Author Topic: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?  (Read 3916 times)


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Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« on: 25 October 2014, 22:11:50 »
 Wondering how MekHQ would handle a campaign that starts in say 2790 or so with a remnant of SLDF troops turned Merc to the modern era.

 Toyed with taking a BN or even a 2 company sized force from the SLDF all the way thru the Succession Wars and beyond. Pretty sure I will get hosed.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #1 on: 25 October 2014, 22:27:05 »
My last campaign ran 14 years.

So far...
Campaign 1 to 3000 to 3010
Campaign 2 to 3010 to 3024
Campaign 3 3024...

The Campaign file gets enormous. All the kills, unit transfers, etc.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #2 on: 25 October 2014, 22:30:17 »
I have tried it with TT.

With MM, so far... longest running campaign went from 3020 until 3079.  As scJazz says... it gets enormous.  My advice: set a unit size limit.  OR... start using separate files for separate regiments of the unit if you survive that long.  Also; remove all KIA personnel after a certain point, to limit file size.
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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #3 on: 25 October 2014, 22:35:53 »
 Was afraid of that.

 What size limit would you all suggest to limit issues?

 I have to figure out a way to shift troops around to different files then. Say if my unit expands to 2 regiments and I create a separate file for each regiment but want to take experienced troops from 1 reg to the other and such.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #4 on: 25 October 2014, 23:21:00 »
You can import and export personnel from the Campaigns so shifting bodies around isn't that hard.

My force was 3x
16 mechs
1 infantry company VTOL/Mechanized
1 Armor company
1 artillery battery
1 Support Company
1 ASF Squadron

Once you add in the techs, admins, doctors, Large Vessel crews your talking 2400 personnel.

It would take about 16hrs of work to review, spend xp, cover retirements, rebuild, resupply, etc between 1 contract to the next.

This is why my campaigns are operating the way they are... Grandfather, Father, Son. Once they get to big I bring in the next generation and after a decade or so of being in the field 2/3rds of a year they all Retire.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #5 on: 26 October 2014, 01:57:14 »
There is an issue with exporting/importing personnel. Make sure you delete the extra log entry created when you import them or you will have at time of import an extra "Joined XXX". My non AtB bunch has been running around for 14ish years with a mech regiment and an ACR (4 mech, 8 vee per troop). Nearly 3k personnel including dependents.

I have found the worst part on large campaigns being large numbers of people tend to slow down the person tab as does very large personal and kill logs.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #6 on: 26 October 2014, 10:59:50 »
 So if I started this unit, say a 2 company Mech, 1 company armor, they are all veterans of the Hegemony Campaign what would you expect their average skill level to be? I would expect them to be heavy on the Veteran level with a smattering of Elite pilots. I also figure age would be in the 30's for most of these folks. As losses come in, the experience level will come back into a normal level as replacements come online.

 I am toying with this, leaning hard to giving her a try. These would be folks that did not leave in the Exodus, prob equipment size as above but with a larger group of personnel than equipment.

 Thinking it would be from a SLDF unit that has it's fate listed as unknown, so possibly a breakaway group. Call it 3-4 dropships, 1-2 jumpships but no warships.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #7 on: 26 October 2014, 11:39:17 »
I say the larger your starting force the worse things will be later on. In terms of management. Your Large Vessel Count seems kind of high. With all those Large Vessels you'll end up with some incredibly high payouts and a very high Dragoon rating. As this essentially becomes the start of the Mercenary System of the Succession Wars here are some tweaks.

To start off, force the sale of one Large Vessel. This will be your Starting Capital. Before you start doing real Contracts make some Fake Contracts and fail them until you manage to knock your Dragoon Rating back to D. Not mind you just barely D but just barely not F :) Likewise, all your Admins should start as Green. The League infrastructure has just fallen apart. Everyone is scrambling to figure out a new system. WMDs are going off everywhere! Kerensky has just stripped the Inner Sphere of the overwhelming majority of military equipment. Chaos!  >:D I'd start off with a severe parts shortage. Enough to actually force cannibalizing a portion of your force during your first Contract or two.

At the beginning your force would have the reputation of near Renegade. It would opt to stay because of a strong tie to one of the Successor States. Still, you have just demonstrated an act of Mutiny by not following the orders of your supreme CO. Roll it randomly and force your unit to link themselves with that State for awhile. Perhaps one of the Periphery States would be a better choice.

Hmmm not bad I think... it gives your Campaign flavor, hardships to overcome, decisions to make. Very few Mercs from the start of the Succession Wars remain cohesive in the terror and chaos that ensues. Notably, the Eridani Light Horse! Go go go 151st Light Horse Regiment!

EDIT: Your force is going to become unimaginably huge. Seriously, very very big... be prepared to Edit the Campaign file  :(  and spend literal days doing the "paperwork" after contracts.
« Last Edit: 26 October 2014, 11:43:59 by scJazz »


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #8 on: 26 October 2014, 12:04:52 »
I have found the worst part on large campaigns being large numbers of people tend to slow down the person tab as does very large personal and kill logs.

If you are using an Older system the 1st day of the month will become downright painful. Plus serious tediousness will be necessary to spread Maintenance day for your force across all days of the week. The Log will lag badly as you try to spend XP, change ranks, delete, or add large numbers of personnel. You'll have to Advance Day or Edit the cpnx file to move things along.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #9 on: 26 October 2014, 12:06:13 »
 Not bad, planned to sell one of the Jumpships to snag some cash. I was leaning towards a 2790 start date, maybe have my unit being left behind by a mechanical issue or some such. Delayed their departure from a Periphery garrison.

 Only going to get huge if I allow it to get huge. Heck, I figure the unit would have enough spare parts and ammo for 1-2 light combat Campaigns, after that, they are going to be scrambling.

 Basic start layout, is a Command Dictator carrying 2 mech companies, artillery support and a armor company, a Danais as a supply transport, and another 1-2 dropships to be determined, probably a Leopard CV for Aero support. Maybe instead of a 2nd jumpship, sell off one of the dropships to get cash. I can then have the jumpship suffered a breakdown of some sort that caused the entire load to be left behind. Don't want my force to start too big. So current idea is to have the combat forces smaller but heavier on support level troops. Need to scope the older dropships and possibly have one that carries a large amount of light vehicles.

 Going to make sure all equipment either has a lower tech level version for downgrades as ammo becomes scarce along with spare parts. I can then store the advanced weapons for later use, a couple hundred years down the road. LOL

 Could have sworn I read that Kerensky basically put leaving to a vote amongst units. So would not have been branded mutineers, otherwise the Light Horse would have been clobbered by it. Yeah, like the breakdown route, could make the load out be the HQ/support forces from a brigade.
« Last Edit: 26 October 2014, 12:11:49 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #10 on: 26 October 2014, 12:31:58 »
Could have sworn I read that Kerensky basically put leaving to a vote amongst units. So would not have been branded mutineers, otherwise the Light Horse would have been clobbered by it. Yeah, like the breakdown route, could make the load out be the HQ/support forces from a brigade.

I know what you are saying. However, no Military Force is a democracy. I'm not saying MUTINEERS! Any General Officer would look at such a force and raise questions...

You want me to pay you money as a Merc Unit but you decided not to follow Kerensky???!?!?!!!!?!

During the early days this would have been incredibly common and the basis of MRBC would have self-evolved. Still in the first 10 (N YEARS) years things would have been shaky as hell.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #11 on: 26 October 2014, 12:43:49 »
 True, I see what you are saying. My combat force will prob be average 30's and heavy experience at start. Trying to sketch out a force layout now. Probably use a Star Lord as my Jump ship as it carries enough I can sell a Drop ship or 2 for cash.

 Having small issues with the Mechs, really don't want to have a all one type force or have all heavy/assaults. Gotta figure out a justification for a little more diversity in my force, maybe my unit was a garrison force guarding a salvage/repair depot. That would account for a diverse combat force, and a heavy tech support troop count. Could have lower ammo levels but a little better part level. Maybe instead of selling Drop Ships (yet anyway) I could gain favor with a House by selling spare recovered Mechs I just happened to have "laying" around. Use 2 Combat Drop ships, but have 4 support Drop Ships.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #12 on: 26 October 2014, 12:54:21 »
OK but all the Kerensky Order YES votes would have been allowed to leave. Your Initial ToE should be nicely fubar'd. Holes everywhere as those following the Retreat order great huge holes in the ToE.

Don't give yourself Mechs laying around for CB. It is going to aggravate the Gigantic force issue. Sell a DS/JS.

You want to start with 2 Companies... Start with 3 Companies... Type 1, 2, 3. Force Cannibalization to create 2.

Ammo is always more available than parts. You must switch it up.

Seriously, how many DS/JS do you need?

You obviously have a force composition in mind. Seriously... what is it?


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #13 on: 26 October 2014, 13:01:52 »
Side note... I just had a look at the CB value of the previous 2 Campaigns plus this one in operation...

3000 - 3026, if I was running this as a single contiguous campaign... I'd be looking at 3 full regiments plus all support, plus all DS/JS, plus 3 bilion CB. Plus Landholds, plus Companies, plus Factories, plus Retirement funds, plus Investments.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #14 on: 26 October 2014, 13:15:12 »
 Start combat force is 2 Mech Companies, 1 Armor Company and a Aerospace Sqdrn. I could cannibalize the 2nd Mech Company for spare parts. All Mechs would have 2-3 of each type minimum in them to force me to slowly cannibalize damaged machines to keep others in action.

 Combat Force can be carried by the Command Dictator, and a Leopard CV.

 General layout for force was:

 1st Company light/medium Mechs
 2nd Company was gonna be Med/Heavy with a couple assaults (solo machines of type on the assaults, they get clobbered they are gone)
 Armor company, med/heavy with a arty plt
 Aero would be Med

 Not decided on a infantry unit or not. I have no doubt my unit will get big, how big I am not sure. I have done a couple of 10 year campaigns and even starting with a company I can go to battalion strength pretty quick.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #15 on: 26 October 2014, 13:28:39 »
It takes about 3-5 years for a AtB Company to get a DS. Once they have one the speed of progression is astonishing!

If your force includes Armor there is a 100% probability of having Infantry. Vees and Infantry go together like peanut butter and jelly, steak and steak sauce, lobster and nutshell crackers! Hamburgers and Buns even!

All of this and all the previous posts means... you must start your initial force off as "crippled" as possible. Because growth will be explosive. You run this campaign for 400 years and you'll have an armed force larger than all IS Powers and Clans combined.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #16 on: 26 October 2014, 23:38:45 »
It takes about 3-5 years for a AtB Company to get a DS. Once they have one the speed of progression is astonishing!

If your force includes Armor there is a 100% probability of having Infantry. Vees and Infantry go together like peanut butter and jelly, steak and steak sauce, lobster and nutshell crackers! Hamburgers and Buns even!

All of this and all the previous posts means... you must start your initial force off as "crippled" as possible. Because growth will be explosive. You run this campaign for 400 years and you'll have an armed force larger than all IS Powers and Clans combined.

The thing that kept Merc units small is not their lack of leadership or inability to gather mechs/parts/equipment/techs or any other material resource, it is the fact that one man at the head of a gigantic organization that runs without the ability to just print money on demand... that one person does not want to spend their forever time managing that many assets.  When you are dealing with a prince of a nation or even a feudal lord and his few planets, they have massive amounts of money to spend on the wasted bureaucracy it takes to organize that large force of 30 RCTs.  When you are one person... it gets overwhelming fast.  Successful merc companies always do.

One of the other things that helps is to stop playing the game, and start playing a mercenary unit.  Take that planetary assault contract against that elite force with only 10% salvage.  Why?  Because you owe it to the Steiners for that nice fat garrison contract they gave you where you racked up 30 million cbills and salvaged 10 mechs that you were able to refit with the latest tech.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #17 on: 27 October 2014, 00:26:19 »
does no one here ever suffer a major loss?  I mean... sheesh.

The fact is, a major disaster can set you back heavily in these things.  Intel is never perfect.  In the 1st and 2nd SW, a stray nuke may wipe out half the command. 

In my case, a fluke hit killed my Fortress Class dropship, with all aboard, leaving the rest of the regiment to land... oh, wait.. the CO was onboard the Fortress.  My regiment got cut down to a battalion pretty damn quick, retreated, failed the contract, and suddenly was missing a massive amount of equipment and personnel. 
Agent # 703


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #18 on: 27 October 2014, 01:54:31 »
does no one here ever suffer a major loss?  I mean... sheesh.

The fact is, a major disaster can set you back heavily in these things.  Intel is never perfect.  In the 1st and 2nd SW, a stray nuke may wipe out half the command. 

In my case, a fluke hit killed my Fortress Class dropship, with all aboard, leaving the rest of the regiment to land... oh, wait.. the CO was onboard the Fortress.  My regiment got cut down to a battalion pretty damn quick, retreated, failed the contract, and suddenly was missing a massive amount of equipment and personnel. 

When did that happen?

Thank you Hikage
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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #19 on: 27 October 2014, 02:47:19 »
 Well I have dang sure taken some serious losses, gotten slaughtered by the Clans quite a few times. Matter of fact, my last unit was just under a BN in size, every fight I under took was against a dang Trinary and they butchered me. Came out of the contract with 6 Mechs and not a one was combat ready. I don't really like the pitch black just kick them to death, it seems like cheating.

 This topic came about as I think about starting over.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #20 on: 27 October 2014, 15:17:35 »
does no one here ever suffer a major loss?  I mean... sheesh.

Not really... every once in a while I will get caught in a bad spot... unable to reinforce, but in those 3 lances vs 1... i just retreat and take the minor contract breach.  It is -always- better to fail a battle/contract and remain supplied then it is to walk in and be butchered.  That is talking about game mechanics and such.

That is the difference between AtB and a real GMed game.  AtB we can always just walk away from a fight.  A true battletech game with a GM... not going to happen.  The force blocks you, you get cornered... something bad always happens to make you fight a losing war.

The Kell Hounds took many contracts (as did Wolfs Dragoons and many others) that were losing contracts... one they were not going to walk away from unscathed and cut down.  They did that to protect their nation or because they hated their enemy.  AtB has no reason to take those contracts.  We measure success by winning contracts and growing our hangars to (even fictionally) unbelievably large scale. 

Play hardcore mode... only take contracts from one nation... and don't face anything less than a veteran army.  In these situations... I find it extremely difficult to be successful and can barely keep a company with a few spare mechs going full strength. 


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #21 on: 27 October 2014, 15:47:26 »
many good things

There is no fun in the perpetual smack down. Real fun lies in overcoming adversity.

Look in the lore for some historical battles. Give yourself bad intel fights... Center placement bad guys in front and behind. OK fair call maybe not the first couple of contracts. You have a new Merc Unit after all and fighting the 5th Sword of Light Regiment might not be a great first choice :)

Still totally agree with Arkaris, there are ways to add RP beat downs which are FUN!


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #22 on: 27 October 2014, 16:51:20 »
 I have yet to run from any fight assigned me by the BOT. Hence how I have gotten the Clan beat down several times. I figure I took the contract, I live up to the contract.

 Plus even in Canon, we had huge veteran units get ripped to shreds by the Clans...........12th Star Guards anyone. They did their duty, so I do my duty, even with the beat downs. I am still debating on my extreme campaign. I did work up a unit to use though.


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Re: Anyone Tried centuries long campaign?
« Reply #23 on: 27 October 2014, 21:58:41 »
When did that happen?

last campaign.  I think after the next contract after that, i retired it, as I think the Clans wiped them out.
Agent # 703

