Author Topic: Campaing Battletech Historys - CBH  (Read 1678 times)


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Campaing Battletech Historys - CBH
« on: 23 July 2023, 11:06:53 »
The Campaing Battletech Historys - CBH was designed to tell some of the history of the BattleTech universe during specific events over the centuries. They will be thematic missions, made on electronic platforms on the internet, such as MegaMek and Discord. Players will be working as a team to overcome the challenges presented, being able to improve their MechWarrior at the end of each mission and repair, buy or exchange their BattleMech with the reward received.

Bring your friends and create your group.

Who is it for?
The Campaing Battletech Historys - CBH is aimed at every Battletech player, from novice to the most experienced, who wants to learn more about the history of the Battletech universe.
The player will have fun together with other players, seeking to achieve honor and glory for his Mechwarrior, facing missions of all kinds and not forgetting that the success of the mission is teamwork together with other players.
If you want to have fun playing with other Battletech friends and learn about the story that spawned the main facts, get different Mechs and make your MechWarrior an expert super pilot, come play the Campaing Battletech Historys - CBH.

What are you going to see?
In the Campaing Battletech Historys - CBH, the player will participate in missions with other players that will transcend the eras, will be able to make his MechWarrior evolve its abilities and be trained in special abilities that can make the lives of his opponents hell.
Working as a team to defeat the Game Master-GM or the AI ​​of the MegaMek program, players will be able to collect various BattleMechs from various houses and eras throughout history.
It will also be allowed to modify BattleMechs in the workshop, but if you don't have money... don't worry! The player will be able to take loans with "light interest" or appeal to the "black market" and try to find the desired Mech cheaper.
At the end of missions, did the player have their Mech damaged? No problem, we'll fix it for you for a “few dozen” C-Bills payment.
The player will see in this Campaign the main elements of Battletech with the addition of character evolution, Mech management and resource management.

How will the mechanics work?
The game can be played in person with your friends or remotely, over the internet, through the MegaMek platform found on the website , and with real-time voice and video communication through the Discord program .
The players' opponents or the factors to fulfill the missions will be managed by the Game Master-GM or the Artificial Intelligence-AI of MegaMek.
Each player will have a MechWarrior, which will be able to improve their artillery and piloting skills, as well as being allowed to specialize by acquiring special skills, all at the cost of experience (XP).
The player, with his MechWarrior, will be able to buy and/or modify his BattleMechs in any way he wants, as long as it is between chapters and respecting the MegaMek rules.
The union of the players will create a Company, which in the course of the missions will provide money (C-Bills) that will be recorded, to be spent on the acquisition of new Mechs, parts, modifications and repairs.


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Re: Campaign Battletech Historys - CBH
« Reply #1 on: 23 July 2023, 13:03:29 »
Might I recommend a global find and replace for "Campaign" vice "Campaing"? :)

You can also edit the subject of the first post to change the thread title... ;)


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Re: Campaing Battletech Historys - CBH
« Reply #2 on: 07 September 2023, 19:03:51 »
There's really a lot you can do with the vast histories of the Battletech-Universe.