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MechWarrior Hall / Re: Word Association 36: SAY WHAT AGAIN!!!
« Last post by NightSarge on Today at 08:10:00 »
Short answer: The Bears use the mechwarrior phenotype as the starting point, they do maintain aerospace bloodlines but their trueborn pilots bred for that role don't look notably different from mechwarriors. The Bears care a lot about strength and stamina and the aero phenotype doesn't emphasize that. They probably do put a few traits into their aero bloodlines, the ones that don't compromise strength and stamina. So, the differences are likely very subtle.

Long Answer:

FM: Warden Clans in the Ghost Bear section covers this. It says most Clan pilots are noticeably different from mechwarriors and describes the aero phenotype.

It says the Bears, always slow to adopt new concepts, didn't adopt the phenotype. They thought the benefits weren't properly offset by the losses (physical strength, stamina). In the book Warriors of Kerensky (WoK) it adds that the Bears also didn't do this because the resulting pilots of the aero phenotype made for poor-hand-to-hand combatants.

That's important because if you read the Ghost Bear training section of FM: WC. It talks about how their training emphasizes the physical, and that all their cadets (even aerospace pilots, it specifically calls out) receive extensive personal combat training.

FM: WC says the Bears do maintain aerospace bloodlines, but warriors created from that stock aren't notably different from mechwarriors. WoK says the Bears use what the other Clans would regard as mechwarrior stock for their pilots.

Without having the RPG book around, I believe creating a pilot trueborn character (following RPG rules) for the Bears you basically use the mechwarrior as the baseline and just make a couple changes to reflect the fact that it's a pilot instead. The Bears get their own character creation rules when it comes to pilots. I do recall that much, but I don't know the rest.

FM: WC notes that the other Clans were quite critical of the Bears not accepting the new breed and that the Bears' aerospace arm had a "second-rate" reputation among the Clans because of this. But it adds the Bears feel vindicated because Inner Sphere pilots proved just as capable as their Clan counterparts. It adds that Khan Bjorn Jorgensson is one of the finest pilots flying, in spite of being born a mechwarrior, failing his first Trial of Position and retraining as a pilot, scoring 3 kills "with flair" in his second Trial of Position.
Challenges and Gatherings / Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Last post by jimdigris on Today at 07:40:44 »
The Marauder was actually removed from the painting later by the Soviets. :wink:
That is kind of interesting. So if the Bears don't have a dedicated ASF pilot phenotype then what genes do they use for breeding? Mixing infantry and Mechwarriors? Or do they use a Mechwarrior phenotype as template and then just infuse some benefical traits / remove the "useless" ones?
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: St Ives Holiday Cheer Lance
« Last post by jimdigris on Today at 07:39:14 »
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Phoenix Hawk C, and more Widows
« Last post by jimdigris on Today at 07:38:47 »
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Comstar shenanigans lance
« Last post by jimdigris on Today at 07:38:10 »
I wonder if physical weapon groups are also considered a weapon as well....
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