Author Topic: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.  (Read 14387 times)


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #30 on: 09 September 2021, 18:44:39 »
And all that is with a Mammoth's normal thrust rating.  For long journeys. you could cut the engine down, even all the way to station keeping.

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #31 on: 09 September 2021, 18:49:00 »
And all that is with a Mammoth's normal thrust rating.  For long journeys. you could cut the engine down, even all the way to station keeping.

I went a bit crazy pants, but ended up modding out a Behemoth as an example:
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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #32 on: 09 September 2021, 20:06:50 »
Herb, since KF theory is pretty much gone entirely, and even any KF core powered jumpships discovered by the Tetakuni are either completely wrecks from the wars, or so decrepit and patchwork kludges that give no real clue as to how they would work when fresh from the shipyard....

What will the birds think of the Jumpship that the human bunch arrived in? Outside of needing minor repairs, its a fairly new jumpship class, less than a century old if I remember my TRs right, and is only really in need of it's 'first' dose of major repairs due to having gone on the lamb. So its nowhere near as bad as SSW relic jumpships which are ramshackle, let alone what resulted after the Third League shattered and the long nightfall started.

Because it arguablely gives them a means to, well, GTFO as you mentioned in the campaign setting. And its undeniably owned/created by humanity. So I can easily imagine something of a repeat to the 'chase' that a certain IE semi-rogue enhanced jumpship went through: The Tetakuni want it to keep humanity from exploding in size again + potentially threatening the Tetakuni, but also might really want to research the hell out of a fully intact KF jumpship to see what tricks it can do that they might be able to add/alter on their own warp-drives. Or in the reverse, if an intact KF jumpship can use some of the tricks of the warp drive.

Its something I spotted that I was slightly puzzled you didn't get into a bit more, beyond the 'Time to Run, Again' section.
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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #33 on: 09 September 2021, 22:15:37 »
Herb, since KF theory is pretty much gone entirely, and even any KF core powered jumpships discovered by the Tetakuni are either completely wrecks from the wars, or so decrepit and patchwork kludges that give no real clue as to how they would work when fresh from the shipyard....

What will the birds think of the Jumpship that the human bunch arrived in? Outside of needing minor repairs, its a fairly new jumpship class, less than a century old if I remember my TRs right, and is only really in need of it's 'first' dose of major repairs due to having gone on the lamb. So its nowhere near as bad as SSW relic jumpships which are ramshackle, let alone what resulted after the Third League shattered and the long nightfall started.

In the fanfiction I recently concluded based on this adventure, the Tetakuni most certainly WERE interested in the JumpShip, and wanted to take it into the nearby human preservation with them. But a funny thing comes to mind here, in that the JumpShip's crew would need to go along with this, as the Tets have no idea how to drive a human KF JumpShip. In the adventure, they ended up agreeing to have the ship remain in service, within their "safe zone," as basically a living museum and touring craft.

Because it arguably gives them a means to, well, GTFO as you mentioned in the campaign setting. And its undeniably owned/created by humanity. So I can easily imagine something of a repeat to the 'chase' that a certain IE semi-rogue enhanced jumpship went through: The Tetakuni want it to keep humanity from exploding in size again + potentially threatening the Tetakuni, but also might really want to research the hell out of a fully intact KF jumpship to see what tricks it can do that they might be able to add/alter on their own warp-drives. Or in the reverse, if an intact KF jumpship can use some of the tricks of the warp drive.

If the human JumpShip somehow escapes from Tetakuni clutches, it IS possible to evade capture for a while, but the tetakuni warpships will be able to track them if they keep to habitable systems where they have a presence, and with no apparent need to stop and recharge, nor to keep too far from gravity wells, they can easily catch up to a human JumpShip once it stops to collect energy for another jump. (The warpship that shows up at the end of the story--Northwind Legends, Last of their Like--was capable of about 11-LYph speeds, coming to Pleione from Arboris [as humans knew them] in a matter of hours, before landing on Pleione, and then getting back up and to the Ghost's jump point in minutes.)

The drive tech between the Tets and humans are only distantly related. Though the birds' FTL science was inspired by the ancient wreck of the Raiden (which ended up in the planet's orbit for a few thousand years), their approach to hyperspace theory took a different enough route to result in a completely incompatible system. For humans to crack the Tet system, they'd need to be fully immersed in the foundations of Tetakuni math and science, and basically educated from the "ground up."

And of course, there's the fun fact that the Ghost of Chuyo, as a Chimeisho-class JumpShip, has both a KF drive and a LF battery, which the Word of Blake learned (back in the 3050s or so) how to turn into a super-jump system, for leaps up to 900 LY. But since that also costs you the drive, wherever you go had better be a habitable system AND you probably don't want to miss the jump point by too much....

Suffice to say, the odds are steeply stacked against humanity in the adventure and the setting.

But there is a chance, if your GM is generous enough and the players are smart enough, for the humans to escape the birds and maybe explore for other options that may or may not exist.

- Herb


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #34 on: 10 September 2021, 15:14:41 »
Well, the magic and superpowers wouldn't/shouldn't show up, since that was really a peculiarity with the Nebula itself, but throwing just about any system conceivable with tech about the late Succession Wars would be how I'd approach it. (Again, the Tetakuni keep an eye on their human preserves, and show up to restrict any destabilizing tech, while not-too-incidentally keeping the humans from progressing TOO far as to pose a real threat to themselves.)

- Herb

When I meant 'like Nebula California', I meant not restricting themselves in the style of nations that one might come across.  The limited Tech seemed to me to be a given of this setting.  :thumbsup:
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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #35 on: 10 September 2021, 15:23:11 »
...{T}here is no USA any more (instead, it's a collective of warring states more like we saw in Crimson Skies; the USA collapsed for good back in the early space colonial days--it's just not coming back after millennia of divisions; Alaska may be its own nation, Canada may be broken into at least two or maybe three countries as well).

- Herb

Oh, I could see parts of the old continental 48, especially the northern ones, absorbed into those Canadian micro states.  I could see a reversion to times prior to the large land purchases.  Imagine the Californian and Nevadan regions being absorbed into a Northern Mexican state.  Fun thing about the US of A, the States are, in large parts, their own little nation.  It's interesting watching people from outside the US, from, say, Brittain or Japan, listening to some of the travel times it takes to cross some of the central states.

But, I'll have to give Crimson Skies another look, because that was interesting how they broke things down.
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Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #36 on: 10 September 2021, 15:26:08 »
Human DropShip tech remains in place, mind you, so in-system travel is no problem around Sol here--so long as nobody razes all the ship-builders--meaning that trade and travel to all these fun polities would be doable in your campaign. Just bear in mind that not every faction will have the same level of sophistication; not everyone will have access to BattleMech, battle armor, aerospace, and starcraft industries. The "superpowers" will likely be those that can build both 'Mechs and DropShips alike, while others may be restricted to shuttlecraft and tanks, or battle armor and fighters, or a reliance on bigger allies. And all of it alternating between low-intensity fighting and tense "peacetimes." Think of it all as a microcosm of a late Succession Wars-era Inner Sphere, with the Tetakuni playing the role of a slightly nicer ComStar: a neutral power that meddles in their affairs for "benevolent" reasons.

- Herb

Dude!  Gundam!  Or Jovian Chronicles!  LOL :D
It's your world. You can do anything you want in it. - Bob Ross

Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #37 on: 10 September 2021, 15:29:22 »
There is also the cryogenic approach, I suppose, but I don't recall offhand how well advanced it was at the time.

- Herb

It was at least good enough to put Stone to sleep for a short span.
It's your world. You can do anything you want in it. - Bob Ross

Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #38 on: 10 September 2021, 15:39:19 »
At my table, though, humankind has pretty thoroughly collapsed, and likely won't have much of a chance at recovering their old Inner Sphere so long as the Tetakuni have a say in the matter.

- Herb

This is also helpful.  Thanks for putting that out there.

It's your world. You can do anything you want in it. - Bob Ross

Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #39 on: 10 September 2021, 16:41:07 »
Dude!  Gundam!  Or Jovian Chronicles!  LOL :D

*Stares blankly*

It was at least good enough to put Stone to sleep for a short span.

A *short* span--only about 20 years, all told. It's also good at keeping the already dead from decomposing (Sun-Tzu). But, in general, cryogenic tech was in decline even in the time of the Clan Invasion, with the Canopians having the best availability due to their robust medical industry. I wouldn't say the tech was ever completely lost, but it was so exceedingly rare that I can name only two people who underwent it in BT, and both were heads of state. Still, if you're sparing no expense, sleeper ships are doable.

Oh, I could see parts of the old continental 48, especially the northern ones, absorbed into those Canadian micro states.

Some, maybe. Either way, though, my table would have nothing calling itself the "United States of America," as such an entity was long dead before even the first Star League happened. Even if someone thought to create a new nation with that identity, it would be akin to someone deciding to rebrand Mexico as the Aztec Empire.

But, I'll have to give Crimson Skies another look, because that was interesting how they broke things down.

Heck, if it weren't for the fact that CS is wholly owned by Microsoft, I might have made an XTR 1945-type of project focused on THAT setting. (I did construct a few of their fighters using XTR 1945 rules, but they tended to come out remarkably identical to each other.)

- Herb


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #40 on: 09 December 2021, 03:29:16 »
Oooo! This broke 50 complete downloads today!

...I suppose Ray was right not to buy it.

- Herb


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #41 on: 20 December 2021, 01:00:56 »
Advertising always helps. I didn't know about it until you told me and then I lost where it was until just now. It is great though! Very well done! :thumbsup:


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #42 on: 20 December 2021, 08:38:21 »
Advertising always helps. I didn't know about it until you told me and then I lost where it was until just now. It is great though! Very well done! :thumbsup:

Why thank you, RM! The funny thing is, Ray actually did offer to help signal boost for this one, but he'd been so adamant about not publishing it officially that it didn't feel right to accept that offer and have him go against his anti-birb agenda.

In the meantime, well, some other stuff is afoot I'm sure you'll all really like as well!

- Herb


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #43 on: 20 December 2021, 18:36:32 »
Thank you Herb. This was the most interesting read in a long while.


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #44 on: 20 December 2021, 22:22:42 »
Why thank you, RM! The funny thing is, Ray actually did offer to help signal boost for this one, but he'd been so adamant about not publishing it officially that it didn't feel right to accept that offer and have him go against his anti-birb agenda.

In the meantime, well, some other stuff is afoot I'm sure you'll all really like as well!

- Herb

You're welcome and thank you. :) I don't know why Ray won't publish it, other than Aliens!. It's good!  :thumbsup:

Sounds interesting.  :)


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #45 on: 31 December 2021, 20:26:18 »
Totally professionally, I Love you, Herb!!!  Happy New Year!!
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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #46 on: 01 January 2022, 21:17:47 »
Thank you kindly, Imperator!

- Herb


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #47 on: 01 January 2022, 23:36:35 »
What about ramming your way through interstellar gas at a shade under C? Is the assumption that BT's magic armour will take the steady rain of impacts without ablating?

IIRC, a speck of dust at nearly C does the same damage as a stick of TNT. How that equates, what the rate of impacts per day in interstellar space is, etc is open to handwaving. But perhaps inside the nebula, the 'greatly increased' density makes such high-tau travel impossible.

(Figures: the standard interstellar medium has about 1 atom per cm3. A typical nebula has between 100 and 1,000 atoms per cm3. However, cool dense regions of the ISM can have as many as 1,000,000 atoms per cm3. )
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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #48 on: 02 January 2022, 06:40:20 »
What about ramming your way through interstellar gas at a shade under C? Is the assumption that BT's magic armour will take the steady rain of impacts without ablating?

That assumption was largely made for one of the first in-universe extra-solar jaunts; an unmanned ship accelerated to a good chunk of light speed under constant acceleration to check out one of our nearest neighbors before they worked out K-F jumps. Nothing was really mentioned of the ship being a shredded mess at the other end of its journey.

- Herb


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #49 on: 02 January 2022, 09:48:34 »
A strong magnetic field can help mitigate that problem too.  I believe Atomic Rockets has something on that...


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #50 on: 02 January 2022, 19:26:28 »
A strong magnetic field can help mitigate that problem too.  I believe Atomic Rockets has something on that...

Only as long as the threats are magnetically reactive in some way. You MIGHT find a magnet strong enough to repel an iron rock, but what about the all-ice comet?

- Herb


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #51 on: 02 January 2022, 19:42:25 »
Those are the kinds of things the forward weapons array is for...  ^-^


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #52 on: 02 January 2022, 23:34:36 »
You ain't targetting anything incoming at above 0.9c ...
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #53 on: 18 November 2022, 08:06:49 »
This related to this thread. With blessings of Herb, the Reign of the Tetakuni is now on the BattleTech Fanon Wiki and down loadable with cover art by Herb!
« Last Edit: 18 November 2022, 08:24:35 by Wrangler »
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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #54 on: 19 November 2022, 01:10:56 »
Thank you!  I enjoyed this very much!
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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #55 on: 16 January 2023, 13:08:30 »
Awesome.  Now to work on my one or two war-gaming scale bird figurines.  They may be a little larger than a proper Teta.

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Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #56 on: 17 January 2023, 17:42:48 »
Awesome.  Now to work on my one or two war-gaming scale bird figurines.  They may be a little larger than a proper Teta.

Heh. I've been colorizing some of the art I did for that project in my spare time. Not really for a revision or anything like that; just because. I decided that Tetakuni tend to gravitate toward the brighter colors and contrasts of the rainbow, both in terms of plumage and non-combat attire. That they also see in ultraviolet wavelengths might suggest they their outfits are even more varied than they look to us.

Some samples here...

- Herb


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #57 on: 17 January 2023, 17:45:02 »
A few more...

Including a combat warpship in unspecified faction colors.

- Herb


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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #58 on: 17 January 2023, 20:40:14 »
Are you going update the sourcebook?
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"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
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Re: Reign of the Tetakuni - An A Time of War Adventure and sourcebook.
« Reply #59 on: 18 January 2023, 02:08:54 »
Are you going update the sourcebook?

Not really planning to, at this moment.

- Herb