditure, p. 104, "Infantry" paragraph, the text should be changed to "Infantry units and vehicles mounting Conventional Infantry Weapons do not need to keep track of ammunition, with the exception of certain battle armor missile attacks (see Battle Armor Attacks, p. 217)." In the PDF corrected 7th printing, this text has not been changed as specified (only infantry units are mentioned, not vehicles).

Total Warfare Errata v7.0, page 13 notes that under Non-Aerospace Units Attacking Airborne Aerospace Units, p. 107, the entry should be replaced with a new version. This has been implemented in the PDF corrected 7th printing (now located on p. 109 of said PDF due to the rearrangement of the Firing Weapons section), but it contains an error - the final sentence reads "If the attacking unit lies within the airborne aerospace unit’s flightpath, the base range to the target is considered to be 1 hex, plus 2 hexes for each altitude level the aerospace unit is operating at." The italicized text is incorrect and should be removed, although the v7.0 errata document is correct.

Possible error:
Total Warfare Errata v7.0, page 24 notes that under Infernos, p. 141, under "Infantry", the sentence "In neither case is this modified by terrain or infantry type." should be inserted after the first sentence. In the PDF corrected 7th printing, this paragraph has been rearranged, and the sentence has actually been inserted twice - once after the first sentence of the new, rearranged paragraph, and once at the end of the paragraph, which I assume is the correct location (as it places it with the text it was aligned with when applying the errata to the first printing). The first instance of this sentence in the paragraph should be deleted, unless this was intentional.

On Total Warfare Errata v7.0, page 31, the note on changes to the Infantry Damage From Attacks Inside Buildings Table, p. 175 does not seem to match the text in the corrected 7th printing. Presumably one of these is incorrect, although the version in the PDF corrected 7th printing seems reasonable, so I suspect the errata document is incorrect.

Total Warfare Errata v7.0, page 33 notes several changes to text under Frenzy, p. 187. However, out of 3 changes noted, only the 2nd change appears to have been implemented, and the 3rd change as noted in the errata document does not seem fully correct in any case (the text in the PDF corrected 7th printing seems more reasonable).

Total Warfare Errata v7.0, page 42 notes several changes to text under Dismounting, p. 225. However, the second change involves the "MP Reduction" section, which appears to have simply been removed rather than altered as specified in the PDF corrected 7th printing.

Total Warfare Errata v7.0, page 50 notes several changes to text under Hidden Units, p. 259. The text described in the errata document differs fairly significantly from the text actually present in the PDF corrected 7th printing; presumably one of these is incorrect, although it is plausibly the errata document.

The VTOL Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table (p. 309) still contains an instance of "Weapon Jam" that should be changed to "Weapon Malfunction" (Rear column, result on a 7).

The Building Movement Modifier Table (p. 310) is completely missing its headers.

The Air-To-Ground Attack Modifier Table (p. 312) appears to have had extraneous text ("an additional 8 hexes directly forward.") introduced into its second footnote.

The Landing Modifiers Table (p. 312), first subtable, fourth line has not been changed to "+1 per point of Velocity above 2" as specified in the errata (p53).
« Last Edit: 24 April 2021, 23:58:16 by ArcFurnace »


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Re: Total Warfare - 27 July 2020 (v6.1)
« Reply #62 on: 11 December 2020, 07:48:47 »
TW 6th Printing, PDF version


p. 6, Credits still list Brent Evans as BT Line Developer - replace with current BTLD

pp. 8-13, Introduction, most of the links are wrong or lead to dead/wrong sites:

pp. 8, 11, 13
battlecorps. com - should be replaced with and link to

pp. 9, 10, 13 - dead link: links to, site does not exist anymore

p. 11 - 2x, one is a not clickable link, the other one links to, again this site doesn't exist anymore

p. 13 - links to, both links don't work

p. 13 links to


p. 226
since dismounting infantry does not cost any MP anymore, remove the Infantry Dismounting Table

Xotl: The introduction has been heavily rewritten in the seventh printing to deal with stuff like the above.
« Last Edit: 11 December 2020, 13:07:03 by Xotl »
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Re: Total Warfare - 27 July 2020 (v6.1)
« Reply #63 on: 16 December 2020, 21:08:49 »
Corrected Sixth Printing (Fifth Printing by CGL), pdf version (with an exception explained in point 4.)

1. No clear page number, since the problem is a rule missing from TW.

Problem: As far as I can tell unlike BMM (p. 18) and AGoAC rulebook (p. 11) TW doesn't have any rules which say that an abandoned 'Mech or a 'Mech that lost all four of its limbs (except for Quads, for which the issue is covered on p. 122 TW under "Four destroyed legs" bullet point) are considered Immobile. The case of abandoned 'Mechs is not a problem, since an abandoned unit is pretty much destroyed as far as TW is concerned, but the biped 'Mechs that lost all of their limbs is.

Recommendation: State explicitly somewhere in TW, that any 'Mech tat lost all of its limbs is considered Immobile. A good places to put this rule seems to be in or next to the Leg Destruction section on p. 122 and/or in or next to Firing at Immobile Targets section on p. 110, which seems like a natural place for a full list of conditions under which any kinds of targets (including units, hexes and buildings) covered in TW are considered immobile.

2. p. 227, Falling and Dropping Prone

[...] follow the same rules found under Falling/Dropping Prone, p. 222, in the Swarm Attacks section.
maybe change to:
[...] follow the same rules found under Falling/Dropping Prone, p. 224.

(The change should make finding relevant rules faster, since the reader doesn't need the entire Swarm Attacks section here, just the Falling/Dropping Prone subsection which is on p. 224.)

3. pp. 167-179, 185-187, 213-229, 301, right margins of odd-numbered pages only.

A number of similar minor formatting issues - the Ground Movement title is printed incorrectly - too far to the right on pp. 167-179, 185-187, too far up on pp. 213-229, with too dark lines around the letters on p. 301. I can also confirm that is is not just some software problem with the pdf file or the program I'm using to display pdf-s since the issue is also present in the Third and Fifth Printings of the physical book.

4. An issue with the errata document (version 6.1).

While researching a problem with HAG rules for BMM I've noticed a disparity between my sixth edition PDF and my third edition physical book that requires a change to the following entry in the errata document:
Hyper-Assault Gauss Rifle (p. 136)
2) After the “Flak” header in the second column, add the following new paragraph:
    Targeting Computer: This weapon can use a targeting computer when making attacks, except when using the Flak weapon effect or for aimed shots (see Targeting Computer, p. 143).
The entry needs to be labeled "This ruling has changed from previous errata versions.", because p. 136 of the third printing of the book contains a paragraph about interaction between Hyper-Assault Gauss Rifles and Targeting Computers, which says that you can't use TCs while making aimed shots with HAGs, but doesn't mention anything about Flak attacks.

5. p. 263, Mapsheet Tables

Problem: The list of products in which the maps listed in the Mapsheet Tables can be found are badly outdated (it goes from Map Set 1 to HexPack: Cities and Roads).

Recommendation: Add additional product codes for the maps re-published (or about to be re-published) in HexPack: Mountains and Canyons and products afterwards. Consider adding new maps to the tables. For example maybe some of the more TW-friendly maps from the Battle of Tukayyid and/or Alien Worlds MapPacks could get their own table(s)?

Edit by Alfaryn on 18th of December 2020: I've removed a point in this post that I realized was erroneous and added a couple new ones. Sorry if I'd confused anyone who read this post before the edit.

Edit by Alfaryn on 28th of January 2021: added items number 4 and 5 to the list.
« Last Edit: 29 January 2021, 20:36:57 by Alfaryn »


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Re: Total Warfare - 27 July 2020 (v6.1)
« Reply #64 on: 29 January 2021, 17:20:50 »
Corrected fifth printing, pdf

Page 113, Pulse Weapons
--Recommend changing the passage's text to that of the BattleMech Manual (getting rid of references to a -2 to-hit modifier, as certain "P" weapons give -1 or -3 to-hit modifiers instead.)
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Re: Total Warfare - 27 July 2020 (v6.1)
« Reply #65 on: 17 February 2021, 10:56:26 »
Corrected Sixth Printing. Fifth Printing by Catalyst Game Labs, pdf

pp. 266-269

Problem: Random 'Mech Assignment Tables direct readers to TROs that have been long out of print. At the same time a lot of these 'Mechs were featured in newer TROs (Succession Wars, Clan Invasion, etc.)

Recommendation: Add the relevant new TROs to the list of Technical Readouts in the fifth paragraph of the Assigning 'Mechs section on p. 266 and annotations pointing to these TROs next to to appropriate 'Mechs in tables on pp. 267-269.

Xotl: This is being corrected for the upcoming seventh printing.
« Last Edit: 18 February 2021, 00:07:07 by Xotl »


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Re: Total Warfare - 27 July 2020 (v6.1)
« Reply #66 on: 25 March 2021, 10:03:16 »
Corrected Sixth Printing. Fifth Printing by Catalyst Game Labs, pdf

Pp. 60 and 306, Piloting Skill Roll Table, footnote 7.

Add an additional +1 modifier if unit is charging or being charged (in addition to the +2 modifier normally required in that situation).
change to:
Add an additional +1 modifier if unit is charging or being (in addition to the +2 modifier normally required in that situation).

You may also consider adding an information that a unit displaced into a building hex automatically fails the PSR to avoid damage because of it. Best place to put it would be either in footnote 7, or in Building Movement the table itself.

Years ago TW displacement rules (p. 151 TW) have been changed in such a way, that a unit displaced into a building (including as a result of a charge) takes damage as if it voluntarily moved into it and failed its Piloting/Driving Skill Roll to avoid it. BMM displacement rules (p. 55 BMM) say the same.
« Last Edit: 25 March 2021, 10:14:51 by Alfaryn »


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Re: Total Warfare - 23 April 2021 (v7.0)
« Reply #67 on: 23 April 2021, 18:36:17 »
The 7th printing errata is now live on the website, matching the new PDF release out today.

Some of the last few posts above were not corrected, as there was the usual lengthy lead time between finalizing the errata and new printing and it actually arriving.  They will be noted for a possible 8th printing.
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Re: Total Warfare - 23 April 2021 (v7.0)
« Reply #68 on: 25 April 2021, 00:00:05 »
Updated my big post above for the v7.0 errata / 7th corrected printing.


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Re: Total Warfare - 23 April 2021 (v7.0)
« Reply #69 on: 25 April 2021, 01:22:18 »
Corrected Seventh Printing. Sixth Printing by Catalyst Game Labs, pdf

P. 51, Movement Dice box

PROBLEM: The box mentions Sprinting rules without mentioning that they are not found in TW, which may be confusing to players who haven't read TO/TO:AR or at least BMM.

(if using the optional Sprinting rules,
change to:
(if using the optional Sprinting rules found in Tactical Operations: Advanced Rules rulebook,

P. 109, Minimum Range Modifier (GATOR) section title

PROBLEM: Minor formatting issue. Unlike all other highlighted letters in the "GATOR" acronyms in section titles on pp. 106-109, the "R" in this section title is black, not blue.

SOLUTION: Change color of the 'R' letter in the section title to blue matching the 'R' in "Range Modifier (GATOR)" section title on the same page.
« Last Edit: 26 April 2021, 06:33:04 by Alfaryn »


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Re: Total Warfare - 23 April 2021 (v7.0)
« Reply #70 on: 04 May 2021, 09:20:13 »
7th Printing pdf, Pg 9:

Problem: "Or players can use Alpha Strike, the fast-playing rules designed for the modern wargammer".

Solution: obliterate superfluous M

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Re: Total Warfare - 6 May 2021 (v8.0)
« Reply #71 on: 06 May 2021, 14:00:39 »
So, even though we just got a 7th printing, today we sent off files for the 8th printing.  It's still some months away (because of printing and shipping times), but errata has to be finalized well in advance so here it is.

Special thanks to Alfaryn and ArcFurnace for their in-depth checks, including of the errata docs, which allowed it to be better matched with the actual book.

This errata is pre-release, but only in terms of making sure there's no errors with the document: the book has already been finalized, so any further book changes will be earmarked for a hypothetical 9th printing.  If it's solid, I'll put it up on the website after a month for the traditional 6th of June release (so if you want to know what changed between the 6th and 7th printings, keep the old document, as that info is no longer in the current doc).

Please no longer edit older posts in the thread.  Thanks all.
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Re: Total Warfare - 6 May 2021 (v8.0)
« Reply #72 on: 06 May 2021, 22:07:32 »
Oops, I've just noticed an error in my report from 25 March 2021 above.

It should have read:
Pp. 60 and 306, Piloting Skill Roll Table, footnote 7.

Add an additional +1 modifier if unit is charging or being charged (in addition to the +2 modifier normally required in that situation).
change to:
Add an additional +1 modifier if unit is charging (in addition to the +2 modifier normally required in that situation).
In other words the entire phrase "or being charged", not just the word "charged" is supposed to be deleted.
« Last Edit: 06 May 2021, 22:11:55 by Alfaryn »


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Re: Total Warfare - 6 May 2021 (v8.0)
« Reply #73 on: 06 May 2021, 23:55:46 »
Yeah, I didn't get that one and since it had no context I had to ignore it because I had no time: this reprint was a rush job.
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Re: Total Warfare - 6 May 2021 (v8.0)
« Reply #74 on: 19 May 2021, 13:40:15 »
The pre-release document has been updated with a few missed fixes from back in the day.  More importantly, it's been fully annotated to state which printing saw which correction, back to the 1st printing.
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Re: Total Warfare - 19 May 2021 (v8.0)
« Reply #75 on: 28 May 2021, 17:47:30 »
Pg. 263 7th Printing PDF.

Table 2: Hills Terrain - Rolling Hills #2 is listed as being available in the Clan Invasion box set, however the Clan Invasion box set Rolling Hills #2 map is different from the Rolling Hills #2 found in the Grasslands Map Pack. This is likely a misprint on the map from the Clan Invasion map.

Solution - Remove CI from Rolling Hills #2.

Table 6: Wooded Terrain - Same error as above, with same solution.

Table 2: Hills Terrain - There is currently no map sheet named Hilltops #2.

Solution - Rolling Hills #2 from Clan Invasion should be renamed Hilltops #2. See Errata Thread for Clan Invasion.
« Last Edit: 28 May 2021, 17:53:13 by Azakael »


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Re: Total Warfare - 19 May 2021 (v8.0)
« Reply #76 on: 08 June 2021, 11:38:49 »
Corrected Seventh Printing, pdf

p. 119, Attack Direction section

If the straightedge crosses at the intersection of two hexsides, the target chooses which side is hit by the attack before the attacking player makes the hit location roll.
change to something like:
If the straightedge crosses at the intersection of two hexsides, the side hit by all attacks from the firing unit depends on the path chosen while determining LOS during the first attack declaration between the target and the attacker during current phase (see Line of Sight section, p. 99).


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Re: Total Warfare - 6 June 2021 (v8.0)
« Reply #77 on: 12 June 2021, 17:08:12 »
TW, 7th printing, 2021, p. 129f
Page 129, section "ANTI-MISSILE SYSTEM", first sentence states:
Any time a successful to-hit attack is made with a Missile Weapon (see p. 113) against a unit carrying an AMS, and strikes in the attack direction covered by the firing arc where the AMS is mounted, the defending player can choose to engage the AMS.

Page 130, first sentence states:
The player cannot choose for the AMS to not engage, as it is always active until it runs out of ammo or is destroyed
(Emphasis added)

These statements contradict each other or are at least extremely confusing.

Xotl: The activation is optional; p. 129 is correct.
« Last Edit: 12 June 2021, 18:05:14 by Xotl »
"Wars result when one side either misjudges its chances or wishes to commit suicide; and not even Masada began as a suicide attempt. In general, both warring parties expect to win. In the event, they are wrong more than half the time."
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Re: Total Warfare - 6 June 2021 (v8.0)
« Reply #78 on: 16 July 2021, 14:17:23 »
    * VERSION:
Corrected Seventh Printing; Sixth Printing by Catalyst Game Labs (PDF)

Skidding / "Other Units", pg. 63. Paragraph 1, Sentence 2:
The skidding unit takes damage from the target unit as if the target unit had executed a successful Kick attack.

skidding example, pg. 65. Paragraph 5, Sentence 1
The skidding ’Mech also takes damage from the successful charge equal to 1 point of damage for every 10 tons that the target weighs (round fractions up), applied in 5-point Damage Value groupings on the Front/Rear column.

    * THE ERROR:
A kick does 1 point of damage for every  5 tons [page 147, Kick Attacks ('Mech Only) paragraph 3, Sentence 1] (and not every unit can kick).

I believe the 1st sentence above should read "The skidding unit takes damage from the target unit as if the skidding unit had successfully charged it". Or delete the sentence - damage is dealt to both unit during a charge and only calling out damage to the skidder here just adds confusion.

To back this up:
TW pg 148, Charge Attacks / Damage, Paragraph 1, Sentence 6 says Charging unit takes 1 damage / 10 tons (rounded up)

Battletech Battlemech Manual, corrected second printing (physical), page 69, Skidding Diagram 1 example, paragraph 5, sentence 3 agrees on 1 damage / 10 tons (rounded up).
« Last Edit: 16 July 2021, 14:21:06 by jayoung »


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Re: Total Warfare - 6 June 2021 (v8.0)
« Reply #79 on: 16 August 2021, 09:29:15 »
A very old one, dating all the way back to 1st printing:

*VERSION: TW, 7th printing, 2021,
*LOCATION: p. 217, right column, example in italics, 2nd paragraph, last sentence:

Jim marks off 15 troopers killed out of 21, leaving him with 8 troopers.

Change to:
Jim marks off 15 troopers killed out of 21, leaving him with 6 troopers.

In addition, a standard IS LRM Jump platoon should consist of 15 troopers, per the "GENERIC CONVENTIONAL INFANTRY UNITS TABLE" on page 213, so maybe another platoon type might make a better example.
"Wars result when one side either misjudges its chances or wishes to commit suicide; and not even Masada began as a suicide attempt. In general, both warring parties expect to win. In the event, they are wrong more than half the time."
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Re: Total Warfare - 6 June 2021 (v8.0)
« Reply #80 on: 02 October 2021, 17:10:44 »
7th PDF, checked against 8.0 Errata

Location: p. 69 (nice)

The Grasshopper in the previous example has a Piloting
Skill of 5. It does not have any pre-existing damage, it
did not take 20 points of damage in this turn,

Correction: did not take 20 points of damage in this phase

Looks to be the only phase/turn error still out there.
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Re: Total Warfare - 3 October 2021 (v9.0)
« Reply #81 on: 03 October 2021, 22:11:46 »
Yes, TW just had an errata release four months ago, but there's been another printing ordered and so another errata release needed to go along with it.  Links in the first post as always; thanks a ton for your reports.

The speed at which I had to put this together meant that a couple of reports were missed.  I'm flagging these here for future work:

Pg. 263 7th Printing PDF.

Corrected Seventh Printing, pdf

p. 119, Attack Direction section
« Last Edit: 03 October 2021, 22:18:11 by Xotl »
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Re: Total Warfare - 3 October 2021 (v9.0)
« Reply #82 on: 03 October 2021, 22:32:26 »
The first post of this thread claims that there are SEVEN printings, the v9.0 PRE.pdf just uploaded claims that there are EIGHT, but then lists NINE by year.

Xotl: Corrected to nine in all cases; thanks.
« Last Edit: 03 October 2021, 22:36:37 by Xotl »
"Wars result when one side either misjudges its chances or wishes to commit suicide; and not even Masada began as a suicide attempt. In general, both warring parties expect to win. In the event, they are wrong more than half the time."
- David Drake

I'm willing to suspend my disbelief, but I'm not willing to hang it by the neck until it's dead, dead, dead!


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Re: Total Warfare - 3 October 2021 (v9.0)
« Reply #83 on: 04 October 2021, 11:53:32 »
7th edition PDF, checked against 9th errata

Punching While Prone (p.151)
In order to punch while prone, a ’Mech may not have a destroyed arm. As with Firing When Down (see p. 113), the ’Mech props itself up on one arm and may punch once with the other arm.

A prone ’Mech that has fired any Arm mounted weapons that turn cannot attempt a Punch
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Re: Total Warfare - 3 October 2021 (v9.0)
« Reply #84 on: 06 October 2021, 21:10:18 »
7th printing, checked against 9.0 PRE

Page 196
"Because a VTOL flies above woods, it does not benefit from woods modifiers for the hex it occupies while in flight."

"Because a VTOL flies above terrain, it typically does not benefit from woods modifiers for the hex it occupies while in flight unless it follows a road through a woods hex, then it gains this bonus by being in the hex."

Brings the rules in line with two other blurbs,
P. 54; Roads: VTOLs can choose to move along a road, allowing them to traverse woods hexes at a level below the treetops. In order to do this, a VTOL must begin the movement through the woods on a road and stay on the road for the entire movement. Of course, at any point the VTOL can increase its elevation to rise above the trees and continue its movement off the road.

P. 199; To-Hit Modifiers: Since a WiGE vehicle operates one elevation above the ground, it remains below the level of a woods hex, and so gains the modifier from woods as would a VTOL at the same elevation. If a WiGE vehicle follows a road through a woods hex, it also gains this bonus by being in the hex.
"Assassinating" the Clan commander's goldfish is hardly the stuff of legend.


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Re: Total Warfare - 3 October 2021 (v9.0)
« Reply #85 on: 08 October 2021, 03:46:29 »
7th printing pdf

Aerospace Attack Modifiers Table (pp. 237 and 312)

PROBLEM: The left column header of the table is titled Range. This is incorrect, because only first four entries in the table are about range.

1. Change all instances of "Range" in the table header to something like "Situation".
2. Insert a new line at the beginning of the table with italicized word "Range" in the left (newly renamed) column, and nothing in the right ("Modifier") column.


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Re: Total Warfare - 11 October 2021 (v9.0)
« Reply #86 on: 06 February 2022, 18:59:48 »
Version: 9th Printing (Errata)

Location: p. 86-88, 312

Error: 8th Printing enabled aerodyne small craft to perform vertical landings and liftoffs (removed from the list of units that can only make horizontal landings on p. 87, and moved from being able to perform vertical liftoffs only in vacuum to being able to perform vertical liftoffs anywhere on p. 88). However, 8th Printing also modified the Landing Modifiers Table (p. 86 & 312) to the following:
Aerodyne small craft and DropShips making vertical landing    NA/+0
Due to this, aerodyne small craft are prevented from making vertical landings and are forced to use stalling rules.

Correction: Edit the Landing Modifiers table, removing the entry for aerodyne small craft and DropShips and replacing it with the following two entries:
Aerodyne small craft making vertical landing    +2/+0
Aerodyne DropShips making vertical landing    NA/+0

Additional: It may be prudent to add a footnote or additional entries to the Landing Modifiers Table and the Vertical Liftoff Modifiers Table (87 & 312) for aerospace fighters and aerodyne small craft based on TechManual errata from that book's 4th Printing, specifically the change to "Special Enhancements" on p. 109.
« Last Edit: 08 February 2022, 17:49:23 by pokefan548 »
Poke's Aerospace Academy
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Re: Total Warfare - 11 October 2021 (v9.0)
« Reply #87 on: 16 February 2022, 23:51:15 »
PDF, 9th

Page 52, footnote 8
"IndustrialMechs can enter a Depth 2…"

Can is in a different font size, possibly a different font
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Re: Total Warfare - 11 October 2021 (v9.0)
« Reply #88 on: 20 February 2022, 18:38:50 »
This thread from 2019 mentions an errata for indirect fire from nose-mounted weapons in grounded DropShips, that does not appear to have actually made it into the most recent printing or errata document (checked against TW 9th printing PDF, errata document v9.0).
« Last Edit: 21 February 2022, 00:37:20 by ArcFurnace »


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Re: Total Warfare - 11 October 2021 (v9.0)
« Reply #89 on: 10 March 2022, 21:38:03 »
Version: 7th Printing

Location: Page 88

Error: Unlike landing, which differentiates between DropShips and small craft vs. VSTOL-capable fighters, short liftoff runway requirements apply universally to all VSTOL-capable units (including aerodyne DropShips and small craft).

Correction:Replace the third sentence in the first paragraph under Liftoff,
Any VSTOL-equipped units can take off in ten hexes.
with the following:
Any VSTOL-equipped fighters can take off in ten hexes.
Poke's Aerospace Academy
The best place to learn and discuss AeroTech.

"Poke is just a figment of our imagination really." - Siam
"Poke isn't a real person, he's just an algorithm programmed by CGL to try and get people to try the aerospace rules." - Phantasm
"I want to plant the meat eating trees and the meat growing trees on the same planet! Watch that plant on plant violence!" - Sawtooth
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