Author Topic: MW5:Clans - MechWarrior Naomi Character Featurette  (Read 762 times)


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Alan Grant

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Re: MW5:Clans - MechWarrior Naomi Character Featurette
« Reply #1 on: 12 December 2024, 11:15:25 »
I am glad they added Naomi to the mix. The rest of the star gave the game a very young adult-oriented vibe. New to everything, new to the touman and being a Clan warrior, so many moments were firsts for them. Naomi was the counterweight to that. The stuff about her not fighting a Trial in a decade because her unit was always bid away was interesting. There was a complexity there that I wish they had explored more.

What we get is this group of young warriors as the focus of the star still finding their way, and then a few older very successful bloodnamed warriors, Star Colonel, Galaxy Commander, saKhan.

Naomi represents the middle, and not necessarily a successful one, but not quite a failure either. A lot of Clan warriors who survive long enough but don't earn a Bloodname end up exactly like Naomi. Still loyal, still willing to serve, yet a touch jaded and battered by life experience. They have to realign their ambition and goals to suit their reality. Find some self-acceptance of their place, or go bonkers. Naomi seems like she's accepted that she's never going to earn a Bloodname or be anything more than what she is. If she isn't killed in combat before then, it isn't difficult picturing her as a good cadet instructor someday (regardless of the campaign path you chose). She has the patience for it.
« Last Edit: 12 December 2024, 11:20:18 by Alan Grant »


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Re: MW5:Clans - MechWarrior Naomi Character Featurette
« Reply #2 on: 13 December 2024, 23:25:23 »
I get why they held back, again another character trailer with late game spoilers even if the name of the character Jayden had to face wasn't mentioned, but weird to get them so long after release.

As for character herself, I get why Naomi opts to follow Jayden no matter his choices, he indeed gave her chance to fight long denied her and as she admits that he isn't yet jaded is refreshing to her.


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Re: MW5:Clans - MechWarrior Naomi Character Featurette
« Reply #3 on: 13 December 2024, 23:47:47 »
I get why they held back, again another character trailer with late game spoilers even if the name of the character Jayden had to face wasn't mentioned, but weird to get them so long after release.

As for character herself, I get why Naomi opts to follow Jayden no matter his choices, he indeed gave her chance to fight long denied her and as she admits that he isn't yet jaded is refreshing to her.
PGI probably needed some positive publicity.

When offered, their "Trials of War" expansion pack got some quite negative reactions.