Author Topic: The Wars of Reaving  (Read 42215 times)


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Re: The Wars of Reaving
« Reply #60 on: 31 January 2021, 22:47:35 »
I realize this is now 10 years on, but I just noticed this one as I am re-reading the book...

initial PDF release

p.99, end of first paragraph

"The Osis’ Pride, now somewhat repaired, fully crewed, and under Ice Hellion control, resumed its journey back to the Clan Homeworlds. It arrived at Hector in February 3074."

"The Osis’ Pride, now somewhat repaired, fully crewed, and under Ice Hellion control, resumed its journey back to the Clan Homeworlds. It arrived at Hector in February 3073."

later sections indicate that Connor Rood and the Osis' Pride reached Hector in early 3073, and 3074 would make no sense:
p.111 "By the end of 3072, the Ice Hellions could muster...saKhan Rood arrived six weeks later with the Osis’ Pride."
p.127 "Ice Hellion Khan Connor Rood’s arrival at Roche in November 3073"
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Re: The Wars of Reaving
« Reply #61 on: 19 April 2021, 10:32:25 »

"The Fortieth Hellion Lancers, detached from Alpha Galaxy, struck back against the Falcons at Golandrinas in order to seize the Clan’s new Jupiter facility, critical to the Hellions’ resupply plans."

The Jupiter facility is found on Erewhon, not Golandrinas. Replace "new Jupiter facility" with "industrial facilities".
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Re: The Wars of Reaving
« Reply #62 on: 19 May 2022, 14:09:46 »
pg. 194

Under Coyote General Bloodnames, one is listed as "Rosanke"

Correct spelling to "Rosanske"

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Re: The Wars of Reaving
« Reply #63 on: 31 May 2022, 12:34:36 »
Sorry to resurrect a dead thread, but I didn't see this one in here (and if I missed it, sorry)

Page 237
Days to jump point: 6.19 Hours

pretty sure this should be days, since it's the same type of star as Vinton (same page) and it's 6.19 days.  The sarna entry also lists it as days.


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Re: The Wars of Reaving
« Reply #64 on: 06 July 2022, 14:25:41 »
Page 63 (Bandit Caste: Commodus Van Houten)

Error: This section claims the Prinz Eugen disappeared and was given to Van Houten sometime after January 3072, then immediately claims that Van Houten used the Prinz Eugen in raids during 3071.

Correction: Change the beginning of the Prinz Eugen's raid to 3072, and its permanent reassignment to the Tanis system to 3073.


Page 125

Error: Typo; SLB-32 mislabeled as SLF-32.

Correction: Change SLF-32 to SLB-32.
« Last Edit: 08 July 2022, 15:30:23 by pokefan548 »
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Re: The Wars of Reaving
« Reply #65 on: 27 August 2023, 17:02:00 »
Error found in "Scorpion Gambit", Page 125:

Problematic text, p. 125, paragraph 3 -
The battle was brutal. The Viper vessels did their  best to disrupt the Scorpion landing, losing the Ophidian but managed to destroy the Auriga, Serket, and Corona Borealis. The Silver Snake, heavily damaged, shepherded itself and the Viper’s remaining fighters to the far side of Foster’s primary moon.

Issue -
* Early in the section, Clan Goliath Scorpion attempted to relieve their enclave on Foster in March, 3073, but were thwarted by Clan Coyote. When they returned in June, 3073, they faced elements of Clan Steel Viper, and a misunderstanding between the two factions led to accusations of "taint". However, events on Foster ended by the end of p. 124. On p. 125, the Scorpions encountered the Vipers again, this time on Glory.
* The identity of the colony being Glory is supported by the presence of Kindraa Mattila-Carrol, who took part of the Coyote enclave (former Wolf holdings) in response to Clan Wolf's theft of genetic material in early December, 3071 (WoR, p. 82)

Solution - Change the last sentence of the third paragraph to read:
The Silver Snake, heavily damaged, shepherded itself and the Viper’s remaining fighters to the far side of Glory’s primary moon.

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Re: The Wars of Reaving
« Reply #66 on: 23 February 2024, 22:45:51 »
Page 248
Political balance table 3075

based on the text of the sourcebook and previous Balance tables, it looks like Kirin and Tamaron's numbers got flipped. Tamaron is the final redoubt of the Coyotes throughout the book, while Kirin belongs to other Clans (the Horses are attacked on Kirin in 3069, page 36, as an example.)


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Re: The Wars of Reaving
« Reply #67 on: 23 June 2024, 11:05:57 »
Page 69
"SaKhan Rood’s task force faced little opposition and seized Anywhere, Somerset, Erewhon, Bone Norman, and Lackhove [in June 3071]"
Issue: Lackhove was taken in October per p. 72 of this book, Blake Documents p. 28, and Operation Ice Storm novel.
Correction: Mapping out the invasion progress there does not appear to be another suitable world to replace the first Lackhove with. Recommend simply deleting June Lackhove mention.
NOTE: This conflict also appears in Blake Documents and this errata will be repeated there.

Pages 99 & 101

-PK comment signature is used.
Correction: Replace with -SK as Semi Kalasa had been providing commentary throughout and there's no indication Phelan Kell briefly hijacked the thread.
« Last Edit: 09 July 2024, 10:57:17 by ShroudedSciuridae »
"Assassinating" the Clan commander's goldfish is hardly the stuff of legend.

