I did a couple searches and didn't turn anything up, so my apologies if this is a common topic.
Using the Total Warfare rules, what happens to an aerospace unit's velocity when it transitions between the high altitude map and low altitude map? From the rules as I read them, it appears to remain the same, but this creates odd situations. On the high altitude map, a unit can only enter the ground row safely at velocity 2, which is reduced to 1 at the end phase,, then halved and rounded down to zero at the beginning of its first turn on the low altitude map. Likewise, if a Corax at its max safe velocity of 18 on the low altitude map were to be at altitude 10 and pull up, it could easily take enough damage to destroy it from entering atmospheric row 1 at 15 over the maximum safe velocity, maybe, depending on the timing of "operating in atmosphere hexes" on pg 79.
Intuitively, it doesn't really make sense that an aerospace unit should burst into flames because it was traveling too fast to enter a higher altitude. My assumption would be that velocity should be scaled by a factor of 6 when moving between those maps, but I don't see any hint of that in TW like there is when moving from low altitude to ground maps.