Author Topic: BattleTech Long Island IV  (Read 20568 times)


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #150 on: 12 November 2024, 19:52:59 »
At the training site command center.
“Jasmine, Seaton and Amy may I have some of your time?” Gulia will ask them. They will go into one of the classrooms. “May I ask why Sergeant Kingsley was put in charge of the mission. I know that Tai-I Musashi and his team were at first going to be part of the response force but was changed to the attack force. Each of you have rank over the Sergeant and should have been in charge. I understand that Colonel Grayjoy had you Amy in charge of the IronBorn force due to the make of your force.”

"My Partisan is slow compared to everyone else in the op."  Says Amy.  "It's difficult to lead when you're behind everyone and you can't get a good view of the battlefield.  Also, the Colonel told me to keep an eye on Maria and Jurgen, who even under ideal conditions, is like herding feral cats.  Chao, for all his arrogance, is actually quite gun-shy, since he drives a 'Mech that's not designed for direct combat.  I'm a bit surprised that they all stayed relatively quiet for the duration.  I figured that I was going to have enough trouble dealing with just my own people that trying to lead the whole op would be too much to keep track of.  The only thing I would have changed would've been putting the Fa Shihs on Matriarch instead of Boom Box, that way Chao could have gotten further forward to put his ELINT tech to better use.  I also think the Colonel should have also assigned Night Witch to the op as she's trained as a raider, even if she does like to work alone and tends to spam her Stealth Armor every chance she gets.  Of course, that would've meant we'd have two Anubis 'Mechs going off to do their own thing.  Still, I suppose the Colonel had his reasons for sending who he sent."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #151 on: 13 November 2024, 20:27:32 »
At the training site command center.
“Jasmine, Seaton and Amy may I have some of your time?” Gulia will ask them. They will go into one of the classrooms. “May I ask why Sergeant Kingsley was put in charge of the mission. I know that Tai-I Musashi and his team were at first going to be part of the response force but was changed to the attack force. Each of you have rank over the Sergeant and should have been in charge. I understand that Colonel Grayjoy had you Amy in charge of the IronBorn force due to the make of your force.”

"I am sure that will be addressed in the debriefing, my thoughts were to allow others to get some command experience and a training mission  is the best place for that. But that being said I realize it must have seemed odd. I am sure the commander of the GSF will be reprimanding me for that." Runs Hand though hair, "but training missions are the best non lethal way for gaining of experience."

OOC - so that this dose not happen again I am right now notating all the XO's excetra  on the record sheets, I STRONGLY  suggest everyone do this so this mistake dose not happen again, for example my bandit hover (H) now has the notation it's the infantry XO, totally my bad for not suggesting this before, we have to be much more careful about this in the future.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #152 on: 13 November 2024, 21:23:01 »
OOC: If it wasn’t a training mission I would have said something. If my CO was in charge it would have been one of the two non command officers I’d have her quizzing on what to do. With permission lol. Also I usually have names etc but until like this week I’ve just been super busy.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #153 on: 14 November 2024, 05:59:02 »
“You have brought up some points of why but what I was asking is you three were the most senior and levelheaded commanders and one of you should have been in overall command. Jasmine you are the commander of your unit, Seaton is the commander of the Hammers infantry units, Amy your rank may only be that of Master Sergeant, but your unit commander put you in charge of three Lieutenants. As a former NCO I know that many times an NCO is a better leader of people. I also understand that giving NCO a leadership role is important to see if they can be an effective leader.” Gulia looks over the three. “Jasmine your ‘Mech may be slow, but raiders have used other ‘Mechs with the same speed to command the units they command. A commander does not have to be in the fore front of the fight, sometimes it is better for the leader not to be at the front, so they have a better view of the action. I can same the same for you Amy as well.”

At the Dockside
“The Diamond Sharks are here as a trade group. They are offering equipment and technical services for resources and other service arguments. The Hammers are using goods from the artisans they have and money. Dr. Musashi is offering medical services, training and lodging as well as money. I do not think trials will be needed. They may want to run training with you as I do think is also something that is part of the deals they have made with the others.” Nicolas will finish his drink. “I am sure that you can work out something with them.”
Elizabeth will join the group. “Your room is ready.” She will take them to the room.
“That would be a good thing, the no challenge thing.” Fuka will offer as they walk to the private room.
“I’m not so sure what we can offer in trade.” Triston will say.
“If you take with Simon, I am sure something can be worked out.”
“That will be up to Euron.” Harald will say.

“I want to take the Alpha Blizzard with the GDL Scout Armor and rifle platoon. They are technical trained and can check over the armor plus provide security.” Deb will offer to Quitnin. “Will also see if we can use some of the Devil Dogs for security groundside. If you give the OK, we will be gone to about September maybe October at most. I will also recommend that you put the infantry I want to take with me through AIT when they get back.”
« Last Edit: 15 November 2024, 17:47:00 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #154 on: 17 November 2024, 08:46:49 »
At the militia side of the AAR.
“I offer my congratulations on the job you did. You all will be getting some extra time for smaller actions over the next few days.” Tai-sa Zinn will inform the militia personnel. “You put your instruction time at MAWS to good use and performed the mission given. I hope with more training you will not have to have a unit stay to sacrifice for the others.”
“Tai-sa!” from one of the militia officers. “How would have you changed things if you were in command?”
“Good question and take in mind I will bring what I am about to offer to the Chiji.” A look of deep thought. “First off you and most of the militias on world need VTOL support. By this I am talking about transport and gunships. They both offer options you do not have at this time. the transports will allow you to get troops into places you cannot without them and to places you can in a faster manner. They also allow withdraw faster when needed. Now I am not faulting the infantry that stayed, they did a fantastic rear guard with just four class ten field guns but having them to fight later is what is best for Nejiro. We can replace the trucks and guns you are much harder too. If you had some fast VTOL transports, you just may have gotten the troopers out. Now the gunships will allow you to spot and attack enemy forces further away and allow the ground units to get into better positions. They can also pull the enemy away so other units can get out if needed. For this mission I am not so sure as your enemy had some equipment that is very hard to deal with. That Locust covered ground like nothing I have seen before. They also had units that would cover them when they withdrew weather you had GSF or other militia support. A raider force with the makeup of the one you just had to deal with would be hard. The good thing is that only the Jaguar’s would have that level or better of equipment.” Looking over the troopers. “Now moving up your faster units and drawing the enemy away from the target area was something I would, also pulling out when the raider force was that close is also something to do. I know that some of the civilians took a long time to get moving and this happens, but you can and did not allow yourself to get trapped because of them. I know your job is to protect them, but times will force this decision on you, it is good that it happened during training, so you got to see it before it happened in combat. The first rule is you cannot save them all.” Looking at each and every trooper. “Losses happen in combat and your job is to keep the civilian losses to a minimum but if all of you die who will protect them later on. Keep that in mind when you have to do your job.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #155 on: 17 November 2024, 08:48:55 »
At the DCA HQ in Hilo
“Tai-sa Westfield this is Tai-sa Imai.” The Sho-ko introduces the new officer and takes his leave.
She bows with respect to Westfield, and he returns the bow. “Welcome Tai-sa, how may I be of service to you?”
“First I bring the Dragon’s warmest greetings and congratulations on the work you have done here.” Westfield offers her a chair at his desk. “I also bring you a choice of assignments.” She hands him a data pad.
“I am at somewhat of a loss. I had no idea that I was going to be offered anything other than this posting.”
“The DCA has been keeping a very close eye on what you have done and been doing out here. They are most happy with how you handled and then turned things around with the Tengoku no kaze.”
The Sho-ko returns with a tray with tea and light snacks. He places it on the desk. “If you need anything more just ask.” He bows to both officers and exits.
Westfield fills the cups and hands one to Imai. “Welcome to Nejiro Tai-sa.” They both drink the tea.”
“I am sorry for starting business, but this is a matter most close to the Dragon’s heart at this time and need to be handled with most haste.”
“I understand and I have been keeping track as best as one can of what is going on in the Combine.”
“I know that you can keep a better eye on things then most others …. Even out here.” She takes another sip. “This is very good.” She smiles.
“It is a local blend. If you like I will have some sent to your quarters later.”
“That would be most welcome.” She puts the cup down. “The Dragon has offered you the choice of keeping your post here or taking command of the Tengoku no kaze.”
“That is a difficult choice. Each post has been good to me.”
“The Dragon does understand this and that is part of the reason why I am here. I will be taking over the posting you turn down. I will tell you that each is very important to the Dragon. I must also tell you that the Tengoku no kaze will be on an extended escort mission. She will be in the void for some time.”
“I see.” He picks up the pad, lets it scan his eye and reads it.
“I hope that you do not look at this as a slight on what you have done.”
“Not at all, I am the one that picked to come to Nejiro in the first place. The Tengoku no kaze showing up when and how she did was chance. Her crew is one of the best I have seen. The command staff, well the less said the better. The crew’s pride and the work they have done with her makes me very happy to have had this time to work with them.” He finishes reading the orders. “Both posts do have challenges.”
“Yes, they do. I also know from your record that you are up for both.” She takes another sip of the tea.
“Thank you, Tai-sa.”
“That is also the Dragon’s and the Admiralty’s take on you and your work here as well.”
“I see by this that they want the Tengoku no kaze and her group to take up the new posting ASAP.”
“Yes, a different group will be taking up station when they can get out here.”
“Well as much as I would like to take command of the Tengoku no kaze I must finish what I started here on Nijero.”
“Somehow, I knew you were going to stay here. I do not know why, but I knew you would stay. I do know how much hard work you did here before she arrived. I think that is why, not to downplay all the work you have done with her crew in such a short time. With all that hard work for a ship that should have been yours. I will let you know that I said you would stay before coming here to the Admiralty and that is why they added a bit of a sweetener if you did stay.” She takes another sip of the tea. “I do like this very much.” She lifts the cup. “They will have TF 3068-3 stay to support the units here. They are also having any ground units that are not part of TF. 3068-2 stay as well. They all will fall under your command but Sho-sho Saganami will be in overall command.”
“I see that is most thoughtful of them. What of the 729th, they are a mechanized unit.”
“They are going to be moved to form a new MEU and a BA unit will be replacing them in the Tengoku’s TF.”
“I do have some bad news for the units that will be staying here. As things are so in flux supply runs will be sparse from now on. The Dragon is not forgetting about them, it is just things are not good at home. Part of why the Tengoku no kaze and her group are getting the new assignment.”
“I will make sure that all the unit commanders will understand this. I am also sure they will make good use of what the Dragon sends them.” He looks at her. “It would make it better if they family members of the units that are staying could be sent out sometime down the road.”
“I do believe that it is in the works to get any who want to make the trip out here.”
“I see that the brass is on point with this.”
“With all that is going on they have had to expand thinking on how things get done.” She drinks more of the tea. “Do you have anyone that is serving on the Tengoku no kaze that you would like to stay? I do have my own command group and some NCO’s with me if you want some of the people you placed on board to keep her running.”
“I will ask them if they want to stay with the Tengoku no kaze or here. Some have wanted a ship more than I did.”
“Your group will keep the Kuro Niko; she may not be an Inazuma class Corvette, but she has teeth.”
“Anyone that takes a Chimeisho for granted will not make that mistake again … if they survive that is.” Westfield looks at the pad once more. “What about my teams?”
“They are your teams and will stay with you. I have teams with me. They gave me no choice in that matter due to what happened before.”
“I can assure you that you will not have any problems with the crews you now have. The officers that were the problem are all in DCA brigs and will not perform such act anymore.” Looking at the new commander of the Tengoku no kaze and TF. 3068-2. “You may want your teams to work and train with the marines you will be taking with you. From what your mission will be the cross training will be of use to you.”
“Boarding operations?”
“Well, if someone wants to try and take what is yours, taking what they have will change what they think they can do real fast. We just had such a thing happen back at the start of the year.”
“I did not know of this; I think I will have to read that report.”
“It was a joint operation with Phoenix. I will make the reports open for you.”
“I see. Thank you I will want to read them.”
“Kaze ga itsu demo anata no senaka ni arimasu yō ni. May the wind be at your back at all times Tai-sa” He lifts his cup to her.
“Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu Tai-sa.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #156 on: 17 November 2024, 08:50:31 »
Nejiro News 1
We have received news that 45th Dieron Regulars have been destroyed by WoB units on the planet Moore.

HBC News
We have seen reports that the 45th Dieron has been reported destroyed on Moore by units from WoB.

The Moro Sun-Times
This report is for any that have family or friends that are or have served with the 45th Dieron Regulars. We have sad news that this unit was destroyed on Moore fighting WoB.

The Tarawa Times
How can some of our fellow news units report such false news? The 45th Dieron is serving on the planet Moore but what WoB units are operating on that world?

The Dakuu-orianyusu
We will be following this report of the 45th Dieron has been destroyed by WoB. If true, the Dragon will avenge them.

Shin no wadopuresu
Yet more false news! Why would WoB fight Combine forces on the planet Moore. How can WoB do this when they do not have the number of forces to be fighting on all these worlds they are listed by the news. Just more false reports by your government.

“Sir our intel people just figured out what the jump sigs back in April were.”
“Well spill it son.”
“OH ….. Yes sir. The inbound was a WoB Jumper. She must have been part of the salvage ops they have going on. The large outbound was both of them going to where WoB will be looking to finish repairs on the salvage they found so far. The derelict was in the inner belt, and they got her engines back online so she could burn to the pirate point and then jump her out of system.”
“That isn’t good, they have a ship with Lithium-Fusion battery working out here. Do we have any idea what she was?”
“Well going by the energy sig, she was around 500,000 tons and she was not alone.”
“Great anything that big out here was a warship. We can only hope she needs lots of work. You said she was not alone?”
“Yes sir, from the scans of the area she had a fighter and DropShip escort. We think some of the Droppers were also salvage as they had major fuel trails. I would offer that if she was operational would they not have had her leave system. They could have had her do some orbital bombardment and take up station here.”
“Well, I will take that as good news that her main weapons are not online. As for orbital fire it would not be the first or last time, they would do that.” Looking over the report. “So, she does or did not have her capital weapons online … we need to get that information to our people and inform the Governor so she can get word to the DCA.”
“Do you think they have any idea about what we found?”
“At this point I will say no. If they did, they would have sent teams to check it out.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #157 on: 17 November 2024, 08:57:23 »
“Sir, recon sat just picked up that raider group that has been working the mountains around Ceallach, Stonehaven and Whistler.”
“Have the militias been informed?”
“They have sir.”
“OK, get GSF command on the line. They need to get some heavy units in that area ASAP.”
“On it sir!”

“GSF command to all units we have new intel on raiders that have been operating in the area of Ceallach, Stonehaven and Whistler. These look to be the same units that have been in that area for some time. All units will prep units for a mission to see just what is going.”

OK so this is the next mission for Dec 29
you get normal forces .... A 'Mech ... Armor ... Infantry and your pick.
you all have the maps and can see that hills, woods and streams are the terrain.
the only units that are out for this mission are the ones that just did the training mission.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #158 on: 18 November 2024, 01:56:14 »
“Sir, recon sat just picked up that raider group that has been working the mountains around Ceallach, Stonehaven and Whistler.”
“Have the militias been informed?”
“They have sir.”
“OK, get GSF command on the line. They need to get some heavy units in that area ASAP.”
“On it sir!”

“GSF command to all units we have new intel on raiders that have been operating in the area of Ceallach, Stonehaven and Whistler. These look to be the same units that have been in that area for some time. All units will prep units for a mission to see just what is going.”

OK so this is the next mission for Dec 29
you get normal forces .... A 'Mech ... Armor ... Infantry and your pick.
you all have the maps and can see that hills, woods and streams are the terrain.
the only units that are out for this mission are the ones that just did the training mission.

"I'm glad you decided to volunteer for the mission."  Said Euron.

"You're going to need me since I know the area better than anyone else.  I spent more than a month reconning that place."  Said Meifeng.  "I also request to take command of the squad."

"You?"  Interjected Alannah.  "The woman who works alone and sets off her stealth armor any chance she gets?  Surprising."

"Colonel."  Meifeng ignored the jape and stared at Euron.  "I should be the one to lead.  I know the territory.  My knowledge is essential."

"I agree your knowledge is essential.  That's why you're going."  Euron nodded.  "But putting you in charge is a different matter entirely.  I'll take your suggestion under advisement.  Dismissed."

"Sir."  Meifeng snapped to attention, saluted and left.

OOG: The Anubis will my first choice for the mission.  The others will be chosen at a later date.
« Last Edit: 18 November 2024, 01:57:56 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #159 on: 19 November 2024, 09:25:58 »
Julia laughed as Freyja regaled her with tales of her and her brothers' childhood.

"...and then when Dad picked it up and pushed it in his face, Jurgen ended up falling on his backside in fear. "

"I would too if I was 10 years old and had a shark shoved in front of my face."  Julia retorted.  "Still, I could never picture ol' "Iron-Ass" Jurgen freaking out over anything."

"He was a different person when he was a boy."  Freyja explained, taking a bite of her tilapia dinner.  "He was a bit pudgy before he hit his growth spurt.  Also, he wasn't under the pressure he is now as head of the family.  What about your family, Julia.  I bet you have some crazy stories to tell."

Julia shrugged.  "Most of my crazy stories center around Mari.  Maria, I mean.  She was my hero when I was a little girl.  I was 4 years old when she and Tristan got married.  I was the ringbearer at their wedding.  She was the baddest bitch in the room and she always stood up for me.  I loved her for that."

"I sense a "but" coming, though."  Freyja observed.

"But," Julia continued.  "she, well, you've seen her.  She's not the easiest person to deal with sometimes.  I've had to be her designated driver on more than one occasion.  I kind of also had to help raise her kids when she and Tristan were too busy.  Lourdes, the youngest, still calls me Auntie Jules sometimes.  She's the only one besides Mari I let call me Jules."

Freyja smiled.  "My father likes to say, "Family first, because family will be there when no one else is.".  You should be glad she cares about you so much."

"I am."  Julia returned.  "I kind of wish we were closer in age, though.  Being 16 years younger than she is, there will always be a bit of a generational disconnect between us.  I sort of feel inferior to her due to the age difference, but when I see her in one of her rage fits, it's like suddenly I'm the adult and she's the child."

Freyja laughed.  "I feel the same way with Jurgen sometimes.  We do have some interesting relatives."

"Definitely."  Julia agreed.  She took a few bites from her chicken cordon bleu before continuing.  "So, since we can't go back up the mountain without risking death, what should we do now?"

"Hmm."  Freyja thought.  "I know.  Can you ski?"

"Can we not do something that would involve us freezing our asses off?"  Julia gave a dirty look.

"Spoilsport."  Freyja remarked.  "What do you think we should do, then?"

Julia remembered the brochures she had read.  "What about the lobster fest?"

Freyja shrugged.  "If you think it would help, then sure."

"Good."  Julia grinned.  "We need to talk to the locals, learn what we can.  Maybe figure out what's really going on here.  Give Audra and her friend the help they need."

The rest of the dinner went undisturbed, the two women discussing the rest of their trip.

As Freyja and Julia are walking back to the hotel, they will notice that they are be followed by a couple of guys.
“Keep your guard up we have grown a tail.” Freyja will inform Julia in a low voice.
“Ya they followed us out of the restaurant. I saw them hanging out at the bar.” Julia will answer.
“If they are part of the local security, they are not very good and they have tipped us off.”
“Maybe not, they may be using our own ideas of low key is.”
“Well, we have a couple of ways to find out. We can take them in the alley just up the block or get them in the club on the other side of the street.”
“The club, this way if they are not security, we don’t cause a problem.”
“OK the club.” Freyja will check for traffic and the two of them will go to the club.
The two go into the club and head for the bar. “Let’s see what they do.” Freyja will say and get a nod from Julia.
The two guys will enter the club and look around. One will point to the bar and they both will go to the spot that Freyja and Julia are at. “We know this is a bit forward, but we saw the two of you in the restaurant and hoped that …. Maybe you would have a drink with us.” Moving his are between him and his friend. “We don’t get many off-worlders here.”
“I’m Terry and this is Bret.” He points to his buddy. “So would you please join us for a drink?”
As they make up their minds both Freyja and Julia look over the two of them. They both are around two meters nicely dressed and have a solid build. From how they are dressed they are not carrying a firearm, no place to hide it. Terry has light brown hair and hazel eyes, Bret has dark brown hair and brown eyes. Both look like they work in mid-lower management jobs by the nice watch and rings they have on.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #160 on: 19 November 2024, 20:03:56 »
As Freyja and Julia are walking back to the hotel, they will notice that they are be followed by a couple of guys.
“Keep your guard up we have grown a tail.” Freyja will inform Julia in a low voice.
“Ya they followed us out of the restaurant. I saw them hanging out at the bar.” Julia will answer.
“If they are part of the local security, they are not very good and they have tipped us off.”
“Maybe not, they may be using our own ideas of low key is.”
“Well, we have a couple of ways to find out. We can take them in the alley just up the block or get them in the club on the other side of the street.”
“The club, this way if they are not security, we don’t cause a problem.”
“OK the club.” Freyja will check for traffic and the two of them will go to the club.
The two go into the club and head for the bar. “Let’s see what they do.” Freyja will say and get a nod from Julia.
The two guys will enter the club and look around. One will point to the bar and they both will go to the spot that Freyja and Julia are at. “We know this is a bit forward, but we saw the two of you in the restaurant and hoped that …. Maybe you would have a drink with us.” Moving his are between him and his friend. “We don’t get many off-worlders here.”
“I’m Terry and this is Bret.” He points to his buddy. “So would you please join us for a drink?”
As they make up their minds both Freyja and Julia look over the two of them. They both are around two meters nicely dressed and have a solid build. From how they are dressed they are not carrying a firearm, no place to hide it. Terry has light brown hair and hazel eyes, Bret has dark brown hair and brown eyes. Both look like they work in mid-lower management jobs by the nice watch and rings they have on.

"Well, why not."  Freyja remarks as they sit at the bar.  "However, just so you know, I'm taken."  Freyja flashed her wedding ring before continuing.  "However, my friend here is available."

"Freyja..."  Julia gave the other woman a dirty look.

"What?  You're not going to find someone if you don't put yourself out there."

"But, I'm not--"

"Of course you are."  Freyja interrupted.  "You just don't realize it yet."  Turning back to Terry and Bret, she asked them, "So, what are you two having?"


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #161 on: 20 November 2024, 02:44:46 »
OOG: Second consecutive post.

At Phillip Exeter Academy

Tatiana marched to the Dean's office, Audra following close behind.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Ana?"  Audra asked.  "I mean, this is Samuel we're talkin' about."

"Be that as it may," Ana responded, "I'd like to know why he was arrested seemingly out of the blue.  If I'm to be Delm of my Ichizoku one day, I need to know the goings-on of both allies and potential rivals.  Besides, you said the Dean knows why you're here, so I can safely assume that she's on our side."

"Wow."  Audra smiled.  "So confident all of a sudden.  What happened to the uncertain girl I first met?  I guess Ishaan's lessons must've rubbed off on you."

"Yes, you must be so impressed."  Ana said sarcastically.  The two reached the door to the Dean's office.  Ana knocked on it.

"Yes?"  Came the reply.

"It's Ana Konstantinovich and Audra Pyke.  We'd like to speak with you."  Ana said.

The door opened.  Inside the office was Dean of Students Dr. Anisa Neel, as well as Academy President Yeon Lee and Chair of the Board of Trustees Lady Amalaa Sugai.

"Konstantinovich-san," Dr. Neel bowed to her. "Pyke-san, I'm afraid you have come at a bad time.  We have serious matters to discuss, so say what you need to quickly."

"I would like to know why Samuel Sanada has been arrested and why the NPO has called in so many assets just for one student?"  Ana requested.

When Neel stared at Audra, she held up her hands defensively.  "Hey, this is her idea, not mine.  Personally, I couldn't care less what Sammy did."

Dr. Neel considers for a moment.  "Step outside, ladies."  She says.  "We will call you back in when we are ready to discuss this with you."  Audra takes Ana's arm gently and the two go outside.

"I think that Pyke girl has been a bad influence on Konstantinovich-san."  Lee says.  "Considering she may have precipitated this incident by repeatedly getting under Sanada's skin."

"Unlikely."  Lady Sugai countered.  "It may be that she just led to Sanada getting careless.  Or that his transgressions went beyond his dislike for her and had been percolating for some time before Pyke-san even arrived here."

Dr. Neel then looks at Lady Sugai and President Lee.  "So, what should we tell them, if anything at all?"


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #162 on: 23 November 2024, 20:30:28 »
At the bar.
“Vodka Martini.” Terry will say.
“Burbon neat.” Bret will say to the bartender. “What do you ladies like?”

In the Dean’s office.
“I think for now we can inform her that he was involved in things that he should not have been. When the dust settles, she like the others may get to know the full story.”  President Lee will say.
“I think that is best. We do not know the full story so for now that is the best we can offer.” Lady Sugai will offer.
‘Very good I will inform her in the morning that he was taken due to off campus activities.”

“Sir our search teams have found another one. It is in bad shape, but they think they can salvage some vital equipment from it.”
“Very well have them start and get others to the site.”
“Make sure it stays under wraps and inform command we will need a pickup when we are ready.”

“So now that they are slow to respond it is time for us to see if what we are looking for is here.”
“OK old man.”

“Sir the salvage team’s report.” Handing the pad to Kolya Lavrenti.
He looks over the information. “This is much better than we could have hoped for.”
“From this report she will only need some minor work to be of use.” Kolya has a smile on his face.
“So do you think corporate will do as you think?”
“For the most part. I know they will not ship out a crew or DropShips but I can work on those problems here.” Looking to his assistant. “We will need to put ads for the crew when the board gives me the go ahead.”
“What about DropShips? We will need them to move our product.”
“I’m sure that some of the local Captains can be worked with.”
“Get me a list of what DropShips are in the system on a regular basis. They would be the best to start with.” Looking up from his pad. “Get me the Chiji’s office. I will need to get her into the cycle to be repaired and certified as well.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #163 on: 23 November 2024, 20:31:43 »
At the Diamond Shark office in the Enclave.
“How may I be of service to you?”
“We are hoping you may help un in IDing who made these items.”
“I am the leader of the trade group not a technician,”
“No disrespect intended; We were hoping that someone from your group could help us with this.”
“I can have one the technicians look this over.”
“Thank you, anything will be of help.”

“From the markings I could read, the items are from the DL-6 production site around 3058 -3059.”
“That will be all, return to your work.” Looking at the NPO officers. “Do you require anything more?”
“Would you know which Clan owns the site?”
“This site is a Clan Star Adder holding.”
“Thank you, no. You have been most helpful.”

At the DCA HQ in Hilo. “Sho-ko may I have a bit of your time?” Tai-sa Imai asks Jack
“Any time Tai-sa.” Jack responds and bows. “I do not have to be back in Yousai until next week.”
“I have something from Tai-sho Thomas for you.” She pulls out a bottle of Yamazaki 18-year-old single malt.
“I do not know what to say other than Arigatō to the Tai-sho.”
“He knows of your fondness of this, so he had a case sent to you.” She then pulls out a second bottle. “Please inform your wife that I regret not giving this to her before, but I was pressed for time when we meet before, and it was in with other items.” She places a bottle of Yamato Lady Tomoe on her desk. “The Tai-sa also sent a case of this for her for when times require something a bit stronger than Sake, he sent her.”
“I know she will appreciate this for those times.”
“I hope that you and your team can spend some more time with Marines I have with me.”
“If the Tai-sa needs our help I am sure that the Sho-sa will see to it that we will have the time.”
“Arigatō Sho-ka. Having some of the Dragon’s best teaching them will have them improve in skill greatly.”
“Many that offer instruction here have served the Dragon well and do what they can to keep his claws sharp.”
“Know from the files and not only the Dragon but I as well appreciate the training offered. I know the other Marine units have taken time to work in some extra training while they have been here.”
“Tai-sa Westfield made it a point that they should use the time here as best as they can.”

“Sir I must inform you that we missed a big chance to keep our foes off balance.”
“What happened?”
“The GSF and the new militia that will patrolling the Nakazawa lands just did some training.”
“You are correct that would have been a good place for us. Do not worry we will have other times.”
“Yes sir.”

“Dr. Musashi these two would like to speak to you.” Blane Hasagewa will introduce the two young people. “This is Hammond.” The young man will bow to her. “And this is Alexa.” She will bow to her as well. “They both have been working at the spaceport as cargo loaders and may make good additions to the household security force.”
“How would they be of service to us?” Dr. Musashi will ask the Talon Sergeant.
“They have beep piloting cargo ‘Mech and have a fine rating from the guild, they were hoping to try out for the open ‘Mechs we have.”
“Well, as you are in charge of the household ‘Mech forces I will put them in your hands.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #164 on: 25 November 2024, 21:01:23 »
At the bar.
“Vodka Martini.” Terry will say.
“Burbon neat.” Bret will say to the bartender. “What do you ladies like?”

In the Dean’s office.
“I think for now we can inform her that he was involved in things that he should not have been. When the dust settles, she like the others may get to know the full story.”  President Lee will say.
“I think that is best. We do not know the full story so for now that is the best we can offer.” Lady Sugai will offer.
‘Very good I will inform her in the morning that he was taken due to off campus activities.”

At the bar:
"I could never say no to scotch whisky."  Said Freyja.
"Bloody Mary, please."  Julia added.
"So," Freyja continued, "what do you two do for a living?"

OOG: Freyja and especially Julia (who has seen Elementals before) figure these two are probably Elementals (very few normal humans are 2 meters tall [7 ft. 2 in.]).  If the "ninjas" gave us any emergency locator beacons or something of that sort, at least one of them will have activated theirs by now.  This is NO WAY IN HELL they can take these guys on their own.   

At Phillip Exeter Academy:
"Well, that was a total non-answer."  Audra remarked.  The two girls were back in their dorm after the Dean's explanation.
"It's likely the only one we were going to get."  Said Ana.  "But it was worth a try."
"So, what now?"
Ana thought for a moment.  "The club we played at.  Sanada got taken after he confronted us at the club.  Maybe there is another way to figure this out."
"Well, don't leave me in suspense."  Said Audra.
"This is what we're going to do."  Ana decided.  "Audra, I want you to call Logan and Wayne.  Tell them you want us to have a double date."
"O-Kay."  Audra quirked an eyebrow.  "So why am I the one calling them?"
"Because it would seem odd of I did it."  Ana responded.  "I'll act as if you dragged me into it.  We can ask them if they know anything about why Sanada was arrested.  If this has to do with the situation with my family, maybe they'll let something slip."
"So are we going to the club?"
"No."  Said Ana.  "We'll meet somewhere else.  Oh, and Audra?  Bring your batons."
"Sure." Came the reply.  "I never leave home without them.  Are you expecting trouble?"
Ana shrugged.  "Better safe than sorry."
Audra nodded before dialing her phone.  "Hey, Logan.  It's Audra Pyke.  I was wondering, are you and Wayne interested in going on a double date with me and Ana?"
« Last Edit: 26 November 2024, 20:24:00 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #165 on: 28 November 2024, 11:14:06 »
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

don't let the bird get ya  :evil:


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #166 on: 28 November 2024, 13:01:34 »
May the turkey be with you!


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #167 on: 29 November 2024, 21:38:49 »
At the Bar:
“We work at Longship Exchange.” Bret will say. “We work on the trade side.”
“That and are part of the companies Basketball team.” Terry will kick in.
“Ya sometimes I feel that is why we got the trade jobs.” Bret will look down. “The league is non-professional so we “work” for the company.”
“Hay, we have done some great things on the trade floor.”
“True but the uppers forget we both have majors in business.”
“Not all just the head joker.” Terry will say. “Now that dude is all about money.”
“We got to stop this …. We are to have fun, and these pretty ladies don’t want to hear our problems.” Bret will say. So, what has brought you here?”

They are about 2 meters, Elementals run 2 to 2.5 meters. They do not have the bulk of an Elemental.

At Phillip Exeter Academy:
“Sure! Any place you two want to go?” Logan will answer as he grabs Wayne.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #168 on: 30 November 2024, 13:38:36 »
What is the likelihood of having a "knockdown, dragout", Rockem Sockem", "shootout" for "S&Gs" on the 29th of December?
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #169 on: 30 November 2024, 16:17:42 »
What's an S&G?

In other news, since we're expecting the WOB for the next game, does anyone object to me bringing a Schiltron?  I'm also thinking of bringing the Victor and one of my Archers.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #170 on: 30 November 2024, 18:03:56 »
Seriously you never heard the term "S & G" is abbreviated for the boards. Let's try, Feces and laughter.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #171 on: 30 November 2024, 20:11:04 »
What's an S&G?

In other news, since we're expecting the WOB for the next game, does anyone object to me bringing a Schiltron?  I'm also thinking of bringing the Victor and one of my Archers.

You only have 1 Archer that you can use at this time. Deb and her Archer 4M is off world collecting the toys you want.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #172 on: 30 November 2024, 20:19:39 »
What is the likelihood of having a "knockdown, dragout", Rockem Sockem", "shootout" for "S&Gs" on the 29th of December?

this can be done. pushing the mission back is not a problem.

you want free for all?

king of the hill?

random teams?

what size force for each player? I would say Lance size.

BV or weight?

one more thing to add .... we do this old school. 3025/3039 TRO toys

« Last Edit: 01 December 2024, 07:13:36 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #173 on: 01 December 2024, 12:20:21 »
Seriously you never heard the term "S & G" is abbreviated for the boards. Let's try, Feces and laughter.
I understand it now, but I haven't heard it much.  It's not something that comes readily to mind.

one more thing to add .... we do this old school. 3025/3039 TRO toys
For the 29th, must we do old school?  We very rarely use the new stuff.  To use an analogy, we've trained extensively in Napoleonic tactics, but we're fighting in WW2.

What about an all armor battle?
« Last Edit: 01 December 2024, 12:22:57 by jimdigris »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #174 on: 01 December 2024, 18:16:45 »
I understand it now, but I haven't heard it much.  It's not something that comes readily to mind.
For the 29th, must we do old school?  We very rarely use the new stuff.  To use an analogy, we've trained extensively in Napoleonic tactics, but we're fighting in WW2.

old toys make you think about what you are doing.  :evil:

normal play we are using newer toys. just not the latest. I also do not know how many have the newer TRO with the new hotness in them.

basic rules toys all know and have the rules for.

What about an all armor battle?

can be done but they would need armored support or they will take forever to get anyplace  :lipsrsealed:

But I will go with the group wants  :smiley:


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #175 on: 01 December 2024, 22:21:12 »
How about:
Tech: 3025-3039 with 1 exception. 1 unit( mech or armor) can be of level 2 tech available up to 3058, NO CLANS(looks at Jim)


team: random, decided day of

force: reinforced lance; 1 light, 1 medium, 1 heavy, 1 assault,

And 1 additional mech( of heavy or lighter weight class) OR 2 armor assets.


King of the hillish is acceptable for lack of a better identifier

Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #176 on: 02 December 2024, 06:03:50 »
What if we just want to do armored vehicles?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #177 on: 06 December 2024, 15:46:59 »
OK so this is the deal.

Frame Fight

Each player will pick 1 Light, 1 Medium, 1 Heavy and 1 Assault Battlemech.
Max weight is 250 tons.
All units will be level form the 3025/3039 TROs. No Artillery units.
Each mini must be the frame for the chosen Battlemech. All minis must be Ral Partha, Iron Wind Metals, FASA, FanPro or Catalyst minis only.
Minis can only be from the players collection. Minis do not have to be painted.

Player sides will be chosen at random.
Each side will be looking to take the objective in the center of the table.
Terrain will be light and heavy scattered woods, hills and streams placed at random.

All units start at Gunnery 4, Piloting 5.
Player gets an extra skill level if the mini is the configuration of the unit.
Players get plus one skill level if the mini is painted (not just primed).
Players get an extra skill level if the mini has decals.
Players will get 1 edge point to start. They will get an extra edge point for each 25 tons under max weight.

Units will make piloting skill rolls for every 20 points of damage taken during each phase.
« Last Edit: 06 December 2024, 16:40:32 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #178 on: 06 December 2024, 19:16:13 »
This works for me.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #179 on: 06 December 2024, 20:12:10 »
Well, this should be interesting, my forces are picked and high command has been informed  :cool:, lol not posting them here as we are not all on the same team  :grin:, hee hee, :evil: now for the pain of printing out the record sheets, grrrr :headbang: