'Atomic Gabriel' Super Heavy Capital Missile
Mass: 450 tons
Movement Type: Rail
Armor: Ballistic-Reinforced
1 Killer Whale Capital Missile Launcher
Cost:2,285,420 C-bills
Background - With our President looking to invest in 'productive infrastructure' he looked toward 'Atomic Edgar' and decided that it needed brothers. Gabriel was the first additional unit to be built with a direct copy of 'Atomic Edgar's Prime Mover, the rearguard car, and a different array of supporting cars. Since the new railcars were much larger the railroads needed to be upgraded so additional tunnels, hideouts, roundtables, and reinforced bridges were installed to further enhance 'economic activity.' This investment not only increased civilian rail traffic to the hinterlands but the sunk cost gave the President the necessary authorization needed to greenlight Francis, Gabriel, and Michael's development. Due to the increased mass of the super-heavy rail cars the 'younger' brothers aren't as environmentally sealed, but considering their armament's stand-off range this is deemed acceptable.
Type: 'Atomic Gabriel'
Chassis Type: Rail (Large)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 450 tons
Battle Value: 959
Equipment Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls 162.0
Armor Factor (Ballistic-Reinforced) 228 19.0
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Front 60 46
Front R/L Side 60/60 38/38
Rear R/L Side 60/60 38/38
Rear 60 30
and Ammo Location Tonnage
Killer Whale Launcher Front 150.0
Killer Whale Ammo (2) Body 100.0
Bay 1: Cargo (17.0 tons)1 Door
Features Trailer, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications
Advanced Fire Control
'Atomic Gabriel' Missile Command
Mass:150 tons
Movement Type: Rail
Armor: Ballistic-Reinforced
3 LRM-5
1 Anti-Missile System
Cost: 916,360 C-bills (+64,000,000 if carrying a Peacemaker)
Background - In order to maintain the approved 1200 ton limit already established for the Prime Mover the support car for 'Atomic Gabriel' is appropriately downsized to 150 tons. Missile Command is not used to provide scouting support though, they are meant to be a bunker for the launch crew who can sit within Missile Command while a missile is launched as the launch module itself could not be environmentally sealed. An additional Killer Whale missile, often Gabriel's "Peacemaker" 500 kiloton nuclear missile is held within the cargo bay of Missile Command and loaded via an integrated lift hoist that will slide it into the secondary missile magazine. With an extensive communications room Missile Command can remain in contact with political and military leadership and receive codes to deploy its Nuclear Missile if authorized or use the conventional warheads for Anti-Air or even Anti-Orbital combat.
Type: 'Atomic Gabriel' Missile Command
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 150 tons
Battle Value: 370
Equipment Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls 73.95
Turret 1.0
Armor Factor (Ballistic-Reinforced) 78 6.5
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Front 15 21
R/L Side 15/15 15/15
Rear 15 12
Turret 15 15
and Ammo Location Tonnage
LRM 5 Ammo (24) Body 1.0
Anti-Missile System Ammo (12) Body 1.0
AR10 Killer Whale Ammo (1) Body 50.0
3 LRM 5 Turret 6.0
Anti-Missile System Turret 0.5
Features Trailer, Armored Chassis, Environmental Sealing Chassis and Controls Modifications
Trailer Hitch(2)
Communications Equipment (1 ton)(7; 1 ton each)
Lift Hoist/Arresting Hoist(3 tons)
Additional Seating (26)
Like 'Atomic Edgar' 'Atomic Gabriel' uses the same rear-guard railcar with its triple Gauss turret and missile defenses. Total Unit Cost of ~11 million c-bills or ~75 million if equipped with a Peacemaker.