I’m looking at the connection diagrams and trying to puzzle these out and it’s unclear if a unit with dual C3Ms is capable of connecting each onboard C3M to 3 independent C3Ss that then become a 7-unit network. It seems clear in figure 2 that a MM unit can connect to an MSS and an SSS branch for 7 units total, but does that second M need to be there for it to work?
In figure 3 it shows an MMM unit, that connects to MSS, SSS, and SSS branches. If the third M wasn’t needed to connect to the MSS branch, then it could just connect the two SSS branches (which is what would happen in battle if the attached MSS branch lost its Master, right?). Basically, I know that lance commanders need a company commander with a designated M-M structure to talk to each other, but I can’t find anything in AS:CE that mentions whether the dual C3M systems onboard a single unit can inherently talk to each other.