Author Topic: (Answered) Initiative Deck "Press the Enemy" card (Davion 6)  (Read 229 times)


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Hello all,

I apologize if this has been posted before but I cannot find it and I can't figure this out for the life of me.  The wording on the card is as follows:

"PRESS THE ENEMY!  Selected unit gains +1 MP.  Enemy units which begin the turn within 3 hexes may not end their movement closer than that to this unit."

It's the "closer than that" that is causing me grief, because I don't know if it's 'three hexes' or 'closer than they were inititially'.  I need to understand if this is telling me:

  • The unit cannot end its turn any closer than it started (e.g., if it started 2 away it must end at least 2 away), or
  • The unit is compelled to move farther away (to a minimum distance of 3)

Forcing a unit to move away creates all kinds of confusion, for example what path can it take?  What happens if it cannot move far enough away because of limited MP?  What if it is forced into / through a building, or somewhere it might need to make a PSR?

Any guidance would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: 05 August 2024, 11:47:30 by Xotl »


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Re: Initiative Deck "Press the Enemy" card (Davion 6)
« Reply #1 on: 05 August 2024, 11:46:57 »
1. "That" refers to three hexes, not the unit's current position.  The enemy unit cannot be closer than three hexes if at all possible.

2. The enemy unit is indeed compelled to move away if at all possible.  If it's not possible, it doesn't and nothing happens to the enemy.  That could mean it's forced to take a bad path that makes it enter bad terrain or what have you: it's trying to represent the idea that you're hounding and forcing the enemy back.  Like a lot of abstractions, it can fall apart in play in specific circumstances, but the deck has a decent number of such abstractions and so you just have to accept those risks if you're choosing to play with it.
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Re: (Answered) Initiative Deck "Press the Enemy" card (Davion 6)
« Reply #2 on: 13 August 2024, 22:10:27 »
Thank you for the clarification.  I don't particularly like it but if that's the interpretation, I can play by it.