Author Topic: Thomas and Friends Rail Support Vehicles  (Read 483 times)


  • Major
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  • Posts: 3926
Thomas and Friends Rail Support Vehicles
« on: 07 September 2024, 11:11:55 »
Inspired by my Atomic Edgar train I wanted to make a bunch of other supporting rail vehicles that could in theory be brought in via dropship to facilitate conventional takeover of a planet. While Dropships and Aircraft exist using them is expensive and potentially hazardous for an invading force and ground vehicles are limited by payload and road condition.

Background - Thomas Hedley Locomotives of Galax (NASE: THLG) had long been a principal contractor for large Federated Suns infrastructure projects creating and operating multiple locomotive works throughout FedSuns space. In preparation for Operation: RAT and principally the Invasion of Tikonov that would be conducted during that operation they were commissioned to manufacture several dropship transportable military rail assemblies. Tikonov as one of the Capellan Confederations major industrial powerhouses was filled with railroads and almost certainly the Tikonov Home Guard would sabotage their locomotives and external third rail takeoffs to prevent their use by the invading Crucis Lancers before holing up into their defensive works.

Thomas and the other locomotives manufactured for this operation were essential to the campaign providing necessary logistical support for the Crucis Lancers and then continuing in service while THLG received the eventual (extremely lucrative) contract to repair the planet's sabotaged rail infrastructure. In 3050 when the Clans came THLG was also there to provide material support in the growing Federated Commonwealth's defense infrastructure.

'Big Thomas' TH-5D Heavy Military Locomotive
Mass: 300 tons
Movement Type: Rail
Power Plant: ICE
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph
Armor: BAR 10
Tech Rating: D
Cost:1,124,063 C-bills
Background - Big Thomas is an incredibly powerful and heavy locomotive that likely is to heavy for most rail bridges or viaducts. Fortunately Tikonov was an exception and wherever the rail runs across level ground and the gauge is right (anywhere but the Draconis Combine) Big Thomas can go. This Diesel-Electric hybrid locomotive is so powerful that its generative capacity allows it substantial freedom in choosing its path and rolling stock running behind it while potentially even being used as a mobile generator for a large remote camp.

Code: [Select]
Type: 'Big Thomas' TH-5D Military Prime Mover
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 539

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                  108.0
Engine/Trans.                                      62.5
    Cruise MP:8
Flank MP:12
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                              119.5
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         154                  10.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         48   
     R/L Side               2/2      38/38   
     Rear                    2         30   

Features Tractor, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications

'Little Thomas' Rail Locomotive TH-10D
Mass: 100 tons
Movement Type: Rail
Power Plant: ICE
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph
Armor: BAR 10
Tech Rating/Availability: D
Cost:269,203 C-bills

Background - Cheaper and more plentiful in the AFFS contract were THLG's 'Little Thomas' Military Locomotives as they were deemed a lesser target for sabotage or Guardian Jump Jet Air Attack than its bigger brother. It could also fit within a large tank bay and be moved more easily to the marshalling yards by tank recovery vehicles and a lightweight temporary rail. Additional 'Little Thomas' were often added as 'helper' engines for particularly long or heavy trains. 

Code: [Select]
Type: Little Thomas TH-10D Rail Locomotive
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 100 tons
Battle Value: 232

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                  36.075
Engine/Trans.                                      24.0
    Cruise MP:8
Flank MP:12
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                               36.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         54                    3.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   10        18   
     R/L Side              10/10     13/13   
     Rear                    10        10   

Features Tractor, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications

'Tiny Thomas' Railway Handler
Mass: 1 ton
Movement Type: Rail
Power Plant: Battery
Cruising Speed: 129.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 194.4 kph
Armor: BAR 5
Tech Rating: C
Cost:3,928 C-bills

Background - Nicknamed 'Tiny Thomas' by the Crucis Lancers support battalions the TH-100D is a battery powered 'pusher' rail vehicle that is used to 'build up' trains. It's electric engine is powerful enough to move empty cars along the sidings before the whole train is assembled while being lightweight enough that it can be easily moved between rail sidings or carried onboard to other rail marshaling yards if necessary.
Code: [Select]
Type: 'Tiny Thomas'
Chassis Type: Rail (Small)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 1,000 kg
Battle Value: 11

Equipment                                         Mass (kg)
Chassis/Controls                                  255.0
Engine/Trans.                                     375.0
    Cruise MP:12
Flank MP:18
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                              242.0
Armor Factor (BAR 5)          4                   128.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   1         2     
     R/L Side               1/1       1/1   
     Rear                    1         0     

Features Tractor Chassis and Controls Modification

THL Military Flatbed
Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Rail
Power Plant: None
Armor: BAR 5
Cost: 9,900 C-bill

Background - The standard container car is a flatbed with enough space, mass, and tiedown spots for two side by side and two tall standard shipping containers that is small enough to fit into a light vehicle bay and be pushed around by heavy exoskeletons or light 'Tiny Thomas' rail handling. Additionally the tiedown equipment can be repurposed to carry a very light vehicle such as a Hetzer or Scorpion although doing so prevents any containers from being carried.

Code: [Select]
Type: THL Military Flatbed
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 50 tons
Battle Value: 75

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    8.0
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:8
Flank MP:12
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 5)          29                    1.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         10   
     R/L Side               2/2       7/7   
     Rear                    2         5     

    Bay 1:  Cargo (1.0 tons)        1 Door   

Features Trailer Chassis and Controls Modification
Cargo Container (10 tons)(4; 10 tons each)

THL Heavy Military Flatbed
Mass: 100 tons
Movement Type: Rail
Armor: BAR 5
Cost: 20,300 C-bills

Background - A double sized container car, the 100 ton HCC can carry up to 80 tons in containers or some combination of container and vehicle cargo (either two Hetzers or something like a Manticore/LRM Carrier and 2 containers) over long distance.
Code: [Select]
Type: THL Heavy Military Flatbed
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 100 tons
Battle Value: 135

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   16.0
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:8
Flank MP:12
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 5)          54                    2.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         18   
     R/L Side               2/2      13/13   
     Rear                    2         10   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (2.0 tons)        1 Door   

Features Trailer Chassis and Controls Modification
Cargo Container (10 tons)(8; 10 tons each)

Mobile Mess Car
Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: Rail
Armor: BAR 6
Tech Rating/Availability: C
Cost: 64,309 C-bills

Background - Although the AFFS High Command says that one can live via MREs alone the LCAF Quartermaster Corps certainly disagrees. While it would be ideal for pre-fabricated messes and kitchens to be located within any army camp it certainly isn't a priority compared to other requirements. The Mobile Mess Cart is thus frequently the best option available and particularly during long transits from starport to railhead the only one. With refrigerated and water storage the MMC can sustain many troops for a long time if needed.
Code: [Select]
Type: Field Kitchen
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 25 tons
Battle Value: 54

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    4.0
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:0
Flank MP:0
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 6)          13                    0.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   10        5     
     R/L Side              10/10      3/3   
     Rear                    10        2     

    Bay 1:  Cargo (Refrigerated) (5.37 tons)1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (Liquid) (4.41 tons)1 Door   

Features Trailer Chassis and Controls Modification
Field Kitchen(3; 3 tons each)

Mobile Depot Car
Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: Rail
Armor: BAR 7
Tech Rating/Availability: D
Cost:171,600 C-bills

Background - An essential component of technical support the Mobile Field Base provides gantries, tools, diagnostic equipment, and other devices necessary to easily and quickly repair damaged equipment. The fact that all the necessary spares are on an adjacent car makes the technical crews very happy and enables far ranging support particularly for Battlemech units.
Code: [Select]
Type: Mobile Depot Car
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 25 tons
Battle Value: 60

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    4.0
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:0
Flank MP:0
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 7)          16                    1.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   10        5     
     R/L Side              10/10      4/4   
     Rear                    10        3     

Features Trailer Chassis and Controls Modification
Mobile Field Base(20 tons)

Infantry Transport Car
Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Rail
Armor: BAR 7
Tech Rating: C
Cost: 10,320 C-bills

Background - A modified version of the flatbed transport car is the ITC whose 30 ton Infantry allowance can be configured to carry a full Tracked Mechanized Platoon (28 Troops + 2 tons for extra fuel), a Battalion of Foot (5x6 ton Bays), or Motorized (4x7 ton Bays + 2 tons of extra fuel) Troops over long distances to a railhead near active battle. Liquid Storage is used for water with Foot Troops or some combination (in separate tanks of course) of fuel and water for other soldiers. Additional cargo space is given over to ammunition, heavy weapons, or provisions such as food and fuel for the embarked unit.

Code: [Select]
Type: Infantry Transport Car
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 50 tons
Battle Value: 66

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    8.0
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:0
Flank MP:0
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 7)          16                    1.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   10        5     
     R/L Side              10/10      4/4   
     Rear                    10        3     

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (5.0 tons)        1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (Liquid) (5.41 tons)1 Door   
30 ton Infantry Compartment

Features Trailer Chassis and Controls Modification

Hospital Car
Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: Rail
Armor: BAR 5
Tech Rating: C
Cost: 43,725 C-bills

Background - The nature of rail travel is in its quiet and smooth action which makes it ideal for providing medical car and the nature of the Invasion of Tikonov was that it was dirty, bloody, and savage with the Crucis Lancers and Tikonov Home Guard exchanging furious exchanges which caused immense casualties among both sides. THLG provided multiple hospital cars and they were used as dedicated CASEVAC trains transporting the injurer from the front lines to rear echelon hospitals built into their supporting dropships.

Code: [Select]
Type: Hospital Car
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 25 tons
Battle Value: 29

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    8.0
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:0
Flank MP:0
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 5)          15                    0.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         6     
     R/L Side               3/3       3/3   
     Rear                    3         3     

    Bay 1:  Cargo (6.0 tons)        1 Door   

Features Trailer, Environmental Sealing Chassis and Controls Modifications
MASH Equipment (8 theaters)(10.5 tons)
Advanced Fire Control

Anti-Aircraft Gun Carriage
Mass:50 tons
Movement Type: Rail
Armor: BAR 10
        3 AC/2
Tech Rating: D
Cost: 400,988 C-bills

Background - Time and again the largest threat to rail vehicles has been aircraft so it was essential that THLG include some defensive armament to ensure that the this wouldn't happen on Tikonov. To do this they installed Pike turrets and advanced gun laying systems to take advantage of the smoothness of rail travel making these guns exceptionally accurate. The relatively low speed of a fully laden train and security in which they often operated did see the Crucis Lancers assigned a Lance of Jagermechs or Rifleman as escorts in some circumstances. Although typically assigned as a caboose particularly long trains could have two or three scattered throughout their length.
Code: [Select]
Type: Anti-Aircraft Gun Carriage
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 50 tons
Battle Value: 163

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   14.0
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:0
Flank MP:0
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Turret                                              2.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         29                    2.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         10   
     R/L Side               5/5       5/5   
     Rear                    5         4     
     Turret                  5         5     

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
3 AC/2                 Turret       18.0   
AC/2 Ammo (135)         Body        3.0     

    Bay 1:  Cargo (6.0 tons)        1 Door   

Features Trailer, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications
Advanced Fire Control(2 tons)
Targeting Computer(5 tons)


  • Major
  • *
  • Posts: 3926
Re: Thomas and Friends Rail Support Vehicles
« Reply #1 on: 07 September 2024, 12:12:05 »
THL RORO Light Tank Carrier
Mass: 65 tons
Movement Type: Rail
Armor: BAR 7
Tech Rating:D
Cost: 31,217 C-bills
Background - This mid-weight carrier is the smallest size that one could make for a complete Roll on-Roll off (RORO) Tank Carrier that wouldn't require additional load or lift assets at the platform or specialized platforms. It single door either port or starboard enables a light armored vehicle to disembark from the train car under its own power. Within the protected bay there are 6 seats that enable the crew to comfortably sit outside the vehicle during transit.
Code: [Select]
Type: THL RORO Tank Carrier
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 65 tons
Battle Value: 59

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   10.8
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:1
Flank MP:2
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 7)          33                    1.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         11   
     R/L Side               2/2       8/8   
     Rear                    2         6     

    Bay 1:  Light Vehicle (1)       1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (2.5 tons)        1 Door   
6 Standard Seats

Features Trailer Chassis and Controls Modification

THL RORO Heavy Tank Carrier Tank Carrier
Mass: 125 tons
Movement Type: Rail
Armor: BAR 7
Tech Rating: C
Cost: 56,925 C-bills   

Background - Although fewer in number THLG provided a number of RORO Heavy Tank Carriers to support the Crucis Lancer's Artillery and Engineering Brigades. Much of their heavy armor was thus forced to take flatcars where the vehicle would be exposed to the elements. A dozen seats within this carriage allow the crew to travel in relative comfort and were often shared with other heavy tank crews whose vehicles occupied these flatcars.
Code: [Select]
Type: THL RORO Heavy Tank Carrier
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 125 tons
Battle Value: 110

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   20.9
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:1
Flank MP:2
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 7)          66                    3.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         21   
     R/L Side               2/2      16/16   
     Rear                    2         13   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   

    Bay 1:  Heavy Vehicle (1)       1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (1.0 tons)        1 Door   
12 Standard Seats

Features Trailer Chassis and Controls Modification


  • Major
  • *
  • Posts: 3926
Re: Thomas and Friends Rail Support Vehicles
« Reply #2 on: 07 September 2024, 12:47:16 »
THLG-1000 Cargo Handler
Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: ICE
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: BAR 5
Tech Rating/Availability: D
Cost: 230,547 C-bills

Background - The THLG-1000 comes in several different configurations where they provide ancillary services to the railroad. The Lifter is mostly used to lift either cargo containers or vehicles that need to be loaded or offloaded from flatcars. Due to its versatility, simplicity, and durability these vehicles became much beloved by technical and logistics troops within the AFFC. Powered by natural gas filling its tank is also extremely easy to do as it can tap into civilian infrastructure without encumbering the petrol supplies of mechanized infantry or armored cavalry.
Code: [Select]
Type: THLG-1000 Cargo Handler
Chassis Type: Tracked (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 25 tons
Battle Value: 90

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    4.0
Engine/Trans.                                      10.0
    Cruise MP:4
Flank MP:6
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                2.5
Turret                                              1.0
Armor Factor (BAR 5)          44                    1.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         13   
     R/L Side               2/2       8/8   
     Rear                    2         7     
     Turret                  2         8     

Lift Hoist/Arresting Hoist(2; 3 tons each)

THLG-1200 Earthmover
Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: ICE
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: BAR 5
Tech Rating/Availability: D
Cost: 231,172 C-bills

Background - The THLG-1200 is one of several commercial construction vehicles that were ruggedized by THLG for the AFFC. It has a backhoe and dozer blade that are used for various earthmoving tasks in support of combat engineering or railroad troops.

Code: [Select]
Type: THLG-1200 Earthmover
Chassis Type: Tracked (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 25 tons
Battle Value: 112

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    4.0
Engine/Trans.                                      10.0
    Cruise MP:4
Flank MP:6
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                2.0
Turret                                              0.5
Armor Factor (BAR 5)          46                    1.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         12   
     R/L Side               2/2       9/9   
     Rear                    2         7     
     Turret                  2         9     

Bulldozer(2 tons)
Backhoe(5 tons)

THLG-1500 Pile Driver and Prime Mover
Mass: 35 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: ICE
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: BAR 5
Tech Rating/Availability: C
Cost: 305,944 C-bills   

Background - THLG-1500s are used as heavy duty industrial vehicles with their engines operating powerful and very heavy pile drivers to support bridge building or other structural engineering/demolition tasks. Its hammer was even used against Home Guard pillboxes in support of conventional forces where there were insufficient explosives or artillery to do it using the standard methods. 

Code: [Select]
Type: THLG-1500 Pile Driver and Prime Mover
Chassis Type: Tracked (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 35 tons
Battle Value: 145

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    6.5
Engine/Trans.                                      14.0
    Cruise MP:4
Flank MP:6
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                2.0
Armor Factor (BAR 5)          74                    2.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         24   
     R/L Side               3/3      18/18   
     Rear                    3         14   

Features Tractor Chassis and Controls Modification
Heavy-Duty Pile Driver(10 tons)

Code: [Select]
THLG-1500 Bridge TrailerMass: 15 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Armor: BAR 10
Tech Rating: D
Cost: 157,478 C-bills

Background - One of several different types of trailers for the THLG-1500 the bridging trailer is used to deploy temporary bridges (CF 70 + 20 for the rails) capable of supporting 'Little Thomas' locomotives and their rolling stock until more permanent repairs can be enacted. This trailer at 15 tons still enables the THLF-1500 and its trailer to fit within a light vehicle bay. Multiple bridging trailers were provided to the Crucis Lancers and they were essential to maintaining momentum after the Tikonov Home Guard mined many of their small river bridges.
Code: [Select]
Type: THLG-1500 Bridge Trailer
Chassis Type: Tracked (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 15 tons
Battle Value: 108

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    3.0
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:0
Flank MP:0
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         31                    2.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         11   
     R/L Side               3/3       7/7   
     Rear                    3         6     

    Bay 1:  Cargo (4.0 tons)        1 Door   

Features Trailer, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications
Bridge Layer(6 tons)


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1287
  • Mr. Flibble is Very Cross
Re: Thomas and Friends Rail Support Vehicles
« Reply #3 on: 12 September 2024, 10:24:15 »
You really missed the mark on the Thomas lore here-your locos clearly should have been Gordon, James, and Percy!
*Insert support for fashionable faction of the week here*