Author Topic: Initiative Bonus Cap  (Read 1596 times)


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  • Posts: 33
  • From Sunny Cebu
Initiative Bonus Cap
« on: 12 February 2024, 02:16:01 »
Hello guys,

Is there a cap on Initiative Bonuses? I found a cap on the BI Rating (ASCE page 155) which is a maximum of +3. Is this supposedly a maximum allowable limit of all initiative stacking, not just the BI Rating?

I hope it is. Because look, let's theoretically assume that there's no limitation, and you want to maximize the initiative bonus. So you incorporate the following in your force:

* SCA 1: Strategic Planning: +2
* SCA 2: Environmental or Enemy Specialization: +1 for selected specialized terrain or enemy
* Max BI Rating: +3

That would be a +6 Initiative, which is waaaaaaay too much.

So, is the +3 an initiative bonus cap? Any clarifications would be appreciated. Thanks!
How's my PPC?


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Re: Initiative Bonus Cap
« Reply #1 on: 12 February 2024, 13:18:31 »
The BI addition is an optional rule right? I see a way to get to +4 without it, so there's your cap.

I think if you are using optional rules, you should agree pre-game; this means that both sides will be playing the BI game and getting bonuses for initiative in their list, which really just negates it. (Both sides get +3 is exactly equal to both sides having +0).

If both players agree to play with Battlefield Intelligence, and one player gets +3 while the other gets +0, then perhaps the second one should put more thought into battlefield preparation, and as a commander might reconsider their prioritization of C2 and recon in their battle plan!
« Last Edit: 12 February 2024, 13:21:30 by CarcosanDawn »

