Author Topic: BattleTech Long Island IV  (Read 20568 times)


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #60 on: 03 October 2024, 22:29:19 »
Each of the commanders of the GSF will get letter from Kiah's  office:

It is time again for us to place a group order with Metal storm and possibly the Diamond Sharks. The more we order the more we will save, as before compile your list of needed items and send the funds for what you are requesting. The funds will be placed in a special account to make the purchase so that there will not be any shortfall of funds.

Please respond as soon as possible so we can place the order.

with all respect
Kiah, Commander GSF
« Last Edit: 04 October 2024, 07:00:43 by Devondra »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #61 on: 03 October 2024, 22:39:44 »
“We have a new location set for Nakazawa’s trial. The location is secure and away from any civilian locations.”
“Have the GSF provide security for the move.”
“But Chiji this is a Nejiro matter.”
“I understand this and the GSF will provide security for the move.”
“The GSF have other matters that they need to attend to.”
“And they will. I want them providing security for the matter.”

Commanders your next mission is to provide a security force that will help see that Isao Nakazawa gets to the new location of his trial. The convoy of transport vehicles will be five (5) wheeled vehicles, and you will see to it that all five make to this location safe and sound.

OK so this is the next mission.
GSF units normal forces. Pick a 'Mech - Vehicle - Infantry - what you want.

10/13 is the next date

Okay sooooo we are escorting the traitor. we can assume that his "cohorts" will either try to "recover" him or kill him.

all 5 of the wheeled vehicles need to reach the target.

I was thinking we might want to put the package into one of our transports, but still have the 5 vehicles protected, this would be done last minute and under cover before we leave so not that many know of the switch.

what do you all think of this plan?

(Kiah will send a secured written message to the governor so get permission for the above).

anyone else have ideas on how to handle the mission?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #62 on: 03 October 2024, 23:22:56 »
Okay sooooo we are escorting the traitor. we can assume that his "cohorts" will either try to "recover" him or kill him.

all 5 of the wheeled vehicles need to reach the target.

I was thinking we might want to put the package into one of our transports, but still have the 5 vehicles protected, this would be done last minute and under cover before we leave so not that many know of the switch.

what do you all think of this plan?

(Kiah will send a secured written message to the governor so get permission for the above).

anyone else have ideas on how to handle the mission?

I will have a Transport Maxim that I could swap a platoon out of if need be. I have some taggers in there that quite honestly should have different weapons that I could swap to a transport. Amber LOFN Or'lient would be happy to have someone new to talk to that just must listen to every single word because he has nothing better to do.

Each of the commanders of the GSF will get letter from Kiah's  office:

It is time again for us to place a group order with Metal storm and possibly the Iron Sharks. The more we order the more we will save, as before compile your list of needed items and send the funds for what you are requesting. The funds will be placed in a special account to make the purchase so that there will not be any shortfall of funds.

Please respond as soon as possible so we can place the order.

with all respect
Kiah, Commander GSF

Will need a day or two to sort this out.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #63 on: 05 October 2024, 11:35:55 »
For the next battle, Hands of the Goddess will provide:
Clint, Cavalry and friends, Pegasus, and Phoenix Hawk (Note that the Pegasus has a Combine C3 slave)

The Hands of the Goddess will also find out who manufactures the Scout ATV and Trikes that I have in inventory to buy a pair or each to fill out two more recon platoons.  If the price is reasonable, we will purchase them.

[OOC: Can I mount ECM, active probes or TAG on hover bikes, ATVs. or Trikes that battle armor can mount?]

I'll need a little time to figure out what I want to buy for the GSF-wide purchase.
« Last Edit: 05 October 2024, 11:40:05 by jimdigris »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #64 on: 06 October 2024, 16:47:36 »
The Hands of the Goddess will also find out who manufactures the Scout ATV and Trikes that I have in inventory to buy a pair or each to fill out two more recon platoons.  If the price is reasonable, we will purchase them.

the basic frames are made on world in many places. the weapon mounts are custom and need the proper techs to do the work.
the Scout ATV's are 16,949 C-Bills each (you have 2 / GSF salvage has 3)
Trikes are 16,240 C-Bills each (problem is they have Light Machine Guns on them. Only Clan SJ 3060 or Cap Com 3068 make them  :evil:)

[OOC: Can I mount ECM, active probes or TAG on hover bikes, ATVs. or Trikes that battle armor can mount?]

nope. they are not setup for it


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #65 on: 07 October 2024, 15:50:17 »
The Hands of the Goddess is informing Major Franks that they wish to purchase the three Scout ATV's in GSF inventory and awaits a price.  We will also purchase a pair of Trikes.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #66 on: 08 October 2024, 18:57:43 »
*knock on the door*

A middle aged woman answers the door. There is a generic delivery service at the door with what looks like a long white box.

“Yoiichinichiwo. I have a package for Isamu Asano. Is this his residence?”

“Yes, this is his residence.”

“Please sign here, *women signs her name* Domo arigato.”

*she walks into the house with the package. She goes to the kitchen where Isamu is preparing tea”

“Airi, what do you have there?”

“It’s a package for you. It looks like flowers. *she opens box* Yes, it’s roses. Who would send you roses?”

*she pulls out the roses. There is a bunch of red roses and one black one.*

“Why would someone send you 29, 30, 31, 32 red roses and one black rose?”

Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #67 on: 09 October 2024, 18:11:16 »
Freyja put the binoculars away.  "I think we're going to have to go higher, perhaps up to the glacier."

"The glacier."  Julia sighed.  "I thought you didn't want to go up too high."

"It's not ideal, but we'll need to see beyond just the port."  Freyja explained.  "Plus, I haven't seen a glacier in years, and you've probably never seen one period.  Come on, it'll be fun."  The blond began trudging further up the mountain.

"Suuure, funnn."  Julia rolled her eyes as she started to follow behind.  "Just as long as your fun doesn't get us both killed."

“Well, if you want to go higher on the hunk of rock we will need to go back and get better gear.” Julia offers. “We will need warmer cloths and ice climbing boots.”
“OK, OK we can go back.” Freyja shoots back. “We will spend a day or two to get what we need.”

“So, ladies how did you like the climb?”
“The view is wonderful.” Freyja responds. “How far has anyone climbed up?”
“I think someone made it thousand meters once. It was a professional team, and they just made it back.”
“What happened?” Julia asks.
“Well people forget that Nejiro is a large planet and a thousand meters here is not like other worlds that are smaller. The pressures, air and temperature change much faster and harder past a hundred meters or so.”
“Wow, just how high is it to the top?” Julia asks.
“From the records it is listed a ten thousand meters. Anything above about five hundred you need air tanks because the air is too thin for normal breathing.” The guide looks at both. “How far do you think you got?”
“About fifty maybe seventy-five meters up. We had not hit ice yet.” Freyja answers. “We do like climbing and this was not all that bad.”
“Well, it is a good thing you turned around, if you get caught in a storm or at night you would be dead.” He looks back at both. “Your gear was good for what you did but any higher and you would have been in trouble. If you want to go higher you will need others that know the terrain.”
“Do you know any that would be willing to go?” Freyja asks.
“Not at this time of year. We have a very limited time when it is safe to go higher than a hundred meters.”
“Thanks for the information.” Julia will poke Freyja. “Let’s get back to our room, I want to clean up and get some hot food.”
“OH, sure.” Looking to the guide. “Thanks. Any place you would recommend for us to try?”
“You want local?”
“Sure, what is good?” Julia asks.
“We have a couple of nice places down the street, but if you want something small and nice two blocks over and one south, you’ll find a nice place.”
“Thanks.” Julia will respond.

“That shower was nice. I’m looking forward to dinner.” Julia looks at Freyja as she finishes dressing, “So we going to one of the places down the block or the other one?”
“Let’s check put the other one.” Freyja hands Julia her handbag. “Keep it close just in case.”
“What, why?”
“Two young ladies by themselves off the normal path. Girls need to take care.” She checks her bag as well.

“Welcome ladies. Do you want a table or to sit at the bar?”
“A table please.” Julia will answer before Freyja can say anything.
“Very good. It will be only a few minutes; you can have a seat here or at the bar. I will inform when your table is ready.”
“So here or the bar?” Julia asks.
“The bar I need a drink.” As they go to the bar.
“This place is not bad. I like the old Terran Russian vibes.” Julia checks out the place.
“It is rather nice.” Taking a couple of stoles at the bar.
“What will you have ladies?” the bartender asks.
“I don’t know, what do you think?” Julia looks at Freyja.
“A couple of glasses of you house white.” Freyja looks around and the place is full.
“Very good two glasses of the house white.” She reaches down and puts two wine glasses on the bar and pours wine in both glasses. “Do you want to run a tab?”
“Can you put on our dinner tab?”
“Sure, no problem.”
« Last Edit: 09 October 2024, 18:26:48 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #68 on: 10 October 2024, 13:05:07 »
Okay so typing this for my tablet hope it works lol

The hammers will be bringing
Alpha Karnnov, with its 2 squads of Grey death lt scout and 1 squad of IS jump
(I would suggest the prisoner be placed in this as it will stay up high and be the eyes from above and not engage)
I think dropping some of the infantry to be spotters maybe an option depending on the terrain.

Morningstar city command vehicle with DCM C3, it is 5/8 so it can stay with the convoy and it can be used as the master to a DCM network
It also has 1 squad of IS gray death ba

My Locust, it is supper fast and hs er weapons

Last but not least
Pegasus Scout Hover tank '58
It has Guarden ecm
Beagle active probe
As well as med pulse and srm 6

The GSF is still waiting to hear if they will be permitted to place the package elsewhere so it is "hidden"

No one is responding to the post I did where I asked for  feedback and conversation to try and plan out what we will do.

If weareallowed to relocate the package we will need to act as if the package is still in the transport vehicles.

Dose anyone have ANY thoughts?


ALSO REMEMBER we are trying to do a mass order get those lists in and deduct the funds!


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #69 on: 10 October 2024, 13:13:31 »
The GSF is still waiting to hear if they will be permitted to place the package elsewhere so it is "hidden"

the package is in one of the five transport vehicles and will stay is the vehicle he was loaded in.

ALSO REMEMBER we are trying to do a mass order get those lists in and deduct the funds!

this is one of the best ways for all of you to get hi-end gear you need.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #70 on: 10 October 2024, 15:21:13 »
  I need information on the Fukapop LRM ammunition.  What is its official name and how much does it cost per ton for an LRM15?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #71 on: 10 October 2024, 15:31:07 »

The GSF is still waiting to hear if they will be permitted to place the package elsewhere so it is "hidden"

No one is responding to the post I did where I asked for  feedback and conversation to try and plan out what we will do.

If we are allowed to relocate the package we will need to act as if the package is still in the transport vehicles.

Dose anyone have ANY thoughts?
I'm bringing the heaviest mechs that I can that can keep up with the convoy.  Ideally, I'd like to bring my Griffin and Ostsol, but the Griffin has significant armor damage and the Ostsol's arm fell off.  My Pegasus can join you Morningstar network, but it wouldn't surprise me if the "package's" friends were sporting ECM.  I think that defense in depth is our best strategy.  One group should be lighter and challenge anything that makes mean faces at the convoy.  The second group of heavier unit should stick to the convoy.  Our commander on the field should ask the convoy leader what their contingency plans are.  Additionally, we need to know what the terrain will be like.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #72 on: 10 October 2024, 16:12:16 »
  I need information on the Fukapop LRM ammunition.  What is its official name and how much does it cost per ton for an LRM15?

the Fukapop is just standard command detonated mines getting triggered by the pilot firing them. The bad part is that any others that were not commanded to do so will at that time.

Mine ammo for LRMs is double normal cost. do not forget shipping  :evil: has to be added as well


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #73 on: 10 October 2024, 16:16:07 »
Our commander on the field should ask the convoy leader what their contingency plans are.  Additionally, we need to know what the terrain will be like.

the convoy if attacked has orders to beat feet to the prison. It has long range weapons plus a security force.

Terrain will be hills, forest and river. in other words same old, same old  :evil:


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #74 on: 10 October 2024, 18:17:09 »

*** Back to the Italian restaurant***

"Well, there's something I'd like to see more of, as she looked on as "Duke" checked his perscom after receiving an alert and then openly smiling."

"Huh? Oh? Sorry, early in my military career I discovered that things would go missing or get moved around in my office so I have always secretly installed cameras there and send me notifications if it's accessed. It's saved me from a couple of assassination attempts and foiled a few espionage plots, but more often than not it turned out it was only my grand daughter who was the perpetrator. Especially if her parents were either deployed, or her uncle was in one of his excessive bigoted "moods".
Himiko just entered my office.
So aside from wanting to talk business with you, I also would like to discuss things more of a personal nature with you. I really enjoy spending as much time as I can with you and I am wondering if you have any interest in making this more of a permanent thing.

*** Duke's office
Himiko sits at Duke's desk relishing in the relative quiet and the familiar comforting memories of other times and places.
After concluding some unfinished unit admin paperwork Duke left on his desk, Himiko sends out several emails:

One of which is addressed to the Governor's liaison to the GSF concerning getting 2 mechwarrior's travel visas processed from the periphery, and inquiring if she could get permission to visit other descendants of the Von Rorhrs.

Another is sent to all relevant commanders who have interest in getting equipment and/or supplies shipped in from the otherside of the Lyran/DC border, this would include the other units that originated in Lyran Space or FRR space.
to reduce the cost of transit and shipping fees.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #75 on: 10 October 2024, 22:26:15 »

ALSO REMEMBER we are trying to do a mass order get those lists in and deduct the funds!

I am waiting for the results of the meeting/dinner between Tristan, Harald, Fuka and Metalstorm before I order anything so I know if I can get the parts I need to repair the Locust 5M I captured.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #76 on: 10 October 2024, 23:44:16 »
ALSO REMEMBER we are trying to do a mass order get those lists in and deduct the funds!

So, math, my old friend...

Gonna be a bit conservative, because honestly, no idea what I'll need. I can't base it on anything yet because I've fired about a total of 20k of non-standard ammo which was the Arrow IV 2 shots I fired. But all this math makes me want to field just a pile of energy weapons  :cheesy:

So I have:

54,000   Ton of SRM Streak Ammo
6,000   Ton of Narc Ammo
60,000   Endo Steel
20,000   Ferro Fibrous
140,000   Total for extras

Basically extra ammo for things that I don't think I get as part of the contract (Gauss, LRM, SRM and regular armor I have in that list), and Structure & Armor for the 2 units that use non-standard stuff (that I know of). I don't know how much Endo Steel/Ferro Fibrous that is because I just can't find costs for that. Give me a page/book and I'll narrow that down I checked Techmanual & Tac Ops but I might be blind.

Also if narc ammo isn't something to worry about I can take that out. It feels normal, but I haven't seen it listed anywhere as such.

Art IV ammo I know I have to pay and get from off world, but I still have a large pile of it and only a few units use it, and they could use regular ammo in a pinch.

If it's worth getting random parts for the units I have (I... don't know what I might need, so hoping for some leeway  :angel: ), I can slap 100,000 down for that.

This is all based on the fact that I still have quite a bit from my starting stockpile. Ferro & Endo are there just so I can get a cost per point and figure out pricing and how much I may need lol.

So considering 140k for known items and up to 100,000k for random stuff if I need to get replacement parts, that's about 240k in total of the 500k I have banked. If "God" thinks 100k is a bit much for that and some other lower number is a good start, then that's cool. Trying to get a feel for things, not go nuts.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #77 on: 10 October 2024, 23:54:57 »
As for the mission, my unit will be very fast but can't take a hit for anything.

- Owens 8/12
- Hermes 9/14 (18 MASC)
- Hawk Moth 8/12
- Maxim 8/12

The maxim is stacked with troops, while the owens/hermes have mostly lasers of like 10 range on average (Owens has a LL & 2ML, Hermes 3xMPL). The Maxim I plan to stick close to the caravan, while the owens/hermes being support for others. I have an FRR slave c3 still so can't help much there yet.

The Hawk Moth has the light gauss so has some range and I was planning to use as a partial deterrent. My units are all 4/5s so they aren't great shots/pilots compared to others, hence being a bit 'held back' in terms of aggressiveness.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #78 on: 10 October 2024, 23:55:02 »
“Well, if you want to go higher on the hunk of rock we will need to go back and get better gear.” Julia offers. “We will need warmer cloths and ice climbing boots.”
“OK, OK we can go back.” Freyja shoots back. “We will spend a day or two to get what we need.”

“So, ladies how did you like the climb?”
“The view is wonderful.” Freyja responds. “How far has anyone climbed up?”
“I think someone made it thousand meters once. It was a professional team, and they just made it back.”
“What happened?” Julia asks.
“Well people forget that Nejiro is a large planet and a thousand meters here is not like other worlds that are smaller. The pressures, air and temperature change much faster and harder past a hundred meters or so.”
“Wow, just how high is it to the top?” Julia asks.
“From the records it is listed a ten thousand meters. Anything above about five hundred you need air tanks because the air is too thin for normal breathing.” The guide looks at both. “How far do you think you got?”
“About fifty maybe seventy-five meters up. We had not hit ice yet.” Freyja answers. “We do like climbing and this was not all that bad.”
“Well, it is a good thing you turned around, if you get caught in a storm or at night you would be dead.” He looks back at both. “Your gear was good for what you did but any higher and you would have been in trouble. If you want to go higher you will need others that know the terrain.”
“Do you know any that would be willing to go?” Freyja asks.
“Not at this time of year. We have a very limited time when it is safe to go higher than a hundred meters.”
“Thanks for the information.” Julia will poke Freyja. “Let’s get back to our room, I want to clean up and get some hot food.”
“OH, sure.” Looking to the guide. “Thanks. Any place you would recommend for us to try?”
“You want local?”
“Sure, what is good?” Julia asks.
“We have a couple of nice places down the street, but if you want something small and nice two blocks over and one south, you’ll find a nice place.”
“Thanks.” Julia will respond.

“That shower was nice. I’m looking forward to dinner.” Julia looks at Freyja as she finishes dressing, “So we going to one of the places down the block or the other one?”
“Let’s check put the other one.” Freyja hands Julia her handbag. “Keep it close just in case.”
“What, why?”
“Two young ladies by themselves off the normal path. Girls need to take care.” She checks her bag as well.

“Welcome ladies. Do you want a table or to sit at the bar?”
“A table please.” Julia will answer before Freyja can say anything.
“Very good. It will be only a few minutes; you can have a seat here or at the bar. I will inform when your table is ready.”
“So here or the bar?” Julia asks.
“The bar I need a drink.” As they go to the bar.
“This place is not bad. I like the old Terran Russian vibes.” Julia checks out the place.
“It is rather nice.” Taking a couple of stoles at the bar.
“What will you have ladies?” the bartender asks.
“I don’t know, what do you think?” Julia looks at Freyja.
“A couple of glasses of you house white.” Freyja looks around and the place is full.
“Very good two glasses of the house white.” She reaches down and puts two wine glasses on the bar and pours wine in both glasses. “Do you want to run a tab?”
“Can you put on our dinner tab?”
“Sure, no problem.”

Julia laughed as Freyja regaled her with tales of her and her brothers' childhood.

"...and then when Dad picked it up and pushed it in his face, Jurgen ended up falling on his backside in fear. "

"I would too if I was 10 years old and had a shark shoved in front of my face."  Julia retorted.  "Still, I could never picture ol' "Iron-Ass" Jurgen freaking out over anything."

"He was a different person when he was a boy."  Freyja explained, taking a bite of her tilapia dinner.  "He was a bit pudgy before he hit his growth spurt.  Also, he wasn't under the pressure he is now as head of the family.  What about your family, Julia.  I bet you have some crazy stories to tell."

Julia shrugged.  "Most of my crazy stories center around Mari.  Maria, I mean.  She was my hero when I was a little girl.  I was 4 years old when she and Tristan got married.  I was the ringbearer at their wedding.  She was the baddest bitch in the room and she always stood up for me.  I loved her for that."

"I sense a "but" coming, though."  Freyja observed.

"But," Julia continued.  "she, well, you've seen her.  She's not the easiest person to deal with sometimes.  I've had to be her designated driver on more than one occasion.  I kind of also had to help raise her kids when she and Tristan were too busy.  Lourdes, the youngest, still calls me Auntie Jules sometimes.  She's the only one besides Mari I let call me Jules."

Freyja smiled.  "My father likes to say, "Family first, because family will be there when no one else is.".  You should be glad she cares about you so much."

"I am."  Julia returned.  "I kind of wish we were closer in age, though.  Being 16 years younger than she is, there will always be a bit of a generational disconnect between us.  I sort of feel inferior to her due to the age difference, but when I see her in one of her rage fits, it's like suddenly I'm the adult and she's the child."

Freyja laughed.  "I feel the same way with Jurgen sometimes.  We do have some interesting relatives."

"Definitely."  Julia agreed.  She took a few bites from her chicken cordon bleu before continuing.  "So, since we can't go back up the mountain without risking death, what should we do now?"

"Hmm."  Freyja thought.  "I know.  Can you ski?"

"Can we not do something that would involve us freezing our asses off?"  Julia gave a dirty look.

"Spoilsport."  Freyja remarked.  "What do you think we should do, then?"

Julia remembered the brochures she had read.  "What about the lobster fest?"

Freyja shrugged.  "If you think it would help, then sure."

"Good."  Julia grinned.  "We need to talk to the locals, learn what we can.  Maybe figure out what's really going on here.  Give Audra and her friend the help they need."

The rest of the dinner went undisturbed, the two women discussing the rest of their trip.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #79 on: 10 October 2024, 23:57:56 »
So, math, my old friend...

Gonna be a bit conservative, because honestly, no idea what I'll need. I can't base it on anything yet because I've fired about a total of 20k of non-standard ammo which was the Arrow IV 2 shots I fired. But all this math makes me want to field just a pile of energy weapons  :cheesy:

So I have:

54,000   Ton of SRM Streak Ammo
6,000   Ton of Narc Ammo
60,000   Endo Steel
20,000   Ferro Fibrous
140,000   Total for extras

Basically extra ammo for things that I don't think I get as part of the contract (Gauss, LRM, SRM and regular armor I have in that list), and Structure & Armor for the 2 units that use non-standard stuff (that I know of). I don't know how much Endo Steel/Ferro Fibrous that is because I just can't find costs for that. Give me a page/book and I'll narrow that down I checked Techmanual & Tac Ops but I might be blind.

Also if narc ammo isn't something to worry about I can take that out. It feels normal, but I haven't seen it listed anywhere as such.

Art IV ammo I know I have to pay and get from off world, but I still have a large pile of it and only a few units use it, and they could use regular ammo in a pinch.

If it's worth getting random parts for the units I have (I... don't know what I might need, so hoping for some leeway  :angel: ), I can slap 100,000 down for that.

This is all based on the fact that I still have quite a bit from my starting stockpile. Ferro & Endo are there just so I can get a cost per point and figure out pricing and how much I may need lol.

So considering 140k for known items and up to 100,000k for random stuff if I need to get replacement parts, that's about 240k in total of the 500k I have banked. If "God" thinks 100k is a bit much for that and some other lower number is a good start, then that's cool. Trying to get a feel for things, not go nuts.

Just so you know, my unit owns a factory that makes Gauss ammo of all shapes and sizes.  We offer reasonable prices as well.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #80 on: 11 October 2024, 00:10:26 »
Just so you know, my unit owns a factory that makes Gauss ammo of all shapes and sizes.  We offer reasonable prices as well.

I figured that was either part of the contract, or not something I need to order from off world so didn't add it to the list. I use Light & Rifle Gauss ammo, but have only fired 1 Rifle Shot so far. If you priced out a ton of each (or whatever units you sell in and if it's available, I can work that out with you.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #81 on: 11 October 2024, 23:40:59 »
Just to have a full list of what I am bringing (I have models for everything, I think I am actually only missing a PUMA tank now, printing up sheets now actually).

- Grey Death w/Flamers
Hawk Moth
- Tag Spotter Platoon
- Xeno Infantry
- LRM Infantry
- Flamer Infantry

And once confirmation is made on that being a good order for me to put in I'll mark it up on my pages.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #82 on: 12 October 2024, 12:11:53 »
  I would like to buy the components for making standard inner sphere battlearmor that I cannot make myself or source onworld.  How much would that cost me per suit?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #83 on: 12 October 2024, 17:07:07 »
Hey Gang -

Forces for tomorrow:

Pegasus C3
Maxim BA field refit and associated longinus suits

look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! :smilie_happy_thumbup:



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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #84 on: 12 October 2024, 20:06:45 »
Courthouse conference room

*inside the conference room there are representatives from the major clans on Nejiro. Coming to the podium is a nondescript man wearing khakis*

“Irasshaimase. My name, for those of you who do not know me, is Jack Nakatomi. My job title, let’s just say, facilitator. We are all here because of the trial of Isao Nakazawa. It seems that there is good intelligence that there will be a… uh, situation within the next few days at the trial. It seems that Nakazawa’s compatriots are thinking of interfering with the due process of the law. Now, we have a plan in place to take care of this situation, but we need to keep the trial going while we set up our little trap. So we are moving Nakazawa and the jury to a different location, keeping the trial moving while our security forces will have a trap set up for the bad guys at the courthouse when they attack.
     Now, we need you clans to lend us some of your security forces to escort the defendant and jurors to the new location.”

“Why us? Why don’t you have your gaijin to take out the trash?”
 *laughter fills the room*

“I would think that having a resurgent Black Dragon Society would be, bad for business. So it would be in your best interests to provide security. As far as the GSF, they will be providing support.”

“So, again, why us? They have all the equipment.”

“Because we have another problem. Tomorrow at 10, you will be escorting the package to the new location. The GSF have been told 12.”

*muttering and exclamation of surprise*

“Quiet Dow! Now, the reason for this is we believe there is a security breach within the GSF and the Black Dragons know about the move. So to prevent any problems you will not know where you are going. The coordinates will be placed in your nav computer just before departure so no one knows the route. And if they happen to be following the GSF, by you leaving 2 hours earlier should throw any shadows off.”

“Okay, we will have our forces in place and ready to go by 10.”
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #85 on: 12 October 2024, 20:36:15 »
What could possibly go wrong? :cheesy:


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #86 on: 12 October 2024, 20:36:48 »
Hey Gang -

Forces for tomorrow:

Pegasus C3
Maxim BA field refit and associated longinus suits

look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! :smilie_happy_thumbup:


sorry to bring the rain ..... but your Pegasus is a brick ..... you have not made any repair rolls for it.

pick a different unit ..... you get in early you can make the repair rolls ..... your rolling  :evil: ..... make sure you have a backup  :grin:


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #87 on: 13 October 2024, 02:11:49 »
The Eastern Desert (colloquially) - the Thulo Besina Marubhumi {Great Basin Desert} (officially) - is a geographical region on the Tairiku continent of Nejiro north of the Sharqiun Kiso Yama {eastern foundation backbone mountains}. With other geological boundaries of the Kuroi Oka {black hills} to the north, the Yoshino-gawa {excellent beautiful respected honored graceful pleasing sound river} in the west, and the Samenoumi {shark ocean} in the east, and includes the Sugoi Peninsula {wow, amazing, awesome}, the Woy Woy Peninsula {much water, big lagoon}, and the Tora Hanto {tiger peninsula}. The province was most recently shaped by the retreat of the glaciers at the end of the last epochs ice age. Numerous layers of heavy dense sheets of ice had compressed the land into what was once sea floor during a prior geological epoch and the planetary crust beneath it. When the glaciers broke and slid into the sea it took great pieces of the landscape with them. Now the Eastern Desert is as much as fifteen hundred meters lower than the rest of the continent of Tairiku, and slopes significantly from the eastern banks of the Yoshino-gawa towards the coastlines of the Eastern Sea, the Sulu Sea {dynamic flowing water}, the Sangosho Gulf {coral}, and the Samenoumi {shark ocean}. The province is substantially more arid than the rest of the Tairiku continent due to its low elevation, as the air currents carrying rain travel at high altitudes the water evaporates before falling to the ground. Although there is little rainfall (the region only averages approximately one hundred fifty millimeters per year mostly from weather systems sweeping in from the ocean - the Samenoumi, the Eastern Sea, the Sulu Sea, the Sangosho Gulf - during the relatively humid winters), there is considerable water in the region due to the large rivers left in the wake of the retreating glaciers, in addition to deep aquifers, lakes, canals, and cisterns. The hot summers bring ample sunshine where the temperatures rise to an average of thirty eight degrees celsius in the region, and occasionally torrential rains or haboob {dust and sand storms}. The coastlines along the Sangosho Gulf and Pearl Bay are overwhelmingly soft white sand beaches (of mostly terminal quartz sand particles and carbonate shell particles), that slope to the ocean and harmonize with the sapphire blue waters, from limestone and sandstone cliffs and hilly woodlands of eucalyptus, poplar, kapok, aspen, cottonwood, and elm. In the hilly areas of the countryside the depressions have filled with older lime rich material developing deep, rich, dark clay soils excellent for dryland farming and the heights have diatomaceous albariza that provides ideal conditions for vineyards and olive groves. These inland woodlands are abundant in cork oak, redsilk cotton, pines, fir, holm oak, citrinae, cistus, juglans, prunus, thyme, and rosemary. The Eastern Desert is on the migratory route for a considerable variety of birds and other wildlife including great flamingo, greyly geese, imperial eagles, griffon vulture, knobbed coots, azul kites, nero condor, and horned tiger owls. Among the native herbivores are pronghorn, ibex, idaina kemono {mighty beast - native quadruped ungulate similar to oxen found wild across the Tairiku continent that may reach a height of two meters and an average weight of seventeen hundred kilograms with tough black skin, horns, and hooves and white, grey, or greyish brown coats they are good foragers that thrive in heat and sunlight that are resistant to disease and parasites - small numbers have been domesticated for premium beef production as the meat is of very high quality}, serow, masked bears, desert mule deer, roe deer, sambar deer, horned andalusians, wild horses, hares, goats, nhema boars, and criollo cattle. Local carnivores include sarkans wolf, xolotl, strandwolf, iberlynx, spotted hyenas, otters, spotted genet, aardwolf, saltwater crocodiles, tomistoma crocodylian, and gharial. Other notable species in the Eastern Desert province are agassiz kame {desert tortoise}, hawkmoths, lestat viper, rayfin pupfish, habu pit viper, and banded sea krait.   

« Last Edit: 13 October 2024, 07:59:58 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #88 on: 13 October 2024, 03:17:08 »
There are four major rivers in the Eastern Desert province and several smaller bodies of water. The Yoshino-gawa {excellent beautiful respected honored graceful pleasing sound river} is the largest and longest river on Nejiro. It is more than seventeen thousand kilometers in length and originates from the Genso Mizumi {illusion lake} which is fed by the Alpenwylde glaciers in the Kiso Mountains {foundation backbone}, which in turn feeds the Tentai Mizumi {heaven lake} and the Anheru Taki {angel falls} and Morning Glory Lake in the Kiso Mountains and the Sharqiun Kiso Yama. The Yoshino-gawa flows north through the Eastern Desert and the Yushan {jade hills}, and on through the Kuroi Oka {black hills} and the Annettai Heiya {subtropical plains} until its oulet into Subarashi Bei {wonderful bay}. The river widens from two kilometers at its source to a maximum of fifty kilometers during the rainy season in its delta, it has depths over two hundred meters. It is the major river of the northern Tairiku continent {everything north of the Kiso Mountains and the Sharqiun Kiso Yama} a superhighway of transport to many destinations via itself and its many tributaries and canals. The Yoshino-gawa forms the western boundary of the Eastern Desert province, as well as the Kuroi Oka {black hills} province. The Kanawha River {white rocks} is a tributary of the Yoshino-gawa that flows north through the Kiso Mountains then east into the Sharqiun Kiso Yama {eastern backbone foundation mountains} and then northeast through the city of Hilo and its metropolitan area. The Kanawha River then continues east past Camp Haken {hegemony} and then flows north into the Sangosho Gulf {coral}. The Kanawha River is a fast moving body of water with several constricted sections that form rapids (rated from Class III to Class IV) and small waterfalls. The river has several hydropower facilities along its route. The Kanawha River ranges from two to sixteen kilometers wide and is up to one hundred meters deep in parts during its journey of over four thousand kilometers. The Quoile River {narrow} originates in the Sharqiun Kiso Yama south of the Anheru Taki {angel waterfall} within the KrissKross cavern system. It flows mainly underground except for a few dozen kilometers where it surfaces in Hilo due to geological quirks. The river again surfaces as it enters Kawaita taki sankyo {dry falls gorge}, a gorge several dozen kilometers north of the Hilo metropolitan area, and then due to past geological activity the Quoile River disappears and continues underground east for another thirteen hundred kilometers or so and empties into Pearl Bay west of Baja. The Waikato River {flowing water} originates from Tazawa Lake {hill with a raised circular top, rice paddy}, a deep caldera lake {a six kilometer wide body of freshwater with two lava domes over three hundred meters in diameter in its 423-meter depths on Ryujin no sumiko yama (dwelling of the dragon god mountain) 2236-masl} (the lake that never freezes) in the Sharqiun Kiso Yama which fills the river with kunimasu trout, sockeye salmon, red-fin, carp, char, catfish, and eel. The Waikato River flows northeast from its origins and continues onward through the city of Hilo and its metropolitan area and then crosses abruptly east and meanders into Bear Paw Lake northwest of Baja. The Waikato River then snakes its way further east and then south past Baja and through the Woy Woy Peninsula {much water, big lagoon} and on into the Sulu Sea {dynamic flowing water}. The Waikato River has an average depth of ten meters and easily accommodates barges and small freight ships, but nothing handling over five thousand containers (which requires depths over twelve meters). Woodlands and meadows are naturally plentiful around the rivers, lakes and canals of the Eastern Desert province. They are also cultivated around farmlands, orchards, vineyards, and pastures to mitigate flooding.       

« Last Edit: 13 October 2024, 16:29:20 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Reply #89 on: 13 October 2024, 04:36:37 »
Bear Paw Lake has over three thousand kilometers of shorelines, endless sunshine, warm water, and some of the most spectacular scenery of the Eastern Desert province. The lake is part of Shu gake koen {vermillion cliff park} a national wilderness park which includes woodlands surrounding the lake, hot spings, and the Kamigami no tani {valley of the gods} a scenic sandstone valley of about four hundred square kilometers, the remnants of an ancient landscape with tall red-brown mesas, buttes, towers, mushroom rocks and other iconic sandstone formations. Izanagi Izanami Jinja is a Shinto shrine to the progenitor gods with their sixty meter likenesses carved directly into a sandstone cliff in the Kamigami no tani. The honden {the sacred halls where enshrined representations of the kami are kept} of the shrine buildings placed protectively in front of the statues, is a three bay Nagare-zukuri style building connected to the heiden {offering hall} by a roof. Other attractions in the Shu gake koen include the Shu gake bijutsukan {vermillion cliff museum} with interactive exhibits about the wildlife, geology, and paleontology of the area; the Nigai Mizu Visitors Center and Amphitheater {bitter water} from which the local park rangers and NPO Wylde Rangers offer demonstrations, classes, and programs; ryokan {inn} and minshuku {bed&breakfast} with outdoor onsen; Sky-top Lodge a stone manor house resort hotel (with a private aerostrip) built at the top of the West Cliff and overlooks Bear Paw Lake; and the Kuma no ashi no mizumi marina {bear paw lake marina} rents and leases houseboats, powerboats, jet-skis, kayaks, and sailing craft up to twenty three meters. The marina features a Clubhouse with a sento {japanese style communal bathhouse} with onsen and spa (soaking tubs, sauna, reiki, salt therapy, epidermis treatments, hair and nail decor, massage), a gourmet restaurant, a pub, a bakery cafe, a chandlery, electricity and communications, maintenance and repair services, and a large Inn. It offers access to a waterway station, a marine roadhouse, and charter operators that explore the lake, nearby canals, the Waikato River {flowing water}, and also the Hibari-gawa {skylark river} a small outlet of the lake that eventually empties into Pearl Bay. Ayuhwasi {meadow} is a small chartered village (2836) {the sole instance in the Park} whose residents (491) are employed in the tourism of the area and agriculture; with a railway station served by Trinity Railways, Via Rail, Zheleznyye Dorogi {spirit railways}, and other regional lines. Activities at the Park include glamping, camping, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, photo safari tours, helicopter air tours, airship air tours, swimming and other water activities, basking in the sun on the beaches, and a championship golf course.   

« Last Edit: 13 October 2024, 16:22:36 by eilidhdawn »