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Aerospace Combat / Re: Fleet Recon
« Last post by Paul on Today at 20:04:57 »
Yes you can insert a satellite like that and hoover up all sorts of intel but it has the problem of then that information is not useful until it gets back to your mission planers, which are going to be in a different system 99.999999% of the time.

Since the conceit of the setting is Black Boxes and HPGs are not that common(and for the later are not under your nation's control in most cases) that means that you have some decisions to make on how to make that information actually useful.

Yep, you're going to have to come by to pick up the data periodically, unless the vehicle doing the gathering is itself a K-F vessel like a Buy-Eye or something trying to work like one.

Deploy the satellite on a long slow coasting trajectory, maybe a couple others to do line of sight communications around celestial bodies, and have a controller ship sitting say about 30 AU out.

Communications delay will be a few hours by that point but done right no one would even notice it when the intel ship jumped in or out and the satellites could easily go unnoticed for years.

Sure, that's a solid plan. (Also at those distances, you'd need few, if any satellites to avoid LOS issues, which is a plus)

I think the real problem is that in BT, the amount of info you'd be able to get from such a network is puny.
Beyond aesthetic decision, one problem is those LOS comms: your opponent is using that as well. So if yours doesn't leak enough to reveal the spy satellites operating normally, the hostile LOS comms will also go undetected by them.
Another consideration: canon detection ranges are extremely tiny. So even passive observation of routine traffic requires some pretty intense proximity to the main travel routes.

With regards to doing recon in a solar system, there simply is no stated known way to pull it off even if you have the entire SLDF fleet trying to cover 1 solar system.
Aerospace Combat / Re: Fleet Recon
« Last post by Paul on Today at 19:57:38 »
which is the bulk of your intelligence gathering and analysis, really. 

Yes, I said that.

Thus, why you don't rely on any single method or source

Then we seem to agree that pirate points aren't irrelevant when contemplating fleet recon.

There are huge gapes or 'conceits' in the universe simply because of the blind-spots of the creators.

Sure. And sometimes it's because they want a certain aesthetic; something to be true in-universe regardless of reality. Whether they understand that reality or not.

And in BT, surveillance requires proximity.

One more thing back to the Recon issue:  Your HUMINT is limited not only by access to an enemy's infrastructure, but also by the fact your agents are handing their reports to a third party government for transmission, and that third party government has a vested interest in crippling your efforts.


Only when those guys are, well, around, in-universe.
But even during those days, intel organizations in-universe tended to courier the bits of info they really cared about.
Never mind that most of the time, it simply doesn't matter if C* knows. Even if we presume in-universe knowledge of the handful of times C* abused their knowledge, their list of interventions is incredibly tiny. So who cares if they can figure out this intel report on the goings on of this Marik Militia unit I've been observing? The canon list of C* abusing that kind of knowledge in some way can be counted on 2 hands. I doubt any intel agency has standing orders to avoid C*, the cost of that policy is too great given the penalty it imposes.

Talk to an IT guy, and feed him some drinks, and when he's good and buzzed, ask him if there's anything that goes through his servers he can't, with some dedicated effort, crack right down to the machine code.

99.9% of IT people can't do that at all. That's a conceit of movies, same as having someone who's a "scientist" that is an expert in multiple fields. Just not a thing.
Now, you might get him to bitch about some blatant vulnerabilities that the brass just won't let him fix, which could prove to be some exploit some malware you have can attack, but that's not what you're talking about.
I am contemplating working an Urbie-LAM into my budget for next month. A have a powerful desire for the 40th anniversary boxes as well, but those are harder to justify.
Off Topic / Re: What are we Reading Now: Conan the Librarian
« Last post by Liam's Ghost on Today at 19:53:47 »
Just finished reading "A City on Mars" by Kelly and Zach Weinersmith
Subtitle: Can we settle space, should we settle space, and have we really thought this through?"

Great for if you want to take your most idealistic dreams of near-term space settlement and throw a huge bucket of cold water on them. (also if you want an overview of the real challenges currently facing space settlement)
Ground Combat / Re: The Value of an AC/2
« Last post by Cannonshop on Today at 19:46:52 »
I have had a couple of occasions where I have had some AC2 nick me with a CT TAC and take out my gyro.  very irritating.

That's what I'd call 'the bonus' rather than the point of the weapon.  The 'point' of the weapon, is to cheaply degrade an enemy unit's capability at long enough range that by the time he can shoot back, he's vulnerable in ways he didn't expect to be when he dropped onto the field.

If you've ever run an "Ironman" series of engagements, where the only thing you can restock between sessions is ammo, this becomes readily apparent.  Pre-existing damage to elimination can really highlight  how 'lesser weapons' can become decisive advantages.
Aerospace Combat / Re: Fleet Recon
« Last post by Lagrange on Today at 19:41:51 »
For fleet recon, maybe the following approach?

(a) Model "97" Octopus + Scout jumps in very far out.
(b) Octopus attaches to Scout as a tug and accelerates at 0.5g inbound while Scout recharges from fuel (using extra fuel from Octopus as necessary).
(c) Octopus releases a number of recon satellites.  Satellites spread out.
(d) Octopus reattaches to Scout's dropcollar and coasts at high delta-v using passive sensors only through the system.
(e) Satellites transmit all info to coasting Octoscout.
(f) Octoscout runs into a jump point at high speed and jumps out to the fleets location.

At the moment of the jump, the Octoscout has as good of a picture as is feasible in the volume around the jump point. 

Aerospace Combat / Re: Fleet Recon
« Last post by Cannonshop on Today at 19:33:19 »
I agree about 50% with you.

Well, that's a start.

I agree that this would cover the bulk of the missions you wouldn't do by having people simply travel to the target planet to do observation in person.

which is the bulk of your intelligence gathering and analysis, really.  For instance, knowing where to send your agents is helpful.  But in military terms, learning what the enemy actually does, versus what he's telling his units to do, is also very useful-and can only be established through observation.  An agent on the ground can look at the documents if they're super-awesomely-godlike good, but most aren't.  Agents in Moskow have missed important activities and actions in Belarus or Khazakhstan during the cold war, only to have those things found by observers flying out of Turkey, or by watching ship movements for changes along the baltic or other coasts.  Human beings are creatures of pattern and repetition, six months of observations delivered a month after can be worth MORE than trying to interpret an event or action you learned about yesterday because the document finally got to you.

I think there is meaningful disagreement on 2 points:

- Sometimes, you're in a big hurry to get information right now. A slowboat mission could take weeks, even months to get in position and gather information. Often, that's not an issue at all. But when it is, and you need your signint 5 minutes ago, you better get crafty with pirate points for insertion.

Thus, why you don't rely on any single method or source

- Secondly, even when you slowboat in, you need to have a strategy to jump out. Just because you've found a nice spot interstitial in the system somewhere doesn't mean it's also suitable to jump out of at a moment's notice. Especially if you're using some kind of satellite body somewhere to obscure direct observation. And a run back to the regular proximity limit, regardless of which direction you're aiming, could take too long. So if you're able to get the best of both worlds, you found a hidey spot that at least makes a jump out plausible.
Like anything else, that's conditional, situational, and deeply and heavily involved in mapping to work...which means your slowboat missions have to have gone first, since you have to know where to find those hidey-spots...and you have to know enough about your enemy/target to know they haven't found them ahead of you.  There's a limit to how much data James Bond can find out for you in a short amount of time, and a limit on how much he can carry out in his leg-satchel or whatever BS spy gear Q gives him.

I think we have to agree that one of the conceits of the universe is that you do have to get very close to gather anything meaningfully. In theory you can just park a satellite somewhere between the Oort cloud and the system proper, even a few light minutes away, and just hoover up all the EM that oozes out over time. But then sigint is basically just 2,000 satellites per House/faction, and their intel gathering is amazing.
We know that capability doesn't exist, so have to accept that along with crap weapon ranges and 'Mechs being king, signint requires true liability in proximity to your intended targets.

Fasanomics, Paul.  There are huge gapes or 'conceits' in the universe simply because of the blind-spots of the creators.  One recent experience was a recent creator insisting everyone goes into naval combat with the atmo drawn down to null, forgetting whole chapters of lore including Harjel, which are supposed to be better because they keep the air in.  At a certain point, all this becomes moot, because at the end of the day, the optimal design for anything is going to be something that would be crippled in a real military context. (Why have ANY cargo space on a warship, when it's not relevant to a two-mapsheet table game?)

There's what's in the game, (Zeus rifle has shotgun ranges) and there's what's in the RPG (Zeus rifle is a kilometer-distance sniper/antimateriel rifle that edges on near-invisible distance before it stops being effective).

"Aiming your guns to a distance where they can reliably hit" is different from "Seeing a planet."  see the difference here?  ONE of those, has a relevance to a two mapsheet tabletop game, the other only matters on a scale you can't fit on a tabletop.

One more thing back to the Recon issue:  Your HUMINT is limited not only by access to an enemy's infrastructure, but also by the fact your agents are handing their reports to a third party government for transmission, and that third party government has a vested interest in crippling your efforts.


Talk to an IT guy, and feed him some drinks, and when he's good and buzzed, ask him if there's anything that goes through his servers he can't, with some dedicated effort, crack right down to the machine code.
I guess FOMO got to me today. I ordered the the anniversary boxes and the Urbie LAM box. Gawd, I have a problem! A regiment + pledge and it’s not enough for my pile of shame.
Off Topic / Re: What are we Reading Now: Conan the Librarian
« Last post by Zematus737 on Today at 18:42:55 »
Religious discussions are one of the fastest ways to get moderators swarming on a thread.  So let's not.

Wilco.  I wouldn't want to derail a thread that has been a pleasure to keep up with. 

Anyone can continue the discussion on just how much literature has had on the post industrial/printing press world with me in private if they so wish.  PKD was a talented writer but philosophers and sophists, from Spinoza to Dawkins, have had so much of an impact on the hard sciences that you could really have a long discussion about --and turn the argument around to say that-- how it has actually stunted ethical technological advancement. This is why you see works being conceived around this time with works like Mary Shelly's, Frankenstein and Thea von Harbour's, Metropolis are given birth.  Ideas arising from dire portents also, you could say. 

But I concur.  As interesting as it is, and beyond the simplistic, ..because they were atheist! argument, this is not the place for it.
Ground Combat / Re: The Value of an AC/2
« Last post by CrossfirePilot on Today at 18:32:04 »
I have had a couple of occasions where I have had some AC2 nick me with a CT TAC and take out my gyro.  very irritating.
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