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A Time of War / Re: Belter gene modifications
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 19:29:32 »
That's begging for consolidation into a micro-nutrient generator or some such.
Fan Fiction / Re: futzing around (probably gonna be shorts)
« Last post by idea weenie on Today at 19:29:18 »
The Lyran recon lance meme still makes me laugh.

Or a 12 Atlas Rush

But one idea for a fun story would be Nobles on the border near the Clans setting up raids to recover skilled workers and tech data from the Clans.  Lyran Intelligence operative on world are not trying to penetrate guarded Mech Depots, just buying drinks for the older Laborers, Techs, Merchants, and maybe Scientists and listening to their complaints.  Find the ones wit hthe biggest complaints, and ask them if they want to leave the Clan society and go to Lyran society.

From there, the Noble stages a 'Trial' raid against the local Clan forces over what the Warriors think is valuable.  While that Trial is being set up, the LIC personnel are moving the lower-caste defectors and any useful intel to a secondary location that the raiding force can pick them up from.  Shipping schedules, tech notes, construction methods, a few crates of Fusion Rechargers, and similar gear stolen from the Clan storehouses would be quite profitable.  It is one thing to win a CERPPC in combat, but it could be better to get the knowledge about how to up-tech to make your own Clan ERPPCs.
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: SL Command Lance pre-paint!
« Last post by worktroll on Today at 19:24:26 »
While I wouldn't as such - I get too much fun out of painting & modding the minis, and it's so much easier with the new plastics than with metal minis - I know I'm not the target market. I'd love to see the box sets in colours, as long as we can get the unpainted ones somehow ;)

At the end of the day, I just pray the current KS fulfilment gets 100% of CGL's attention, and once that's cleared then they can look at options. But again, that's me.
BSP Cards vs BSP Cards question:  What is the difference between the IS BA squads? ... I have two different types of BSP cards for these guys.  One has "Squad 4" in different colors (guessing to denote different units on the board) and the other doesn't.  The one that doesn't has a cost of 13 (15) and the squad 4 has a cost of 9 (11).  As far as I can tell all of the stats are the same though.

Nobody but its creator knows, it hasn't been printed.  It was mentioned on the forums years ago as something that could potentially have made it to TRO 3145 The Clans but was rejected and the Kodiak II was taken instead.  All that's been said is that it would have been an upgrade/replacement of the Gladiator omnimech the same way the Loki II and Thor II were for the original 3050 versions.
A Time of War / Re: Belter gene modifications
« Last post by idea weenie on Today at 19:19:11 »
One loophole for the gene mods would likely be to artificially grow edited tissue/organs, and then use surgery to add/swap them.

I could see something like this as mass-grown small organs whose only purpose after implantation is to consume excess calories and produce critical vitamins.  I.e. Vitamin C, Thiamine, Niacin, and other vitamins.
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: SL Command Lance pre-paint!
« Last post by Fin-man on Today at 19:18:22 »
That would be incredible!  (At least I'd buy them)
Recognition Guide 1: Classics,

First Printing

Under notable pilots of the Stinger on p. 14, it says Alex Ward of the Black Widow Company got killed on Benet III in 3027, whereas in The Fourth Succession War Scenarios Volume 1, pp 30-31, Alex is listed as taking part in the fight on Glenmora, 5 Sept 3028.
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: Alien Megafauna
« Last post by idea weenie on Today at 19:12:34 »
There are megafauna that are dangerous enough for herding them to be a job for IndustrialMechs.  Allow me to present the

The most likely way to include such things on a Battletech or Alpha Strike game would be IndustrialMechs trying to protect a herd of 'domestic' dinosaurs from their giant predators.

(Honestly, I think that this whole bit of lore was only written for the sake of the pun.)

Best way to protect vs predators - shoot the predators.  Beagle Probe + Targeting computer + Large Pulse Laser will let you kill off a separate predator every tacturn.  Predators are not stupid, and if the predators see their fellow predators dying rapidly to anti-armor weapons, the predators will go somewhere else.

Also, a Cattlemaster also has to use non-lethal weapons to herd the domestic dinosaurs.
I wonder if the Gladiator II will ever make it to canon?

Can't find it off-hand, what is the Gladiator II like?  (I assume that DHS are standard, but what else gets changed)
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