Author Topic: Infantry Clearing Attempts  (Read 1248 times)


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Infantry Clearing Attempts
« on: 22 April 2018, 09:32:24 »
I took the effort to apply the BMR woods clearing attempts to buildings.

(Note: I can't find my original incarnation of these rules. Either it got bumped from the forums, or was lost in an older forum incarnation. I'll have to repost them. But, my latest reprisal isn't that far off. There was more tracking of tonnage allotments when applying damage.)

It occurred to me that the same could be done with Infantry as an alternate way of doing damage and attacks against them.

Yes, this is another form of streamlining and quickening Infantry rules in a manner that I hope makes sense.

The Idea
You roll against a weapon's strength value and if you roll less than or equal to that value, you reduce that infantry unit in question by '1 Level'.


I still like the notion that some weapons are better at eliminating infantry than others, so the standard damage values won't work. However, the Total Warfare Anti-Infantry damage values are next to impossible for a lot of weapons.

I've always been of the opinion that damage against Infantry should have been random. Well, here's one option:
When making the check, you roll a d6 and add it to the weapon's Anti-Infantry damage as indicated in Total Warfare. Then you roll 2d6 and if it's less than or equal to that modified damage value, the Infantry Formation is reduced in size.

-Infantry 'Levels'-
Simple: An infantry squad counts as a single level. So a full platoon that gets successfully cleared is reduced by one squad.

If you're wanting to stick with the Infantry in Total Warfare and their damage values, simply take the full platoon value for the appropriate sized platoon, and cut the damage in quarters. Round as you see fit.

Other complications:
There are other things one could do to eliminate rolling to-hits to and from infantry, but that's really up to you. This is just an alternate means of scoring damage without too much in the way of pencil-pushing, so have fun. I'm sure if you dug, you could find some of my alternate solutions. (I can't seem to find the search feature on this version of forums. Maybe I'm just not seeing it.)

For example: Infantry could avoid rolling the two-tier To-hit and then cluster damage by just going strait to the cluster table and modifying their roll by range to target, terrain, and target movement modifiers in the same way you would apply the AMS modifier to missile cluster table rolls.

For example 2: You may decide that only support weapons can damage Mechs, and find the appropriate weapons stats and roll for them only when attacking with infantry. Tracking how many weapons are left would be simple by how many squads are left, and how many support weapons those squads carried.


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