Author Topic: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette  (Read 49822 times)


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Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« on: 10 April 2012, 19:50:08 »
Vehicle of the Week: Vedette Medium Tank


Vedette: a mounted sentinel stationed in advance of pickets (Merriam-Webster). In essence, a position that a commander assigns to troops he doesn’t like in the hope that their screaming will provide early warning of a surprise attack. For those unfamiliar with the name, it is pronounced ‘Red Shirt’.

By all accounts, the Vedette, originally designed by the prolific folks at New Earth Trading Company (NETC), is a thoroughly genericized and commoditized product by the 31st century. TRO 3026R goes so far as to claim that the Vedette is actually a commonly recognized unit of measure among vehicle crews; an anecdote that brings to mind morbid Sherman crews trying to figure out just how many of them were going to bite it in order to clear out an entrenched Tiger in bocage country.

The Vedette is amazingly prolific. Showing up just about everywhere, the Vedette has reached the point where it might be more accurately described as a generic vehicle class like APCs or missile carriers. TRO:3039 goes so far as to claim that it is easily the most popular tank in every successor state. Aside from NETC, it is also produced (as of 3055) by Quikscell, Benson and Bjorn (inside the Ghost Bear OZ), Hellespont, United Outworlders Corporation, Pinard Protectorates Ltd, and Vandenberg Mechanized Industries. Arcturan Arms would enter the fray in the mid-3080’s with a bizarre attempt to pimp a shitcan.

And The Powers That Be said: Let There Be Cannon Fodder

The classic Vedette is simply armed and armoured. A Class-5 autocannon in the turret and a bow-mounted machine gun comprises the entirety of the Vedette’s armament-a configuration seen as far back as the Renault FT-17s of World War One and that no one has bothered to diverge from since 1940. The AC/5 is equipped with a single ton of ammunition, while a ton of machine gun ammunition ensures a plentiful supply of lead for varminting duties.

This is where we first encounter the Vedette’s multitude of variations. Depending on if you are using TRO:3026R, TRO:3039, or RS:3039, the original Vedette may have the machine gun in the front (3026 and RS:3039) or turret (TRO:3039) and may be equipped with either a half ton (both TROs – making the design underweight) or a full ton of ammo (RS:3039). Since the RS:3039 version is the only one that isn’t underweight, we’ll go with that one.

The Vedette is powered by a simple internal combustion engine that gives it a brisk 5/8 movement profile and all the rough terrain abilities conferred by a tracked motive system. Six tons of standard armour protect the Vedette, bizarrely spaced almost evenly around the tank with 20 points of armour on its turret, front hull, and rear hull, with 18 points protecting the flanks, an odd armour scheme even for the Battletech universe.

Two popular variants are noted to show up in pre-Succession War times. Both retain the same engine and armour as the original.

The Vedette Medium Tank (AC2) replaces the AC/5 with the smaller autocannon and a turret-mounted SRM-2, resembling the turret of many modern Infantry Fighting Vehicles. Liao troops are reported to be fond of a variant that replaces the autocannon with two medium lasers and uh… another ton of machine gun ammo. With energy weapons and that much ammunition, this one’ll let you oppress those durn peasants until the cows come home. And then you can oppress them too!

Foundtech: Now more Cannon per Fodder!

TRO:3039 explains that the main effect of the Helm memory core on Vedettes was by making it possible for even MORE manufacturers to tool up production. By 3058 though, NETC were forced to improve their Vedettes in order to compete with… other Vedettes. Turns out that although NETC had managed to hold on to the Intellectual Property rights to the Vedette for centuries, they had decided to license the design to Sian-based Hellespont industries. Hellespont then proceeded to violate their licensing agreement and withhold royalties while refusing to cease sales, forcing NETC to compete with their licensee. (No mention is made of any other Capellan-based Vedette manufacturers).

Noted here is that the original NETC upgrade switches to an Ultra AC/5, but keeps the bow machine gun, and uses Ferro-fibrous armour to add a measly two points of armour to the front.

The most common upgrade to the Vedette resembles the NETC upgrade, but drops the machine gun and upgrades the armour to 6.5 tons of Ferro-fibrous, still laid out fairly evenly at 25 points front/turret, 24 rear, and 21 side. Despite being marginally more survivable, this upgrade forces the Vedette into a pure anti-vehicle/anti-mech role, removing its most essential tool for keeping civil order.

Hellespont goes in the other direction and uses a LB-5x instead of the Ultra autocannon in order to bring back the machine gun so dearly missed by CCAF units in charge of keeping the downtrodden masses properly downtrodden, forgoing the flexibility of a second ton of autocannon ammo in favour of the trusty old machine gun.

The two more advanced NETC variants both reduce the armour in favour of more firepower. The RAC model is armed solely with a  turret-mounted RAC/5 with two tons of ammo. In order to stuff this gun in, the armour was thinned to 22 points on the bow, but only 12 points on the turret, 14 on the sides, and 10 at the rear. The good news is that ammunition endurance is unlikely to ever be an issue.

Even more radical, the Light Gauss reduces armour even more to 11 points on the front and sides and 10 points on the turret and rear, creating the Battletech equivalent to US WW2 tank destroyers like the M10 Wolverine or M18 Hellcat. A single Light Gauss Rifle with a ton of ammo equips the Light Gauss Vedette, and a crew that wants to live long enough to use up all 16 shots would be well advised to use their tank’s range and speed judiciously so that they might be able to avoid ever using its armour (and therefore, actually survive an engagement).

Pimp a shitcan! OR Entirely missing the point of the Vedette

First up on our list of crazy variants is “Doris’ Delight” making use of 8.5 tons of ferro-fibrous to dramatically improve protection to 40 front, 30 side, 28 turret, and 24 rear. The hull machine gun is replaced with a ER Medium laser and the turret carries a gauss rifle with two tons of ammo. It all moves faster at 6/9 too. All this made possible through the use of a 300XL engine salvaged off a destroyed mech. Created by Duran “Bootleg” Daley, this monstrosity can’t be compliant with the AFFS’ battlefield salvage policies and Daley’s handle doesn’t help matters. Creator and machine disappeared during the fighting on New Avalon during the Jihad.

 Chronologically, the next Vedette to take shape is the as-yet unnamed fuel cell powered Blakist model. Its design idiosyncrasies are enough to make one wonder if the Blakist design bureau’s cafeteria offered a mandatory all-you-can-eat paint chip buffet. The weight savings are spent entirely on weapons – the armour appears to be standard plate and is distributed identically to the 3025 models. For weapons, the main gun is upgraded to an attention-getting LB-10x and two tons of ammo, while a C3 slave allows better coordination. CASE and a bow-mounted AMS system help improve protection a bit. The bow machine gun gets swapped for a heavy machine gun with half a ton of ammo, a questionable choice given the HMG’s deficiencies.  The sanity-questioning portion of the weapons suite though are a pair of SRM-2s feeding off a single ton of ammo, with one mounted in the turret, and the second in the rear. Did someone feel there was a glaring need to be able to fart rockets? With the same protection, the ability to act as a C3 spotter, and a much more potent main gun, expect the fuel cell Vedette to attract enemy attention that it is ill-prepared to survive.

From there on, new Vedettes take a turn from questionable to downright trippy. Apparently created by refit centers on Arcturus staffed by the Arcturan Hallucinogenic Enthusiasts Society, the V-GX7 sports such enhancements as dual turrets, a Bombast laser, and uh… a supercharged extra-light fusion engine. Yeah. This Vedette also sports reactive armour, with 25 points on the front, 23 points on the sides and rear, and 21 points on each turret. The second turret, by the way, houses a light autocannon/5, while the bow machine gun is replaced with a pair of magshot gauss rifles. With the supercharger engaged, the V-GX7 can hit 108 km/h, but otherwise keeps the same movement profile of regular Vedettes. Because it would otherwise have trouble hitting a barn from the inside with the Bombast laser, a targeting computer is included in this pimped-out shitcan. Just… don’t ask about the price.

After the refit shop blokes had finished convincing the Arcturan Arms executives of the merits of their bold new vision for where the Vedette (undoubtedly at a presentation enhanced by complimentary psychoactive compounds), the poor engineers of Arcturan Arms were forced to convert the V-GX7 into something resembling a production vehicle. Gone were the extravagant powertrain, secondary LAC turret, targeting computer, and unstable armour, replaced with a fuel cell engine and 5 tons of heavy ferro spread out 22 front, 20 side, 19 rear, and 18 turret. What remains is a bombast laser in the turret and a pair of bow Magshots, unnecessarily protected by CASE. True, the bombast laser will now have trouble hitting anything at full power, but at least prospective customers might actually be able to afford purchasing the Vedette V7. Even if it does possess the Poor Workmanship quirk, it should feel like a step up to any customer used to Quikscell-produced products.

Vedetta: Is the Vedette right for you?

Despite being the apparent ‘standard’ by which tanks are judged, Vedettes simply aren’t for everybody. Well, okay. Vedettes ARE for everybody, but not for everything. To determine if the Vedette is right for YOU, fill out the following questionnaire:

I am looking to equip:
a)   A flagship house formation
b)   An elite mercenary regiment
c)   Hordes of barely literate thugs militia with which to oppress the peasantry

My armour crews can generally be summed up as:
a)   The sons and daughters of the nation, to be afforded the very best
b)   Valuable battle-hardened veterans who have survived countless battles
c)   Barely literate thugs with which to oppress the peasantry

The most likely opposition I will face would be:
a)   Another house’s massive invasion force
b)   Clan shock troops
c)   Pirates and rebellious peasantry

When push comes to shove, I will be fighting:
a)   A long, violent campaign of attrition
b)   A few short, intense battles
c)   Decades of low-intensity counter-insurgency operations

The technological infrastructure of my world/city/nation-state is:
a)   Almost as advanced as anyone has been since the fall of the Star League
b)   Heavily industrialized, even if not quite cutting-edge
c)   Barely literate thugs with which to oppress the peasantry

All kidding aside (let’s just pretend the Bombast laser versions don’t exist, mmkay?), the Vedette is all about the basic technology and mass numbers. I’d discount the official ultra autocannon version out of hand. Go with the NETC or Hellespont variants that keep that useful machine gun. The LBx version can serve as a light flak machine or a vehicle hunter with the cluster shot, but you won’t be able to carry both slugs and cluster rounds at the same time, not that the loss of a single 5 point hit is particularly noticeable. Better to try for the TACs.  The 3025 medium laser variant is interesting, but inefficient. It’s short-ranged and requires power amplifiers and heat sinks to put out the kind of firepower a Stinger carries. The Word of Blake Vedette is best avoided. With its heavy BV cost, odd secondary armament, and light armour, they represent an easy target for an opponent looking to remove mobile firepower from your force for minimal investment of effort.

Should you ever need to actually use the Vedette in combat, remember that there is strength in numbers. It may be a fifty ton vehicle, but in terms of firepower, it should be treated like a low-end light mech. This tank is badly hobbled by the value that BV2 places on armour. Any BV2, weight, or force-size multiplier balanced game is a game no Vedette has a place in.  There are more versatile vehicles that give more utility for the BV.

Frankly, from the moment the Myrmidon became available, the Vedette has been completely superseded for combat operations. The Myrmidon is under twice the BV2 than the level 1 Vedette, carries 50% more armour, moves just as fast, has a main gun that fire nearly as far for twice the damage, and with the SRM, can lay low more infantry faster with frag rounds. Oh, and it’s under double the price of the original Vedette too.

What the Vedette IS perfect for is as cheap NPC unit for a GM to throw at players. They’re not outright suicide machines like SRM carriers and they have incredibly granular lethality. Just keep adding Vedettes to the Big Bad’s redshirt army until you achieve the right level of challenge for the PCs. With a single LRM-20 on par with a Vedette lance for firepower, the Vedettes will give PCs something to shoot up, but will take a few tries to put down. Similarly, any conventional army that the PCs might be aiding can be built by incorporating massive numbers of Vedettes. Just don’t try to use them to dislodge say… an entrenched Demolisher II in bocage country if you need them as active units instead of as smoking wrecks.

If tanks were burgers, the Vedette would be the plain McDonald’s hamburger: A completely unremarkable but serviceable lowest-common denominator vehicle to be chewed up and forgotten. It costs more BV2 or C-bills than you’d like for what it offers in return, and does a lot to perpetuate the attitude that tanks are inferior to mechs.

As a mediocre machine offering poor value, the Vedette earns a evil despot score of C. Use only if you want to gear your mooks up just like every other two-bit despot out there. For those looking for the latest and greatest vehicular method with which to oppress the peasantry, tune in next week.
« Last Edit: 12 April 2012, 01:34:46 by chanman »

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #1 on: 10 April 2012, 20:27:52 »
Paint your Vedettes white with little bits of black trim, and an imperial sigil on the nose.  They are, from utility to population, the Star Wars Stormtrooper of the CBT verse.  And they're about as useful - you can oppress some Jawas with them but not any real threat.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #2 on: 10 April 2012, 20:30:34 »
Paint your Vedettes white with little bits of black trim, and an imperial sigil on the nose.  They are, from utility to population, the Star Wars Stormtrooper of the CBT verse.  And they're about as useful - you can oppress some Jawas with them but not any real threat.

You'll like my pick for next week's subject.   O:-)


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #3 on: 10 April 2012, 20:53:31 »
Vehicle of the Week: Vedette Medium Tank

Vedetta: Is the Vedette right for you?

Despite being the apparent ‘standard’ by which tanks are judged, Vedettes simply aren’t for everybody. Well, okay. Vedettes ARE for everybody, but not for everything. To determine if the Vedette is right for YOU, fill out the following questionnaire:

I am looking to equip:
a)   A flagship house formation
b)   An elite mercenary regiment
c)   Hordes of barely literate thugs militia with which to oppress the peasantry

My armour crews can generally be summed up as:
a)   The sons and daughters of the nation, to be afforded the very best
b)   Valuable battle-hardened veterans who have survived countless battles
c)   Barely literate thugs with which to oppress the peasantry

The most likely opposition I will face would be:
a)   Another house’s massive invasion force
b)   Clan shock troops
c)   Pirates and rebellious peasantry

When push comes to shove, I will be fighting:
a)   A long, violent campaign of attrition
b)   A few short, intense battles
c)   Decades of low-intensity counter-insurgency operations

The technological infrastructure of my world/city/nation-state is:
a)   Almost as advanced as anyone has been since the fall of the Star League
b)   Heavily industrialized, even if not quite cutting-edge
c)   Barely literate thugs with which to oppress the peasantry

You seem to have an unrealistically high opinion of troops assigned Vedettes. :)

They do have some value as anti-air platforms (soley because they tend to have decent range on the main gun), and basic Rifle infantry shouldn't try to get directly in front of the machinegun, but mostly they serve as filler for a unit of real tanks.
Subtlety is for those who lack a bigger gun.

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #4 on: 10 April 2012, 20:55:18 »
Are any of the more reasonable variants carrying an FE in any form?


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #5 on: 10 April 2012, 21:01:46 »
Are any of the more reasonable variants carrying an FE in any form?

Interestingly, no. Vedettes come in ICE, Fuel Cell, or XLFE, but no standard fusion engines.

Regarding AA - they do make decent platforms, but with only one ton of ammo, flak ammo for the standard AC/5 is actually a pretty good idea since it also does full damage when oppressing the peasantry as long as you don't mind doing half damage to any other ground targets. It is also noted as uncommon and so, probably more expensive and supply-constrained than vanilla HE slugs though.

Ditto the LB-5x variant from Hellespont. The UAC/5 variants miss out on being able to use flak or cluster ammo.

Ian Sharpe

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #6 on: 10 April 2012, 21:37:47 »
You'll like my pick for next week's subject.   O:-)



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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #7 on: 10 April 2012, 21:49:02 »


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #8 on: 10 April 2012, 22:04:17 »
From there on, new Vedettes take a turn from questionable to downright trippy. Apparently created by refit centers on Arcturus staffed by the Arcturan Hallucinogenic Enthusiasts Society, the V-GX7 sports such enhancements as dual turrets, a Bombast laser, and uh… a supercharged extra-light fusion engine. Yeah. This Vedette also sports reactive armour, with 25 points on the front, 23 points on the sides and rear, and 21 points on each turret. The second turret, by the way, houses a light autocannon/5, while the bow machine gun is replaced with a pair of magshot gauss rifles. With the supercharger engaged, the V-GX7 can hit 108 km/h, but otherwise keeps the same movement profile of regular Vedettes. Because it would otherwise have trouble hitting a barn from the inside with the Bombast laser, a targeting computer is included in this pimped-out shitcan. Just… don’t ask about the price.

Keith Laumer Bolo: "I shall call him... Mini-Me"

honestly i'm surprised there was never a variant of the baseline vehicle that went to a lighter main gun in order to fit in an Infantry bay.. it would make a wonderful cheap IFV.
« Last Edit: 10 April 2012, 22:07:31 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #9 on: 10 April 2012, 22:08:17 »
The range does indeed make the Vedette a servicable AA tank. I'd actually use the AC/2 version for this, since flak ammo makes you EXTREMELY capable of laying down the Lawn-Dart rolls, and you're only losng one point of damage against ground units. The speed is also handy, as you can quickly reposition to cover different parts of a battlefield. The LB-5 is also very nice, though I see that one as being most useful at swatting helos, since you can probably count on at least a couple rotor hits with every shot. Given the AFFS's new preference for lots of VTOLs and hovercraft to carry their oh-so-terrifying battlesuit hordes, an LB5-X Vedette or two is probably an extremely good idea for many Capellan units.

VV1 Ranger
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #10 on: 10 April 2012, 22:59:16 »
The range does indeed make the Vedette a servicable AA tank. I'd actually use the AC/2 version for this, since flak ammo makes you EXTREMELY capable of laying down the Lawn-Dart rolls, and you're only losng one point of damage against ground units. The speed is also handy, as you can quickly reposition to cover different parts of a battlefield. The LB-5 is also very nice, though I see that one as being most useful at swatting helos, since you can probably count on at least a couple rotor hits with every shot. Given the AFFS's new preference for lots of VTOLs and hovercraft to carry their oh-so-terrifying battlesuit hordes, an LB5-X Vedette or two is probably an extremely good idea for many Capellan units.

Honestly, if I was looking to make the Davions think twice about raiding, I'd combine missile-heavy aerospace fighters and T-augs. Use light fighters to keep the dropper escorts turning and burning gas while you extrapolate their trajectory. Once the attackers are committed or landed and cycling the CAP, blanket the parking/parked droppers and everything around them with mines. You either delay deployment of ground forces while they clear the mines or inflict free damage. Either way, it keeps 'em busy while your follow-up wave brings the iron. (Torrent strike package, maybe?)

Even the crappiest mech or tank on the ground beats a premier unit that can't make it out of its dropship

Colt Ward

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #11 on: 11 April 2012, 00:32:25 »
The LB-5X Vedette is the one I want to see converted to a FCE, since I think it would have the most benefit to the design with the ability to make it a decent combat variant.  The weight would go to extra ammo and armor, like a lot of designs.

Conversely, I have wanted to see LAC/5 and LAC/2 versions of the Vedette.  I made some up, and with rapid fire AC rules they can get annoying (death of 1k cuts) for a mech force.  I think, when I looked at it you could use a LAC/5, LRM5 and MG on one with a bit of an armor improvement- especially if you went FCE.
Colt Ward
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #12 on: 11 April 2012, 01:29:26 »
Any guess on why there isn't a LPPC variant yet?

Colt Ward

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #13 on: 11 April 2012, 01:39:45 »
Hmm . . . a Plasma Rifle variant would make sense IMO.
Colt Ward
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peter crowley

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #14 on: 11 April 2012, 02:21:38 »
Sometimes usd to field a company of them under BV1 to annoy the hell out of my opponent. Considering the BV for said company was about the same as a high end mech while the firepower was about the same and the speed and survive ability for the whole company were actually better than a lone mech it wasn't a bad option. Haven't tried it in BV2 yet so I have no Idea how it will match up. 

Swords of Fire

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #15 on: 11 April 2012, 04:27:30 »
Given the descriptions in various TROs, I really have to wonder what is more popular. Crewing a Vedette, or serving on a J27 Ammo Carrier.
Sometimes I think that Australia was the inspiration for the Periphery, simply because they both look really good from a long way away, but up close, everything is trying to kill you.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #16 on: 11 April 2012, 04:31:41 »
@plasma rifle, not enough tonnage, would need FCE or SFE at least


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #17 on: 11 April 2012, 06:23:45 »
Very nice article.  O0
I love a cheap Vedette lance for an armor company.
Fast, expendable and long-ranged for some quick fire support.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #18 on: 11 April 2012, 09:41:58 »
An entertaining fluff tank, though that hull design - especially that shell trap at the front if the hull - drives me crazy.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #19 on: 11 April 2012, 10:19:42 »
Is it wrong to want a battalion of vedettes in which to throw at people at games? Just the sheer number of such a design might be enough to give someone a heart attack.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #20 on: 11 April 2012, 10:34:44 »
The only thing that really irritates me with this tank is that it's overweight - 45 tons would give you another half ton while saving cash! >:(

Otherwise, it's a faster, better armored Scorpion. Which, given that the Scorpion is the other obvious choice for militia units, probably explains a lot of the Vedette's success! After all, I bet most tank crews will be strongly in favor of 6 tons armor and 86 kph speed over 4 tons armor and 64 kph speed!

Colt Ward

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #21 on: 11 April 2012, 13:20:03 »
@plasma rifle, not enough tonnage, would need FCE or SFE at least

Huh?  The gun itself weights 6 tons, which is 2 less than the AC/5.  Add a ton of ammo to get the same sort of length of fire and your still a ton light?
Colt Ward
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #22 on: 11 April 2012, 13:42:58 »
The most common upgrade to the Vedette resembles the NETC upgrade, but drops the machine gun and upgrades the armour to 6.5 tons of Ferro-fibrous, still laid out fairly evenly at 25 points front/turret, 24 rear, and 21 side. Despite being marginally more survivable, this upgrade forces the Vedette into a pure anti-vehicle/anti-mech role, removing its most essential tool for keeping civil order. 
I just want to point out that the 3058 Ultra model IS the one made by Hellespont.
The article seems to imply otherwise.
Though it doesn't look like they made it for long since they swapped to LBX a decade later.

This tank is badly hobbled by the value that BV2 places on armour. Any BV2, balanced game is a game no Vedette has a place in.  There are more versatile vehicles that give more utility for the BV. 
I don't know, at 400-550 BV they aren't all bad.
I think the big key is making sure you get the use of that 5/8 out of them. 

I like the regular AC versions 2 & 5 for Flak & Precision ammo usage.
Though I'm probably a bit biased since my old MW1 campaign was based out of New Earth in the late 80's.
The Fuel Cell model is certainly different, I'm unsure how I feel about it yet.

A few things I'd have really liked to see for the Vedette.

L1 variant w/ LRM15 & 2 tons ammo
L1 variants w/ MG in the Turret.  (2 MGs & 1/2 the ammo)

L2 variants using the RAC-2, LAC-5, or MML's.  (w/ FFA or HFFA)

3041: General Lance Hawkins: The Equalizers
3053: Star Colonel Rexor Kerensky: The Silver Wolves

"I don't shoot Urbanmechs, I walk up, stomp on their foot, wait for the head to pop open & drop in a hand grenade (or Elemental)" - Joel47
Against mechs, infantry have two options: Run screaming from Godzilla, or giggle under your breath as the arrogant fools blunder into your trap. - Weirdo


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #23 on: 11 April 2012, 13:43:34 »
Huh?  The gun itself weights 6 tons, which is 2 less than the AC/5.  Add a ton of ammo to get the same sort of length of fire and your still a ton light?
Plasmas use Heatsinks
3041: General Lance Hawkins: The Equalizers
3053: Star Colonel Rexor Kerensky: The Silver Wolves

"I don't shoot Urbanmechs, I walk up, stomp on their foot, wait for the head to pop open & drop in a hand grenade (or Elemental)" - Joel47
Against mechs, infantry have two options: Run screaming from Godzilla, or giggle under your breath as the arrogant fools blunder into your trap. - Weirdo

Colt Ward

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #24 on: 11 April 2012, 14:12:40 »
ah, lol, overlooked that
Colt Ward
Clan Invasion Backer #149, Leviathans #104

"We come in peace, please ignore the bloodstains."

"Greetings, Mechwarrior. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Daoshen and the Capellan armada."

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #25 on: 11 April 2012, 14:23:58 »
VV1 Ranger
Oooh, the War Crime On Wheels.

As far as the Vedette goes, I think the LPPC+5HS swap and a bitty power amp is brilliant.  It still leaves you half a ton to use on other things, and since heat isn't a concern for tanks there's no reason NOT to shoot - even on 12s. 
Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen,
Tod und Verzweiflung flammet um mich her!
Fühlt nicht durch dich Jadefalke Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr!


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #26 on: 11 April 2012, 14:45:42 »
I've always seen tanks like the Vedette as fodder units, there to be put into scenarios as a way to make it easier to defeat the opfor.

Very few players go out of their way to insert them into their forces unless they're looking for init sinks. get to keep all the money.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #27 on: 11 April 2012, 15:06:09 »
As far as the Vedette goes, I think the LPPC+5HS swap and a bitty power amp is brilliant.  It still leaves you half a ton to use on other things, and since heat isn't a concern for tanks there's no reason NOT to shoot - even on 12s.   

Interesting, trades specialty ammo for endurance, not a bad idea depending on the mission/usage.
3041: General Lance Hawkins: The Equalizers
3053: Star Colonel Rexor Kerensky: The Silver Wolves

"I don't shoot Urbanmechs, I walk up, stomp on their foot, wait for the head to pop open & drop in a hand grenade (or Elemental)" - Joel47
Against mechs, infantry have two options: Run screaming from Godzilla, or giggle under your breath as the arrogant fools blunder into your trap. - Weirdo


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #28 on: 11 April 2012, 15:08:41 »
The 5-X variant looks like something I would seriously consider adding to a real unit to provide cheap support.  Sure the firepower is terrible, but the flexibility of the cluster gun should make it worth the low price tag so long as you keep it safe with units that can actually fight.

Another interesting thought is that the Bears do control a Vedette line, and the design mentality here fits very well with the typical Clan attitude towards vehicles so we could see a IIC at some point.  My money is on a 5-X and UAC 5 variant with ICEs and standard armor to keep the price down, but there are a lot of possibilities out there.

View my design musings or request your own custom ride here.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Vedette
« Reply #29 on: 11 April 2012, 15:26:36 »
Another interesting thought is that the Bears do control a Vedette line, and the design mentality here fits very well with the typical Clan attitude towards vehicles so we could see a IIC at some point.  My money is on a 5-X and UAC 5 variant with ICEs and standard armor to keep the price down
I honestly can say,  I hope we don't.
The investment in retooling the factory to get a slightly better AC for what is supposed to be a cheap garrison unit is a waste of resources IMHO.

I actually like the idea of Dominion units being mixes of clan & is tech.
Front Line Omnimechs & Elementals while still using L1 tech Tanks & PBI for militia/PGC duties.
3041: General Lance Hawkins: The Equalizers
3053: Star Colonel Rexor Kerensky: The Silver Wolves

"I don't shoot Urbanmechs, I walk up, stomp on their foot, wait for the head to pop open & drop in a hand grenade (or Elemental)" - Joel47
Against mechs, infantry have two options: Run screaming from Godzilla, or giggle under your breath as the arrogant fools blunder into your trap. - Weirdo