Author Topic: Battletech Long Island III  (Read 126957 times)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1260 on: 12 April 2024, 20:35:42 »
“Sir I do know that Fuka is in the field with Crow’s Eye I am the one who has to OK any of the equipment for deployment after all.” Harald reminds his CO. “I will also remind you that I did give you a list of what ‘Mechs should be repaired and when they should be repaired.” Looking over his pad. “I will also recommend that when we get the Reaper on line that Testu come off line so we can up-grade her to a 5K Model?”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1261 on: 14 April 2024, 01:13:36 »
“Sir I do know that Fuka is in the field with Crow’s Eye I am the one who has to OK any of the equipment for deployment after all.” Harald reminds his CO. “I will also remind you that I did give you a list of what ‘Mechs should be repaired and when they should be repaired.” Looking over his pad. “I will also recommend that when we get the Reaper on line that Testu come off line so we can up-grade her to a 5K Model?”

"Theon's Grand Dragon?"  Euron asked.  "I didn't realize we had the parts to make that happen.  I wish you could have informed me of this sooner, I just sent Theon out to back up Asha in the field."

OOG:  When did the Ironborn get the parts to make that happen?  I don't remember buying or salvaging an ER PPC, a CASE, Double Heat Sinks and an XL engine.  Also, given what has to be stripped out and replaced with other stuff, that could take months.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1262 on: 14 April 2024, 07:00:28 »
"Theon's Grand Dragon?"  Euron asked.  "I didn't realize we had the parts to make that happen.  I wish you could have informed me of this sooner, I just sent Theon out to back up Asha in the field."

"This was just an idea. The Reaper need to be repaired first. As for the parts, CASE is something the team will build in when we strip down the Dragon. As for the weapons, well we need to get parts for all the other units that need repairs. What would be a few extras to do the up grade?" Harald looks at his commander. "I was also thinking not full up-grade. Replace the PPC and heat sinks. Add in the CASE. That will keep down both cost and time down." Showing Euron the plans. “Maybe change over the armor to Ferro and dropping half a ton or dropping one of the heat sinks as they will be replaced by freezers and adding half a ton.” Rubbing his chin. “We can do other things like drop a laser and add Artimes or one of the C3 slaves we have. We can do a lot with the ‘Mech, it is all up to how much money you would want to spend and how long you are willing to have the ‘Mech out of service.”

OOG:  When did the Ironborn get the parts to make that happen?  I don't remember buying or salvaging an ER PPC, a CASE, Double Heat Sinks and an XL engine.  Also, given what has to be stripped out and replaced with other stuff, that could take months.

You do not have the parts at this time. This is also a future project and the Reaper will need to be on line first. She will need about 6 months.
Just something to think about  :cool:


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1263 on: 15 April 2024, 02:13:10 »
"Hey, Pyke!"

Audra turned around to find Samuel Sanada flanked by two boys she didn't recognize.  So it's time, then. She thought to herself.  Ana had warned her of her "classmate's" return and now, it seemed, it was time to face the music.

"And what can I do for you, Sanada-san?"  She asked innocently as the group approached.

"You know what you did, gaijin."  Said Sanada angrily.

"Oh, come on."  Audra sighed.  "Are you still mad about the other day?"

One of Sanada's buddies grabbed her by the hair and forced her to her knees.  "You shut up, bitch!"

Audra allowed herself to be held down.  Ana had told her that she needed to deal with this in a way that would salve Samuel's fragile ego.  It was fine, Audra had prepared for this in advance.  In her pockets were a pair of extendable metal batons.  She may be a below average sword fighter, but she was an expert with fighting sticks.  If this got out of hand, these punks were in for a nasty surprise.  But, for now, she let them drag her behind the dorm and thrust against a wall.

"So what do you want us to do, Sam?"  One of the strangers asked.

"Hold her."  Samuel responded.  Pulling back, he punched her hard in the gut.  Audra doubled over in pain.

She coughed and laughed.  "Is that all you got?  Cause you hit like a girl."

Grunting, Samuel pulled her up and punched Audra again, this time directly in her breast, causing her even greater pain. 
She dropped to the ground, clutching her bruised chest.  Turning to his friends, Samuel barked.  "Rough her up.  But leave her head and neck unharmed.  It would be too obvious.  The rest is fair game."

"What's fair game?"  Came a voice from behind them.  Audra looked to her right and saw Ana and Isolde standing there.

"Damn."  Samuel cursed, recognizing the pair.  If it had just been Konstantinovich, it wouldn't have been as big a deal.  He could've intimidated her to leaving.  Isolde, on the other hand, was a teacher's assistant and part of the faculty.  He quickly called off his friends.  Looking down at the kneeling Audra, he smirked.  "I like seeing you in that position, Pyke.  It should remind you of your place here, kneeling at the feet of your betters.  See you around, gaijin on-na."  He left with the other two.

Once they were out of sight, Audra got up and dusted herself off.  Still wincing a bit asked, "So, how long were you two standing there and are you satisfied with my performance?"

Ana nodded.  "Long enough.  And yes, your performance was quite convincing.  As long as he thinks he's beaten you, he won't suspect anything.  We don't need anyone suspecting you of being more than what you appear to be."

"You know he's never going to let me live this down, right?"  Audra said.

"You're a big girl, Audra."  Said Isolde.  "You should be able to deal with a little bullying, especially since I know you've got a weapon hidden in your jacket."

Ana looked at Isolde questioningly as Audra drew out the batons and popped them open.  "Of course I do.  I never leave home without them."

Ana's eyes widened.  "You mean you could've fought them off and yet you didn't.  I'm impressed by your restraint."

"Nah."  Audra shook her head.  "These were just for if they tried to get really fresh with me.  I'm willing to take a few lumps for the team, but I wasn't going to let them force themselves on me."

"Samuel wouldn't do that."  Ana insisted.  "He has too much pride.  Such an act would dishonor him.  His friends, I'm less sure of.  I don't know if they were even students here."

"We can worry about that later."  Said Isolde.  "For now, let's get Audra to the infirmary.  By the way, Ana, I've received some information that you would find very interesting." 

"I don't need an infirmary."  Audra set her jaw.  "I can move on my own."  Though still in some pain, she walked ahead of them into the faculty building and Isolde's office.  Once there, Isolde sat them both down.  She showed them a printout with a list of names.  "Ana, these are the names and identities of your suitors..." 
« Last Edit: 15 April 2024, 02:16:04 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1264 on: 16 April 2024, 19:48:59 »
“That’s some of them.” She looks over the list. “My family knows a lot of people and with me as next in line they are all looking to find me the best husband.”
“And we thought that we had problems with family.” Audra quips.
“We do have to make sure who inter marries as the lines get tighter.” Isolde responds.
“This and my grandfather pushing me is why I started Elemental Foxes. It was great to be free and have some fun.” She looks around. “We should get moving just in case the friends return.”
“That sounds like a good idea.” Isolde gets them moving.
“You said some?” Audra looks at Ana.
“Yup, with all the business interests and just family everyone knows best …. All but me that is.” Ana looks down. “I don’t have any idea of who but I do need to know someone before walking the last mile. This is not the middle ages after all.”
“I bet your grandfather is more worried about the family line.” Isolde gets them in her car so they can find a place to talk more. “Your family is a mover and shaker from what we have been told.”
“We have been on world for some time and have major rolls here.” Ana gets in.
“Well we got your back.” Audra gets in the car.
“You OK?” Isolde asks Audra.
“It hurts a bit when I bend.”
“Let’s get you to the medics so they can make sure they didn’t bust you up inside.”
“I know of a place close by, no questions.” Ana looks at Audra.
“You know this place how?” Isolde gives Ana a look.
“Hay I have a band that plays in some rowdy places around here.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1265 on: 16 April 2024, 20:45:30 »
“That’s some of them.” She looks over the list. “My family knows a lot of people and with me as next in line they are all looking to find me the best husband.”
“And we thought that we had problems with family.” Audra quips.
“We do have to make sure who inter marries as the lines get tighter.” Isolde responds.
“This and my grandfather pushing me is why I started Elemental Foxes. It was great to be free and have some fun.” She looks around. “We should get moving just in case the friends return.”
“That sounds like a good idea.” Isolde gets them moving.
“You said some?” Audra looks at Ana.
“Yup, with all the business interests and just family everyone knows best …. All but me that is.” Ana looks down. “I don’t have any idea of who but I do need to know someone before walking the last mile. This is not the middle ages after all.”
“I bet your grandfather is more worried about the family line.” Isolde gets them in her car so they can find a place to talk more. “Your family is a mover and shaker from what we have been told.”
“We have been on world for some time and have major rolls here.” Ana gets in.
“Well we got your back.” Audra gets in the car.
“You OK?” Isolde asks Audra.
“It hurts a bit when I bend.”
“Let’s get you to the medics so they can make sure they didn’t bust you up inside.”
“I know of a place close by, no questions.” Ana looks at Audra.
“You know this place how?” Isolde gives Ana a look.
“Hay I have a band that plays in some rowdy places around here.”

"Well," The doctor said as she applied the bandages to Audra's chest.  "there's some bruising in your ribs and I wouldn't wear a bra for a while, but I don't see anything requiring hospital care."

"See," Audra joked despite the pain, "I told you he hit like a girl."

"You should consider yourself lucky, young lady."  The doctor retorted.  "If he'd caught you a little higher in the liver, you would be bed-ridden right now and we would have had to call emergency services."

Isolde shook her head.  "This is what happens when you pick unnecessary fights with people who have connections and deep pockets, Audra."

"Thank you, Tsushima-hagase."  Ana shook her hand.  "I'll have the money wired to you from my own account."

"Of course."  Tsushima responded. "You be careful now, Konstantinovich-sama."

"Well, now that I'm done being poked and prodded," Said Audra, "what next?"

Ana thought a moment before turning to Isolde.  "Take us to the hangar in the Neath."

"What?  Wait a minute."  Isolde was surprised.  "How do you know about--AUDRAAAAA!"

"Sorry.  I kinda took her there to show off."  Audra held up her hands in defense.

"UGGH!  Fine." Isolde resigned herself. "At least there, we'll know that no one will be listening in."

Isolde drove Ana and Audra to the hangar that contained her Mongoose.  Keying in her security code, she set the ECM jammer to prevent any outside communications or surveillence from monitoring them.  "Okay," She said, "we're shielded in here.  No one is listening."  Looking at Ana, she added, "Now, how about giving us a little more to work with so we can plan our next move.  Audra and I will do whatever you suggest, but we need to know your opinions and attitudes on the names we've already given you.  Also, what do you want us to do and look for to find out more about the ones we don't know about?  One more thing you should know about, Ana.  The Colonel has sent a team to Constantine Island to investigate the place in secret.  It won't arrive for about a month.  So, whatever you suggest, you should keep that in mind."
« Last Edit: 19 April 2024, 23:53:29 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1266 on: 17 April 2024, 19:41:23 »
“I know some of those that are looking to get me married off are hoping to move up but I do not know who is looking out for my family and who is only looking for themselves.” Ana looks at both of them.
“Like many families that have power.” Isolde shakes her head. “So much for the out in the middle of nowhere.”
“We all come from the same home world you know. Just some have moved further into the burbs.” Audra shrugs
“Well, all I can offer is look over all the paperwork and see who have to most to gain. “ Looking at both of them. “I have no one that I would want to call husband. Hay I’m not even looking.”
“The fun of family and friends.”
“The one thing your crew will need to take care when they look around. They will stick out as they are not local and will be watched.” Ana offers. “We watch all that come to the island.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1267 on: 19 April 2024, 23:51:46 »
“I know some of those that are looking to get me married off are hoping to move up but I do not know who is looking out for my family and who is only looking for themselves.” Ana looks at both of them.
“Like many families that have power.” Isolde shakes her head. “So much for the out in the middle of nowhere.”
“We all come from the same home world you know. Just some have moved further into the burbs.” Audra shrugs
“Well, all I can offer is look over all the paperwork and see who have to most to gain. “ Looking at both of them. “I have no one that I would want to call husband. Hay I’m not even looking.”
“The fun of family and friends.”
“The one thing your crew will need to take care when they look around. They will stick out as they are not local and will be watched.” Ana offers. “We watch all that come to the island.”

Isolde nodded.  "I'll make sure they get the message."

"Isolde," Audra spoke up, "why are we sending a crew to her family's island?  I mean, I know I wasn't told of the extent of the problem here, but this seems a bit much just to find out who Ana's dad wants her to marry."

Isolde shook her head.  "Sorry, I seem to have said too much.  You weren't told everything because the Colonel was worried you could be caught, interrogated and made to talk."

Audra shrugged, apparently accepting it, but internally, she was disappointed her uncle didn't trust her.  Turning back to Ana, she asked.  "By the way, Ana.  If this problem of yours was so bad, why didn't you go to the Governor for help?  Why only talk to Uncle Euron?"
« Last Edit: 20 April 2024, 00:01:46 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1268 on: 19 April 2024, 23:55:51 »
Disregard.  Hit the wrong key.
« Last Edit: 20 April 2024, 00:01:04 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1269 on: 20 April 2024, 19:24:57 »
“If I had gone to the Chiji direct they would know that I know more then they want.” Ana looks at both of them. “By talking with you Uncle they would not be so sure of what I know and don’t know. He with a couple of your MechWarriors are the ones that brought be back home.  Also he would talk with the Chiji after all.”
“So you have some ideas?” Isolde asks.
“I have ideas but nothing solid. If I go after the wrong person/people then the ones that are doing the wrong thing will go back into the shadows.” Looking down Ana continues. “My Grandfather wants me to take over and everyone knows this. He is old and need someone to take over. My parents cannot and I do not have any cousins or older siblings so it is me.”
“You know all of this but you ran away?” Audra asks.
“It is a lot for a fifteen year old, don’t you think?” She looks at Audra with a smirk. “I wanted some time for me. I had no idea that my Grandfather would react the way he did. I think that some of it was someone whispering in his ear.”
“I will give you one thing, running your band and doing so well is no small thing.” Isolde adds.
“Well I have had some good teachers after all.” Ana looks at her watch. “Look we do need to get back to the dorm. I have to get together with the others we have a gig tomorrow night.”
“OK we will head out in a few.” Isolde looks around. “You now have something to do tomorrow night.” She grabs a light flak shirt. “Make sure you have this on just in case.”
“What, you think wimp-boy will be looking for more trouble?” Audra asks.
“That and you might need the extra padding if so others start things.” Isolde hands Audra the shirt. “Look as Ana said she plays is some Fun clubs.”
“She is right; someone for some reason does hit you will end up in the hospital. The Doc did say you were lucky this time. Just to let you in on a little something, out costumes are lined so if things get out of hand we have protection. The fun of playing the collage gigs.”

“Hay Ana I got us some help for the gear.”
“What? Why? We do our own setup you know.”
“Well with what happened and how hot things got at our last gig I figured a couple of extra hands would be a good thing.”
“I guess you are right. A lot has happened in the last few months and we can’t have the crew we use as Elemental Foxes. We are just some school girls after all.” Ana looks a Tihana
“Right, so the guys are on the Kendo team. They are hot also.” She has a great big smile on her face.
“Girl you got it bad.”
“What is wrong with a sweet little Alley Cat looking for a Tomcat.” Her smile got bigger. “When I asked them they were so in. They like the idea of hanging with us. They also like they get paid too.”
“They do know that things have gotten out of hand at some of the places we play?”
“Sure do, they have been at a bunch of our local gigs.”
“So they have no idea about the Foxes?”
“None, I think their heads would explode if they had any idea. From talking with them they are fans.”
“Well we need to keep them in the dark about the Foxes.”
“Can do! Mariyka got the van so we are set.”
“Good tell Jekaterina to make sure our cat gear is all set.”
“She already has it packed.”

“Wow you guys did fire up the place.” Audra tells the girls.
“It is what we do.” Jekaterina smiles. “If they only they knew.”
“Tihana where did you find the boys?” Mariyka asks.
“In the Kendo club.”
“I think I need to check it out more.” Mariyka checking out the boys as they take down the gear. “If I had any idea that such hot looking guys hid in that part of the school!” Shaking her hands.
“Well the way Wayne was watching you play I think you will get to see much more of him.” Jekaterina smiles at her friend.
“So Tihana what is the deal with the other one? Logan you said.” Ana asks.
“He is the shy type. Wayne talked him in to helping out.”
“Well you have someone that likes you a lot.” Ana watches them taking down the set.
“OH, what makes you think that?”
“Just the way he is treating you gear.” Ana gives a slight point. “He likes the curves.”

“Audra I think those two at the bar like you.” Mariyka points to the guys at the end pf the bar.
“I think they are checking you all out not me.”
“Don’t be so sure.” Jekaterina adds. “They have been watching you all night.”
“Why don’t I ask them over.” Ana waves at them. “We can find out when they get here.”
“Not a good idea. Check the door and look who just walked in, with friends.” Audra points to the door.
“Great, just what we don’t need.” Ana looks around for the clubs security.
Walking to the table Samuel and his crew. “Look who we have here and no teacher to bail you out.”
“Keep it in your paints Sam. I don’t think the owners want the place wrecked.” Marijka speaks up first.
“You and your friends keep out of this.” He looks at the girls. “As for damage I got that covered.” Big smile on his face.
Wayne and Logan move to the table. Wayne looks over the group. “Why don’t you just back off little man. Just because you family has money don’t mean jack.”
“YO Kendo boy you back off or we will kick your butt first and then settle with Pyke.” Samuel sweeps his hands to show off the dozen guys in his crew. “You don’t have your sticks here.”
“Don’t need them for you and your light weights.” Logan states. All the others at the table look at him with surprise.
“Wow it talks.” One of Sam’s crew moves up and pokes Logan in the chest.
From behind Sam’s crew. “Not a bright move buddy.” One of the two guys from the end of the bar offers.
Logan grabs the hot shots hand and drops him in one swift move. Before any of the others can do anything Wayne has Sam by his throat. “Like I said not bright.” Then before the clubs security can get to the trouble Sam’s crew is on the floor and Wayne still has Sam by his throat.
“Time for you and you friends to go.” The head of security looks at Sam.
“Do you know who I am?” Sam asks as best as he can with Wayne’s hand still around his throat.
“Sure do and tell you father that Henry said you are not welcome here.” The head of security points to the back of the club.
Sam looks in the direction and his eyes go wide. “Ok, Ok we are gone.” Wayne lets him go. He gets his buddies moving.
Ana looks over her shoulder as do the others. The older man in the back just lifts his glass to them.
« Last Edit: 20 April 2024, 20:46:45 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1270 on: 30 April 2024, 00:26:57 »
About 200 kilometers east of Kamloops the Raven, Anubis and Hitman are looking over the area.
“Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to have all of these vehicles out here.” Loni informs the others.
“YA with some of them heavy so they dough in deep.” Chao responds from his Raven.
“True but not all are combat vehicles.” Meifeng walking her Anubis around. “Going by the tracks we had some heavy transports out here as well.”
“This brings us back to the original question, just what are they hiding and who are they.” Loni walks her Hitman around the area.
“Well we will just have to find out.” Meifeng states as she starts off to the north. “Let’s see were all the toys were going.
“We better stay together.” Chao offers as he falls in behind her. “Even if they are just combat vehicles they have a lot and we are only three light ‘Mechs.”
“True but we have the tech edge.” Loni falls in last. “But we do need to stay alert.”

“This little trip of yours just cost us a lot.”
“Look you got off clean so what is your problem? Maybe you want to go back to your old paymasters?”
“How about we lost some heavy firepower. No they had some bad ideas about hit and run.”
“Well then don’t complain, we can find some to take the place of what we lost. With what we got and this ship we are set.”
“Well we need to find some place to do repairs and find that firepower. Some with some speed.”
“I know just the place.”

“Looks like you have a little trip in your future my friend.” Max looks down at the MechWarrior. “That and a good full time job with security.” Max smiles. “I thank all of you for not gutting his ride. When we get back dinner and the drinks are on me.” 
“What are we going to do with these two?”
“I’m sure the Chiji will want to have a long talk with them.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1271 on: 30 April 2024, 21:14:51 »
“Sir I think we know why WoB sent in a L o M unit.”
“Please let me know what you have found.” Precentor Wilkes looks at his S2.
“Well one of our search teams found a derelict vessel in the outer asteroid belt while looking for a storage place.”
“OK so why do you think this is why WoB has sent in this team?”
“Well we know that WoB is on the lookout for any usable WarShips and this one is, just …. maybe.”
“Why do you think this?”
“Well from the scans our team ran the hull only has been hulled in a couple of places but otherwise she is intact.  From the same scans she looks to be an old Alliance Class Cruiser. So if they can salvager her she would add major fire power with her missiles and cannons batteries. The bad news is that the class was not known to carry DropShips as they were made before DropShip collars were invented. She would not be good for an invasion leader but she would make a good escort ship for supply convoys or for space to ground bombardment. Sir a ship like this would major find to WoB’s fleet. Then again she would be welcome in any fleet if she is salvageable.”
“Do you think that have any idea that she is out there?”
“Her exact location no sir, from what we know they are looking at the inner belt. That was where the Alliance repair yard ships were located and were they have been looking. The inner belt is where they found the other one.”
“So they do not have any idea she is in the outer belt?”
“From what we call tell no. If they are using intel from the archives, then no. If they see that we are doing things in the outer belt they may start to poke around.”
“OK so have our teams take care and not give WoB any reason to look at the outer belt. We will need to keep a closer eye on what they are doing in the inner belt.”
“I will inform out people to do so.”
“What kind of shape is she in?”
“Without a better scan and some teams going on board I would not guess.”
“Do we have any idea why she is in the outer belt?”
“From what our team has reported so far I would say she made it to system but not to the yards and that the yards had no idea she was in system.”
“OK that is a good working theory why she is here for now. Do we have anyone that can make the trip and get a better look at her?”
“Not at this time. With working on getting the people from Pegasus settled, looking for a home for our other problem and the crews going over our ships we have our hands full.”
“We will need to get a boarding team ASAP.” Looking at his S2. “Get the intel photos of Yasei no Sogen.”
“Get me the recon shots, NOW!”
“Yes sir.”
Looking over the recon photos. “I see now, it adds up too, all those heavy missile batteries that WoB placed around Tarawa. If they have extra stores of missiles and launchers for them they could rearm a ship as well. The tech heavy garrison and a few extra supply runs.”
“Yes Sir, it also makes the heavy cargo runs that WoB has been doing more of a problem. If they have the people to make up ship’s crew and the supplies they just may be able to bring her on line. If they find her and with all the heavy traffic they have had they could have slipped in the heavy cannon shells she will need as well. If they find out about her and were to get her on line …. ”
“YA …. Well I think that both the Governor and DCA need to know about this.”
“You do know they will want the ship and the information we have on the system as well.”
“Yes but we do not have the resources to salvager her ourselves, I do not think that the DCA could salvage her with what they are dealing with. The locals could not bring her on line either. Look at all the help they needed for the other one and she was not as large or damaged. Now if all of us work together we just might get her on line. Having her on our side is the best thing, but if we cannot then we must destroy her so that WoB does not get her. They got lucky with one, no more! As for our intel …. It’s not like we have not help them before this.”
“Sir this is a tall order. How would she be crewed? How can we get her repaired?”
“Well we do have some new people and so does the planet. Many have offered to do what they can to keep this place safe. Well as ship’s crew they will do just that. As for the repair site we do have what will be needed we just need to keep WoB from helping.”
“So we will inform them of what we found?”
“We do not have much of a choice. If we do not then WoB will have a good chance to find and salvage her. If they get her on line that gives them a major advantage, I know that the DCA has the Winds of Heaven out here but for how long and if WoB sends that task group that hit Pegasus here we are in big trouble.”
“You do know that even with local help she may be years in repairs. What is to say that WoB will just not let us do all the hard work and come in and take her?”
“Well to start they do not know she is here yet. They are setting up for the find but they are not sure she is here. Also they may be looking for other ships that were out this way. They found one we did not know of. We know that the system has a few other still around and most of them are in the inner belt.”
“That is true the history supports that very well. But they are major wrecks that the TH could not repair before they pulled out. Any of them will be parts.”
“Correct. We will need to step up our own salvage ops. We will work the outer belt. The inner belt WoB has a major head start and we will need to make sure that WoB does not get any BIG toys, Old DropShuttles or DropShips OK …. but any big toys will need to be broken. Our outer system ops will have to be smart and not tip WoB.”
“I will inform the crews.”
“Second we will not work on her here. We do have a safe place she can go to for her repairs here as long as WoB is in system. The main problem will be getting her out of system without WoB noticing. Getting the supplies and tech crews to repair her will also be a problem with all that is going on, but we do have some salvage plus what is still to be found here. Last off I think that the others will not want her in WoB hands after Pegasus. Last just how long can the DCA keep the Winds of Heaven in system?”
“Very true if or when I should say we get her online she will let the DCA move other things around and help keep things secure here. She will be of little use to another system as she is so old she cannot work with new DropShips, she can only work with older DropShuttles due to her lack of collars and they take up cargo space. As a system security or convoy escort maybe.”
“That is why if she were to stay on station here after repairs she will be a bigger asset for all. Now let me talk with the governor.”

“Sir tracking has a DropShip making a high speed run in system.”
“Do they have any ID on it?”
“Īe sir. They just picked it up on this side of the inner belt.”
“How did they not pick it up sooner?”
“Best guess is that it was dropped at a pirate point and was making a slow burn until it got to this side of the belt.”
“Great, have them see if they can pick up the Jumper.”
“Working on it but I don’t think they will find it. The DS got past the inner belt and we did not get any track until they were making the run in.”
“How fast are they burning in?”
“Tracking has them at four G’s.”
“They want to be on rock that bad! OK, keep on tracking this one and when you have a landing location and ID of what it is let me know.”
“Hai Sir!”

“Well looks like we have a major find. She will need major TLC to bring her on line.”
“That will never happen.”
“What? Why?”
“From what the team in the engine room found her Jump Drive is fried and her Inter System Drive is ….. well she does not have one. Someone removed it.”
“But the hull in in great shape!”
“Sure but with both drives gone that is all she is. Also with no movement other than a tug and most all of her weapons are gone all she is not much more than a fixed station.” Looking around the weapons bay they are in.  “Someone took them out a long time ago from the looks of this bay. They were removed by tech crews going by the minimal damage to the mountings.”
“We can still use her!”
“She will make a great way station and we can also use her for training.”
“Not a bad idea. Her hull is very sound and getting a few fusion reactors in her for power that could just work. We need to get this to the boss lady and see what she thinks.”
“Someone did salvage her weapons, system drive and other systems, I’ll bet with her jump core shot they put her here in case they needed more parts. And they did.”
“That makes sense with what we found so far. Shame that her Drives are gone she would be of help for the system.”
“No way, she would be way too much for us to keep in fighting trim. Best would be the DCA as they have what would be needed. But with all her drives and weapons gone she would be scrapped by them. We just may be able to put her to some use here.”
“The one thing that we will come back for is those Droppers on her rings. They all can be repaired and we can use them. We still need to see just what she has on board and what may still be on board the droppers as well. We will need to be better supplied for that survey.”
“Yes we will but first we need to get this information back.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1272 on: 01 May 2024, 19:00:42 »
“Sir tracking has an ID on the intruder it looks to be a Broadsword.”
“Great we have cats back in the yard. Tell the GSF and all militias we have Jagā tōzoku-dan inbound.
“Hai Sir!”

“This is the first run on the new toys. We got the first lot. The GSF and Storm will get the second.”
“That works out well as my techs are looking to mod a couple of the Pikes.”
“My people will be happy to have the extras in stock for future events.”
“So the third lots will be for open sale?”
“Yes we do need to recover the money from this after all.”
“What someone with your money? I was thinking this was just something of a hobby for you.”
“You can think what you like. I for one want Howaitogōsuto LTD to bring in some money.”

“Sir tracking now has a good idea of the Jagā tōzoku-dan target.”
“So what is it?”
“They picked Saganami Shiro.”
“How much time do we have?”
“Tracking figures about two (2) hours.”
“OK, inform the GSF and Chu-sa Byrde so they can get units on site. Have transport get moving for the GSF.”
“Hai Sir!”

“GSF command to all units we have a bandit unit burning fast on Saganami Shiro. All commands will have two (2) Battlemech units ready for pick up and hot drop on the Shiro ASAP. Saganami Militia will be providing support units.”

So this is the next mission.

each command will pick 2 Battlemechs that will be dropped close the Saganami Shiro.
the only units that are in the field are the units that are at plant 3 mission 88.
Saganami Militia will provide the armor support.

Sturmfeur Heavy Tank
Partisan Heavy Tank
Demolisher Heavy Tank
Partisan Heavy Tank
Saracen Medium Hover Tank
Saracen Medium Hover Tank
Saladin Assault Hover Tank
Saladin Assault Hover Tank
Heavy APC Wheeled
Sloth Battle Armor
Goblin Medium Tank
Foot Infantry Squad SRM
APC Hover
Foot Infantry Squad Rifle
Motorized Field Gun 5 Infantry Platoon Rifle

You all have until the 19th to pick and post what forces you are bringing.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1273 on: 02 May 2024, 21:17:47 »
“GSF Command to Baja Air Patrol you are ordered to return to Baja for a new assignment.”
“Baja Air Patrol to GSF Command RTB for new assignment. Roger.”
“So what do you thing the brass wants us to watch now?”
“I don’t know but anything has to be better than this.”

As the two Warrior Attack Helicopters return they are instructed to land next to the Lion Class DropShip so they can be loaded aboard.

The Phoenix Roost will land just outside of the security perimeter of plant one.
“Welcome to plant one.” The head of security for the site welcomes the VTOL crews.
“So just why are we here? Last reports had all the bad guys running away.”
“That is true but with all the heavy units from the GSF RTB we asked for some extra help until the Militia can get us a platoon.”
“Oh so we get to do security flights here.”
“Gee more round and round we go.”
“I will offer that you will get time off in Yousai while you are here.”
“Now that does not sound bad.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1274 on: 03 May 2024, 15:05:14 »
Is the next game the 19th or is it the deadline for the information?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1275 on: 03 May 2024, 15:06:26 »
How does everyone feel about bringing one brawler and one more maneuverable mech?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1276 on: 03 May 2024, 19:25:42 »
Is the next game the 19th or is it the deadline for the information?



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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1277 on: 06 May 2024, 16:28:53 »
Loyalty Forsaken will field for the mission;
Von Rohrs
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1278 on: 07 May 2024, 18:54:19 »
Fuka walked Crow's Eye into the hangar bay and into its slip.  Once she had dismounted, she found Harald directing the workers and walked up to him.

"Hoare-sama."  Fuka began. "I come bearing gifts."  She indicated the heavy recovery vehicles bringing in the defeated Locust and Mercury.  "But also casualties."  Motoring in behind was the flatbed holding Charles Wynch's Regulator.  "She got immobilized in the fight.  Gomen nasai, Hoare-sama."  She bowed.

Harald sighed.  "It's fine, Fuka.  Probably just caught some bits of shrapnel in the fans again.  I heard you did well."

"Hai.  We captured the pilots and these two 'Mechs are still in salvagable condition."

"Yes."  Said Harald.  "I've been looking forward to getting my hands on that Locust in particular.  If I can get it working again, we'll finally have a 'Mech that can chase down and outpace hover-tanks.  I'm hoping that one of our active pilots will be willing to switch rides into it."  He called out to the tech crews.  "Get that Locust into a repair bay immediately!  Then prepare Crow's Eye and the Lao Hu for transport to Production Plant 3!"

"Is the Colonel going to be going out to the plant?"  Fuka asked.

"No."  Harald responded.  "But Crow's Eye is.  We are putting together a permanent defense force for the Plant once we can get pilots to drive the 'Mechs and tanks we intend to send."

"You're sending Ugly over there too?"

"Yes."  Harald answered.  "Since no one at this base wants to drive it after you gave it that nickname."

Fuka blushed and scratched her forehead.  "Heh, sorry about that.  But it's just so...assymetrical and brutish.  It's just not as elegant in design as a Marauder or a Black Knight."

"Battlemechs don't need to look elegant, Fuka."  Harald corrected her.  "They are built specifically for war, nothing more, nothing less.  They don't have to be pretty; they just have to be effective.  But speaking of the Black Knight," He walked Fuka to another 'Mech slip and showed the woman her new 'Mech.  As per her specifications, it had been painted in the image of the firebird that was Fuka's call sign, Suzaku.  The woman's reaction was one of wide-eyed enthusiasm and nervous anticipation.  "The Colonel has ordered that you become acclimatized to her as soon as possible.  You'll find a great many differences between her and Crow's Eye."

"I can take her out now?"  Fuka surmised, her voice trembling.

"Soon."  Harald replied.  "We just have a few more small repairs to make and she's all yours."

At that moment, a loud, familiar voice could be heard shouting at the techs.

"I told you she's fine!"  Yelled Maria as Matriarch was carefully brought in.

"Oh dear."  Said Harald, shaking his head.  "A Chief Tech's job is never done."  Turning to Fuka, he continued, "You should get changed.  We're going to have to fix Maria's gyro again."

Fuka blanched, the smile dying on her face as she remembered how long it took the last time they had to fix the Phoenix Hawk's main gyro.  "I'll get ready for an all-nighter, Hoare-sama"

Harald nodded ruefully as the kouhai left and he walked across the bay to Maria's 'Mech.
« Last Edit: 07 May 2024, 20:02:00 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1279 on: 12 May 2024, 17:40:07 »
The Hands of the Goddess will field:
Archer (D. Ash)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1280 on: 18 May 2024, 20:20:03 »
“Sir tracking has an ID on the intruder it looks to be a Broadsword.”
“Great we have cats back in the yard. Tell the GSF and all militias we have Jagā tōzoku-dan inbound.
“Hai Sir!”

this is the first run on the new toys. We got the first lot. The GSF and Storm will get the second.”
“That works out well as my techs are looking to mod a couple of the Pikes.”
“My people will be happy to have the extras in stock for future events.”
“So the third lots will be for open sale?”
“Yes we do need to recover the money from this after all.”
“What someone with your money? I was thinking this was just something of a hobby for you.”
“You can think what you like. I for one want Howaitogōsuto LTD to bring in some money.”

“Sir tracking now has a good idea of the Jagā tōzoku-dan target.”
“So what is it?”
“They picked Saganami Shiro.”
“How much time do we have?”
“Tracking figures about two (2) hours.”
“OK, inform the GSF and Chu-sa Byrde so they can get units on site. Have transport get moving for the GSF.”
“Hai Sir!”

“GSF command to all units we have a bandit unit burning fast on Saganami Shiro. All commands will have two (2) Battlemech units ready for pick up and hot drop on the Shiro ASAP. Saganami Militia will be providing support units.”
So this is the next mission.

each command will pick 2 Battlemechs that will be dropped close the Saganami Shiro.
the only units that are in the field are the units that are at plant 3 mission 88.
Saganami Militia will provide the armor support.

Sturmfeur Heavy Tank
Partisan Heavy Tank
Demolisher Heavy Tank
Partisan Heavy Tank
Saracen Medium Hover Tank
Saracen Medium Hover Tank
Saladin Assault Hover Tank
Saladin Assault Hover Tank
Heavy APC Wheeled
Sloth Battle Armor
Goblin Medium Tank
Foot Infantry Squad SRM
APC Hover
Foot Infantry Squad Rifle
Motorized Field Gun 5 Infantry Platoon Rifle

You all have until the 19th to pick and post what forces you are bringing.

Kiah's Hammers are sending


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1281 on: 18 May 2024, 22:14:41 »
Kiah picked up her com and dialed Gunther’s office. When the com was answered with a grumble Kiah smiled.
“Gunther, can you and Everett come to the office I want to discuss the progress report of Yolanda Jackson and I want to get feedback on something I am planning.
“I’ll grab Everett and be there in half an hour.”
“Good, I will order lunch for all of us we can do a working lunch.”
“Sounds Good.”

Kiah dialed the common kitchen. “Please have a lunch for three delivered to my office in 30.” She waited for the confirmation and then hung up. She was on her own for the day since her assistant was in the infirmary for a few days due to a stupid training injury.

Gunther and Everett walked into the office as the food was being unpacked onto the bar. Kiah looked up from her computer.

“Help yourself to food and pour me mead as well I’ll be over in a minute.” Kiah said. She stood up and crossed to the printer picked up the pile of papers and came to the table.

“okay so we have a wonderful opportunity for some of our youngsters to get some much needed experience.” She handed out the documents. We will be providing security for one of the plants the reports here show the kids that are getting the highest scores in the simulators, school and also the recommendations or their instructors and the drill sergeants and trainers.”

“Wait you want to send A bunch of kids to protect one of the planets plants?” Everett said is disbelief looking though his set of documents.

“Well they won’t be going all alone, I will be sending Leaf and Laz with them.” Kiah said.

“That makes sense Leaf being a medic and her husband Laz a communication’s Tech, but I am surprised they agreed to be the den parents.” .Gunther took a bite of his food.

“Well Leaf and Laz  have been working with the kids and I am hoping that the team we send will form into a solid team and family unit. It will be good for the kids as well they have very high scores and these kids have displayed maturity.”

Gunther looked up from the list “Kiah the age of these Kids you want to put into mechs are just that kids.”

“I was going out on patrols when I was nine, the Unger twins are 11, jenny Cruise is 15 and Linda Chang is 12. They have all scored in high percentiles it all tests and they have all informed the instructors of interest to be a warrior. Why shouldn’t these recued children we have taken in be given the same opportunities are born to us children?” Kiah filled her plate as she spoke.

“Of course they should but they are greener then dirt.” Everett said.

“And this will give them experience.” Kiah pointed out.

“And the equipment they will be taking? “ Everett asked.

 “That is the beauty of it we will get assistance in repairing the mechs we put them in which will free up our costs.” Kiah nodded at the reports as she eat. “I was thinking of putting Linda Chang into the Battle Master. Jenny Cruise into the Griffin, Rita Unger into the firefly and her twin brother Harry into the Shadow Hawk. I am also going to send Yolanda Jackson to be the Logistics officer for them, Since she has been training with both of you it will be easy for her to coordinate with you both to keep the unit stocked and supplied. “

“So they will still be part of us then?” Gunther said.

“Yes they will be, they will just be lent out to the plant. The deal we are brokering will allow them to still claim us as their clan and will also affiliate them to star fall as citizens of it.” Kiah sat back.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1282 on: 19 May 2024, 06:46:34 »
Just to be clear, we don't have a game today? 


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1283 on: 19 May 2024, 08:44:50 »
Just to be clear, we don't have a game today?

next weekend


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1284 on: 19 May 2024, 11:12:44 »
Kiah picked up her com and dialed Gunther’s office. When the com was answered with a grumble Kiah smiled.
“Gunther, can you and Everett come to the office I want to discuss the progress report of Yolanda Jackson and I want to get feedback on something I am planning.
“I’ll grab Everett and be there in half an hour.”
“Good, I will order lunch for all of us we can do a working lunch.”
“Sounds Good.”

Kiah dialed the common kitchen. “Please have a lunch for three delivered to my office in 30.” She waited for the confirmation and then hung up. She was on her own for the day since her assistant was in the infirmary for a few days due to a stupid training injury.

Gunther and Everett walked into the office as the food was being unpacked onto the bar. Kiah looked up from her computer.

“Help yourself to food and pour me mead as well I’ll be over in a minute.” Kiah said. She stood up and crossed to the printer picked up the pile of papers and came to the table.

“okay so we have a wonderful opportunity for some of our youngsters to get some much needed experience.” She handed out the documents. We will be providing security for one of the plants the reports here show the kids that are getting the highest scores in the simulators, school and also the recommendations or their instructors and the drill sergeants and trainers.”

“Wait you want to send A bunch of kids to protect one of the planets plants?” Everett said is disbelief looking though his set of documents.

“Well they won’t be going all alone, I will be sending Leaf and Laz with them.” Kiah said.

“That makes sense Leaf being a medic and her husband Laz a communication’s Tech, but I am surprised they agreed to be the den parents.” .Gunther took a bite of his food.

“Well Leaf and Laz  have been working with the kids and I am hoping that the team we send will form into a solid team and family unit. It will be good for the kids as well they have very high scores and these kids have displayed maturity.”

Gunther looked up from the list “Kiah the age of these Kids you want to put into mechs are just that kids.”

“I was going out on patrols when I was nine, the Unger twins are 11, jenny Cruise is 15 and Linda Chang is 12. They have all scored in high percentiles it all tests and they have all informed the instructors of interest to be a warrior. Why shouldn’t these recued children we have taken in be given the same opportunities are born to us children?” Kiah filled her plate as she spoke.

“Of course they should but they are greener then dirt.” Everett said.

“And this will give them experience.” Kiah pointed out.

“And the equipment they will be taking? “ Everett asked.

 “That is the beauty of it we will get assistance in repairing the mechs we put them in which will free up our costs.” Kiah nodded at the reports as she eat. “I was thinking of putting Linda Chang into the Battle Master. Jenny Cruise into the Griffin, Rita Unger into the firefly and her twin brother Harry into the Shadow Hawk. I am also going to send Yolanda Jackson to be the Logistics officer for them, Since she has been training with both of you it will be easy for her to coordinate with you both to keep the unit stocked and supplied. “

“So they will still be part of us then?” Gunther said.

“Yes they will be, they will just be lent out to the plant. The deal we are brokering will allow them to still claim us as their clan and will also affiliate them to star fall as citizens of it.” Kiah sat back.

Checking his notes from when he gave Kiah his recommendations for what units would be on line the fastest. “Kiah the Shadow Hawk is one of the units that will need the most time to bring back on line. She has a lot of damage plus some of the parts will need to come from Davion space. With all that is going on that will take some doing and time. The Banshee or Dervish would be better choices. The Banshee will be on line faster. I know this will be a sore spot but your Wolverine is on line. Giving these kids two Assaults is not a great idea and the Dervish is a missile boat and the ammo costs will be a factor. I can try and push the Wraith up. Cost for getting some of the needed parts will be a factor but it can be done.”Everett finishes.

“I would also offer that having these cadets in a good number of our assault units would not be wise.” Gunther starts. “We have many other pilots that should be in line for one of these ‘Mechs. As Everett pointed out getting repair items will take time and money. From a more tactical point the Wraith is a god pick as it is energy based weapons ‘Mech, fast and the pulse weapons will help the cadet if combat is the only option. The Dervish need special ammo to be most effective and someone that is still learning would not be the best for this type of ‘Mech.” Looking at his pad. “Rita is the best one for the Firefly as she is the better pilot. Linda has scored the next best as a pilot and should handle the Battlemaster. The Griffin is a good pick for Jenny. Harry would do well in with the Wraith or Wolverine. You will need to need to pick the ‘Mech you would want him in.”

« Last Edit: 19 May 2024, 19:56:49 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1285 on: 19 May 2024, 19:49:59 »
Okay my bad the archer is not available, I got the missions confused.
the Hammers will be fielding

the Great Wyrum

nd the Hunchback


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1286 on: 19 May 2024, 20:42:35 »
“Chu-i sorry Lieutenant Ash that was some good work you did in April.” Special Agent Huffman of the NPO will offer as they walk along in Camp Haken.
“What work in April are you referring to Agent Huffman?” Lieutenant Ash asks.
“Spotting that the prisoner the GSF took during the mission around Lanikai. Spotting that the prisoner had a concussion and getting him to a hospital.”
“Well the MoC does see that its people have a good understanding of first aid.”
“Your work was a bit more than first aid.” Huffman looks at Ash. “Your skill is far better than normal.”
“I have spent in hospitals and I guess that I picked up somethings.”
“Please I am from the Combine you do not pull it off that well.”
“What it, are you talking about?” With a smile.
“If you want to play so be it.” Hoffman tells Ash. “You do know we have been checking on all members of the GSF.”
“That would be normal. You would not want bandits working for you after all.” Debbie smiles more. “Wait a bit did you not hire some?”
“Very funny. You will not get out of it so easy you know. I am here to thank you for what you did as the prisoner has been very helpful. We have found out that the unit you tangled with that was a low level Merc unit. The contract they took went through so many different companies we could not trace the original people.” Hoffman stops. “We know that this unit was not working with/for Kokuryu-kai but we have others that may have transported them out here. WoB is one. So the point is if he had not survived we would not know what little we have. He has been more helpful after he found out that someone tried to kill him and we are still working with him. With some luck we will find out just paid for his unit.”
“Happy to be of help.” With a somber look on her face. “I will do what I can, I still have some friends back home but it will take time.”
“Whatever you can do will be of help.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1287 on: 19 May 2024, 22:13:01 »
Ironborn 'Mechs for next week's mission will be as follows: the Wolverine and the Falcon Hawk.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1288 on: 20 May 2024, 17:25:01 »
Ironborn 'Mechs for next week's mission will be as follows: the Wolverine and the Falcon Hawk.

The Wolverine is still on mission. it was part of your force on mission 88.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1289 on: 20 May 2024, 19:42:39 »
The Wolverine is still on mission. it was part of your force on mission 88.
In that case, I'll send Stygg's Hammer instead.