Author Topic: Battleforce Cluster Hits Capital Damage  (Read 569 times)


  • Sergeant
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Battleforce Cluster Hits Capital Damage
« on: 08 June 2024, 13:43:16 »
Capital ships are in a class of their own.  Their volleys are terrible and immense.  In SBF there is no distinction of which bay will hit or not and this I see as a big problem with limited number of attacks allowed per unit type.  In an effort to add a little more convenience for multiple targets within a single arc and realism to partial hits and misses, I have adopted a system for this using the normal cluster hits table in Core as inspiration.  The values below mimic the cluster hits values and can be applied to each weapon class: Standard, Capital, Sub-Cap and Missile.  Capital and Sub-Cap are combined in Dropships, as are all missile based weapons in most cases by the conversions.  The opportunity to split a weapon bay in a single arc to small portions for additional attacks within the allowed attack limitation.  Meaning, you could split a Front Arc Standard of 200 damage by half, a quarter or any part thereoff, but each split will count against the attack limit.  This is very useful for when you lose the Tactics Check, as described on pg.169 of IO:BF.  Most of the information for attacks in this scale is found on pg.187.  This damage splitting is very useful against multiple targets that will otherwise waste a huge amount of damage potential in a warship or similarly armed vessel. 

2: Miss, 3: 30%, 4-5: 45%, 6-8: 60%, 9-10: 80%, 11: 100%, 12:100% +crit

The cluster hits roll would be applied to every weapon system on a successful hit roll.  It would be applied to every attack that was split.

In a way, this also brings such tremendous damage values into a not so earth-shattering obliteration of another vessel.  It prolongs engagements just a little while and leaves room for more choices or firing solutions.  As there are no penalties for secondary targets with these units, it becomes more viable.  The reduction in damage with part of the volley missing brings these great beasts down a notch and makes for a more enjoyable game, rather than the "EverYthIng is DEAD!" outcome capital warfare pretty much leads to on such a scale.  It adds a bit more realism against assuming every weapon in the bay will hit when you get a successful attack roll.


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 179
    • Zem's google drive TRO's and BF
Re: Battleforce Cluster Hits Capital Damage
« Reply #1 on: 09 June 2024, 11:40:14 »
An additional rule to the above can be an added modifier based on the comparison of the size of the target unit to that of the one that is attacking.  -/+ the difference of size between the two, as used in physical charge attacks for ground units,  can be applied as a modifier on this cluster hits roll as appropriate.