Author Topic: From a Ristar to a Lady  (Read 8264 times)

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #30 on: 15 December 2023, 13:56:26 »
This is the last chapter of Act I. We'll finally see some real mech action in Act II on Altoona!
Kalinski Estate,
3rd March, 3061
2200 hrs (1000 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

Preparations for going to Altoona were quickly finished. Apparently, the Baron had been making plans for her since she first fell ill.

Originally, she was supposed to rest for a little longer at the recommendation of the doctor, but Anastasia said she would leave as soon as she could, saying she would leave quickly as she had decided. The maids and the Baron tried to dissuade her, but to no avail.

Anastasia had other ideas. Perhaps, away from the confusing presence of the Baron, the various nobles of the Trivet, and even Pence Lamongue, she could finally figure out why she was still alive.

On the day of her departure, Anastasia’s belongings were already packed away in several containers to be transported by trucks, while she would travel to the dropship port in the Kalinski hoverlimo. At the drop-port, she would transfer to a Mule dropship bound for a Merchant at the zenith jump-point, which also held the Trivet’s sole recharge station, an old Attica station constructed during the heyday of the Star League to support the colonisation of Altoona and Delacambre.

The Baron repeated the itinerary. “We’ve made all the arrangements. The Azure Afro will take you to the Yolander. You won’t even need to wait at the jump point, it should be recharged and will jump immediately to Altoona, then the Afro will bring you to Altoona and our family estates there.”

Meanwhile, Anastasia was busy calculating the transit times involved and how long the entire journey to Altoona will take, more to take her mind off immediate matters than any real interest in the subject. She also wondered if there would be any pirate bands around to intercept the commercial ships. As far as she knew, the Trivet had been both poor enough and far away enough from the Periphery to be spared pirate activity, but one could never be too sure. She made a mental note to find out if the Azure Afro had any integral fighter escorts.

“While you’re there, you can also see the gems and minerals being mined. If there’s anything you like, you can tell Matthew, the estate manager.”

Anastasia did not respond to that. She knew that what the Baron wanted was Anastasia’s ‘okay’ and a farewell smile.

But she didn’t want to give the Baron what he wanted. She wanted to get into the hoverlimo without saying goodbye. But somehow, she felt uncomfortable with the wrongness of it, regardless of what he had or had not done.


She was now able to say the word ‘father’ smoothly, without feeling awkward.

“I’m not well.”

The Baron looked sad.

Anastasia sighed quietly. “But once I am better, let me come back. I won’t cause you any more trouble then.”

This was her promise to herself as well. She promised to get well, find a way to centre herself. If, when, she returned to the capital, she would no longer be clumsy and weak.

“You’ll do that for me right? Father?”

At her words, the Baron was about to say more. She thought he would refuse her request, but he soon sighed and smiled.

He embraced Anastasia in a warm hug. He stroked Anastasia’s hair gently.

“Yes, I will.”

His eyes were red with tears.

“When you’re well, I’ll do it if that’s what you want.”

While she could feel her father’s affection, Anastasia also felt an unknown resentment and loneliness. That must be how the original Anastasia felt about the Baron.

“You’re my daughter. You’re all I have. Please take care of yourself.”

Anastasia gave him a brittle smile. She grabbed the hem of her skirt, bowed gracefully, and climbed into the hoverlimo.

Despite her previous refusal, her heart raced with excitement at the thought of going to a new world. I will take it easy, and focus on getting healthy. It would not take too long. And Pence would not be going anywhere.

The ride to the drop-port was smooth and comfortable. She fell asleep on the way, only to be woken up by Luisa when they were nearing the port.

She recalled a similar time when Finn was in the hoverlimo with her, waiting for her to wake up.

Come to think of it, what is going on with Finn? Rumours had spread that she was crazy. He must have heard the rumours and came to see me. Her eyes widened with a new epiphany. Maybe he did not believe the rumours in the first place!

But Anastasia’s father thought she was crazy, too… Anastasia shook her head. No, Finn must have wanted to check with his own eyes if I was really crazy.

Then she frowned and shook her head faster in denial about what she had done. To him? With him? She groaned inwardly. The kiss came to her mind again. She kept trying to get rid of those thoughts from her head. Luisa looked anxiously at her.

Anastasia barely registered the hoverlimo going through the drop-port security, but her eyes lighted up when she saw the massive bulk of the Mule class dropship in the distance, towering over the diminutive buildings of the drop-port.

Their driver opened up the partition separating the driver’s compartment from theirs, and said, “My lady, there’s apparently been a delay in the departure time, they’re waiting for some more cargo. You should alight and rest in the VIP lounge first.”

Delays were quite normal. Anastasia could not even recount the number of times she had experienced a delay of launch due to anxious techs or officers wanting to squeeze in just a few more items.

She nodded, “Let’s do it then.”

As drop-ports went, this was a small one, with only about four dropship berths. Anastasia noted three small shops selling souvenirs and food.

Thankfully, the lounge was close to where they alighted from the hoverlimo, and Anastasia was soon comfortably seated on a sofa in the VIP lounge, while Luisa bustled about the small counter, preparing tea for her.

Knock, knock.

Anastasia looked at Luisa, who was just pouring out the tea into a cup for her. The maid quickly put down the teacup and opened the VIP lounge door to peek out.

Luisa took one look and quickly turned to Anastasia, her eyes wide.

“It’s the Count’s second son, Sir Raymond Haynes!”

Anastasia nodded to Luisa, who opened the door fully to allow him to come in. Raymond had been courteous enough to stand outside the door, deferring to female nobility despite his rank, but that courtesy also needed to be reciprocated.

He was not alone.

Anastasia’s hair almost stood on edge when Pence Lamongue strutted in behind Raymond, wearing the uniform of the Haynes household guards. She stood and bowed automatically in greeting, but her mind raced, trying to get a grasp on the situation.

She glared at Raymond, who smiled back placidly. She did not buy his act for a moment, and knew he was testing her by putting Pence Lamongue right in front of her.

And Pence was still wearing that same oily smirk as when she met him for the first time on Huntress when the Jaguar’s Mists Binary were formed, so many years ago.

“Whew, my lady almost left without my seeing her.” Raymond started to ramble. “I was so worried about your health. At that time, you collapsed and was quickly taken to your estate. I wasn’t even able to ask about your condition.”

Anastasia swore profusely in her mind. It was obvious he was a schemer, and she hated schemers when she was Avryl. She knew he had knocked her out in the Haynes palatial manor, and it was a debt she intended to collect on one day.

Luisa bowed respectfully, mindful of her status, “My lord, this lowly servant wishes to know if there is anything I can help you with?”

“Oh, me? I came out because I just heard one of the dropship crew owned a rare limited edition hardcover book that I wanted to buy. A romance novel written by the author of “Play on a Mustang”! And as soon as I saw Lady Kalinska’s hoverlimo, I decided to kill two birds with one stone.”

Stravag. His stupid bookworm act was not convincing and only served to irritate her further. But that irritation was nothing to the building rage she felt on seeing Pence.

“Anyway, maybe that would be three birds? Because Sir Larouche here also needed to inspect the port facilities for the Count, so I dragged him along.”

Raymond’s expression, which had been relaxed, sharpened almost imperceptibly. He turned to Pence and introduced him.

“Sir Spencer Larouche.”

Her heart was pounding hard. Raymond did not seem to have any intention of letting go of the outburst of emotions that she exhibited when she saw Pence on the viewscreen. Raymond smiled innocently despite the harsh glare she directed at him.

Pence stepped forward and bowed politely, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Kalinska.”

He is using contractions fairly easily, she seethed inwardly. As soon as she met him, she thought she would swear and curse. But somehow, she remained silent, because she knew that once the first insult erupted from her mouth, a whole stream would follow.

And wouldn’t that be a spectacle and a convenient incident to really confirm her insanity? So she pressed her lips together to not utter a sound.

“Lady Kalinska, what’s wrong?”

She heard Raymond, but she still dared not utter a word. Just seeing Pence’s oily smirk disgusted her.

“You seem unwell, Lady Kalinska.”

Pence looked just a bit anxious, and his feet shuffled a bit. At that moment, Anastasia came to her senses.

When Pence was nervous or uncertain, he had a habit of shifting his feet, as though positioning himself better to either initiate or receive an attack.

And it was the same with him today. She recognised the fake smile on his face. He really did not care about her or the situation, but merely going through the formalities.


Like a fool, her lips parted and a sound came out. Her fingertips trembled. Pence frowned slightly. It was the frown he used when looking at something he considered inferior.

“I, I mean….”

What should I say? I want to kill you? No, she could not. She had to say she was Avryl first, so he would know who his killer was.

But she was not able to, not with her own internal confusion over whether she was Anastasia or Avryl. How can she even call herself Avryl right now?

“Lady Kalinska?”

However, Anastasia was disgusted with his slimy face. Would he not die if she stabbed him in the neck now? Unfortunately, however, she had no weapon in her hand, and she doubted her body had the strength anyway.

“It looks like you are not feeling well. Here, take my hand. I’ll help you back to the sofa.”

Pence approached with a rather polite face and reached for Anastasia.

“Stop. I’ll do it.”


It was a familiar voice. Anastasia lifted her head and saw Finn striding in, pushing himself between herself and Pence.

“I don’t think you’re feeling very well, so you should sit down while having a conversation.”

When Anastasia made eye contact with him, she saw his displeased face. Strangely enough, it invigorated her, and suddenly brought her mental clarity. She allowed Finn to guide her to the sofa, where she sat down gratefully.

“Viscount Rason, are you here to see your fiancée?” Pence asked Finn, his tone friendly and polite. His expression was in stark contrast to the sheer loathing on Finn’s face.

“Yes.” Finn’s reply was brusque and short.

“Viscount Rason.” Raymond greeted brightly. “Surprised to see you here.”

“Greetings, my lord.” Finn was polite to Raymond, but his tone carried a coolness that was impossible to miss. Raymond looked sad at Finn’s cold greeting, theatrically so.

Finn’s eyes burned with anger. “I didn’t know my fiancée would be meeting other men without my knowledge in a place like this.”

“I was worried about Lady Kalinska, so I came to see her off.”

“Is that so? I didn’t know my lord and Lady Kalinska were that close.” Finn pointed out through gritted teeth.

“She collapsed in front of me.” Raymond smiled impishly. “You’re not jealous, are you?”

Finn’s eyes were hot and angry, but he plastered on a polite smile nonetheless. “So what if I am jealous?”

“Eh!” Raymond started in surprise at Finn’s brazen words.

“My lord, I can be very jealous.” Finn’s eyes gleamed dangerously.

Of course, it wasn’t really that Finn was jealous of Raymond, and they both knew it. Rather, it was Finn’s warning to Raymond against doing anything unnecessary. Recognizing this, Raymond smiled nervously.

“Lady Kalinska.”

Anastasia looked at Finn, who was next to her, facing Pence. It was the complete opposite of what it was before, when it was her and Pence facing off against Finn on the battlefields of the Clan Occupation Zone.

“Are you feeling better? You don’t seem to have the energy to answer me.”

But she still did not answer. Although Finn’s voice was quite gentle, she remained silent.

Pence commented, “It’s a little surprising. I didn’t know that Viscount Rason has this side to him. He’s always treated women with indifference. I didn’t expect you to be this considerate.”

Finn’s face frowned when he noticed the sarcasm, knowing that Pence did it on purpose.

People always thought that Finn’s feud with ‘Spencer Larouche’ was one-sided, but the reality was a little different. Pence didn’t like Finn either, but not to the same extent as Finn’s hatred towards Pence.

Pence always tried to find small, irritating methods to rile up Finn. If the Count hadn’t enfeoffed him with a knighthood when he arrived, Finn would have tried to kill Pence himself.

“How I treat my fiancée isn’t for you to judge.”

“No, I think it’s a little bit special.”

“Special?” When Finn sneered at the question, Pence spoke to Anastasia instead of answering Finn’s words.

“Viscount Rason is a real gentleman. Don’t you think so, Lady Kalinska?”

Then all the eyes of the three men turned to Anastasia. Anastasia kept her eyes down and her mouth shut. She looked unstable at a glance.

Raymond watched her with interest. If Anastasia had another outburst here, only Finn’s reputation would be ruined.

It was the first time Spencer had ever attacked Finn so aggressively, so Raymond was very happy with the developing situation. He lived for drama, and the live drama he instigated was the best!

Spencer said sadly, “Oh, my lady is still not feeling well. It must be hard to talk, right? It’s such a shame. I wanted to talk to you, but with your physical condition… I don’t think it’s appropriate right now.”

At that moment, the corners of Anastasia’s closed lips slightly went up and opened. She could not take his veiled insults any more.

“I thank my lord for your consideration.”

Raymond’s eyes lit up. It was because Anastasia’s expression, which had seemed somewhat unstable, changed.

“I also thank you for giving such a positive evaluation of my fiancé.”

Anastasia placed her own hand over Finn’s hand. Finn’s hand flinched from that warm touch. His eyes lingered on Anastasia’s small white hand.

Spencer's eyes slightly widened when Anastasia, who finally started talking, said something surprisingly normal.

“My fiancé is not lacking in the way he treats me. Is it so surprising that the Viscount is such a perfect gentleman?”

Her voice was clear, and she was as gentle as a lady. Finn was also baffled by her unexpected demeanour. It was totally different from how she usually behaved. The current Anastasia carried herself like a typical highborn lady. Finn felt strange trying to reconcile her current bearing with her usual behaviour.

“His gentle behaviour was just a little surprising. It’s far different from how the Viscount used to behave in the past. Lady Kalinska must be really special to him.”

Anastasia twisted her lips in a wry smile, and said. “In the past? You sound as if you’ve known my fiancé for quite some time. Have you known each other for long?”

Anastasia had no intention of passing up the chance to needle Pence.

“No.” The answer came from beside Anastasia, not from Pence. She turned to see a displeased look on Finn.

“Not me either. I was a soldier in the Lyran Alliance Armed Forces. You wouldn’t know that, though. No, you won’t be interested in military matters at all.”

Wouldn’t know that. It seemed as if he was mocking her. There was a rumour going around that she was crazy, so it was expected that Pence would be aware of them.

Anastasia narrowed her eyes, and probed further. “It’s not that I don’t know. But I was just a little curious. You were a soldier of the Lyran forces? Then why have you betrayed your home country to serve in the Federated Commonwealth? Are you a traitor?”

She knew her barb struck home when Pence’s relaxed face hardened slightly at the words. Anastasia had alluded to his betrayal of the Smoke Jaguars, although she was not supposed to know anything about that.

“Although I now serve Count Haynes, I had no acquaintance with Viscount Rason previously. And the LAAF was once part of the Federated Commonwealth too, so there is no conflict of interest.”

At Pence’s answer, Anastasia laughed. “Sir, I hate being treated like a fool.”

Pence, I hate being treated like a fool. Anastasia deliberately put her habitual words into her mouth. Pence’s eyes widened slightly. At that, Anastasia felt a twisted exhilaration. You can take my statement any way you want, Pence, but no conflict of interest between the Lyrans and the Fedsuns? Who are you trying to fool?

“I don’t know how many people you’ve treated as fools and I don’t want to know, but I’m not a fool. I hope you don’t believe in rumours and just assume I’m one of them.” It took some effort, but she was gratified at her smooth use of contractions.

A silence fell between them at Anastasia’s harsh words. Raymond remained in his ‘interested shitstirrer’ mode, while Finn seemed lost in thought in their argument.

Pence stared at Anastasia as if searching for something, and Anastasia forced the corners of her lips to smile, while she was actually biting the tender flesh of her lips inside.

“It seems my goodwill was misunderstood. Lady Kalinska, I hope you don’t misunderstand.”

Anastasia frowned and turned her head at the words. Then, she looked at Raymond and said, “I’ll take my leave, my lord.”

Raymond looked disappointed, “I wanted to talk more, but it’s a pity. I hope to see you in the near future.”

“I will never forget the grace you have bestowed upon me.” Anastasia said with strength in her eyes without even smiling. Raymond could feel the chilly threat in her words, and shuddered just a bit.

“Let’s go.” Even though she was supposed to wait at the VIP lounge, she did not think she could bear another moment in Pence’s presence. Better to board the dropship first instead. She gestured to Luisa, who got the hint and started leading the way to the vehicle that would take her across the tarmac to the Mule.

As they walked off, Finn’s strong hand, which she had been holding loosely, moved to hold her hand more securely. She looked at him in surprise. The warmth emanating from his hand seemed to calm her treacherous fluttering emotions. Oddly enough, Finn didn’t do anything special, but Anastasia just felt that way.

Anastasia turned around and looked at Pence. She could feel Pence’s glare at her.

Anastasia thought about facing his face, but she decided against it. She turned around, and continued following Luisa. Finn walked along at her pace.

As they walked towards the vehicle, Anastasia asked, “Are you really here to see me off?”

Finn nodded. “I am your fiancé. You’re leaving for quite a journey, so I think I need to see you off. It’s only right.”

Anastasia shrugged. Maybe because prestige, appearances, and decorum were important to the aristocracy, she did not want to care too much about these. In fact, her nerves were still on edge with Pence behind her back.

When they reached the vehicle, a small sedan that would bring her and her maid to the dropship, Finn opened the door for her to get in. Luisa got in first, but Anastasia paused at the door, thinking.

“Thank you.”

She owed it to Finn today anyway. His presence somehow calmed her down and helped clarify her thoughts, enabling her to respond to Pence. By standing together in front of Pence, Anastasia realised her engagement to Finnickerhet Ian Rason had never felt more real.

It also solidified her identity as ‘Avryl’. Aff, she had lost everything that symbolised Avryl Showers, which was why she ended up doubting her own existence. But there was one thing she couldn’t doubt.

Her own hatred for the traitor Pence Lamongue. When she saw Pence, all the rage came rushing back to her, and it was all she could do not to find the nearest weapon and attack him with it. How could Avryl not exist when she possessed such strong emotions? She will take revenge on Pence. And in order to do that, first she had to become Anastasia.

Meanwhile, she noticed Finn’s frown as he asked, “Thank me for what?” Despite her words, Finn looked sour. It was as if he could not believe she was grateful.


Finn paused and stared at her, obviously thinking hard with his puny brain. After a while, he seemed to have understood something in the end, and sighed.

“I know you’re not saying that just to be polite, but I’m sure my lady must have her own reasons.”

She stared at him, trying to figure out the weird expression on his face.

“I hope you’re able to clear your mind at Altoona.”


“I don’t know when I’ll see you again, but please behave yourself. I’ll do my duty as your fiancé too.”

Somehow, Anastasia felt indignant at his words. “What do you mean by ‘behave yourself’?”

Finn replied, “I meant not to act recklessly like ‘that time’.”

Anastasia got into the vehicle. They exchanged glances one last time, then the door closed and the car moved off.

Anastasia blushed as she realised Finn referred to the ‘kiss’ they had, when she had tried to seduce him. And I forgot to apologise to him for that too!

“My lady, it seems the dropship is ready!” Luisa sounded excited for their trip. Of course, since she had never gone into space before. For Avryl, who had travelled the length of the Exodus Road, and fought all over the border against the Draconis Combine, interstellar travel was no big deal.

Luisa looked at her, noticed her blush. “My lady, are you all right?

Anastasia waved off her concern. “I am all right, it’s nothing.”

“By the way, ‘that time’... what happened with the Viscount?”


“I’m sorry, I was waiting in the car and I just heard the voice of the Viscount.”

Flustered, Anastasia quickly replied, “Oh, don’t worry about it. He’s just showing his concern!”

At that time, Finn’s angry face came to mind. Fortunately, he seemed calm and reasonable just now, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t ashamed of her behaviour. Which was probably why he said what he said.

Anastasia felt ashamed all over again. Ah! Why did I try to seduce him?

She slammed her head into the car window, maybe that would knock some sense into herself.

At Anastasia's inexplicable actions, Luisa began to worry about her mistress again. Miss, please don’t be crazy, Luisa prayed fervently.

Twenty minutes later, Anastasia was securely strapped into a reclining launch seat while an excited Luisa happily babbled about the latest gossip in their estate and what she had found out about Altoona.

A small screen in front of her showed the view outside, and she could see the smoke already billowing from below the Mule, preparing for takeoff.

Moments later, the rumbling of the engines intensified, and she could feel the G forces pulling her back down as the Azure Afro lifted off.

Anastasia sighed. Next stop, Altoona.


After the Mule dropship lifted off safely, Finn drove his own car back to his estate.

He thought about Spencer Larouche. That bastard was usually smiling and composed, but somehow Anastasia had managed to pierce through part of his facade and elicited some anger. His fiancee certainly had a strange knack for messing with people he disliked. First Renard Haynes, now Spencer Larouche. He still felt a mess of complications about Anastasia Kalinska, but Spencer Larouche’s frown already made his day.

He had rushed to the drop-port just in case when he learned that Raymond had left the palatial manor, but thankfully the whole event had turned out well. Nothing critical happened, and Anastasia also looked fine, although her condition was a little strange.

In fact… she was too fine. Finn grimaced. I should have apologised at least…

She was sick because she could not handle the aftermath of losing Renard Haynes. Then he kissed her while she was still in a state of mental disarray. Anyway, Finn knew that she had kissed him to try to fill the hole in her heart after being dumped. He had kissed her with the intention of teasing her, but it turned out to be unexpectedly passionate.

Gah, he should be honest with himself. When Anastasia tried to seduce him, he had fallen for her charms hook, line, and sinker.

Only trash would accept a hundred kroner from a sick person, as Eric said, and Finn had to agree. She wasn’t well, he shouldn’t have taken advantage. He was angry for himself for even entertaining the thought of teasing her when she was already sick. What kind of man does that?

“I must be crazy.” He murmured to himself. Strangely, however, her glittering eyes during the Feast of Bounty banquet and their dance came to mind more than the clumsy smile of temptation when she tried to seduce him.

He couldn’t even remember what kind of clothes Anastasia wore. Because her eyes, those beautiful eyes, were just so memorable. Like… Like the eyes of Avryl Showers, the dead Smoke Jaguar mechwarrior. Their colours were different, but the life and energy they held within them seemed exactly the same.

“No way.” How could he compare his spoiled, delicate fiancée to one of the best mechwarriors he had known? He shook his head nervously.

Perhaps his battles with Avryl had so firmly entrenched her in his thoughts, that his mind often compared the women around him to her. And since Avryl was already dead, she’ll probably remain special to him forever.

Finn thought of Anastasia again. In any case, his fiancée, whose strange behaviour reminded him of Avryl, was safely on her way to Altoona, and he was kind of relieved.

He just wanted to live quietly in his own estate, minding his own business, without having any more weird incidents happening, or get caught up in Raymond’s intrigues he had no interest in.

His car sped down the dirt highway.

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #31 on: 15 December 2023, 13:56:39 »
Haynes Palatial Manor,
5th March, 3061
0800 hrs (1600 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

The sound of footsteps stepping on the shiny marble echoed coolly in the hallway.

The man’s steps were slow. He cleared his throat and looked around anxiously. Before reaching his destination, he sighed inaudibly. He didn’t want to accept the invitation, but he felt he had no choice.

From the narrow gap in the large door, golden light and a loud voice leaked out.

When he opened the door and went inside, he saw a young man sitting on a red chair in the middle.

At a glance, the young man sat with his legs crossed in a relaxed posture, and seemed overflowing with his characteristic arrogance. He wore a twisted smile that didn’t bode well for people who crossed him.

The young man’s gaze turned to the man that just entered. His face brightened.

“Come here, uncle!”

“Greetings to Baron Haynes.” They were supposedly the same rank in the aristocracy, but as the presumed heir to the Count, Renard actually ranked higher, and he had to show subservience.

Renard shook his head. “No need for such formalities, uncle.”

He shook his hand affectionately and pointed to a chair right next to the seat where he was sitting.

“Come here.”

He guided him to the seat beside himself. Usually, Viscount Drake sat next to Renard, but today for some reason, the seating arrangement was different. When he looked at Viscount Drake, the other noble he nodded as if he allowed it.

“Sit down.”

Baron Kalinski sat down. Looking around, he saw the Haynes household guards standing around them.

“Are you busy with your mining on Altoona?”

“It’s just mining. What’s so busy about it?” He laughed weakly.

Renard smiled at the Baron’s words. The Baron’s landhold on Altoona relied on mining to maintain its economy, and also held some strategic importance for the Trivet and the realm at large since it produced germanium, the key element for constructing Kearny-Fuchida faster-than-light jump drives. This mining activity brought significant wealth to House Kalinski.

But that wasn’t all. “I’m always reassured that my uncle is helping me financially.”

“Family should help each other, my lord. Although my contributions are small, it should definitely help.”

Renard lounged in his seat and rested his chin on one arm. “Uncle, did Ana go back to Altoona?”


“That’s too bad. I thought about meeting her at the drop-port to see how she is doing.”


“I think you did the right thing. There’s no point in staying on Inman if there’re rumours that she’s crazy. She’ll only be a laughing stock.” He looked down at the Baron. The other nobles sitting in the room burst into small laughter as if sympathising with Baron Kalinski. Nevertheless, the Baron’s expression remained unchanged.

“Poor thing, it must have been very hard for her. Well, it’s not too much. But I’m not going to forget.”

Renard chuckled. Then a woman’s scream was heard. Some of the Haynes household guards dragged in a woman in a maid’s uniform. She was shaking with fear. Baron Kalinski looked puzzled.

“Oh, I’m sorry. The maid broke a bowl in front of me when she said she would bring us tea. She needs to be punished.”

The maid was a beautiful woman with black hair like night. Baron Kalinski’s face hardened when he saw it. No wonder it was uncomfortable. It’s like… No, that must be an illusion. Baron Kalinski shook his head.

“Please watch too, Uncle! A little bit of entertainment for my guests.”

Renard giggled, raised his hand and lowered it, a clear signal for something.

“Sa… please save me! Save me!”

The maid clasped her hands together and begged for mercy. However, Renard’s expression did not change. He liked to abuse people below him, especially women. And somehow, today must have been a bad day for him. Baron Kalinski tried to keep his face expressionless and looked around at the people around him.

Viscount Drake looked blankly at the maid, Baron Hoppe looked terrified, and Baron Jules was smiling funny and openly, expressing sadistic excitement.

Soon after, a guard raised his whip with an expressionless face and swung the whip down hard. The whip cut through the air and hit her slender body.

“Argh! Save me, save me!” The maid cried. The strong whip struck mercilessly. The first blow alone had torn her clothes.

Again and again, the woman was whipped. It wasn’t long before blood began to splatter across the floor.

“Harder!” Renard’s face was grotesque, distorted by sadism.

“Uncle, do you see it? Look at that pathetic thing! She will sound like a beast soon!”

Renard’s eyes gleamed with excitement as he looked at the maid. The sound of the whip echoed loudly through the room, and the maid was in too much pain to even utter a sound.

After a while, only the moaning of a woman in abject agony could be heard in the reception room of the palatial manor.

Renard turned his head and looked at Baron Kalinski, right next to him. Baron Kalinski dared not show any reaction. Renard’s snake-like eyes flashed with joy, as if to observe his reaction.

Baron Kalinski tried to hide his worried expression and just watched the black-haired maid being beaten. Then he realised that Spencer Larouche was not here. He was usually a person who showed up at these meetings, being at Renard’s beck-and-call.

His eyes moved to the maid, who was still being whipped. As Renard had predicted, the maid was no longer just screaming, but howling like an animal.

“Next time, I’ll show you something even more fun. Aren’t you excited?”

Baron Kalinski suppressed a shudder.
Specs for the Attica can be found here.

The Wobbly Guy

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Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #32 on: 26 December 2023, 03:03:54 »
Dropship Azure Afro,
Zenith Jump Point, Inman
7th March, 3061
0500 hrs

Anastasia peered out of a viewpoint, as the crew of the jumpship prepared for jump. The Yolander was a Merchant class jumpship with two attached Mules, and was the sole jumpship servicing the Trivet worlds, other than the occasional jumpship bringing in tourists or other irregular visitors to the Trivet.

She could just see the bulk of the Attica recharge station nearby, its exterior worn and dilapidated after centuries of operation. Nevertheless, it was still operational and was a key installation in the Trivet, enabling ships to recharge faster and jump out again instead of spending more than eight days at the jump point recharging through the sail.

The umbilical tube containing the recharging cable joining the Attica to the Yolander had already been detached from the jumpship. Anastasia had seen the Attica slowly retracting the tube shortly after the Azure Afro had docked with the Yolander. It was apparent the jumpship crew did not want to take any chances by charging their drive too quickly even with the direct energy feed.

The Yolander was an old jumpship, constructed during the early days of the Star League and just like the Attica space station, had seen far better days. There was no sense in risking the old and venerable jumpdrive when there was no real urgency travelling in the somewhat lackadaisical Outback.

With the dropships docked and the undocking complete, the jumpship was ready for jump.

The ship PA system chimed a soft pulsing tone, startling an anxious Luisa, also strapped within her own seat. Jump operations were already underway, and they were only fifteen minutes from jump.

Realising something important, Anastasia asked, “Luisa, do you have any idea if I have TDS?”

The maid looked puzzled, “What’s that?”

Anastasia patiently explained, “Transit Disorientation Syndrome. In short, do I get very sick after a jump?”

“The lord didn’t say anything about that. He said you were fine when you travelled with him from Altoona to Inman years ago.”

Anastasia nodded. That should be good enough. Generally, the Clans regarded most cases of TDS with severe symptoms as psychosomatic, and had otherwise largely bred it out of their warrior caste, and so the warriors of the clans rarely had to deal with the issue. But she wasn’t in her original trueborn body, and who knows how the jump would affect Anastasia’s weak body?

“Luisa, how about yourself?”

The maid suddenly looked nervous, “I… I don’t know!”

Realising her mistake, Anastasia quickly reassured her, “Oh, it’s not common, so don’t worry about it. I’m sure we can find some dralaxine if you need it.” Stravag, TDS can be psychosomatic. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.

A second tone chimed throughout the ship. Five minutes to jump.

Anastasia took a small sip from the water bulb next to her, careful not to drink too much in case she suffered from a bout of post-jump nausea and vomited all over the place.

She took the time to punch up on the small viewscreen data on Altoona, itself an oddity amongst the many star systems inhabited by humanity.

Instead of being the usual planet, Altoona was actually a moon orbiting the sole planet in the system, a massive red gas giant named Red Eagle. Red Eagle itself orbited a comparatively tiny M7V class red dwarf star, which barely provided sufficient sunlight for Altoona’s agricultural sector.

Despite extensive efforts by the Star League’s Department of Mega-Engineering, the terraforming efforts on Altoona were not complete, cut short by the civil war that ended the Star League. Hence, its atmosphere was still a bit thin, and the oxygen partial pressure was low enough that pregnant women and livestock had to rest in special oxygen-enriched venues in order to carry their children to term successfully.

Problems with the local conditions were exacerbated by the fact that Altoona was tidally locked with Red Eagle, which meant that Altoona’s day-night cycle essentially depended on its orbital period around Red Eagle, which was slightly more than twelve standard days. Red Eagle rotated around its primary with an axial tilt of ythirty-five degrees, while Altoona’s orbital had a minus-fifteen degree inclination to Red Eagle’s equator. Combined with the distance between Altoona and Red Eagle, these led to some variation in Altoona’s distance from the primary, which in turn had an effect on the surface temperature. Altoona itself had an axial tilt to its own orbital of ten degrees, which meant that parts of it would always be facing the star.

Due to the tidal lock and axial tilt, parts of Altoona either had prolonged sunlight or prolonged night, and other areas might only receive sunlight reflected off Red Eagle, creating a state the locals called ‘Half-light’. The local agriculture sector obviously positioned their farms to take advantage of the prolonged sunlight to encourage crop growth, but had to provide some shading and extensive irrigation to prevent excessive moisture loss.

Altoona was a relatively cool and dry world, with the highest local temperature being only twenty degrees centigrade despite the constant exposure to the sun, while the parts facing Red Eagle, called ‘Redwards’ by the locals, could go below a negative hundred degrees centigrade when not facing the sun.

As inhabited worlds went, Altoona was one of the most unusual ones she had ever seen.

Despite all the problems with the world, humanity persisted, for no better reason than to extract that most precious of commodities, germanium. Altoona was quite rich with that critical element, and exported significant quantities of it, required to construct the KF drives that enabled faster-than-light travel.

The landhold belonging to House Kalinski produced the lion’s share of germanium, about fifty tons per year. Anastasia could not really make sense out of the estimated numbers, but she knew enough to know that the income via exporting those fifty tons of germanium alone was a huge sum of money.

In fact, if she read between the lines correctly, the germanium was the major source of the Trivet’s strategic importance to the Federated Commonwealth. Inman and Delacambre were only important because Inman exported its agricultural surplus to support Altoona’s population, while Delacambre provided defence, mining equipment, and energy. Much of the money Altoona earned by exporting germanium went back to the other Trivet worlds.

The third warning chime sounded, indicating they were one minute away from jump. Anastasia closed her viewscreen, sat back, and sighed. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a nervous Luisa wringing her hands anxiously.

Anastasia closed her eyes and focused on her breathing as she was taught years ago in the sibko, maintaining an even breath.

They jumped.

Instead of fighting it, she let the twisting sensation flow through and over her, her mind blank and formless. Before she knew it, they had snapped back into reality, floating around a new star. She barely felt any dizziness or nausea, and the slight sensation quickly passed.

Luisa, though…

The maid vomited violently into a barf bag she barely had time to grab hold of. Tiny globules of vomit floated in the air, escaped from the barf bag.

Anastasia quickly pressed a button on her seat to call for dralaxine, while her other hand took out a small handheld vacuum pump designed to clean up such liquids floating in microgravity. Poor Luisa, she thought.

Haynes Palatial Manor,
8th March, 3061
1400 hrs (1000 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

It was about five standard days after Anastasia left. Finn was at the palatial manor for a meeting when he came across something unusual.

“Argh! Help me! Help me!”

“…?” He stopped at the sound of a woman whimpering and turned to see two Haynes household guards dragging her along the ground. Her back was bloody with welts and lashes.

He turned to Eric, and asked quietly, “What’s going on?”

“I heard that Baron Haynes is abusing the maids these days. He’s using the wing of the manor allocated to the household guards to keep it away from the Count.”

“I thought he was more careful these days, but I guess he hasn’t changed,” Finn said with disgust.

Eric nodded in agreement.

“But sir, they said he would only select maids with long black hair and single them out for abuse.”

“What?” Finn stopped walking, and turned to stare at Eric.

Eric cleared his throat nervously, “All the maids at the palatial manor with long black hair are either cutting their hair or dyeing them a different colour. They’re scared sir.”

“Those bastards are ruining the militia’s reputation.” While the Haynes household guards wore different uniforms from the Trivet militia and had a separate command structure, in practice they worked closely together. The public also tended to view them all as parts of an integral whole, so Finn could not afford to turn a blind eye if they were doing something wrong. “I shouldn’t be surprised, with Spencer as their commander. That’s the kind of ****** he is.”

Finn frowned, “Come to think of it, where’s Captain Larouche?”

“He’s on leave, I heard”


“Personal stuff I think.”


“He’s not on Inman. There was a jumpship that passed by yesterday. Maybe he got on it?”

“What’s he doing off Inman?” murmured Finn. Then Finn looked back. The guards were still dragging the poor maid slowly down the long hallway.

It was obvious why Renard was doing this. He was taking out his anger on the maids, anger from being wholly ignored by Anastasia. Now that she was on Altoona, she was effectively out of his reach and beyond his machinations.

Out of Renard’s reach? Finn had a bad feeling about it, but he put that aside for the moment. He started walking towards the central part of the manor, where the Count’s office was located.

Eric blinked, “Sir, where are you going?”

“I’m going to get some things settled right now.”

He quickened his steps to the Count’s office. There’s not much he could do for that poor maid right now, but if he acted fast enough, no other maids would need to suffer the same torture.

Shortly after Finn’s meeting with the Count, Count Haynes ordered Renard to be confined to his wing of the palatial manor.

Fort Lambourne, Altoona
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
Draconis March, Federated Commonwealth
12th March, 3061
0900 hrs

“Is she still sleeping?”

“Yes, she is.” Matthew, the estate manager, said, while looking at Luisa. He shrugged and sighed.

Anastasia kept dozing off for nearly the entire inbound trip on the Azure Afro, and virtually collapsed as soon as she arrived at Fort Lambourne, the ancestral fort that served as the de facto administrative centre of the demesne owned by House Kalinski.

Regardless, Matthew was content. For almost ten years, he had maintained the fort while waiting for the Kalinskis to come back. Finally, Lady Anastasia Kalinska, the heir to House Kalinski, had returned.

Luisa said in relief, “Finally, she’s able to sleep comfortably now.”

“Hasn’t that always been the case? When I saw her, she seemed to sleep well.”

Luisa, recovered from her short bout of TDS, shook her head and said. “My lady hasn’t been able to sleep properly since the accident.” The maid noticed her mistress always wore a frown even when sleeping, as though she didn’t want to sleep.

“But it’s good that my lady can sleep deeply this time.” Although she still had a slight fever, Anastasia was sleeping with a relaxed expression. “And she seemed to be in a good mood throughout the journey! So since she’s sleeping well, let’s not disturb her rest.”

“Yes, agreed.” He paused. “I hope the lady will like this estate.”

“My lady will like it,” claimed Luisa confidently.

Matthew wondered at Luisa’s conviction. The Lady Kalinska he had known hated this place.

“I heard she lost her memory, but her personality must have changed a lot too.”

Well, since her maids seemed so calm, he guessed there shouldn’t be any major problems.

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #33 on: 26 December 2023, 03:04:03 »
1600 hrs

“Ohhhh, that was a really good rest!” Anastasia stretched her back, then grabbed her waist with a moan, because she had stretched her body so strenuously that she actually heard a creak from her waist.

She still couldn’t believe she managed to take down that Harvester in such a fragile body.

The journey from the drop port took two more days through rocky terrain in a jeep, and Anastasia found it intensely frustrating that her health just seemed to deteriorate. It seemed her illness took a lot out of her, and all the small gains she had made regarding her health had been negated.

During the long ride, she resolved to build up her fitness again, and if possible, convince somebody to let her drive a vehicle on her own. A motorcycle would be nice, though she could already imagine the looks of horror on the servants. Due to the bare infrastructure and lower technological base on Altoona, wheeled vehicles were the norm as they could navigate the terrain better than hover vehicles and were easier to upkeep.

When she arrived at Fort Lambourne, she had no energy to even consider what it looked like, she just plopped into her bed right away.

If any of the Smoke Jaguars knew this, they would surely laugh at me. It was not a forced march over difficult terrain requiring days of intense mech manoeuvring, it was only a ride in a jeep and she almost collapsed.

Anastasia sighed. I think I slept for almost three days. It seemed that when she finally reconciled her past identity with her present, it also led to a better understanding and acceptance of her own body, enabling her to rest fully. Anastasia also had a feeling that when she resumed her training, progress might be faster than before.

She looked around the room. Unlike the lavish mansion on Inman, her current accommodations were simpler and less ornate. She found it a welcome change from the Inman mansion, with ornaments which glittered so brightly her eyes sometimes hurt.

Well, the servants at Fort Lambourne claimed their preparations were all made in haste due to the suddenness of  her arrival, but she was actually relieved to be in conditions closer to what she was used to.

Anastasia rose from her bed, feeling refreshed and somewhat excited to be out and about in a new environment. When she opened the door, the maids outside were startled and started scurrying about in a frenzy.

“Ah, my lady!”

“My lady!”

“You should have called us to change your clothes!” Luisa suddenly appeared by her side, bright and eager as usual. Thankfully, her short bout of TDS did not last long, and she had mostly recovered when the Azure Afro reached Altoona.

At her maid’s words, Anastasia pointed out, “Why? This is not Inman.”

“Even if it’s not Inman! The lady is equivalent to a princess here! You have to be presentable!”

The maids immediately dragged her back into her room to wash her up first. Unlike Avryl, who never paid much attention to her eye gunk and simply used her fingers to wipe them off, the people here could not stand even a single grain of dust falling on her long eyelashes, let alone gunk in her eyes.

Luisa, as her personal maid, took charge. “My lady, you need to change your clothes!”

“I’ll guide you, my lady!” One of the fort’s maids ran quickly and pulled her to the main dressing room, which was not the one in her room.

Anastasia frowned. The servants here behaved very differently from the ones on Inman. They had no fear of her and did not hesitate to express their own opinions if they felt it necessary.

She was not aware that although rumours of her capriciousness had reached Altoona, they had no first hand experience of her anger and hence wrote it off as simply unfounded gossip. Furthermore, the first impression she had given was that of a very languid cat that simply wanted rest desperately. Even after she woke up, she still seemed quite meek and reasonable.

Finally, her sheer beauty put them at ease. The maids had even started to brag that there was simply no comparison between their lady and those known to be pretty on Altoona. No contest!

All in all, they had no reason to be afraid of her.

When they arrived at the main dressing room, Anastasia suppressed a sigh. As she expected, it was filled almost to the top with dresses. In fact, if her eyes did not fool her, it seemed to be a former ammunition storage room converted to storing dresses, and it was simply too large a space to be dedicated for just dresses.

She wondered where the Baron got so much money? The Inman mansion, the dresses here. The opulence of the whole thing was just too much for her clan-bred sensibilities.

“Well,” Anastasia crossed her arms. “I don’t want to wear any of these.”

Luisa nodded vigorously. “The dresses here are all out of fashion. We’d just adjust them to suit the new fashions! The Archon-Princess has great taste, we can emulate her style!”

Anastasia raised an eyebrow. “No, I mean, I don’t want to dress up at all here. Don’t make me sound weird.”

Luisa’s bright mood turned glum as she digested the implications of her lady’s words. She had lost the chance to dress and doll up her mistress. And she was so looking forward to it too!

Anastasia slowly walked around the dressing room, and looked at each dress. All of them were eye-catching dresses that could only be worn to expensive events. Still, it seemed she would have to choose one and wear it, since she could not ignore the sincerity of her servants, and their disappointed looks made her feel guilty.

Then Anastasia’s eyes fell on the dresses gathered in a corner of the room. They were clearly different from the other dresses. These dresses were mostly of a single colour, and they lacked fancy decorations.

“These dresses.”


“What about these?”

“Ah, my lady! These are very old. They all belonged to the late Madame.”

Oh, the maid referred to Anastasia’s mother as ‘Madame’. But it was strange. Unlike the colourful dresses prepared for Anastasia, the dresses in front of her were so simple that they looked shabby in comparison.

“These dresses are different.”


“I meant they looked simple.”

She raised her hand and touched the dress. Even though it was an old dress, it was well taken care of, and the fabric was smooth, did not wrinkle, and felt comfortable. It seemed too frugal for the late baroness, but if it was good enough for her 'mother', then it was good enough for her.

“I’ll wear one of these.”

“What? But, my lady…”

All the maids looked sad. But Anastasia had her own reasons. It wasn’t that she purposely wanted to be thrifty and frugal, she just wanted to wear comfortable clothes that did not glitter so brightly they hurt her eyes, or required her to tighten her waist.

“This one.” Anastasia gave the maids a pointed look, and chose a dark green dress among her mother’s dresses.

After putting on the dress with the requisite grooming, the maids praised her beauty, and said that wearing a simple dress made her look more beautiful. Anastasia brushed off the compliments, since they smacked of ostentatious flattery.

Luisa then led her to an old man with greying hair. “My lady, this is Matthew.”

“Sir Matthew?”

“Just Matthew is fine, Lady Kalinska.” He bowed respectfully. Anastasia hesitated about how to treat this man, since she could not even remember anyway, but decided to speak frankly.

“I don’t remember much, but it’s nice to see you.” When in doubt, be bold.

Matthew nodded. “The Baron, your lord father, appointed me as the steward, so I’m in charge of the overall management of the demesne.”

She understood, having learned that much from Madame Iris.

“I tried to match the clothes and your room to your aesthetic requirements, but I feel it is still far inferior compared to Inman, so please forgive me.”

“…” Anastasia did not reply immediately, but decided to wait and try to understand what he was saying, because it just did not make sense to her.

Then, the steward said with a more desperate look as if he mistook her silence for anger. “I know you hate coming here. Nevertheless, I’m sorry for our shabbiness.”

Did Anastasia hate it? The original Anastasia had never come down here at any point from what she remembered. She thought that even though she could not know the original Anastasia’s mind, she could make a fair guess that the loss of her mother and the attempted suicide of her father made her hate the place.

She decided to reply. “There is nothing to forgive. I have no aesthetic sense, and I don’t know the difference between what’s fashionable and what’s not. You can tell just by looking at this dress, right?” She gestured to the dress she was wearing.

Matthew’s eyes grew wide. “Oh, my lady. I thought the dress you’re wearing looked familiar.”

“Yes, I heard it belonged to my mother. I borrowed it.”

“Oh I see.”

Anastasia looked uncomfortable when she noticed Matthew’s teary expression. The next thing they’re going to say is…

“Oh, you look just like your mother.”

Ugh, she knew they would say that. Anastasia felt a bit guilty, since she was actually Avryl, and it felt like she was purposely using the memory of Anastasia’s mother to deceive them. Anastasia scratched her chin awkwardly.

“Now, is there anything I need to do here?”

“Oh, no, my lady. You can just do what you want.”

“Okay. I would like to have a meal first. Then maybe a tour of this place?”

“This way please.” Matthew smiled and led the way.


Fort Lambourne was just another old fort, built during the era of the Star League.

“What do you think of this place?” asked Matthew. After her dinner, Anastasia toured the fort.

Despite the standard time of 1900 hrs, it was still daylight, since Altoona did not adhere to Terran norms, with each cycle being more than seventeen days long, and the position of the demesne was such that they won’t ever be in complete darkness due to the axial tilt of both Altoona and Red Eagle. But the daylight was rather dim, as the system primary was a tiny red dwarf, and the sky a shade of red the locals called cherry.

“It is a really old fort.”

“Oh, I’m sorry for not being able to show you something more luxurious.” The stewart seemed anxious.

“Oh, don’t worry! I’m not blaming you for this place being old, since you can’t do anything about it. Furthermore, it’s neither a good or a bad thing.”

The fort was old, but relatively well-maintained. It lacked the same level of amenities as the mansion on Inman, which spoke to Anastasia volumes about its original purpose as a garrison fort for the Star League Defence Force.

Matthew explained, “During the time of the Star League, this was an important fort housing the garrison for the worlds around Altoona.”

Anastasia thought she knew better than him about how the Star League Defense Forces worked, but she decided not to say too much, “Yes, it looks like it.”


“When we were approaching by jeep, I saw the size of the fort. Building it can’t be cheap.”

“Yes, Altoona was an important garrison world for the Star League Defence Force. The unit posted here, the 225th Mechanised Infantry Division, was responsible for defending all the worlds within one jump of Altoona.”

Her ears perked up. “It was a division?”

“Yes. Apparently a division is huge, so they needed a lot of housing. This fort was supposed to accommodate a battalion, whatever that is.”

“Single branch or combined arms?” She asked almost automatically.

Matthew looked puzzled, “My lady, I don’t understand your question.”

“Oh,” Anastasia realised her mistake. “Uhm, never mind. It’s not a big deal.” Nice going, Avryl. You almost gave yourself away again!

“My lady, you seem familiar with this.” Matthew commented.

Yes, I am, thought Anastasia. But the familiarity was from Avryl, not the original Anastasia, who would not know anything about forts and the SLDF.

Looking at Matthew’s expression, Anastasia coughed once, then said, “I read about this in a book on the trip here. The journey was so boring that I even ended up reading books I usually found boring!”

Her explanation seemed to convince Matthew. She looked around the fort again, and gave a mental sigh of relief at her impromptu cover story.

The ferrocrete walls looked dull because of age, but still looked solid after centuries. Anastasia was able to appreciate the construction and sturdiness of the fort, as well as the intent behind it. “Sir Matthew, don’t misunderstand me. I don’t hate it.”


“I mean, I like it. It’s nice. Historic, you could say.”

Matsy looked confused and said, “Didn’t you hate this fort because it was old? That’s why you asked the Baron to go to Inman, and then you never came back.”

“How can a person always remain the same?” Anastasia said, waving her hand dismissively.

She looked around the fort again, noting its condition. “No matter how I look, this place doesn’t look wealthy. Why is the mansion on Inman so glamorous?”

At Anastasia’s words, Matthew smiled wanly. “Because the Baron was willing to spend that money to make you happy.”

“Oh.” Anastasia tilted her head, thinking of that splendid mansion. Wouldn’t it be better to renovate this fort with that money? Just because they are nobles with a decent demesne does not mean they had enough money to fix up both the fort and the Inman mansion.

In her view, Baron Kalinski seemed like the kind of person who felt proud of spending all his money on his daughter.

“Come to think of it, where does my father stay while in the fort?”

“When he is here, the lord stays in the study or in the south annex master bedroom.”

“South annex master bedroom? Where is it? I don’t think I’ve ever been there? Right?”

“Well… That is the room with a photo portrait of the madame…” Matthew’s words faded off.

“Why is it strange that there is a photo portrait of my mother?” Anastasia raised her eyebrows. What does Anastasia’s mother have to do with this? “My father did not say anything to me about that.”

Matthew spoke cautiously, “Maybe because seeing her photo would hurt you?”


As Anastasia tilted her head, Matthew shook his head. “Because you lost your mother.”

Anastasia felt a bit uncomfortable. What would it have been like if she was the real Anastasia? She didn’t feel anything about losing her mother because she wasn’t the real Anastasia. Instead, she gave the best answer she could.

“I was told I lost my memory, so I don’t really remember anything about my mother.”

Come to think of it, she didn't have any of the original Anastasia’s memories of her mother, which seemed strange. It was as though the original Anastasia did not want to recall those memories at all.

“Whatever the past is, I won’t be so easily affect by it, so don’t worry.”

Matthew nodded at Anastasia’s calm words. Still, he looked worried. She understood he was worried because she returned to Altoona to recover from her mental health issues, and her mother's portrait might trigger another breakdown.

She felt uncomfortable, but she didn’t feel offended due to his genuine sincerity and concern.

The original Anastasia truly received a lot of love from those around her. She thought it was just too bad  that she was not satisfied with it.

When the door of the south annex bedroom opened, Anastasia walked in carefully.

“My lady, please wear this…..”

Matthew covered her shoulders with a small cloak. She looked up. There was a swathe of blue cloth covering one side of the wall.

Matthew walked up next to it and pulled a string to bring up the cloth, revealing the portrait obscured by the cloth.

The photo portrait took her breath away. The frame was delicately crafted with platinum, with sapphires, large and small, glittering in this dark room.

However, it was the woman in the photo portrait, not the frame, who was breathtaking.

She was as beautiful as the moon. The fine black hair was down to the waist, and the red cheeks were pretty like peaches. Her eyes were dark blue, like sapphire, embedded in a frame.

She was wearing a dress the colour of her eyes, looking straight ahead and smiling playfully. Anastasia could easily see the striking resemblance between herself and the woman in the portrait.

“She is beautiful.”

It was an honest observation. What did Anastasia feel? She reached out with a hand to gently brush away some dust off the portrait, feeling a bit awkward.

“How did my mother die?”

Matthew said, “Really, you don’t remember at all?”


She had no memory of Anastasia’s mother. Besides, if her mother had held a special place in Anastasia’s heart, shouldn’t it have come to mind? She suddenly felt sorry for Anastasia’s loss.

“She died of leukaemia. The onset was very sudden. The doctors said it was probably due to a huge dose of radiation she took when escaping Rasalhague during the Ronin Wars.”

“Oh? My mother was a commoner?"

"Yes, she was a refugee from Rasalhague, but she was also a trader and had money. Your father fell in love with her. They had you, but then…" his voice trailed off again.

Even in the thirty-first century, mankind was not free from the scourge of cancer. Sure, treatments had advanced significantly, but there was still no 'silver bullet' that could eradicate cancer.

Avryl remembered her time in the 144th Garrison Cluster, after she had just graduated from her first Trial of Position. One of the older warriors approaching solahma age developed acute myeloid leukaemia, likely from some radiation dose he had received as a younger warrior. Since any treatment was unlikely to be successful, Diaz chose an honourable death in suicidal battle instead. She would never forget the massive LRM-sized syringes the scientists gave him that would enable him to continue fighting in his Hunchback IIC despite the pain and weakness from the cancer.

She also never forgot how the survivors on both sides gathered to pay their respects to him after his glorious death in battle against the Nova Cats. For many clan warriors, dying in battle was their preferred ending. They even petitioned to have him in the clan's Remembrance, but the motion failed to pass.

If it was sudden onset leukaemia, a patient’s remaining time could be measured in days.

“My mother died in this room.”

Matthew’s eyes widened. “You remember?”

“I don’t know, it just appeared in my mind.” Anastasia frowned and faced her mother’s portrait. “But leukaemia… there should be treatments for it, right?”

Matthew sighed. “Not in the Outback. Medical treatments here in the Trivet are very limited.”

“Was it a matter of money?”

He shook his head. “No. We had enough money, it was the availability of the treatments. To even have a chance, your mother needed to be sent to the New Avalon Institute of Science, but there were simply no ships that could make it in time. Even the diagnosis required us to transport doctors and diagnostic test kits from Inman, and that’s the most they have.”

Anastasia felt regretful. The regressed technological levels of the Outback finally hit home. She had been too used to the cutting edge technology of the Clans, where they could even regenerate lost limbs, and took it for granted.

She said quietly, “Noble or commoner, in the end we all die the same way.” She looked at the baroness, who had a beautiful smile on her face.

Then a pained face suddenly appeared in her mind, making her stagger a bit.

Matthew rushed over to her. “My lady?”

“Wait a minute.”

In Anastasia’s memory, this room used to be quite bare, with only the portrait, a bed and a flowerpot in her memory.

Her father was kneeling next to her mother on the bed, imploring, “Grace, please, hold on. We’re trying to arrange for transport to New Avalon. I’ll do everything I can to get you treatment. Please, please.”

“Boris,” she gasped. “Breathing… hard…”

Her mother’s face came to mind. Next to her, Baron Kalinski’s desperation was evident.

“My lady? Are you okay?”

Anastasia exhaled a deep breath as Matthew asked again with concern, and shook her head.

“Ana… please. Your… father… kill me… beg… you.”

“No, I remembered a little.” Anastasia tried to act nonchalant. However, Matthew’s face looked particularly stiff, as though he knew she was putting up an act.

“My mother must have been in a lot of pain.”

He grimaced, “Not really. We didn’t have cancer treatments, but we do have a significant opium crop, so there was enough morphine to dull her pain before her passing.”

Anastasia thought about it for a while, then asked, “Did matters improve after my mother passed?”

“No. We don’t have the resources to support any advanced medical technology in the Trivet, especially here on Altoona. Inman has more advanced equipment and specialists, but even then they’re not much.”

Anastasia nodded her head at Matthew’s explanation. Talk about cutting one’s nose off to spite one’s face. The nobles insisted on keeping the population uneducated and poor, but the flip side was that medical treatments common on other worlds became impossible to support. Who truly suffers at the end?

Her heart was still pounding with the feelings from the memories of young Anastasia, the shock she had experienced when her mother died right in front of her eyes. She understood the original Anastasia’s feelings. The reason why she didn’t want to remain at the fort was because she did not want to be reminded of her mother’s death and her father’s attempted suicide.

Anastasia sighed at this uncomfortable feeling. Then she looked at the photo portrait, with the baroness smiling. What was the Baron thinking whenever he saw this photo? Anastasia didn’t dare to guess. After all, she wasn’t actually Anastasia.
The oxygen-enriched idea came from Kage Baker’s ‘Empress of Mars’.

Germanium economics (a paper exercise, with lots of burning catgirls)

Price of germanium in USD in 2021: ~$1187 per kg

Exchange rate (3062) C-bill vs 2021 USD: 1 C-bill to $4.78

Price of germanium in C-Bill in 2021: 246.44 C Bills per kg

Price of germanium per ton in 3062 C-bills: ~0.25 million C-Bills per ton

Assuming price of germanium is much higher due to scarcity of supply and high demand, leading to 100x the price, then price per ton: 25 million C-bills per ton.

Think about it - one ton of pure germanium can get you a lance of battlemechs.

Assuming the above figures, the stash of germanium found on Alphard by Johann O’Reilly was 50 billion C-bills (assuming real value pegged to 3062), which translates to about 2,000 tons of germanium. While an argument can be made for the price of germanium to be even higher with a smaller stash on Alphard, I think this is reasonable enough, assuming the germanium composition by mass on Alphard is 5%, which is insanely high. A 5% composition means that to extract 1 ton of germanium, 20 tons of mineral ore are required.

By comparison, germanium on Terra in the 21st century is usually extracted from ores with a mere 0.3% mass composition. Getting 1 ton of germanium requires 300 tons of ore.

Again by comparison, Altoona produces about 150 tons of germanium, exporting the whole amount to the Galax and Delavan yards. The Kalinski landhold alone produces 50 tons of germanium per annum, bringing in 250 million C-bills of income. Altoona has a mere population of 29 million, processing mineral ores with about 2.5% mass composition of germanium. They process about 6000 tons of mineral ore, which is about 16.5 tons a day, to get that 150 tons of germanium in a year.

That’s how precious germanium is, and the main reason why Altoona was colonised at all.

One more comparison: Terra in 2020 produced about 150-200 tons of germanium, with a population of more than 6 billion.

I won’t go into the chemistry behind germanium, but suffice to say the extraction process is energy intensive and extremely sensitive to moisture as one of the intermediate compounds undergoes hydrolysis easily, so the introduction of water needs to be controlled carefully.

In this chapter, I also wanted to highlight again the diversity of tech levels in the setting. Sure, they might have space travel, but in the Outback, advanced medical care, even for nobles, is limited

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #34 on: 26 December 2023, 20:44:43 »
Finally, a glimpse of a mech! Also, one of the more fun scenes in the fic: What happens when a Smoke Jaguar transmigrator sees a bunch of household guards slacking off from training?
Fort Lambourne, Altoona
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
Draconis March, Federated Commonwealth
12th March, 3061
1900 hrs

After the gloom from visiting Anastasia’s mother’s bedroom, she decided to try to lift the mood a bit by exploring the other parts of the fort.

They visited the kitchen, the various dining halls, even the greenhouse. As she suspected, many of the fort’s buildings and rooms, originally meant for military use, had been repurposed to suit the function of a manor house, the administrative centre of a feudal lord’s demesne.

What she really wanted to see, though, were the mech bays!

“Sir Matthew, since this was a SLDF fort, were there mech bays?”

“Oh,” he looked taken back for a moment, but recovered quickly. “Yes, there is.”

Trying hard not to sound too excited, Anastasia asked, “Can we go there next?”

“Yes, my lady. I must warn you, however, that nobody has been to the mech bays since about, well, forever!”

They were soon walking down a well-lit corridor, but obviously rarely used from the amount of dust on the floor. They reached a wide door with a bar handle, and Matthew pushed it down to open the door.

The lights came on the moment they stepped through the door, thanks to the motion detectors that would automatically activate the lights. Anastasia marvelled inwardly that the systems still seem to be working despite long years of disuse.

And there, right in the midst of the cavernous mech bay that could accommodate an entire company of mechs, was the most beautiful sight she had seen in weeks.

A battlemech.

It was painted in red and black. There were gaping holes in its armour, and strands of myomer stuck out in several places. She noted a particularly nasty hole on the head module. The remains of several unit insignia could still be seen on various parts of the mech, as well as the words ‘Surefire Strike’ written on one shoulder, surprisingly intact.

It was there, and it was beautiful. If nobody would claim it, then it’s hers!

Her lips recited reflexively. “Valkyrie. Thirty tons, max speed about eighty kph. Jump range one-fifty metres. Likely Succession Wars era loadout, a long range missile ten launcher, plus a medium laser as backup. Missile boat role, designed to work as part of a unit offering long range fire support and indirect fire for expanded tactical options."

Matthew stared at her in slack jawed amazement. “My… my lady!”

Anastasia realised what she just did. Oops, I did it again. “I learned all this watching documentaries on mechs, since my fiance is a mechwarrior, so I thought I needed to learn more about what he does.” She added a laugh, but it was nervous and not at all convincing.

But apparently it was convincing enough for Matthew. “I am astounded, my lady!”

“Do you know anything else about the mech?”

“My lady, I didn’t even know its design until you told me. I do know this was your family mech, and your grandaunt Maria piloted it until she died on Mallory’s World sometime in the 3010s. They transported the mech back here, and since then nobody has touched it.”

Anastasia frowned. “Nobody bothered to patch it up?”

“None of the other Kalinskis were mechwarriors, my lady. And maintaining a mech costs money.”

She bit back a retort. What about the glory and honour of being a mechwarrior? Or maybe it was just her clan-bred sensibilities getting in the way again.

Anastasia looked around the mech bay. There seemed to be some supplies and equipment scattered about, covered by dusty tarps. Several computer terminals lined the top of a workstation, maybe she could get some information there.

She itched to get started on restoring the Valkyrie. But she was in no shape to even handle the duties of a tech, and there might not be sufficient supplies on hand.

She would be patient. She would bide her time, build up her strength and stamina, get the supplies squared away, fix up the Valkyrie. Then she could, maybe, be a mechwarrior once again. The mech would not be going anywhere.

Anastasia forced her eyes away from the mech, and turned to Matthew, "I think I have seen enough of the fort for today. We will continue tomorrow."

13th March, 3061
0900 hrs

Anastasia tried to clamp down on her growing anger as she observed the household troops.

Of course, she was familiar with military training and discipline, having been a Smoke Jaguar officer. She also knew that household militia were usually not at the same level as regular federal or state units. Furthermore, Altoona was firmly ensconced in the Federated Commonwealth, not close to the border. According to Matthew, there had not been pirate raids for generations, so there was no need for a strong local military presence.

Nevertheless, Anastasia endured, fighting the urge to say something after seeing their ‘training’.

Yes, this was Altoona. These soldiers were not Smoke Jaguars. Strictly speaking, it was none of her business. At the same time, seeing what passed for their ‘training’ made her angry and she just could not stand it. It offended her as a warrior. Stravag, it would offend any observing professional.

Sure, the equipment was old. But to the extent that rust was visible on their auto-rifles? She wondered if the local gunsmith could fix the weapons.

In addition, their training vigour was sorely lacking. Anastasia sighed when she observed them training. Their effort levels as they did their various drills were half-hearted and utterly pathetic. Their movements were slovenly and lackadaisical, and completely ineffective as preparation for actual combat.

Being a soldier, a warrior should be a point of pride and honour. They might not be members of the regular military, the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth, merely infantry to serve as escorts, security patrols, and a deterrent against local banditry, but that did not mean they were there merely to act as props. These men seemed to be there just to collect an easy paycheck. She did not even see any females present in the soldiers, which in itself was an indicator of the local social dynamics.

She gritted her teeth as she thought of what Finn would say if he knew the standard of the Kalinski troops. As the leader of the Trivet standing forces, he had to be informed of the readiness levels of not just the Trivet forces, but the various household troops that would be called upon to support the defence of the Trivet as well. She would hate to be the one explaining to him why they were in such a condition. An image of her getting a lecture from him, of all people, on the state of her household soldiers came to mind, and she scowled.

This simply would not do!

“This sucks.” Anastasia muttered, biting her lip.


Matthew and Luisa, who were standing next to her, asked at the same time. It was the first negative sentiment they had heard from Anastasia since arriving on Altoona, because she had been calm, even sweet, since waking up after her long rest.

Anastasia stepped forward towards the soldiers. “I would like to know who is in charge here.”

“Oh no, my lady, not that tone again!” Luisa pointed out, her hand stretched out to implore her mistress to behave more ladylike, because she seemed to have regressed to her default brusque behaviour.

Anastasia ignored her.

One man stepped forward, wearing the epaulettes of an officer. “My lady, I’m sorry for the late greeting. I am Craig Wurtz, Captain of the Kalinski household guard.” He bowed and greeted Anastasia politely.

This man seemed to be in his forties, and was the only one among the soldiers who seemed as though he knew what he was doing.

They observed each other carefully. Craig focused on Anastasia’s face, obviously admiring her beauty. But she did not care what the idiot in front of her was seeing and thinking. She asked harshly, “What the hell is going on here?”

“What are you talking about?” Craig looked bewildered by the criticism, when he had expected praise for the hard work put in by his men in training.

“How are your weapons so poorly maintained? And your soldiers, just lounging around… Why are you so slow with your drills during training? Isn’t the intensity too low to be effective?

This large training ground sited next to the fort was simply wasted on these men. Just thinking about how to start an effective training regimen gave Anastasia a headache.

Craig looked dumbfounded at Anastasia’s criticism. To be criticised by a lady who didn’t know a single thing about the military…

Matthew was also shocked. Lady Anastasia, who had not complained a single bit about the shabbiness of the fort and her room, did not like the way the household troops were trained? He had no way to interject himself into the conversation.

“My lady, the men can’t train all the time, they need to rest. I don’t think you understand our situation.”

At Craig’s words, Anastasia’s eyebrows went up. His words were polite, but his tone was dismissive of her concerns.

“This doesn’t look correct to me, but let’s assume you are right. As their Captain you have the authority to train them as you see fit, and I have no right to interfere. However, I’d like to hear about the condition of your weapons. Don’t you need to maintain your rifles properly, especially since it was the taxes of our landhold you used to buy these weapons?”

She pointed to the rusted barrel of one of the automatic rifles. “What’s this? I don’t even think this rifle can shoot straight if the barrel rifling is rusted!”

Craig frowned. Anastasia noted that the other soldiers were also irritated with her comments. It was as if they were embarrassed by her observations and did not want to admit it.

Her anger started to build at their reluctance to admit their faults. Her comments were relevant and necessary. If it was another man, like Finn, who pointed these out, they would have likely accepted it, instead of trying to dismiss her concerns as that of an uninformed lady.

“You seem to have something to say, Captain Craig Wurtz.”

Craig gritted his teeth and replied, “Isn’t the poor condition of our weapons… because so much of the budget is spent on your dresses and your toys? Like that racer you have in the garage!”


Anastasia’s eyes widened at his words.

Craig’s resentment was clear, and the other soldiers around him seemed to be backing him up with the looks of annoyance on their faces. Huh, they are trying to shift the responsibility back onto me.

“Is that true, Sir Matthew? There’s less in the budget for the household troops because of the expenditure on me?”

“Oh no, my lady, that’s not true! Well, that’s…..” Matthew looked a bit troubled. “The Baron said that Altoona is peaceful enough, so it would be okay to reduce the budget for our household troops, so I reduced it…”

“Well, there’s your reason. What does that have to do with my stuff?" Anastasia glanced at Craig.

However, his anger did not go away. “It’s obvious to everyone! I heard that your new dresses alone cost a fortune. If only you’d invested it in our equipment instead!”

She shot him a sharp look. “Yes, it was my father’s decision. Did you make a separate request because you didn’t have enough funds for new equipment?”

Craig frowned. He seemed to have nothing to say.

“Sir Matthew, was there any request put in to increase the funding for the troops?”

“No, there has never been anything like that.”

Anastasia sighed and said. “Then it’s not because of the dresses, but because of my father’s mistaken decision and the officer who knew about it but did nothing.”

“My lady!” Matthew tried to warn her to stop, but Anastasia knew she had to press on. The people of the Kalinski demesne could not afford to have defenders who were ill-equipped, and worse yet, ill-trained with poor discipline.

Craig shouted. “If I asked, he wouldn’t have listened! The Baron thought it would be a waste to give us more money!”

Anastasia calmly replied, “That’s just an excuse. The truth of the matter is, you only continued to complain without ever trying to improve the situation. And you assumed that using my stuff as a scapegoat was the easiest thing to do.”

To emphasise her point, she shook the skirt of the dress she was wearing.

“And the real problem I see is discipline, not about the quality of your equipment. Is it that difficult to ensure the rifle barrels remain free from rust? Do you really need a lot of money to clean and maintain your arms regularly? How are these related to my dresses and my belongings?” Even a child from the creche would know to maintain their firearms properly!

Craig’s face fell, ashamed of himself. He heard a rumour that the Baron spent a lot of money on dresses and other luxurious items for Lady Anastasia because he cared about her, so out of envy, he wanted some of that money to be used on the household troops instead.

So when that very same lady, less than half his age, criticised their training and their equipment, this ignited his anger and provoked him to speak his mind. But in the end, she was right.

The reason why their weapons were in poor condition was because of their negligence in maintenance. So was the intensity of the training. Craig also knew that the training intensity of the troops in other households was higher than theirs. Nothing to do with money.

“I’m sorry…” Craig admitted, lowering his head in shame. He had not taken responsibility in the right way. At the very least, he could have put in a formal request, but he didn’t because he was afraid of being scolded. But advising the Baron on matters of military defence was a key part of his duties, and he had neglected it.

Anastasia flipped her hair to one side. “Sir Matthew.”

“Yes, my lady.”

Anastasia turned to him, “Are the dresses worth selling?”

“….yes?” he replied hesitantly.

“Sell the dresses, leave just a few. I would also like you to go through with me all the things my father bought for me. If I have no use for it, we'll sell it. We should be able to recoup some value.”

Matthew looked stricken. “How can you do that? My lady, let’s talk to your father the Baron and think about increasing the budget for the household troops.”

“He's using my dresses as an excuse, so selling them is an obvious solution.”.

“Oh, my lady, that’s…!”

Despite Craig’s dissuasion, Anastasia’s thoughts did not change.

“I’ll use that money for the troops. In exchange, from now on you must follow my orders.”


"Understood?" asked Anastasia brightly.

Craig nodded numbly, wondering how he had been outmanoeuvred by a mere slip of a girl not even half his age. And now he, a veteran of the War of 3039, had to take orders from her!

“How many soldiers do we have?”

“We're company strength, my lady.” He didn't elaborate, still thinking that she probably didn't know anything and he could just answer vaguely.

His hopes were dashed immediately. "Standard organisation, full strength of eighty-four troopers in three platoons? Do you have a separate command squad or HQ platoon?"


Her eyes bored into him. "I expect to have a copy of your TO&E on my table by tomorrow morning at zero-nine hundred hours, after reveille and PT. It has to be detailed down to the last nut and bolt. Am I clear?" She let the command tone of Star Captain Avryl Showers, bloodnamed Smoke Jaguar officer, bleed into her voice, brooking no dissent.

He looked up at her, shocked that she used military terminology with such easy familiarity. He was suddenly reminded of some of his superior officers when he was a mere Leftenant in the AFFS, who suffered no fools and pushed every member of their units to their limits. He had a sinking feeling that Lady Kalinska belonged to that same category. Wasn’t she supposed to be some spoiled brat of a lady?

"Yes, my lady."

She mused openly, "I am worried that we only have a company of infantry to protect our germanium production. I'll ask my father if we can beef up the forces here a bit, maybe get some APCs to supplement your infantry and provide a quick reaction force. Right now, any pirate force would find us easy pickings."

"We have not been attacked in years, my lady."

“Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it won't happen.”

She shot Crag another glare. “Oh, and I’m thinking of doing some exercises in the morning, so I hope no one gets up later than me. I would be quite upset if any of your soldiers are lazier than me.”

“My lady, please…”

“No more excuses, Captain. You have your orders. Now get to it.”

As she walked away, Craig and his soldiers looked at each other in dismay but also relief. It was as if a storm had passed.


As Anastasia returned to the fort, Luisa and Matthew followed immediately.

Luisa clasped her hands together in consternation, and asked anxiously, “My lady, why did you do that, the soldiers must be very angry.”

Anastasia smiled grimly, “Of course, I did it to make them angry.”

“Why did you make them angry?”

“They did not expect to be confronted by the hard truths I presented. If they had simply accepted what I said and agreed to train hard, I would have let the matter slide. But they treated me like a fool and ignored me deliberately, so I had to make my points stick.”

Lusia frowned. “My lady pointed it out, of course they should listen!”

Anastasia burst out laughing at her maid’s naivete. “There is no way that these soldiers would listen to a lady who doesn’t even know how to hold a gun properly.” Well, of course she knew, but Anastasia was not supposed to.

Luisa looked unhappy. Her expression seemed to say, ‘You still have to listen to Lady Anastasia.’

Anastasia laughed again at Luisa’s expression. Her naivete sometimes warmed her heart.

“A warrior’s mind is rather simple. Prick their pride a bit, and they’ll often work harder to prove themselves. It is an effective way to deal with them.” Well, the clans did that all the time, even if it wasn’t necessary, because their warriors were generally self-motivated as a result of indoctrination since childhood.

“My lady, where did you learn all this?” asked Matthew in amazement, after he had recovered from the shock of Anastasia’s ploy.

She replied, “Learn? Is there a need to learn any of this? Isn’t it common sense?”

Matthew cleared his throat. “Common sense here and common sense on Inman could be very different, my lady.”

“Oh, I see,” said Anastasia, again realising she had, yet again, let the Avryl Showers in her come out just a tad too much. But really, seeing those sorry excuses for warriors would drive anybody to anger!

Trying to change the subject, she said, “Well, anyway, could I visit the town outside the fort? I would like to take a look.”

Matthew nodded, “Of course, my lady.”

The town outside Fort Lambourne, also called Lambourne after the fort, was not that big. There were a few villages in the Kalinski demesne, including some mining settlements around the Twin Mountains located at one end of the landhold.

Matthew hoped Lady Anastasia would like their landhold and decide to stay here until her marriage. It had been years since she was here, and her eagerness to explore the landhold she would inherit boded well.

“Do I need to bring anything with me?”

“Not much, my lady,” said Matthew. “Maybe a parasol, if you find the sun too bright.”

She stopped herself from scoffing. Afraid of the sunlight from a mere M7V star? Anastasia shook her head, “No need. Lead the way, Sir Matthew.”


Anastasia looked out the window of the jeep as it trundled slowly down the boulevard.

The population density here was low, with the houses standing separately from one another. She was mesmerised by the seemingly scenic view of the town through the window.

“The people here look well fed and clothed.” She commented to Matthew, who was riding with her in the carriage. “Is the Baron, my father, a gifted administrator?”

Everyone in the town wore clean clothes. Not particularly luxurious or extravagant, but simple and clean. Not quite what she had expected compared to her initial impression of the Outback, which was supposed to be a barbaric place populated by inbred savages.

The people passing by glanced at Anastasia through the windows of the jeep. Many of them even stood and observed her carefully. She was nervous about it, but she recognised that they were just curious about the landhold heir, who returned from Inman.

“No, my lady, the Baron is not particularly good at it.”

“But there are no naked people. Some people are even wearing nice clothes.”

Matthew wondered at what Lady Anastasia had been told about Altoona and the other worlds of the Outback.

“My lady, your imagination and reality are different. We might not be a rich landhold, but we do well enough.” Matthew said proudly.

She furrowed her eyebrows, feeling a bit like a child being chided by her seniors. She continued to observe the town silently.

She could see, feel the difference between Altoona and the other places she had been.

Unlike the clan homeworlds, usually bustling with frantic activity, or the worlds of the Draconis Combine, marked by harsh living conditions mitigated by a smattering of luxuries, the Outback was downright bucolic, populated by civilians who simply got by from day to day, free from the ravages of war, free to raise their children in peace, though somebody from a more developed world would regard them as mired in poverty.

As for the occupied worlds of the former Smoke Jaguar occupation zone? Those were veritable hellholes for the Smoke Jaguars because the natives were still loyal to the Draconis Combine and saw them as invaders to be driven out. Guerilla attacks were common, inviting harsh reprisals and extensive COIN operations. Everything fed one another into a vicious circle of conflict, there was no peace, only war.

The peaceful environs made her realise, “This is why my father didn’t have much of a budget for the household troops.”

“Yes.” Mattthew replied.

“How much of the demesne depends on the germanium exports?”

“Of course, the germanium was a big factor in maintaining our living standards. But even without it, we can get by. There’s enough domestic economic activity that we’re almost self-sufficient.” Matthew was very happy to see that Lady Anastasia was showing a keen interest in the landhold, so he answered her questions eagerly.

“I thought the Outback would be even poorer than this.” She admitted.

“My lady, to be honest, some worlds in the Outback are far worse off than us. For Altoona, we are relatively well governed because Count Haynes demanded it.”

“The Count?”

“Inman would send an inspectorate every few years. Therefore, the lords cannot neglect the management of their territories. Count Haynes can be very demanding, don’t you agree?”

Anastasia nodded and fell into thought. She closed her eyes, painfully recalling Khan Lincoln Osis, who had terrorised the people of the clan’s occupation zone with near ruinous extortion of resources and unceasing brutality, despite the best efforts of saKhan Brandon Howell to mitigate his policies to try to secure their foothold in the Inner Sphere.

Though a Crusader at heart, she had agreed with Brandon Howell’s view that they could not afford to squander their clan’s strength in enforcing their rule across the conquered worlds, and it was better to try to negotiate some sort of middle-ground with the natives so the could focus their touman’s strength outwards against external threats.

She sighed, “This is the difference between the Inner Sphere and the Clans.”


“Just talking to myself, Sir Matthew. It’s nothing.” Anastasia shook her head. She did not like the twisting sensation in her stomach.

“Can I get off the jeep and walk around?”

“My lady, if you do that, won’t everyone look at you? Please don’t do that. Let’s take it slow and let the people get used to your presence first.”

Anastasia nodded, accepting his advice. Still, she could not stop thinking. Was the Baron’s decision to reduce the budget for the household troops correct? She was not used to such a peaceful environment. Even on Inman, intrigue seemed to occupy every corner. And of course, her time in the clans was always marked by conflict since it was practically their way of life. She wondered what it would be like to live in genuine peace.

Anastasia looked at the town outside the jeep for a long time. Then she turned to Matthew, her decision made. He had been in charge of the estate for a long time, and therefore was probably the most qualified person to teach her. Besides, he seemed to have a soft spot for Anastasia.

“Sir Matthew, I don’t remember anything yet.”

“I know. You don’t have to be impatient, my lady.”

“It seems I still lack much of the knowledge a noble should have in my position. Can you help me?”

“Of course.” Matthew smiled and nodded.

Anastasia smiled back ruefully. It’s time for me to live as a member of the Inner Sphere.

She had known only the way of the clans, and she now felt like a frog in a well. She recalled that information was ammunition, a saying the Jade Falcons had adopted from some Inner Sphere opponent, and without information, she could not take her revenge on Pence Lamongue.

As Anastasia hoped, Matthew was a very good teacher. She learned about Altoona, the Trivet, the governance of the Federated Commonwealth. And every day, she knew she was getting closer to exacting her revenge on Pence.
« Last Edit: 26 December 2023, 20:52:42 by The Wobbly Guy »

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #35 on: 26 December 2023, 20:44:53 »
17th March, 3061
1200 hrs

At first Captain Craig Wurtz didn’t know what to think about the situation recently. An unfamiliar hum of energy now seemed to run through the fort at the start of every day, invigorating the soldiers. He used to drag himself out of bed, but not any more.

It was all due to Lady Kalinska.

Craig was the youngest son of a landholding knight in the Draconis March, and enlisted in the AFFS to start his military career. He served long enough to see action in the War of 3039 as a Lieutenant in the infantry as part of the 22nd Avalon Hussars RCT, then got an honourable discharge instead of reupping, opting for a cushy post commanding backwater troops in the Outback.

Sure, the pay wasn’t much, but the job was easy, and there wasn’t much to do. Hey, everybody wants an easy life, right?

Out of professional pride, he did try to instil some discipline in the troops at the beginning, but his efforts petered out after a few months. The lack of interest from the Baron, the paltry support, all of these made him give up after a while. Well, it wasn’t as if it mattered, anyway.

The Baron didn’t even seem aware of Craig’s position as his household troop commander. It was Matthew who hired him based on his references.

All Craig knew about the Baron was his love for his daughter.

He occasionally heard from Matthew about the distribution for the budget and was always disappointed to hear that the Baron had reserved a lot of money to lavish on his little girl. That’s why when she came to Altoona, he didn’t feel happy at all.

So Craig didn’t go to greet Lady Kalinska, and as he expected, she didn’t seem to show any interest in them either. However, it did please him a bit when she came to the training ground, but was angry at what she pointed out. He lost his temper and received a scolding from her.

Even past the age of forty, he still had a hot-tempered personality.

But to his surprise, despite scolding him, Lady Kalinska did acknowledge their issues and took steps to remedy some of their problems.

She coolly disposed of most of her dresses, leaving only a few select ones for everyday wear, and only two for special occasions. Many of the items the Baron bought for her were also sold off, such as the expensive wheeled racer he had bought for her on her eighteenth birthday.

Craig had been irritated and unhappy at first. His men also grumbled incessantly, determined to show the ‘cheeky’ lady their skills.

But in just two days, he changed his mind. The eyes of his men were sharp and full of determination, and they took to training with an enthusiasm that had been lacking in the past.

After three days of intense training, he could already see a change in the discipline of his troops. Of course, there was one more reason for that.

It was because Lady Kalinska joined their training at the start of every day.

It was difficult enough to wake up at zero-six hundred hours, but Lady Kalinska would appear at zero-six-thirty hundred hours without fail, her makeup off, and start her exercises at the training ground.

She explained it as ‘physical training’, and he could really see her doing the right exercises and putting in immense effort. The first few days with her seemed unpleasant because it felt like surveillance, but Craig soon changed his mind when his men seemed to draw energy from her presence and intensify their efforts.

Furthermore, her stamina was poor, but even they could see she was improving rapidly. She wore a tracksuit with running pants to train, and the soldiers admired her persistence. When she managed to do a kneeling push up for the first time, they all cheered.

Was this part of her plan?

This was now the ideal situation that Craig had so hoped for. They finally had serviceable body armour, nutritious meals, and decent weapons, either repaired by the gunsmith or new ones bought from local sources. Even the motorised vehicles they used were fixed up, or replaced if they weren’t repairable, finally allowing them to be a real motorised infantry unit instead of just being one on paper.

With Lady Kalinska’s eyes on them, the troops trained harder with improved discipline. He could swear that when he looked at her observing their training, her eyes seemed like that of a veteran, filled with experience and kindly tolerance for the brash, tough young men doing their best to live up to her standards.

The troops, like Craig, finally understood Lady Kalinska’s real intentions, and they all admitted there was nothing wrong with what she said. Unlike the indifferent Baron, who rarely ventured out of the fort even on the occasions he came back from Inman, Lady Kalinska was even praised for her efforts to connect with the populace, going out every day to the town to look around and talk to the locals.

At first, the soldiers thought her behaviour was unusual, but they soon accepted it as normal.

Same for the townspeople. At first, they felt she was like visiting royalty when she left the confines of the fort, and even walked along the streets of the town, but they soon got used to her presence and her jaunts to the town became a normal event.

The rumours surrounding her mental health were quickly dismissed by the inhabitants of the demesne. A few townsfolk even got indignant on her account. The change in her reputation was palpable.

Blake’s blood, even his wife noticed and commented on it. And his two girls, who used to constantly badger him for toys and dresses, suddenly changed their minds and stopped asking, deciding to emulate the frugality of their new idol, Lady Kalinska. The story of her selling off her dresses had a huge impact on her favorability with the people.

Things were looking up, Craig decided.

To Anastasia, these were heady times, each day filled with purpose and meaning. Morning PT, breakfast, learning from Sir Matthew, lunch, a walk through the town, then handling some administrative stuff regarding the household troops and getting supplies to repair the Valkyrie. When she had time, she would visit the mech bay and start to organise the mess left behind, cataloguing the items and making an inventory of the available supplies. Then dinner, followed by a holovid or two.

In her own room, nobody could stop her from watching the shows she preferred.

The workstations in the mech bay did contain information on the Valkyrie and her grandaunt Maria Kalinska. Sergeant Maria Kalinska was a member of the First Robinson Rangers, and fought in the pivotal battles on Mallory’s World, where so much history was made. She remembered how her blood raced with excitement when she watched a documentary about the legendary mechwarriors involved in those climatic battles.

First Prince Ian Davion. Tai-sa Yorinaga Kurita. Colonel Morgan Kell. She remembered hearing from some of the older Smoke Jaguar warriors about their involvement in the Battle of Luthien, where they faced Morgan Kell and his Kell Hounds, and it seemed like a missing link to her own identity as Avryl Showers.

Oh, how she wished she had the chance to measure her skills against such worthy opponents!

During the final conflict on Mallory’s World, the First Robinson Rangers battled the Ninth Benjamin Regulars on the plains just outside the city of Harrison’s Ferry. Sergeant Maria Kalinska bled out from wounds sustained in combat when she refused to retreat, and her Valkyrie, Surefire Strike, was returned to House Kalinski on Altoona, still damaged. The Kalinskis never repaired it and left it to languish in the mech bay for years.

Anastasia seethed with anger at the Valkyrie’s condition, as well as how the Kalinskis treated Maria’s memory. She was barely mentioned in the family histories, with only one single measly line stating she was a mechwarrior with the Rangers, then nothing else, as though she never existed. That was not right at all. Sure, they didn’t have any equivalent to the clans’ Remembrance, their epic historical poem, but Maria should warrant several paragraphs at least!

The money raised from selling off her dresses and the other stuff the Baron bought for her was substantial, even after discounts due to their second-hand nature. It was more than enough to replace or repair the household troops’ equipment, and there was even a substantial amount left that she could think about using it to purchase supplies to repair the Valkyrie. Thankfully, the mech bay seemed to have most of the supplies stockpiled, although she would still need to buy fresh myomer fibre and ammunition for the Valkyrie’s LRM launcher, since she did not trust the missiles that had been stored there since before the end of the Third Succession War.

She would be able to start repairing the Valkyrie, once the myomer was shipped from Delacambre after they placed an order. Unfortunately, without a HPG, they had to rely on the Yolander to relay messages to Delacambre and place the order there, and then rely on the Yolander again to deliver the myomer to Altoona. This would likely take several weeks.

In the meantime, her physical training had finally reached a certain level of progress, and she was happy with her efforts. Even with the thinner atmosphere and lower oxygen content in the air, she was now capable of continuously running a four hundred metre lap in less than four minutes at a slow jog, which was something the original Anastasia would probably never conceive of.

Speaking of which, the thinner atmosphere and low oxygen content presented specific challenges to the people of Altoona. In order to ensure viable pregnancies, the women and livestock often slept in covered tents amidst the agricultural fields covered in thin plastic domes, or in the case of those who stay in more urban areas, equipped their rooms with special oxygen-enriching devices.

She was lost in her grandiose plans of organising specialised anti-mech training for her troops when an unusual request came in one day.

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #36 on: 26 December 2023, 20:50:16 »
Altoona Information

System Information
Coordinates 550.569 : -4.176
Stellar Class M7V
Recharge times 209 hours
Recharge stations None

System Position 1st (Gas giant)
Jump Point distance 2.22 days
Moons None
Surface gravity 1.02
Atmospheric pressure Low (0.8 atm, O2 partial pressure 0.17 atm)
Equatorial temperature 14 0C (Boreal)
Surface water 40%
Highest native life Insects

Capital Altuni City
Population 29,000,000
Socio-economic levels D-D-A-C-D
HPG (representative) None

Cold and largely barren, Altoona could barely support agriculture, requiring significant terraforming by the Star League’s Department of Mega-Engineering to even make it viable for habitation. It was extremely rich in rare metals and gems, and exports them in exchange for food and civilian goods. In many ways, it is a less extreme example of Mars. Fossil fuels panels were sufficient to sustain the current population and industrial activity, but strikingly lacking in comparison to the availability of ores. Energy needs are supplemented by extensive solar panels.

Altoona is tidally locked with Red Eagle, the gas giant it orbits - the same side always faces the gas giant. The side facing Red Eagle is called Redward by the natives, while the outside facing side is called Outward. Altoona takes 12.4 standard days hours to orbit Red Eagle - that is also the length of one full ‘day’ (rotational period). Red Eagle’s high axial tilt, Altoona’s own orbital inclination and axial tilt, also means that certain Outward areas are bathed in perpetual sunlight (more or less).

All of Altoona’s agriculture sector is located within these areas of perpetual sunlight, resulting in rapid crop growth limited only by the availability of micronutrients and water. The areas not utilised for agriculture are mainly covered in savannah / grasslands due to the lack of water. Extensive solar collection panels cover these areas as well, providing energy for their industries.

For certain Redward areas, because they are always facing the gas giant, and never the primary, they could be in perpetual darkness, or have some sunlight at particular angles, or when Altoona is in between the primary and Red Eagle, the reflection of the primary off Red Eagle provides significant illumination compared to Terra’s moon, with some heat reflected and also from Red Eagle itself, but not enough to sustain photosynthesis and agriculture. The natives call this Half-light.

The high carbon dioxide concentration on Altoona (originally 30%) was lowered via extensive use of photosynthesizing algae, which also had the side effect of increasing the oxygen levels. However, the axial tilt of the planet meant that a significant proportion of the planet would never receive sufficient sunlight to sustain plant life, and hence instead of the maximum coverage of the planet by plantlife (as on Terra), only a portion of the surface is exposed to sufficient sunlight to support plant life.

DoME never got around to introducing special genetically engineered plants which would still photosynthesise in Half-light conditions, which would reduce the carbon dioxide levels further and boost the oxygen partial pressure.

Due to the massive temperature differential between the Redward and Outward regions, strong winds constantly batter the buffer transition zones between the regions. Some wind traps were set up to take advantage of the winds, but high maintenance costs phased them out after the fall of the Star League.

Note: You can think of Altoona as a cross between Mars and Titan, with the size and gravity of Earth. Atmosphere and soil conditions are inspired by Mars, but generally not so extreme.

Altoona is a mining world, with a substantial number of the population involved in the mining and refinement industry. The rest of the population supported their efforts with agriculture and light manufacturing.

Due to local conditions, the amount of food grown is barely sufficient, mostly barley, winter wheat, rye, and quillar. The meat produced locally is mainly chicken, with some fish, introduced into the planet’s seas by DoME. Non-chicken meats are mostly imported from Inman, and regarded as rare treats.

Some manufacturing exists on the planet, mainly to support the miners and their families. Technology levels are similar to early to mid twentieth-century Earth, with a smattering of advanced tech items such as high-end electronics imported from Delacambre.

Ruled by Viscount Strong, he has about a dozen subordinate Barons and knights to help him govern the world. Many of the baronies and fiefs are centred around the garrison forts built by the 225th Mechanised Infantry Division, which located its HQ on Altoona during the Star League era.

Due to the low oxygen partial pressure and temperature fluctuations, pregnant women and livestock are usually required to sleep in tents in the agricultural areas bathed in perpetual sunlight and covered in thin plastic domes, because the oxygen levels are higher there. Another way is to provide oxygen enriching machines in rooms, which is more expensive and only limited to wealthier commoners and nobles

Altoona exports significant quantities of key rare elements, especially germanium, most of which is transported to Galax and Delavan for jumpship production. Much of the rest goes to Delacambre for use in advanced technology.

To the Federated Commonwealth, these exports from Altoona are the Trivet’s strategic contribution to the realm.

House Kalinski and Fort Lambourne
House Kalinski is an old but undistinguished noble house of the Trivet. During the First Succession War, the Reformation years, First Prince Paul Davion rewarded AFFS officer Captain Oleg Kalinski for his service with a barony on Altoona, focused on mining activities. Oleg Kalinski renovated Fort Lambourne to serve as his administrative centre. His mech was a Valkyrie he named Surefire Strike , and it managed to remain in the family’s hands throughout the Succession Wars.

The fort itself was named for AFFS Major General Erik Lambourne, who was a key commander at the Taurian front during the Reunification War. It now serves as the administrative centre for House Kalinski’s demesne, and the seat of their (limited) power.

Originally built and manned by units from the 225th Mechanised Infantry Division, which located its HQ on Altoona during the Star League era, the fort could support a combined-arms battalion, including enough mech bays for a company of mechs, although only one mech now occupies it - the Kalinski heirloom Valkyrie , the Surefire Strike.

For military defence, the Kalinskis only employ a company of motorised infantry, recruited from locals and poorly trained, led by a few officers and NCOs retired from the regular army for cushy garrison / cadre training jobs. However, they don’t take their training seriously and the troops are very poorly trained with low motivation.

Fort Lambourne is surrounded by a civilian town, which concentrates a lot of the economic activity of their demesne. The idyllic, bucolic town supplies advanced goods and services to the rest of the population, and in turn serves as a collection and distribution centre for food. The most important installation in town is the germanium refinery on the outskirts, which processes the ores and extracts highly purified germanium, which is then stored in the fort.

The advanced technology of the refinery is maintained by parts from Delacambre, while manpower is provided by locals who pass on their knowledge through apprenticeships rather than formal education. As a result, much of the theory behind the various processes have been lost and the locals simply follow the procedures without a clear understanding of why they are done that way.

For the Really Crunchy Data...
Star                                                units
Star Type                                   M7V   
Transit Time (from star)           2.22   Days
Recharge time                           208   hours
Safe Jump distance                   90,202,821   km
Stellar mass                           0.1   Sol
Luminosity                           0.003690   Sol
Inner Habitable Zone (from star)   4,373,667   km
Outer habitable Zone (from star)   8,929,569   km
Planetary data (Red Eagle)       
System position                                   1 (gas giant)   
Distance from star                           6,900,000   km
Distance to Transit point                   90,466,341   km
Time to Transit Point                           53.350   hours
Time for orbital period (1 orbit)           273.81   hours
Rotational period                           0.5   days
Number of moons                           8 major moons   
Planetary diameter                           150,000   km
Orbital Inclination (to sun equator)   12   degrees
Axial tilt to orbit                                   35   degrees
Moon data (Altoona)       
Distance from Red Eagle                            680,000   km
Orbital Inclination (to Red Eagle equator)   -15   degrees
Axial tilt to orbit                                           10   degrees
Rotational period (around Red Eagle)           12.4   days
Planetary diameter                                   10,200   km
Planetary density                                    7   g/cm3
Surface gravity   1.016   G
Theoretical day surface temperature           335.08   kelvins
Theoretical night surface temperature           235.08   kelvins
Theoretical average surface temperature   285.08   kelvins
Equatorial temperature (Outward day)           14   celsius
Equatorial temperature (Outward night)   -8   celsius
Equatorial temperature (Redward day)           10   celsius
Equatorial temperature (Redward night)   -5   celsius


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 259
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #37 on: 26 December 2023, 22:45:40 »
Storydump! What a great after-Christmas present.

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #38 on: 29 December 2023, 22:20:34 »
Rason Estate, Inman
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
Draconis March, Federated Commonwealth
18th March, 3061
0600 hrs (1800 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

“You look pretty bored, Finn.”

Finn frowned at Raymond. “I’m not bored. You’re the one who’s bored, leaving the palace to come here and pester me.”

Raymond brandished a book at Finn. The book, which was dyed purple, was written, “Violets Blooming at the Training Ground.” It was obvious that it was a romance novel, and Raymond looked absolutely gleeful.

“This is the best-selling novel on Inman these days. There’s also the electronic version, but nothing beats the feel of the paper as you turn them page by page.”

“What kind of flower would even bloom at the training ground? It’s going to wither away or get crushed by marching feet. Mech training grounds are all muddy as heck, what could grow there?” Finn grumbled while looking through some documents on the upcoming budgetary meetings. He knew Raymond’s bookworm persona was just an act, hiding the scheming mastermind that was his true self. If everybody knew what he really was like, they would have avoided him like the plague.

“Uh-huh. So cold and heartless! How can you say that? Don’t you have a smidgen of romance in your soul at all? And you haven’t even tried it! Come on, just read a few pages, I guarantee you’ll be hooked!” He started to shove the book into Finn’s face.

Angered, Finn just grabbed the book and tossed it violently to one corner of the room. Raymond screamed, and ran over to the corner to pick it up, acting aggrieved at Finn’s callous violence.

“Finn, why are you so mean? I thought I’d bring some things you’d enjoy…”

“Can you drop the act? Even if I’m bored, I would never relieve it by spending time with you.”

“But you prefer to spend it with Lady Kalinska?” Raymond asked slyly.

Finn flinched. The barb struck home, and they both knew it.

“I don’t know why you have to mention Lady Kalinska.”

“You’re too sensitive, Finn.”

“Shut up. You brought her up for a reason. Get to the point.”

Raymond laughed at Finn’s reaction. He took off his glasses and said, “Yes, I’m actually very curious about Lady Kalinska. What happened to her? Why did she change so much in the span of a few days? Don’t you think it was strange?”

He continued, “I kept thinking about how strange it was. I was very careful to hide my martial background.”

Finn grunted, “Maybe you were just careless.”

Raymond scoffed, “But that was the very first time we had a proper conversation. Only you and my closest attendants know that I learned how to pilot a mech from your father. I know my people are loyal to me, and they wouldn’t have any reason to leak to Lady Kalinska in the first place. So how did she find out?”

Finn stared at him, wondering if he wanted to know the answer at all.

Raymond grinned, “I think I figured it out.” He raised his hand. “It was my hand.”

Finn looked sceptical.

“I once placed my bare hand on top of hers. She must have realised when she felt my calluses.” The calluses that every mechwarrior has, due to prolonged hours of gripping, twisting, and pushing the control sticks of their mechs.

Raynond concluded, “That is the most likely possibility.” He paused, “So Finn, what do you think?”

Finn glared at him. “So, why was there a situation in which you would have touched Lady Kalinska’s hand? How come I didn’t know of it?”

Raymond chuckled, then burst into outright laughter. “Ah, Finn! Finn! That was what you were concerned about? You’re so funny when you are jealous!”


“We were just trying to pick up a fallen book at the same time, and my hand happened to fall on top of hers! It wasn’t on purpose.”

Finn just glowered at his explanation. “I suggest that you stop paying attention to Lady Kalinska. You… and your ****** of a brother.”

Raymond smirked, “Speaking of my brother, Renard just received a confinement order from my father. Did you have anything to do with that?”

Finn shrugged, “I snitched on him. About his abuse of the maids, to the Count.” He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t act dumb, you already knew this.”

“Sure, I guessed he was taking it out on women who look similar to Lady Kalinska, but I didn’t expect you to resolve it. He must have a reason to be so vindictive though.” He swivelled his head towards Finn. “Do you know of anything that could have happened between him and Lady Kalinska to make him behave like that?”

Finn maintained his silence, not wanting to give anything away unnecessarily.

But Raymond knew him too well. “It seems you have an idea, but you’re not going to tell me. That’s okay. But still, how could Renard lay a hand on a noble’s daughter, the heir, no less?”

That caught Finn’s attention. “What do you mean, lay a hand?

“I got some intel on Spencer Larouche’s whereabouts. He got on a jumpship to Thibodaux, and there he somehow managed to get in contact with a bunch of freelancers.”


“Freelancers.” Raymond stressed. “Not quite mercs, not quite pirates. Maybe about a lance? There’s no review board to arbitrate, everything is just verbal. I have an agent over there, he managed to get a HPG message out here for me. The freelancers are on the move. Guess where they are headed?”

Finn stood up, his body tense.

“You understand what’s going on now?”

Finn did not even reply, but dashed out of his office.

Raymond sighed. “Oh my, and in his haste he left his guest all alone.” He looked out the window. “Renard tries to act smart, but he’s not. He lacks discernment and he is greedy. If he really was smart, he would not be wasting time trying to mess with a Baron’s daughter. He should be trying to get rid of me.”

He smiled, wondering what opportunities would reveal themselves to him.


“Send a priority comms to the zenith jump point. Tell the Blocky Road to prepare for jump operations ASAP.” Finn ordered Eric in the small room that served as their secure command post. “Get the Jurano,” their Leopard class dropship ready at the drop port, “and my command lance ready to lift. We’re using the Blocky Road to deploy to Altoona via the L1 pirate point.”

Eric was already busy typing in the instructions, but that didn’t stop him from asking, “Huh, what for?”

“I have ample reason to suspect an imminent pirate raid on Altoona. The Yolander can’t get here in time, it is still charging at Delacambre, but Blocky Road is the Trivet’s QRF jumpship, it should be fully charged. Delacambre cannot spare any troops, and they can’t get to Altoona in time anyway. It’d be just us.”

The Scout jumpship Blocky Road was the QRF jumpship when the Yolander was around, and the backup jumpship to take over critical trade when the Yolander was away for repairs. Since Scout jumpships did not have grav decks, its crew was usually stationed on the Attica station, and constant crew rotations with the Yolander ensured the crews had ample rest, shore leave on planet, and downtime.

Finn paused, gathering his thoughts. “Besides, it’s time I took a look at Altoona and its defences. Furthermore, a surprise drill is good for keeping all of us on our toes. If the intel doesn’t pan out, fine. It was just a drill. But if it does…” his voice trailed off.

Eric gulped. He had not anticipated that he might find himself in the line of fire, but he was no warrior, just a REMF.

Finn gave more instructions. “Inform the Count. Tell him only that we are conducting a surprise drill involving deployment to Altoona, and I’ll also take the opportunity to inspect the troops there.”

“Yes sir!”

Fort Lambourne, Altoona
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
Draconis March, Federated Commonwealth
19th March, 3061
1000 hrs

A Scout jumpship just entered the system at the nadir jump point. It obviously was not the Yolander, which had just jumped out a couple of days before and was still charging at Delacambre. It detached a Manatee, ubiquitous throughout the Inner Sphere as a cargo transport, and would be arriving in two days time.

Matthew explained, “Those ships belong to Harold’s Holdings Private Limited. They’re a trading company specialising in rare earth elements and gems. They are a semi-regular customer, coming back once in a while to collect from us and the other landholds on Altoona, so we usually have a stockpile built up just for them.”


Matthew had informed her that the mining trade was not her concern, and beyond her authority. Then he confused her with his next statement.

“They said they want to meet you.”

“Why me?”

“My lady, since you’re finally here on Altoona, they would like to hold a meeting with you. It’s a chance to show your sincerity and build rapport with our customers.”

Anastasia frowned slightly. That was not a very convincing reason. Matthew was the liaison, and meeting Anastasia would not affect the deal in any way.

“If I meet them, I don’t have the authority to decide anything, do I?”

“My lady, I’ll negotiate on behalf of the House. I’m sorry, but your opinion doesn’t count.”

“Then why does it have to involve me? Just because they would be nice to me, or me being nice to them does not affect the negotiations. Or would my presence make the negotiations proceed more smoothly?”

Matthew shook his head. “I think it’s because of the rumours.”

“The ones that say I’m crazy?” She should not be surprised the rumours about her have even spread outside the Trivet.

“My lady!” said Luisa indignantly while combing her long hair. Anastasia knew her maid was trying to remind her to watch her language.

This felt like a bit of a dilemma though. It seemed like a waste of time, but if she didn’t go, the rumours might gain credence.

Anastasia sighed. “If I don’t show up, the rumours will only get worse. All right, I’ll meet them.”


Twin Mountains, Altoona
21st March, 3061
1000 hrs

The distance to the Twin Mountains was shorter than expected. Anastasia looked forward to it, thinking of the fresh mountain air.

When they arrived, Matthew brought her around on an impromptu inspection and explanation of the mining activities. The massive mine portals in the side of the mountain showed her just how large their operations are, and stacks of ores piled up on flatbeds, ready for transport to the mineral processing plants near Lambourne.

The sky itself was slowly brightening, the long ‘night’ portion of the cycle gradually giving way to day. But due to Altoona and Red Eagle’s axial tilts, plus the position of House Kalinski’s landhold, true night only lasted for a relatively short time before the sun popped up on the horizon again.

“What about the gems?” Anastasia asked, curious. The Kalinski heraldry was a hand holding a sapphire, after all, and she realised the name of the Valkyrie, Surefire Strike, was a pun, since ‘Surefire’ and ‘Sapphire’ sound very similar. So she decided she should show some interest in them.

He led her around to a field, where she saw villagers squatting down to pick up stones from a field.

She was puzzled. “Why aren’t they digging? Where are the mineshafts?”

“Oh, that’s the other mine on the other mountain. But the ones here can be just picked off the ground.”

Anastasia was bewildered. Matthew led her to a basket of stones. He picked one up.

“Ah, here, if you break this white stone, you can get a nice ruby out of it. Look closely at this here.” He held it up for her inspection.

Anastasia frowned, focused, and saw something reddish attached to the white stone.

“This is a gemstone? This bean-sized thing is a gemstone?”

Matthew nodded. “Haha, the people who come here always expect something grand. The sapphires are collected over there in the exact same way.” He pointed to another field in the distance.


“We know there are actually larger deposits below the ground here, but there’s not much point in digging them up because it’ll lead to oversupply and just depress the prices. We export to nobles in the Draconis and the Crucis Marches, where the small gemstones can be used for clothing and other accessories. After all, breaking up a larger gem just to make smaller ones seems such a waste.”

“And the other mine?”

“It produces bigger gems, but the Baron sells them sparingly. So it’s often not in operation anyway. We only open it up a few times in a year to maintain our own stockpile, and then seal it up when it’s not needed.”

“And all these small stones earned enough money for that lavish mansion on Inman?”

“It was also the germanium, my lady. But germanium mining is much less exciting and involves a lot of processing to extract the germanium.”

After barely getting over her shock at how the gems were collected, Anastasia and Matthew made their way to the meeting place. They did not have to wait long before the traders arrived.

“It’s an honour to meet you, my lady. I am Derrick Lagos.” the leader of the traders bowed politely to her. He wore a standard business suit, but she could make out the bulge of a gun under his suit.

Not for the first time, she cursed inwardly for not arguing harder for herself to be armed with a gun. All she had was a stiletto she had convinced Matthew to get for her, now strapped comfortably along her left forearm, where she could easily draw with her right.

Matthew stepped forward. “Nice to meet you, Mister Lagos. What happened to Mister Simon, the gentleman who usually oversees these transactions?”

“Mister Simon has been assigned to other roles in our organisation, so I’ll be in charge from now on.” Derrick smiled and held out a verigraph out to Matthew. “My credentials?”

Matthew put his finger on the scanner attached to the verigraph, confirming his identity and releasing its contents for him to read. Matthew looked at it carefully and nodded. There seemed to be no problem.

“Everything seems to be correct. I apologise for our rudeness. I hope you understand our need for caution.”

Derrick’s smile grew wider. “I understand completely. When it comes to business, trust is most important.”

Despite his words, Anastasia could not help but feel suspicious. She observed the traders carefully.

Some of the traders were dressed in expensive suits like Derrick, obviously the management. The others just seemed like bodyguards and porters. Out of habit, Anastasia found herself mentally counting the number of escorts the traders brought. One, five, ten… twenty two! I only have a squad of seven soldiers as escorts, is this right?

She shook herself mentally. Maybe they just needed the extra hands for the gems.

Matthew said, “Now then, let’s talk about the deal…”

Derrick held up a hand, “Wait. Can we discuss this in Lambourne?”

Matthew looked confused.

Derrick explained, “For this quality, we will usually just buy everything you have on offer. But our craftsman and appraiser are still on the dropship due to some delays. My people also want to enjoy their shore time, so we’re headed there anyway. How about proceeding when we are all in the town?”

“Didn’t you say that deals are usually made here?”

Matthew answered Anastasia’s question.

“If there is a large volume traded, sometimes we negotiate in the city. If we can sell more, there’s no harm in acceding to some of their requests.”

Anastasia, who didn’t know much about business, nodded at Matthew’s words. She had made up her mind to see the mines anyway, so there was no real loss to her.

“Oh, no!”

“What’s wrong?”

The jeep driver pointed to the jeep’s wheel. The tire was clearly punctured and flat. “I don’t have the tools to inflate the spare tire at the back. Oh my lady. I’m sorry.” The driver lowered his head in dismay.

Derrick clicked his tongue and said. “My lady, why don’t you take my car?”

Anastasia shook her head firmly after thinking about what that would be like.

“I can’t trouble you like that.” She looked around. “I’ll ride that scooter with Sir Matthew.” She pointed to a somewhat old scooter with a sidecar.

Derrick seemed worried on her behalf. “My lady, don’t do that, wouldn’t it be better to ride in a car?”

Matthew also objected, “My lady, I think it would be better to ride in Mister Lagos’ car. Riding a motorcycle on mountain roads can be very uncomfortable.”

Anastasia felt annoyed by Matthew’s lack of caution, but she controlled her expression and insisted, “It’s only two hours away anyway. I can ride a scooter.” She allowed a bit of her annoyance to leak through in her tone.

Matthew sighed, and nodded his head.

Anastasia steered the scooter easily, revelling in the freedom of being able to control a vehicle under her own hands for the first time in months. Thankfully, it was a scooter, so the skirt of her formal dress did not get in the way. Matthew rode in the side car, but obviously concerned about her condition.

I am not made of glass, so stop looking at me like that! Furthermore, her gut instinct told her something was very wrong, and she definitely did not want to be in the same space as Derrick Lagos. Sitting in his car feels like walking into an enemy base without any escorts. Maybe that is because I am still thinking like Avryl, but…

The squad of motorised infantry rode around and behind her, followed by the vehicles of the villagers transporting the gemstones that were going to be traded. The traders brought up the rear, silent throughout the journey.

“My lady, are you tired?” Matthew asked concernedly. “Maybe you can change to riding in the car.”

She retorted, “I’m fine. How can I ride in the same car as somebody I just met today? Sir Matthew, I think you are letting down your guard too easily.”

She glanced back at the traders, and saw the glint of metal. Her blood froze for an instant, before she screamed, “Everybody, duck and scatter for cover! NOW!”

Anastasia pressed on the accelerator, pushing the scooter to its maximum speed.

“My lady!”

”What’s going on?”

Before they could figure out what was going on, gunfire erupted from the traders’ vehicles, scything through the civilians and soldiers alike and dropping them to the ground.

Anastasia ignored the bullets flying past and leaned down to make herself a smaller target, cursing at the fake traders.

They were actually bandits. No wonder she felt uncomfortable, Anastasia gritted her teeth. She had always trusted her intuition. It had gotten her out of difficult situations time and again. Even when Pence shot her in the back, she had never fully trusted him.

“My lady!”

Matthew cried out from the sidecar, but she did not care. She felt sorry for the soldiers since they were under her charge, but there was nothing she could do for them, not in this impossible situation. If she turned back for them, she would only die, or become a captive.

Anastasia chanced a glance behind her. The bandits were still chasing her, their motorcycles gaining slowly but surely. But they had stopped firing. She realised these freebirths were not just robbers looking for a mere jewel heist. They were aiming for her.

What should I do? They are going to catch up with us, since my scooter is not very fast… She spied a narrow trail through thick bushes. Let’s give them something to think about.

“Sir Matthew, hang on!”

She drove onto the narrow path, trusting the speed of the scooter to bash through the bushes, gambling that there were branches thick enough to push her off or trip up the scooter. She kept her eyes forward, twisting the scooter and its sidecar from side to side to avoid the thicker bushes.

A shout from behind her and the fading engine sounds told her that her ploy worked, one of their pursuers had tripped.

But they were not in the clear yet.

She rode the scooter for a little while longer until they came to a clear path. She braked the scooter to a stop, then dismounted, gesturing for Matthew to do the same. She then took out her handkerchief and tied it around the accelerator button, sending the scooter careening down the path.

“They will be waiting for us down the mountain. You know that, don’t you?”


Matthew remained silent.

Anastasia could already feel aches and pains all over her body, but she knew she could not afford to collapse. She was also grateful for her physical training for the past week, which gave her the stamina and strength to push on.

Matthew exhaled, “It’s fortunate you didn’t get into their car!”

“Yes, if I did so I might already be dead or kidnapped.”

“Ahh, how do you figure that?”

“If they were just after the jewels, they would have stopped after killing the civilians and the escort squad. But since they continued to chase me, that means I’m their target. The fact they came in under the guise of one of our customers means that they are thorough and well-prepared. The more thorough they are, the more tenacious they will be. These are not mere underequipped bandits.”

Matthew looked at her in amazement. These words were not those of a delicate nobleborn lady, but the cold calculated analysis of a trained soldier.

“Then what are we going to do?” He had never been in this sort of situation before, and he was close to panicking.

“We’ll need to play hide-and-seek until our own soldiers arrive. If we’re not back by a certain time, they would know something went wrong and send out search parties. The bodies and blood on the road are impossible to miss. All we need to do is to survive until we get picked up.” She hoped the bandits were only infantry. If they had heavier equipment… “Will the household troops be able to move quickly?”

Matthew did not look too hopeful. Most of Craig Wurtz’s soldiers were green and untested. Was it possible for them to sense the danger and come to their rescue?  It was difficult to believe that the soldiers would be able to arrive quickly when every minute was urgent.

Then, they heard voices of menacing men. Anastasia put her index finger to her mouth. Their pursuers were approaching.

In the dark mountains, trusting in their numbers, the bandits were overconfident. What they failed to account for, what was impossible to factor in, was that there was Avryl Showers in Anastasia, who had gone through many such scenarios when training as a cadet in the sibko.

Anastasia smiled grimly. “Now, let’s play hide-and-seek.”


Anastasia and Matthew headed towards the more isolated mountain with the occasionally activated mines, muffling the sound of their footsteps. The bandits would surely be crawling all over the most likely paths down the mountains to Lambourne.

She was glad she insisted on comfortable boots because she hated high-heels. Otherwise, she would have to walk barefoot on the rocky trails.

They came across a particularly thick section of bushes, with the barest of openings for a person to squeeze through. Anastasia cursed. “I’m the only one who can squeeze through.”

The opening was too narrow for Matthew, a man, to enter.

She shook her head, “Let’s turn around and find another place.”

“My lady.”

She sighed. She understood what Matthew wanted, but Anastasia did not want to do that. She had already abandoned the escorting infantry soldiers and the civilians. She could not do that to Matthew, who had treated her well and taught her so much.

“Sir Matthew, it’s an order, so follow me.”

“I will follow you later. So….”

“Hey, I’ve found them!” A bandit appeared behind them. “Here!”

Matthew quickly pushed Anastasia through the opening.

“My lady, you must run away!”

“What? No!”

“Hurry up!”

“…” As she shook her head desperately, Matthew shouted sternly.

“Come on! How can Baron Kalinski live without you? It was all my fault for being overconfident. I’ll take responsibility for my mistakes, but you must survive!”

Anastasia bit her lip, well aware that there was nothing she could do..

“I will remember you.” The only thing Anastasia could do for him, in the end, was not to forget his sacrifice.

Anastasia squeezed through the bushes, and it seemed like a wood-and-leaves tunnel made by wild animals through the bushes. It went on for a very long distance, such that she completely lost track of her direction. She was relatively assured, though, that the bandits would not be able to follow her.

She emerged into a small clearing next to the mountain, panting hard from the effort of squeezing through the tunnel. She turned back to the tunnel when two hands suddenly grabbed her from behind, trapping her arms in their grasp. She gasped in shock, and twisted, trying to break free.

“Lady Kalinska, it’s me.”


The familiar voice gave her goosebumps. As Anastasia looked back and opened her mouth, the palm immediately covered her mouth.

“Shh, be quiet. You’ll give away our position.”

Anastasia looked back and saw a familiar face. His oily smirk was missing, and his eyes were entirely serious now, belying the gravity of their situation.

It was Pence Lamongue.
« Last Edit: 30 December 2023, 08:05:44 by The Wobbly Guy »


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 161
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #39 on: 30 December 2023, 05:40:32 »
That shifted rather adruptly.
Have I mist a chapter or so?

Still good, though.
Say, how old is the Clanner SI her new body, right now?

I can see her wanting some mech production capabilities, if only for creating spareparts, if nothing else.
Big name mechs are out.
Too bad that the New Dallas datacore is still atleast ten years away from this date.
Would make something like the Sarissa would make a good local product.
I also am wondering if the Phoenix if done as a Royal or Clan mech, would be able to carry more weapons, without it's problems, in terms of weight.
Now, the Omega Superheavy Mech is a bit out of reach, especially from a starter up, but it does show some interesting things.
Oversized Actuators, was the too weak actuator not the problem with TSM & MASC?
Hybrid Myomer, bet it's a fusion of TSM & MASC myomer bundels.
Larger myomer fiber bundels, would primitive myomer fiber bundels not do that from the get go?
Endo-steel frame, larger & bulkier, primitive larger & bulkier or more?

It seems to me that C3 could actually do with the Fury computer added to it, if only for the secondary datalink ability it gives, Nova CEWS[/url would be better, though even that one is ten to fiveteen years away, right now.

Now the Fury, production date is weird, 3064, factory vault with all the technical data found in 3068, still before the New Dallas find, but still...
Only thing I can think off, there.

Now back to current, her Valkyrie.
Was said to be a Wholesale copy of the Wasp LAM, but if so, where is the transformation gear?
Clearly the DC being the DC, in order to frustrate the FS, even during the time of the SLDF.
Yet, how much truth is there in it?
It does look like the Wasp, so can Wasp parts be used, if needed?
Because that could give her a wider source of spareparts, if needed in a pince.
Could even be handy with upgrading it.

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #40 on: 30 December 2023, 08:01:23 »
Oops! Looks like I made a mistake and missed a chapter! I've pushed the previous one down here and edited the previous post.

Twin Mountains, Altoona,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
Draconis March, Federated Commonwealth
21st March, 3061
1600 hrs

“I hope you remember me. We met at the drop-port. I’m Spencer Larouche.”


“I’m going to release you slowly. Don’t scream.”

She nodded. He slowly released his grip, enough for her to pull away. She spun around to face him.

“I’m impressed you managed to survive this far, my lady.”

She glared at him, not trusting her own voice for the moment.

“We need to get moving. I found a safe way down the mountain, and I have hidden a car down there, since the terrain up here is too rocky for it. I can get you away from the pirates.” He started to walk down a path.

Following, she managed to retort, “I am well aware of our situation, Captain Larouche. No need to explain it to me.”

“Interesting. You were pretty rude to me previously. So why the courtesy now?”

“Is that what you are concerned about right now? I was not aware you cared. From what I heard, you were only able to serve under Count Haynes because you didn’t care about formalities.”

The pretentious geniality on Pence’s face disappeared at Anastasia’s contemptuous words.

He frowned. “I am trying to save your life right now, so it would be wise for you to stay quiet.”

“I should thank Baron Haynes then? Wasn’t he the one who got both of us stuck in this mess?”

Pence’s cold eyes turned to Anastasia at the words. Anastasia was not afraid of him at all.

Anastasia smirked. “Didn’t you wonder why I didn’t ask you why you were here? Oh, maybe you are treating me like a fool again? No matter how I see it, this whole situation is the doing of Baron Haynes, so no wonder that I find his favourite ass-wiper here, doing his bidding.”

She had learned from Matthew, and pored over news articles pertaining to ‘Spencer Larouche’. She had a rough idea of how Pence Lamongue became Spencer Larouche, though obviously she still missed many pieces of the puzzle.

He was called the dog of House Haynes, but to be precise, he was Renard Haynes’ ass-wiper. The man who stuck to the heir and took on all kinds of dirty work to enjoy the wealth and glory promised by Baron Haynes.

His tone was cold. “I’ll be very careful of what I would say next if I were you, my lady.”

“You’re not even trying to deny it? Let me guess, you got the bandits to come here and kidnap me, with the gems thrown in as a bonus. They double-crossed you and decided to cut you off, so that they could ransom me off for a larger sum than what you promised them, or to extort you for more. In any case, they win.”

She smiled sardonically, “Am I correct? Such a hard time kidnapping just one girl. It seems your honour and competency are worth shit these days… ugh!”

Anastasia frowned as he clutched her neck and forced her up against a tree. Pence looked at her menacingly.

“I wasn’t aware that a mere noblewoman would know anything about honour. It’s not something that should be taken lightly.”

Anastasia gritted her teeth. She refused to be afraid of him, refused to be intimidated.

“So… is this… what you call honour? You enjoy it… don’t you? Killing somebody weaker than you… Come on… Finish me! Or did Renard told you… to leave my body intact?”

Her eyes glared at Pence.

Pence suddenly released her. She dropped to the ground, coughing. Her vision was blurred and tears flowed through her eyes due to her body’s natural reaction to being strangled.

“You trash bastard.” She very nearly said ‘trash-born’, but that would have been a dead giveaway.

When Anastasia finished coughing and regained her breath, Pence’s eyes suddenly grew cold again.

“Shut up before I decide to leave you to the bandits. We still have a long way to go.”

“Why should I follow you? You might just be bringing me back to Renard, and I can guess what he has in store for me.”

He sneered. “You’d rather take your chances with the bandits?”

At that moment, they both felt it. A very slight tremor through the ground.

They froze. They both knew what it was.

A mech.


“It looks like a Harvester. But no civilian equipment on its arms, and they put hands on it.” Easier to grab and smash, I guess. Anastasia thought. Smart of them.

They laid down on their stomachs on a ledge, taking turns to look through Pence’s monocular.

“It is a Harvester, heavily modified.” Pence confirmed. “They got it from some workshop in the Periphery specialising in converting industrial mechs into viable combat units.”

She cursed. As all-terrain units, mechs were effective in mountainous regions, with their sensors and ability to navigate over most obstacles. Even a modified industrialmech had huge advantages over most vehicles.

Pence continued, “That’s not the only mech they have. They also have three more, all real battlemechs instead of this piece of trash. They were their plan B in case their subterfuge failed. They’re not much, but without a mech, we have no chance. Better to find a hiding spot and hope the mechs don’t find us.”

She pointed, “Not really. Look at the cockpit.” She handed the monocular back to him.

The bandit mechwarrior was exiting his mech! Without his neurohelmet!

They looked at each other.

Moments later, they were barely metres away from where the mechwarrior was, puffing away happily on his vape.

“You distract him, I get to the mech.” Pence had told her, and she could not argue otherwise. Not when she did not even know if she had the right neurological profile for piloting a mech, and besides, Lady Anastasia Kalinska was supposed to be a pampered spoiled lady, how could she know how to pilot a mech at all?

They had debated over whether they should get rid of the mechwarrior first, but agreed their priority was to secure the mech. There were bandit infantry prowling the area, they had to move fast the moment they initiated their plan.

Anastasia stepped out into the mechwarrior’s view.

The bandit nearly choked on his e-cigarette upon seeing her, then fumbled for his pistol, “Stop right there!”

“I’m not going anywhere,” she said wryly, holding up her hands in a show of surrender.

She could see Pence already scrambling up the rope ladder of the mech. But something in her eye must have given them away, because the bandit mechwarrior spun around, his pistol already in motion.

“Hey, get off my mech!” He snapped off a few shots from his pistol, and she saw Pence tumble desperately into the cockpit.

With one swift motion, she drew the stiletto from her left forearm with her right hand, and stabbed it into the unsuspecting bandit’s neck from the back, killing him almost instantly. Blood gushed from the wound in his neck and splattered onto her.

The commotion drew the attention of some bandit infantry nearby, and they ran in their direction, aiming their weapons at her.

Anastasia threw herself onto the ground behind a rock as cover, and the Harvester started moving, its cockpit still slightly open. The rope ladder on the mech swung wildly as it walked with menace towards the bandit infantry, who started running in the other direction.

“Shit, they killed Yanis and took his mech!”

It did not take long for the bandit infantry to run away. Confident that the bandits would not be returning soon, Anastasia called out once the mech stopped chasing them, “Captain Larouche, get over here so I can climb up into the cockpit!”

There was no reply, and the Harvester remained still.

Maybe he did not hear me? She jogged tiredly up to the Harvester. “You hear me now, Captain Larouche? I’m coming up!”

Still no reply nor reaction from the mech, standing silently.

Her blood ran cold. She clambered up the rope ladder, and managed to squeeze her way into the cockpit through the opening.

Pence Lamongue laid on the command chair, barely conscious, above a small puddle of blood slowly draining out on the floor of the cockpit. There was a bleeding hole in the side of his chest at the ribcage, where one of the bullets had punched in. It was obvious he did not even have time nor strength to put on the neurohelmet, which laid ironically on top of the small compartment with the medical kit.

Anastasia cursed. She thought about just tossing his body out of the cockpit and leaving him to die, but she doubted she had the strength to do so. Furthermore…

If he was to die, it would be at her hands, in honourable battle. She would let him know her real identity and relish his dismay as she claimed his life. That would be her perfect revenge.

Not like this.

This was also why she had been so disappointed with herself when she thought briefly about manipulating Finn. It simply was not right.

Finally, if she just abandoned him to die, he would have been regarded as a hero, a mechwarrior who sacrificed himself to save a weak noblewoman. When he was anything but a hero, just a traitorous Burrock who had hoodwinked everybody.

That thought made her sick.

“I will keep you alive, so that I can kill you properly later.” Anastasia muttered quietly as she took out the medical kit. She checked it, and cursed when she saw there were no bandages, the bandits skimped on supplies. There was a bottle of just expired iodine and scissors though, plus some medical tape.

She took the scissors and used it to cut strips of cloth from her petticoat. It was made of white cotton, so it would help stop the bleeding. The garment was also still quite clean because it was an inner skirt, and the material was also perfect for encouraging the blood to clot and stop bleeding. It could be used as a bandage if it was long enough.

She took off Pence’s jacket and blood-soaked shirt. She looked around the cockpit and spied the small water tank at the back, along with a bottle. She used the bottle to collect some water and drank some water herself since she was thirsty.

She then poured the remaining water onto the makeshift bandages, soaking it and wiped the bullet entry wound clean. There were no tweezers in the medical kit to extract the bullet, and she dared not waste too much time on treating his injuries. Anyway, he probably would not die once the bleeding was stopped. She applied the iodine liberally to another cloth and wiped it again to disinfect the wound, not caring if he felt extreme pain from the effect of the antiseptic. She folded some of the cloth into a makeshift pad and placed it on the bullet wound, then wrapped the bandages around his body to secure the pad and stop the bleeding, fixing the whole assembly in place with liberal amounts of medical tape.

Then she felt Pence’s body twitch. Anastasia looked at Pence as he groaned in pain.

“How long have I been unconscious?” He asked.

“Not long. Maybe ten minutes? Fifteen at most.” The bandit infantry must have called in, the enemy mechs would be arriving soon. They had to start moving.

“I see.” He noticed the bandages around his torso. “These don’t seem like normal bandages.” He glanced down, and he grimaced when he realised the bandages were from Anastasia’s petticoat.

Anastasia said, “You’re in no shape to pilot a mech now.”

“And you know how to?” He coughed, then winced at the pain. “We’re going to die here.”

“Not if I can help it.” she snarled. “There’s a small foldout seat behind, you get on it. I’ll take the command seat.”

He glared at her weakly.

Anastasia narrowed her eyes. “I played some mechwarrior games before,” that was an outright lie, as a proper lady the original Anastasia had probably never played any of those games, and clan warriors did not need to play mere computer games when they trained using simulators or real mechs, “And I may not be as good as you, but I’m still going to be a better bet than somebody who might pass out from blood loss any moment! So just get off and let me take the con!”

He stumbled over to the small foldout seat, and she helped to strap him in. He seemed to lose focus though, and was unconscious again soon after. With his wounds settled, she did not have to worry about hygiene too much and quickly relieved herself with the foldout commode in the back.

After she sealed the cockpit canopy completely, Anastasia put on the old-style neurohelmet, making sure it was still connected to the NCCI and seated snugly against her head, ensuring physical contact with her scalp so the sensors could pick up her brain activity. She was grateful the mech was already running and she did not need to get past the security protocols, which would have been impossible.

She took one look at the cockpit setup, and was assured it was a fairly standard layout, familiar to any mechwarrior. The bandits had outfitted the Harvester with a standard battlemech cockpit, instead of just retrofitting an advanced fire control system over the civilian systems.

She twisted a knob on the console to open the feedback test circuit, and winced a bit with the wash of vertigo as circuits tuned to unfamiliar brainwave patterns fed dissonant patterns back to her brain. She adjusted the vernier knobs that controlled the helmet's tuning, working them back and forth as the dizziness ebbed. Out-of-step traceries on an oscilloscope display on the neurohelmet HUD screen resolved into a single standing wave.

The neurohelmet was now set to her brainwave patterns, though she knew that it was only a very rough calibration, and she would likely suffer from nagging headaches for a few days after this. Besides, she did not even know if her brainwave patterns were suitable for mech piloting at all. Maybe the mech’s Diagnostic Interpretation Computer (DIC) might not even understand the signals from her brain centres, severely limiting the manoeuvring options available to the mech.

“Only one way to find out.” She grabbed the throttle with her left hand, and the main control stick with her right. Both feet on the pedals, between the straps so they could follow her feet along other axes for expanded movement options besides just turning. Again, she was glad she did not wear high heels, and her boots fit snugly into the pedal straps.

She thought about climbing down to take the dead bandit’s cooling vest, but decided not to. They needed to be off and away as soon as possible. A little bit of heat in the cool Altoona air should be manageable. She noted that the mech had very limited cooling, and she could not afford to keep it running at maximum speed while firing its weapons; the mech would overheat within minutes.

She also checked the mech’s armament. Only a single eighty-millimetre autocannon, with a partial load of ammunition for slightly more than two minutes of continuous firing, if she read the numbers correctly. It was her only ranged weapon. It would have to be good enough.

Anastasia pushed the throttle forward, and the Harvester started moving. She would have been more excited about finally piloting a mech again, if not for the dire circumstances.

She punched up a map of the area on the HUD, mentally gauging distances and the safest route back to Fort Lambourne.

Can’t do a direct line, it’d be too obvious. Would need to cross a river here… Rocky terrain there. It would have to do. With the throttle set, her left hand flipped a switch to activate the secondary control stick on her left, allowing her to control the left arm of the mech separately. She raised the left arm of the Harvester up to the cockpit level, and directed her thoughts towards manipulating its fingers.

The left hand of the mech formed a fist, but with the middle finger stuck out for the universal insult.

“Yes!” Anastasia exulted in glee. She would have preferred to do this in a proper controlled setting, but in any case, she was glad to have confirmation. The DIC was able to read her brainwaves, which meant that Anastasia’s body had the right neurological profile for mech piloting!

“Where… are we now?” Pence seemed to have woken up from the mech’s movement.

“On the way to Fort Lambourne. You can forget about taking me back to Baron Haynes.” She said with more confidence than she felt.

“Why didn’t you let me die?”


“If I were you, I would have left myself behind.”

Anastasia flinched, and her mind went blank for a moment. She focused her attention back on piloting the mech.

Pence continued. “You are very clever, my lady. Everything you told me earlier is true. Baron Haynes ordered me to kidnap you in secret and bring you back to Inman. What did you do to get on his bad side?”

“Kidnap me?” She scoffed, “He’s even more petty than I thought. But why are you telling me all this now? What’s with the sudden burst of honesty?”

“Well… because I think we’ll probably be dead soon. They have three other mechs. I don’t know how you managed to move the Harvester, but you will not be able to escape three battlemechs.”

She gritted her teeth. “Tell me.”

Thorn, Urbanmech, Hatchetman.” He listed. “Do you even know what these are, my lady, or how overmatched this Harvester is?”

She did not bother to reply. Of course she knew. One modified industrial mech with a measly autocannon versus three battlemechs? She was badly outclassed, outnumbered, and outmatched. But if she could get to Fort Lambourne… Craig Wurtz’s company of motorised infantry might not be able to stand up to mechs in an open field battle, but with the fixed defences of the Fort, they might have a chance.

The sensors display on her HUD flashed, enemy mech detected at two kilometres away.

The radar display showed its approximate location, right in her projected path northwards back to Fort Lambourne. The bandits could read maps too.

The comms crackled in her neurohelmet, “Give it up Larouche! You’re outnumbered and outgunned. Let us have the girl, return us the mech, and we’ll let you live.”

Oh, so they thought it was Pence piloting the mech? It was a reasonable assumption. She refused to respond, not wanting to give away anything, and focused on the enemy mech’s location.

It was moving slowly, so slowly it was the Urbanmech, or one of the other mechs trying to lure her into its interception radius.

She was not going to fall for that, but it was also likely they would have deployed their other mechs in a spread formation to catch her. She could only make her best guess and try to slip past them. Engaging with the autocannon was her last resort.

She angled the Harvester northwest to circle further around the enemy mech, praying hard she had guessed right. If the bandits were competent, they would have deployed their other two mechs to the west and east of the likely Urbanmech, and the Hatchetman and Thorn were definitely capable of chasing down the Harvester in this terrain.

Another mech popped up on the sensors, this time moving significantly faster, and closing in quickly. Anastasia gauged its speed on the radar display. Moving faster than sixty kph… it must be the Thorn.

There was no way she could outrun it, but all things considered, it was the most optimal target.

She angled even further west. She did not know how much armour the Harvester carried, but it was probably not enough to stand up against the firepower of a Thorn at close range, even if it was only a twenty ton light mech. Her best bet to take on the Thorn was to keep the range open and whittle it down with the autocannon.

The terrain was uneven even while it sloped downwards, with precipitous cliffs that could severely damage the Harvester’s legs if she was not careful and it fell off.

The Thorn was already in visual range. One kilometre away. Eight hundred metres.

She gripped the main control stick firmly, her right palm already starting to bleed a bit from the friction of controlling the stick. All mechwarriors developed calluses on their hands due to long hours holding their control sticks, but Anastasia’s body was not adapted to this. She thought about gloves for an instant, but dismissed the idea immediately because it would reduce her feel on the stick and also made her hands feel hotter in combat, a big no-no when many mechwarriors stripped down to the bare essentials in the cockpit due to the heat from weapons fire.

Six hundred metres. The Thorn was only a light mech, but she never felt it more menacing. If she had been in her Saber Knight, she would have chewed and spat out Thorns by the dozen.

A warning tone wailed, telling her the Thorn was trying to lock on her with its weapons systems. She gritted her teeth and rocked the Harvester from side to side, trying to shake off the target lock from the Thorn as it launched a flight of long range missiles.

The missiles blasted around the Harvester, shaking them up a bit, but none connected.

My turn, she thought as she twisted the Harvester’s torso to the right and shifted her targeting reticle over the Thorn. She caressed the trigger once the Thorn was within range of the autocannon, sending a steady stream of autocannon shells towards it, her hand trying to keep the reticle over the target even as the Harvester shook with the recoil of the autocannon.

The slugs exploded across the right leg of the Thorn, shaving off armour.

“Not bad,” commented Pence, but it was clear he was drifting in and out of consciousness.

The Thorn got a bit closer, but Anastasia worked the pedals furiously, moving her feet for finer control over the Harvester as it traversed the difficult terrain to keep the range open, her own brain feeding instructions to the DIC to maintain the mech’s balance even with the advanced footwork. She was pushing the Harvester at its maximum speed now, and coupled with the heat from firing the autocannon, the temperature in the cockpit rose noticeably.

The next several rounds of fire exchange had mixed results. She missed most of her shots, but one rolling burst connected with the Thorn’s left torso, leaving a set of craters across its armour, while it managed to slam a salvo of LRMs to the Harvester’s left arm, stripping off all the armour. The next shot would go internal on that limb. Thankfully, there was nothing important there. The really important components were the autocannon and the ammunition, all on the right arm.

Anastasia gritted her teeth and focused hard. For some reason, the Thorn was content to stay at a distance, content to shave away her armour instead of closing and utilising its superior firepower at close range.

It was the age old dilemma faced by many mechwarriors, maximise damage output or minimise damage taken? Obviously her opponent chose the latter.

Nevertheless, the Thorn was still working its way in, would get into medium laser range soon, and then she would be at a severe disadvantage. The Harvester was already slowing down with heat. If she continued to move it at its maximum speed while firing the autocannon, the heat buildup would soon start to degrade the mech’s myomer systems and affect its ability to target enemies.

Three hundred metres separated them now. She triggered off another rolling burst, and this time she got lucky, the rounds splattering against the right leg of the Thorn, even as it belched another salvo of missiles at her.

The light mech staggered with obvious actuator damage, but she had no time to revel in her minor victory because the flight of missiles slammed straight into the Harvester’s head. Anastasia hissed in pain as shards of shattered plexiglass flew through the cockpit, inflicting minor cuts on her despite her thick dress. Her face was thankfully spared with the neurohelmet and its thick visor.

A corner of her mind that sounded suspiciously like Luisa screamed at the condition of her expensive dress. Between the rough travel, the blood, the shrapnel, and the heat slowly frying her in the cockpit, it was going to be fit only for rags now.

She chanced a quick look at Pence. He was unconscious, and the shrapnel did not seem to have hit him.

The Thorn limped heavily, and she could see there was critical damage to the hip actuator, reducing its speed to slower than that of her Harvester.

Her own heat levels were rising, and she was now panting for breath in the sweltering cockpit, sweat pouring off her skin.

Time to finish this, she thought.

She circled the Harvester to the right of the Thorn, letting it close the range to two hundred metres. Laser blasts streaked through the air, barely missing her, followed by another flight of missiles that claimed all the armour from the Harvester’s right torso.

She took her time to place her shot, slowing the Harvester to a full stop, then gently pressed the trigger, her hand making minute corrections with the control stick. The long volley started tracking just short of the Thorn’s right foot, then traced up along the entire right leg in a series of explosions, blasting through the vulnerable myomer and internal structure already exposed with the loss of the protective armour.

The Thorn collapsed to the ground, the leg destroyed. It scrambled in the dirt, obviously trying to get up, but Anastasia had other ideas.

She backed the Harvester away, and marched off as quickly as she dared at an angle that avoided a free backshot from the Thorn. The Thorn was not the only enemy mech on the field, and the other two were surely closing in. The Harvester was also overheating, and she could not keep firing the autocannon. Better to run away and cool down.

Since she stopped firing, the mech’s limited heat exchanger system was able to vent the heat, bringing the cockpit temperature down to more bearable levels. She also opened up the canopy to allow in some cool air, and trusted the mech’s sensors to warn her of approaching enemy units.

Pence was still unconscious, knocked out by his blood loss. She could see the slight rise and fall of his chest, so he was still alive.

Then the Hatchetman appeared on their tail.

Anastasia cursed. She had not gotten as far away as she thought. The Hatchetman had jump jets, which allowed it to better navigate difficult ground by just jumping right over them, so it would only be a matter of time before it caught them. To make matters worse, any hit from its heavy autocannon would shred through the Harvester‘s paltry armour, while she was down to just a few more salvos from her autocannon.

She pushed the Harvester to its limit, the ground churning under its running legs as she sought to stay away from the Hatchetman. The distance closed little by little, the Hatchetman catching up on slopes and rough terrain because it could just jump right over them.

The mechwarrior in the Hatchetman called out over the open comms, “I’m going to catch you, Larouche, and I’m gonna make you pay!” It was a female voice.

Oh well, being a mechwarrior was an equal opportunity occupation, after all. So was banditry.

The Harvester finally hit the base of the Twin Mountains, and Anastasia could see the dirt road that her entourage had taken earlier in the day.

The Hatchetman was only seven hundred metres behind them, and closing steadily.

She ran the Harvester down the road, waiting for the range to tick down sufficiently that she could start firing at the Hatchetman. She relied on the compressed display on her neurohelmet HUD, which compressed the three-sixty view into just one-sixty degrees.

The distance tracker ticked down to five-fifty.

Anastasia twisted the Harvester’s torso to its right, and when she turned the targeting reticle further to the right, the one-sixty HUD view veered further even though she could not turn her head with the neurohelmet fixed on her shoulders. She placed the targeting reticle over the charging Hatchetman, and triggered a long burst from her autocannon. It passed over the Hatchetman's head.

She was very tired, the physical and mental exertions of the day catching up to her. Her next volley also missed wide, and her right hand on the control stick shook with exhaustion and strain, not helped by the blood from her lacerated fingers.

Preceded by the warning tone of a lock-on, the Hatchetman fired off a burst from its own autocannon at long range. Anastasia grimaced as the barrage tore through the Harvester's left leg, punching through the armour and almost taking it off in a single salvo. The mech stumbled, and she was just barely able to keep it standing.

Betty was certainly bitching now. "Critical hit, foot actuator. Critical hit…"

Her left hand flipped a switch to shut Betty up. The Harvester was down to a limping shuffle, an easy target.

She was almost out of ammunition for her autocannon. She managed to place several rounds right in the centre of the Hatchetman, but they barely slowed it down.

The Hatchetman's next shot missed, the barrage passing wide left of her mech.

Anastasia decided to go down fighting. She aimed the autocannon again, and triggered her last salvo. The ammunition counter ticked down to zero and she could hear the last shell clunking into the feed.

Then her ammunition was all gone, and she knew that she would only hear a mocking click if she pressed the weapons trigger. The last barrage missed cleanly despite her best efforts.

The Hatchetman was well within range of its autocannon now, and Anastasia weaved her Harvester desperately to throw off its aim, but hobbled by the actuator damage, it was a futile effort. The lock-on tone seemed to become even more insistent, as though telling her they were going to die soon.

She could see the Hatchetman’s autocannon line up, its barrel pointed straight at her. It fired, and the Harvester tumbled to the ground as its left leg was shattered by the autocannon fire. Anastasia rode out the fall gamely, angling the mech in such a way that the fall would be as gentle as possible, but the impact still flung her hard against the straps, and she knew she would have bruises along her shoulders if she survived. She could see Pence still strapped in the backseat, but he was awake now, a sardonic smile on his face.

It seemed he knew the game was up too.

She checked the sensors. The Hatchetman was closing in to finish them off. She was still lucky, they probably wanted to cripple the mech and capture them. They would probably hold her for ransom. Whether they would extend that courtesy to him was another matter.

Then the Hatchetman was suddenly engulfed in a series of explosions, tossed around like a ragdoll as it was almost swept off its feet by the sheer volume of fire concentrated on it.

“What…” Anastasia looked up and saw through her canopy window the unknown mech she had seen before with House Rason’s heraldry, its deadly array of autocannons glowing from sustained fire as it marched in from the west. A Dervish, a Javelin, and a Wasp followed behind, the Dervish obviously having contributed with its own long range missile racks, smoking from the discharge of its deadly missile load.

Finn Rason, her fiance, was here.


The reason why they could get so close was thanks to the Javelin’s ECM (it's the 11B variant. I noticed the AFFS seemed woefully short of recon designs with ECM/Beagle, maybe because vehicles would usually conduct them). And Finn’s Templar was in the ‘Tancred’ configuration - 2 RAC/5s tied to a targeting computer are NASTY.

Here are the stats for the Harvester.

The Wobbly Guy

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Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #41 on: 30 December 2023, 08:29:04 »
That shifted rather adruptly.
Have I mist a chapter or so?

Yup, my bad, fixed!

Still good, though.
Say, how old is the Clanner SI her new body, right now?

Anastasia Kalinska is just past 20 years old. Her B-day's in August. So Avryl gained about 7 years.

I can see her wanting some mech production capabilities, if only for creating spareparts, if nothing else.

Nah, mech production is out of the question, and I thought better of turning this into one of those fics.

The only place in the Trivet capable of even thinking about mech production is Delacambre with its higher tech base. But even there, there are issues. Remember they are only working up to fission engines, and Finn refused to fund them. Industrial mech production might actually be possible, but it'll require a massive infusion of skilled manpower and expertise that is simply not available at the moment. As a character who would be introduced about ten chapters later would say, it's hard when the natives can't even do the foundational mathematics.

Now back to current, her Valkyrie.
Was said to be a Wholesale copy of the Wasp LAM, but if so, where is the transformation gear?
Clearly the DC being the DC, in order to frustrate the FS, even during the time of the SLDF.
Yet, how much truth is there in it?
It does look like the Wasp, so can Wasp parts be used, if needed?
Because that could give her a wider source of spareparts, if needed in a pince.
Could even be handy with upgrading it.

Nah, it's just a bog-standard SW-era Valkyrie. The mech bay actually has many of the parts available, it's just that nobody bothered as the Kalinskis had given up on their martial identity. They are missing key members of a landhold: senior tech, weapons master (ref Time of War Companion pg 250).

Anastasia would seek to reverse that though, and her choice of Weapons Master would be a doozy, and actually required since her household would soon have substantial military capacity: the Valkyrie , Harvester, some APCs, plus the original company of motorised infantry.

Ana would also move up to a better mech only in the last Act when it's all guns blazing and the FCCW is in full swing.


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Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #42 on: 31 December 2023, 06:11:09 »
Nah, mech production is out of the question, and I thought better of turning this into one of those fics.

Pure mech, I get it.
Still, with Germanium & gem mining,I would have thought some effort for at least spareparts production, would been have invested in, if only to keep that familiy mech running.
Keep it in mind, I can see her wanting some local production, even if it's hand crafted.

The only place in the Trivet capable of even thinking about mech production is Delacambre with its higher tech base. But even there, there are issues. Remember they are only working up to fission engines, and Finn refused to fund them. Industrial mech production might actually be possible, but it'll require a massive infusion of skilled manpower and expertise that is simply not available at the moment. As a character who would be introduced about ten chapters later would say, it's hard when the natives can't even do the foundational mathematics.

That must be irritating, even if she had the money & connections, to start a local spareparts factory, of some sort, the needed skills ain't there, so even the no school, you do ghis to get that way, is out.
That would take time to fix, even Hanse Davion didn't manage that one.

Nah, it's just a bog-standard SW-era Valkyrie. The mech bay actually has many of the parts available, it's just that nobody bothered as the Kalinskis had given up on their martial identity. They are missing key members of a landhold: senior tech, weapons master (ref Time of War Companion pg 250).

Ana would also move up to a better mech only in the last Act when it's all guns blazing and the FCCW is in full swing.

Was saying that IF the Valkyrie WAS a internal Wasp copy and externally a Wasp LAM copy....
It might offer her a source of spareparts, that must be around quite a bit.
Figure this being the FS Outback, 50/50 on getting parts for a Valkyrie or Wasp.
At least it gives her better changes to keep her mech running, if that old Court Case was true, right?

I always find the Mercury & Dragoon, their modularity, interesting.
And now I think about it, the reason behind if, would make the Valkyrie, not a straight Wasp copy, right?
Still, such modularity must weight something, maybe not much per system, but over the whole mech???
0.5 a ton, I would expect, easily.
How many differen lasers will she collect, as part of her spareparts pile?
And will there be any interesting ones in them, that combined, give better cooling, longer range and more punch?
I know that besides fittings, not all the lasers where made the same, some had their own slight plusses.
But yeah, that would need a tech that knows what he is doing, at least.

As for her getting a new mech later on, near the end...
Part of why I brought up the Sarissa, you know.
If wanted, Primitive mechs could let you cheat, in regards to getting a Royal mech.
Just swap the primitive material for Royal or Clan materials, no calculation needed, just getting a stronger frame & thicker armor, then actually needed.
That it could be produced on lines not mend to produce mechs...
Now that's a bonus, right there.

There is also that I don't know how long you would want to let this story run, either.
The above, would easily take fiveteen years, if not twenty.
So yeah.

O right, the Liao created CW, still think he used his mother & sister to replace Katerine & Nondi, via operation double mkII, they acted waaay too nuts.
Two components poison exist, and Hanse Davion died on a suspected moment, I must say.
Add in that Katerine was a daddies girl, he would be the one that would have the most changes to detect if Katerine was Katerine. (Or why her Clan made child, needed Victor his DNA, that screams imposter, trying to claim the throne)
Then Melisa was killed, the only other person close enough, to be able to tell this fact.
Nondi, act the General, worse, look up her seventh daughter.
Way easier to replace her and get away with it.

Yeah, that really is a case, where you as writer, can jump many ways.
Victor Steiner Davion, almost had things alligned for the creation of the Federated Combinned Commenwealth.
Funny that, right?
I find that those canon writers, handeled that period, stupid.
They could have used the creation of the FCC, to create that CW and turn it into one with three parties, thus turning said civil war, that much more problematic.

That period is the start where things get weird, I feel, though fun in terms of tech potential.
Lots of weird happenings, which really brings out the tin foil hats & thoughts and that's canon timeline.
If it was 40k, I would get it, that hat, it might actually work.
At least beefing the actuator, on a 30 tonner, is easy, used use those from a heavier mech, thatshould allow TMS and/or MASC, speed is live on those light mechs.
On that, will she start to resink it to double or tripple sinks?
With that I mean Royal Freezers or Clan Freezers.
I do get, with it being the Outback, it might be more costly then the normal single sink.
And a cooling suit would probably be worth even more, even if it's not lostech anymore.
Heh, almost a shame she couldn't get some LAM gear, you know, but that would eat up the tonage(?), even if it would be fun to create a Valkyrie LAM.
On the other hand, producing LAM components, would give them some stuff to sell, even if it means hand crafted copies.
And since the last LAM factory is gone and that world in Clan hands..., who is going to complain?
It's mostly, straight up metal copy work, that should be possible, right?
SLDF neurohelmets would also be fun, but would a cooling suit maybe not be easier for her people to make?
Now that I think about it, that might actually be the better option to go for, in terms of future industry, cooling suits.
It's the one think her dress makers, plumbers and doctors, should be able to get.
Lets just hope it doesn't require the crystal stuff from a Freezer, in order to move the heat away and that it are just Myomer cooling tubes.
Mmm, yeah, that might also require a mech-tech as well.

Wait, how many of her people, even know how to read?
Because that would be the biggest problem, from the get go.
Still makes the cooling suit the one item that might be closest for her to produce, of all the high tech items, which is actually quite funny.
The tech still exist, in mechs & artificial limbs, maybe even some of the fancier dresses, their skirts and corsets as well.
If nothing else, look up the Space Suit and see if that might hold even a temporary solution or not.
In sunlight, it gets quite hot and in the dark of space, it gets quite cold, so it might offer a stopgap solution, if the helmet problem can be fixed.
The Asuncion Escape Suit proofs that the normal space suit has a temperature regulation system.
Same for the Hostile Enviroment Suit and thus raises the quistion of how far things have been backsliding all this time and if some of them are easier to get for a Backwater World, then a Cooling Suit.
Heck, even the Light Environment Suit might be a option, since you would be filling it with cool air from the pilot helmet support air supply system.
And I'm overthinking things, plus it's a Outback backwater world, so what options are even there?
Checks armory and finds a forgotten SLDF Tanker Uniform, joking, joking, I'm sure it's dust & garbage, considering those rusted rifles.
Might be easier to modify the Mech Seat to include that cooling jacket stuff as upholstery & seating material or going full head ejection cockpit and applying the weapons heat isolator option, to said cockpit, while also adding in a re-entry shield to this thing.
That should make cockpit heat easier to handle, even if the mech still needs better sinks.
But that mech is waaay to light, with it's 30 tons, to make that a easy to do option, something would have to give, like armor or weaponry and that's a no-no.

And everything is just now coming back into production, so no way a Outback Backwater that had quite a mismanagement happen to it, would ever have any of it.
Back to squire one, lol.
So how much of the old Myomer System of her Family Valkyrie, might she be able to re-use for other things?
Essay: Battlemech Technology Collecting Heat
:edit ends

But she is in the FS Outback, so canon CW happenings should not effect her, that much, right?
No, I don't think so, but the WoB tantrum caused by it, might, what with nuking Germanium deposits that are quite big.
O well, can only wait and see what you will do.
How much in the thick of things, she will end up being, for one.
Or how heavy her upgrade will be, for the other.

Anastasia would seek to reverse that though, and her choice of Weapons Master would be a doozy, and actually required since her household would soon have substantial military capacity: the Valkyrie , Harvester, some APCs, plus the original company of motorised infantry.
I don't get the Harvester, it would wreck what you are trying to harvest, if only because the tools needed for this, are so weird and out off place.
Plus the feets their location in the path you want to harvest, trampling everything.
Something like the Scorpion, looks way more in place as a harvesting mech, since you could use a tool arm on the front middle end, while having space for storing the harvest, in a big bucket on top.
It would make more sence, including it not needing a neuro-helmet and make it complementary to the Harvester Ant
Like a combine and a tractor, I guess.
O well, weirdness of Battletech, I guess.

Happy Newyear, folks.
« Last Edit: 01 January 2024, 08:21:10 by vianca »


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Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #43 on: 17 January 2024, 19:13:56 »
Looking forward to the next one.

The Wobbly Guy

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Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #44 on: 18 January 2024, 07:31:53 »
Twin Mountains, Altoona,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
Draconis March, Federated Commonwealth
21st March, 3061
2000 hrs

“Stand down or die, bandit.” Finn said over the open comms. “If you surrender now, we might still let you live.” It would probably be a life of breaking rocks on Delacambre or Altoona, but Anastasia had no sympathy for them, not after what they did.

The Hatchetman did not get up, but it did power down, its mechwarrior crawling out of the cockpit, her hands up.

A group of infantry on bikes rode up and took her prisoner. Anastasia was surprised to see Captain Craig Wurtz leading them in his command jeep.

She disengaged the straps holding her in the command seat and took off the neurohelmet, sighing in relief from not having the neurohelmet's heavy weight resting on her shoulders.

Then she opened the cockpit canopy and crawled out. She could hear Pence doing the same, groaning from the pain of his injuries. Thankfully, the Harvester had fallen in such a way that it was easy for them to get out, and Pence should be grateful he did not need to climb down a ladder in his condition.

After getting out from the cockpit, she raised herself tiredly to her feet, absent-mindedly brushing off the dirt from the skirt of her tattered dress, and stared up at Finn’s mech. The cockpit opened up, and he quickly slid down the chain ladder, clad in his cooling vest. He wore his usual grumpy expression.

Nevertheless, Anastasia looked at him intently.

His eyes were also directed straight at her.

“Ah…” She suddenly did not know what to say, and she felt more curious than relieved. Wasn’t he supposed to be on Inman? What was he doing here? Did he come to Altoona specifically to save her?

“Viscount Rason, it has been a while.” greeted Pence with a grunt of pain. She saw Finn’s eyes narrow with suspicion and loathing. It seemed she was not the only one who hated Pence. And if Finn hated Pence, then maybe…

Her tired mind just could not finish that thought.

Finn gestured to several of her household infantry. “Assist Captain Larouche.” Several men came up with a stretcher, and Pence literally collapsed on it, while a medic talked to him. They would probably start on removing the bullet once they reached the clinic at Lambourne.

He walked up to her and gave her a quick once over. Anastasia stood blankly under his gaze, tired and still mentally adjusting.

“You have a scar on your face.” One finger caressed her cheek. She had a strange feeling. Finn Rason seemed to be worried about her. “You had a hard time in the mountains.”

“…yes.” That simple response got her mind working just a bit again. “How are you here? Not that I’m complaining…” Somehow, his right hand had caught her left hand in a firm grip. The warmth of his hand made her feel strangely relieved.

What did I just feel? Relief? I felt relieved holding his hand? What is wrong with me? She wanted to slap herself awake. She tried to pull her hand away from him, but Finn tightened his grip. She wanted to protest, to say more, but he started walking, and she just followed him, her mind just not working at the moment.

Her legs hurt, and despite the sunlight she shivered a bit. After the intense heat from combat, the cool Altoona air was a shock to her already exhausted body. Finn seemed to know this, and covered her shoulders with a blanket he produced out of nowhere.

The observing soldiers from the Kalinski household rolled their eyes and exchanged glances. As they guessed from his sudden visit to Altoona, Viscount Rason seemed to be in love with the beautiful heiress. The two of them together looked absolutely picturesque, the decorated soldier and his fiancee.

Captain Wurtz walked up to them and saluted Finn smartly before bowing to her.

“I’m so glad you’re safe my lady.”

Anastasia nodded and asked grimly. “Did you find Sir Matthew’s body?”

He smiled gently, “Sir Matthew is still alive. We found him when we went to the meeting place first, then the other mountain, before we headed here. Viscount Rason’s lance only just got here in time.”

“Really?” Anastasia’s pale face smiled brightly. She laid her hand on her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. “Is he seriously hurt? He must have been attacked?”

“Although he was shot, they said he will make a complete recovery with proper care and treatment.”

“I am really relieved.” Somehow that made her body release all the built up tension, and she slumped a bit, causing the blanket to slide off. “What about the other men?”

Craig’s face was grim. “There were few survivors from the ambush. We’ll round up the bandits, and they’ll work the rest of their lives to pay off the families of the dead.” He chanced a look at Finn. “The mechs alone should fetch a good price.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” She seemed to realise belatedly that the blanket had slipped off and Finn had crouched down to pick it up. “Are you alright?” She asked when he did not rise immediately.

“I’m fine.” Finn straightened up and placed the blanket back on her, “Enough of this. You should rest your feet. You can’t even walk properly right now.”

Anastasia frowned back. “It’s strange.”

“What’s strange?”

Anastasia said, “You talk as if you’re worried about me. So you do care about me?”

Craig had moved off to one side, but close enough so that he could receive orders from Finn if necessary, so he could not help but overhear their argument, which frankly baffled him.

How could he not worry! Why else would he activate the Inman QRF units, including the jumpship,  and come to Altoona for her, if not for concern?

“You can take it that way if you wish.” Finn’s answer was surprisingly ambiguous.

Craig suppressed a sigh, being a happily married man with significant experience in relationships. Can take it that way if you wish? Are these two even communicating properly? If it’s right to worry, shouldn’t you say it’s right?

“If you can’t walk, tell me.”

“Why? Are you going to carry me?”


Craig could not tolerate the underlying tension anymore, and moved away to quickly check on the transport for the lady. If the Viscount needed him, he would call for him. Otherwise, Lady Kalinska’s safety was assured with the Viscount.

Meanwhile, Anastasia was determined not to admit that she was so tired she could barely walk, even if she had to crawl on all fours. But as soon as she took one step, she almost tripped over the uneven ground. If not for Finn’s hand supporting her, she would have fallen over.

Then Craig approached them. “The car is ready.”

She quickly replied. “A car? No, better for Captain Larouche to take it. He is wounded, after all, and he saved my life.” She would make certain Pence would not die here. She would make sure he recovered, then kill him herself.

With his injuries, the car was the most suitable for him to lie down in. But that also meant there would not be any space for her in the car, not with a medic to monitor him in the shotgun seat, along with a driver. More importantly, there were etiquette considerations.

“But the car was prepared for you, my lady.”

“If Captain Larouche is in the car, then I can’t take it.” As for why, she did not say, since it should be obvious to these etiquette obsessed Spheroids.

Craig blinked, clearly understanding the issue. “Then how will you get back to Lambourne, my lady? You’re too tired to even drive anything, and we don’t have any other vehicle for you.”

She looked at Finn, “I thought I can ride in your mech?”


“Then what else am I going to ride?”

At those words, Finn’s eyes widened. Then he made a perplexed face. Confusion pervaded the air.

Craig felt like banging his head hard on a nearby tree at the obliviousness of the couple, but he could only grimace and look on quietly.

Anastasia was dumbfounded. When she decided Pence should take the car, she had already intended to ride Finn’s mech. And maybe find out what design it was. Since it was also obvious that she could not ride alone, and for etiquette purposes, she could not ride the car with another man over her fiancé. She thought Finn was stupid. As usual.

“Oh.” Finn looked chagrined.

She guessed he really didn’t think of that. Anastasia shook her head, inwardly cursing his stupidity.

Finn sighed, then led her over to the chain ladder on his mech. She was so tired that he needed to push up with his shoulder against her butt to support her ascent up the ladder. It was not very dignified, but they had no choice. As it was, his mech was already kneeling, so the distance she needed to climb was shorter.

In the roomy cockpit, he strapped her into the back seat, which was also significantly larger and more comfortable than the one in the Harvester, since it was clear his mech was an assault class, with space to spare.

“I’ll be moving off soon.” He put on his neurohelmet, a newer model based on Star League technology, more compact and enabling him to turn his head instead of the older coffin-like models.

Anastasia nodded her head.

“Why didn’t you take the car?” He asked as he got his Templar to its feet and started it on the journey to Lambourne. He didn’t like her to be in the same car with Spencer Larouche, but it really would have been more comfortable.

“I’m fine with this,” she insisted.

“If you find it too uncomfortable at any point, I’ll put you in the car.”

Anastasia nodded weakly. Finn thought of pushing the Templar at its fastest speed to Lambourne, but he thought it would also be very uncomfortable for her, so he kept the speed of the mech at a steady forty klicks per hour.

He thought about the events that had led to this.

Getting the QRF lance and their Leopard dropship Jurano ready had taken some time, but the transit to the Blocky Road and the jump to Red Eagle’s stable L1 pirate point had proceeded smoothly, exactly as they had drilled for it. The burn for Altoona in the Jurano had taken another six hours at a faster burn than usual, and he had alerted the Kalinski garrison the moment they jumped in-system, which was how they managed to find the Kalinski household stewart Sir Matthew, but with explicit orders not to engage the bandits.

Motorised infantry against mechs would have been an outright slaughter.

Instead, Captain Wurtz’s infantry carefully shadowed the enemy forces and fed the data to his lance. His Javelin, a 11B recon model, provided ECM cover for his lance while they charged at the unsuspecting pirates, taking out the Hatchetman when it was focused on the Harvester. If he had been a fraction slower…

He did not want to think about that.

Speaking of her survival…

The infantry squad guarding her was killed, but she managed to escape into the mountains. Somehow, she even managed to hijack a mech and took down a Thorn with it! It could not have been Pence, not with the wound in his torso and his condition when they were found.

Combined with her taking down the other Harvester that day during the protests, he wondered if it was mere coincidence, or perhaps she really knew what she was doing.

He chanced a glance back at her. She raised her chin defiantly, tilted her head back, and looked at him squarely, every inch a Trivet noblewoman. Although her dress was in a mess, her face and her eyes seemed to sparkle.

He felt strangely itchy. Something was tickling deep inside him. He had never felt this way for other women before. He wondered if a relationship between a man and a woman was really that simple. Meeting and parting by necessity and desire.

He had never paid much attention to his own feelings about relationships, treating these matters as mundane and a waste of time. The only thing that he felt was a little exciting was the sexual tension he sometimes felt with women.

But this feeling towards Anastasia Kalinska… It wasn’t just sexual. There were other feelings mixed in. Admiration for how she managed to survive? Amusement at her brazenness and gumption? He was unfamiliar with these feelings. But he frowned at a sudden thought.

She might not feel the same way. For some reason, this made his heart ache a bit.

“There was one more mech.” She said after a while.

“I know. My other mechs are chasing it down now. Your troops are providing rear security and sweeping the areas for more bandits.” From the comms in his neurohelmet, the rest of his lance were already engaging the Urbanmech, and after that, the plan was for them to march on the bandits’ Manatee dropship and force them to surrender. However, there was a high chance the Manatee would just lift off and flee to the Scout jumpship at the nadir jump point.

“I see.” Anastasia blinked her eyes slowly. Fatigue clung to her eyes. She wondered idly what the mechwarrior in the Urbanmech was feeling, now that the tables were well and truly turned.

“You don’t have to worry.” Finn said flatly. Her eyebrows frowned at the word ‘worried’.

“Did you think I was worried?” A smile crept across Anastasia’s red lips.

“What do you mean?”

“Now that you are here, why should I be worried?” He felt she was teasing him again. “This is an assault mech and you’re a good mechwarrior, right?”

Finn gave her an incredulous look. What stood in her eyes was solid confidence and trust.

Finn thought Anastasia didn’t like him very much. Perhaps the feeling was even mutual. Nevertheless, despite her feelings, she believed in him. It felt better than ten words of praise.

Although Finn was confident in his skills and abilities, his weird fiancée’s belief in him somehow made him feel even taller.

“I suppose so.” Finn tried not to raise the corners of his mouth and answered, pretending to be calm. Who is this lady? Why does she only do what she wants or say what she likes?

Their many arguments had long since faded from Finn’s mind. Even her straightforward manner of speech had somehow become normal to him.

Barely five minutes later, she had fallen asleep, lulled by the steady movement of his mech as it travelled to Lambourne.

Fort Lambourne,
24th March, 3061
0600 hrs

Completely exhausted, Anastasia slept for three days straight. The maids changed and cleaned her on her bed while she was asleep. Some of them cried at the state of their beloved mistress and the danger she had been in.

She woke up in a semi-conscious state a few times, mainly to relieve herself, or to drink soup spooned into her mouth by her maids, and she was somewhat aware that Finn visited a few times, but she could not remember what he said or did.

She was now finally rested enough that she knew she had to start discharging her duties as mistress of Fort Lambourne, especially since Matthew was still recovering.

Anastasia chose the dark green dress she had borrowed from her mother before. Rather than dressing up with colourful hairpins, her hair was braided and tied down with a ribbon to match the colour of her dress.

Looking in the mirror, she could see a slimmer face compared to a few days before.

I need to put on more weight. If she was to improve her physical strength and stamina, she would need to eat more. The battle of a few days ago had pushed her to her limits, but she also felt mentally stronger for the experience, not least because she proved to herself that she was still a mechwarrior. The slight headache from the hastily adjusted neurohelmet was another reminder of the experience, that it was not just a dream.

Looking in the mirror, she did not feel strange about seeing Anastasia’s face anymore. Perhaps she was getting used to it?

She turned to Luisa, who was attending to her. The young maid seemed determined to fulfil all her requests and orders.

“How is Viscount Rason? Is he still here?”

“Oh, he was travelling all over for the past few days to inspect the various household garrisons, but he always made sure to come back here to Fort Lambourne and check in on you.” Luisa sounded so excited about it that Anastasia thought she would squeal with joy if she could.

“Where is he now?”

“He’s in the dining room.”

Anastasia nodded. “What about Captain Larouche?”

“He’s in a room in the corner of the fort.” The maid looked hesitant to say anything more.

“If he dies here, it’ll be my fault, right?”

The maid was shocked, “What are you talking about?”

“Nothing.” Anastasia thought of Finn in the dining room, and decided to head there. It was time she started handling the situation in the fort instead of leaving it to outsiders.

When she entered the dining room, Finn was already seated and having his breakfast.

Anastasia sat at the end of the table, in the hostess’s seat.

Finn stood up politely as Anastasia entered, only sitting down after she was seated. She picked up a fork, and eyed the sausages and egg on her plate speculatively.

“Good morning, my lady. I hope you have rested well. It’s been three days since you were up and about.” He greeted her.

“Yes, I have. Thank you for your concern. Also thanks to you, it’s only three days and not forever.” She replied, already a bit annoyed with the usual vacant pleasantries when there were more crucial matters to attend to.

He smirked, raising a piece of food to his mouth.  “That’s right.”

“Where is Captain Larouche?”

Finn’s eyebrows furrowed slightly. “Oh, he’s recuperating in his room. I’ve placed him under confinement.”

Anastasia raised an eyebrow.

“Really? Why?” Not that she really minded. If it was solely up to her, she would have placed Pence in a prison cell instead of a cushy room, and thrown away the key. But the political ramifications… Maybe her time as Anastasia was really changing her. And besides, she admitted to herself that without him she would not be able to hijack the Harvester.

“It’s suspicious. Captain Larouche came here without a clear reason, and your life was endangered.”

Finn’s guess was not wrong. Even the confinement was justified.

“His injuries?”

“A doctor already removed the bullet, so he should be fine.” Finn said dismissively. “He’s a tough bastard, he won’t die so easily.”

She found herself nodding in agreement. “He did save my life. I will see him after breakfast.”

Finn placed his fork on the table, and clenched his fist. “No. You cannot see him.”

The atmosphere had suddenly turned tense. The butler started to sweat when he noticed that Anastasia and Finn were quarrelling again.

“Why can’t I see a person who is staying here?”

“You should understand that his confinement was to ensure your safety.”

“I don’t think I ever told you to put him in confinement.”

The maids and butler looked at each other, sensing the deteriorating mood. The butler gave a tilt of his head as a signal, and the maids quickly left the dining hall. The butler went out last, saying to call him if they needed something.

“If he hadn’t saved your life, I would have put him in a prison cell rather than just confinement in a room.”

He wasn’t exactly wrong, but who put him in charge? Worse yet, it might undermine her authority and disrupt the organisational hierarchy of the Kalinski household. And if they ever got married… would he usurp her authority over the Kalinski demesne completely? Stravag, she was starting to think like an Inner Sphere aristocrat!

“What gave you the right to do that? I never gave you permission to make decisions and act on your own like this!”

Finn did not reply immediately, but his head was down and his voice sounded contemplative. “You were unconscious. Sir Matthew was severely injured. There was nobody else to take charge, so I made the best decisions I thought necessary. And now you’re asking me who gave me the right?”

Anastasia could feel his tone was filled with disappointment, but she could not figure out whether it was directed at her, himself, or the situation in general. It flustered her, since it was the first time she had seen Finn this way.

When she was Avryl, she had always thought Finn was a jerk, and when she was Anastasia, he was still a jerk. But she never thought he could get into such a mood. She had been too harsh on him. In any case, Finn did rush from Inman to save her, so she should be grateful.

“That… It’s not that I’m not grateful, I really appreciate everything you did for me.” Anastasia’s tone softened again.

However, Finn’s expression did not change. “You must really want to please Baron Haynes, right?”

“What?” Anastasia was stunned by his sudden assertion that appeared out of nowhere. What did Baron Haynes had to do with the current situation?

“You must’ve known who Larouche answers to, yet you are still defending him. Isn’t it obvious?”

“That’s not it, I….”

“If you want to fake your feelings, you should be more thorough. This is the second time that you’ve fooled me.”

“No, I…” Anastasia wanted to speak her piece, but Finn did not seem ready to let her interject. Her anger started to rise again. Finn, you idiot! Give people a chance to speak and explain themselves before you make a judgement!

“You probably don’t know that Renard Haynes planned it, right? Don’t you know why Larouche is here? It’s something Renard planned.” Finn’s eyes turned to Anastasia’s face. Her lack of surprise was telling. “You already knew it, but you don’t seem to have a problem with it.”

If it had just been a false alarm, Finn could have played it off as just a drill and used the opportunity to inspect Altoona’s defences. But he did save her, and despite her thanks, she didn’t seem grateful enough, and even let that trash-born bastard take the car he had specifically prepared for her. Then in the aftermath, he had to settle matters at the fort because most of the people who could make decisions were incapacitated or recovering.

In the face of Anastasia’s displeasure, Finn wondered if he did the right thing. He was already being nice to Larouche by not dumping him in the brig. But for Anastasia to be defending that bastard… he just couldn’t stand it. He should have known that Anastasia couldn’t forget Renard or give up her love.

Anastasia rolled her eyes and barely opened her mouth, about to protest, “No, that….”

“I want you to know that I am not a substitute for Baron Haynes, my lady.”

Anastasia blinked, digesting what he had just said. Substitute for Renard? Seriously? All her gratitude disappeared, drowned by anger she could not hold back any longer. She shouted, “Are you out of your mind? Do you think I’m some sort of a lovesick fool?”

Finn leaned back in his chair, startled by her outburst. Her reply threw him into confusion again.

She continued to rant, “I thought I already made myself perfectly clear!” She stomped around the table, completely unladylike. “I do not have any feelings towards him!” She poked him in the chest with a finger. “Have you forgotten already?”

He clenched a fist, “Then why did you go berserk in the Haynes manor guest lounge the other day? Isn’t it because of the crown prince?”

“Huh.” So that was it. She was beginning to understand what stupid Finn was thinking. She paused, trying to gather her thoughts and explain it in such a way that even a dense idiot like him could accept.

“Let me ask you. What does that have anything to do with Renard?”


“Maybe something on the holovid angered me? Maybe I really went crazy? There could be many other reasons for what I did. Why does it have to be related to that ******?”

Finn was left speechless, staring blankly at her. “It really wasn’t because you still had lingering feelings for him?”

Her expression was adamant.

“Then why did you do it?”

She sighed. “It’s personal.” She said with a frown. “I know I did a lot of stupid things, but why do you keep bringing him into all this? It should not be that important, so why do you care so much?”

“Tha-that’s… well, because I’m your fiance, of course I care.” He suddenly felt very hesitant. “I mean… shouldn’t I?” He trailed off anxiously.

“Fine, you are right.” She flounced back to her seat, and sat down in a single smooth motion. “Now that we have cleared up this misunderstanding, let us finish our meal.”

It did not take them long. He noticed she made a conscious effort to eat more, which was very different from the other young ladies of the Trivet, who were always careful with their waistlines and watched their calories intake religiously.

“Where is Captain Larouche staying?”

Finn did not want to answer, but the glare she shot him made him say, “East wing, second room of the third floor.”

“Thanks.” She stood up.

Finn found himself standing up to block her path. “Why are you going to see him? Do you really have to?”

“I told you already. He got injured while trying to save me.” Her glare was in full force now, forcing him into glum silence. She stepped around him lightly with a smoothness to her movements he had never seen before.

She opened the door and stepped through. “Satisfied? Now you know exactly why I am going to see him.” The door closed with a bang.

Finn slumped against the wall, suddenly questioning himself. What is this feeling? What did Raymond say about one of the characters from his books? A pathetic guy who couldn’t trust his lover, and always doubted her? Am I turning into THAT pathetic guy?

The thought made him shudder. He always thought he was a rational thinker, but Anastasia was making him doubt his self-assessment. And when she admitted he was right to be concerned about her…

For some reason, it made him very happy.

These conflicting feelings plagued him for the rest of the day.

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #45 on: 22 January 2024, 09:40:12 »
Fort Lambourne,,Altoona,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
24th March, 3061
0700 hrs

When Anastasia went to see Pence, he was doing what he always did when he was bored - cleaning his weapons. His set of throwing knives were on the table, neatly laid out on a piece of cloth, while he wiped them one after the other with another cloth. His laser pistol was still in a holster on another table.

She noted with disgust it was the same laser pistol he had used to kill her back on Garstedt. And the throwing knives were apparently isorla from bandits he had killed years ago, and he kept them ever since. They were obsidian black, and so well crafted they could be pieces of art. She could understand why he wanted to keep them.

He raised his head when she entered his room. Their eyes met, and she could only feel disgust and anger for what he had done and become.

“Greetings, my lady.”

Her voice was cold as she said, “I came by to check the state of your injury.”

He gave her that oily smirk she hated so much, and shrugged, “It still hurts a bit, but I can move about now. It wasn’t a serious wound.”

Pence put down the knife he was polishing, “I hoped you would drop by sooner. It was really boring to be locked up like this.”

“I just woke up.”

“I see. Since you’re here, that must mean you’ve fully recovered.”

“It seems you wanted to see me.”

“Yes, in fact I do. I was very impressed with how you handled the Harvester. Where did you learn to pilot a mech like that?”

She had been anticipating this question since she woke up, so it was easy to lie outright. “My fiance is a mechwarrior, and I played some mechwarrior games when I was a child. Recently, I watched holovids on how they operate, so I could understand his profession better. It just came in handy that day.” She shrugged in the end, playing it off as mere coincidence.

His eyes narrowed. She knew it was an entirely plausible explanation, but it was also full of holes that could be easily pried apart.

“I’m just a little curious. You managed to survive all that. I’m impressed.” His expression turned serious, “But I still need an explanation for Baron Haynes.”

She snarled, “That is your problem. You collaborated with bandits to kidnap me, and now you want me to help you get out of trouble with Renard?” She laughed mockingly. “Do you take me for a fool?”

He glared at her.

Anastasia continued. “What did he promise you for your loyalty? Is it worth serving such a man capable of planning these crimes?” It was all rhetorical, of course. If Pence could shoot her in the back, then he was capable of a lot of things. “Where’s your honour as a warrior?”

Her questions were meant to ferret out the reasons for his actions. She needed a better understanding of his motives.

Pence shook his head. “You keep saying a lot of funny things, Lady Kalinska. Honour here, honour there, honour for honour’s sake, with a side of honour, in your honour.” He laughed scornfully, “There are few things more foolish than this stupid concept of ‘honour’.” He spat the word out like a curse.


“Oh yeah, it sounds noble and good, but in the end, it’s just an easy way to get warriors to commit their lives to a cause, living as tools and dying like fools for their betters.” He had the gall to actually smile at her. “I’m not going to live like that.”

Anastasia could not reply, shocked by his easy dismissal of the concept of honour. As clan warriors, was it not supposed to be ingrained into their very hearts and souls? To turn his back on it with such ease…

She wanted to shout into his face. Where was the honour you were raised with, where did it go? Would the Founders be proud of what you have become? Was it worth abandoning the bloodname you fought so hard to earn? For money and wealth?

Anastasia had a chilling realisation. Pence Lamongue’s bloodline was already assured, in the possession of the Star Adders, and there might already be decanted sibkos from his genetic legacy. And it wasn’t as if she could just send a HPG to the Star Adders, inform them of his perfidy, and get them to wipe out his progeny.

Most importantly, they were innocent of his crimes.

If nothing else, her time in the Inner Sphere, as both Avryl and Anastasia, had taught her that.

The Star Adders had absorbed the Burrocks for their collusion with the Dark Caste, and the fact he seemed to have liaised so easily with the bandits who infiltrated Altoona…

He must have been one of the Burrock collaborators. And the Watch missed it entirely!

Her gaze sharpened, and she retorted, “Well, you’re still Renard’s tool, so it’s not like you are in a better position. Was it worth giving up whatever you had been? Or maybe you were always a slimeball anyway.”

She knew she was finally seeing the real Pence Lamongue. When she was his superior officer, she knew he presented a facade to the world, and tolerated it for the sake of the clan, but even she did not realise how thoroughly he had fooled everybody.

He returned her glare. “You think you, a spoiled pampered lady who never had to fight for anything in her life, have any grounds to lecture me? Oh wait. You did fight for something, Renard's love. And how did that turn out?" He sneered at her, thinking his barb had sting to it.

If he intended to incite her anger with that barb, it failed.

She replied breezily, "Renard? What makes you think I care about that ****** anymore?”

Without waiting for a reply, she continued, “Since you saved my life,” in a way, he did, “I will release you from your confinement, so I hope this will alleviate your boredom. However, I would like to avoid seeing your face as much as possible. And I suggest you had better be on the next jump back to Inman.”

Anastasia turned her back on him and walked out of the room.


Having heard that Pence was free from his confinement, Finn decided he should avoid the former clanner and headed to the training ground with some of his soldiers to get in some PT time.

To his surprise, he saw Anastasia in a tracksuit and pants, already panting as she ran hard for about fifty metres, then stopped to walk slowly to recover her breath.

He walked up beside her. “What are you doing?” What she was doing didn’t seem very effective.

“I’m doing physical training.” She gasped for air. “It should be obvious even to you!”

“Oh.” He thought about what to say. “That’s an admirable pursuit. But why do this in the first place? Do you find your soldiers unreliable?”

When she just glared at him and did not answer, he continued obliviously, “It’s true they failed to protect you once already, so I understand why you might doubt their abilities… considering that, it’s a good idea for you to learn to defend yourself.”

He said, “When your stamina is good enough, how about I teach you how to pilot a mech for real, instead of whatever you were doing the other day? You seem to have a knack for it.”

He managed to get a short verbal report from Spencer Larouche on their escape attempt, as well as a longer report from Eric from the recovered BattleROMs. He knew it was an incredible feat for her to score a mobility kill on the Thorn for her very first time in a mech, even if it was largely beginner’s luck. Maybe he could impress her with his skills, and by teaching her, they could also spend more time together…

She suddenly blew up at him, “Yes, oh great Viscount Rason! You’re a high and mighty mechwarrior and you can teach others too! Good for you!” Her eyes blazed with anger.

“Uh, Lady Kalinska…”

“Stop talking to me!” She shouted at him as she broke into a jog again, this time away from the training ground.

“Where are you going?” He called out after her.

“Anywhere! As long as I don’t have to see your stupid face!”

Finn stared at her back, wondering what he had done wrong this time.

He saw the Kalinski household troops observing their exchange with interest, though they quickly looked away to focus on their own training the moment he glared at them. He noted the condition of their body armour and rifles, which seemed a bit better than the ones he had inspected over the past few days at other household garrisons.

Feeling rather embarrassed, Finn frowned. “What did I do wrong?”

“My lord, I don’t know either,”  replied Eric, who stood slightly behind him.

Why did she suddenly get so angry when he tried to show some concern for her? Finn’s mood darkened.

“Is she upset because I offered to teach her how to pilot a mech?”

Eric shrugged, “I don’t think so. After all, Lady Kalinska isn’t a mechwarrior.” His aide paused, then said, “Maybe you can try showing her that you’ll be a supportive fiance?”

Bereft of ideas for the time being, Finn took  a closer look at the Kalinski troops. Much of their equipment seemed to be new, or at least in good condition. He suppressed an internal sigh at the condition of the equipment of most of the Altoona household garrisons he had inspected. Many of them trained hard, but with little in the way of material support from their feudal lords, there was only so much they could do.

Maybe the recent bandit attack would provide them with some impetus to put a bit more money into their garrisons.

He walked towards a pair of soldiers who were slumped against a wall taking a break after the drills in their body armour.

When they saw him, they quickly stood to attention, saluting him. “My lord!”

He nodded. “Your equipment is pretty good. The Baron must have spent quite a bit to make sure you were properly outfitted.”

One of them said proudly, “Actually, it’s all thanks to Lady Kalinska! She sold her dresses and stuff to buy us new equip… mmmhhh!” His buddy clamped a hand over his mouth, muttered a quick apology to Finn, and dragged his friend away.

Finn blinked, considering what he just learned. He never knew Anastasia was so concerned about the state of her household’s troops, and to the extent of selling her belongings for them! No wonder she was furious. For him to offer to teach her how to pilot a mech, she probably regarded it as an insult to her soldiers, and by extension, an insult to her as well.

He was still a bit puzzled though. He had always thought Anastasia Kalinska was a vain girl who was only interested in looking glamorous and had expensive tastes. Maybe she had given up those interests?

Finn smiled. Maybe this was an opportunity to show how supportive he could be.

“Eric, I have some instructions for you.”

“Yes sir!”


25th March, 3061
1000 hrs

“My lady, come and see!” Luisa called brightly as she pulled a reluctant Anastasia towards the dressing room.

“What’s the matter, Luisa? What’s going on?” asked Anastasia, mystified by her maid’s enthusiasm.

“Come and see for yourself!” Lusia grinned and opened the door of the room.

The dressing room was glittering again with an overflowing number of expensive dresses.

“This… how did…” Anastasia was flabbergasted. Did they not sell off most of the dresses already? “I was sure we sold… we got rid of them, right?” She looked around, as though trying to deny what she was seeing.

Luisa giggled as she said, “Viscount Rason bought them for you!” She sounded very pleased.

“What?” Anastasia ground out.

“You don’t like them?” Finn walked up behind them.

“My lord!” Luisa exclaimed, then quickly withdrew, leaving the two of them to talk in private.

Anastasia glared at him. “I don’t like them? Why did you buy them at all?”

Finn sighed, “I guess this means you’re still angry.”

“Angry?” Now she was confused.

“I apologise. I didn’t know you took the honour and reputation of your household garrison troops so seriously.”

“What do you…”

“I really didn’t know. It was very admirable of you to sell off your belongings in order to equip the garrison. No noble lady I had ever known had done this.”

“Huh?” Her confusion grew.

He continued, “It wasn’t right for me to disparage the capabilities of your soldiers. I was arrogant and rude.”

She blinked. “Why are you saying all this?”

“Weren’t you angry because I commented on the quality of your household’s soldiers?”

“No, I wasn’t?”

They stared at each other in dawning realisation.

“So you are saying you're giving me all these as an apology?”

"Uhh… yes. But if that wasn't the reason, then why were you angry at me?"

"Oh…" She saw Finn's confused frown. Yes, I thought he was a jerk, but that look on his face… "That is…"

She struggled to find a plausible excuse. Of course, she could not admit he hurt her pride when he offered to teach her how to pilot a mech; she could do that pretty well already. She could not say that to him, and she realised he was looking at her face so intently that it was clear he was trying to decipher her expressions!

He had this sort of cute side to him? She could not help but chuckle a bit. “I’m sorry, I did not think you would be so concerned about my anger. I didn’t mean to be angry with you.” Well, actually she did, but somehow that anger faded away after his botched apology. “I sold the dresses because I wanted to, I have no interest in them anymore.”

“But still, to care so much about a fiancee you’re going to divorce shortly after marrying her,” she grinned, “makes me think you’re not such a bad guy after all.”

He still looked puzzled, but he was not angry anymore. “My lady, I really don’t understand you.” he sighed in relief. “But, I’m glad that we’ve come to some sort of an understanding, at least.” His tone turned serious, “I wanted to resolve this before I leave to inspect some of the garrisons further away from Fort Lambourne, and after that, I’ll need to return to Inman.”

She nodded in understanding. His jumpship had arrived by pirate point, but still required recharging with its solar sail. Despite the closer distance to the primary, it was still a M7V star and hence required relatively long recharge times. And he still had work to do on Altoona.

Anatasia smiled apologetically at Finn. “It seems all your hard work for me was in vain. I’m so sorry about that.”

He smiled ruefully at his own silliness. “All right, I consider a lesson well learned. But is there anything you really want?”

Let us see. Vengeance on Pence? Neg, I have to get it myself. Parts for my mech? Ahah! “Actually, I do. Did you get any salvage from the bandits?”

He looked surprised at her question. “Yeah, we recovered a lot from their camp. We even managed to seize the Manatee, which held more loot. We’ll probably auction off the dropship once I get word to Inman. Some of the auction proceeds would be used to recompense the families of the slain.”

She nodded somberly in agreement, “How about the parts? Can you spare me some of the equipment and ammunition?”

He blinked. “What do you need them for?”

“My family has an old Valkyrie. I want to try fixing it up.”

“Oh.” He thought about it for a while, then decided to humour her. If she wanted to try her hand at being a mechwarrior, why not? He wanted to be a supportive fiance, right? Besides, she probably was not aware of the specialised skills to repair and maintain the mechs, he’ll just leave her to puzzle it out on her own, and this should either get her running to him for help, or keep her out of trouble in the meantime. Win-win for him.

“Since you took down the Thorn, strictly speaking, you should get some shares in the loot. In fact,” he paused, “how do you feel about taking back that modified Harvester? Since you were using it, it can be considered yours by deed and salvage. I’ve asked around, nobody else wants it, not even for free.”

Anastasia eagerly replied, “Of course I don’t mind.” She was already calculating just how much more effective the local defences would be with two functional mechs in the garrison. And given she had used the Harvester to take down some of the bandits, she had a soft spot for it, despite being a piece of Periphery junk that no clan warrior would probably even look at.

“Good. You can liaise with my secretary Eric for the details. Don’t worry about the cost, I’ll make up for any difference.”

She smirked at him, “I will hold you to that, Viscount Rason.”

He bowed slightly to her. “By your leave, my lady.”

For the first time since meeting Finn, she curtseyed formally to him, “Please, my lord.”

He smiled at her and walked away. He seemed to be in a much better mood.

Anastasia leaned back against a wall, thinking hard. She heard that Finn would be taking Pence into custody and back to Inman to face some sort of inquiry by their peers. She was certain, however, that Renard Haynes would be able to wriggle Pence out of trouble, and that served her purposes just fine, because she needed to take her vengeance on Pence personally.

She would do it the right way. Not by manipulating and seducing Finn, but with honour and her own strength and skills. Qualities that Pence had abandoned. She would remind him of what he had discarded, forcefully, before she stomped him into a red splotch under her feet.

She was a mechwarrior again, and she needed time to fix up her Valkyrie and now the Harvester too. But to take down Pence, she would probably need a better mech if he was still driving his clan-spec Banshee. She would need a plan and political power or allies, at the very least.

Bit by bit, step by step, she was getting closer to her ultimate objective: avenging her death at Pence’s hands.
Note: Finn actually messed up. By getting Eric, who is NOT a mechwarrior, to review the BattleROMs, Eric only saw the obvious stuff and wrote his report still prejudiced by the Trivet’s attitudes towards women in combat. If Finn or one of his mechwarriors had looked at the BattleROMs, they would have noted all the nuances Anastasia used to try to enhance her odds in combat, e.g. using the pedals in ‘free’ mode to manoeuvre better on rocky slopes, the neurohelmet control responses, using the compressed neurohelmet view, torso twisting with the arm arc to fire to the rear while dealing with the HUD view, and ‘walking’ her shots to ‘leg’ the Thorn. All these would have tipped off the fact that this was not a mere rookie in their first mech combat.

Just for fun, what do you think are Anastasia/Avryl’s Special Pilot Abilities?


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 259
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #46 on: 22 January 2024, 17:26:40 »
At first glance, I would say:

Combat Intuition
Lucky (after all, she somehow avoided being killed)
Maneuvering Ace

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #47 on: 25 January 2024, 20:36:02 »
Fort Lambourne, Altoona,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
25th March, 3061
1000 hrs

The mood of the gathered crowd was solemn as a priest led the small procession down the central boulevard of Lambourne. Many of the mourners were still weeping as they paid their last respects to their loved ones, the people slain by the bandits at the Twin Mountains.

The wake had taken place the night before in a large tent; Anastasia had made a point of attending and talked to the families of the dead soldiers and civilians. She still did not know what exactly to do, since offering comfort was not something the clans were ever concerned with, but it seemed a listening ear was enough for many of the bereaved. Luisa had to drag her away near midnight to get her to sleep so she would have enough energy for the requiem mass.

Soldiers and colleagues of the dead carried their caskets to the assembly area in front of a small makeshift altar. Anastasia stood stiffly with Finn and other ranking members of the landhold to one side. Even Sir Matthew was there in a wheelchair to pay his respects and condolences.

Although Matthew insisted it was his fault, Anastasia and Finn both exonerated him. The verigraph had been too convincing, and Finn suspected the previous agent Simon had just sold them out. Without a HPG on hand, they simply had no way to check. It was likely Simon had already disappeared with whatever the bandits had paid him.

All they could do was to deal with the aftermath.

To maintain public order, Anastasia and Finn kept silent about Spencer and Renard’s involvement. Besides, there was no definite proof, other than what Spencer had admitted, and he could easily deny it all again. Such matters would be left to Count Haynes to decide, though Anastasia already had an inkling that it would just be a metaphorical slap on the wrist for Renard.

Since the people were all members of the New Avalon Catholic Church, it was only natural to get the local priesthood to administer the rites, and to do it together in a single Mass as a show of unity.

The rest of the funeral mass passed by in a blur. Anastasia cursed inwardly for not paying just a bit more attention when Erlin talked about the differences in funeral rites between the various religions. As a member of the Dharmo cloister, he was of course familiar with Buddhist customs, but probably had some idea of the others. Which was a lot better than what she currently knew, which was practically zero.

So she stood when the others stood, knelt when the others knelt, pretended to sing when they sang, and generally tried to mimic their actions as closely as possible.

When it came to something they called ‘Communion’, Luisa guided Anastasia to the priest. Being the ranking local noble, of course she had to go first. Having been briefed specifically for this segment of the Mass, Anastasia bowed to the priest first. He held up a piece of bread, and intoned, “The Body of Christ.”

“Amen.” Even as she said that, opened her mouth and extended her tongue, Anastasia wondered how a piece of bread could symbolise a person’s body. Oh well, it was just one of the weird religious customs of the Inner Sphere.

The priest placed the bread on her tongue, and she quickly swallowed it, then stepped aside to allow the next person to receive communion.

“Well done, my lady.” Luisa said afterwards.

Anastasia rolled her eyes. It was times like these that she felt conflicted over her cover of amnesia. She did feel a pang of guilt though for receiving the communion. Even if the original Anastasia was able to receive Communion, she had been raised with the knowledge of the church’s rites from a young age, while Avryl was obviously a non-Catholic.

If one subscribed to the concept of a soul, and she had no reason to doubt that the soul and the body are separate, since she was living proof of it, then strictly speaking, she should not receive Communion because the current Anastasia was not a Catholic.

She had tried to wriggle out of it, but Luisa had insisted, since it would have seemed weird to the people of demesne if she had not participated, and the diminutive maid argued that she had only lost her amnesia, that she was still the same person and hence eligible for Communion. In the end, unable to refute, Anastasia had given in.

After the Mass was over, the caskets were delivered to a nearby crematorium, according to local tradition. The ashes would be stored in urns and kept by the families of the dead. It was, she heard, a difference from the usual custom of burial in a grave.

She did not need to attend that part of the ceremony. Finn walked up to her.

“My lady.”

“My lord.”

He looked at her face, as though searching for something. “I’ll be leaving now for the inspection of the other demesnes. I’ll do my best to see you one last time before we lift for the jump point.”

Not knowing how to react, Anastasia just nodded.

“I’ll take my leave now. Remember to take care of yourself.” He gestured with a tilt of his head to the people of her demesne. “Because you’ll need to take care of them too.”

The Kalinski demesne had a population of about one million people. For the first time in both her lives, she felt the crushing weight of responsibility. It had been easy enough to command a binary of warriors and their attached transport and support staff. But one million people? She was no military governor, she had not been trained for this.

But she would put her best foot forward. “I will do my best.”

Finn nodded at her respectfully. “I expect you will.”

28th March
2000 hrs

Anastasia knew her sense of fashion was non-existent. There were even some teasing remarks from Camille on the rare occasions they ventured out to the shops and malls in the Smoke Jaguar Occupation Zone. At the time, she thought nothing of it. As a Smoke Jaguar warrior, she had no need for dresses.

Even after wearing almost nothing but dresses since waking up in Anastasia’s body, she still thought they all looked more or less the same. The placement of the ribbons, the frill design, it all went over her head. She did not like admitting to being an idiot, but when it came to fashion, she really was one. It took her a while before she could even distinguish between a western dress and a kimono!

So she just trusted the advice of her maids when it came to picking out a suitable dress to wear for Viscount Rason’s departure from Altoona, one of the new dresses he had bought for her from the boutiques of Altuni City, Altoona’s capital. All she could see of the dress was a pink floral design with lots of frills and lacing, and it did not seem anything special. But the maids insisted, so she just acquiesced to them.

They were supposed to have dinner together, but delays here and there meant that he would just drop by Fort Lambourne to pick up Pence, then leave for his Leopard dropship Jurano, which was already loaded with the mechs and salvage from the bandits.

Finn arrived on the Jetta Coruna aircraft reserved for his use on Altoona, the plane landing at the small landing strip near Fort Lambourne. The plane actually belonged to the ruler of Altoona, Viscount Alan Strong, but as Finn was there in his capacity as commander of Trivet military forces, it was loaned to him so that he could carry out his duties effectively.

Pence was there too, flanked by members of her household troops. He was clad in the uniform of the Haynes household guards, but that only got him glares from her soldiers. Even if she had not told them of what Pence did, they had their suspicions, and some of them would have loved to get some measure of revenge on him for the deaths of their comrades and fellow folk.

As it was a flash drill and impromptu inspection of Altoona’s defences, Finn actually did not have a lot of leeway in terms of the time he had to spend off Inman, not having specifically sought the Count’s authorisation beforehand. Hence, he had to return as quickly as possible.

A HPG message also arrived two days ago, with the Count demanding Spencer Larouche to be brought back as soon as possible so that he could be questioned on his involvement. It seemed that even without the information of what happened on Altoona, Count Haynes had somehow already ferreted out something.

With the jumpship at the Lagrange One pirate point, it would still take the dropship several hours to get there. While there was no real rush, Anastasia sensed from the tone of his HPG message that the Count was angry, and wanted both Finn and Pence back on Inman to explain the situation.

In addition, her father had also sent a message authorising the release of a small amount of emergency funds to bolster their military defences. It was too little and too late, but still, it was better than nothing. He also said he would be travelling to Altoona as soon as possible, probably on the Yolander when it returned to Inman.

The Yolander travelled the Trivet worlds in two directions, alternating every time. When she travelled from Inman to Altoona, the Yolander would go on to Delacambre, then back to Inman. From Inman, it would then travel to Delacambre, then to Altoona, then back to Inman. This ensured that all three worlds were able to transport necessary goods to one another. Each round of the circuit would take about twenty-four standard days.

Anastasia calculated her father would be arriving on Altoona in about thirteen more days. The Yolander was probably at Inman charging from the Attica station now, and would be jumping for Delacambre soon after Finn arrived back at Inman.

Like ships passing in the night.

Finn stepped down from the plane quickly, and stared at her wordlessly. His eyes were wide, and he seemed as though he wanted to say something, but could not trust his mouth to do so. Instead, he quickly looked at Pence, and ordered, “In the plane, Larouche.”

Pence smirked, and walked up beside Finn, where two of Finn’s own soldiers escorted him into the plane.

Finn looked at Anastasia, looked as though he wanted to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth.

Before she could talk, he just smiled gently at her, turned around, and boarded the plane.

As the plane flew off, Anastasia ranted mentally. What? I am wearing one of the dresses he bought for me, so why did he leave without a word? Did I wear the wrong dress? Or did the maids suggest the wrong one? Arrrgh, this is so frustrating! Why do I even care about that stupid freebirth Finn thinks anyway!

Leopard Dropship Jurano
29th March
0200 hrs

Finn glared at Pence Lamongue. The two of them were both seated in the small cabin reserved for officers and nobles. Finn realised it was probably the first time the two of them were in the same compartment for an extended period of time.

They were already outbound from Altoona for the Blocky Road at the pirate point. Finn still felt too keyed up to want to sleep, while Pence looked unreasonably well rested.

Finn had wanted to catch up on the latest news from Inman, and he had the bad luck to run into Pence, who was also using the cabin.

“Buying all those dresses from Altuni City was a surprise, Viscount Rason.” Pence smirked at him. “You seem to cherish Lady Kalinska a lot.”

“She’s my fiance. Of course I cherish her.”

“Even though it’s actually a political arrangement, due to your father’s will?” Pence just knew which buttons to press.

“You dare to insult my fiance?”

“On the contrary, I’m impressed with what she did.” Pence admitted. “Patching me up, driving that Harvester to a victory over a real battlemech, those are unusual feats for a noblewoman who has probably never even held a gun before.”

“And a backstabbing bastard like you would know?” Finn let his anger over Avryl’s death leak out in his tone.

Pence feigned surprise. “You are still not over that, quiaff?”

Finn noted he had reverted to clan speech patterns. “I thought you clanners were all about honour.”

“Oh please, there is no honour in dying for stupid causes, especially for doomed and stupid causes. We were outnumbered by massive margins, what did you expect us to do?”

“Maybe surrender? Trial of Possession like what happened to the Sixth Jaguar Dragoons, then become bondsmen and abtakha? Still a lot better than outright betrayal.”

“You think Avryl Showers would ever surrender? She would have died fighting.”

“From what I knew, she probably would have,” admitted Finn. “But I also believe she would not have condemned her soldiers and support staff to death, and it would have been with honour. Far better than being shot in the back!”

Pence flinched a bit, and Finn knew his point had struck home. Avryl cared for her warriors, something he noticed from the BattleROMs when she was often the last one covering the rear or the retreat while the rest of her unit escaped during their raids. Finn appreciated that, not least because his middle name was for the man who died doing exactly that, enabling his father and the rest of the Fourth Davion Guards to escape Yorinaga Kurita and his Second Sword of Light.

And if she was a typical clan gloryhound obsessed with dying in battle regardless of circumstances, she would never have accepted his offer of hegira, or to work together that one time against the pirate Helmar Valasek.

“Well, dead is dead, despite whatever led to that end,” said Pence dismissively. “We are alive, and that is all that matters.”

“Tsk, selfish bastard.”

“Take some free advice from me, Viscount Rason. We clanners are all selfish bastards, and do not be fooled by those who claim otherwise.” Pence sneered, “if it ended up benefitting the clan, it is a nice outcome, but at the end of the day, might makes right, and my might makes mine right is what it really is.”

Finn huffed, but held his tongue, knowing that any more verbal sparring was useless. Instead, his thoughts ran to Anastasia and her dress when she sent him off. She was wearing the dress he thought suited her best. The sight of her in the dress was so breath-taking that he literally couldn’t say anything, so he didn’t. Why didn’t I say anything to her? And why am I thinking of that right now?

An insistent beeping drew both their attention to the comm system. “My lords, this is Captain Grike,” Petyr Grike was the captain of the Jurano, “A priority HPG transmission, video format, came from Inman just now, and it’s something I think you should see.”

Finn exchanged glances with Pence, who shrugged, indicating that he had no idea what it was about either. “Put it up, Captain.”

The small viewscreen started playing the video.

Victor Steiner-Davion and the rest of the Inner Sphere forces that had gone to the clan homeworlds had returned to Luthien to a heroes’ welcome.

The clan invasion was over.

Fort Lambourne, Altoona,
29th March, 3061
0800 hrs

The video was nostalgic for the Combine architecture in the background, and the confirmation hurt, but Anastasia had not expected anything else after learning of the Annihilation of the Smoke Jaguars. She was only surprised that their return took so long.

She had no time to dwell on her losses, and she felt she had finally managed to somewhat move past the destruction of her clan. She simply had too much on her plate right now!

*Music Start: Taylor Swift - Shake It Off*

I stay out too late
Got nothin' in my brain

Wake up at six hundred hours by her maids. Quick clean up, get dressed for PT in thirty minutes. Train for about an hour until half past seven. Keep one eye on the household garrison and ensure they were keeping up with their training regimen.

That's what people say, mm-mm
That's what people say, mm-mm

Breakfast in her exercise attire while cooling down, catch up on latest developments on the viewscreen while eating, plus a few reminders on her schedule by the butler.

I go on too many dates
But I can't make 'em stay

Washup and get dressed, be prepared for her administrative work by nine sharp. Anastasia now had a real office, and she despaired of ever completely clearing the mountain of paperwork on the desk. Then meeting after meeting with this or that local representative or member of her small governing bureaucracy, all looking just as overworked as she felt. Maintaining the infrastructure of the demesne was no easy task. The maintenance costs for the solar panels alone were staggering, and they needed those desperately given the relative lack of fossil fuels on Altoona and not having fusion engines around.

She had a growing checklist on her noteputer, including asking Finn for discounts on solar panel parts from Delacambre. She hated having to ask for such favours for him, but since it was on behalf of her people, she just told herself to swallow her pride and do it.

At least that's what people say, mm-mm
That's what people say, mm-mm

She often ended up resting her head on her desk, overwhelmed by the amount of information she needed to absorb to even begin to make a decision, any decision. Was this how the Star Colonels and Galaxy Commanders felt when dealing with the logistical and strategic issues? If so, then she will just stick to command of a Binary, thank you very much.

But I keep cruisin'
Can't stop, won't stop movin'

Another quick lunch at about twelve. To save money and time, she had ordered the cooks to just stick to a few simple dishes she liked, which usually revolved around grains, chicken or duck, and cheese, with a side of salad and fruit. While eating, more catching up on developments, discussion with her advisors.

It's like I got this music
In my mind sayin', "It's gonna be alright"

A short nap after lunch on the insistence of the servants who were worried she was working too hard, and Anastasia knew she had to be careful with making sure she got enough rest.

'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

The best part of every day came after the nap - working with the mechs!

Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (ooh-ooh-ooh)

She started off carrying out detailed diagnostics on both mechs. The Valkyrie was surprisingly intact in its internal ‘bone’ structure, with the notable exception of its head, while the Harvester obviously needed new limb replacements.

Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake

She was surprised to find out that the Harvester used a fuel-cell engine. It gave her the shivers when she realised that if the Hatchetman had hit the engine, it would likely have exploded, probably killing her in the process.

Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (ooh-ooh-ooh)

She focused on the Valkyrie first, since it was a real battlemech and had less damage compared to the Harvester. The mech bay had the full suite of repair tools, from lifters to pulleys to cherry pickers to mechanical arms that can lift or insert any component into place, and despite years of disuse, it did not take long to get them back into working condition.

I never miss a beat
I'm lightnin' on my feet

Despite having to do everything on her own, Anastasia made steady progress. She was glad that in preparation for their raids into the Draconis Combine, her Binary had undergone rigorous training to ensure that they would be able to adapt to any circumstances that arose, including repairing their own mechs in the absence of their support staff.

And that's what they don't see, mm-mm
That's what they don't see, mm-mm

She looked on keenly while she manipulated the mechanical arms to twist the myomer bundle into the specific configuration required for the Valkyrie’s arms.

I'm dancin' on my own (dancin' on my own)
I'll make the moves up as I go (moves up as I go)

She ran the scanner over the Valkyrie’s armour plates, replacing them wherever she detected damage.

And that's what they don't know, mm-mm
That's what they don't know, mm-mm

The cockpit required the most work. Figuring what needed replacing and connecting the new components to the older parts took a lot of time. Thankfully, the parts were all compatible.

But I keep cruisin'
Can't stop, won't stop groovin'

She tested out the fixed cockpit repeatedly, and soon tuned the neurohelmet to her brainwaves and set up the security system. She made a few microchip copies of her neural patterns too, just in case the chance ever came to hijack another mech, though she sincerely doubted it.

It's like I got this music
In my mind sayin', "It's gonna be alright"

She stared up at the repaired Valkyrie, wondering why it felt weird. Then she realised it was missing a proper paint job.

'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

The heraldry of House Kalinski was a must, of course. She thought about painting a black lotus as well, but decided not to. Ditto for a Smoke Jaguar, or anything to do with her past life as Avryl Showers. Since she did not belong to any unit at the moment, she decided to paint the rest of the Valkyrie in the colours of her house, beige with stripes of sapphire blue. It seemed the Trivet forces did not have a standardised paint scheme either. The name ‘Surefire Strike’, was also painted in sapphire blue on the right torso.

Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (ooh-ooh-ooh)

Just in case, she loaded the Valkyrie’s missile racks with fresh missiles taken from the bandits, meant for the Thorn. She felt a strong sense of satisfaction at the completion of the Valkyrie’s repairs.

Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (ooh-ooh-ooh)
Shake it off, I shake it off
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off (ooh-ooh-ooh)

The Harvester was both more and less challenging. It needed an entire left leg, and thankfully there was a small depot on Altoona selling Harvester mech parts to the few operators on Altoona, and they had spare limbs available. Her requests to Finn’s secretary Eric bore fruit, the leg was delivered after just a few days, along with the industrial grade armour from the bandits’ stores.

Hey, hey, hey
Just think, while you've been gettin' down and out
About the liars and the dirty, dirty cheats of the world
You could've been gettin' down to this sick beat
My ex-man brought his new girlfriend
She's like, "Oh my God, " but I'm just gonna shake
And to the fella over there with the hella good hair
Won't you come on over, baby? We can shake, shake, shake

It took a while, but she figured out why the ammunition for the Harvester’s autocannon was only partially loaded. A full load would have jammed the autocannon, due to faulty parts in the feed mechanism. Figuring it out took some work, but she finally managed to fix the problem.

Yeah, oh
'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate (haters gonna hate)
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (ooh-ooh-ooh)

She also finally decided on a name for the Harvester. Since it was such a flimsy design, it was named ‘Mr Mook’, as a warning to any pilots using it. The name was painted in red using an urban scrawl style on a shoulder.

Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break (mm-mm)
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake (and fake, and fake, and fake)
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (ooh-ooh-ooh)
Shake it off, I shake it off
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off (ooh-ooh-ooh)
Shake it off, I shake it off
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off
(You got to) shake it off, I shake it off
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off

After days of work, she smiled at the two mechs side by side in the mech bays in front of her, fully fixed up and painted in the colours of House Kalinski, along with full loads of ammunition and ready for action. They would not look like much to the average clan warrior, just a couple of thirty ton light mechs, but one had a storied past, while the other saved her life.

One day, you will face battle again. This I swear! Her eyes gleamed with determination.

She was sorely tempted to take the Valkyrie out for a spin, and probably give Captain Wurtz and his men the fright of their lives, but she held back. Hiding her skills as a mechwarrior rankled, but she had a feeling that it would be a very useful advantage when others did not expect it. What was that idiom? Ace up the sleeve?

So Anastasia kept quiet about her skills, and blatantly lied that she only fixed up the mech exteriors and prettified them, admitting she did not know how to actually repair a mech. Nobody would know better anyway, thinking she was just another foolish girl with pretensions of grandeur, and she hoped matters would stay that way.

The next standard day, Baron Kalinski finally arrived at Fort Lambourne.
One problem with some of these otome isekai works is that sometimes when people die, they are largely tossed to one side and just forgotten, and the original web novel was especially egregious with this. There were several instances of people dying and then just promptly forgotten.

So part of this chapter was dealing with the aftermath for the slain soldiers and civilians. Even in a feudal system, perhaps especially in a ‘modern feudal’ system, the ties between lord and his ‘serfs’, for lack of a better word, are critical. Given the fact they can always just pack up and leave for another demesne, each lord has to be careful in ensuring he holds onto his pool of skilled workers.

Honestly, there weren’t many honourable ways out for the Smoke Jaguars caught up in Bulldog. Withdrawing only delays the inevitable end on Huntress, and the fighting there was beyond brutal for the Task Force Serpent units and the Smoke Jaguar remnants. Fighting to the death was also one possibility, and her troops would have followed Avryl to such an end if she had allowed it.

It’s possible she would have chosen Logan Moon’s option to duel in zellbrigen until her mech fell, in order to spare her troops, particularly if she felt the opponents were honourable foes. Note that it wasn’t just the Wolves who honoured their opponents’ requests to duel - Shin Yodama and his Izanagi Warriors did the same to Galaxy Commander Mikhail Ward on Outer Volta.

Finn’s middle name is Ian, named for Ian Davion. His father was a member of the 4th Davion Guards and managed to escape with his Rifleman only because of Ian Davion’s rearguard action on Mallory’s World. Of course, the more serious Btech fans know that Yorinaga Kurita then killed Ian Davion in a climatic duel.

For the mech repair section, think of it as a video montage with Swift singing in the background.


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 161
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #48 on: 27 January 2024, 12:44:28 »
Would find it funny if her next mechs are a Wasp, Wasp LAM and a Raven.
Though the changes on that, would probably be low, unless she managed to beat another pirate gang or two, that is.

Too bad the VRPP and Nova CEWS are out.
But the Full Head Ejection Cockpit, Automatic Cockpit Breach System and the Small Cockpit, might just be possible for her to get.
But would it be worth it?
Heat-Dissipating Armor does not yet exist, Fire-Resistant Armor & Laser Insulator should and could help with seperating the head in the full head ejection system, from the mech body, allowing a general cooler cockpit setup.
But that would require a very good technician/engineer, to pull off.
To be honest, repairing that wrecked cockpit, was the most perfect time for such a modification, though I don't think such parts are easily gotten where this story plays out, for relative good prices, if at all.

Would she be able to get & use a Engineer's Portable Console for her mech upkeep and so on?
Add a Noteputer to it and...
It would help her, the next time she has to travel and if done right, they could be mounted in the same book like holder.
It's that or one on each hip.
It would let her check blueprints & readouts, at the same time, so might be worth it to invest some money in.

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #49 on: 02 February 2024, 01:15:34 »
Fort Lambourne, Altoona,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
10th April, 3061
2200 hours

“My lord,” the servants greeted Baron Kalinski respectfully as he stepped out frantically from his jeep. He ignored them, and headed straight for Anastasia, engulfing her in a hug immediately.

He wept, “Ana! I’m so glad you are safe! It could have been terrible!”

“I am fine, father.”

He asked through sniffles, still hugging her tightly, as though afraid he would disappear on him. “Were you hurt anywhere?”

“No, I wasn’t. I’m really fine, father.” She paused for a moment, then patted him on his back to reassure him. Ironic, that she was the one who actually experienced the ordeal, but ended up having to console somebody else.

He finally released her from his embrace. “It’s all my fault. I should have put more money into our defences and recruited better men to protect you.”

She tried not to roll her eyes. “Thank you father, that might have helped.” That was also a complete lie. She knew that not much would have helped except perhaps a local military presence so strong that it could deter a pirate mech lance. Still, it would not hurt to increase the funds available. Some APCs would definitely help expand the effective defensive radius of the local garrison.

She gave herself a mental shake for trying to think so politically nowadays. All the meetings must be getting to her.

The butler said softly, “My lord, it’s getting late. Why don’t both of you rest early, and you can have a long chat tomorrow morning after breakfast?”

Her father agreed. “Yes, we’ll do that. Thank you.”

He turned to her. “Ana, I’m sure you have a lot of things to tell me. I will hear them all from you tomorrow.”

“Yes, father.”

11th April
0800 hours

In the end, she did not have to volunteer to tell him much. Instead, he deluged her with questions, with the recovering Sir Matthew, the butler, and even Luisa and some of the servants, chipping in with their comments and observations.

Even Captain Wurtz was present, looking uncomfortable at being in the presence of his actual employer and lord for the first time. Nevertheless, he also had his say.

Anastasia tried hard to control her blushes with the praise they lavished on her. Sir Mattthew assured Baron Kalinski that the demesne would be in good hands when it passed to her, with her sound management and willingness to learn and engage with the many issues that needed dealing with. The butler and servants talked about her frugality and discipline, ingrained in her as a Smoke Jaguar warrior. Captain Wurtz tried hard not to blame the Baron for the lack of funds for the garrison, but instead focused on Anastasia’s willingness to sell off her belongings to make sure they were adequately equipped.

Being praised like this was a new experience for her. Even back when she was Avryl, successful Trials would simply be acknowledged by her superiors, and they would move on to the next task. In the military, there was a saying, ‘You are only as good as your last battle’, so any praise was usually reserved and conditional.

Baron Kalinski looked both pleased and shocked. “Ana! You have grown so much!” Seated next to her, he patted her hand gently. “I was so worried when you came here, that you won’t be able to adapt, but I’m glad to see my fears were unfounded.”

Were you not the one who sent me here in the first place? Her mental complaint held no heat though, since the events at Altoona had allowed her to discover herself.

She deflected the praise, “It was all thanks to Sir Matthew and the staff here that I was able to be comfortable.”

He continued, “I must also thank Viscount Rason and Captain Larouche personally for saving you. Who knows what could have happened to you if they were not around?”

She could barely suppress a sneer as she said, “Yes, we should be very grateful to Viscount Rason, but father, did you ever consider why Captain Larouche would even be here on Altoona? He did not come over on the Yolander!”

“Oh.” Her father suddenly looked pale. “I… I’ll take it up with Count Haynes…”

She said furiously, “More than ten of our people were killed. We should not let this go so easily.”

He seemed meek even in front of her. “I understand, Ana.” He sighed. “To see you with such energy and passion makes my old heart very glad.”

She understood he was uncomfortable and trying to change the subject, so she simply nodded. “Just try your best, father.”

After breakfast, they stood in one of the fort’s observation towers, overseeing the town. Anastasia pointed out places she had visited and what she knew of the people who worked or lived there. The Baron looked at her in amazement, as though he did not expect her to know all that.

He was quiet for a long time, then said, “Ana, you really are an adult now.”

She stayed silent for a while. The original Anastasia never had a chance to grow up, mired in the intrigues and games of Inman, but could not stay on Altoona either with the trauma from her mother’s death, even though Altoona would actually have given her a better chance.

“Father…” she looked at him. “May I return to Inman?”


“Yes. As you can see, I’m much better now. We can go back together on the Yolander.” I can’t proceed with my revenge on Altoona. It’s on Inman where I can find allies and opportunities.

While fixing up the mechs, she had thought about her revenge. She briefly entertained the idea of turning mercenary and building up a sufficient force to take Pence down, but realised she just could not bear the idea of fighting for money. Besides, she was certain Finn would hunt her down. She also had no means at the moment to get any transportation for her mechs.

Furthermore, Sir Matthew had recovered sufficiently to resume his duties, so she could hand back the administrative work with a clear conscience.

The Baron smiled ruefully at her. “Yes, Ana. Whatever you want.”

As he patted her head, she smiled. I still do not know how exactly I am going to do it, but I have to move forward.
Innerman City, Inman,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
23rd April
0300 hours (1100 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

The rumours in the capital went into overdrive when Anastasia returned to Inman with her father. Coupled with the earlier return of Viscount Rason and Captain Larouche, and the inevitable leaks from the militia staff and the dropship crews, the gossip mills were working harder than ever before.

It even eclipsed the stunning news of Victor Steiner-Davion’s de facto abdication of his throne to his sister Katrina, which was no small feat.

“Have you heard the news? Apparently Lady Kalinska has returned to Inman!”

“Oh really?”

“If she has gone mad, she should have been confined to Altoona. How can she bear to show her face after such indecent behaviour?”

“My thoughts exactly.”

“Jumping into the manor lake, that incident at the protests, then the guest lounge. What will she do next?”

“Speaking of Anastasia Kalinska, she’s also known as the White Lotus of Altoona.”

Snigger. “Really? Whoever thought up such a childish nickname? Did they even know what it implies?”

“Somebody who acts all innocent, but actually lies and slings mud at others? Sounds exactly like her!” Some of them giggled.

“Boys will be boys, I guess.”

“Well, you know…” A refined voice cut in, claiming the attention of the gathered ladies at the table. “It was Count Haynes who gave her that nickname.”

The ladies fell silent. That voice belonged to Lady Venice Codina, unofficially acknowledged as the foremost lady of the younger generation. Her impeccable manners and striking beauty combined to place her high in the ranks of the nobility within the capital of the Trivet.

Venice placed down her cup of tea with just the gentlest clink on the porcelain saucer. “Lady Seydoux, I think it would be wise for you to be more careful with your remarks in the future. We wouldn’t want anything scandalous to happen now, would we?”

“Oh!” Lady Selina Seydoux blushed and covered her mouth.

Venice smiled to lessen the sting of her words, “Let’s keep this conversation amongst ourselves. You all understand, right?”

The response from the other ladies was immediate. “Of course!”

“As expected, Lady Codina is as wise as she is beautiful.”

“She’s the complete opposite of Anastasia Kalinska.”

“That’s right,” another lady agreed quickly.

“Oh my, you flatter me.” Venice continued to smile gently. However, she sighed internally. It seemed that the ladies of the aristocracy still could not refrain from speaking ill of others. You all haven’t changed at all, you’re still dim-witted fools.

And all they were always concerned about were the scurrilous rumours of this or that, or the pecking order amongst the aristocracy, or the latest fashion trends and toys.

Not that she was not interested in some of these things herself, but there were other much more important matters. For example, the tensions running throughout the Federated Commonwealth following Victor Steiner-Davion’s speech. She doubted the bickering between the pro-Victor and pro-Katrina factions would subside so easily.

Even in the relatively isolated Trivet, the political fault lines have already formed around the issue. While Count Haynes remained solidly neutral, his heir Renard and his supporters had publicly backed Katrina as the rightful Archon-Princess, while the pro-Victor nobles had yet to form a solid political bloc, but could still pose significant problems on their own as individuals. The Count’s second son Raymond did not even seem to be a factor, his nose still stuck firmly in his books.

As for Anastasia Kalinska… Venice still remembered the first day she saw her, and how the rumours had swirled around her as well. The death of the Baron’s wife, her low-born origins as a commoner from Rasalhague, the supposed affair she had with the previous Viscount Rason.

Everything that happened on that fateful day still appeared clearly in her mind’s eye, when she visited the Haynes palatial manor for the first time. She would never forget how all the nobles and servants seemed to hold their breath when the young Lady Kalinska appeared, and how Count Haynes had personally bestowed on her the nickname ‘White Lotus of Altoona’.

And what was said about her back then, were still being said now. Venice found it deplorable.

“I was thinking… how about inviting Lady Kalinska to our tea party in three days?”

“What?” The other ladies were shocked at her sudden proposal.

Venice smiled and explained patiently. “She’s to be a future Viscountess anyway, and she’ll need help if she’s going to continue residing here on Inman.” She took a sip of tea, as though gathering her thoughts. “My family’s garden is beautiful and would provide a nice atmosphere for the party.”

Rason Estate

The holovid played.

"As I am certain all of you know by now, the Federated Commonwealth has undergone a change in leadership during the time of our battles against the Clans. My sister, Katherine, was invited to assume control of the Federated Commonwealth for the good of the citizenry. This she did in December of last year and does not seemed inclined to relinquish her position. In fact, the same message of greeting you all got from her here on Luthien also came to me, but it came attached to many of my personal belongings. Apparently she is renting out my rooms on New Avalon, so if any of you need a place to stay, the view is wonderful…" Laughter filtered through the audience, and Victor Steiner-Davion flashed a smile at his joke.

He let the laughter die, then continued. "In the past two weeks I have heard from many of you…" He hesitated for a moment. "Both from Federated Commonwealth units and others, saying you would be ready to fight alongside me to depose her. Your willingness to step back into the hell we have all returned from on my behalf touches me more deeply than you will ever know. That you would again trust me with your lives is the highest praise I can imagine. I had thought there was no way I could be more proud of you, and I am happily proved wrong."

He lifted his chin. "I consider your trust in me to be sacred, and it forces me to make a difficult decision. That decision is simply this: do I have a right to bring war to the Inner Sphere, to involve you and your loved ones and the citizens of countless worlds in a blood orgy that will return me to the leadership of a shattered realm? The answer is clear: I have no such right.

"Some will argue that I have a duty to do that, but I would disagree. My duty, our duty, is to keep people safe. This was the reason that we fought the Clans, and our commitment to that duty was why we defeated the Clans. To go to war with my sister now would be to mock everything we have done to secure peace for the Inner Sphere. I will not do that to you or to the memories of those we love who have died in this cause."

The former First Prince pulled a water glass from a shelf in the podium and took a sip. "My mandate to lead you ended once we again reached the Inner Sphere. I know you will all soon be receiving orders to return to your homes, to see your families and friends, and I am very glad you have that opportunity. I know some of you are thinking it's a pity I've been robbed of that same joy, but I haven't, really. For the past two years, you have been my family. Knowing you are back where you want to be means I recover the joy of a homecoming from each and every one of you. My personal pain will dissolve in the ocean of your happiness."

He stared straight into the holocamera, his eyes intense. "Because our mission is at an end, I have tendered my resignation to the First Lord. I have done this in part because I am tired of war, but more I do this because of all of you. A soldier could never hope to have a greater collection of brave men and women in his command. It has been my distinct honour and a sincere privilege to serve with you. I wish you all peace and godspeed and safe journeys home. You are the heroes of the Clan war, never forget that, no matter what. You won a future for the Inner Sphere. Now that future is yours to shape and live. Go, live it, be happy. That is my final order to you all, and one I expect you to carry out."

Applause erupted from the audience. Victor stepped away from the podium, and saluted crisply to the gathered soldiers. The applause died in an instant as the audience saluted him back as one.

The holovid stopped, Finn’s finger on the remote’s pause button. He was so caught up in the speech he had almost saluted to the holovid screen himself, but that would have been silly.

“He really decided to walk away.” Finn breathed out in amazement. Most of the discussion amongst the soldiers of the Trivet of the past few days were on whether Victor would decide to reclaim his throne and plunge the former realms of the Federated Commonwealth into outright civil war, while the affair on Altoona had been shunted quietly off to be handled by Count Haynes.

Public opinion had been split, with the oddsmakers offering even odds on Victor opting to fight within the next month. Finn, however, had been through some of the most hellish combat on the clan border, and had no wish to see that repeated, so he understood why Victor made his decision. War is hell, and woe to anybody who claims otherwise.

He leaned back in his seat, and asked, “Eric, opinions?”

His secretary cleared his throat. “My lord, this breaks with all the traditions of the Federated Suns. The First Prince must have served five years with the armed forces. Katrina Steiner-Davion simply doesn’t have that. There’ll be a lot of unrest in the AFFC for that reason alone, they won’t see her as legitimate.”

“Traditions can always change. Unrest is definite, the question is, will it escalate to open conflict?”

“Nobody knows, my lord. With the Truce of Tukayyid expiring in a few years’ time, originally everybody would have been focused on that. But now that the Clan War is over with whatever they did in the clan homeworlds,” Finn’s mind automatically supplied the term Trial of Refusal, “it’ll be a lot easier to give into temptation and just beat up your opponents, foreign or domestic.”

War is hell. Civil war is worse. Finn agreed with Victor, but he also knew that events could easily spin out of control.

“The Archon-Princess has been giving us support, right? The financial support for a bit more defence.”

“Yes, my lord. And apparently some discretionary funds to those nobles who supported her, like Renard Haynes. Supposedly to be used for the welfare of the Trivet citizens, but I think it’ll just disappear into their private coffers.”

“Tsk.” Finn didn’t like it, but it was hard to say anything when a lot of his own family’s fortunes were gotten when his ancestors used such underhanded means. House Rason did provide significant support to the Delacambre Institute of Technology, but he was always looking for better uses of his excess funds.

He changed tack. “What of the other matter I asked you to investigate?”

“About House Kalinski? It took some digging, but it was as you suspected - Baron Kalinski is making more money than he reported.”

Finn nodded. “The more secluded side of the Twin Mountains… It held the finest jewels. He deliberately downplayed that side of the mountain to minimise the chances of anybody discovering it.” If the blanket had not slipped off Lady Kalinska, and if he had not leaned down, he would not have seen the gem and palmed it off the ground.

He held up a roughly spherical ruby the size of a golf ball, the colour a brilliant red. “Pigeon’s blood. One gem like this could sell for half a million C-Bills, easy. He’s selling them off slowly to avoid saturating the market and maximise his returns. The question is, where is that money going?”

Eric frowned, “Probably not to Baron Renard Haynes, or we would have caught wind of it. And if it isn’t going to him, then he probably doesn’t know either. He, and the rest of the nobles in his group, aren’t the type to pass up such wealth.”

Finn mused, “So Baron Kalinski is playing a deep game? Or is he just hoarding wealth for himself?”

“We can’t be sure, my lord. But I did find out some other interesting information, particularly about the time when Baron Kalinski’s wife died.”

Finn narrowed his eyes.

Eric gulped visibly, then continued in a hurry. “Baron Boris Kalinski tried to kill himself after his wife died.”


“It’s true. It’s one of the worst kept secrets in the Trivet actually, all the older folks knew about it. He loved his wife so much he wanted to follow her into death.”

Finn frowned. “But didn’t he think of his daughter at all? She was… how old?”

Eric took a look at his noteputer. “She was only eight years old.”

“My god. Abandoning his child and taking his own life… “ Was it so easy to abandon one’s own child? Did the Baron only see her as a tool? Although their family held a mere barony and didn’t have much power, it was said that Anastasia Kalinska was a formidable woman in the right dress, able to manipulate men into indulging her wishes. It was just that Renard Haynes was seemingly immune to her charms and manipulated her instead.

It made a certain sort of twisted sense. Boris Kalinski thought the only way to deal with his sense of impotence was to run away. Rather than caring for his child as a parent, he treated it more like fulfilling the obligations of an aristocrat. In such a twisted and loveless relationship, Lady Kalinska must have become so disillusioned with the relationship that she thought it truly didn’t matter if she lived or died.

Finn nodded grimly and slammed a fist on his desk in frustration. “Yes, that must be it! Her reckless behaviour just became a way of life to her, which was why she seemed to throw it away so easily!”

He continued to mumble to himself, “She must have been so hurt, yet she managed to overcome it all on her own.”

Throughout it all, Eric tried hard not to show his confusion on his face, unable to follow Finn’s convoluted thought processes.

Haynes Palatial Manor

“You idiot!” roared Count Haynes. “Do you know how serious your crime is?”

Within the Count’s office, Renard knelt on one knee, trying to placate his furious father. “Father, please forgive me! I was just trying to scare her a little! I didn’t know it would go that far!”

“Scare her?”

“Yes, father! That’s why I sent Captain Larouche…”

Count Haynes slammed a hand against the top of his desk, breathing hard. “Shut your mouth, you insolent fool! You shouldn’t have done any of that in the first place!” He gasped. “That’s why you sent Captain Larouche? What nonsense are you talking about!”

“Father, you don’t understand!” Renard persisted, his voice shaking with fear. “Ana… Lady Kalinska, she attacked me! I’m telling the truth! It was at the Feast of Bounty banquet, she cursed at me and kicked me! She dared to attack a member of the ruling family… but I didn’t take issue with it and just endured it!”

The Count stared at Renard. “Why should I believe you?”

“You can ask Lady Kalinska! I just thought I had to remind her of the need to respect the dignity of House Haynes! I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, so I handled it on my own!”

Count Haynes sighed. “Even so, I cannot condone your actions, Renard.”

“I will apologise to Baron Kalinski myself!” Renard spun around to face Baron Kalinski, who had been watching silently to one side. “Please, I beg your forgiveness!”

Baron Kalinski looked flustered, “Ah no… it’s alright…”

Renard knelt then went down on all fours, bowing in front of him. “Uncle! I was a fool to have let this happen! But please believe me, I didn’t really expect them to kill those civilians and soldiers!”

“My lord!”

“It truly wasn’t my intention!”

“Pl… please… don’t do this!” The Baron looked pale and stricken. “It’s alright. Ana is safe…”

Baron Kalinski looked anxiously at the Count, “My lord, please tell Baron Haynes to stop!”

Count Haynes did not reply immediately, but waited for a moment, before he said, “Stand up, Renard.”

Renard, still facing Baron Kalinski and away from his father, smirked smugly as he stood to his feet.

The Count sighed again. “I’m not going to make a big deal about what I’ve heard today.”

Baron Kalinski hastily agreed. “That’s a very reasonable judgement, my lord.”

“But… my own son has indeed committed a grave sin against your daughter. It could have been much worse, and Lady Kalinska might have been seriously injured.”

“But thankfully Viscount Rason arrived in the nick of time, and furthermore, he is her fiance, so it should put him even more in her good graces. Since it turned out well, let’s just let the matter rest for now.”

Baron Kalinski kept his head bowed meekly.

“Return to your home and inform Lady Kalinska.” The Count dismissed him. The Baron quickly walked out of the office.

Once the two of them were alone, the Count let out a breath and said, “Renard, do you know what sin you have committed?”

Renard’s smirk was gone, and he was a bit tense as he replied, “Well, it is unwise for us to lay a hand on any member of the nobility. If that were to happen, it could sow distrust against us among the aristocracy and could lead to internal conflict.” He concluded, “That is my sin.”

The Count shook his head, while one hand kneaded his forehead to rid himself of a headache. “Is that what you think?”


“That is not your sin.”

“Then… what is it that I’ve done wrong?”

“During Captain Larouche’s inquiry, wasn’t it true that everybody claimed a member of our family was the one responsible for giving the order to engage the freelancers? Your great sin is that you weren’t even capable of covering our own tracks.”

“What? That’s…”

The older man continued, “I am well aware of the fact that Baron Kalinski is one of your supporters, but you very nearly turned him into your enemy.”

Renard smiled weakly, trying to reassure his father. “Baron Kalinski? He’s of the same bloodline as my mother and my relatives, why would I ever consider him an enemy, and even if he is angry, why should I be scared of that?”

The Count snarled. “Fool! Just because you’re of the same bloodline does not mean they won’t turn on you! Just look at the Mariks, or even Victor and Katrina Steiner-Davion!”

He leaned back in his seat, anger spent. “Renard, as of today, I want you to stop the work I have entrusted you with.”


“Apologising doesn’t relieve you of responsibility for the incident. You are to help compensate the families of the slain. And if anything should befall Lady Kalinska after today, I will personally hold you responsible.” The Count’s words held a strong tone of finality.


“Have I made myself clear?”

The Count may be old, but his eyes were still sharp, and Renard felt trapped under the weight of his father’s gaze. He could only nod in reluctant agreement.

“Don’t worry, Renard. I haven’t removed you as heir yet. You will still have chances to prove yourself.”

Kalinski Estates

Anastasia was not surprised when she heard the news that the Count declined to punish Renard. It was just another sign of the degeneracy of the nobles of the Inner Sphere. She hoped she would never stoop to such appallingly low standards of behaviour.

She tapped the letter of invitation to the tea party organised by Lady Venice Codina. She tried to rummage through what memories she retained from the original Anastasia on who she was, but came up with nothing substantial, except for a vague sense of jealousy from the original Anastasia.

Her mind was also quite preoccupied with what she had found out about the most recent news sweeping the Inner Sphere. That Victor Steiner-Davion would not use his victories over the Clans as a springboard to reclaim his rulership over the Federated Commonwealth… it just baffled her.

On an academic level, she understood why he did not wish to fight any more. But to effectively surrender to a non-warrior who had somehow schemed her way to the top, it just offended her clan sensibilities!

Furthermore, when she watched the holovids related to his return to the Inner Sphere, something else piqued her attention.

That something else was a giant brown-skinned woman always lurking within his vicinity, obviously his bodyguard, also obviously an elemental. And Anastasia, or rather Avryl Showers, knew her.

Tiaret Nevvarsan was still alive. Tiaret was her friend when they were young warriors in the 144th Garrison Cluster, starting their careers in the clan touman. They were both Star Commanders back then, but Tiaret had been younger than her, as she had graduated early from her sibko in an accelerated program due to her exemplary performance. Of course, they were not just friends, as a team they pulled some memorable pranks on the more oblivious members of the cluster, and even the resultant lecture sessions by Star Colonel Pellen Wirth were remembered fondly.

Anastasia trusted Tiaret’s judgement completely, and if she had willingly become abtakha to Victor, to the extent she was willing to lower herself to be a mere bodyguard for him, then the man himself had to be a warrior worthy of respect. And if he ever wanted to get his throne back… well, she would not support a scheming non-warrior like Katrina, that was for certain!

It was a moot point. Anastasia wondered if there was some way she could get word to Tiaret, tell her she was somehow still alive. But in the Trivet, the fastest way to get messages out would be by HPG, and it would be strange for Lady Anastasia Kalinska to send any messages via Comstar out of the Trivet, to somebody she should not know or care for.

No, she would have to somehow build a power base of her own first. How she was going to do that, she was not sure, but already she felt there were servants and maids in the Kalinski household she could trust to be loyal to her. Even the household guards had fallen in line, and they promised to keep up their efforts even after she left Altoona.

Which brought her mind back to the invitation to the tea party. Should she go?

She knew her current position in high society was precarious, to say the least. The other noble ladies ostracised the original Anastasia, and they probably still thought she was crazy.

But to bring down Pence, she needed political allies. And she would not be able to make any if she was cooped up forever in the Kalinski estate or on Altoona. That was why she had returned to Inman. Somehow she had to find connections amongst the aristocracy, and find reliable allies. How she would win them over she had no idea, but the only way to start a journey was to take the first step.

She took a deep breath and held the letter out to Luisa. “Luisa, inform the other maids I will be attending this tea party, and make the necessary arrangements.”

“Yes, my lady!”

Victor’s speech was completely copied and pasted from ‘Prince of Havoc’. As we all know, shit’s going to go down regardless of what he wanted, but that’s still some time away. It provides the political backdrop to this story, and I’d keep dripping stuff here and there as they happen, which would have a delayed effect due to the fact they’re a backwater region.

I also wanted to say something about Tiaret Nevvarsan. For her to be just twenty three years old in 3060 with a bloodname is a bit ridiculous (frankly speaking, many of the Btech canon writers just don’t seem to think carefully enough about timelines and such). For this reason, I’m pulling out the early sibko graduation card, which I had postulated for another fic I’m planning to write, since that was the only way to explain the ages of some of the clan warriors in combat during Operation Revival (e.g. look at Dawn Moffat's age during Revival).

Before anybody brings in Phelan, please note he got into the Trial of Bloodright so quickly because he was sponsored by Ulric Kerensky and Cyrilla Ward, and was an active combatant in the Clan Invasion. Tiaret probably had no such opportunity, and what information existed for her strongly suggested she was not in the Occupation Zones.

She probably graduated in her Trial of Position (three kills to get Star Commander for an elemental) at sixteen or seventeen in 3053/3054, served in a Garrison Cluster for a time as a young officer learning to lead and earn enough merits to earn herself a sponsor for the Trial of Bloodright, then won her bloodname in the homeworlds in maybe 3058 or early 3059 (at the age of twenty one!) before Bulldog and Serpent. Winning a bloodname in the later half of 3059 or the whole of 3060 was simply not possible with the Jaguars already fighting for survival and HPG orders probably percolated rapidly back to the homeworlds on the severity of the situation in the OZ.

In the fic’s timeline, Tiaret and Avryl were both members of the 144th Garrison Cluster from 3053 to 3056, until Avryl earned her bloodname in late 3055 and a posting to the Inner Sphere frontlines in 3056.

There was another reason why I brought up Tiaret in this chapter, since it represents a nice contrast to the Avryl / Anastasia dichotomy. Tiaret was Avryl’s best friend in the homeworlds. Anastasia’s soon-to-be best friend was in this chapter too.

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #50 on: 07 February 2024, 23:19:49 »
Codina Estate, Inman,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
27th April, 3061
1800 hours (1000 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

“Lady Kalinska, welcome to the estate of Viscount Codina.” The maid bowed to her respectfully, her tone solemn. “I am Ginny, it is my pleasure to serve you. I will escort you to the tea party.”

The maid led her to an expansive garden, contained within a massive glass structure, keeping the plants warm even in Inman’s cold climate. Plants and flowers were all planted tastefully at various spots, creating an extremely pleasing aesthetic effect even to Anastasia’s untrained eye.

To say it was impressive was an understatement. Anastasia recalled that House Codina was one of the richest Viscounties on Inman, which explained why they were able to build and maintain such an extravagant garden. Even during a cold spell of weather, the flowers were still able to bloom, helped along by carefully located heat sources that provide warmth for the delicate plants.

“Oh, is that Lady Kalinska?”

Her attention was drawn to the sound of her name, a table of four ladies, with space enough around the table for a few more. The ladies seemed to be sniggering at her.

“What are you doing here? Don’t tell me you’ve been invited?”

Another lady exclaimed behind a fan. “My goodness! That can’t be. Everybody knows that you and Lady Codina are not close by any means. A lady such as yourself would never be invited here.”

Round and round they went, giggling as they talked. “You’re not a child, so you wouldn’t come here unless you were lost. You must have an ulterior motive for coming here.”

“That’s right, because this event is accessible by invitation only.”

Anastasia smirked. “It’s just as you said. I was indeed invited here by Lady Codina.” She plastered on a pleasant smile.

“What?” said the lady who had exchanged words with her at the Feast of Bounty banquet. “But it looks like there isn’t a seat for you at the table.”

“That’s right. The only empty seat here is for Lady Codina. Don’t try to force yourself in, Lady Kalinska.” The ladies continued giggling.

Anastasia put on an exhausted smile. She did not even feel angry at their antics, since it was like trying to argue with a bunch of children.

It’s just as Madame Iris said. They would try to demoralise me first, then they will band together and insist I was never invited or won’t provide a seat. And even though it was obvious I was invited, they would try to put me in an awkward position.

She sighed. She also told me to give up trying to make friends.

But she had a purpose for coming here, and she was determined to stick it out.

“Well, that’s a bit strange,” she placed her letter of invitation on the table. “I received an invitation but it seems that a seat wasn’t prepared for me. There’s no way Lady Codina would do that on purpose.”

The ladies suddenly switched to soft whispers. “The seal of the Viscount…”

Anastasia pressed on blithely. “Anyway, it seems as though you ladies must be mistaken.”

“Oh my.” Somebody spoke behind her, along with the clacking of heels on the marble floor. “I’ve made a huge mistake. I should have prepared everything for you before you arrived.”

Anastasia turned around to see the blond woman that she had previously identified as the ringleader of this group of cackling noblewomen.

The woman, obviously Lady Codina, said, “You see, I noticed a crack in your chair so I asked for a new one to be brought in. Since this was your first time here, I wanted to create a pleasant experience for you. Please forgive my rudeness.”

Lady Codina curtseyed to her. “I am Lady Venice Codina. Thank you for accepting my invitation.”

So this is Venice Codina. Anastasia thought, if Lady Codina was the one who instigated the incident during the banquet, then why did she invite me here and treat me with such courtesy?

“Please have a seat, Lady Kalinska.” Lady Codina sat down on her chair with a grace Anastasia did not think she could emulate even with ten years of practice. “Now that everybody’s gathered here, I’ll prepare the tea.”

Huh? Anastasia noticed she ended up sitting next to Lady Codina, and the other ladies were whispering.

“They’re sitting next to each other…”

“Lady Codina must have something else up her sleeve…”

Anastasia realised her chair was of the same design as Lady Codina’s, and clearly different from the other ladies. What is she trying to do? According to Madame Iris, she wouldn’t like me. Simply because Count Haynes bestowed the nickname of ‘White Lotus’ upon Anastasia even though she was only a Baron’s daughter, Anastasia became the target of jealous ladies of the aristocracy and often attacked by vicious rumours.

She looked at Lady Codina, who glanced back at her and smiled very sincerely.

All right, she is very beautiful too, Anastasia conceded. How can somebody who smiles like that to me hate me? She felt so out of her depth in the social world of the noblewomen. Can’t women just let go of their jealousy? What do they get out of it anyway? Back in the clans, they would just have it out in an informal Trial of Grievance, and settle it then, with little of this persistent sniping.

The attentive maids poured tea for the ladies, while the conversations started in earnest.

“It’s so nice to have a dress designer from Robinson these days.”

“Your earrings are so pretty. Where did you buy them?”

Ahh… it is starting now… Anastasia decided to just focus on drinking her tea and staying quiet. They will be bragging about themselves while trying to please one another. Madame Iris, you were right again. Such inane conversation… She took a sip of her tea and set down her teacup, just remembering to use her pinky finger to help cushion the teacup as she placed it on the saucer to minimise the clanking sound.

The conversation stopped for the barest of moments as the ladies stared at her. Then they were talking again.

“This tea is delicious!”


“It’s nice to enjoy it with flowers in a garden.”


Hmmm? Anastasia knew something just happened. Did they all look at me just now?

“I can tell you have great appreciation for tea, Lady Codina.” One of the ladies was obviously trying to gain Lady Codina’s favour with flattery.

“You’re too kind.”

Did I just imagine it? Anastasia thought to herself. The ladies, though devious, were not so wicked as to poison her tea. Although she did notice that they were all just holding their tea cups, not a single one had taken a sip yet, despite saying it was delicious and nice.

Let us see… Anastasia raised her tea cup slowly, and took another sip, this time taking note of what it tasted like. It was bitter, and Anastasia recognised the flavour. Karna Leaf Tea, at least something she was used to.

Her nonchalance sparked a visible reaction among the ladies, now whispering even more loudly and obviously.

“Oh my, how could she…!”

“Did she really drink it?”

“How can she…?”

What’s wrong with them? Did I do something wrong or rude? Anastasia was puzzled.

“Ginny, pour me some of that tea.” It seemed that Lady Codina had noticed the confusion.

“Yes, my lady!” Ginny seemed a bit afraid, her hands trembled a bit as she poured the tea into Lady Codina’s teacup.

Anastasia tried to puzzle it out. Why is she asking the maid waiting on me? Is this some new form of harassment? Is she trying to expose my lack of knowledge about tea or something like that?

Lady Codina took a sip of the tea and choked on it almost immediately. She held one hand to her mouth, desperately trying to keep that small sip in without spitting it out or letting it dribble down to her fine dress. The maids immediately clustered around her in alarm. “My lady!”

Anastasia almost stood up from her chair. Is it poisoned?

Lady Codina choked and coughed for a few more moments, while the maids tried to attend to her. Meanwhile the ladies around the table fretted, and Anastasia could see guilt in their eyes.

So they did do something. But what?

“Please excuse me, that must have been a very unique kind of tea,” said Lady Codina after recovering her composure.

“No, it’s quite all right. It cannot be bad since it was tea you prepared especially for me.” Anastasia did notice Ginny trembling in a corner.

“Thank you for being so understanding.” Lady Codina gave a sideways glare at Ginny, leaving no doubt that there would be an investigation into the matter. “I’ll prepare some new tea for you right away.”

Anastasia looked down at her tea. So this tea was prepared to humiliate me somehow. And it seems they left Lady Codina in the dark as well. Was it supposed to be too disgusting to drink? It is just Karna Leaf Tea!

Then she felt like slapping herself. Karna Leaf Tea was a tea specifically brewed using the leaves of the Karna tree on Huntress. It was bitter, but could be very fragrant and delicious when certain insects, such as berry ants, were added. Not at all suited to the delicate palates of these noble ladies, and they would be horrified by the thought of adding insects to their tea. How did they get their hands on it?

She wouldn’t have minded drinking it. After all, she used to drink it often to keep herself awake when poring over paperwork for her Binary. But she could not be known as a lady with a strange mind and a strange sense of taste, her reputation was already controversial enough.

The incident was soon forgotten and the ladies went back to gossiping.

“Have you heard about Baron Haynes?”

“Oh, you mean that? Count Haynes suspended him from his duties and confined him to the manor!”

“I heard it’s already been a few days. Isn’t this the first time that His Excellency has impeded Baron Haynes’ work?”

“You’re right. I wonder how long it will last…”

He suspended and confined Renard Haynes? So… he did get some stick after all. But even then, that is just the most minor of punishments!

“My lady, are the desserts to your liking?” She was shaken out of her thoughts when Lady Codina spoke to her.

“Oh yes. Thank you for your concern.” Come to think of it, she was the only one eating with full bites. The other ladies only nibbled here and there at the food, obviously watching their caloric intake and its effect on their waistlines.

Yay to me for my intense workouts! Thought Anastasia smugly. Her appetite had grown, and her servants seemed happier about it compared to before, when they had worried about the original Anastasia’s weak constitution and lack of appetite.

Lady Codina continued to talk to her. “I’m sure His Excellency’s anger will subside soon. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, that’s right.” Anastasia nodded in agreement. Although she was sorely tempted to say otherwise, but doing so would have put off the whole flow of the conversation, and even she knew better. She noticed that Lady Codina kept bringing her back into the conversation, so that she never felt left out. And she could not figure out why.

Why did you invite me here? What is your motive? Anastasia could not help but feel suspicious.

Lady Codina asked her, “The capital is a place where false rumours are easily spread, don’t you think?”

“Yes, there will always be rumours and talk whenever lots of people gather.”

Despite her fears, the tea party seemed to be going smoothly.

I wasn’t expecting to hear news of Renard Haynes here, although I am sure the comment about him was intended for me to hear. Anastasia considered the situation carefully. I think now I understand why noble ladies value these kinds of social gatherings. A noblewoman would be able to get more accurate information than from just the news if she stayed at home. By meeting like this, they are all able to exchange information.

Because for them, information is both an opportunity and a weapon.

A maid suddenly rushed up. “Lady Codina, I have something to tell you.” She whispered in Lady Codina’s ear. Anastasia noted the frown on Lady Codina’s face, it did not seem to be any good news.

“Everybody, I must beg your pardon.”

“What the matter?” asked the noblewoman who had talked to Anastasia at the Feast of Bounty banquet. Anastasia had found out her name was Selina Seydoux, the daughter of a landholding knight on Inman.

“My elder brother has just arrived with a guest. They both wish to come and give their greetings. Is that acceptable to all of you?”

“Oh my! Of course that’s okay!”

“I’m so excited to meet Sir Codina!”

The ladies started preening.

“Do I look good?”

“Is my bow straight?”

Anastasia kept an eye on Lady Codina though, and she did not look pleased at all, just sat there quietly in her seat, and Anastasia thought she might have been fuming with anger.

“I wonder who his guest is?”

“I can’t wait!”

“It’s sure to be somebody important!”

Anastasia could not help but notice Lady Codina’s hands squeezing the fabric of her dress.

As it turned out, Lady Codina’s elder brother Vince Codina was just a braggart, boasting of his exploits maintaining order in Innerman City. He was dressed in the uniform of the Trivet militia, but his rank and service tabs only meant he was a mere Leftenant in the infantry. It seemed the ignorant ladies were not aware of that though, and seemed easily impressed by his exploits.

“So anyway, thanks to my actions, the thief fell off the wall, and I smashed his head against it! He’s now working in the penal mines on Delacambre.”

“Oh, that’s terrible!”

Anastasia wondered if he had the guts to take on a Harvester unaugmented like she did. She was so bored by his bragging that she imagined him trying and getting squashed.

She was even more irritated by Pence Lamongue’s presence at the table. Who knew he was the guest? As he took a cultured sip of his tea, Anastasia seethed. When did he manage to be so comfortable with this sort of situation? What kind of coincidence is this?

Vince was still bragging, “Thanks to my vigilance, we captured the guy right away! Because you see, the stolen necklace was a family heirloom belonging to Sir Deschamps. It was a historical item gifted to his family by the First Prince in recognition of their military service…”

They said they were just stopping by to say hello. How long is this Sir Codina going to talk? She flicked her fork around a piece of cake before cutting a portion off, and looked at Lady Codina. It’s just pointless talk of his past exploits anyway… Besides, Lady Codina has barely said a word since they arrived.

The noblewoman was proactively leading the conversation before their arrival, but now she just sat there quietly sipping at her tea. As the host, it felt strange for her to take such a subdued role…

Lady Codina happened to glance in Anastasia’s direction, then turned away with a frustrated expression.

What’s going on? What has gotten into her all of a sudden? Anastasia was confused again while she stabbed the portion of cake with her fork. I guess she is done with the pretty smiles now. I really cannot figure her out.

Anastasia sighed as she opened her mouth to eat the piece of cake. She noted Pence was paying special attention to the other ladies around the table, looking at them appraisingly, even as he stayed quiet while Vince yammered on.

He did occasionally direct a sneer in her direction.

“Come to think of it, Sir Larouche also served on the front lines, right?” Lady Codina finally interjected gently, her question directed at Pence.

“Yes, I was involved in Operation Bulldog.”

Anastasia suppressed an unladylike snort. That was a clever way of putting it.

“What was it like, fighting the Smoke Jaguars?”

“Oh,” he smiled, “they were a bunch of fools. They had no concept of subtlety, all they knew was to charge forward and smash ahead. Taking care of them was a piece of cake like this one.” He used a fork to point to the cake on a plate in front of his seat to emphasise his point.

“Ahem!” Vince Codina cut in, “More importantly… if we return to my story about…”

“Sir Larouche, I have a question for you.” One of the ladies spoke up. Vince Codina looked chagrined that he was no longer the centre of attention.

Pence smiled obligingly. “Please go ahead, Lady Garcia.”

Jenia Garcia literally sparkled as she asked, “Did you bring back any souvenirs from the front?”

Lady Seydoux added, just as brightly, “That’s right! I heard you brought back a mech!”

It was at this moment that Anastasia felt like kicking herself for not noticing the obvious. These ladies were all daughters and not the first in line to inherit their family demesnes. As a result, it was part of their jobs to find a suitable partner who could strengthen their own house in the network of alliances that made up the nobility.

She supposed Pence was good looking enough, and young enough. He was decanted in 3024, so he was still only thirty-six years old, while the ladies in their group were all around twenty. A sixteen year age gap might have been too much in certain cultures, but Hanse Davion had a twenty-seven year age gap with his wife Melissa Steiner-Davion and nobody dared to say anything.

Pence also owned his own battlemech and was a landholding knight. As marriage prospects went, he was a catch, not a miss.

Nevertheless, she could not help but feel disgusted. Despite their attempted pranks on her earlier, she felt none of the young ladies deserved to be married to a traitorous scumbag like Pence Lamongue.

“In fairness, I brought back two mechs, not one.”

“Wow! That is so impressive!” The ladies literally squealed with excitement. Anastasia tried hard not to roll her eyes.

“Yes, one of the mechs is my own personal Banshee . I brought it with me from the frontlines.”

She already guessed from news reports that he used the same mech from when he was in the Jaguar’s Mists. His modified Banshee was a fearsome configuration that was equally adept in long range sniping or close combat.

“The other mech was taken from the Smoke Jaguars. And it’s pretty special. It was a gift to Count Haynes.”

“What’s so special about it?” One of the ladies asked.

“It was a Black Knight with clan technology. As far as I know, it’s the only one of its kind in the Inner Sphere.”

They tittered curiously, “Where is it now? Is it with you?”

“It was a gift to Count Haynes. If you ladies would like, I can get permission for you to view it at the palatial manor one day.”

Anastasia’s blood ran cold. Her Spirit Walker , ‘Saber Knight’! She had won possession of that mech from the Coyotes. She had fought a victorious Trial of Possession for the cache it was found in. That victory netted the clan several much needed omnimechs, and also earned her a nomination for the Trial of Bloodright. How did it end up being given to Count Haynes?

The ladies were excited, and chattering away merrily.

“I’m so happy!”

“Did we really just receive an invitation from Sir Larouche to the palatial manor?”

Pence smiled charmingly. “Beautiful ladies such as yourselves are always welcome.”

The ladies practically swooned at his honeyed words.

“We really didn’t expect an invitation since you rarely turn up at gatherings.”

“Haha,” he laughed, “I simply didn’t think I deserved to attend such events, considering my commoner background.”

“Oh my goodness, please don’t say such things. You’re nobility now!”

“That’s right, it doesn’t matter that you were a commoner once, or that you were a Lyran. Isn’t that right, Sir Codina?”

“That’s right. Sir Spencer Larouche is one of us now. The Count himself enfeoffed you.”

Pence smiled deprecatingly, “That means a lot. I’m so touched. I guess I didn’t have to make things so difficult for myself after all.”

Lady Seydoux said, “Yes, of course! By the way, who did that mech belong to?”

Anastasia’s blood ran even colder.

“Oh, just another foolish Smoke Jaguar.” Pence sounded almost dismissive. “But I don’t mind telling you more.”

“Please do!”

“It belonged to a female mechwarrior.” He revealed to gasps of surprise. “Her name was Avryl Showers, she was a Star Captain, if you can even believe it.” He shook his head mockingly.

“Oh, she had a bit of a reputation along the border.” He smirked at Anastasia. “The DCMS troopers called her ‘Black Lotus’. Sort of like you, Lady Kalinska.”

Anastasia raged inwardly, but plastered on a smile. “She was a clan mechwarrior. Hardly fair to compare us, Sir Larouche.”

Oblivious, he nodded, “Of course. My apologies. Anyway, she fought, she died, and that was it.”

The ladies in attendance nodded. “That’s why women shouldn’t meddle in things better left to men.”

“A female mechwarrior? How preposterous!”

Pence grinned, “In all fairness, my ladies, she was not the only one. Female mechwarriors are common outside of Inman, and some of them were legendary. We’ve all heard of the Black Widow Natasha Kerensky, and I’m sure there are many famous ones out there, like the fighters on Solaris.”

He added, “But I have to admit, it does seem better if women did as you all, living beautiful, delicate lives that are befitting of ladies such as yourselves.”

“You’re one to talk, Sir Larouche.” Anastasia could not take it any more, and decided to go on the attack. “Maybe you can share with us some of the details of your exploits in Operation Bulldog.“

“Oh, they’re not worth mentioning.” He parried deftly.

“Really? We can be the judge of that. Clan Smoke Jaguar could not have gone down so easily, not if the might of all the Successor States were needed. You must have some great stories to tell.” She smiled sweetly, but she knew he was not fooled in the least.

“True, it required the might of the new Star League, but the Smoke Jaguars folded faster than anybody thought. Paper Jaguar, would be a better term for them.”

“Then what about Avryl Showers? Did you fight against her?” Anastasia knew that he did not, but she was waiting for him to make a mistake.

“Oh no, not personally, I didn’t.” No, he only shot her in the back. “I do know some did. Viscount Rason crossed paths with her several times, in fact.”

That got a round of surprise from the ladies.

“He did?”

Another mused thoughtfully. “Viscount Rason never talked about his experiences in the war. Even though he was a war hero.”

Ignoring the byplay, Anastasia pressed on. “But for her to get a nickname like that… she must have some skills, right?”

“Well, truthfully she was quite formidable as a mechwarrior.” Pence looked a bit pained at that admission. “But as blinkered as the rest of her clan.”

“What do you mean?” asked Lady Codina.

“In short they were stupid. Fighting to restore the Star League? It always sounded silly to me. As though taking Terra itself means anything. Would the House Lords just buckle under and say, ‘Oh, you got Terra, so we’ll obey you’?” He shrugged. “And the Smoke Jaguars couldn’t even administer their territories competently. They spent so many resources trying to clamp on rebellions that their occupation was a net negative. And if they got even more worlds?”

Pence laughed. “They would have crumbled even faster.” He grinned mirthlessly, “The saddest part about it all was that many of their warriors still thought they were in the right, and Showers was one of the worst amongst them. Sure, she wasn’t involved in the slaughter of civilians, but she blindly trusted her leaders, and in the end she couldn’t even defend her own clan. Probably right up to the moment she died, she was in denial and still thought they could win.”

I could not defend my clan because you shot me in the back! Anastasia narrowed her eyes. “Isn’t the role of soldiers to fight to their last breath for their nation and their cause? If the Federated Commonwealth is near defeat against another foe, will you also turn around and betray it? Go back to the Lyran Alliance where you came from?”

The ladies gasped in shock.

“Oh my goodness!”

“Lady Kalinska! How can you speak like that about the future of the Federated Commonwealth?”

“I knew you had no manners, but I didn’t expect you to go this far!”

“Apologise immediately!”

Pence glowered at her. He knew she was probably still miffed about the incident on Altoona, but he would not know she actually knew about his sordid past. “Rest assured, the sun of the Federated Commonwealth will never set.”

Anastasia rebutted. “I’m sure Avryl Showers thought the same way about her clan. It goes without saying that every warrior and soldier swears service to their faction.” Except for those who hold to clan traditions and are taken as bondsmen, then adopted as abtakha , of course, though both herself and Pence were not supposed to know that. “Is any warrior a fool just because their cause is doomed? Don’t be so quick to insult their judgement and honour!”

Pence scoffed. “Lady Kalinska, do you know how many warriors on both sides died because of her stubbornness? If she had given up sooner, less lives would have been lost.”

Of course she knew. On Tanh Linh alone, her Binary slaughtered more than a regiment of conventional forces over a week of relentless, remorseless combat. She did not even want to think about the number of infantry she killed in her Spirit Walker, configured for anti-infantry work. Then there were the brutal battles on Caripare, Yamarovka…

Pence concluded firmly. “Avryl Showers should never have become a mechwarrior.”

“Sir Larouche!” interjected Vince Codina. “What do ladies know of such matters? Let’s put aside these old stories about a dead clan and move on to other things…”

“It seems you have no sense of honour, Sir Larouche.” Finn spoke up suddenly from his position behind Anastasia’s chair, shocking her with his presence.

“Co… Commander!” stammered Vince, springing to his feet.

Finn said, “The one you should be worried about greeting is behind me.”

“Greetings everybody!” Raymond Haynes popped up behind Finn, unbearably perky.

“Oh, Sir Haynes! What brings you here?” asked Jenia Garcia.

Raymond answered brightly, “Why, for a book, of course! There’s a book that you can only find in hardcover in the Viscount’s library, ‘Passion of a Rose’, so I have to find it! At first glance, it might seem to be just another romance novel, but really it’s a novel that…”

As he rambled on, seemingly oblivious, the ladies whispered amongst themselves.

Selina Seydoux commented softly, “They say Sir Haynes is quite the bookworm.”

“Yes, so I’ve heard. They say he only comes out when he’s looking for rare books… I guess the rumours were true.”

What is going on? Anastasia looked up at Finn, who was smiling slightly at her. Exactly why is Finn here? Is he smiling to just pretend for the sake of our engagement?

And there was one treacherous thought that almost short circuited her brain. And why do I feel so relieved?

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #51 on: 07 February 2024, 23:22:54 »
Author's notes:
I have a series of short notes regarding the battles between Avryl’s Jaguar’s Mists and Finn’s War Pigs. Maybe I’ll even turn it into something like the Fist and Falcon / Wolf and Blake / Sword and Dragon starterbooks. I have pilot profiles on Avryl’s Command Star and Pence Lamongue.

The Inner Sphere units on Tanh Linh all proceeded to Kanowit in Wave 1 during Operation Bulldog, which presumably meant there was no mech garrison left behind. Avryl and her Jaguar’s Mists coincidentally hit Tanh Linh at the exact right timing to inflict horrendous casualties on the defenders before Finn arrived to chase them off.

Why Finn and his company? Because his unit took so much damage on Bicester fighting off the Jaguar’s Mists raiding/spoiling attack before Bulldog they couldn’t accompany the rest of the 1st Davion Guards during the assault on Port Arthur. So Finn’s company was conveniently left behind on Bicester within two jumps of Tanh Linh to react. Afterwards his unit (the War Pigs) was specifically assigned to hunt down the Jaguar’s Mists, with battles on Caripare and Yamarovka.

Sources: The Dragon Roars scenario pack

Karna Leaf Tea appeared in the novel Freebirth, where many characters enjoyed it, some more than others (Horse was one of the few who hated it). As to how it got to Inman… the Smoke Jaguars in the OZ brought some of the native flora from Huntress to transplant in the Inner Sphere (everybody likes a small taste of home), so they have some supply. The enclave that moved to Delacambre hence had some, which they unwittingly sold to the naughty ladies, who bought it to play a prank on Anastasia, not knowing she actually liked it.

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #52 on: 15 February 2024, 01:22:21 »
Codina Estate, Inman,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
27th April, 3061
1600 hours (0800 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

A few hours earlier, Finn had met Raymond in the palatial manor.

“Raymond, you owe me, right?” Finn leaned over Raymond’s desk, his posture threatening.

“Yeah, I owe you quite a bit. It’s thanks to you and Lady Kalinska that my brother has been withdrawn from the affairs of the Trivet.”

Raymond continued, “Of course, you only did it for Lady Kalinska. So,” he smirked, “how should I repay you?”

“Viscount Codina has an extensive garden greenhouse. His daughter is hosting a tea party, and I need to go get Lady Kalinska, but I don’t have any connections to the Viscount.”

“Oh I see. So, you want me to visit the Viscount’s estate because you’re worried about her, is that it?”


“No problem! I assume that could make us even?”


“And anybody who reads it would agree that it’s the romance of the century! The millennium, even! So anyway, I came here to look for the rare hardcover edition. At the risk of appearing rude, I took the liberty of asking Viscount Rason and some of his men to escort me here. But who would have guessed!”

The rambling Raymond sneaked a glance at Anastasia and Finn. “That Viscount Rason’s fiancee, Lady Kalinska, would also be here. So now, how could I separate these two who would be married soon just because I’m on a mission of my own?”

Anastasia just felt more and more confused as Raymond talked, wondering why he was doing this.

Raymond smiled stupidly at her. “You’re welcome! No need to thank me. And so, this is how I came to visit this beautiful garden.” Then, as though realising something, he added, “Ah, please pardon me! I didn’t expect there to be so many people here, and it seems, in my excitement, my greetings have gone on for quite some time.”

He turned to Finn. “Please continue what you were saying, Viscount Rason.”

Finn faced Pence squarely. “What you just said was ridiculous. Are you trying to insult a warrior’s honour?”

Pence asked calmly. “What do you mean, Viscount Rason?”

“What you suggest is unacceptable for any warrior.” He turned to the others. “Did you all know how Avryl Showers died? She didn’t die in honourable battle.” He paused for effect. “She was murdered in cold blood by one of her subordinates! That traitor is a loathsome being who has no business speaking about honour.” He glared at Pence.

The people around the table gasped in surprise. Anastasia, who knew all this already, realised Finn knew, but for some reason, could not name Pence directly. And she could not say anything either, since Anastasia Kalinska was not supposed to know.

Pence raised an eyebrow. “Oh my. What you’re saying is quite dangerous, Viscount Rason. Conceding to the victor when defeat is all but assured is simply common sense. That traitor helped the Inner Sphere defeat the clans. And besides, it was another traitor who gave away the secrets of the Exodus Road… his name was Trent, I believe.”

Finn frowned. “Regardless of the circumstances, betraying a rightful commander and abandoning loyalty is not something a warrior should ever do. Trent paid for his betrayal with his life in the Great Refusal, and nobody can ever say he was a coward who would shoot an unprepared foe in the back.” Unlike you, was the unstated addition that probably only Anastasia and Pence picked up on. “For you to denigrate somebody’s sacrifices and courage just makes me sick.”

Before Pence could respond, Finn continued, “A warrior should never betray their nation, but instead defend it against all threats.” He turned to Vince, “Isn’t that right, Leftenant Codina?”

Vince Codina looked embarrassed as he nodded. “Oh uh, yes, that’s right.”

Pence asked, “Even if they’re in the wrong?”

Finn replied, “Do you not understand, or just pretending not to?”

“Then, Viscount Rason, let me ask you. Would you still do what you do if it meant all your soldiers losing their lives?”

Anastasia felt the icy grip around her heart. It was a question that had plagued her since her initial Trial of Position where she achieved the rank of Star Commander. Despite all the harsh sibko training, there was still a corner of her mind that could not help but quail at the thought of just tossing her troops into a meat grinder like what happened during Bulldog. There is no such war that does not require the sacrifice of soldiers, quiaff?

“Enough with your pathetic excuses, Sir Larouche. If their lives were really important, an officer would have found an honourable way to preserve their lives, like what Star Colonel Logan Moon did for the Sixth Jaguar Dragoons. And these soldiers would also have made their choices. At the very least, Star Captain Avryl Showers did her duty as a mechwarrior of her clan. There is no need for cause or justification.”

His gaze was piercing and fierce. “If I was the traitor who killed Avryl Showers, not even her name would have ever crossed my lips again. No matter how ashamed I would be of my own cowardice.”

Anastasia stared at Finn. Why is he…?

Pence sat silently in the face of Finn’s harsh rebuke.

Finn snarled. “Looks like you’re run out of excuses. What you suggested was not just betrayal, but abandoning the very ethos of a warrior. It doesn’t matter who holds the gun, or pilots the mech. All that matters is whether you live or die the right way.”

Why? Anastasia thought. Why is he saying what I wanted to say? Why did it have to be Finn, my most tenacious enemy in my previous life?

“Hahaha!” Pence broke the tension with laughter. “Viscount Finn, you are truly an exemplary warrior.”

Finn continued to glare. “And you bring shame on our profession. I’m not surprised that you can laugh in a situation like this. It seems that you’ve been able to escape criticism by silencing other people like this every time.” He concluded, his tone hard. “I think you are the one who never should have become a mechwarrior.”

The mirth in Pence’s eyes disappeared, replaced by a baleful glare. Of course questioning his status as a warrior would strike hard at his ego. No matter what, Pence was a trueborn mechwarrior of the clans, being a mechwarrior was ingrained in his very bones.

“Viscount Rason.” Pence pushed his chair back and stood to his feet. “I stand by the fact that Avryl Shower’s death was necessary to reduce the number of lives lost in the war. Even if it took a traitor to accomplish that. You cannot deny that fact.”

Finn replied, “Do you think you can still justify your way of thinking with such excuses?”

“Excuses? I know you won’t believe me, no matter what I do, but I’ll say one more thing. If I ever show any signs of betrayal, you can just kill me.”

That statement shocked everybody at the table.

Pence continued to smile. “You have the authority to do that, right?”

“I’ll be sure to do so.” Finn promised grimly, his gaze still full of anger.

Nobody present had ever seen young Viscount Rason showing such hostility before. Yes, he usually exhibited a sharp chillness, but to show almost open enmity… At that point, it was also clear to everybody that the tea party would end soon.

Pence sighed. “It seems I have ruined the mood. I just wanted to chat, but I think I’ve overstayed my welcome.”

“Oh, not at all, Sir Larouche.” One of the ladies tried to reassure him.

Pence bowed politely to Lady Codina. “Thank you for inviting me here, Lady Codina. I enjoyed spending time with you.”

“Oh,” she smiled, though even Anastasia thought it seemed just a bit forced. “Not at all. It was an honour to meet you, Sir Larouche.”

Just like that, the tea party dissipated into the air like mist in bright sunlight.


“Is it okay? You followed me out as soon as we left.” Anastasia looked out the window of her hoverlimo, Finn sitting opposite her. “Can we leave just like this? I thought you were responsible for escorting Sir Haynes…”

“There’s no need to worry,” he reassured her. “I just brought him along with me as an excuse to get you out of there.”

“What? You did that to Sir Haynes because of me? Is that even allowed?” Anastasia felt flustered. “I mean, why did you have to…?”

Finn huffed a bit. “That’s because I knew the ladies at that tea party held no goodwill towards you. Besides, I don’t like it when my fiancee is in trouble.”

“Huh?” Anastasia could see some clarity in the situation now. “Hold on! In other words, you were worried about me?”

Finn avoided her gaze. “You’re always asking that.”

Anastasia felt like pressing further for answers, but there was a part of her that told her she might not like his answers, so she relented. Still, she had other things to ask about. “There is something else I’d like to ask you.” Her hands squeezed the fabric of her dress.

He did look at her this time. “Hmmm? What is it?”

“At the tea party… did you speak so harshly to Captain Larouche? To side with me since I’m your fiancee?”

Finn was silent for a moment, before he replied. “Not really.” He folded his arms across his chest. “That’s just what I personally thought.”

This surprised Anastasia.

“I am furious with him.”


Finn’s face showed extreme disgust. “Maybe I never told you because I didn’t even want to mention it, but I despise that man.” She could see him grinding his teeth in an attempt to control his anger. “I hate his guts.”

“Why? Why do you hate him so much? Is it because he was a Lyran?” She just remembered that the man who killed her was now supposedly Spencer Larouche, an officer from the Lyran Alliance, and not Pence Lamongue, former Smoke Jaguar abtakha.

He shook his head. “That’s not it.” His gaze was fierce, then the anger seeped away slightly. “It’s because of the warrior mentioned at the tea party, Avryl Showers. I met her during the war. Fought her several times too.”

Anastasia just managed to mask her surprise. Why did my name suddenly come up?

“What about that woman?” She felt a bit strange, talking about herself in the third person.

“Not ‘that woman’.” He frowned, as though chiding her gently.


“But… ‘that mechwarrior’. Avryl was an exemplary mechwarrior, regardless of gender or allegiance. She was someone I deeply respected.”

Anastasia was speechless. In her battles with Finn, he had never shown anything of this!

He continued, “Her only misfortune was that she was born a Smoke Jaguar. Ah no,” he seemed to arrive at a new conclusion. “Come to think of it, it was because she was a Smoke Jaguar that she was able to become such an outstanding mechwarrior. And to be honest, it wouldn’t have happened here in the Trivet, or maybe even in the rest of the Federated Commonwealth.”

He looked out the window of the hoverlimo, at the trees lining the road. “I used to think that she was just an unusual woman, but she proved that to be untrue.”

“What do you mean?”

He seemed to be lost in his memories as he talked. “As I said, Avryl Showers was an amazing mechwarrior. She was the Black Lotus, feared across the entire border for her daring and skill. However, she was killed by a traitor within her own unit. On that day, I went into their base on Garstedt and saw her dead body with my own eyes. I felt so sorry for her.”

“To be killed by a traitor, denied the chance to die honourably in battle, and then to be insulted like that? I just couldn’t take it.” He clenched his hands into fists on his lap. “She shouldn’t have died like that… That shit bastard…” He shifted his gaze to Anastasia, and stopped mid-sentence.

Tears streamed down Anastasia’s cheeks, dripping onto her expensive dress.

Startled, Finn quickly crouched in front of Anastasia. “I’m sorry! I wasn’t considerate of your feelings and behaved rashly!”

Not noticing the confusion on her face, he said, “I couldn’t control my emotions and scared you!”


“No, what I mean is… I had no intention of getting angry at you or hurting you. Maybe we should stop the limo and let you get some fresh air outside! I’m so sorry, my lady.”

She looked down at his anxious face, while her wet tears dripped down to her hands. Somehow, the juxtaposition of the two seemed to settle her a bit.

“What’s with that face…” she mumbled. Who knew the fierce and uncompromising Warhog Finn Rason could make this kind of expression? She used the long sleeves of her dress to wipe off her tears, while a smirk grew on her face. “I see.”

“My lady?”

I became a mechwarrior for my clan to restore the Star League. In the end, all that is left are insults against a foolish woman who refused to admit her cause was lost… but this man was angry for me on my behalf.

She slumped down from her seat to join Finn on the small floor space between the seats.

This mechwarrior on the other side, who I fought so hard against during the war… she rested her head against his chest. …thought I was worthy.

“Thank you…”

Finn now looked confused. “Huh? For what?”

Anastasia replied, “I mean it, I’m so grateful…”

They stayed there for long moments, before Anastasia asked, “Don’t you find me strange?” She sighed. “Even I know my behaviour isn’t normal.”

“Yes, you are.” He smirked. “But I don’t know what you’ve been through… or all the details of the situation you’re in. If a person is hurt, it’s hard to pretend nothing’s wrong and carry on as usual. So don’t worry, it’s not like I can’t handle it.”

He continued, “But more than that, I’m just happy that we share the same thoughts on some things. I even feel we’re starting to understand each other better.”

He smiled at her. “You’re always doing the things I’ve only ever thought about. Don’t worry, I’ll always have your back.”


In Venice Codina’s room, Selina Seydoux wrung her hands nervously.

“Lady Seydoux,” said Venice, “Just what kind of person do you take me for? Not only did you pull that stunt with the chair, but you even involved one of my maids in your schemes!”

“No… that’s…” Lady Seydoux looked away timidly, trying to find words  to explain herself.

“Did I ask you to do so? I’m very curious to know from where you got this confidence to behave this way.”

Lady Seydoux finally mustered the words, “It’s just a misunderstanding, Lady Codina! What I mean is… at the Feast of Bounty banquet… I remember you saying that Lady Kalinska needed to be put in her place! So I…”

“Ahh…” Venice stared coldly at Lady Seydoux. “That explains your actions at the banquet. And because you carelessly let slip information about the investigation you heard from my brother, you put me and him in an awkward position.”

Lady Seydoux replied anxiously, “That’s only Lady Kalinska says whatever she pleases! Don’t you see? I did it for you!” She continued, “It was the same today. She showed such disrespect to Captain Sir Spencer Larouche! She got all worked up over that clan mechwarrior and completely ruined the mood! Maybe she felt a sense of unity with her since they’re both nicknamed ‘Lotus’... I wouldn’t be surprised, after all, Lady Kalinska is always strange and eccentric!”

Seeing that Venice did not interject, Lady Seydoux pressed on, “You must have thought so too, right? You invited her to the tea party to crush her, isn’t it? I knew what you wanted and just did the dirty work for you.”

Venice trembled and mumbled, “Stop it…”

“Isn’t that what you wanted? You should be thanking me…”

“Be quiet!” Venice finally burst out. “It was supposed to be just a normal tea party! Drinking tea and chatting like always!” She trembled as she spoke, too distraught to control her anger and frustration.

“Lady Codina?”

“That’s all it was… And it was ruined!”

“Both Viscount Rason and Sir Larouche came as well. Even Sir Raymond Haynes made an appearance! Wouldn’t that be considered a success?”

“No, you don’t understand!” Venice thought angrily. That wasn’t the purpose of the tea party! The attendees’ popularity or status aren’t important! What was important was to hold the metaphoric high ground, trusted to organise such events, in effect controlling the flow of information and rumours, along the capability to influence events.

But then, Lady Kalinska was attacked with petty tricks right from the start. And while that was settled and she didn’t seem to take visible offence, the arrival of unexpected guests like her bumbling fool of a brother and Sir Spencer Larouche quickly caused things to devolve into chaos. Then Viscount Rason’s visit must have been a warning not to trouble Lady Kalinska in the future, along with the presence of Raymond Haynes to back him up.

Venice sighed. It’ll be difficult to try and invite Lady Kalinska again… This is so unfair…

She suddenly felt something was off and strode over to the doors of her bedroom, startling Lady Seydoux. Venice flung them open and looked out along the hallway in both directions. Was I imagining things? I felt like somebody was just here.

“Is there something wrong, my lady?” Lady Seydoux asked timidly.

Venice turned back to her. “No, it’s nothing. In any case, from now on you must be careful when you take such things to heart and think about the consequences of your actions.”


A few metres away, in a side alcove, Raymond Haynes sighed in relief, and murmured to himself, “She is too sensitive.”

I’m not surprised, she would be a worthy opponent. He pondered Lady Venice Codina. Even at an early age, she had established herself as someone highly positioned in the Trivet’s social hierarchy on skill alone.

She’s similar to himself, mused Raymond as he carefully stepped away cheerfully. Considering what he had just heard, it seemed Lady Codina had no intentions of harming Lady Kalinska. Instead, she was upset that her tea party was ruined by the unexpected guests.

He froze in his steps with a sudden realisation. That Lady Codina was actually capable of such anger… he chuckled to himself, thinking of how her public persona had always been so calm and composed.

There’s still one more thing, he thought. Lady Kalinska’s behaviour was certainly strange. What reason would a noblewoman of the Trivet possibly have to get so upset over a story of a mere Smoke Jaguar mechwarrior? Could it be because she didn’t like to see women demeaned in any way?

He shook his head. That didn’t seem to be the reason. Perhaps like Finn, she was disgusted hearing how Larouche tried to justify betrayal. Raymond tsked to himself, chiding himself for not paying more attention to Anastasia Kalinska.

He also noted that it was unusual for Finn to get so worked up, and the way he had talked to Larouche… what exactly did Finn know about Spencer Larouche? Raymond had some intelligence sources, and they were adamant on one thing - there had been no mechwarrior named Spencer Larouche in the Lyran Alliance Armed Forces.

Come to think of it… it wasn’t the first time Lady Kalinska had displayed hostile behaviour towards Spencer Larouche. There was that incident in the guest lounge, then when they met her at the drop-port. Both times, she displayed nothing but hostility towards Larouche.

It couldn’t be because of the bandit attack on Altoona, that came later. But that had to have some effect. Spencer Larouche had been notorious amongst the nobles for being aloof and rarely participating in high society events, but this time he had even proactively invited himself to a tea party for ladies. Raymond had heard from his sources that the events on Altoona had reminded Larouche of his mortality and he was now hunting for a consort. It was only unfortunate that his nemesis Lady Kalinska was also invited.

Come on, Raymond, think. He toted up the data points he had from the conversation during the tea party.

A mechwarrior’s loyalty. The clan war. Betrayal. Avryl Showers, a Smoke Jaguar mechwarrior. What was the link? Raymond knew Finn probably knew more than he was letting on, especially with regards to the mysterious identity of Spencer Larouche, and Finn was also, in some mysterious way, close to Star Captain Avryl Showers.

When Finn had just returned to the Trivet, Raymond had roped him into an extended drinking session where Finn had drunkenly lamented her death. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought Finn had a crush on his rival.

There’s a connection there somewhere, Raymond was sure of it. He had always loved a good mystery, and this seemed to be a classic right out of the detective novels or political thrillers.

And if the secrets revealed could benefit his plans, all the better.

The participants of the tea party:

Venice Codina (host), Anastasia Kalinska, Selina Seydoux, Jenia Garcia, Emilie Estarra, Axelle Aimee

The party crashers: Vince Codina, Spencer Larouche, Raymond Haynes, Finn Rason

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #53 on: 26 February 2024, 07:07:45 »
Kalinski Estate, Inman,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
28th April, 3061
2200 hours (1000 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

Anastasia shook her head vigorously, trying to dislodge the memory of a laughing Finn from her mind.

Even if he was her fiance, she felt she could not keep owing him… Even at the tea party, if Finn had not been there, would she be able to keep her composure in front of Pence the whole time? She cannot always just rely on him, nor did she want to. Considering I have gotten into so many sticky situations recently, it will be impossible to try to do everything on my own. I am no longer a Star Captain. But I will be in trouble if I am not careful. What I really need are information and opportunity.

But the information she could get from the maids and servants alone was limited to trivial affairs, and lacked specifics. She could not rely on her father either. Then the only other source would be other noblewomen, as much as she disliked it.

There is no other way for a flouncy dress-wearing aristocrat to gather intel, she mused ruefully. Making friends with the other ladies would have opened up a whole wealth of information.

By some miracle, she had gotten that invitation from Lady Codina, but… Anastasia almost slammed her hands onto the table with frustration. Considering her behaviour at the party, she might as well have torn it up with her own two hands. And she could not even blame it on the original Anastasia’s reputation!

Even more vexing was that Venice Codina fulfilled all her criteria, was the one person with influence among the nobles and was aware of everything that happened on Inman, and did not show outright hostility to her.

But she had to wreck that gathering!

Anastasia groaned in silent frustration. Lady Codina was perfect! Exactly who I needed! What have I done? I would not be invited to another tea party ever again! She shook her head and frowned. Instead of making a good impression, I just dampened the mood!

How was she going to approach Lady Codina, who had seemed the most useful by far…

“My lady.” Madame Iris reminded her that she had been consulting with the older woman for advice. “What were you so deep in thought about? I would have told you that such indecent behaviour belittles the dignity of your House.”

“I’m sorry.”

“If you’re going to just keep worrying about it, then why not send out letters? That you will be hosting a tea party?”

“A tea party hosted by me?” Anastasia perked up, suddenly enthused. “That’s a great idea! I don’t really know anything about tea, so should I serve them a similarly expensive one? The purple coloured tea I had the other day that turned pink when a bit of lime was added was so amazing!” A corner of her mind that belonged to the hardened clan mechwarrior was shocked at her own enthusiasm.

“It’s called blue mellow,” replied Madame Iris. “A favoured drink for nobles in the Draconis March.”

Anastasia was impressed. “Even the name sounds fancy. Anyway,” her eyes narrowed, her caution coming back to the fore, “you were just teasing me about hosting a tea party myself, right?”

Madame Iris shrugged, “I was half serious, but I concede your point. Nobody might even turn up.”

That was a definite downer, but Anastasia understood. At least you are honest with me. And it’s not really friends I need, it is information!

“You received an invitation before, didn’t you? If luck is on your side, you may still receive another invitation from the Codinas, so don’t worry.”

Anastasia grimaced. “What? There’s no way that’ll happen again.”

“To be honest, you’re probably right.”

“Ahh, you’ve hit the nail on the head again, Madame Iris.”

The doors to the room suddenly opened, and an excited Luisa burst through. “My lady!”

The maid brandished a letter proudly. “It seems Lady Codina enjoyed your company at the last tea party! As expected of our lady!”

Anastasia blinked. “Luisa, what are you talking about?”

Lusia placed the letter on the table. “Look! It’s another invitation from House Codina!”

Moments later, Anastasia placed the two invitation letters she had received side by side, comparing the seals. “It’s the same House Codina seal that was on the invitation I received before. What is going on here, Madame Iris?”

“I’m not sure.”

Anastasia grinned. “I guess I’m lucky this time.”

Madame Iris frowned sternly. “Even if Lady Codina seemed harmless enough at the last tea party, that too may be an intentional calculated move. So you mustn’t let your guard down.”

Anastasis nodded in agreement. She is right. It may have been out of curiosity at first, but there must be some motive behind this second invitation. But even if I do not know her motives, I cannot pass by this second chance!


Codina Estate, Inman,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
3rd May
1300 hours (0900 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

It was two days after Labour Day when Anastasia stepped carefully into the Codina mansion and was led to a waiting room by a maid. To prepare herself mentally, she arrived a bit earlier than the stipulated timing, thinking she could use the time to figure out what was going on.

The maid bowed to her. “My lady, if you would please remain in the room and wait a moment. Our young master had just arrived from the palatial manor and is meeting with Lady Codina.”

“Oh, that’s fine. Don’t worry about me. I’m a bit early, after all.”

Anastasia sat down on one of the comfortable sofas, and could not help but fiddle with the invitation letter. Madame Iris had warned her to be careful and not let her guard down, but she really could not think there was anything to be careful about in her situation. The letter had even stated that Lady Codina had wanted to talk to her first.

How could I refuse? Anastasia took a deep breath, and balled her hands into fists in determination. I’ll definitely make a good impression this time! I can do this!

She was still waiting twenty minutes later in the quiet guest lounge, and yawned in boredom. Their conversation is taking longer than I thought… in the end, it did not matter how early I was. Do not tell me that same braggart left the palatial manor just to come here? Do the soldiers here have nothing better to do?

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a shout.

“How dare you try to deceive me?” It was Vince Codina’s voice, if she was not mistaken. “Why you little…!” There was a sound of something shattering, jolting Anastasia from her malaise.

“Do you think you can fool me because I’m more outspoken than other girls?” That was Venice Codina.

Anastasia sprung to her feet. What is going on?

She walked over carefully to the adjoining hallway, opening the door.

“Vince, stop!”

“Let go!” More crashing sounds, of things being flung to the floor and shattering. “I said let go! I want to see her myself!”

Vince Codina started to rant, “It’s all because of that blasted Viscount Rason! That smooth-talking rich kid bastard! What makes him so special, huh?”

He is your superior officer, Anastasia thought, and he has fought enemies you could never have dreamed of. Well, maybe she was giving herself too much credit, but Finn Rason was definitely the much better man, even if he was an idiot.

“My lady, if you will just follow me to the parlour…” A maid said anxiously, obviously trying to head her off.

“I’m the one who invited Lady Kalinska here!” That was Venice Codina now. “So why do you insist on meeting my guest?”

Vince retorted, “Do you think you could hide her from me? Besides, I only want to see her for a moment, why are you making such a fuss? And her fiance says she’s being harassed? What is that about?”

“Please, Vince, stop! I can’t believe you are saying such things! You’re not thinking clearly!”

“Thinking clearly? Huh?” Out of Anastasia’s sight, Vince Codina’s hands trembled as he reached for his sister. “Oh Venice… how dare you. Are you afraid I’m gonna do something to her?”

Anastasia had ignored the servant’s plea, and stood outside the room where the siblings were confronting each other, listening quietly to the argument with her back to the wall next to the open door. The servant had run off, presumably to get help to hide their household’s dirty laundry. She sighed, why are the men here all such dezgra ******?

Vince continued to rant, “If you want to get along with that amazing fiance of hers, you’ll keep your mouth shut!”

“Stop saying such foolish things!”


“Ahhh!” The sound of somebody falling to the floor.

Shocked, Anastasia spun around to the open door.

“Venice, since when did you start disobeying me?”

She saw Vince reaching with his right hand for the pistol at his belt, while Lady Codina cried out, trying to make her brother pause in whatever he was going to do, “Vince! Wait…! I haven’t finished…”

Anastasia could not take it any more, and she stepped in. With his back towards her, she had the advantage of surprise over Vince. She grabbed his right arm, wrenching it behind his back, while her left leg swept his right leg, causing him to tumble off balance to the ground. She followed him down, maintaining her hold on his arm, then exerting pressure on him by placing her body weight on his back. Any movement he made could be countered by wrenching his arm harder, and she also had control over his hand, so it would be easy to break his fingers if necessary.

In all fairness, with his strength he could probably break out of her hold if he knew the correct techniques, but it seemed he did not. Maybe he should spend more time training than boasting of his unimpressive deeds.

“Arrrgggh!” He groaned in pain.

“Well, isn’t this interesting! Pulling a gun on your sister to relieve your anger… How dishonourable.”

“Lady Kalinska?” A confused Lady Codina stared up at her.

Vince roared angrily, “Lady Kalinska, what the hell do you think you’re…!”

Anastasia sighed, then exerted pressure again, wrenching another groan from Vince. “Sir Codina, I hope this will not escalate into an issue between our families. I heard very clearly what you just said.” She smirked. “If you want to get along with that amazing fiance of mine, you’ll keep your mouth shut, right? She placed more pressure, and his groans became louder, but he nodded to indicate his understanding.

She released the armlock, but before one final painful wrench that inflicted excruciating pain on his shoulder joint, just short of dislocating it completely, eliciting another loud groan. “Sir Codina, your actions here were quite shameful. It would be a scandal if anybody were to know of this. I do hope you will keep it quiet.”

She walked up to Venice Codina. “Are you all right? Can you stand?” She offered a helping hand.

“Huh? Yes…” Lady Codina took her hand.

“Can you take me back to the drawing room? I seem to have lost my way.”

They left Vince Codina lying on the floor, clutching his shoulder, groaning in pain and stewing in frustration.


In the drawing room, Anastasia looked over Lady Codina with concern. The noblewoman was still shaking.

She asked, “Should I ask for some cool water or tea? Or a cold towel for your cheek?”

Lady Codina stayed silent, her head down, her hair obscuring her face. She has been like that for a while now. What should I do?

“My lady?” Anastasia reached out with one hand to pat Lady Codina to provide some assurance.

The moment her hand made contact, Lady Codina shouted, “Don’t touch me!”

Anastasia withdrew her hand in surprise.

“You really are the absolute worst! Why couldn’t you just turn a blind eye, like everybody else does? Were you hoping to start a rumour?” Lady Codina said angrily to her. “Why did you interfere back there? Were you hoping I’d be embarrassed and ashamed?”

“What… What are you talking about?” Anastais blinked in confusion. I really cannot figure out what these nobles are thinking. “Your brother is the one who’s at fault here, so why should you feel ashamed?”

Venice Codina still seemed peeved.

Anastasia tried to mollify her. “Oh! If you care about this kind of stuff, you don’t need to worry. I won’t tell anyone. I didn’t mean to see it at all, so stop your cry…”



Lady Codina shouted, “Why would I care about that? I just hate that you were there!” She covered her face with her hands. “It’s so awful.”

Anastasia was thoroughly confused now, but realisation slowly gnawed at her. “Lady Codina, did I do something wrong?” Her tone turned colder. “I said, did I do something wrong?”

“What have I done to make you so angry? I only interfered because I was afraid something bad might happen to you. Is that so wrong?”

Venice Codina replied softly, “No one else stopped it from happening. Not a single person in the entire estate! So doesn’t that mean that everybody was okay with it? Even though they knew what was happening? Not just me, but anyone else who might have been in my place.” Lady Codina seemed almost resigned.

“Well, I won’t say anything about it if that’s what you want…”

She was cut off by a scoff from Lady Codina. “Lady Kalinska, you know that I hate you, right?”

Wow, she said it so easily… “What?” I just saved her, so what is with the attitude? It seemed that Madame Iris was right after all. Still, Anastasia could not help but ask, “Why is that? Are you upset because Count Haynes took such an interest in me that day?” That was a vague memory she had from the original Anastasia.

Lady Codina flinched a bit.

Anastasia continued, “You’re a beautiful woman with a noble background. What reason do you have to be jealous of me?”

“What? What are you talking about?” Lady Codina seemed outraged at her question. Enough to finally look up straight at Anastasia. Her left cheek was slightly reddened from her brother’s slap.

“Think about it, even if you didn’t thank me, I at least thought you’d have enough manners not to say ‘I hate you’ to my face. You have no reason to hate me unless it’s because you’re jealous. Isn’t that why you lost your temper and insist on this argument with me right now?” A bit parched from talking, Anastasia took a long sip of her tea.

“Lady Kalinska! That’s not true! Why would I be jealous of you?”

“I see you’re still denying it.”

Lady Codina seemed even more incensed now. “I’m aware that you think very highly of yourself, but how can you just live like this?”

“Huh?” Her confusion was back.

“It’s like you said, my family’s status is higher than yours and I am considered a great beauty!” Lady Codina really seemed furious now. “So why would I ever be jealous of you! You’re saying I’m jealous of that thing?”

Anastasia got the distinct feeling they were talking past each other. “Hey wait… what do you mean by ‘that thing’? And no, that’s probably not what I meant.” She sighed. “Anyway, you don’t even have to say anything for me to know that you hate me. You and your friends made that quite clear during the Feast of Bounty banquet.”

Lady Codina arched an elegant eyebrow. “Who said they were my friends? Seriously you still don’t get it, do you?”

Anastasia just felt more and more annoyed. “Ugh, whatever! I have no idea what you mean, and stop talking in circles!”

“I wasn’t jealous of you, I was trying to help you! Really!”

Anastasia felt well and truly flabbergasted. “Am I misunderstanding something? How is that trying to help me? It doesn’t make any sense!” She added, “You’ll have to come up with a better excuse than that.”

Lady Codina sighed. “Isn’t it funny? It’s so easy for people to accuse women of jealousy.” She chuckled lightly. “Why does the reason I hate you have to be because of jealousy?”

“Oh, well…” Anastasia could not refute her. That is true. She is right. Why did I think it was jealousy? I simply assumed she was jealous based on what I heard from others. Because… I always thought women in the Inner Sphere were easily jealous of others.

But jealousy wasn’t the sole domain of women. Men could be jealous too, based on what she saw of Vince Codina’s behaviour.

Anastasia sighed. She had been thinking too simply about other people’s intentions because of her own biases. It took only a direct refutation by Lady Codina to teach her that. But even so… she was sure Lady Codina still hated her, which did not align with her claim that she wanted to help her.

Anastasia really wanted to clear things up.

“So then, why do you hate me? If you don’t like me, why try to help me? If I’ve wronged you in some way, then I will apologise. Just try to help me understand.”

Lady Codina sighed. “It’s a bit of a long story…”


It turned out that years ago, Anastasia had saved Lady Codina from a difficult situation with her brother at the Haynes palatial manor. Venice Codina had wanted to make friends with the young Lady Kalinska, but Anastasia was extremely standoffish and never mingled with the other noble ladies of the aristocracy, and as a result had no friends and no allies.

Throughout the years, Venice Codina saw how this led to Anastasia being isolated and ostracised by the majority of the noblewomen, not helped by the intense jealousy directed at her as a result of the ‘White Lotus’ nickname bestowed upon her by Count Haynes. Having no power back then, Venice could only fall in line with the others until she could carve out a more powerful social status for herself.

The worst offender was Lady Richelle Aubert, the daughter and heir of Viscount Aubert. She led a pack of ladies who delighted in selecting ‘targets’ for bullying during banquets and gatherings, and even Venice had to tread carefully lest she offended them and became a target herself. They often spread nasty rumours about people Richelle disliked, and Anastasia was one of their favourite targets due to her social isolation and lack of allies.

Two years ago, Anastasia announced she was in a relationship with Baron Renard Haynes, and all the bullying stopped. Although Renard was already known for his short temper and ill-treatment of women, Venice had thought Anastasia had finally found a way to establish and protect herself.

But… that turned out to be a ruse by Renard. Venice choked when she recounted how she was a witness when Anastasia threw herself into the manor lake. How she had to scream for the servants to save Anastasia, and how Renard had laughed at the drama he had created. When it had been clear to everybody that Anastasia had truly loved Renard.

By the time they carried Anastasia’s unmoving body from the cold lake, Venice was utterly dismayed at the cruelty of it all.

“I don’t even know why I’m so angry, but I felt that you aren’t somebody who should ever be treated like this. You were called the ‘White Lotus’, and rejected society’s pretences of what a noblewoman should be. I just wanted that image of you to last forever…” Lady Codina sighed. “When you jumped into the manor lake, it was the most foolish version of you I’d ever seen, betraying what I thought was your truest self.”

Anastasia asked, “So you actually saw it happen?”

Lady Codina nodded. “I guess you really don’t remember after all.”

Anastasia fidgeted uncomfortably for a while, trying to digest all the new information. Then she asked, “Then why did you try to pick a fight with me?”

Lady Codina looked confused. “When did I ever do that?”

“Don’t even try to deny it. Are you saying that it wasn’t your fault that Lady Seydoux tried to shame me during the banquet?”

“Oh, that?” Lady Codina explained, “It was to give you a good reason to leave the ballroom. You showed up before all the rumours had subsided, so it was obvious what the outcome would have been. I couldn’t help you outright though, so I had to use Lady Seydoux as my cat’s paw.”

“But,” Lady Codina smiled at her, “strangely enough, for the first time you looked me right in the eye and acknowledged me. Until then, we had only just ignored each other.”

“So the tea party…?”

Lady Codina’s smile grew wider. “When you finally acknowledged me, I felt the time was right.” She extended a hand towards Anastasia. “I want you on my side.”

Anastasia blinked.

“Let me explain. Your return to Inman tells me that you’re not planning on running away again, and that you’ll continue to participate in social activities as a lady here. I can help you.”

Lady Codina gestured to herself. “It’s not like how it used to be. I’m no longer someone who can be ignored in high society anymore.”

“Oh.” Anastasia was elated and wary. It was something she had been hoping for, and Venice Codina now offers it up to her on a silver platter? It was definitely to her advantage, but…

“I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t have any social standing at all, let alone connections. You won’t gain anything by helping me, and you might even get hurt in the process. So… why help me?”

Lady Codina just blushed red.


“How can I answer that? I don’t know, so don’t ask me any more.” She turned a bit away from Anastasia, who was left speechless at the reply. “It’s not like I have a crush on you or anything, so don’t take this the wrong way!”

Somehow, I understand what she means. Sometimes, regardless of the circumstances, you feel a strange and subtle affection for the other person, beyond all logic and reason, and they keep catching your attention. Finn’s visage appeared in her mind.

“It’s normal for attraction to exist between two people, so don’t worry about it.”

Lady Codina glared at her. “We’re talking about you right now! And can you please stop talking like that?”

Anastasia smiled sheepishly, “Yes, you are right…” Lady Codina did try to help her via various means, such as inviting her to that tea party, or trying to keep her brother away from her even though she was afraid of his wrath. She felt Lady Codina deserved some measure of trust from her.

“To tell you the truth… I’ve actually lost my memory.” Well, not the whole truth, because who would believe her?

“Whaaat?” Lady Codina gasped. “You lost your memories? Because of the incident at the lake?”

“I’m not really sure. I remember bits and pieces,” thanks to Anastasia’s residual memories that she had some access to, “but not everything. I want to be honest with you because you were honest with me.”

Anastasia grimaced. “I forgot things like etiquette and the local political situation. I only remember a little bit.”

“Oh my! No wonder your manner of speaking became so strange…”

Urgh, I’m still too direct in my speech! “That’s why my tone is sometimes strange… my apologies, Lady Codina.” Anastasia giggled nervously.

Thankfully, Venice seemed to consider it seriously. “As expected, people can change. You seem like a completely different person, Lady Kalinska.”

Anastasia mentally gulped. Venice Codina was very clever and caught on fast. She would need to be careful.

“However…” Venice smiled, “I think it’s better for us to speak more casually to each other. Trying to force yourself to be something you’re not, won’t work.”

Anastasia coughed self-consciously. “Anyways, Lady Codina, I fully understand that my previous behaviour was foolish and I will be more mindful in the future.”

“Why this sudden change? From what I know, even if people lose their memories, their behaviour doesn’t change so easily. Besides, you said you didn’t lose all of your memories, right?”

That was correct. Behavioural changes are often triggered. To convince her, rather than hiding and avoiding it, Anastasia decided to be honest again… to a certain extent. “Lady Codina, I must admit I have a motive.”


“It might sound strange, but honestly, I don’t know anything about what I should do or even how to start. But I should get used to living as a lady of the aristocracy.” So that I can get my revenge on Pence. “I thought it best for me to get close to you. I thought it was the only way for me right now.”

Lady Codina stayed silent, so Anatasia continued, “I guess you could see it as me trying to use you. That’s how it must seem. Because of that, my intentions seemed to lack sincerity. And you have already tried to help me.”

Anastasia concluded, “Anyways, that’s the truth of it. I completely understand if you feel upset and wish to keep your distance from me.”

Lady Codina was silent again for a moment, then she rose to her feet abruptly. Anastasia was slightly taken aback. Is she angry? Of course, since I hurt her feelings, no one likes to feel they’ve been used…

“Pffft!” Lady Codina chuckled. “Come on, Lady Kalinska! Don’t be silly. I’ve been trying to show you that I can be useful to you.” She looked extremely pleased with herself, a far cry from the frightened woman from a while ago.

“Wait… what?”

Lady Codina reached for Anastasia’s hands. “You see, I’ve long wanted to be friends with you. And I wanted to show you how I can help you. So I invited you to the tea party and you finally realised how useful I can be! So where’s the problem?” She squeezed Anastasia’s hands.

“Oh, I’m so happy! The tea party was a success after all! How can we judge each other before properly getting to know one another? So I think we should try to become better acquainted from now on.” She smiled brightly. “Knowing everything about everybody is one of my many skills. I’m happy that you can see that now too!”

Woah, she is even more beautiful when she smiles… Anastasia wondered, if she had met Venice Codina as Avryl Showers, would they have been friends too? Even if she was not a warrior, even though she wore a dress instead of a cooling vest… they could still have been friends. Maybe she had been more close minded than she thought.

Of course, the whole chain of events stemmed from the fact that the original Anastasia saved Venice from Vince when they were young. In some ways, despite her capriciousness, Anastasia was not evil and did try to help in her own way. It was just that the death of her mother, her own self-imposed isolation, her mental issues, and the social hierarchy she was trapped in, all prevented her from ever growing past her issues.

“Well, it seems like I still have a lot to learn.” Anastasia laughed, finally relieved of the tension between them.

“That’s right, you do.” said Venice bluntly, giggling gently. “Speaking of which, let’s start with this big leaf pendant you’re wearing!”


“It’s super tacky! People might assume it’s a primitive trinket from the stone age.”

“What do you mean ‘stone age’!”

In my headcanon, many clan warriors would choose specialisations in various forms of combat after they had mastered the basics. For Avryl Showers, her unarmed combat style was essentially grappling and BJJ techniques learned alongside Tiaret.

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #54 on: 07 March 2024, 01:16:33 »
Rason Estate, Inman,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
17th May, 3061
1400 hours (1000 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

“I guess I don’t know anything about other people’s relationships. Apparently Lady Kalinska has been spending a lot of time with Lady Venice Codina these days.” With a finger, Finn flipped the cover of the small jewellery box up and down, a sign of his agitation. “How did these two become friends?”

He looked up at Eric, who was standing with his noteputer. “Isn’t it more plausible that Lady Codina is just using Lady Kalinska?”

Eric responded nervously, “I don’t think that’s the case.”

Finn glared. “Then?”

“Lady Codina appeared to be nagging Lady Kalinska while following her around. That’s not typical behaviour of someone trying to take advantage of another person.” Eric felt compelled to point out.

“What do you mean by ‘nagging’? About what, specifically?”

Eric looked clearly flustered as he peered carefully at the report on his noteputer. “Uhm, ‘please don’t just choose the ugly ones’ was what she said.” His eyes shifted down. “‘Lady Kalinska, not another weird one! Put that down this instant!’” Eric looked really uncomfortable.

His aide continued, “And not too long ago, Lady Kalinska seemed to favour a cat motif for her jewellery, but Lady Codina said ‘Isn’t it time you developed an aesthetic sense? It’s a shame to see you wearing such tacky things!’”


“Asking if she wanted to become a jungle cat…” Eric sighed.

Finn did not look too comfortable himself. “So uhhhh…”

Eric glanced down for an instant to the jewellery box on Finn’s table, “Which brings us to the necklace you bought for Lady Kalinska.”

Finn had noted Anastasia’s tastes, so he had bought a cat motif design. But if her tastes had changed due to Lady Codina, then…

“My lord?”

Finn seethed quietly. Damn it! Now I have no reason to visit the Kalinski estate to see her!

For the umpteenth time, Eric wondered if he was being abused at work. Viscount Rason had loaded him with another pile of electronic documents to look through and summarise. He could only say, “Yes my lord,” and do overtime. At least there was some OT compensation.

“Come to think of it, how are the preparations for the Day of Honour?” asked Finn suddenly. “I know it’s still some time away, but I haven’t received any updates.”

Eric tapped his noteputer screen a few times, then said, “Viscount Aubert seems on top of things. He’s got the usual hoverbike manufacturers lined up with their latest models, both for the race and for the ladies.”

Finn asked, “What about us?” It was clear he was referring to the Delacambre delegation.

Eric nodded. “The usual four teams to represent Delacambre, my lord. But the uh, expats, are also sending a team. Apparently they have their pride too, and they want to showcase their technology and skill.”

“They are?” Finn was surprised. “And nobody told me?”

Eric replied, “Strictly speaking, participation in the hoverbike race is purely voluntary and does not require the permission of any lord.”

Finn smiled. “Well, that would certainly liven this year’s race. This year’s event is shaping up to be quite the affair. All the nobility should be there, so… that means Lady Kalinska should also be attending right?”

“Uhm, actually…”

Finn went back to reading the documents on his screen, resigned. “Forget I asked. Of course she won’t be there. Lady Kalinska had never enjoyed this sort of thing.”

Innerman City,
17th May
1800 hours (1400 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

“A hoverbike race?” asked Anastasia, intrigued.

“Yes, there’s a hoverbike race on the annual Day of Honour organised for our soldiers. It’s a local custom that somehow became a tradition over the years,” explained Venice. “Now stop fidgeting and let me compare these brooches!”

Venice hmphed and hummed while holding the brooches in each of her hands against Anastasia’s dress, before putting them down on the counter. “Give me a brooch in a darker colour.” She pointed, “Give me that one too.”

“Right away, my lady.”

Venice noted Anastasia’s bored expression. “Ana, you need to pay more attention to your clothing. Fashion trends change so quickly you’ll be left behind if you don’t pay close attention.”

Anastasia lamented, “All this sparkly stuff looks the same to me!”

Venice shot her a look. “How can you know less than me when your House owns gem mines? This is why you were wearing those hideous jewellery last time!”

“Pfft!” The shop attendant actually had to suppress his laughter.

Anastasia ignored him. “I… didn’t think it was that bad?”

“It was the worst brooch I had ever seen in my whole life” Venice sighed, shaking her head in clear disapproval. “I’m serious.”

“Come, try this on.” Venice handed her a ruby earring.

“Hmmm…” Venice nodded. “I think this sort of gemstone suits you most.”

Anastasia said unabashedly, “Well, it is me after all. Everything looks good on me!”

“You’re shameless!” laughed Venice. “ But you’re also right. Your honesty is what I like about you. It’s so boring to have to pretend to be humble.”

After looking at jewellery, they left the shop. “Whew, we have seen enough accessories. Say, who gets to go for the hoverbike race?” Their heels clacked on the cement pavement as they walked down one of the most luxurious shopping streets in Innerman City.

“What do you mean you’ve seen enough? Ana, we’re going to a bookstore next.” Venice did not answer her question.

“A bookstore?” The bells on the door jingled pleasantly as they opened it.

Venice explained, “There’s a new book on poetry I’ve been wanting to buy for myself.”

Anastasia sighed tiredly. “First dresses. Next shoes. Then accessories. Now poetry. Being a lady is hard work.” She felt like wilting already.

Being a warrior was a lot less work. Show up for drills, training, give full effort for those few hours, then the rest of the day could be spent doing their own stuff. Sure, she was an officer, and also had plenty of paperwork to clear. But she still felt that was preferable to the constant need to follow fashion, high culture, attend the right parties and gatherings.

Venice chided her gently. “You need to get used to it. You’re now a lady, after all.”

Anastasia looked around. The bookstore was piled up high with books. Even with the availability of electronic books, traditional physical copies were still very much in demand. “This place is so different from the last shop we were at.”

“This store has the most books. It’s also the only place I can find the poetry books I’m looking for.” Venice looked around for a while, then said, “Ana, I need to go upstairs to speak to the store owner. Why don’t you look around for a little while? You need to find something else to read after Shakespeare.”

“All right.” Anastasia was not very enthused at the idea, though she knew she should heed Venice’s advice. I would never have come in here when I was Avryl. Never had much of a connection with books. Who reads all these anyway? I do not even like reading in the first place. I cannot believe I am trying to read books in my spare time. I guess I am bettering myself in some ways that I would not have back in the Clan.

As part of her education to become a proper lady, Venice had assigned her to read through the collected works of Shakespeare, and while deciphering the archaic English was difficult, the stories themselves were entertaining enough, so Anastasia did not think they were too much of a chore.

She walked past the rows of bookshelves, to the non-fiction section, and her fingers suddenly paused.

There was a shelf with books on the Clans. One title caught her eye. Clan Smoke Jaguar: A Trial of Annihilation.

Her hands trembled slightly as she took the book out and flipped through its pages. The clan she could not protect, she would now read about only in a book. How was it they managed to get enough information in such a short time to write a book on it anyway?

Even the most cursory glance through the book was enough for her to identify the many mistakes in the book regarding Clan Smoke Jaguar’s culture and traditions, so she figured it was published quickly to capitalise on the Spheroids’ curiosity about the clans, nevermind the shoddy research. She turned to the page on notable leaders, and was surprised to see a photo of herself as Avryl Showers.

“Hmm… Avryl Showers huh? You seem really interested in a dead clan.” The voice behind her was a shock, and she spun around.


Raymond Haynes placed a finger against his lips. “Shhh… please be quiet. I’m trying to avoid being found.”

Anastasia could not help but feel annoyed. Why does this guy keep showing up all the time? What does he want? And he’s getting into my personal space!

Meanwhile, Raymond was leaning over her and looking through the titles on the shelf. With her back against the shelf, Anastasia could only hold the book protectively in front of her body.

“Ah, here it is. Judging by the title, the book you’re holding isn’t exactly very good. It was written by an AFFC officer, so it focused too much on the military aspects.” He seemed to point at something. “If you want to learn more about the clans, this one from the Diamond Sharks is much easier to understand.”

She squeezed the book against her own body. “I don’t know, I just picked this book up at random.”

Raymond turned to look at her, a sinister grin on his face. “Come on now, there’s no need to lie, Lady Kalinska. I’m already aware of your interest in the clans, especially the Smoke Jaguars. You admitted as much back at the tea party the other day, didn’t you?”

Anastasia replied, “What are you talking about? I never…”

“Smoke Jaguar’s Black Lotus, Avryl Showers! You admire her, don’t you? You respect her for being a mechwarrior of some repute, despite being a woman, don’t you? You don’t have to hide it from me.”

She could not help but flinch a bit when he mentioned her name. But still, she could not understand what he was saying. And the various run-ins they had happened far too often to be mere coincidence. He was probably doing it on purpose!

It’s too dangerous to stay around him, Anastasia decided. “My friend is waiting for me upstairs, so I think I should get going, Sir Haynes.”

“Oh, are you referring to Lady Codina?”

“What?” He had backed off a bit, enough for her to regain her personal space.

“I heard you two are pretty close these days.”

“Oh, it seems that you are very interested in me, my lord.”

“Of course I am.” He reached out with a hand, tapping her on one shoulder. “I’m very interested in you, Lady Kalinska.” He squeezed her shoulder gently.

Anastasia stepped back again to put her back against the shelves.

His eyes seemed to gleam with hidden intent. “Much more than you think.”

Raymond recalled the events of the morning, when his father had called him for a private meeting. For the first time ever, his father had outright considered him for the Countship. Raymond had not been prepared for the conversation, so he had just maintained the foppish act he had put up the past few years.

The window of opportunity is starting to open. And I have Lady Kalinska to thank for prying it open for me. Many of Renard’s misdeeds only came to light after her attempted suicide, and he didn’t help his case with the abuse of the maids, and sending Spencer Larouche to Altoona. All these must have gotten his father to start considering alternatives.

And on top of it, was the ongoing unrest in the former Federated Commonwealth. The lines were being drawn between pro-Victor and pro-Katrina forces, and his father must have picked up on it. It was clear to everybody that Renard had already chosen Katrina, so his supporters had all followed suit. On the other hand, few nobles professed their support for Victor. Even Finn had demurred, stating that he intended to honour Victor’s wishes and stay out of it, essentially claiming neutrality.

There were still a lot of undeclared neutrals around though, and matters could swing either way.

All these were opportunities, and Raymond was determined to seize them. Timing is important…

A heavy book crashed into his left foot. He crouched down immediately in pain.

“My goodness, what should I do? That must have been painful!” He glanced up to see Anastasia with a look of fake concern. She must have pulled a book out to drop on me!

Anastasia continued, “Forgive me, my lord, my arms are so weak that I couldn’t carry the weight any longer. That book was so heavy! I was just so startled when you appeared before me so suddenly!”

Despite the pain, he smirked. “Hah… I know you dropped it on purpose. So you can drop the act, my lady.”

“My goodness, my lord leaned in close to me and told me you’re interested in me,” she smiled wickedly, “I’m sure my fiance will be quite shocked.” She took a vicious stomp forward, her heels just missing his injured foot as he quickly pulled it back with a wince.

“Oh no! It looks like my foot got caught on my skirt and I slipped. Forgive me, my lord!” The ensuing giggle belied the sincerity of her words.

He slowly stood up, using a table as support. “This side of you is quite attractive, my lady.” His foot was still hurting, but at least the pain was wearing off.

“Oh?” She seemed to be enjoying his distress. “I guess you have a unique standard for what you find attractive.” She took a menacing step forward. “Would you like me to show you just how attractive I can be?”

He smiled nervously. “I never said I wanted to know.”

“Ana!” Venice came down the staircase with a book in her hands. Anastasia turned to her friend, allowing Raymond a reprieve.

“Greetings, my lord.” Venice, ever the proper lady, curtseyed to Raymond.

“I am honoured to have met Lady Codina in a place like this.” Raymond returned the greeting smoothly.

“The honour is all mine, my lord.” Venice then asked, “What book are you looking for, my lord?”

Raymond laughed nervously. “I didn’t come for a book. It was just… my father said something unnerving today, so I ran away.”

Ran away? Sounds suspicious. Also, can his words be even trusted? Anastasia thought to herself.

Venice expressed the right amount of curiosity. “Oh, Count Haynes did?”

“Ah well,” Raymond seemed quite anxious. “He asked me if I had any intention of inheriting the Countship.”

“Oh my.”

Now that was a surprise to Anastasia. From what she remembered, everybody had taken Renard’s ascension to the Countship as a done deal. For the Count to start asking such questions, it seemed that was no longer the case.

Raymond continued, smiling sheepishly, “He said so suddenly that my heart almost burst out of my chest.”

Venice offered, “If Count Haynes said so, then I’m sure there’s a valid reason.”

“Haha,” Raymond shook his head self-deprecatingly, “I’m just a simple booklover…” His eyes settled on the book in Venice’s hands. “Speaking of which… is this the new Luskin Redford book you’re holding?” His eyes sparkled in delight.

“Oh,” Venice seemed happy for the change of subject. “Yes, he’s one of my favourite authors.”

“How interesting that you would enjoy this poet’s works! I had heard women usually prefer romantic poems over serious ones.”

At that statement, Venice looked up, her face blank. “No! There is no difference between men and women when it comes to beautiful poetry. It’s not just me, but Lady Seydoux enjoys his works as well.” She smiled, but it was clear that she was trying to mask the tension that had appeared.

Raymond realised his faux pas, and quickly replied, “Oh! Uhm, my lady, please forgive me if I’ve offended you. That wasn’t my intention.”

“No offence was taken, my lord.” Venice’s smile turned genuine, and the tension disappeared, replaced by something else. Anastasia could not explain how, but she knew something happened to change the mood between the two. She suddenly felt out of place.

“My lord, where are you?” There were shouts outside.

Raymond spun around. “Oops, looks like I’ve been found out! I must bid you ladies farewell! It was so nice to meet you!” He rushed off, out the door of the bookstore.

Venice was silent for a while, then said, “It’s not easy to understand him. I thought he was just eccentric, but now I can see that’s not the case.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“As a member of House Haynes, he has to have some political instincts… we can’t let our guard down.” said Venice sternly.

Let our guard down? Venice knows something? Anastasia herself was already wary of Raymond Haynes. Is she also aware of his true nature? “How did you know that?”

“Sir Haynes said so himself, didn’t he? He said Count Haynes asked him if he had any intention of inheriting the Countship.”

“But then he said he ran away. So why is that so important?”

Venice smiled. “Ana, you need to understand this situation is different. What this means is, the Count may give his second son the same opportunity as his first son. Which means Baron Haynes isn’t necessarily the one who will inherit the Countship.”

Anastasia nodded. “Yes, I understood that much.”

“But actually, that’s not the biggest issue here. Sir Haynes has revealed that he is interested in inheriting the Countship.”

“What?” Anastasia was confused now. “But did he not run away from the manor?”

“Don’t you think that’s even more suspicious? If he really hated the idea, then why did he waste no time in telling somebody about it?”

Realization dawned on Anastasia.

Venice continued, “Especially, if somebody was from a powerful family like mine… almost as if he wanted us to know about it. I’m sure we won’t be the only ones to hear of this by the next cycle.”

“But my father supports Renard,” replied Anastasia. “Why would he mention that in front of me? What if I went and told my father of this?”

“Remember Renard is on probation because of you?” Venice pointed out. “If that’s the case, then I’m sure he’d be more than willing to accept your support.”

This Raymond Haynes can think on so many levels, thought Anastasia. He is definitely a political schemer. Exactly what I hate most! But to have such a person as an ally… Anastasia grudgingly admitted it would be highly beneficial, since she knew her political skills were non-existent.

“Well, I suppose there’s always the possibility that he is indeed a fool though,” mused Venice speculatively.

“No, I think you’re right.”

“About him being a fool?”

“No, not that!”

Venice glanced at her sideways, a suspicious look in her eyes. “Ana, earlier you said, ‘How did you know that?’ Does that mean you already knew about this?”

Stravag, Anastasia shivered slightly. Venice is really sharp! “Well, he behaves like a mechwarrior…” As she spoke, she knew she already said the wrong thing. “So you see, what I meant was…”

“Sir Haynes is a mechwarrior? I heard he knew nothing about being a warrior?”

Arrrghhhh… Anastasia mentally grasped for any straw she could find. “What I mean is, when he touched my hand, I could tell that he had experience with mechs…”

Venice arched an eyebrow in surprise. “Oh! So you’re saying that you have held hands with Sir Haynes before?”

“No, no!” Anastasia knew she was digging herself deeper into a hole, but she could not just let the misunderstanding remain just like that. “It only happened because a book fell and we both reached for it…”

At Venice’s sceptical face, a flustered Anastasia shook her hands desperately, “Wait! Don’t misunderstand! What I mean is… Argh… It’s hard to explain!”

Anastasia persisted anyway. “When I first met him, he was carrying a lot of books! That’s when our hands briefly touched! Also, the way he walks is quite unique! And also… uhm…”

Venice sighed. “Although you have little knowledge about being a lady, it seems your expertise lies somewhere else. I realise that now.”

The statement stabbed right through Anastasia. Nothing gets past her!

“Ah, these books are new.” Venice had crouched down to pick up some of the books on the floor.

How much effort did Venice had to put into becoming like this? Ever vigilant in any and all circumstances? In comparison, being a clan warrior seemed more… straightforward.

“Oh right, you asked about the hoverbike race,” recalled Venice. “Do you want to go?”

Anastasia was relieved at the change of subject, since it was probably more interesting than clothes, accessories, and books. “Of course. Why don’t we go together? Do we need an invitation?”

Venice said, “The hoverbike race is traditionally organised by House Aubert, since it is held on their Viscounty. It’s one of the few occasions where us ladies can go out in public without dresses and nobody will say anything. The invitation is merely a formality, almost any noble can get it.”

“Why? What’s so special about this event?”

“Other than the hoverbike race, where teams from all over the Trivet will participate, there’s also the ladies’ event. The manufacturers will trot out their trendiest hoverbikes for us to ride. And of course, we can’t ride the hoverbikes in dresses, so we’ll have to wear pants. Tight-fitting ones too.”

“Wait,” Anastasia said sceptically, “that sounds as though it was set up specifically for men to ogle the ladies!”

“Yes,” Venice smiled bitterly. “It’s not just about riding hoverbikes and providing free advertising. It’s also a chance for nobles to find partners. In other words, it’s a glorified matchmaking session.”

“Ridiculous! And women are fine with this arrangement?”

Anastasia could not believe it. It was yet another sign of the degeneracy of the Inner Sphere. The sheer contrivance of essentially forcing ladies into dresses for most of the time, then an event just for them to show off their legs? Clan culture was far more direct and made much more sense.

Venice laughed, “Oh yes, the ladies do turn up! Because it benefits them too, in finding suitable marriage partners. More importantly, Ana…” Her tone turned serious, “House Aubert… the heir is Richelle. You know that, right?”

“Richelle? Who’s that?”

Venice nodded somberly. “I had a feeling you’d say that. Remember what I told you before? You used to suffer a lot of social ridicule? Out of those who bullied you, Richelle was the worst.”

Anastasia was quiet as she searched through what memories she had from the original. There were no clear memories, but there was a sense of anxiety. Which meant that the original Anastasia did know Richelle Aubert.

The unpleasant feelings kept bubbling up inside her. Anastasia knew that the original was a victim of bullying, but she didn’t want to worry about it so she had just ignored those feelings, but there was no avoiding them this time.

Why does just thinking of the name make my heart tremble like this? Anastasia gritted her teeth. She would face down this fear. Besides, she had Venice by her side now.


The hoverbike slid to a stop. The air fans stopped humming and it sank down to the ground. Its rider engaged the stands to park it, and hopped off.

“All good, Chief!” Jamco gave a thumbs up with one hand while the other pulled off her helmet, revealing her larger-than-normal eyes and slightly oversized head.

Technician Hawise nodded in acknowledgement. “The front stabiliser is fixed, quiaff?”

“Aff, no problems now. It is as ready as it could ever be.”

“Looking forward to the trip?” Hawise grinned.

Jamco scoffed, “Looking forward to some thrills for once. Flying cargo planes all the time is so boring. Racing against these Spheroids is a somewhat acceptable substitute.”

Hawise understood. For former warriors who had tested down, civilian life offered none of the excitement they had gotten used to. She was a former mechwarrior herself, a Nova Cat who tested down voluntarily to the technician caste and raised a family.

She had relocated with her family to Teniente, but a Smoke Jaguar Trial of Possession for human resources saw her entire family taken as isorla and transferred to Schuyler. Due to her background as a Warden, her age, and her second pregnancy, they did not even bother to offer her a Trial of Position to regain her warrior status.

Which was just as well, given the shitshow that was Operation Bulldog.

After the Combine had reclaimed its worlds, something had to be done about the Smoke Jaguar civilians left behind in the Occupation Zone, and the traditional animosity between the Nova Cats and the Smoke Jaguars made it difficult for the Jaguar civilians to integrate into the Nova Cat enclaves. Finn Rason had been one of those who offered, so Hawise and a fair number of former Smoke Jaguars had taken him up and travelled to his demesne in the Federated Commonwealth to carve out new lives for themselves.

Jamco was a Smoke Jaguar former aerospace pilot who had tested down after she reached solahma age and decided to continue flying as a civilian pilot rather than serve as ground fodder, but from what Hawise saw, her reflexes seemed completely fine. Her small size, fast reflexes, tolerance for G forces, and all the genetically engineered advantages the scientists had built into the aerospace phenotype made her an excellent hoverbike racer.

“I wonder if Finn is really serious about starting up that reservist program for us,” Jamco mused. “I heard he took some choice isorla from Altoona. Whole mechs! And he has no mechwarriors for them.”

Hawise suppressed the twinge of temptation at the mention of mechs. She had seen the local Delacambre garrison, and she was quite sure she could still outmove and outshoot the lot of them. It was not that they were bad, but she was just better. She had been through the furnace of Operation Revival, the initial clan assault that had overwhelmed the Inner Sphere. She had fought and survived Luthien and Tukayyid, a feat not many warriors could claim.

In fact, her garrison cluster commander had pleaded with Hawise to serve another year instead of voluntarily changing caste, since she was assumed to have automatically passed her annual Trial of Position with that successful defence against the Smoke Jaguars on Hoard.

The dangling pack of tarot cards in the card holder on her hip told her to do otherwise though. Hawise always listened to what her cards had to say.

“That is Viscount Rason to you.” corrected Hawise. Sticking to their own insistence of avoiding Spheroid titles and surnames would not help them fit in. “As for the mechs, I certainly would not mind, but he will probably want full timers instead of weekend warriors.”

Jamco scoffed. “Maybe you can test back up to full combat status? At least you have a chance. I would need a fighter, and unless the locals manage to get their conventional fighter program off the ground, I might never get a chance to fly combat aircraft again.”

As the other members of their racing crew moved in to check the hoverbike, they walked to the garage. Hawise offered, “You could always sign up as a test pilot for the program.”

“I do not think they trust us that much yet.” Jamco noted. Indeed, there were some locals around the test track who gave them the stink eye as they walked past.

“We will prove our loyalty and our worth. It will take time, but I am confident.”

“Seyla,” Jamco agreed.
Nobody actually transfers physical books from planet to planet. What happens is that an electronic soft copy is transmitted, and the local publishers print the books. While readers could just as easily subscribe to a service and download the books onto their electronic devices, as Raymond commented before, nothing beats the feel of holding a physical book and turning the paper pages.

And finally, some departure from the original work, in both the type of event, and introducing new characters because there were certain plot points in the original web novel I couldn’t put in unless I reworked it significantly. Hawise has an interesting past - I got tired of all the constant sad trueborn warrior test-downs who just go ‘boo-hoo, I am not a warrior anymore, my life sucks’. Hawise chose to test down. And her tarot cards are pretty powerful…

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #55 on: 11 March 2024, 10:57:05 »
Aubert Estate, Inman,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
19th May, 3061
0200 hours (1800 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

“Do you remember that wallflower?”

“With her shitty personality, she went around not knowing her place and now it seems she has ended up all alone.”

The ladies sipped their drinks as they chattered amongst themselves.

“Well, that’s the only logical outcome. Who would want to be around somebody like that? Wouldn’t you agree?”

“I see Lady Kalinska hasn’t changed at all.” Richelle Aubert smirked as she swirled her wineglass gently, before taking a sip.

“Yes, I heard she was involved in some sort of scandal.”

“Oh, you mean at Lady Codina’s tea party, right? I heard about that too. Apparently she created quite the commotion.”

“Oh really? Why would she do something like that? Maybe she’s really crazy?”

Another lady demurred, “Maybe not, but I have a guess. Maybe she was so embarrassed that she purposely ruined the mood at the party.”

“Lady Codina must have been so upset that her tea party was ruined.”

Another said, “I don’t think she was, because apparently Viscount Rason and Sir Raymond Haynes also attended. I’m sure she was ecstatic that so many important people turned up.”

“Oh my. It’s a shame I wasn’t invited. I would have loved to meet Sir Haynes.”

“Me too.”

“Well, I’m not surprised Lady Kalinska was invited. She’s the fiancee of a Viscount, after all.”

“My lady!” The other ladies were shocked, and the speaker realised her mistake with a gasp, held a hand to her mouth.

She quickly tried to recover, “An… anyway, there’s no point in wasting our breath discussing Lady Kalinska any longer. She’s just a pathetic and foolish woman.”

“You’re right! I can’t even stand the thought of her!”

Richelle continued to smile serenely. That’s right. Keep it up. You fools just keep trying to appease me on this stage that I control. Her gaze turned cold. Anatasia Kalinska… I will enjoy every moment of your pain for what you did to me, until you disappear from my sight!

Kalinski Estate, Inman,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
4th June
0000 hours (0800 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

Avryl was in a jungle, armed only with her sidearm. She ran for what seemed to be forever towards the faroff base that seemed to promise safety, but it never got closer. A heavy oppressive feeling pursued her incessantly, but it seemed so nebulous, formless, that she could not fight nor avoid it.

Exhausted, she turned around, her weapon out, ready for a last stand against whatever it was, just to bring it all to an end.

The oppressive feeling disappeared, leaving only a chill that froze her very spine.

She spun around, seeking it out, wondering where it had gone.

A hand clamped over her neck from behind, and suddenly she was not Avryl, but Anastasia. I can’t escape! What is this oppressive feeling? Anastasia, if you’re suffering this much, tell me something! Anastasia!

She woke up in her bed, sweating from the nightmare.


“What do you mean, there’s no invitation?” Anastasia asked her father in surprise. They were having breakfast together, before he had to go for another meeting at the palatial manor.

Baron Kalinski looked embarrassed as he admitted, “You’ve never shown interest in the event, so I told Viscount Aubert there was no need for an invite.” He asked sheepishly, “Did I make a mistake?”

Anastasia groaned inwardly. While a hoverbike race was no mech duel, it was better than the tedium of being a lady almost every day. She loved her time with Venice dearly, but her life could do with some excitement! And the chance to ride a hoverbike for once instead of being chauffeured everywhere she went was really tempting.

“Father, I would have liked to have a chance to ride a hoverbike.” She admitted.

“Uhm…” Baron Kalinski sighed. “I’m sorry. I should have asked.”

“No, it’s actually my fault.” Anastasia insisted. “I should have checked with you instead of assuming.” She pursed her lips. “But what can we do now?”

She knew that to get her father to ask Viscount Aubert about a change of mind would be a tremendous loss of face, and something that would further erode her father’s already weak position in the social hierarchy of the Trivet. So getting Viscount Aubert to issue an invite was out of the question.

“You could go with Viscount Rason.” Her father offered. “He’s your fiance, after all, and going with him in public is only appropriate.”

She shot him a look of disdain, but conceded, “I will think about it.”

After breakfast, she made a video call to Venice. Although they were not going to meet up today, it never hurt to get a second opinion.

“Ask Viscount Rason? Of course you should,” Venice told her. “He’s on okay terms with Viscount Aubert, so it won’t be a problem if he took you as his partner for the event.”

Urgh, I guess he is my only shot… why do I keep finding situations where I would need his help? Anastasia grumbled mentally.

Her expression must have been obvious, since Venice giggled, “Ana, you look so scary.”

Anastasia asked, “Venice, why would he even take me? He must be busy with his own duties, and he doesn’t seem to be the sort to attend events like this.”

“Well, these events are all opportunities for nobles to interact and network. Even if it’s just to keep up appearances, some nobles will have to attend. As the local commander of the Trivet forces, Viscount Rason must appear at this event since it’s in honour of the contributions of the military veterans. Besides, he’s a veteran too, so it’s doubly important that he attends. And most of all…”

“Most of all?” Anatasia echoed.

“Because you want to go.” Venice beamed at her.

“Huh?” Anastasia felt confused as Venice ended the call.

Finn’s face was grumpy when she video called him.

“I want to say no. If you’re in a position to make such a request, the very least you could do is show your sincerity by asking me in person instead of a video call.”

Anastasia was surprised. Venice, you said he would take me if I asked!

She griped, “How can you be so aggravating? If you want to say no, then just say no.” It was a waste of my energy to even start warming up to him a little.

He grimaced. “That’s not it. I really…”

She did not wait for him to finish talking, then barked, “I wouldn’t ask you ever again even if my life depended on it!” Then she punched the button on the videophone angrily to close the call.

She flounced off to a nearby table, where Luisa was preparing tea for her. The maid asked, “My lady?”

Anastasia replied, “He told me to meet and ask in person.”

Lusia brightened up, “Oh my lady! Do you know what this means? He must have really missed you a lot!”

“What? It’s obvious he’s just trying to spite me! How can you interpret his actions in any positive way?”

“My lady…”

“I’m not going to ask him again! If it means sitting out the event, then so be it!” Anastasia huffed angrily.

Innerman City
6th July
1700 hours (0900 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

“Crechies, stay close to me and your father,” Hawise warned her children as they toddled next to her and her partner as they exited their cheap hostel onto the street pavement. She could tell they were eager to run off though, with the boundless energy that kids their age would have. Ava nodded, while swinging her arm vigorously hand in hand with her little brother Paul. The weather was not very cold, but Hawise had bundled them up in thick jackets anyway.

“I really think we should have brought the arm leashes,” commented Winston. He was a member of the scientist caste, specialising in KF drive research, and apparently good enough to have earned the labname Dirac from his peers, which still rankled her a bit since she did not manage to win a Bloodname in her original caste.

She met Winston while on the Exodus Road to the Inner Sphere to support Clan Nova Cat’s efforts to integrate into their occupied worlds. Her taroy deck had turned up The Lovers, so she took the hint and got to know him better. Not a month later after landing on Teniente, she had requested the eugenics section for him to be assigned to her as her mate.

He was patient and kind, although prone to distraction with the equations always floating in his head, and his own mind floating off to another dimension, which was why he had not gotten attached earlier. Hawise was just thankful he had fallen right into her lap. Besides, former warriors like her usually had their pairing requests approved quickly after a quick check by the scientists to ensure no inbreeding.

“We do not want to look too out of place,” she reminded him. “And this is a nice opportunity for us to see how these Spheroids live.”

He looked around the street. “Comfortable, but not very advanced.” He nodded his head at a car parked nearby. “ICE powered vehicles, not a lot of street lighting.” He could pay attention when he had to.

“Well, Viscount Rason did tell us these worlds were not the most developed when he offered to take us in.”

“This is a very nice world though. Shame about their development.”

“Which is why he wanted us here, for our technological expertise. Delacambre, then the rest of the Trivet worlds. Viscount Rason is playing the long game.” They could hear the sound of children laughing from the small park and playground they were heading to.

“I do not know. All I am doing so far is teaching the basics of the fusion engineering equations, and many of the students lack the foundational mathematics. I cannot even think of touching the Kearny-Fuchida equations yet. It would be a very long game indeed.” They had reached the playground, with a number of children running around with shrieks of delight. Ava and Paul were already pulling at her hands, obviously wanting to play.

“Okay crechies, you can go play for an hour. And be careful.” The kids ran off so quickly Hawise wondered when she had installed MASC in their legs. She exchanged nods of greeting with the other parents in attendance, and felt a warm sense of solidarity as they watched over the children playing.

“Oh, your kids are so cute!” said a mother slightly older than Hawise as she stepped next to them.

Not quite knowing how to react, Hawise replied, “Thank you.”

The woman gestured to Winston, who was looking distracted, probably staring at numbers in his brain. “Your husband?”

Hawise nodded. While the institution of marriage did not exist in the clans, when they moved to Delacambre, one of the adjustments they had to make was to formalise the pairings, since there were apparently legal consequences. So Hawise and Winston were registered as a married couple in the Trivet.

The woman continued, “Hi, I’m Leanne. I haven’t seen you guys around before.” She extended a hand.

Hawise smiled as she shook it, “Oh, we are visiting from Delacambre. We are staying in a hostel nearby.”

Leanne gasped softly, “Oh! Are you here for the Day of Honour celebrations?”

Hawise said proudly, “We are part of the hoverbike teams.”

The other woman grinned, “And what a spectacle it will be! My own kids love watching the races, even if it’s just on the TV. Which team are you part of?”

“I am with the Furious Felines.”

Leanne looked puzzled. “There’s never been a team with that name.” Apparently, the various teams participating in the hoverbike race had been established for decades with very little change, and always sponsored by the same companies as well.

“We are a new team. We have some experimental tech we wish to display.”

“Oh,” Leanne looked impressed. “We haven’t had a lot of advanced technology in these parts for a long time.” She sounded wistful, then she perked up again. “Mind telling me where you got them? From a Star League cache?”

“Neg, we are actually expatriates from the Clans, invited by Viscount Rason to settle on Delacambre.” Hawise wondered if it was all right to reveal their presence. After all, when they settled on Delacambre, it was no secret that they were once clan, and surely some of the news should have leaked to the rest of the Trivet by now?

“Wow!” exclaimed Leanne. Hawise had half-suspected her to run off screaming and asking the other parents to stay away as well, but she seemed more curious and fascinated than frightened.

Then Leanne actually dug out a notepad with a pen from her bag, and said, “I’m actually also a journalist with the Inman News Network, mind telling me more?”

Rason Estate
7th July
2300 hrs (1100 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

“There’s only ten days left til the Day of Honour, right?” asked Finn nervously, one finger tapping the top of his desk. “And yet she hasn’t gotten in touch with me.”

Eric nodded, “That’s right, sir. Ten days left, and the preparations are near complete.”

It had been a month since the abortive video call when she asked him to take her to the hoverbike race. Finn was starting to second-guess himself on his decisions.

“That’s strange. It seemed like she wanted to go.”

Eric had noticed his boss tended to tap his fingers when he was nervous or anxious. I should try to leave if he’s going to be like this.

Finn suddenly growled, “‘I wouldn’t ask you ever again even if my life depended on it!’ was what she said. What did I say that she would react this way?”

Please, how many times are you going to keep going over this? Eric suppressed a groan. “My lord?”

“Eric, do you think my response was so harsh as to deserve her scorn?” Finn sighed, then put his face in one hand.

“Uhm…” Eric did not know how to reply.

Finn groaned. “She’s never video called me before and it’s been so long since we last contacted each other! And not only that… it was only one measly request!” He continued to mumble to himself. “Come to think of it, Lady Kalinska has never approached me first. I’ve always been the one to make the first move.” He shot Eric a glance. “Eric, am I unattractive?”

Not this again! Eric broke out in a cold sweat. I don’t want to discuss this sort of thing! “Oh…”

Before Eric could formulate any reply, Finn went on, mumbling, “I’ve tried to take it easy and give her space. I wanted to be considerate since I know she had a lot of trauma to work through… But when she finally approached me for once, I coldly pushed her away…” Sigh. “It wasn’t enough just keeping her from being lonely and helping her re-enter aristocratic society! It’s too late for me to change that now… No, should I just ask her to go with me anyways?”

Eric looked on in paralysed horror, wondering if his prickly boss had finally lost his senses.

“Sigh, I’ll…”

There were a few knocks on the office door. The door opened, and the estate head butler poked his head in.

“Is anything the matter?” Finn asked, emotionally exhausted. “If it’s not urgent, I’ll deal with it later…”

“My lord, Lady Kalinska is here to see you.”

Surprised, Finn sprang to his feet. “Quickly, show her to the parlour.” He reached for his jacket. This is my chance to make up for my mistake!

“It’s a pleasure to see you, my lord.” Anastasia was dressed in an elegant dress and coat, and it really appeared her aesthetic sense had improved since the last time he saw her. She curtseyed gracefully, and Finn couldn’t quite place it exactly, but she really seemed more like a proper lady now.

She held out a box. “Please, my lord, take this. It’s a gift.”

“Huh?” What’s going on? Did I hear her right? He blinked. You’re not sick, are you? I can’t think of any other reason for you to speak to me so formally…

They stared at each other. What does she mean by ‘gift’? She’s never been the type to give presents in the first place. Don’t tell me it’s full of strange medicinal herbs, leaves and stones… His imagination was starting to go haywire, while his heart was starting to beat furiously from anxiety.

She seemed to read his mind, and opened the box, revealing an assortment of beautifully crafted chocolates. They looked expensive.


“This is the first time I’m visiting your estate.” She explained. “I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I just bought the ones that looked the best. Is there something wrong?”

He suddenly exuded a tense aura. “Lady Kalinska, be honest with me. What is your real reason for doing this?” Is she trying to say we should keep our distance from now on? And this is a ‘fare thee well’ gift?

His reaction startled Anastasia, who had not expected him to get straight to the point. But since he had… Well then, I have nothing else to say but to ask directly. “My lord, please bring me along for the hoverbike race.”

At first she had been adamant about staying away from the event, but the news of the expatriate clan team from Delacambre had piqued her interest. She had not even known Finn had taken in former clan civilians, and it was an opportunity to try to make connections. Maybe there were even familiar faces she might know!

Finn looked smugly at her, her desire to go for the hoverbike race now written all over her face. He decided to tease her a little bit. “No, I’d rather not.”


“Your gift was insincere and your request was unpleasant since it was so obvious.” He flicked the box with a finger.

“You do not like the gift?”

“I don’t really like sweet things very much. Don’t you know anything about your fiance’s eating habits?”

What? I could say the same about you! You don’t know anything about MY eating habits! She wanted to retort back, but decorum forced her to say instead, “It’s not that sweet, it’s dark chocolate, eighty percent.”

She could not imagine ever saying such a thing when she was Avryl Showers, but she had learned a lot since then. Stravag, the only chocolate she had back in the clans was the much sought after ‘Nickolate’ dessert candy in the military ration packs, with impromptu Trials of Possession sometimes fought over it. But chocolate of all varieties was widely available here in the Inner Sphere! Maybe decadence was not so bad after all…

He scoffed, prompting her to continue. “All right, I’ll admit I could have tried harder.” He looked startled at her admission. “And I apologise for being rude. Now that I thought about it, I did take it too far.”

Finn considered her words, and her demure expression as she apologised to him. This is certainly surprising. Has she always been this naive? Well, I guess it just shows how much she wanted to go. But it was obvious what she was trying to get at. Let me test her a bit further.

“Tell me, what kind of effort will you make as my fiancee? Because the truth is, to everybody else from the outside looking in, it seems like we have a very cold relationship.” They did not even meet up regularly for dates like other couples! Which Finn found himself suddenly regretting. Maybe I should be more proactive myself instead of just giving her space? Maybe a promise to hold hands in public or more frequent calls to each other… that’d be enough.

Her expression was downcast, and she sighed. Wait a minute, did I go too far? Her reaction earlier was funny, but maybe I should stop now… “Lady Kalinska, I…”

With a swish of her skirts, she stepped forward and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

Finn thought he heard wedding bells and shouts of ‘Halleluia!’ in the background. Wasn’t this what he had wanted from her? But the suddenness of it left him speechless.

“If keeping up appearances is that important to you, I’m willing to do this much.” She stared resolutely at him.

Even that much… he smirked. She looks like she’s asking if that’s enough. A chuckle escaped him, and he only managed to say, “Ah, forgive me.”

That was the exact wrong reaction apparently, because her face suddenly blushed tomato red, and she shouted, “I cannot do this anymore!” It was obvious she felt he was laughing at her.

Which was not entirely untrue.

“Are you done with your acting now?” He chuckled again.


“Again with the insults…” Finn sighed as he gave chase. “Lady Kalinska!”

I should not have come! Anastasia gritted her teeth. It is just some stupid event. I cannot give him any more than this! I would not!

It was Venice who had advised her to visit in person, and to tone down her usual blunt mannerisms when talking to Finn.

“After all,” Venice had reasoned, “he’s your fiance. Furthermore, just making a video call, and not even bothering to ask face-to-face, anybody would have refused, because it would lack sincerity.”

Venice had smiled at her. “So what you need to do, is to show him your sincerity.”

As she stomped away, Anastasia thought. So I came all this way to sincerely apologise, and this is how he reacts?

She felt more than a twinge of regret. If I had never entered Anastasia’s body, her relationship with Finn…would not have become as twisted as it has now. That is why I just decided to give him a chance. But whatever, it doesn’t matter anymore! I will ignore him and all these stupid rituals!

She descended a flight of stairs in fury, ignoring Finn’s cries of “Lady Kalinska, wait!”

She could not care anymore, not after he had laughed in her face. She would rely on herself only, and she resolved to be completely free of any entanglements with Finn once she left his stuffy old estate. Even their engagement… well, she could always approach Count Haynes…

Finn was surprised he had to put in some effort to chase her. When did she become so fast?

She was on the stairs when her heels suddenly lost traction on one of the steps, and she stumbled in the middle of the stairs. She braced herself for a painful impact with the floor at the bottom of the steps. Damn these high heels!

Except her fall was arrested by a strong arm. She looked up to see Finn holding her in one arm, while his other arm held onto one of the stair handrail supports. He was panting slightly from exertion.

They were very aware of their proximity to each other. Anastasia could feel his breath on her, even while her own traitorous heart thumped loudly at his closeness.

“’s always something with you.” Finn huffed.

“What?” she protested indignantly.

“Lady Kalinska, while it’s good you’re trying to build up your physical strength, you should also try to get used to moving about in high heels before you try running in them.”

That made her even angrier. “Quit telling me what to do, seriously! Now I have to listen to you criticise what I do with my time too?”

He flinched a bit, while she continued. “Just because you’re a man with power and influence doesn’t mean you can boss me around!”

He sighed, then lifted her up back on her feet. “Let’s go together.”


“I apologise for my rude behaviour. It’s not because I’m angry at you or anything… but I was just being childish.”

She snorted in an unladylike manner. “At your age, even? But you were saying about going together…?”

“Yes, on one condition.”


“I’d like it if you’d speak more casually to me when we’re together. Save the formality for official occasions only. Your formality towards me was sometimes painful to listen to.”

“Really?” She looked at him sceptically. “Was it really that bad? Funny, Venice said the same thing, hmm…”

Venice? Finn thought, I didn’t realise they were already on a first name basis. That’s unfair.

“And another thing,” he quickly added. “Enough with the ‘my lord’ nonsense, just call me by my name from now on. I do have a name, you know.”

She stared at him for a while, before replying, “No.”

He was taken aback from the bluntness of her reply. So she’ll call Lady Codina by her name but not even her own fiance’s?

Anastasia explained, “Think about it. Your name is just way too long. How do you expect me to call you Finnickerhet every time I talk to you?”

“That’s easy. Just call me Finn. Everybody does that.”

“All right, I’ll call you that from now on.” She smiled. “Finn.”

He didn’t know why, but that was a distinct sense of deja vu, as though she had called him that before. But he was dead certain she had never called him ‘Finn’ before, so why did he have this feeling?

She added, “You can call me Ana too, since my name is also a handful. That’s settled then.” She started walking down the steps of the stairs again. “See you later!”

He blinked. “Huh? W… wait a second!”

She did not seem to pay any heed to him, and just waved a hand. “Thanks Finn!”

He found himself staring at her back as she walked out of his house. Then he looked down at the box of chocolates in his hand. “Well, she’s always been like that. Since she came here to get me to take her to the hoverbike race, it’s only natural that she left after succeeding in her objective. So yeah, of course she’d leave.”

“Sigh. Our time together was too short,” he sat down on the stairs and popped a piece of chocolate into his mouth, before continuing his monologue while chewing the treat. “No, no! You should just be thankful that she doesn’t think you’re a dirty bastard anymore.”

He looked at the box in surprise at the rich flavours coating his tongue. “Hey, this doesn’t taste so bad after all.” It was definitely dark chocolate which suited his taste buds.

He sat there for the next few minutes, enjoying the chocolates and wondering how to further his relationship with Anastasia Kalinska.
Actually, Ana doesn’t think of Finn as a dirty bastard…

She just thinks he’s an idiot freebirth. Very different meanings, lol.

I was pretty proud of myself for that little quip with MASC, but it came to mind when my own kids zipped to the playground a few months ago.

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #56 on: 16 March 2024, 07:39:54 »
Aubert Estate, Inman,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
8th July, 3061
0100 hours (1300 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

Richelle Aubert seethed. “So that bitch is coming to the race after all.”

Her personal maid Karla commented, “So what? It’s only natural for Lady Kalinska to accompany Viscount Rason as his partner, since she’s his fiancee after all.”

“I know, but why?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I guess Viscount Rason just couldn’t help falling for Lady Kalinska’s charms. Her beauty is renowned, isn’t it?”

Richelle snorted in derision. Lady Kalinska had never attended the races before, and now she was attending with Viscount Rason? Was she coming to gloat that she was now engaged to a Viscount?

The noblewoman trembled with anger as she crumpled up the paper report informing her of the attendance list. “I can’t let it go.”

“My lady,” interjected Karla, “I have an idea on how to possibly deal with Lady Kalinska.”

Richelle startled, and looked at her maid, “You don’t mean…”

“Things happen when ladies unused to hoverbikes ride them.” Karla shrugged. “It’s been known to occur.”

“Won’t it be a problem if Viscount Rason finds out?”

“It’ll be fine. We just have to make it seem like an honest mistake.”

Kalinski Estate
18th July
0800 hours (0800 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

“Finn!” Anastasia called out to him as she walked towards his waiting hovercar. “What are you doing here so early? I thought we planned to meet later in the day?”

Finn stared at her, his expression stern. Damn it! Why was she dressed like this?

His fiancee wore long, form-hugging pants that emphasised the curves of her legs and her rear. Her top, too, clinched tight around her thin waist, while light makeup further enhanced her beauty.

The thought of other men having the chance to ogle her incensed him. The primitive part of his brain was roaring, Mine, all mine!

The worst part of it was that her attire was not even that provocative and by the standards of mechwarriors, who wore much less to battle, even conservative.

Anastasia noticed his dour expression, wondering why he looked so grumpy. Maybe it was too much of a hassle to pick her up? But he offered in the first place!

I’ll never understand him. She walked right up to him, their faces only a mere handwidth apart. “Finn?”

“Oh!” He flinched. “Uhhh, yes, it suits you better than I expected.”


“Oh, nothing.” He turned away with a cough, as though embarrassed. He smoothly opened the car door next. “Shall we?”

She smiled and sat on the passenger seat easily without having to deal with a cumbersome dress. Finn quickly circled round to take the driver’s seat.

As they moved off, Anastasia commented happily, “This is exactly why pants are so convenient! No need to worry about the skirt or the dress catching on something, or to need a hand here and there.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” Finn nodded, his eyes firmly on the road as they moved into the highway. “I spent so much time away from the Trivet that I forgot how attitudes towards women here are like. But the Trivet is so isolated that very old social conventions came back in once we started regressing.” There was a social anthropology course at Kilbourne that discussed how the loss of advanced technology and tools led to something like Victorian age social sensibilities in the roles of each gender in the Outback.

With each precious mech lost in the Succession Wars, replacements were usually issued to the richer parts of the realm, rarely to the Outback. Hence noble families in the Outback slowly lost their martial inclinations, and what combat technology remained was usually inherited by men instead of women as men had the advantages of testosterone and upper body strength to back up their developing skills, particularly in the apprentice stage. Few women had the gumption to subject themselves to such harsh training, so a slow weeding out process eventually resulted in nobleborn women staying out of military matters, and this process had solidified by the end of the thirtieth century.

In fact, Anastasia’s grandaunt Maria Kalinska was one of the few women who rebelled against the social conventions by going to Kilbourne Academy to become a mechwarrior, and was hence labelled a black sheep by her family. Finn wondered if Ana even knew about this, and what it meant for her ambitions to become a mechwarrior herself, even if she had not admitted it to him.

Anastasia nodded, “Yeah, the servants did not even seem to like it when I wore exercise clothes. And I couldn’t buy any female exercise clothes, there weren’t any in the shops, so I had to resort to buying boy’s sizes!” She seethed.

“Oh…” Finn did not dare reply to that.

She continued on her rant, “Why are pants so discouraged? No need to worry about wrinkling your clothes when you sit. My body feels so much lighter since I’m not weighed down by all the skirt layers I normally have to wear. Really, our movements are so restricted by what we have to wear.”

She glared at him. “Don’t you agree?”

At this moment, Finn realised he could simply do what men throughout history have done, using a simple ‘Yes dear’ to signify assent that would have placated their female partners. But he really had more to add.

“I agree completely. It’s not just about dresses and pants, which are symptoms. Local attitudes have really restricted our women, not just the noblewomen. That’s why you hardly see any women in the local garrisons, but when I was at Kilbourne and in the AFFC, there was no such disparity.”

He sighed, “There’re probably a lot of people with talent out here who would never discover what they could be good at, because of our stifling social conventions and the lack of opportunity. It’s just such a shame.”

Anastasia tried hard not to stare at him, while similar thoughts ran in her head. Indeed, there could be many talented mechwarriors who could not discover their aptitude because of circumstances or social conventions. Even in the clans, freeborns were derided and often denigrated, when some of them could be just as skillful as any trueborn.

The very fact they shared similar thoughts was a major source of aggravation. She caught him smiling gently at her as he drove the car, and grumbled mentally to herself. Why is he smiling like that? So cheesy… And he was so grumpy earlier on, and now he’s like this? Well, he’s an idiot, even if he’s quite handsome when he smiles…

She gave herself a mental shake. What was she thinking? He was her enemy… they were still enemies, right? Even if they were now on closer terms than ever before. It was only natural she would see him in a better light after knowing he had some redeeming qualities.

“Why did you want to go to the race anyway? You’ve never gone before.”

She shrugged. “I hoped to have the chance to ride my own hoverbike. Maybe if I do well, I can convince my father to let me ride and travel on my own in the future.”

“Hmmm…” He considered. “You did ride that scooter away from the bandits at Altoona, right? When did you learn to ride?”

She tried to stay calm, knowing that most noble ladies relied on drivers and chauffeurs for transportation. “Uhhh… I learned on Altoona when I was there. It was quite easy too.” Come to think of it, Baron Kalinski had been quite disbelieving of her riding skills, and had tried to dissuade her from attending the event. She had flatly refused his offer to buy her more dresses and jewellery instead.

Thankfully, Finn seemed to accept it at face value. “In that case, maybe I can pull some strings and get you something to your liking.”

She smiled genuinely at him. “Thank you, Finn.”

Her smile made his heart stop. It was the second time she had thanked him, but he knew he had angered her at least as many times. But at least he could feel the distance between them lessen.

“I really can’t wait to ride my own hoverbike.” She mused, lost in her daydreams. “Enjoy the speed, wind in my hair.”

Despite having attended the race before and finding it a bore, he found himself caught up in her enthusiasm. Yeah, he was a little excited too.


They arrived after slightly more than an hour of travelling at extremely high speeds, thanks to both Finn’s hovercar and the old but well-maintained highway. Anastasia had checked a map beforehand, and knew the race would be held on Viscount Aubert’s demesne, which was a distance away from the capital city. It was located on the southern tip of the peninsula leading away from Innerman City, and the region was said to be a prolific producer of seafood.

The area for the race was a vast expanse of flat grassland, occasionally interspersed with trees. There was an artificial bay on one side, bounded from the sea by a long and thin rock bund, further adding to the idyllic scenery. Nobles were starting to arrive, and they walked along the waterfront in pairs or small groups, enjoying the landscape.

“The view is amazing, right?”

Not him again. Anastasia rolled her eyes, then turned to see Raymond Haynes, her perpetual bugbear, behind them.

“Fancy meeting you two here!” Raymond greeted cheerfully. “Viscount Rason, Lady Kalinska! It’s been too long!”

Not long enough, Anastasia griped mentally. Why does he always have to show up?

“Greetings, my lord,” Finn greeted coldly. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, the usual. It’s almost mandatory for us to attend, right?” Raymond deflected. “By the way, these riding clothes suit you very well, Lady Kalinska.”

Huh? She did not know whether she should be offended by his remarks.

“All those curves that are normally hidden beneath the fabric of a dress really are quite beautiful!” He continued, seemingly oblivious to the dark looks on Anastasia and Finn. “I’ve read about it, but seeing it is a very different! Viscount Rason must be very proud of your beauty.. He turned to Finn, “Don’t you agree?”

What the hell is he talking about? Anastasia fumed inwardly. Yes, she was used to direct and blunt comments when she was Avryl back in the clans. In fact, when members of the clan wanted to have sex, they just went right up to their intended partner or partners and asked straight up, with none of the posturing and ambiguity that characterised Spheroid mating dances. But somehow in this setting, she knew Raymond’s comments were not exactly appropriate.

She decided to channel some of her clanbred bluntness. “Oh, but the clothes you’re wearing are even more beautiful!”

“Uhhh… pardon me?” He suddenly looked confused at her sudden remark.

She counterattacked viciously. “Don’t you think so? Now that you’re not wearing a cravat, your chest muscles are more easily appreciated.” Her eyes held a wicked gleam. “And you’ve always had such nice slender legs, but now I can see that they’re so tight and toned. I’m sure your future wife will be so proud of your beauty.” Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Finn grinning as she essentially took Raymond’s comments and turned them back on him.

Anastasia decided to twist the knife in. “In fact, I think you should wear such revealing clothes more often, my lord. What do you think?”

Unable to formulate a response, Raymond could only stutter, “My goodness… you… you flatter me, my lady…”

“Ana!” Venice walked up to them, offering a reprieve for the tongue-tied Raymond. “Greetings, my lords.” She curtseyed elegantly, even though she was wearing similar riding clothes as Anastasia.

“Lady Codina also looks quite nice in…” Raymond started, then decided he dared not get on Anastasia’s barbed tongue again, and shut up.

Finn sighed as he said, “It’s good to see you again, Lady Codina.”

“Yes, how have you been, Viscount Rason?” Her eyes sparkled mischievously. “I wasn’t even sure you would come with Ana. You seem to be very busy.”

Finn subtly shifted his standing position, forcing Anastasia, who was holding onto his arm, to move closer. “Well, what can I say? My fiancee wanted to come.” He gently patted Anastasia’s shoulder with one hand.

Ehhhh? What’s going on now? She could feel the tension somehow rising even though there didn’t seem to be any immediate threats.

“You two must get along so well.” Venice smiled sweetly at Finn.

“Is there any reason why we shouldn’t?” Finn replied back just as politely. The air between the two seemed to crackle with tension.

What’s going on with the two of them? Anastasia wondered.

Venice said, “Ana. the area for the ladies are over there. We should go there.”

Finn interjected. “As her fiance, I must accompany her. I don’t know if she’s allowed to go over there since she wasn’t technically invited.”

“But Lady Aubert knows she’s here, right? And besides, I’ll be with her.”

“Come, Lady Kalinska, you said you wanted to ride a hoverbike, right?” cajoled Finn, as one arm tugged lightly on Anastasia’s arm.

Meanwhile, Venice had somehow grabbed hold of her other arm and started tugging in the other direction. “Ana, let’s greet our hosts first. Come on, let’s go.”

What’s going on now? Anastasia felt so very tired. Why are these two bickering? She glared at Raymond, who was trying to control his laughter, and why is he laughing at all?

Deciding that she had to make a decision, Anastasia lightly tapped Finn’s hand on her shoulder. “I think I should greet the Auberts first. It’s only polite, since I wasn’t invited, right?”


“We can ride the hoverbikes later, okay?”

Finn nodded in acceptance. “If that’s what you think is best.” He removed his hand from her shoulder. “Then, I shall see you later, my ladies.”

Raymond put one arm over Finn’s shoulder, and started dragging him off, “Have a good time! Don’t worry about Viscount Rason, I’ll take good care of him!”

Anastasia walked off with Venice towards a nearby building. As they passed by the artificial bay, Anastasia commented, “You’re in a good mood today.”

Venice laughed, “Of course. It’s been a while since I’ve come out to the countryside. And such nice scenery too!” She pointed to the bay. “The water here is so clear.”

“Oh, this is an artificial bay.”

“How do you know?”

“Firstly, the water is very shallow. And the depth is constant, which doesn’t happen naturally.” Anastasia furrowed her brows. “The bottom looks muddy, it might be dangerous to go into the bay. And lastly, there’s the rock bund to separate it from the sea.” But to dredge one out in the first place… it must cost a lot of money. The Auberts must be loaded.

Richelle Aubert was the presumed heiress, since she had no other siblings to vie with her. She thought. Anastasia absolutely hated her. And those feelings even outweighed her love for Baron Haynes. But why? Because Richelle bullied and harassed Anastasia and never gave her a moment of respite? Because she turned Anastasia into a wallflower and then teased her for it?

A memory popped into her mind, of a young Anastasia screaming at Richelle, screaming that she did not want Richelle to talk to her, and that the other girl disgusted her. It seemed Richelle didn’t dislike Anastasia in the beginning, and was actually quite polite at first. She was mystified - why was Anastasia so angry at Richelle Aubert?

In her mind’s eye, the original Anastasia was sitting down by the water of the artificial bay, wearing the same elegant clothes she had when she jumped into the lake. Avryl felt compelled to ask, “Is this really where it all started?” She found herself in her original body while wearing her current attire, and she crouched down beside the other girl. “You ended up all alone. I can think of no good reason for you to have shown me this.”

Anastasia remained silent. Avryl tried again. “If you have a reason, then tell me! That way…”

Anastasia’s cold glare cut her off. Avryl sighed. “I see, it seems as though I haven’t thought about your relationship with Richelle seriously enough.” She knew Anastasia had a hard time, but it also felt like a problem that belonged solely to her, and not to Avryl, an interloper who had taken over her body.

Avryl was concerned. If their emotions run this deep, then Richelle must really have hated Anastasia. Much more so than the other ladies at the tea party so many months ago… Perhaps it was a mistake to attend the race.

“Ana! Get up, Lady Aubert is here.” Venice’s insistent whisper broke her out of her thoughts.

“Oh! Right…” Anastasia quickly hurried to join the other ladies.

Richelle was a pretty woman with black hair, and was dressed just like the rest of the gathered ladies, in clothes suitable for riding hoverbikes.

She stood before the assemblage and started talking, “Welcome! I am so happy to see so many people attending today’s festivities. However, it seems as though we have some uninvited guests.”

Anastasia stiffened. How should I respond? This feud between Richelle and Anastasia is such a bother, and Richelle isn’t helping with her behaviour.

Richelle clapped her hands, “All right, everybody! Even though we have an unexpected guest, the racing teams and my staff have put in a lot of effort into this so let’s just try and enjoy the event.”

The ladies quickly formed up into their small cliques, chattering away. Anastasia looked on, mildly impressed by Richelle’s brazenness. Wow, she mentioned it again. That just shows how much she hates having me here.

Richelle announced, “We’ve prepared only the smoothest hoverbikes for you today. I assure you that you’ll have a great time riding the bikes.” Praise flowed in from the gathered ladies, while Richelle made sure to make eye contact with every lady except Anastasia.

Anastasia expected it, so it wasn’t surprising to her. It would make sense that Richelle would only continue the social ostracism as she had done before.

Richelle continued to talk. “Let’s head to the refreshments pavilion while they finish setting up the hoverbikes. I’ve prepared a special tea for you all today.” She started to lead the whole group to one of the tents nearby.

Anastasia grinned ruefully. Even if Richelle hated her, it did not mean anything to her. Besides…

“If it was me, I would launched a full-on attack before the event even began.” Venice remarked in a whisper. “This kind of petty fighting looks very childish from the outside, doesn’t it?” She added with a giggle.

Anastasia shrugged, “That’s to be expected, I guess.” After the bloodsoaked killing fields of the Clan Occupation Zone, not much should faze her any more.

“But don’t worry. The last time she bullied you, you didn’t have anybody on your side. But now you have me.” She smiled confidently.

Anastasia nodded and smiled back. “That’s reassuring.” Inwardly, she also tried to reassure the Anastasia within. There’s no need to be nervous, Anastasia, you’re not alone anymore.


“Are all the desserts to your liking? You look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you, Lady Codina.” Richelle said to Venice as they enjoyed the refreshments.

“It’s been too long, Lady Aubert. You seem even more sophisticated now that you’re almost ready to take over the Viscounty,” Venice smiled and returned the compliment.

“Please, you’re being too kind.”

Venice replied, “I’m embarrassed to even stand next to you for fear of being compared.”

“I’m flattered to hear you say that, Lady Codina.”

As the two went on and on, Anastasia looked on, trying very hard not to roll her eyes at the sheer inanity of it all. It was also obvious that Lady Aubert was ignoring her. Oh well, I’ll greet her when the timing is right and I can go find Finn.

“Anyway, I’ve been worried about you,” somehow, Lady Aubert had grasped Venice’s hands. “Are you sure there’s nothing going on?” She faked a look of concern, and looked over at Anastasia, as though she was causing Venice trouble.

“What do you mean?” Venice feigned ignorance.

“I heard that Viscount Rason is very busy, so your brother is having a hard time, isn’t he? Is that why you’re associating yourself with those you normally wouldn’t?” There was a sly smirk on Lady Aubert’s face. “Do you want me to mention it to my father? Please don’t hesitate to ask if you ever need anything.”

Anastasia sighed. Again with the innuendo. And she had completely forgotten about Venice’s shitty brother. And the intention behind her words were clear - that Venice had befriended her only because she wanted to make a good impression on Finn for her brother’s sake.

Anastasia glowered at Richelle Aubert. She’s making it seem as though Venice is forcing herself to be friends with me.

Venice mused, “Hmmm… I don’t know… I think you know it better than me, that Viscount Rason has nothing to do with such things.”

“What?” Only the slightest twitch of Richelle’s eyebrows betrayed her unease.

“My brother currently has absolutely nothing to complain about. In fact, he’s constantly bragging that fact to anybody who will listen.”

Anastasia though uncharitably, that’s one way to look at it.

Venice continued, “The closer you get, the more you can discover good things you can’t see from further away. Isn’t that right, my lady?”

Richelle tried to rally. “Yes, I’m sure you’re right, but…”

Venice pressed on. “More than anything, those who are close to me are all good people.”

Wow, Anastasia was impressed. Venice really knows how to protect those around her. Richelle’s words could be seen as belittling Vince, and she would usually have let it slide under normal circumstances. But with just a few words, she not only stood up for her family, but for me as well… because I’m her friend.

Somehow, that made her feel a strong sense of security, that she only ever felt when she was with her Command Star.

Richelle sighed, then smirked. “Lady Codina, sometimes, it’s important not to miss the forests for the trees.” She let go of Venice’s hands. “You’ve always been so clever, so I’m sure you understand what I mean.” Viscount Aubert was a strong supporter of Baron Haynes, so it was clearly a warning for Venice to look away until he became the Count.

“You’d do well to listen to me.” Lady Aubert smirked, a smug warning behind her eyes.

Venice replied, with just a touch of steel in her tone, “Of course, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”

They stared at each other for a few seconds, before Richelle turned away. “Please excuse me.” She walked over to the seated Anastasia, casting a shadow over her. “I’m sorry for the delay. Thank you for coming, Lady Kalinska.

I’ve been waiting for you. Anastasia knew what Richelle was doing. She couldn’t get Venice to fall in line, so now she’s changed targets. Venice had taught her that the number one rule in the social world was to never make enemies, at least not overtly.

She stood from her seat. “Oh no, I’d like to thank you for your warm welcome to my unexpected visit.”

Richelle gestured to the tea spread on the table, “It was nothing. We’ve prepared so much for today’s event, I hope you take the time to enjoy yourself.”

“You’re too kind…”

Richelle cut her off, “Oh my…” One hand reached for a corner of her scarf tied around her neck “You have a loose thread.” Richelle smirked. “Even in a place like this, it’s possible for things to come undone… ahhh!”

She groaned in pain. Anastasia had nonchalantly grabbed Richlle’s wrist, holding it in place.

“Strange, isn’t it? I had my maids thoroughly inspect my clothes before coming, so it’s impossible for even a thread to be out of place.” She applied a bit more strength, and was gratified to see tears forming in Richelle’s eyes.

I may not be as strong as when I was Avryl, but I still know where it hurts the most on a person’s wrist. And my physical training has also paid off, so that counts for something too! Anastasia beamed genially, as though nothing was wrong.

Richelle gritted out, “I… I guess I was mistaken. You seem to have come prepared even though it’s been a while since you’ve come out. I sincerely hope that nothing bad will happen to your clothes by accident.”

Letting go of the wrist, Anastasia pretended to look puzzled. “By accident?”

Richelle tried to massage her bruised wrist without making it too obvious, smiling all the while. “You know, what if the accident at the palatial manor’s lake happened again? Baron Haynes would be devastated.” Anastasia could hear snickers from behind her, as the onlookers observed the exchange.

“Oh no, have I upset you? I’m sorry, I only brought it up out of concern for you.” Richelle acted contrite, but Anastasia knew better. It was a childish method of attack, and it was obvious that Richelle’s feigned concern was really just to agitate her. And to say that Baron Haynes would be upset? That really was ridiculous.

Anastasia continued smiling. “Thank you, Lady Aubert.”

Richelle blinked. “What?”

“You don’t have to worry about such accidents ever happening again. And besides, I am with Viscount Rason now.” While he’s an idiot, at least he’s not a piece of trash like Renard Haynes.

Richelle twitched again in confusion.

She must be shocked. If I was really the original Anastasia, she would have reacted emotionally and gotten hostile with her. Do you not agree? She directed that last question at the silent Anastasia within.

She looked confidently at Richelle. Making a scene is what Richelle Aubert wants the most. Strictly speaking, as Avryl, I have nothing to do with her. But I cannot just stand by and watch Anastasia suffer. I am going to show you that you are not someone to be despised and bullied. So Anastasia, I want you to trust me and come to me in your own time…

Anastasia smirked at a fuming Richelle Aubert. Because I have no intention of losing.
The way these ladies play politics is vicious as hell… No safe spaces, no sirree!

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #57 on: 20 March 2024, 10:36:45 »
Aubert Estate, Inman,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
18th July, 3061
1100 hours (1100 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

“Just what are you plotting this time?” Finn eyed Raymond suspiciously as they walked across the green along the racetrack.

“What do you mean?” protested Raymond innocently. “Finn, you’ll hurt my feelings, saying stuff like that. You mustn’t take your anger over losing Lady Kalinska out on me. I’m just here to attend the race…”

Finn spun around. “Quit playing dumb. I know you met her in Innerman City before, but I was willing to let that slide.”

Raymond grinned, “So you knew about that, huh? But Finn, does that mean you were having Lady Kalinska followed? That’s a bit much, don’t you think?”

Finn replied grimly. “It wasn’t that long ago that Renard sent men to harm her. Did you expect me to leave her defenceless?”

“Of course not.” Raymond shrugged. “There’s no way you would just sit around and watch if she was in danger.” His eyes gleamed with eager anticipation. “If you did, you wouldn’t be the Viscount I know you to be.”

He walked up to Finn. “You know, Finn,, I quite like Lady Kalinska. But what she said back there about me? I was a little taken aback.”


“It seemed like a compliment, but I knew she was actually insulting me. Should I punish her for that?”

Finn growled in warning, “Punished? Are you serious?”

Raymond smirked, “Just joking. You’re always so serious! Lighten up a bit.” He looked up at the sky. “To be honest, I am interested in Lady Kalinska. Before you misunderstand me, I don’t mean in any romantic way…”

“Raymond, I don’t care if your interest in her is romantic or not,” Finn’s voice was icy cold. “Stay away from Lady Kalinska.”

“Hey,” Raymond protested, “What’s this, a monopoly on Lady Kalinska? The unshakeable Finn Rason? I can’t believe it!” His smirk widened. “You’ve really fallen for her, haven’t you? Wow…”

Raymond half-expected Finn to deny it, but when Finn just glowered at him. Then, he is really…

That glower made him quickly add, “Finn, are you afraid I’m going to harm her in some way? I’m not like my brother.”

Finn finally replied, “That’s right. You’re not like Renard. You’re worse than him.” Finn went up to Raymond, staring him straight in the eyes. “If I’m your target, why not just focus on me? If you keep approaching Lady Kalinska like this… even though it’s not what you want, I might become your enemy.”

Raymond shrugged. “Well, this does seem to be a problem.” Then he chuckled. “I can’t believe my once rational friend is now threatening me so cruelly! Maybe I should arrest you instead of Lady Kalinska!”

“Raymond, shut up.” Finn groused as he started to walk off.

“Finn, are you telling me to shut up already?” Raymond whined.

“Enough with the word games and let’s go.” Finn widened his stride, forcing Raymond to catch up.

“Hey, wait for me! We’re supposed to stick together! Finn!”

Raymond enthused inwardly. Just as I expected, romance is the most fun!


Anastasia rolled her eyes as she walked across the open field. The giggling voices of nobleborn ladies were starting to grate on her ears.

The pavilion with the tea refreshments was sited near the hoverbikes reserved for the ladies, while a short distance away, the hoverbike teams were making their last adjustments to the hoverbikes participating in the race.

It was apparent that the hoverbikes for the ladies were extremely limited versions, only capable of moving at thirty kilometres an hour by her estimation. Anastasia guessed the organisers had placed limiters on the engines, reducing their speed to far below what they are actually capable of. Since the purpose of the event was for the young ladies to catch the eye of the noblemen, having the bikes travel at slow speeds also helped them showcase their charms.

She thought she had expected it, but the reality was even worse than she could imagine. The organisers had set up a facsimile of a small town for the ladies to ride around, but just going at such slow speeds? Absolutely boring.

“Oh, here’s your bike, Lady Kalinska,” a helpful attendant guided her to the hoverbike assigned to her. “I am here to assist you.”

Anastasia stared at her hoverbike, admittedly painted a very pretty mix of colours, then at the ladies already riding around the town mockup. “No thanks. You can let somebody else ride it.”

“Oh, let me then!” Selina Seydoux had been in the queue with her, and was eager for her turn to ride. Without waiting for the attendant, she quickly mounted the bike and moved off tentatively, almost losing balance before she got it under control.

Anastasia winced, but decided she would rather not ride such slow hoverbikes. She looked over the hoverbike teams, and her vision narrowed to the displayed banner of a leaping cat, which was obviously a close copy of the Smoke Jaguar insignia.

Finn walked up next to her, and asked, “Why aren’t you on a bike? I thought you were looking towards it?”

Anastasia gestured with a hand at the ladies riding on the hoverbikes. “This is boring. Too slow. I thought they would go faster than this.”

“Oh…” He looked around, “Then what do you suggest?”

“The racing teams have spares, right?” She said brightly, then started walking towards the racing teams.

“Wait, are you serious?” Finn followed closely behind her. “Lady Kalinska, these are not toys!”

“I know, which is why I prefer them.” She walked over to the area assigned to the Furious Felines, observing the team members intently as she stopped outside the bounded area, just next to the gap allowing entry. They moved with the speed and efficiency of typical clanspeople, barking short, clipped commands to one another, interspersed with quiaffs and quinegs as they hustled to get ready.

These were her people. Annihilated clan or not, these were people of Clan Smoke Jaguar. In some way, the clan still lived. Tears threatened to well up in her eyes, but Anastasia was just able to control her emotions. It would not do to spill any tears in front of Finn.

Finn started to speak, “Lady Kalinska, I really don’t think…”

Without letting him complete his sentence, she mustered up her courage, and stepped into the enclosure.

“Who are you, and what are you doing here?” barked a brown-haired woman almost immediately as she stepped in front of Anastasia. She was clad in a technician’s coveralls, a pair of goggles on her face. Anastasia thought she looked kind of familiar, as though they had met before.

The woman’s eyes flicked over to Finn, and she nodded at him. “My lord, sorry for being rude, but you should not be here.”

“My apologies,” Anastasia curtseyed politely, drawing a scoff from the woman. Well, she had to keep up appearances. “I am Anastasia Kalinska. I was curious about your team, so I thought about coming here to take a closer look. Viscount Rason was kind enough to escort me.”

Finn backed her up, “Sorry for intruding, but I’m really here to escort her. I’m not here to coerce you into doing anything for her. If it’s too much trouble, we’ll leave you to prepare for the race.”

“Another high and mighty spheroid noble…” commented another woman with disproportionately large eyes, obviously of the pilot phenotype. She was clad in a racing suit, pads around her elbows and knees.

“Let us not be rude, Jamco,” said the technician. “And besides, she is Viscount Rason’s fiancee. We want to be accommodating, quiaff?” She turned back to the couple.

Anastasia smiled, “Yes, I would be most grateful.”

The tech sighed, “Well, how close of a look do you want?”

Anastasia tilted her head back at the fake town with the gaggle of giggling noblewomen. “Maybe not a closer look, but a faster one?”

The two clanners blinked. “You want to try one of our bikes, without a speed limiter?”

“Can I?”

Finn protested, “Lady Kalinska, these racing models can go very fast. I don’t think you can handle their speed.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll not go too fast. Just fast enough to feel a bit of speed.” Anastasia tried to reassure him. “I know how to ride a bike. I did so back on Altoona, remember?”

Jamco turned to the other woman. “Your call, Chief Tech.”

“Sure, why not? Anything within reason for Viscount Rason’s fiancee.” The tech sounded dubious though, and Anastasia could not blame her. “Follow me.”

She led them to several hoverbikes. “These are our spares. You know how to ride one?” She took a riding helmet off a rack and handed it to Anastasia.

“Of course.” Avryl Showers learned back in the sibko, and had ridden them plenty since then. She put on the helmet and easily climbed up on a bike, without waiting for Finn to help her on.

“Hold up, let me ride behind for a while,” said the tech. “Not that we distrust you, but…”

“I understand, you don’t want me to damage your machine.”

The tech sighed, “Aff, that is correct. More importantly, we do not want you to be hurt.” She glanced at Finn. “Viscount Rason would also be very upset with us if that happened.”

He nodded in agreement.

The tech put on a helmet herself, and climbed on behind Anastasia while the engine gauges on the hoverbike’s dashboard lit up when she pressed the start button. Fuel-cell engine, a corner of Anastasia’s mind whispered to her. As it was a chemically driven reaction and the redox reaction itself was soundless, a fuel cell engine did not produce any sound.

“Engaging the air cushion,” Anastasia warned as she activated the air thrusters, a humming sound finally produced by the hoverbike. The hoverbike floated into the air.

Finn asked, “Do you need me to accompany you?”

She smiled brightly at him and shook her head slightly, “You know I’ll be fine.” She gestured to the tech riding behind her. “Won’t be too long before I can ride on my own too.”

He nodded in reluctant acceptance. “I look forward to seeing you ride the hoverbike then.”

She laughed, “Try not to fall too hard for me at the sight!” She twisted gently on the accelerator, and the hoverbike started moving out of the enclosure, towards one of the wide areas marked out for the racing teams to test their hoverbikes.


Finn watched Anastasia carefully as she drove off, trying to hide his concern for her under a mask of complete confidence in her abilities. He walked over to a tent overlooking the preparation area, where some of the men had gathered, especially the married or attached ones.

Raymond was already there, probably trying to engage the other noblemen in his usual inane conversation about this book or another. His eyes flicked over to Finn, “Ahh, here comes the happily attached Viscount Rason!”

Finn tried to suppress his annoyance. “What is it this time, Sir Haynes?”

“Oh, I was just telling the others about your close relationship with Lady Kalinska. That makes some of us rather jealous!” Raymond pointed at the area. “In fact, here she comes.”

They could see Anastasia riding her hoverbike at a steady seventy kilometres per hour through the area, effortlessly turning round the curves of the practice track. Even at a distance, her grace and elegance were displayed prominently. And since the race was still some time away, none of the racing team hoverbikes were using the track, leaving it all to Anastasia. The tech seated behind her seemed kind of bored though.

“Isn’t she beautiful, Viscount Rason?” said Raymond. “Like something out of one of my novels.”

Although her head was obscured by the riding helmet, Finn could feel Anastasia was really enjoying herself. I’m glad I came with her.

“Wahhh!” Raymond continued his hyperbole, further annoying Finn. “You haven’t been able to tear your gaze away from Lady Kalinska even for a second!” He continued to yammer on. “Isn’t this like something out of a romance novel? It would be even more romantic if the two of you could ride together. Perhaps I should ask my father to find me a fiancee too…”

A high pitched scream burst from the fake town.

Finn looked up to see the hoverbike originally assigned to Anastasia Kalinska accelerating to the bike’s maximum speed, while Lady Selina Seydoux clung to it desperately as it flew away from the fake town towards the artificial bay.

Finn had a sudden sinking feeling in his stomach, and he chanced a glance at the area where Anastasia was.

He should have expected it. Anastasia had opened up her own throttle, her hoverbike bursting out of the practice track area, chasing after Lady Seydoux.

He sprang to his feet, “Lady Kalinska!”


“Stravag!” Hawise cursed, hanging on tightly as Anastasia Kalinska pushed the hoverbike to its maximum acceleration. “You are crazy, quiaff?”

“Neg! Nobody else can catch her!”

Hawise knew she was right. The racing hoverbikes were still being prepped, and even getting one of the spares up and running would take precious time, time that would mean they could not possibly catch up to the runaway hoverbike. Obviously, the ladies’ hoverbikes were all fitted with limiters, and it was not something they would normally dare to do anyway.

But apparently, this Lady Anastasia Kalinska was brave and crazy enough to do so.

“But what are you going to do once you catch her?” Hawise shouted in her ear over the wind as their bike approached its top speed, gradually catching up to the runaway. It was gratifying to know their bikes were significantly faster than the Spheroids’, due to the lower mass of the fuel-cell engines, enabling them to pack a slightly higher rating into the chassis.

The lady on the runaway bike screamed again. Hawise guessed the accelerator was stuck, the limiter had obviously failed, and the brakes were not working. Clearly foul play, but why?

Kalinska chanced a quick glance at her with a turn of her head, then looked to the front again. “I will match speeds, get side by side. Then one of us will jump across and take control.”

A simple but dangerous plan. Something any warrior could think up and get behind. Hawise asked, “Why not just let her ditch in the water? The water impact might hurt, but it would not be too bad.”

“Neg, the depth is shallow and the bottom is muddy. The mud will pull her under and she will drown. This is the only option, quiaff?”

In the back of her mind, Hawise wondered why Lady Kalinska was talking like a trueborn Clan officer, all proper quiaffs and negs with an edge of command. “Aff, I will do as you say.”

The runaway wobbled dangerously as it zoomed past the trees on tiny islets of the artificial bay, veering dangerously left and right, the rider clearly not capable of handling its speed. Nevertheless, she did not fall off the bike either. The screams continued.

“I hate to sound like an Ice Hellion, but can you get any more speed out of this?” asked Anastasia as they continued the chase, slowly closing the distance. “We need to catch up with her before she runs out of space.”

Hawise raised an eyebrow. “Hold on.” She reached down with her right hand, opening up a panel near the engine. On pure memory, she recalled the settings, and adjusted them with a few button clicks. The new settings would grant an even higher top speed, but at the expense of long term engine damage and higher fuel consumption.

But right now, they needed speed. The hoverbike surged forward, closing the gap even more quickly. To her credit, Anastasia Kalinska controlled the hoverbike very well, smoothly adjusting their direction of travel to narrow the gap.

“Chief tech,” the communicator in her ear squawked. “They’re asking you to stop and come back. Leave the runaway. It is too dangerous.”

Hawise grinned. And miss out on the most exciting thing to involve her in months? Not happening.

“Neg. I doubt my driver wants to give up either.” Lady Kalinska turned to look at her, seemed to understand what was going on, and gave her a firm nod before turning her head back to the front. That short glance was enough for Hawise to see the fiery determination in the other woman’s eyes.

They were the eyes of a warrior.

“So who will jump across?”

Hawise replied, “Too difficult for me to reach around and take control of this bike if you jump. It is easier for me to jump. I can do it.”

“Aff, got it. We are almost there.” Only twenty metres separated them, with the spray from the hoverbike almost going to soak them, before Lady Kalinska smoothly dodged it.

And then they were almost side by side with the runaway over the bay’s waters, but maintaining a separation gap of a few metres while matching speeds at the moment. The rider was in tears, just barely hanging onto the handlebars. “Help me!” cried the noblewoman. She was just barely in control, enough to keep the hoverbike from smashing into the thin bund that separated the bay from the sea. But they were charging down the length of the bay at tremendous speeds, and they were running out of space.

“Lady Seydoux!” Kalinska shouted. “My passenger will jump over to help you, but you’ve got to hold your bike straight for five seconds!”

Now that was interesting. Apparently Lady Kalinska trusted her own skills sufficiently to close in five seconds and get her to jump. Nevertheless, Hawise was already shifting her weight and getting ready for the move.

She knew how dangerous it was. If she missed the jump, she would go into the water herself, and while she was a strong swimmer, if the mud pulled her under then she would still drown.

“I’ll try!” Lady Seydoux cried out. Her arms trembled as she fought to keep the hoverbike straight.

In a flash, Anastasia moved their bike next to the runaway, almost touching each other, matching speeds. Hawise jumped over without prompting, her right hand quickly gripping the passenger’s handle on the side of the passenger seat, her left hand immediately coming up to help Lady Seydoux stabilise the bike from the impact of her jump and landing.

Anastasia veered away to a safer distance, while Hawise took control of the bike from behind Lady Seydoux, directing it back towards the shore.

Hawise knew Lady Kalinska shadowed them as they zoomed back to land, and she had already identified the emergency fuel dump button, located under a panel. The accelerator was obviously stuck, while the airbrakes were not working. Since she was not familiar with the settings of this particular bike, the safest option was to just dump the fuel.

Once they hit land, Hawise triggered the fuel dump, spilling iso-octane behind them. The runaway hoverbike finally glided to a stop as its fuel ran out. Lady Seydoux stumbled off the bike, desperate to get away from the frightening machine as quickly as possible.

Anastasia stopped right beside them, quickly hopping off to catch Lady Seydoux in an embrace as the other woman wailed loudly, releasing all her pent up fear and terror.

Hawise looked at Lady Kalinska appraisingly, one hand absently tapping the cover of her tarot card holder. Her cards had suggested something significant would happen today, and indeed it had. Fates, what do you have in store for me next? Who is this noblewoman, all elegance and beauty, but with such hidden strength?
Obviously, Anastasia gave away too much during the chase to the worst (best?) possible person. The Nova Cats have a cultural tendency to make intuitive leaps (guesses?) that enable them to see hidden truths. Other examples: Santin West in Impetus of War, Zane in Path of Glory.

The Wobbly Guy

  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 331
Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #58 on: 28 March 2024, 10:43:30 »
Aubert Estate, Inman,
Milligan PDZ, Woodbine Operational Area,
18th July, 3061
1200 hours (1200 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

Anastasia hugged the terrified Lady Seydoux tightly, one hand rubbing her back in an attempt to soothe her. She could see Finn and the emergency staff rushing up towards them, mounted on hoverbikes and wheeled jeeps.

“Lady Kalinska!” Finn reached her first, jumping off his hoverbike and dashing up to her. She held up a hand to stop him, shaking her head slightly. Lady Seydoux was still sobbing into her shoulder, but the cries were finally subsiding.

A medic came up to them, and Anastasia released Lady Seydoux. “Get yourself checked for injuries,” she whispered softly. The other woman whimpered at the separation, but nodded, somewhat regaining control over herself.

She turned to her fiance. “Hey Finn, did you miss me already…”

He drew her into a sudden embrace. “Finn?”

Wait, he’s shaking! For the second time in as many minutes, the person she was embracing was trembling. Why?

“I’m so glad,” murmured Finn as he hugged her tightly, “I’m so glad you’re safe.”

“I’m all right, Finn,” she patted his back, trying to reassure him. She had absolutely no idea that Finn would be so concerned for her safety.

He finally let go of the embrace, and held her at arm’s length, observing her intently. “Were you hurt anywhere?”

“Oh, I wasn’t. I’m perfectly fine!” Better than that, actually. She could still feel the adrenaline high from the chase.

“What made you decide to give chase? It should be left to the rescue crews!” His tone was chiding.

She shrugged. “There was no time to lose. Nothing else could have chased Lady Seydoux down in time, and each additional moment she spent on that bike meant another moment of danger.”

Finn sighed. “I’m just glad nobody was seriously hurt.” He turned towards the tech. “Thank you so much for helping, Chief Tech… uh…”

The tech removed her helmet. “Hawise, my lord. I am Chief Tech Hawise.”

The name struck Anastasia like a thunderbolt. She realised she knew this woman, why she had seemed familiar. When she was just a fresh Star Commander out of the sibko, Avryl fought and lost against a Nova Cat garrison unit on Hoard, more than a thousand light years away. Hawise was the commander then. What was she doing here, now, of all places?

But dealing with the current situation was the most important.

“By the way, Finn, I was really impressed with these two hoverbikes.” She went into what Venice called the ‘airhead’ mode, which was useful when feigning ignorance.

To his credit, Finn seemed to realise her intentions, offering her a sly smile. “Did you like riding them? I can buy them for you.”

“Of course! They were so fast! I don’t know why there was no limiter on Lady Seydoux’s ride, but it could go really fast! And the one from the Furious Felines was so responsive, I really like it!”

“Don’t worry, I’d buy both of them right away.”

The leader of the staff responsible for the bikes flinched, and exclaimed, “My lord, please wait a moment. I’m flattered that you would want to buy one of our hoverbikes, but it might not be ready…”

Finn loomed over the poor man. “Are you telling me that you let these ladies on hoverbikes that weren’t ready for use?”

“Oh, of course not.” The stricken man sweated profusely, quailing under Finn’s harsh glare.. “Uhhh, sure, the hoverbike is yours.”

“And we have no qualms about selling our bike to Viscount Rason,” Hawise added with a grin. “Just be sure to mention how fast and responsive it was, Lady Kalinska!” She winked at Anastasia.

Despite herself, Anastasia winked back. She would settle Hawise, another ghost from her past, later.

Finn is pretty dumb, but he caught on quickly back there, Anastasia mused as she took a still trembling Lady Seydoux back to the pavilion with the refreshments. With the incident, all the ladies had stopped riding their hoverbikes and were waiting anxiously for news. Finn is settling the purchases of the bikes, so all that is left is…

There was a palpable release of tension when the gathered ladies saw her and Lady Seydoux walk in, hand in hand, because Anastasia knew just how scared Selina Seydoux still was. Venice ran up to them, almost in tears as she hugged Lady Seydoux, and then turned to her, taking up her hands and squeezing them, as though to assure herself that Anastasia was actually there and not a figment of her imagination.

“Ana, are you all right?” Venice sniffled a bit.

“Yes, I’m fine.” Anastasia gestured to herself, “See, nothing wrong.”

Venice sighed in relief, “You could have been seriously hurt! I was so scared!”

“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” I certainly hope so. Because we need to deal with Richelle next. She directed a pointed look at Lady Aubert, one that all the ladies present could not possibly miss.

Richelle smiled brittlely, and said, “To think such an incident would occur at this event… I thought this event was perfectly safe.”

“You’re right,” replied Anastasia. “A hoverbike moving at such fast speeds could cause its rider to fall into the ground or the water, just like what happened to me before. It seems your words should have been heeded by everybody here.” She glanced at Lady Seydoux, who was being comforted by Venice.

Her words sparked a round of murmurs amongst the gathered ladies.

“My goodness, Lady Aubert did say something to that effect earlier.”

“Indeed, and she brought up that incident at the palatial manor lake.”

“Did she really have nothing to do with that hoverbike? Obviously somebody tampered with the settings!”

Richelle seemed to sense the tide turning against her. “There was nothing wrong with the hoverbike when we checked it. It must have been a freak mechanical failure! What are you trying to imply here, Lady Kalinska?”

“What? Imply?” Anastasia tried to look utterly innocent. “I don’t know what you are talking about? I certainly enjoyed my hoverbike ride.” The ‘airhead’ mode was certainly formidable in the right setting. It would not work in the military, of course, but in the social world, it was a powerful tool. “I was just trying to tell you how impressed I was with a hoverbike’s full speed. Why would you say such a thing?”

Anastasia smirked, then continued, “It was certainly exciting. I enjoyed it so much that I don’t think I would mind riding your hoverbikes for a change.” Then, just to twist the knife in, she added, “But maybe Lady Seydoux has a different opinion.”

Richelle grimaced. “You seem very confident, Lady Kalinska.”

“Lady Aubert,” said Venice sternly. “The very first thing you said, was neither an inquiry to how Lady Seydoux was nor an apology. Instead, you made excuses in an attempt to avoid being held responsible.”

Venice directed a fierce glare at Richelle Aubert. “In the past, I held Lady Aubert in high regard, but I must say I’m quite disappointed in the way she handled this situation.”

Lady Seydoux finally spoke up as well, “Yes, she did not seem to be concerned with my well being, nor that of Lady Kalinska’s. It almost appeared as though she wanted us to be hurt.”

Venice put a hand on Lady Seydoux’s arm. “Lady Seydoux, please refrain from making such careless remarks.” Even if it is true, was the unspoken truth that all the gathered ladies knew.

Lady Seydoux looked at Anastasia, “I am so grateful to Lady Kalinska for coming to my rescue, even though I took the hoverbike meant for her. I am forever in your debt, my lady.”

A deafening silence fell in the pavilion, with all the gathered ladies looking at Richelle for some sort of an explanation they could accept. They might be brought up in privilege, but they were not stupid. All the details pointed to a deliberate sabotage aimed at Anastasia, but it was actually Selina Seydoux who suffered the brunt of it.

If it really had been Anastasia who had suffered the sabotage, maybe they would have let it slide, such was her poor reputation amongst the social circles of the Trivet. But Selina Seydoux, though low ranking, was nevertheless quite popular and friends with many of the ladies, and her distress had caused them real fear and no small amount of consternation. And to botch such a plan… it was also, in some way, an indictment on Richelle’s capabilities if she could not even get this frivolous act of petty sabotage right.

One lady declared loudly, “Well, I never! I thought this event was going to be a civilised affair, but it seems I was wrong!”

Another lady replied, “Exactly! How can one be expected to attend when their safety isn’t guaranteed?”

“I’m not staying here. The air here isn’t nice.”

“That’s right, let’s go over to the race stands instead.”

Slowly the ladies streamed out, showing their displeasure at how Richelle had conducted the event. They headed to the stands overlooking the impending race, over the wide grounds, anywhere but the pavilion with the refreshments.

All that was left were Anastasia and Richelle, staring at one another in the empty pavilion.

“I suppose I shall get going too. The race should be starting soon, and I intend to talk to one of the teams.” Anastasia beamed brightly, as though nothing was wrong. “I think I’ll feel more at ease with the clanners.” Which was actually true.

Now it’s your turn to see what it feels like to be invisible, to be ostracised by others. She noticed Richelle clenching her fists in fury, but there was nothing the other woman could do.

Anastasia walked off smugly. How was that, Anastasia? Will you be satisfied now?

She caught up with Venice, who was headed to the stands. “Where is Lady Seydoux?”

“Oh, she still felt unwell, so she’s heading back early. One of the staff is escorting her home.” Venice eyed her. “How about you? Weren’t you frightened as well?”

Anastasia shook her head vigorously. “I’m perfectly fine! By the way, you were amazing earlier. Did you use some kind of enchantment?”


“With just a few words from you, the women who would have usually stayed silent actually spoke up against Richelle!”

Venice smiled, “Ana, you give me too much credit.”

Anastasia shrugged. “What’s wrong with giving credit where credit is due?”

“Ana, you gave yourself too little credit,” chided Venice gently..

“”What do you mean by that?”

“What I mean, Ana, is that you’re the one who enchanted them. Not me.” Venice grinned. “And you know what? You’re making me revise my expectations of you. From now on, you need to be a little more aware of the effect you have on other people.”

Stunned by Venice’s words, Anastasia stopped walking.

Venice turned back to look at her, “Ana, why are you dawdling? Come on!”



After the excitement of rescuing Lady Seydoux, the actual race itself almost seemed anti-climatic. Held as part of the local traditions for the Day of Honour, to recognise the sacrifices of the veterans of the military, the origins of the race was obscured in antiquity. After each race, the participating hoverbikes were often given away in a special lottery for the veterans, while others received small tokens of appreciation for their services.

Anastasia could see the rows of gathered military personnel in specially allocated stands offering the best view of the race, many dressed in their uniforms. There were white haired elderly who had fought in the Third Succession War, men barely older than Finn, and everything in between. They all seemed proud of their service, and Anastasia figured they had reason to be.

Before the race, Finn gave a short speech as he was the highest ranking serving military officer present, and he emphasised the importance of the military veterans and their service. Although Anastasia still felt like a Smoke Jaguar, her own responsibilities as heir to the Kalinski Barony and her experiences at the demesne drove home the importance of defending the livelihoods of the common folk, so she found it hard to denigrate the service of these soldiers, even if it was in a different cause from hers.

When Finn talked about the Star League, she felt conflicted. It was something the Smoke Jaguars had fought so hard for, but in the end it was formed without the clans leading it. She supposed she should be outraged, but she only felt a weird sense of obligation to the people who made up the Star League, even if she still felt the Second Star League itself was a sham.

The race itself took place shortly after. Anatasia cheered loudly for the Furious Felines, and their racer Jamco demonstrated a significant superiority in her reflexes compared to the other racers, navigating the turns with absurd ease. Coupled with a hoverbike powered by superior clan engine technology, she opened up a historic gap and won the race handily.

As an advertisement for their products, the clan expatriates could not have asked for a better result. Anastasia wanted to approach them again, but their victory brought a mass of reporters and nobles eager to ingratiate themselves with the winners. In the end, with Finn’s help she managed to come away with some of their contacts and their current place of residence on Inman.

After saying her farewells to Venice and Raymond Haynes, Finn drove her back to the Kalinski estate.

“So much happened today, but I still had a lot of fun.” Anastasia commented as she climbed out of the car. “Thank you Finn.”

She continued, “Oh, and I’ll entrust any further investigation on the sabotaged hoverbike to you. Since my father is one of Renard Haynes’ supporters, and in the same camp as Viscount Aubert, it would be troublesome for him if I got him involved.”

Finn became very silent, his face grim.


He raised his head and looked at her, “Ana, if it’s okay with you, there’s something I’d like us to discuss.”

They were soon seated in the estate’s tea room, light refreshments on the table, hastily laid out by Anastasia’s servants.

“ think Venice was involved?” said Anastasia in disbelief.

“I cannot rule her out,” replied Finn. “She knew you wanted to ride the hoverbikes.”

“But we don’t know for sure she intended to cause me harm. And besides, when did she get the opportunity to sabotage the hoverbike?”

“Payoffs to the staff, for one. It’s quite simple.” He sighed. “My lady, I know you’ve suffered from a lack of friends until very recently. And she’s the first real friend you’ve ever had. I know how valuable your friendship with her is to you.”

He continued, “But when it comes to political matters, anybody can wear a mask to disguise their true intent. I just want you to be careful.”

“Finn, I appreciate your concern,” Anastasia sighed. “But Venice isn’t that sort of person.”

“But you can’t know that for certain. I’ve seen too many people suffer a terrible betrayal after placing their trust in another person! Like that mechwarrior I mentioned before.”

Anastasia paused, her teaspoon in the midst of stirring her tea.

“Avryl Showers was shot in the back by her subordinate.” His tone was bitter. “The… the truth is… she died in vain, foolishly believing in her soldiers to the very end.”

Actually, I did not trust Pence all that much, but yes, you are still quite right, thought Anastasia. “Nevertheless, she managed to rise to the rank of Star Captain. You should know better than anybody how difficult of a position it is to maintain without somebody to trust.”

“That’s not…”

“Finn,” she looked at him firmly, “I think people should trust other people.” And besides, you also still believe in Avryl, even after my death, even though there is absolutely no reason for you to.

He stared at her in consternation, then seemed to accept her decision with a nod. He got up from his chair. “If that’s what you think, I’ll respect your decision.” He walked over to her and went down on a knee beside her. “But you won’t have to bear that burden on your own any longer.” He gently took her hand.

“What?” Anastasia flinched, not knowing how she should react to this new development.

“It’s a warrior’s duty to protect his lady.” He then leaned down and kissed her hand he was holding.

Anastasia stared at him in surprise, utterly flabbergasted.

Two knocks on the door, followed by Baron Kalinski entering the room. Finn stood up, releasing Anastasia’s hand.

“I heard Viscount Rason was here.” The Baron smiled weakly. “My lord, may I have a word with you in private?”

Finn nodded to him, then turned to Anastasia. “My lady, you must be tired after such an eventful day. Please rest well.”

She smiled at him, “Yes, I will. Thank you for your concern.”

After the two left, she remained alone in the room, her tea cooling in front of her on the tea table. She squeezed her hands, staring at her reflection in a nearby mirror. She thought she could see herself in the reflection as Avryl, but dressed in the stylish clothes she now wore as Anastasia.

“It’s a warrior’s duty to protect his lady…” She sighed in exasperation. “What did he mean by that?”

Haynes Palatial Manor
23rd July
1200 hours (2000 hrs on local 28 hr cycle)

“Any news concerning what happened at the hoverbike event for the ladies?” Raymond asked as he flipped through a book absentmindedly.

His aide Glenn replied, “Baron Kalinski doesn’t seem to want to make a big fuss over it. He has just informed Count Haynes that he will not be filing a complaint against Viscount Aubert, which means there won’t be a trial. As for Sir Seydoux, he’s too low ranking to matter at all, despite his daughter being caught up in all this.”

Raymond smirked, “Just as I thought. Things are turning out rather well, aren’t they? It’s exactly what I expected to happen. I saw Finn with a murderous look on his face the other day. That must be why.”

Glenn nodded, “Yes, it seemed that he got into a heated argument with Baron Kalinski.”

“Really? Argument? Finn?” Raymond looked up and laughed loudly. “He’s totally smitten with Lady Kalinska, isn’t he?”

Raymond’s eyes gleamed behind his spectacles as he continued, “Still, if they had requested a formal trial, they would have been able to find the culprits behind the sabotaged hoverbike. Too bad for them all, it wasn’t Lady Kalinska on that hoverbike. Given what she did, I wouldn’t be surprised if she could handle the situation on her own. And at the end of the day, Baron Kalinski obviously felt his own political standing was more precious to him than his daughter, given that he doesn’t even want to pursue the matter further.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Hmmm… I also noticed there seem to be a lot of rumours surrounding Lady Kalinska lately.”

“Well, it’s because of her actions during the hoverbike event. Getting a hoverbike directly from one of the racing teams, chasing down and rescuing Lady Seydoux… nobody expected it. She was just a typical noblewoman.” Soft and weak, was the implied unsaid.

“Yes, that’s fair to say,” Raymond agreed, one hand under his chin in thought. “Hmmm… Glenn, I want you to start investigating Lady Kalinska. When did her personality change? What sorts of incidents has she been involved in? Things of that nature. Don’t leave anything out.”

“Yes, my lord!” Glenn quickly left to fulfil his instructions.

Raymond stared out the window at the night sky. “Who are you, Anastasia Kalinska? An opportunity, or a threat? Either way, I intend to find out.”


Finn was in a foul mood, pacing the floor of his office with pent up frustration. “Nothing’s going to be done in the end.”

“That’s expected, my lord.” Eric winced when Finn shot him a glare. “Viscount Aubert, Baron Kalinski… they’re all Baron Haynes’ supporters. They’re not going to succumb to infighting so easily.”

“Renard Hayne’s faction, huh.” Finn’s own father, the previous Viscount Rason, was of the firm opinion that Renard should not inherit the Countship. It was for that reason that he secretly ensured Raymond was trained in the martial disciplines, and as a mechwarrior, because few things confer more legitimacy in the feudal structure of the Successor States than the ability to pilot a battlemech..

The other day, when Baron Kalinski had talked to him in private, the older man said, “I heard about the events at the Day of Honour hoverbike race. But if you’re going to use my daughter’s safety for political gain, I must ask you to stop.”

Finn groused. Tsk, Baron Kalinski thought I am against Renard, given recent events. Not entirely wrong, but I’ve also firmly declared my neutrality in both matters of succession, for the Trivet and the Federated Commonwealth. And no matter what, I can’t believe he thinks I’d put Ana in danger like that.

To make matters worse, Anastasia, the one who was at the centre of all the intrigues and the person most at risk, could not say a thing. All decisions will be made for her by Baron Kalinski as the head of their family.

“The sooner we’re married, the better!” concluded Finn. He was really beginning to regret the agreement with Anastasia to delay the wedding during their first meeting.


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Re: From a Ristar to a Lady
« Reply #59 on: 29 March 2024, 13:00:59 »
Nice exciting entry. I do wonder if the Tarot Cards will point out who she is to our exNova Cats.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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