Author Topic: "Harvest of Blood", Saturday Nov 16, Tempe, AZ  (Read 1691 times)


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"Harvest of Blood", Saturday Nov 16, Tempe, AZ
« on: 05 November 2013, 17:22:38 »
Clan Wolf tries to take Harvest back from Clan Hell's Horses.  Noon, Saturday, Nov 16 at Game Depot in Tempe.

Mission Synopsis:  September, 3080.  Clan Wolf tries to retake the world of Harvest from Clan Hell's Horses.

Time:  We are scheduled to start at 12:00pm; last round will be called at 6:00pm.

Unit selection:  Miniatures & record sheets for pre-made forces will be provided, or players may bring their own. 
•   5000 BV. Max three units; bringing over three units incurs a penalty: for each unit over three, the total BV available is reduced by 10% (500 BV).  Infantry counts as half, but only half your force (rounded up) may be infantry.
•   Skills may not differ by more than two.
•   All units must be selected from the faction list at  Set search filters to the appropriate faction (Clan Wolf or Clan Hell's Horses, along with Clan General) and set the era to "Jihad."
•   Make the GM's life easy by making forces for both sides; if you have a preference, show up a little early.
•   Bringing assembled miniatures that match units your force will give that model one point of Edge, usable to re-roll one roll directly affecting it once during the battle.  This does not apply to forces provided by the GM.

Terrain and setup description:  The battle will be held on a 4’ x 6’ map (2” hexes; 24x36).  Both sides will move onto their respective short edges on the first round.

Victory Conditions:  Victory points are scored equal to the BV of destroyed units plus one half the BV of crippled or withdrawn units.

Special Rules:  With a few exceptions, only Total Warfare rules will be used.
•   There is no “edge of the world.”  If a 'mech is up against a map edge, the three hexes that would be surrounding the 'mech off the board are now legal hexes for movement; occupying any of those hexes opens up more hexes, etc.
•   The following rules from Tactical Operations will be used:  Floating Crits, Sprinting, Evading, Crawling, Careful Stand, Firing When Down, ECCM, Expanded Backward Movement, Expanded Stacking, Gauss Shut Off, Active Probe Targeting.
•   Zellbrigen - If a duel is offered and accepted, both sides will allow it to be fought without interference.  Duels are not, however, required.

(Edited to clarify that Clan General is available for both sides.)
« Last Edit: 06 November 2013, 11:16:28 by Joel47 »


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Re: "Harvest of Blood", Saturday Nov 16, Tempe, AZ
« Reply #1 on: 17 November 2013, 00:30:02 »
Thanks for the fun game Joel, it was a blast as usual.

Today's primary game was a 4v4 fight on 1 table for 20K v 20K bv.

We had 2 first timers that got a private demo on a smaller table, that was then used for 2 Latecomers that didn't make it to the store till we were well into the fight.

Okay, AAR,  lets see what I can recall.

Team North-East
Force 1:  Hellstar-3 (2/4)
Force 2:  2x Gargoyle-D (4/5)
Force 3:  BloodAsp-?  (?/?)  +  Elementals-APG (?/?)
Force 4:  Grizzly  (3/4)  +  FireFalcon-B  (?/?)

Team South-West
Force 1:  Blood Reaper ? (2/3)
Force 2:  DireWolf-A (4/5) + FireMoth-H (4/5)  +  Coronas (4/5) + Elementals-APG (3/5)
Force 3:  WarHawk-C (?/?)  + Elementals-APG (?/?)
Force 4:  Summoner-U (2/4)

Initial set up had Team S-W worried, the N-E team had a serious tonnage advantage with an extra mech as well.

1st Blood went to the Blood Reaper? that landed ER-ATMs on turn 1 for 6 damage.

Turn-2 also saw limited amounts of fire with a lot of whiffing.

I think Turn 3 is when the hits really started to happen.
The Hellstar opened up on the DireWolf in a 40 to 35 exchange of fire that peeled armor.
The D-Wolf fell ever but that just helped the Elementals to get off into the Heavy Woods the D-wolf had occupied that turn.
The Blood Asp took heavy fire from the Summoner, WarHawk, & Blood Reaper & also fell over doing damage to his elementals.
The FireMoth dropped off the Coronas behind a ridge near the Hellstar while doing a lot of running around & going prone most turns.

Turn 4 saw the carnage get into full swing.
DireWolf stands up & Alphas the Hellstar after the Coronas hammered it with a full spread of MPL Love.
The Reaper, Hawk, & Summoner continue to hammer the Asp while the Elementals from the Hawk jump into the same hex as the Hellstar.
The Hellstar & Gargoyles & Grizzly take turns unloading up the WarHawk & DireWolf.

Turn 5:  Wolf lays into the Hellstar again, that Zombie is finally starting to notice.
However I think this is the turn when the Hellstar opens up on the Reaper & puts 2 ERLL into the head, even with an edge point the head is very open now.  Later it fails PSR & falls on its head.  A pristine monster dead w/ minimal armor damage.
Meanwhile the Warhawk has lost the PPC arm.  Yikes, the S-W team was already worried but this is just mean.  The FireFalcon shuts down from heat & damage.

Turn 6: Sees the Firefalcon get pasted while everyone is starting to take more & more damage.
The Hellstar takes even more fire & falls over, pilot alseep & shut down on 26 heat.  WarHawk is now armless.

Turn 7: The Hellstar finally goes away after loosing both side torsos.  Then the Blood Asp goes down & Suddenly the S-W team has a little hope.  But the WarHawk also goes down w/o being able to kick the Asp.

Turn 8:  The FireMoth gets erased by the Grizzly.  It had a total of 4 hits in 14 HSL shots so far this game...sigh, I never do well with this mech.  The NE Elementals die this turn.  The D-Wolf finally looses the right arm & 3LPL and with it any real hopes of a victory.  The Grizzly is the next mech to feel the love of team SW.  Massive stacked fire in 3 locations from the Wolf & the BA units as well as the Summoner who looses an ERPPC to the Gargoyles.

Turn 9:  The 3 points of elementals unload on the Grizzly & put it on the ground.  The D-Wolf wiffs while the Gargoyles continue to fire ERLL's at anything they can target.

We have time for a 10th turn but decide to call it.
2 People have already left with dead forces & 2 more need to leave early.

When we call it, Team SW actually has the lead in BV killed.
That said, without a lot of luck the 2 near pristine Gargoyles could have done a huge amount of damage to the D-Wolf, Summoner, & 3 BA Points.  We predicted 1 Garg would be left for Team NE and the remainder of team SW would be wiped out.

It was a solid tactical game that was a blast to play.
There were a couple "flawed" units on the SW team, the Summoner had some useless torpedoes, while the Reaper is undersinked/over BV'd & had paid BV for a 3 pilot that was not needed in a clan fight.  The real deciding factor however was the Reaper going down while still nearly pristine.  It had just gotten into HE/HML short range & a couple turns of that love could have changed the game quite a bit.

I might have some turns wrong, feel free to correct me or add info I couldn't remember.

Thanks again Joel, much fun had by all.

3041: General Lance Hawkins: The Equalizers
3053: Star Colonel Rexor Kerensky: The Silver Wolves

"I don't shoot Urbanmechs, I walk up, stomp on their foot, wait for the head to pop open & drop in a hand grenade (or Elemental)" - Joel47
Against mechs, infantry have two options: Run screaming from Godzilla, or giggle under your breath as the arrogant fools blunder into your trap. - Weirdo


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Re: "Harvest of Blood", Saturday Nov 16, Tempe, AZ
« Reply #2 on: 17 November 2013, 01:35:50 »
Thank you to all who played, and an extra thank you to Hellraiser & Ian, who kept the game running as I spent half the time running demos for the kids whose fathers were busy at the Flames of War tourney.  Here are a couple of pictures; note that the part of the Blood Asp is being played by a Kingfisher because my Blood Asp missed his ride to the game.  O:-)


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Re: "Harvest of Blood", Saturday Nov 16, Tempe, AZ
« Reply #3 on: 17 November 2013, 23:04:02 »
Sorry I missed another one.  I was out helping my dad get a Christmas present for my niece from Guitar Center.  I was hoping to make it to one of the two Clan games, but circumstances conspired against me.
"If brute force isn't working, you obviously aren't using enough of it."