So I have been thinking random thoughts again and I want to know your thoughts.
First. I know that equipment in the BattleTech universe is notoriously rugged. There are plenty of stories about finding all sorts of equipment either mothballed, abandoned on a moment’s notice or simply put somewhere and forgotten for centuries and then basically being found, dusted off, refueled and used like it was brand new.
But how tough is it, really? There are a lot of things that can dry rot, crack, unseal and delaminate from just sitting for so long on any piece of equipment even in ideal conditions. How much work would it take to get a found BattleMech, vehicle, fighter, dropship, jumpship or warship operational again? What about infantry weapons, uniforms, body armor, ammunition, etc.? I know it would depend on how and where it was stored and whether it was properly mothballed or just parked and left. So how long does the pristine BattleMech, vehicle, fighter, rifle, etc. that was properly prepped for storage and then locked in an airtight bunker remain in pristine condition?
What do LosTech prospectors have to carry with them to be able to get something that was parked 250 years ago running again?
Second. Let’s say a group was fed up with (insert wars for favorite era here) have access to virtually anything they want in the way of ships, equipment and supplies and they are able to successfully get to a system with planets that are earthlike with it all. Assuming no wars and the people that are making this colonization effort work well together toward a common goal, how big would a colony need to be to be able to build a technology infrastructure to support the population with food and at the same time build an infrastructure to be able to become self-sufficient and maintain jump capable ships along with dropships and all types of military equipment? How big to be able to build more of all of it even at a slow pace? How many ships would it take to carry the equipment and personnel to do this?
The pressure to build once at the destination is driven by need to be self-sufficient, not the need to fight wars. So that multiple goals could be focused on at the same time, not just the need for food and shelter. Agriculture and city building and even some production could concievably begin at the same time.
So how long would they have to get shipbuilding capabilities for jumpships and dropships up and running before they become trapped in their own system?