Author Topic: Updates on  (Read 1009 times)


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 178
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Updates on
« on: 22 June 2024, 13:51:45 »
|I accidentally posted this in the wrong section ment to post it in "General Technical Support" |

Will the main website be updated (specifically the 35yr logo)

« Last Edit: 22 June 2024, 13:59:07 by Gray_Noton_4lfe »
Corporal: Were under attack general.
General: who's attacking?
Corporal: Those 25 Urbanmech Mechwarriors you offended last week on Solaris.
General: That's....unfortunate. Could you remind me what I said to offend them?
Corporal: You said their Urbanmechs look like Locust-1Vs Sir.
General: ahh... I remember now.