Author Topic: Battletech Beatdowns in Northern VA  (Read 155484 times)


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Battletech Beatdowns in Northern VA
« on: 30 July 2018, 20:01:21 »
Hey there fellow mechwarriors!

Wanted to post a new thread that is has a more accurate title; I had previously been posting classic Battletech events under the "Looking for Alpha Strike players in Northern Virginia Fairfax Area".

As the title says, I am currently running a 3055 campaign centered around a mixed Fed-Com regiment that consists of 2 battalions of mechs, 1 battalion of armored vehicles and 1 battalion of motorized infantry; along with a company of artillery and a company of combat engineers.  The regiment was sent into a region of space in the Sarna March (specifically Graham IV) to put down a rebellion that has fermented and taken hold.  Local opposition forces have managed to recruit defectors from the local garrison and have also formed a militia.  Several major population centers have come under the control of the rebels; but the capital, starport, most of the major factories and infrastructure still remains in control of loyal Fed-Com forces.

As the regiment made planet fall, the drop ship containing the recon company of the tank battalion came under attack by unidentified aerospace fighters; which intelligence said rebel forces had none of.  The recon drop ship suffered damaged which caused it to veer off course and landed a few hundred miles away from the regiment's drop zone.  HQ tasked a company of light and medium mechs for a search and rescue operation for any of the crash survivors.  The company arrived to find what was left of the survivors in a fighting withdrawl.  The recon company was successfully saved, but suffered heavy casualties.

As the recon company was being rescued, regimental HQ also tasked all of Alpha Company of the 1st Mech Battalion to take control of a strategically important bridgehead; problem was it was located in a major city.  Intel reports said the town was being reinforced by mechs and heavy armor.  Opposition forces haven't had time to fortify or dig in, so the initiative had to be taken and an assault on the city was planned.  1st Battalion command lance along with a battery of Long Toms and 2 companies of infantry were assigned to support Alpha Company's assault.  So far, they've managed to break through the first line of defense and are advancing deeper into the city.  Fighting has been heavy and opposition forces seem to have brought up reserves to try and push the assault back.
« Last Edit: 10 June 2019, 12:08:42 by Jester006 »
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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #1 on: 30 July 2018, 20:34:47 »
I am trying to shoot for either Saturday the 25th or Sunday the 26th of August; whichever day works out better for everyone.  The venue the game is taking place is at "The Games Tavern" in Centerville, VA.  They have a few side rooms available to play in so that way we have all the room we need.

The next game is going to be part 2 of the city fight I mentioned in my previous post.  We unfortunately had to stop early last session due to a scheduling conflict in the room we rented; I'll make sure that won't happen again.

From where we left off last session, there were a couple mechs from the regiment that were in danger.  So I decided to resolve some attacks that would have made sense according to the board state that I saw.  For those who participated in the game:

-The Awesome that had taken the gyro hit actually managed to survive.  It had positioned itself to be behind a hill to where only the 2 mobile Manticores could have shot at it in the following turn.  The Manticores did manage to hit it with a couple of LRM 10s, but weren't able to core the Awesome.  Due do damage, however, the Awesome is combat ineffective and won't be able to continue with the assault.

-The Warhammer took a salvo from 2 LRM carriers and lost its left arm, went internal in its left torso and center torso.  Other than that, no other major damage occurred to it.  This mech is also forced to retire and won't be available in part 2 of the fight.

-The Rifleman from the Battalion Command lance took another salvo from the other 2 LRM carriers.  Its left torso was destroyed which caused the XL engine to shutdown.  The pilot took another 2 injuries; one from a head hit and anther from the knockdown.  The pilot is alive, but has 3 pilot hits that need time to heal.  This mech is essentially destroyed, but can be used for spare parts (which I'm sure the Warhammer will be grateful to have)

-The OPFOR Manitcore platoon was a complete write-off due to them being overwhelmed by attacking forces.  1 Demolisher was completely destroyed with 2 others being immobilized by motive system damage.

In summary, the Fed-Coms had 2 mechs heavily damaged and 1 mech destroyed.  Opposition Forces had 5 tanks destroyed and 2 made immobile.  For sake of easy, I'll say all other units of the OPFOR managed to withdrawal further into the city to establish a second line of defense.  All heat will be reset and we'll pick up from there.
« Last Edit: 30 July 2018, 20:44:56 by Jester006 »
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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #2 on: 05 August 2018, 10:15:30 »
Hopefully that includes the infantry... :)


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #3 on: 09 August 2018, 18:26:30 »
My vote is for the 26th, Sunday again.  Definitely look forward to more militia shenanigans.


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #4 on: 19 August 2018, 13:34:50 »
Greetings again fellow mechwarriors!

Just wanted to let you all know that the next session is scheduled to be on Sunday August 26th.  Start time is again at 1 PM and will go to 6 PM.  I've spoken to the store owner to rent one of their side rooms, and it looks like we'll have it all to ourselves.

The scenario is as follows:

The Fed-Com regiment has sent in the entirety of Alpha company of 1st Battalion along with 1st Battalion's command lance to assault insurrectionist forces that have occupied a city with a bridge of strategic value.  Alpha company began its assault on the edge of the city and came in contact with opposition forces early on.  After several minutes of fighting, Alpha company managed to push back enemy forces to the interior of the city.

While enemy forces have been taking heavy losses, Alpha company has not gotten away unscathed.  2 mechs have suffered extensive damage and had to retire and one mech in the command lance was a complete write-off.  Now with Alpha company making head way into the heart of the city, its time to make the final push and expel the rebels.  The task, however, is not going to be easy.  Intel reports that enemy reserves have been committed to try and throw the assault back.

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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #5 on: 24 August 2018, 16:35:54 »
If you can send me a pm with any house rules you have I am going to try come out this weekend.


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #6 on: 09 September 2018, 20:23:32 »
Sounds really cool. To bad i'm 2 1/2 hours away, and now a College student.   
SGT Mark McKinnon, Recon Lance McKinnon's Company, 7th Crusis Lancers, Federated Suns


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #7 on: 10 September 2018, 14:26:03 »
After looking at my work schedule, I won't be able to run a session during the month of September.  So I'm going to try and shoot for the first Saturday in October; which would be the 6th.

Please don't let that stop others from trying to run something else however.  I encourage you all to put something together to get your fix of Battletech.

I will be posting the aftermath of what happened in the previous scenario and the strategic consequences/changes that follow.

In the mean time, I want people who plan to show up regularly to post here or message me what their favorite Inner Sphere mechs are for the different weight classes pre-3050.  For example:

Light mech: Spider
Medium: Phoenix Hawk
Heavy: Marauder
Assault: Battlemaster

« Last Edit: 10 September 2018, 14:34:55 by Jester006 »
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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #8 on: 10 September 2018, 17:08:08 »

Light: Mirage variant of the Fire Starter
Medium: WVR-6M (hands down my overall favorite)
Heavy: Eridani Thunderbolt
Assault: Marauder II (I know they're rare... if you need something more common, the Awesome)


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #9 on: 11 September 2018, 00:15:33 »
Not certain where I stand for October the 6th until I'm closer to the date.  I'm fairly certain I have no D&D game that Saturday, but there might be a game in Richmond that Saturday so I probably won't know my status until the 3rd or 4th.

As for the mechs:

Light: Jenner
Medium: Gladiator 4R
Heavy: Hammerhands 3D
Assault: If you want the non Awesome 8Q answer, it is a Xanthos 3O


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #10 on: 21 September 2018, 14:49:15 »
Light mech: Wolfhound (WLF-1A)
Medium: Griffin (GRF-1S)
Heavy: Grasshopper (GHR-5N)
Assault: Highlander (HGN-733P)


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #11 on: 26 September 2018, 10:13:27 »
Hi im jon, i live in southern maryland. If you guys need more players let me know. ive been looking for players in the area and would love to meet up. I unfortunately work every weekend but given about a month notice can get off. ive got mechs tanks and 3d maps of my own. look forward to hearing from you. 


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #12 on: 26 September 2018, 19:39:54 »
Hey Jon,

Glad to see another person looking to do a bit of mech-mashing mayhem.  I plan on running the next game on the 13th of October, a Saturday.  If you're able to make it, we look forward for you to join us.
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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #13 on: 26 September 2018, 23:35:41 »
So date changed to 13th rather than the 6th of October?


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #14 on: 27 September 2018, 00:23:53 »

Yes, I was told this week that I need to come in to work for that weekend.

If we want to postpone until later to get more people, that's fine with me as well.
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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #15 on: 11 October 2018, 10:47:17 »
are we doing the 13th, 14th, or another weekend?  Paul's game is the 20th, so next weekend is booked, unless we do it on the 21st.


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #16 on: 11 October 2018, 16:57:18 »
I broke a toe doing yard work this past weekend and won't be particularly mobile for the next few weeks.  If it's this weekend, I definitely won't be able to make it.  We'll see how the healing process progresses...


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #17 on: 12 October 2018, 00:08:59 »
The next game is scheduled for this coming Saturday October 13th.  I reserved a room for us all to play in that'll have plenty of room.

Hope the toe doesn't cause you too much discomfort there Daryk. 

Look forward seeing you all on game day.  Also, I'll try to have some deviled eggs and other snacks for people to munch on.

If anyone living in the DC Metro area needs a ride, I am willing to provide it.
« Last Edit: 12 October 2018, 00:14:46 by Jester006 »
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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #18 on: 12 October 2018, 06:44:18 »
Thanks Jester... and I hope you bring those devilled eggs more often in the future too! :)


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #19 on: 12 October 2018, 22:06:07 »
Apologies for the late reply on this, but I'm out tomorrow.  I had taken the day off on Thursday to get items done this week at home to free up Saturday, but only a handful actually got completed.  Sunday is booked solid so I have to have to pass tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll be able to make it next month.


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #20 on: 12 October 2018, 23:16:00 »

No worries, I'll see you next time.  Hopefully, I'll have some goodies to show off by then  =)
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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #21 on: 12 October 2018, 23:30:08 »
I'm missing deviled eggs, it makes me  :(


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #22 on: 14 October 2018, 16:11:40 »
Alrighty, wanted to post what happened in the previous two games.  So here it goes...

Assault on Uthdar
In the follow-up to the assault on the city, Alpha company advanced further into the heart of the city where local opposition forces managed to form a last line of defense to repel the attack.  Spearheading the assault was the "Fat-Bottom Boys" lance consisting of a Berserker, Atlas, King Crab and a Grand Titan.  Commanding them was the 1st Battalion HQ lance with a Battlemaster, Marauder and a Blackjack (the Rifleman was taken out of action in the previous fight).  Two companies of infantry were also supporting the assault with a battery of Long Toms providing off-board artillery support.

The OPFOR had a lance of modified construction mechs, 2 Demolishers, 2 LRM carriers, 1 SRM carrier, a company of militia infantry being led by a Grasshopper and a Victor.  The OPFOR managed to observe the approach vector of the attack and were able to concentrate their forces.  Combat began medium to close range. 

The Battlemaster, Marauder and a company of Fedcom infantry found themselves having to fend off the lance of construction mechs, the Grasshopper and 1 of the Demolishers.  On the other end of the battlefield, the Victor was engaged in a delaying action against the rest of the Fedcom's forces.  The LRM carriers provided long range fire support against whichever mech presented itself as being the best target.

The Battlemaster, piloted by the Battalion commander, and the Marauder quickly found themselves to be overwhelmed.  They were beginning to fall back when one of the construction mechs used a claw-like device to latch onto the Battlemaster which prevented it from being able to disengage when it needed to.  This gave the OPFOR the opportunity it needed to deliver a coordinated attack that ended up crippling the Battlemaster.  The Marauder tried to give covering fire for his commander, but staying behind to protect his fellow mechwarrior ended up dooming himself and the Marauder was also neutralized.

While all this was going on, the assault lance tried to press the attack against the defenders, but the presence of the Victor gave them a bit of hesitation to charge forward.  When the Fat-Bottom Boys did finally manage to make a push, it was thwarted by an ambushing SRM carrier and the Berserker skidding on the pavement then falling.  This stalled the charge which allowed the defenders to take down the Grand Titan while losing the SRM carrier and one of the LRM carriers in return.

Having lost their commander and the charge resulting in the loss of one of the assault mechs (along with other mechs taking heavy damage), the order to fall back was given and the assault ended.  The infantry company supporting the battalion commander's lance tried to rescue the pilots of the Battlemaster and Marauder, but were unable to due to having no support and therefore the battalion commander is suspected to be captured by enemy forces.

In summary, Fedcom forces lost the Battlemaster, the Marauder, the Grand Titan along with the 2 infantry companies suffering 40% casualties.  The OPFOR lost  1 Demolisher, 1 SRM and 1 LRM carrier in return.  This was a major victory for local opposition forces as they were able to prevent the regiment from capturing the bridge.  The regiment still retains foothold in the city, but it appears that the quick win regimental HQ was hoping for has failed.

Fighting in the areas flanking the city have resulted in a stalemate, but friendly aerospace units have been suffering terrible losses to the unidentified squadron of OPFOR fighters as they were sent to intercept and neutralize the Fedcom air support.  There must be some hidden air base that the insurrectionists have built, because the only known place to support aerospace units is the star port near the capital.  Long range radar is able to track the enemy squadron for several hundred miles before they suddenly vanish.  The only pattern that can be discerned is they seem to be going into heavily wooded areas.  Satellite imagery doesn't show any hint of structures or activity in the areas where they are recorded to disappear.
« Last Edit: 14 October 2018, 16:52:07 by Jester006 »
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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #23 on: 14 October 2018, 16:57:46 »
Excellent summary... I think the only thing you forgot to mention was how much fun it was!  ;D


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #24 on: 14 October 2018, 18:00:58 »
This is for the summary of the last session that was ran this past Saturday, October 13th:

Counter Attack

Having repulsed the Fedcom attack, and with the addition of reinforcements, the insurrectionists felt a sense of confidence and decided to launch a counter attack at one of the flanking units.  Using their off-world allies and other units, a diversionary action was coordinated with the main assault to hopefully pull any reserves away from the real objective.

As reports of enemy movement came in, Bravo company found itself set in the crosshairs.  Bravo company knew what was at stake and decided to make a stand even with only 2 of its 3 lances available against a full company of enemy mechs.  The order of battle for the Fedcom consisted of a Gunslinger, Zeus, White Knight, Warhammer, Grasshopper, Wolverine, Griffin and a Cataphract.  The insurrectionist forces fighting them had a Banshee, Flashman, Black Knight, Catapult, another Zeus, Orion, Quickdraw, Shadowhawk, Dervish, a Cataphract, Kintaro and a Guillotine.

The Steiner-Davion forces managed to interpose terrain to greatly minimize the effectiveness of one of the OPFOR's lances firepower.  For the most part, Bravo company managed to stay concentrated.  The only exception to that was when the White Knight pushed forward too aggressively and shut down due to heat.  This allowed the rebels to target the isolated mech.  Surprisingly though, the mech and its pilot weren't destroyed in the following turn's round of shooting.  The pilot did take a few injuries and the mech went internal in several locations (including 2 engine hits), but it managed to stand back up and begin to retreat to the safety of his own line.  The OPFOR tried to chase the badly damaged White Knight, but were frustrated as it managed to use trees and hills to all but block any decent chance of hitting it.

The Kintaro, Shadowhawk and Quickdraw rushed forward to try and pin down one lance of Bravo company, but were met with bad luck as the Kintaro was destroyed and the Quickdraw taking serious damage.  The opposition's lance of the Orion, Catapult, Cataphract and Zeus were having trouble negotiating the terrain.  Meanwhile the Banshee, Flashman, Black Knight and Guillotine were having to play catch up due to Bravo company out maneuvering them.

The Warhammer, Zeus and Gunslinger managed to provide a blistering display of long range fire support that began to take its toll on the attackers, but then the Banshee's lance managed to appear on their flanks and therefore had to start falling back.  The Zeus and Warhammer became the two primary targets of the OPFOR and started to take heavy damage; but Bravo company were managing to make their opponents pay for every inch of ground they took.

The Guillotine then came under fire from the Zeus, Cataphract and Gunslinger and managed to almost core it in one round of shooting.  The Catapult suffered an ammo explosion that caused it's right torso to fall off and the left arm holding the other LRM 15 was blown completely off.  The Quickdraw suffered several critical hits causing it to retire from the fight and the Dervish suffered a single engine hit and some actuator damage making it combat ineffective.  Despite having the terrain to their advantage, better trained pilots and more modern mechs, Bravo company was losing the battle of attrition as half of its starting mechs were starting to go internal in several locations.

In summary, Bravo company had to leave the field in the hands of the enemy but lost no mechs in the fight.  The Fedcom only really had one significantly damaged mech; the White Knight with 2 engine hits and one of its large pulse lasers damaged.  The Zeus and Warhammer, even though they received more than their share of damage, didn't have any critical hits.

The OPFOR lost the Kintaro and the Guillotine with the Dervish, Catapult and Quickdraw sustaining crippling damage.  Even though this fight could be considered a victory for the opposition, the losses they suffered prevented any chance for a breakthrough and may have cost them more than what they were willing to pay.  One thing is certain, both sides have begun preparing themselves for a long siege-like fight for the city.
« Last Edit: 14 October 2018, 18:15:17 by Jester006 »
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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #25 on: 14 October 2018, 18:11:30 »
Sorry I missed it!  Sounds like it was one a heck of a fight!  :thumbsup:


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #26 on: 22 October 2018, 14:22:53 »
Alrighty everyone.  I'd like to try and run the next game on the 17th of November.  That's the next free weekend I have that month.  The alternative would be December 1st.  Let me know which of those two days works better for you all.
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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #27 on: 23 October 2018, 09:43:31 »
Both days are open for me.


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #28 on: 23 October 2018, 15:40:18 »
Maybe is as good as I can say at the moment, but if I can, I certainly will!


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Re: 3055 Fed-Com Campaign in Northern VA Area
« Reply #29 on: 25 October 2018, 15:21:42 »
What happened to the Sunday game?

Anyways, the 1st works better for me right now. 

