Author Topic: PA(L) Wounded Checks  (Read 534 times)


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PA(L) Wounded Checks
« on: 30 July 2024, 22:24:34 »
On page 198 of the fourth printing of Campaign Operations, it's stated that ClanTech battle armor (but explicitly not PA(L)) gets a -2 target modifier to Wounded Checks due to the advanced medical systems.

On page 57 of the first printing of A Time of War Companion, it's stated that ClanTech PA(L) use the same medical systems (Clan LSSUs) as larger battle armor.

In light of this, why don't PA(L) get the same Wounded Check bonus that larger battle armor does?

As a slightly related question: wouldn't it make sense for IS-spec battle armor to get a -1 target modifier for the Combat Medipacks they use, rather than receiving the same Wounded Check as conventional infantry?