Author Topic: [AR] Linking Heat Sinks to Jump Jets  (Read 326 times)


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[AR] Linking Heat Sinks to Jump Jets
« on: 22 September 2024, 13:11:34 »
TO:AR, page 103 has the rules for linking heat sinks to equipment.  The question comes from 3 being the minimum heat generated by a jump of any length and one of the examples on page 103 being of linking a single heat sink to a jump jet.  If a 'mech only jumped one hex, and used the jump jet in question, it would normally generate three heat, and thus be reduced to two if two heat sinks were linked to it.  If a 'mech jumped two hexes, and had a heat sink linked to each, it would still only generate two heat (right?).  The questions come when you jump three hexes or more:

1) Do you need more than two heat sinks linked to one or more jump jets to reap the heat reduction?
2) If "yes" to 1, how many more?  Do you have to have heat sinks linked to all the jump jets, or something less?
3) Can you link all the heat sinks to a single jump jet to reduce the risk of the heat reduction being lost when a jump jet is lost?

