Author Topic: Former Wolf Dragoon 'Mechjock  (Read 1791 times)


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Former Wolf Dragoon 'Mechjock
« on: 17 September 2023, 20:31:42 »
Curiosty is killing me. How would one create a AToW WD 'Mechjock ?? I figure Clan MechWarrior Phenotype, but what paths ?? He'd be active at the time of Outreach getting torched by the WoB. He'd survive it.

Thanks for the help folks,


All hail the god of war!!

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ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Former Wolf Dragoon 'Mechjock
« Reply #1 on: 17 September 2023, 20:52:15 »
I cast Summon Daryk for this thread!


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Re: Former Wolf Dragoon 'Mechjock
« Reply #2 on: 18 September 2023, 01:22:52 »
You spoke my name, and so I appear! ;D

Sounds like you're looking for an ORIGINAL Dragoon 'mech jock.  I'd go with Freebirth Sibko and build from there.  VERY few can-born went with the Dragoons (Natasha being the most notable).  The good news is you get 100XP for every year of life.  The bad news is that most modules cost more than 100XP times their durations, and you don't get the Attribute/Trait points if you repeat a module but have to pay the full cost.  Civilian Job is a notable exception, and I created a "Staff Tour" equivalent for military types.

If you want more help, just let me know, and I'll take a swing with my spreadsheet.  I've used it to create an older Explorer Corps Precentor, and she turned out all right... ;)


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Re: Former Wolf Dragoon 'Mechjock
« Reply #3 on: 18 September 2023, 01:52:07 »
Hey Daryk, Not an original, maybe a son of an original, say born around 3035 - 38. The idea behind him is that depending on the situation at the start, He'll either be off-world in the Chaos March or still on-world for Condition Feral. I'm still working on it at the moment.

All hail the god of war!!

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Liam's Ghost

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Re: Former Wolf Dragoon 'Mechjock
« Reply #4 on: 18 September 2023, 02:26:09 »
The Dragoons still used the sibko system to a degree, so freebirth sibko is still potentially in the cards. Maybe trueborn, too. I'm not sure it's established when the Dragoons started breeding trueborns, but at least some of them were of fighting age shortly after the clan invasion began.

The difference is that you have more choice with the Dragoons. The character could have been educated under the sibko system, but they could have also been educated in a traditional academy setting. Or, if you want to game the system a little, you could even make a justification for him receiving both sibko and academy training to take both modules.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

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Re: Former Wolf Dragoon 'Mechjock
« Reply #5 on: 18 September 2023, 08:46:24 »
Sounds like:
Affiliation: Independent/Mercenary
Stage 1: Born Mercenary Brat (age 10)
Stage 2: Either Mercenary Brat OR Freeborn Sibko (age 16)
Stage 3: If Mercenary Brat above, Military Academy here (if Sibko, skip stage 3; anywhere from age 18 to 23 depending on curriculum)
Stage 4: Tour of Duty (+3 years) and/or Guerilla Insurgent (+6 years)

If you want to go the Trueborn route:
Affiliation: Still Independent/Mercenary, I think.  Maybe Clan Wolf.
Stage 1: Trueborn Creche (age 10)
Stage 2: Trueborn Sibko (age 16)
Stage 3: Skipped
Stage 4: Tour of Duty (age 19)
Stage 4: Guerilla Insurgent (age 25)


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Re: Former Wolf Dragoon 'Mechjock
« Reply #6 on: 20 September 2023, 21:28:42 »
@Daryk: Thanks for the help good sir ! I wasn't sure how to go about it but this helps with a path on how to do it.

Thanks for the help !!

All hail the god of war!!

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Re: Former Wolf Dragoon 'Mechjock
« Reply #7 on: 20 September 2023, 22:01:34 »
You're very welcome!  If you want me to take a more detailed swing at it, just let me know, and I'll fire up my spreadsheet... :)