Author Topic: ... how many techs?  (Read 1861 times)


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 425
... how many techs?
« on: 15 November 2011, 01:00:40 »
Am I totally missing something, math-wise, here?  I am trying to figure out the support needs, via Strategic Ops for a Combined Arms Battalion.  8 mechs, 4 ASF, 8 light vehicles, and 24 sets of battle armor.  (and some foot infantry, but we're not counting them for the moment, since they don't require techs).  Do I really need 300+ astechs?  The mind boggles.  Or is this just the seamy underside of all the stompy robot action in the BT universe?  It has been some time, but I don't recall needing nearly that many, in previous rule sets.  Is my math horribly wrong?  Am I missing something vital?  Or was the guy running the campaign just soft-peddling all of us, for our mercs game?

I mean, I am perfectly able (and willing) to understand some tooth-to-tail ratios are involved, and buy up some support vehicles, etc.  But it seems a bit ... excessive to have/need 300 unskilled laborers hanging about for a (relatively) small little military unit.  (... and potentially, dozens more astechs for the support vehicles themselves)

Okay so, magically managing to find an appropriate link, which I wasn't a few minutes ago, new question:

Has the idea of 'this tech works on this 'mech' gone out the window along with hereditary owner operators, in the brave new, Post Jihad World?  It seems instead of 'one tech, one mech' and maybe an astech to get him coffee, I now have a team of seven guys, who, ideally, are working on multiple mechs, so I don't end up with 300+ astechs alone.  But StratOps still has rules for 'the mech your tech team is assigned to'.  So would all the mechs that team maintains qualify?  Or am I misreading something again?
« Last Edit: 15 November 2011, 01:24:38 by Scrollreader »

