Author Topic: (Answered) Calculating artillery target number for targets beyond long range  (Read 2663 times)


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 342
I think there is an issue with the rules when it comes to calculating target number for artillery attacks beyond 42 inch range on p. 47 AS:CE. "Range" paragraph on that page says that artillery shooting at a target beyond 42 inch range should use +6 range modifier for extreme range, but the "Target Number" paragraph just below seems to contradict it by saying that all artillery attacks except artillery cannons don't use range modifiers at all, and apply flat +4 modifier instead. This would mean that the only artillery attacks that may get a +6 modifier for extreme range would be artillery cannons, but according to Artillery Range and Damage Table on the same page all artillery cannons are limited to either medium or long range.

Does it mean that the second sentence of the "Range" paragraph, which introduces a +6 mod for extreme range artillery attacks, should be deleted since between the caps on artillery cannons ranges and the fact that all other artillery attacks don't use range modifiers at all the +6 modifier for extreme range artillery attacks would never be used?
« Last Edit: 06 June 2024, 10:48:09 by nckestrel »


  • Scientia Bellator
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The +6 at extreme range replaces the artillery's standard +4.
Artillery cannons cannot attack at extreme range, none reach that far.


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 342
If this is the case, then I believe that the rules should be reworded, since Target Number paragraph explicitly says that artillery attacks (except artillery cannons) don't use range modifiers, while the Range paragraph just as explicitly calls the +6 mod a range modifier.

Edit: I need to apologize to everyone reading this thread, especially nckestrel. It turns out that I was working with an outdated Fifth Printing pdf when I wrote all of the above instead of the current Sixth Printing, which has some changes on p. 47. In particular id does not mention a +6 modifier for artillery attacks at all. Still, if what nckestrel said above is correct (and the footnote 12 in the Attacks Modifiers Table on p. 44 supports him) I believe my original response to him still stands for the most part - page 47 needs another correction, because right now it tells to use a flat +4 modifier for most artillery attacks at all ranges, including extreme.

Once again, sorry for causing unnecessary confusion.
« Last Edit: 06 June 2024, 17:59:39 by Alfaryn »