Author Topic: Battletech Long Island III  (Read 138977 times)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1350 on: 08 July 2024, 09:23:49 »
“I have a report on the defense system boards that were damaged. Someone placed hard code on them so that some IFF’s would not trigger a response from the automated weapons platforms. I have people looking into who supplied these boards and what other defense systems are using them. I have also ordered that all of our other main frames have the boards replaced with off world ones. We have a good supply from the stock that the Guard drought with them.”
“Good. Keep me informed on this.”

 “You did see to it that they were paid?” Meiyo asks.
“Hai Aijin.” The older gentleman responds. “The funds were sent to the account they gave us. They were well compensated for the find per your instructions.”
“Do they have any idea what it was?”
“Ie Aijin. They only had a limited scan of the area. When our survey team looked into the spot they found the item.”
“Very good.” Meiyo looking over the images. “She will be most helpful when she in in service. Let the repair crews know this is a black project and she gets priority.”
“Hai Aijin.”

“Sir our survey team has returned from the area that the prospectors informed us of and the area did not have any ore deposits.”
“Well what did they find?” Kolya Lavrenti asks.
“They found an old Liberty Class JumpShip.”
Sitting up at his desk. “Is she serviceable?”
“The team is looking her over sir. But for the early reports she is.”
“Please keep me informed.” Kolya with a big smile on his face. “It looks like we just might make corporate very happy and for a few hundred thousand C-Bills at that.”
“How is that sir?”
“Well if she is space worthy they will not need to keep sending out transport for us, we would have our own. Shipping costs are going up as things get hotter and most of the major companies are not making runs this far out as they have all they can handle due to what is going on.”
“I see sir. What about any repairs and licensing?”
“I think that we will be able to do that here. The local repair center can see to both. That and the cost would be much less than getting a ship just for out here.”
“Very good sir.”
“Do make sure that the couple is paid for the find and if they need repairs on their ship let them know we will help them cover the costs. Also let them know that if the find any other readings like that we will be very happy to work with them in the future.”
“Yes sir. Am I telling them anything about the find?”
“Let them know that it was not a mineral find, it was salvage.”
“Very good sir.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1351 on: 08 July 2024, 17:22:28 »
Going to be working on a write up from my unit's perspective and sticking it in my github (with some here and a link to it) but have some questions.

What was the in-game date of the mission today?

We are in June of 3069. 2-3 weeks in. I only use set dates for somethings not missions so much as that would make things way to hard.

What was the Name/Rank of the commander?

Bully Roads commander of Road’s Warriors.

He is also the logistics officer for the GSF. Husband to Kaih Franks Commander of Kaih’s Hammers … she is the overall commander of the GSF …. She did not step back when the others did.  :evil:  :lipsrsealed:

Rank well what day is it.  :evil: Major / Sho-sa to the locals.

What was the name/rank of the person/unit that spotted the ambusher?

The MechWarrior in the Griffin from Roads Warriors. Name that will need to come from the Obnoxious Twerp.

Same for the APC and Infantry.

Any details anyone wants to provide above that, I will be happy to fit in, any photos also.

I might might get a something after I switch out my PC toys

Honestly, I was so fixated on minimizing my own mistakes in process/numbers I knew I wouldn't be able to keep track of other things. Some of my strategic mistakes I will include in the write up, so if you have good/bad things, feel free to send em my way.

All good, you did fine.

August 11th is the second weekend of August, I am available that day.

Look forward to seeing you then.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1352 on: 08 July 2024, 17:31:02 »
As the four ‘Mechs search the area the Hitman and Raven will pick up heavy EM readings from that direction of the Vasilievna main complex.
“Are you getting the same readings from your beagle that I am getting?” MechWarrior Schmitt asks Lieutenant Yang.
“If you’re talking about some crazy heavy EM from the Vasilievna complex sure.”
“Have you seen anything like this before?”
“Sure when I’m back at base and the other units have a lot of the gear on line.”
“Me too, but they should not have that much equipment?” Schmitt asks.
“Well we can make a sweep of the area to see what other readings we get.”
“I don’t know about that.” Lieutenant Zhou interjects. “Our orders are to keep a low-profile. Getting closer will not work, Chao you and I are the only ones with stealth armor and I’m sure they have other sensors that we will need to worry about.”
“How about we back off and let command in on the readings. I sure they will get some other recon in the area.” Loni offers.
“Sounds good to me.” Chao
“OK then we put some space between us and them. Then we make the call.” Meifeng adds.
“I’ll take point. With my armor and lasers I should be able to deal with most threats we my run into.” Roger Frey will kick in.

“Now that the other commands know about Narvik are we going to open it for them?”
“I do not know. We have our hands and facilities full repairing the field salvage so we can put in to use later on. The support from the governor has helped with costs but we will need to get more people if we are to open it for general services.”
“So then the techs will make House Calls only for now.”
“Only for fellow GSF units and if the DCMS if they ask. That is the best we can offer for now.”
“What about the other ‘Mech forces on world? We have equipment that they do not.”
“We will need to see just who they are working for. It would be bad form if we repaired units not working for the good of Nejiro after all.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1353 on: 08 July 2024, 21:22:20 »
We are in June of 3069. 2-3 weeks in. I only use set dates for somethings not missions so much as that would make things way to hard.

Honestly, relative dates works fine, even just the month would work. It's more that the HGP have dates on them so wanted to know how things fit together.

I might might get a something after I switch out my PC toys

No rush. I can add more as people provide some details.

All good, you did fine.

Next time I should be "better" prepared. Now when reading the rules it makes a bit more sense with certain things. But then I'll be possibly using completely different units so can make the same mistakes in new ways.

The only damage I had was the fused turret and 15 armor, so unless I need help with that Ulam (Chief Tech) gets to give Kem (XO) a hard time about it. But I'll be looking to find out the process for that (if a particular book has the info, just point).


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1354 on: 09 July 2024, 11:37:58 »
“Welcome to Deccan Hanto Captain Markov, how is you trip going?”
“Slow but sure. My crew and I cannot wait to get to Constantine.”
“The Konstantinovich Ichizoku, are some of the best with watercraft on the planet. I am sure they will fix what is wrong with your craft.”
“So far that is what all the others have told us from when we started this trek.”
“Well you and your crew are welcome to spend a couple of days here to rest your craft before you make the final leg of your journey.”
“Thank you. All of these stops are making the trip much longer than needed.”

“Sir, sensors just picked up movement a couple of kilometers outside of out boundaries.”
“Any idea of what it is?”
“Something large, some type of combat vehicles from the EM sig we are getting.”
“Get a patrol in the area to find out just what it is.”
“Hai sir!”

“Looks like we tripped something, I got two (2) fast movers coming up on our six.”
“Time to move fast.”
“How about the mountains to the north-west? They have woods too.”
“That should work.”
“Sure as long as they are just ground vehicles.”
“Crank up the E-noise just to help.”
“On it.”

“Sir the recon reports that they could not find the target. They never made contact but they know they were tracking a group of light ‘Mechs from the tracks they found on the both sides of Tone-gawa. They report that the ‘Mechs were heading in to the mountains between Fortress Zakharovich and Camp Kurawa. With how heavy the woods are in that area the recon could not follow. Our recon also reported that the bandits are running some heavy ECM as well.”
“Great we have bandits with new gear poking around our complex. Inform all units that they are on alert.”
“Sir, All units?”
“All militia units.” With a smile on his face. “Inform the planetary militia and the GSF of our findings. We have bandits in the area let them do the hard work.”
“Hai sir.”

“GSF command to all GSF units, we have a report of raiders in the area of Zakharovich Fortress and Camp Kurawa. All commands will dispatch units to deal with these raiders.” Tekeda will look at Gulia. “Note that these bandits are running heavy ECM from the scout teams report. Last off Zakharovich’s Kylfings will provide support units for this mission as well.”
“Do you think it wise for Zakharovich units to be away from the fortress if other raiders are in the area?” She asks.
“About time the militias do something don’t you think?”
“Hai.” She answers.

OK so next mission.
AO will be like last mission. go figure you will only be on the other side of the same mountain range  :grin:

Yes mission 90 forces can be used.  :cool:

normal deployment for GSF units. 1 ' Mech, 1 Armored, 1 Infantry and your pick.

same restrictions as last time.

Units from Missions 88 (providing extra security for the plant) and 89 (providing extra security for the Shiro).

mission 88
Hands of the Goddess Force
Captain Jemma               3 / 5      VTR-9K Victor
Sergeant Lisa Kingsley         3 / 5      ABS-3L Anubis
Pegasus Scout Tank (MRM)         3 / 4      Lieutenant Laila Barcenes
Cavalry VTOL Infantry         2 / 4   
Infiltrator Mk. I Battle Armor      1
Kiah’s Hammers Force
Captain Carl Franks            1 / 2      ARC-8M Archer
Sturmfeur Heavy Tank         3 / 5      2nd Lieutenant Kayden
Manticore Heavy Tank            3 / 5      Sergeant Lincoln
Bandit Hover Transport (Alpha) (H)   3 / 5      2nd Lieutenant
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor Laser (B)   3      Sergeant
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor Laser (C)   3      Sergeant
Ironborn Force
Lance Captain Lorren “Black Lorren” Botley    2 / 4      WVR-7M Wolverine
Lieutenant Tristifer Botley          4 / 6      TR1 Wraith
Pegasus Scout Hover Tank ’58      4 / 5      
Goblin Infantry Tank (Delta)      4 / 5
Rifle Foot Infantry Platoon (D)      4

mission 89
Hands of the Goddess Force
Captain Niobe Tan            1 / 3      GRF-5M Griffin            XO
Lieutenant Debbie Ash         3 / 5      ARC-4M Archer
Kiah’s Hammers Force
MechWarrior Sergeant Reece      2 / 3      Great Wyrm
MechWarrior Sergeant Kiston       2 / 4      HBK-4G Hunchback
Ironborn Force
Lieutenant Stygg “Cleftjaw” Blacktyde       3 / 5      HMR-3M Hammer (Bravo)
Lieutenant Asha Greyjoy         4 / 5      FNHK-9K Falcon Hawk
Road’s Warriors Force
Chu-i Miyamoto “Bisho” Musashi       3 / 4      Shadow Cat B
Sergeant               4      Raiden Battle Armor (Laser) (B)      4 troopers
Kiyosuke Sook-O            3 / 5      CMA-C Chimera

if you all could have your force list up by Aug 3 so that is someone needs things I can help out.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1355 on: 09 July 2024, 16:23:38 »
The Hands of the Goddess will keep the Firestarter and Karnov in the field.  The two other units will be replaced by the Hussar and Gladius.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1356 on: 10 July 2024, 21:49:35 »
hey Gang -

“Herr I have Dame Hammond on the line for you.” Duke’s valet informs him as he brings a phone in to the study.
“Danke Willham.” Duke takes the phone. “To what do I owe the honor of this call Frau Hammond?”
“Just letting you know that I’m on world and looking to see if we could get together.”
“I think I can make some time to see you. Do you have any place you would like to go?”
“I would like to go to Orla Eyrie. Every time I have tried to get in they are booked solid.”
“I may know someone that could get us in. I will make a call and see what can happen.”
“That would be great. I also have some information for you when we get together. It is not something I want to talk about over an open line.”
“Very well I will get back to you as soon as I get us a table at Orla Eyrie.”

“Willham will you get Major Cranson on the line for me Bitte.”
“Ja, Sir, sofort.”

“Major I have “Duke” Bosche calling for you.”
“Send the call to my office, I’ll take it in there.”

Crash goes into his office and closes the door: he picks up the phone. “Duke what can I do for you? I hope this is not an alert.”
“Nein …. No this is more of a social call. I would like to know if you could arrange a table for a friend and myself at your restaurant.”
“Do you want a private room or just a table?”
“A table is fine. She has been looking to try the food but has not been able to get in.”
“Lucky of me the place has been doing well. The staff has done well keeping the people very happy with the menu.” Crash thinks for a second. “If you want I will make sure that a table with a view of Yousai is ready for you and your lady. Just let me know what day and time you would like.”
“That is much more then I can ask, you have others that have made reservations for such a table. I could not ….”
“Please we are GSF I would do the same for any fellow member.”
“I will call her and let you know the time. Danke …. Thank You.” Duke thinks for a second. “You may want to stop by yourself as my dinner partner is Annette Hammond. You both may prophet for the meal.”
“I just may be on hand then.”

“Grubby get in my office ASAP!” Crash yells over the PA.

A short time later “What’s up Boss?”
“What can you tell me about Annette Hammond?”
“Well she owns AH Traders ….. you know the outfit I got the Crab from.”
“I knew the name sounded familiar.” Looking at Grubby. “Looks like Duke just may have set us up real nice.”

“Anne I got your Lyran Hun on the line.”
“Send it to my office. He is not my Lyran Hun.” Under her breath. “Not yet anyway.” She gets to her office. “Send in the call.” She picks up the reciver. “Well that was fast.”
“When one is motivated one will get things done fast. So when would you like to go to Orla Eyrie?”
“What … you are kidding …. right?”
“No I am not, tell me when you want to go and we will have a table.” Duke thinks for a second. “With a view from what I am told.”
“WOW! How?”
“Let’s just say an old army buddy.”
“OK how about Sunday late lunch, say 2ish?”
“I will set it up for 2:30 to give you some extra time.” Looking at his date book and marking it down. “My buddy may want to talk shop with you after we eat. He may want to see what you have in stock.”
“You know how to get a lady to look forward to lunch. Not only do you take her to one of the hottest places on planet you help her out with sales also.”
“Well if things go well we may have to find dinner as well.”
“A girl can only hope.”

“Crash Duke just called back and he is asking if 2:30 works?”
“You tell him no problem. Then tell the crew at Orla that he and his date are going to be there and to make sure they get V.I.P. treatment.”
“Good to go boss.”
“OH if Miss Hammond ever looks to have dinner at Orla from this point on she has a table. Understood?”

pretty much how I would have handled it  :smilie_happy_thumbup:

Crash will make a point to be available at the restaurant that day to say hello and possibly talk buisness if the lady is willing to do so (starting with half an owens worth of replacement parts...  or a whole owens if that is easier)

For the next mission will swap out the Hunter for the Hawk Moth (the bird has a LEEEEETLE bit too much air conditioning right now...) and Owens for Eagle (want the BAP); if I cannot reload the current Schiltron, will switch Schiltrons.  Crash in the Wolvie will stick with it unless the gang feels I should bring something heavier like the Orion or Albatross


P.S. - is Duke Ogre's commander?  Can't remember.

P.P.S. - just realized that I never got to play out to the interaction with the training commander from the roleplaying day a few months ago...  Is it still possible to do so, or has that ship sailed?

P.P.P.S - (promise this is the LAST postscript for today... ;p)  Is it possible to get clan pulse weapons to swap out in the wolvie?  getting SOOOoo tired of always being out of range...
« Last Edit: 10 July 2024, 22:15:15 by Crash99c »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1357 on: 11 July 2024, 00:13:33 »
“Welcome to Deccan Hanto Captain Markov, how is you trip going?”
“Slow but sure. My crew and I cannot wait to get to Constantine.”
“The Konstantinovich Ichizoku, are some of the best with watercraft on the planet. I am sure they will fix what is wrong with your craft.”
“So far that is what all the others have told us from when we started this trek.”
“Well you and your crew are welcome to spend a couple of days here to rest your craft before you make the final leg of your journey.”
“Thank you. All of these stops are making the trip much longer than needed.”

Pavel calls a meeting in the watch room of the ship.  Assembled there were Julia, Freyja, Jonah and his team.

"We'll be landing at Constantine Island soon."  He told everyone.  "Ms. Raids, Ms. Jeff, Colonel Greyjoy has placed you in charge of the infiltration mission.  We appreciate all you've done to train us en route to our destination.  Just tell us what you'd like us to do once we arrive and we'll do it."

Sophia stands at the center of the room.  Looking at Freyja and Julia, she says. "As Captain Markov has stated, we've given the three of you a crash course in espionage and infiltration.  Now it's time to put that training to the test."  Gathering everyone closer, she added.  "Now then, here's what everyone's assignment will be..."

OOG: Anthony and Dawn, I'll leave what Sophia says next to you two.
« Last Edit: 11 July 2024, 21:55:46 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1358 on: 11 July 2024, 00:23:48 »
As the four ‘Mechs search the area the Hitman and Raven will pick up heavy EM readings from that direction of the Vasilievna main complex.
“Are you getting the same readings from your beagle that I am getting?” MechWarrior Schmitt asks Lieutenant Yang.
“If you’re talking about some crazy heavy EM from the Vasilievna complex sure.”
“Have you seen anything like this before?”
“Sure when I’m back at base and the other units have a lot of the gear on line.”
“Me too, but they should not have that much equipment?” Schmitt asks.
“Well we can make a sweep of the area to see what other readings we get.”
“I don’t know about that.” Lieutenant Zhou interjects. “Our orders are to keep a low-profile. Getting closer will not work, Chao you and I are the only ones with stealth armor and I’m sure they have other sensors that we will need to worry about.”
“How about we back off and let command in on the readings. I sure they will get some other recon in the area.” Loni offers.
“Sounds good to me.” Chao
“OK then we put some space between us and them. Then we make the call.” Meifeng adds.
“I’ll take point. With my armor and lasers I should be able to deal with most threats we my run into.” Roger Frey will kick in.

Once out of range, Meifeng will signal Camp Haken.

"Colonel, this is Night Witch.  We've completed our sweep of the Vasilievna complex.  The Koichizoku are running massive amounts of ECM interference from their base, far more than they should have access to.  We'll need additional assets to fully scout the area.  We need to see what's going on and what machines the Vasilievna are running to produce all this interference.  Night Witch out."

"Now we wait."  Meifeng told the others.


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1359 on: 11 July 2024, 19:19:04 »
hey Gang -

pretty much how I would have handled it  :smilie_happy_thumbup:

Crash will make a point to be available at the restaurant that day to say hello and possibly talk buisness if the lady is willing to do so (starting with half an owens worth of replacement parts...  or a whole owens if that is easier)

So post up something  :evil: kind of why I put this up  :angel:

For the next mission will swap out the Hunter for the Hawk Moth (the bird has a LEEEEETLE bit too much air conditioning right now...) and Owens for Eagle (want the BAP); if I cannot reload the current Schiltron, will switch Schiltrons.  Crash in the Wolvie will stick with it unless the gang feels I should bring something heavier like the Orion or Albatross

I say bring in someone new for me to shoot at  :ready5:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :ready5:

go with what works for you  :smilie_happy_clapping: :bruce6sg:


P.S. - is Duke Ogre's commander?  Can't remember.

yes .... gives you a reason to talk with him .... phone or e-mail  :evil:

P.P.S. - just realized that I never got to play out to the interaction with the training commander from the roleplaying day a few months ago...  Is it still possible to do so, or has that ship sailed?

well over the horizon  :lipsrsealed:

P.P.P.S - (promise this is the LAST postscript for today... ;p)  Is it possible to get clan pulse weapons to swap out in the wolvie?  getting SOOOoo tired of always being out of range...

stop bringing a knife to the gun fight  :tongue:

no on the custom with clan tech.

I do know of a few nice Wolverine load outs that can reach out to touch someone  :evil: and they are in the record sheets.  :police:


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1360 on: 11 July 2024, 19:35:04 »
Once out of range, Meifeng will signal Camp Haken.

"Colonel, this is Night Witch.  We've completed our sweep of the Vasilievna complex.  The Koichizoku are running massive amounts of ECM interference from their base, far more than they should have access to.  We'll need additional assets to fully scout the area.  We need to see what's going on and what machines the Vasilievna are running to produce all this interference.  Night Witch out."

"Now we wait."  Meifeng told the others.

“Hay Schmitt, are you picking up those signals in the mountains?”
“I sure am. Looks like someone has ECM too.”
“Great, just what we need more trouble.”
“The big thing is I can’t get command on line. The mountains and ECM are blocking everything.”
“I was hoping you were not going to say that. I have been trying for about half hour.”
“I just hope someone picks up on we have not reported and are overdue.”
“we just might want to add to all the noise. Just so whoever is messing around does not find us so quick.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1361 on: 11 July 2024, 20:34:20 »
So I still have to sit down and read what others have posted and figuring things out a bit. BUT, BUT. I have done some things.

I have a to do list of things I want to do. In addition, I have added 'after mission X' to each thing in the list so we know when it was added/when it started to be needed to be done.

After Action Party Discussion. This is the fun part. Not a whole heck of a lot but I'll sum up

- The XO is the one that got shot in the schiltron.
- Brant Crowley is the leader of the TAG Platoon that took out the tank. He gets a callsign & name.

If any of y'all wish to add anything to the conversation or general notes, let me know.
« Last Edit: 11 July 2024, 21:34:19 by Kem »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1362 on: 11 July 2024, 22:09:31 »
“Hay Schmitt, are you picking up those signals in the mountains?”
“I sure am. Looks like someone has ECM too.”
“Great, just what we need more trouble.”
“The big thing is I can’t get command on line. The mountains and ECM are blocking everything.”
“I was hoping you were not going to say that. I have been trying for about half hour.”
“I just hope someone picks up on we have not reported and are overdue.”
“we just might want to add to all the noise. Just so whoever is messing around does not find us so quick.”

"Chao, engage Stealth Armor.  Loni, Roger, engage your ECMs.  We'll keep in touch using our 'Mechs LED running lights.  Mark this point.  This is our rendezvous point.  Spread out, find the ECM sources, mark them and return here in one hour.  I'm taking responsibility.  When we meet back up, we'll go and hit a few of them.  Loni, you're with me.  Roger, go with Chao.  Night Witch, going dark."

Meifeng activated her Stealth Armor.  She then started sifting through her war-book and notes, looking for what known units their many enemies possessed that could lay down an ECM field this heavy.  Turning Night Witch east, she ran the Anubis away from the rendezvous point as the makeshift lance broke up into pairs, heading in opposite directions.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1363 on: 12 July 2024, 20:31:57 »
For the next mission will swap out the Hunter for the Hawk Moth (the bird has a LEEEEETLE bit too much air conditioning right now...) and Owens for Eagle (want the BAP); if I cannot reload the current Schiltron, will switch Schiltrons.  Crash in the Wolvie will stick with it unless the gang feels I should bring something heavier like the Orion or Albatross


just a question for you on the Schiltron .... you fired off 8 rounds .... just under 2 tons .... why the sqap? this thing has 8 tons .... 40 rounds of missiles. you have just over 6 tons ... 32 rounds in the mags  :evil:

yes the Alpha can use the credit for a mission.

if you want fire power go with the Albatross. same speed as the Orion, better armor, much more fire power at range and as it gets close much more hitting power. also both can use the mission credit.

last offer is when the mission starts you have you BA swap rides if you bring the Alpha Owens. This way you BA from the Schiltron can get to use the AIT bit and the other guys can play body guard.  :angel:

« Last Edit: 12 July 2024, 20:49:04 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1364 on: 12 July 2024, 21:18:34 »
Pavel calls a meeting in the watch room of the ship.  Assembled there were Julia, Freyja, Jonah and his team.

"We'll be landing at Constantine Island soon."  He told everyone.  "Ms. Raids, Ms. Jeff, Colonel Greyjoy has placed you in charge of the infiltration mission.  We appreciate all you've done to train us en route to our destination.  Just tell us what you'd like us to do once we arrive and we'll do it."

Sophia stands at the center of the room.  Looking at Freyja and Julia, she says. "As Captain Markov has stated, we've given the three of you a crash course in espionage and infiltration.  Now it's time to put that training to the test."  Gathering everyone closer, she added.  "Now then, here's what everyone's assignment will be..."

OOG: Anthony and Dawn, I'll leave what Sophia says next to you two.

Agent Dalca and Sergeant Jett look over all in the room. “To start when you get to Constantine just stay cool. Look around but like someone on the island for the first time. They have a lot of fun things to do. Do them.” Sophia will start. “They will have people watching all of you so let them watch. Work when you should have fun when you can. But keep your eyes and ears open and mouth shut.” She smiles at the group. “Sergeant what do you have to offer?”
Mara will look around. “First off no weapons …. what most will think of as weapons that is. We have given you items that you can use to defend yourself but do not look like a weapon, use them only if you have too.” She will pick up a pad. “We know that these areas.” Pointing out places on the map. “Are off limits so do not go into them. If any of you think or spot something that is in these areas WE will look into them. We do not need any of you getting into trouble for going into these areas and getting kicked off the island … it is a long swim back.” She smiles.  “Last off you will have very limited contact with us as we will be looking around also. We will have to stay out of sight as some here may know of us, problem of being local. We will setup contact times and points during our time on the island.” Looking back at Sophia. “Follow what Sophia said and we all get to go home with no problems.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1365 on: 14 July 2024, 09:31:42 »
“Recovery teams standby for transport. You have four vehicles down and one in need of minor repair plus one “Mech in need of repairs. You will also find one ‘Mech and one vehicle that are salvage.”
“Transports will be ready to move units in the field to a new location and bring fresh units to the same location.”

“Major the techs have finished the check out of the Demon Tank that Ratchet returned and she is 100%.”
“That is good news. I guess I will need to see about getting a crew for it.”
“We will have to work with the crew for a bit due to the fusion engine. Most on world do not work with these engines.”
“That is good as we will teach them our ways.” Alannah will look over the report. “I see it will needs a crew of three. I will get to work on this ASAP.”
« Last Edit: 14 July 2024, 09:49:41 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1366 on: 16 July 2024, 20:49:16 »
hey Gang -

pretty much how I would have handled it  :smilie_happy_thumbup:

Crash will make a point to be available at the restaurant that day to say hello and possibly talk buisness if the lady is willing to do so (starting with half an owens worth of replacement parts...  or a whole owens if that is easier)

For the next mission will swap out the Hunter for the Hawk Moth (the bird has a LEEEEETLE bit too much air conditioning right now...) and Owens for Eagle (want the BAP); if I cannot reload the current Schiltron, will switch Schiltrons.  Crash in the Wolvie will stick with it unless the gang feels I should bring something heavier like the Orion or Albatross


P.S. - is Duke Ogre's commander?  Can't remember.

P.P.S. - just realized that I never got to play out to the interaction with the training commander from the roleplaying day a few months ago...  Is it still possible to do so, or has that ship sailed?

P.P.P.S - (promise this is the LAST postscript for today... ;p)  Is it possible to get clan pulse weapons to swap out in the wolvie?  getting SOOOoo tired of always being out of range...

"Crash, Grat zeea(phonetic for correct pronunciation) for getting us a table anywhere here on such short notice."

"Milady, I was hoping we could have a chance to talk when you returned, but too be honest I thought you would take more time to deal with more pressing and urgent business matters before calling me. I am surprised, that is all."
"So here it is, I have thoroughly enjoyed all the times we have spent together and would like to continue doing so on a more regular basis. No I am not asking you to quit what you so obviously enjoy doing, and honestly when I have had a chance I love watching you make your buyers dance to your "tunes", so in order to make our relationship at least possible, I am going to hand of the command of the Loyalty Forsaken to Himiko, she already knows this will happen and is already learning as much as she can and the senior officers and NCOs are helping as well. Nominally I will be at it's command, pushing paperwork, while she gets more familiar working with the other GSF units and friendly units on planet and acquiring more field and command time. I am doing this for multiple reasons, first and foremost I wish to spend more time with you, second I am getting too old for this "shit".

So currently for the game on 11 Aug 2024 my plan is to field
Von Rohrs
Yellow Jacket
Badger "Dog pound" with it's accompanying BA( 1 sqd of I.S. BA, and x2 sqd of Rottweiler BA
and either a griffin 1N or Ajax B(omni tank)

Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1367 on: 18 July 2024, 18:53:58 »
Is there any aerial reconnaissance of the last battle(pictures)? Could someone post them? Please.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1368 on: 18 July 2024, 19:45:58 »
"It feels...different somehow."

Fuka guided the Black Knight through the 'Mech-sized slalom set up ahead of the practice range.  Her new 'Mech responded seamlessly to the brainwaves she sent through the neuro-helmet.

"That's because you're running upright instead of being hunched over on chicken legs."  Said Harald over the comms.  "It runs the way a human runs, so it should feel more natural."

"It does."  Fuka remarked as she passed the next checkpoint.  "It kind of makes me want to try to make her dance."

"Don't you dare."  Harald warned.  "We spent a lot of money and TLC to get that thing up and running.  I don't want to have to take her back to the repair bay because you wanted to play around."

"Don't worry.  I won't."  Fuka responded.

Upon reaching the firing range, Fuka surveyed the familiar targets.  "Time to test your new long-range firepower."  Harald said.  Fuka toggled the 'Mech's ER PPC.  She was used to the large pulse lasers from Crow's Eye, but this was the first time she actually had a weapon that could hit a target at long range and not just short.  Squeezing the trigger, she saw the blue beam of charged particles strike the target from kilometers away.  The hit was off-center, but seeing the hole burn its way into the target still gave her pause.

"Sugoi."  She muttered to herself.  She thought about how far she'd come since first joining the Ironborn.  Now, she had her own 'Mech.  She was going to be part of the Hilo City Defense Force (whenever the Colonel was ready to unveil them).  If only her family could see her now.

"Next target, Fuka.  If you please."  Harald's voice bringing her back to reality.

"Hai, Hoare-sama."  She said, bringing her reticle on to the next target.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1369 on: 20 July 2024, 18:36:24 »
"Milady, I was hoping we could have a chance to talk when you returned, but too be honest I thought you would take more time to deal with more pressing and urgent business matters before calling me. I am surprised, that is all."
"So here it is, I have thoroughly enjoyed all the times we have spent together and would like to continue doing so on a more regular basis. No I am not asking you to quit what you so obviously enjoy doing, and honestly when I have had a chance I love watching you make your buyers dance to your "tunes", so in order to make our relationship at least possible, I am going to hand of the command of the Loyalty Forsaken to Himiko, she already knows this will happen and is already learning as much as she can and the senior officers and NCOs are helping as well. Nominally I will be at it's command, pushing paperwork, while she gets more familiar working with the other GSF units and friendly units on planet and acquiring more field and command time. I am doing this for multiple reasons, first and foremost I wish to spend more time with you, second I am getting too old for this "shit".

“Well I can do a few things while we are having dinner. One I have a line on some 20 ton frames. I was going to see if you or any of the GSF units can use them. They have jump jets and gyros but are other wise stripped. From what the first reports I have on them they were Wasp class but were used for parts. The engine, targeting, weapons and other electronics are gone. The frames are solid.” She sips her drink. “I can also enjoy the company of … how would you say … der Ehrenmann?” She smiles. “I was also looking to see if you have found pilots for the two support ‘Mechs? If not I have a line on a couple of pilots that need work. They would need help getting out this far but they have good reps.” When the waiter returns she will order. “I also would not mind if your …. Army buddy sat down with us after dinner, I think I may have something he can use.” Big smile. “Dinner and work.” With a more serious look. “Why are you looking to step aside? From what I have seen in the local news you have done well and Himiko has her hands some full with the new school you both just opened. I know that July is the official opening but she does have her hands full now. As for us ….. well I think we can make things work with you in charge of the unit. Some how I think you are finding running such a small unit not such a challenge. When we both want to settle down, then I can see you passing command to her but until that time don’t you think she should be your second in command? Too get a feel for running a combat unit. I do not know how your current number two would feel but some how I do not see a major problem, after all you were going to pass the unit to Himiko.”

So currently for the game on 11 Aug 2024 my plan is to field
Von Rohrs
Yellow Jacket
Badger "Dog pound" with it's accompanying BA( 1 sqd of I.S. BA, and x2 sqd of Rottweiler BA
and either a griffin 1N or Ajax B(omni tank)

Just an FYI the Griffin is a GRF-1DS Lg Pulse ... L20 not a 1G PPC ... L10. Hurts a lot more  :evil:
« Last Edit: 21 July 2024, 08:49:40 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1370 on: 21 July 2024, 21:01:15 »
As far as Crash joining us to discuss business, that's up to him. At times he's very similar to a hemorrhoid, you never know when he will be around or late to to the party and usually he's a pain in the ass. But that's why love him so dearly.

If you would send me the details on those two pilots I can start greasing the wheels to get them here. I haven't had any luck finding pilots for the support mechs, with a shortage of pilots the repairs  on them hasn't been a necessity.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1371 on: 22 July 2024, 19:16:48 »
Well I can do a few things while we are having dinner. One I have a line on some 20 ton frames. I was going to see if you or any of the GSF units can use them. They have jump jets and gyros but are other wise stripped. From what the first reports I have on them they were Wasp class but were used for parts. The engine, targeting, weapons and other electronics are gone. The frames are solid.” She sips her drink. “I can also enjoy the company of … how would you say … der Ehrenmann?” She smiles. “I was also looking to see if you have found pilots for the two support ‘Mechs? If not I have a line on a couple of pilots that need work. They would need help getting out this far but they have good reps.” When the waiter returns she will order. “I also would not mind if your …. Army buddy sat down with us after dinner, I think I may have something he can use.” Big smile. “Dinner and work.” With a more serious look. “Why are you looking to step aside? From what I have seen in the local news you have done well and Himiko has her hands some full with the new school you both just opened. I know that July is the official opening but she does have her hands full now. As for us ….. well I think we can make things work with you in charge of the unit. Some how I think you are finding running such a small unit not such a challenge. When we both want to settle down, then I can see you passing command to her but until that time don’t you think she should be your second in command? Too get a feel for running a combat unit. I do not know how your current number two would feel but some how I do not see a major problem, after all you were going to pass the unit to Himiko.”

Hopefully things will predominantly go the way I would like them to and that by the time I am fully ready to retire and Himko will be as ready to take over Loyalty Forsaken the unit will be bursting at the seams. And if she so wishes Major Honeycut can split off and form her own merc unit or they can share command of Loyalty Forsaken.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1372 on: 22 July 2024, 19:44:37 »
Jasmine starts looking over information on the pad, forwarding bits to her officers that they will be interested in. She checks if there's anyone she'll need one of her language experts to talk to, while also seeing who she might bump heads with.

All the while filling out the paperwork so she can get a chance to relax on the train. It's been a while since she's been able to stay in a single place for more than a few days at a time.

After being introduced by Julia, Jasmine sends each commander a personalized message that she works with her mother Daisy to prepare and have sent in their preferred language.

"Greetings, I am Jasmine of House Or'lient. I am the leader of the Valkyries of Hanakotoba of the Free Republic of Rasalhague. While we represent the FRR, do not feel you have to treat us in an official manner. We are here to work and look forward to working with you all. To help towards that goal, let me know what information we need to trade, and I'll make sure it happens."

Then to Julia "I have an idea of what's going on, but in your opinion, what do you think I should know first?"

Greetings Jasmine of House Or'lient,

As the Commander of the Governor's security force I welcome you and the Valkyries of Hanakotoba. I understand that you will need time to settle into Camp Haken. Please inform me when you have finished debarking and unloading so that I may arrange a meet and greet with you and the other commanders. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Again Welcome and I look forward to meeting with you in person

Major Kiah Franks
Commander GSF


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1373 on: 22 July 2024, 21:05:41 »
Hopefully things will predominantly go the way I would like them to and that by the time I am fully ready to retire and Himko will be as ready to take over Loyalty Forsaken the unit will be bursting at the seams. And if she so wishes Major Honeycut can split off and form her own merc unit or they can share command of Loyalty Forsaken.

“Well I hope all of your plans survive contact with the enemy. I do believe that is the saying.” She lifts her glass to him. “OH I do not want you to think the frames I am talking of I have. I did say I have a line on them and it will take time to get my hands on them. I do set things out long term after all.” The waiter will bring the appetizers out. “This looks wonderful.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1374 on: 23 July 2024, 01:03:48 »
Agent Dalca and Sergeant Jett look over all in the room. “To start when you get to Constantine just stay cool. Look around but like someone on the island for the first time. They have a lot of fun things to do. Do them.” Sophia will start. “They will have people watching all of you so let them watch. Work when you should have fun when you can. But keep your eyes and ears open and mouth shut.” She smiles at the group. “Sergeant what do you have to offer?”
Mara will look around. “First off no weapons …. what most will think of as weapons that is. We have given you items that you can use to defend yourself but do not look like a weapon, use them only if you have too.” She will pick up a pad. “We know that these areas.” Pointing out places on the map. “Are off limits so do not go into them. If any of you think or spot something that is in these areas WE will look into them. We do not need any of you getting into trouble for going into these areas and getting kicked off the island … it is a long swim back.” She smiles.  “Last off you will have very limited contact with us as we will be looking around also. We will have to stay out of sight as some here may know of us, problem of being local. We will setup contact times and points during our time on the island.” Looking back at Sophia. “Follow what Sophia said and we all get to go home with no problems.”

Freyja looked at Julia.  "So?  Girl's weekend?"

Julia looked confused.  Freyja added.  "We go check into a hotel, check out the tourist traps.  Have a look around, keep our eyes open."

"Ahh."  Julia followed.  "Yeah, I guess we could do that."

"I will be staying near the docks with the ship."  Pavel offered.  "I am the captain after all.  Though I'll maybe check out the local pubs, see if anybody's willing to talk scuttlebutt."

"We have provided you with self-defense items and comms you can reach us with.  You find something out, you tell us."  Said Sophia.

"OK, then."  Said Pavel.  "Let's make port and get started."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1375 on: 23 July 2024, 16:16:14 »
Freyja looked at Julia.  "So?  Girl's weekend?"

Julia looked confused.  Freyja added.  "We go check into a hotel, check out the tourist traps.  Have a look around, keep our eyes open."

"Ahh."  Julia followed.  "Yeah, I guess we could do that."

"I will be staying near the docks with the ship."  Pavel offered.  "I am the captain after all.  Though I'll maybe check out the local pubs, see if anybody's willing to talk scuttlebutt."

"We have provided you with self-defense items and comms you can reach us with.  You find something out, you tell us."  Said Sophia.

"OK, then."  Said Pavel.  "Let's make port and get started."

“Welcome to Constantine Island Captain Markov I hope your trip was uneventful.”
“Thank You. Our trip was fine. I just hope that your people can find the bugs in the engine and targeting system.”
“We will get a tech crew working on her ASAP.”
“Thank You. Do you have anything for my crew to do for R&R while we are here? They do need some down time and I do not think your people want then under foot.”
“We have some fine beaches, and the waters are great for swimming and fishing. We also have areas that they can camp and other actives they may want to investigate.”
“These sound like great ideas for the crew I will inform them and let you know what they want to do.”
“I will see that escorts are at your crew’s disposal as we do have some areas that are off limits due to the dangers they can cause.”
“Thank You. I would not want any of my people getting hurt while we are here.”
“Very good Captain, if you would follow me I will show you to where you and your crew will stay when they are not enjoying our island.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1376 on: 23 July 2024, 19:38:04 »
"You're giving me Crow's Eye?"  Victarion looked surprised.
"And command of the plant garrison." Euron replied. "You're the last one of us who hasn't been given an assignment, Vic.  It's past time.  Now, let's see who our new 'Mech and tank jockeys are going to be."
The two Greyjoy brothers walked out to the staging area.  "Colonel?"  Called a voice, Euron turned to see Fuka still in her pilot's suit and cooling vest.  "Hello, Fuka."  Euron acknowledged her.  Victarion waved her over.
"Any problems with your new ride?"  Victarion asked.
"Ie, Greyjoy-dono.  She runs like a dream."  Fuka answered before asking.  "Where are you off to?"
"We're checking out the new pilots for the Plant 3 garrison that Vic's going to be leading."  said Euron.
"Your own command?"  Fuka smiled.  "That's quite an honor."
"Stop, you'll make me blush."  Victarion returned, scratching the back of his head.  "You're welcome to meet the new recruits if you want."
Fuka nodded.  "Of course, as long as it's OK."
"It's fine."  said Euron.  "You'll probably know some of them from the tech crews.  They've been moved up to combat status for the plant assignment."

The three walked over to the group standing on the parade fields where the new troops were assembled.  As Euron had said, many of them were known to Fuka.  Her eye caught on to two of them whose resemblance was so complete they could only be identical twins.
"Fuka, these are Dalton and Dagon Pyke.  They're our Uncle Aeron's grandsons."  Euron pointed them out.
One of the twins said, "Hey, it's our cute tech-turned-Mechwarrior.."
Fuka looked confused.  "If they're Aeron-oji-sama's grandsons, why are they not named Greyjoy?"
The other twin replied.  "Ahh, well, it's because we're bastards."  He pointed at himself.  "Dagon Pyke, this is my brother Dalton."  He pointed at his twin, who bowed his head.  Fuka bowed back.
"Their father, Simeon Greyjoy, was our cousin."  Euron explained.  "He never married, but sired Dalton and Dagon with a woman who presented them to him after an affair they'd had."
"You don't have to sugar-coat on our account."  Dalton said.  "Our dad was a womanizer who would've abandoned us if Grandpa Aeron hadn't forced him to take responsibility for us and our mom."
Fuka was shocked.  "I'm so sorry for you two.  What happened to their parents?"
Dagon answered before Euron.  "Dad died in Operation: GUERRERO.  Mom lived with Grandpa Aeron for a while.  She recently got a job and an apartment in Hilo."
"Well, that's encouraging."  said Fuka.
"Anyway, we're ready to get to work, Colonel." said Dalton.  "We won't let you down."
"You'd better not." said Euron. "Or you'll have to answer to your grandfather."

The next person they came across was an Asian man of about Fuka's age.  He was bald and clean-shaven and carried himself with a strong air of dignity.
"I don't think I've met you before, sir."  Euron looked him over. "Are you from Nejiro?"
"Hai, Tai-sa."  He said, using the Draconis equivalent of Colonel.  He bowed deeply.  "Arnaud Sugai, at your service."
"Sugai?" Euron exclaimed.  "As in Lady Amalaa Sugai?"
"Hai." Arnaud admitted, bowing again.  "I am a distant cousin of hers, from a... lesser branch of the family, sir.  I have some DCMS training, specifically with tanks.  However, I do have some basic 'Mech simulator training, though I am not specialized in any weight class."
"I see."  Euron nodded.  "I will have to thank Lady Sugai for allowing you to serve with us."
"It was my choice."  Arnaud returned.  "Not all Sugai are bound to the family as strictly as you might think.  And I am not in the direct line of succession in any case.  I look forward to serving under you, Colonel Greyjoy."
"And I look forward to working with you, sir."  Euron replied.

As they moved on, Fuka next caught sight of a familiar face, one she hoped she'd never have to see again.  "Akihiro."
The Greyjoys looked at her.  "You know him?"  Euron asked.
"Yes."  Fuka nodded as the aforementioned man smiled at her.  Fuka shrunk back at the gesture.  "He' ex-boyfriend from high school.  We...didn't part on the best of terms.  I think I'll stay back."
Euron nodded as he and Victarion approached the young man.  He was handsome, with short black hair and wearing a tech's coverall.
"And you are?"  Victarion asked.
The man bowed.  "Akihiro Tanaka, sir."  He replied.
"How'd you know about this job?"
"I had heard the GSF was hiring tank drivers and even Mechwarriors."  Akihiro answered.  "Then I remembered how you offered a position to Hiyami-san."  He indicated Fuka.  "I have some experience with ConstructionMechs, so I figured I would try out for a position as a Mechwarrior."
"You might be confident now, Mister Tanaka," Euron smiled, "but you'd better be ready to give 110% if you want to become one of us."
"I welcome the challenge, Colonel."  Akihiro smiled back.

Euron and Victarion found Fuka talking to Arnaud, Dalton and Dagon when they finished their conversation with Akihiro.
"Well, he seemed...smug."  Victarion remarked.
Fuka sighed.  "He hasn't changed at all since we were together."
"Well, we'll put him through his paces like everyone else."  said Euron.  "We'll see if he steps up or breaks."
"If you really want him gone, me and Dalton could maybe help him along."  Dagon offered.
"That really isn't necessary."  Fuka waved her hands in front of her.
"If he's as qualified as he says," Euron settled the argument. "he'll be sent to Plant 3 with Victarion and the rest.    If he fails, then he's out.  Either way, you won't have to come into contact with him if you don't want."
"Arigato gozaimasu, Colonel."  Fuka bowed.
"OK, then."  Euron clapped his hands together.  "Let's get started."
« Last Edit: 23 July 2024, 19:46:57 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1377 on: 23 July 2024, 20:27:42 »

Hofn, where you have just docked, is the biggest commercial port on Constantine (a subarctic island in the Norse Eyja, Nejiro) and is well known for its first rate ship and boat maintenance, repair, and chandlery services. Fjardaal {aluminium of the fjords} is the largest manufacturer at the port, with a capacity of 345,000 metric tons annually, has its own 690MW hydropower station. Bijon, also located at the port, manufactures tempered glass industrial, commercial, military, and consumer products, the factory outlet store is popular with visitors and locals alike. The Konstantinovich main shipyards and headquarters are north of the port about an hour away; and the Konstantinovich Koichizoku landhold is inland a few hours away near Mount Kerling {Old Hag} amidst the Haukadalr Skogur {valley of hawks forest}. In June the midnight sun lasts twenty to twenty four hours and the Lobster Festival is in full swing. The weather is constantly inconstant, so rain is likely. The temperatures range from an average of nine to a high of fifteen degrees celsius; layering is recommended. Enjoy the hot springs, geothermal pools, saunas, and the glass enclosed indoor swimming pools. At this time of year camping, fishing, kayaking, and hiking is popular, as are the whale watching and puffin spotting tours and the Icelandic horse riding tours. The surf is up at the point breaks and the volcanic reefs with swells up to two and a half meters, especially popular is Sandvik (within thirty minutes) which is a jaw dropping run of over a thousand meters of black-diamond sand with a continuous swell, remember your wet suit as even in summer the water will be around ten degrees celsius. High Street has many shops and galleries with goods from local crafters and artisans as well as imports from across the Sphere. Bars, pubs, and restaurants abound, from quiet cafes to chat to jam packed party venues. Don't miss the beer and food tours. There are live shows and events, nightclubs, brothels and yukaku, casinos and gambling venues, social clubs, burlesque, stand-up, storytellers, cinemas, drag artists, theaters, and sports.     

« Last Edit: 08 August 2024, 03:55:45 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1378 on: 24 July 2024, 00:31:37 »

Crime. It's a pain in the ass. It's messy, you understand. Requires...clean-up. So much easier to avoid breaking the law until you really need to. A nudge here, a few dollars there, a word to the right person - ecco! Everything is as it should be and there is no trouble.   
                                                                                                      M. Macaluso   


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1379 on: 24 July 2024, 00:33:57 »


You can get anything you want from people, as long as you're not hung up on taking credit.   
                                                                                                       J. Bull   

« Last Edit: 24 July 2024, 00:40:04 by eilidhdawn »