So we've all wanted some stats for some form of berthing that you can add/subtract from a cargo bay to allow passengers w/o the extreme supply rates of just living in the cargo bay on cots.
Now obviously these items need to be worse than actual Quarters/Bays, but, I'm trying to come up with a decent penalty w/o going overboard or making them too cheap.
Let me know what your thoughts are.
#1 - The "Foot Bay" Quarters
This counts as a Foot Platoon-30 Bay but costs weighs 7 tons instead of 5. (40% surcharge for being "Modular")
#2 - The "Small - Steerage" Quarters
This module counts as 10 Steerage Quarters (5 tons each) but weighs 70 Tons total. (Same as 10 of the 2nd Class Quarters / 40% surcharge for being "Modular")
#3 - The "Small - 2nd Class" Quarters
This module counts as 10 2nd Class Quarters (7 tons each) but weighs 100 Tons total. (40% surcharge for being "Modular")
#4 - The "Small - 1st Class" Quarters
This module counts as 10 1st Class Quarters (10 tons each) but weighs 150 Tons total. (50% surcharge, because it's hard to make "Luxury, Modular")
#5 - The "Large - Steerage" Quarters
This module counts as 200 Steerage Quarters (5 tons each) but weighs 1300 Tons total, slightly less than 200 of the 2nd Class Quarters. (35% surcharge for being "Modular")
You could make dozens of modules really, but I felt like these 5 are a really solid "1-size fits all" selection.
You have 30-Man "Bay", 10-Man "Variable Trio Quarters", & a 200-Man "Bulk Steerage"
I have not gotten into the C-Bills costs yet, since, well, that requires getting out the rule books & breaking down the formula for quarters & DS modifiers & coming up with a cost for these.
They will likely be pricey for the C-Bill cost of them, but, I also feel like the ability to customize a cargo bay has to be worth something.
Outside of C-Bills though, do you all feel the "Modular" surcharge is an ok amount?
(I started w/ Omni-25% Charge & went up since that is a weapon pod & this is living accommodations, more detail work IMO)
Do you see any reason for something outside of the 5 I listed?
I feel like 10-30-200 is good passenger size options & the 1300 tons of the block #5 is too large for many DS Bays so I didn't think there was a need to go bigger when a few multiples will do for something larger.
Let me know what you think.