Turns out my wife had 2-person rooms too back in 1984. I guess it was just the Navy still stuck with WWII style barracks...
It really did depend on the base & even more the unit.
Since on 1 I moved between 2 different styles.
I had the WW2 Wood & the 60's block w/ 8-bunk rooms both on the same base.
The barracks w/ the 2-Man College Dorms was BRAND NEW as I mentioned, still had painters tape as the crews worked their way from Company to Company finishing them off.
But that was for my Battalion that just transferred there from another base & then filled out with AIT grads for the remainder of the Battalion.
We were on a hilltop by ourselves.
Go down to main post where the MP & Engineer units had their barracks & those were a different style/age.
Back here in the states again, my Battalion had WW2 style but other units didn't.
So I think it's an example of as the bases got bigger or filled out or just renovated over the course of the last century+.